Midsomer Murders Season 22 Episode 1

  • 2 months ago
Midsomer Murders Season 22 Episode 1


00:00:00I had a friend tell me, about a friend of his, someone he knew really well, no word
00:00:19of a lie it is, he saw a wolf hunter, last week, in the flesh, well, flesh and fur, half
00:00:36man, half wolf, all trouble, you see, he lures us human folk, into them woods, back there,
00:00:51and he slashes at your face, with his metal talons, and he finishes you off, with a silver
00:00:58bullet, to the skull. What a load of butter. God bless. Thank you for that, Mr Everett.
00:01:18If I could just say sorry again, about the hot tubs, I know the two of you were really
00:01:22hoping to use them this afternoon, but I am hoping to get them up and running tomorrow.
00:01:26And maybe I could...
00:01:52Still no luck?
00:01:54I just don't get it, Ro, it's not an airlock, filter's fine, temperature sensor is working,
00:02:00I just can't figure the problem.
00:02:02I'll tell you what's wrong with that, it's a bleeding hot tub, that's what's wrong with it.
00:02:09As advertised, Mr Everett, this is a glamp site now.
00:02:14Been coming here, decades, never seen the like, what's that smell?
00:02:21Rage, gets rid of bad energy.
00:02:24Ronnie, she's doing witchcraft now.
00:02:28Is she love? Marvellous, your cod in butter sauce is ready.
00:02:35Praise the Lord, at least there are some things you can still rely on.
00:02:42Thankfully, they're okay about the hot tubs, they're coming round to the idea of being off the grid.
00:02:48Good, that's something then.
00:02:51Turns out he's a banker.
00:02:53I told him we were looking for investors, so you never know.
00:02:57Still here, Jez?
00:02:58Looks like it.
00:03:00Actually, I best be off.
00:03:04I'm meeting someone.
00:03:06Am I okay to leave my tools here?
00:03:07Of course.
00:03:09See you tomorrow, yeah?
00:03:11Try stopping me.
00:04:40What are you mucking about?
00:06:23Morning everyone!
00:06:25Hi Mal!
00:06:27Please tell me you're late because you finally got a life.
00:06:30I think the chances of me getting a life around here are pretty slim.
00:06:34That's my first sign of an acting job and BOOM, I'm off!
00:06:40Etiot! How old are you?
00:06:42Old enough, sweet cheeks. I'm heading to the woods, you coming?
00:06:46Oh, let me think about that. No!
00:06:48You loser!
00:06:49Oi, wait.
00:06:50Leave it, cow.
00:06:52OK, one sec, everyone.
00:07:06So I've sent off my self-tape for that audition
00:07:09and I've narrowed down my list of agents.
00:07:11So, fingers crossed,
00:07:14I'll be out from under your feet in no time.
00:07:16Oh, I can't wait.
00:07:18You'll miss me when I'm gone.
00:07:19Yeah, like a hole in the head.
00:07:21Yeah, yeah.
00:07:48Oh, Paddy, get out.
00:07:50Go on.
00:07:53You know, I'm not the biggest fan of trick-or-treating.
00:07:57Can't I just help with eating the sweets?
00:07:59No, you can't.
00:08:00It's to raise money for the school.
00:08:02It's not till next week and I said we'd go.
00:08:04As what, though?
00:08:05I thought I might go as a witch.
00:08:10Real question is, who are you going to go as?
00:08:12Well, as someone befitting a man of my status.
00:08:15So, um, distinguished, stately, imposing.
00:08:20A little red riding hood.
00:08:21Oh, you found it!
00:08:28Yes, Winter.
00:08:33Victim's Jez Gladbury, in his 20s.
00:08:36Local handyman and blacksmith.
00:08:38Next of kin's his father, he's been informed.
00:08:41Who found the body?
00:08:42Local lad, Wade Ando.
00:08:44He said he was riding his dirt bike in the woods when he found him.
00:08:51Stop right there, my lovelies.
00:08:56Boat prints, not the victims.
00:09:00Heavy boots, by the look of it.
00:09:05Canine prints.
00:09:08Canine prints?
00:09:09If pressed, I'd say...
00:09:13Not a real one, obviously,
00:09:15unless, of course, it's a wolf with one leg.
00:09:18Impression from the base of a cane, right?
00:09:22Claw marks across the chest, puncture wounds to the neck,
00:09:24and a bullet to the head.
00:09:29Smart one, he says so.
00:09:31Time of death, last night, between eight and ten.
00:09:35I'm sorry, what are you both talking about?
00:09:37Are you saying this man was killed by a wolf with a gun?
00:09:42The Wolf Hunter, actually.
00:09:44It's all part of a meme.
00:09:46A meme?
00:09:47Well, it's sort of an idea spread through social media and the internet.
00:09:50In this case, the Wolf Hunter.
00:09:53A Little Worthy ran a competition.
00:09:56The idea was to create a midsummer urban myth,
00:09:59and the Wolf Hunter won.
00:10:00It's really taken off.
00:10:02What exactly does this Wolf Hunter do?
00:10:04He wears a wolf mask.
00:10:06He carries a cane with a wolf's paw at its base,
00:10:09and a gun with a silver bullet.
00:10:11His hands have metal claws, and he lures people to their death.
00:10:16It's a lot like what we're seeing here, sir.
00:10:18Who ran this competition?
00:10:20The Hub, it's an internet cafe in the village hall.
00:10:22How did you hear about it?
00:10:24A friend entered.
00:10:29Sadly, I didn't make the shortlist.
00:10:34I'm surprised to hear that.
00:10:36Did the victim have a phone on him?
00:10:38No, I'll contact service providers, do a trace.
00:10:42I noticed there's a campsite just the other side of these woods.
00:10:46Actually, it's a glampsite, sir.
00:10:48I'm aware of what they call it, Winter.
00:10:49I'm quite happy with the vocabulary created before the year 2000.
00:10:53Why don't you get over there and see if anyone saw him?
00:10:57I don't want to pay a visit to this nub.
00:10:59It's a hub.
00:11:03I'll see if I can pick up an urban dictionary on the way.
00:11:12Oh, shit.
00:11:30George, you all right, boy?
00:11:33I heard about Jez, Eric.
00:11:36I'm so sorry.
00:11:38So am I, Penny.
00:11:40You sure now's the time?
00:11:44More than ever.
00:12:02Come on.
00:12:21Oh, it's top-notch entertainment, is this.
00:12:25Come and have a look, Robbie.
00:12:28Better than your la-dee-dah treatments.
00:12:32Actually, love, I rather like the look of this one.
00:12:35Steam sauna followed by a hot stone massage.
00:12:3940 quid?
00:12:41You can buy a lawnmower for that.
00:12:57Are you familiar with a Jez Gladbury?
00:13:00Of course.
00:13:02Terrible news, isn't it?
00:13:04You already know about his death?
00:13:07Everyone does.
00:13:09His workshop's just down there.
00:13:12Everyone's really upset.
00:13:14He was just such an all-round lovely bloke.
00:13:18I'm sorry, but how exactly does everyone know?
00:13:21It was posted on the Wolfhunter forum first thing this morning.
00:13:26Presumably by the person who discovered the body, Wade Ando.
00:13:30Do you know where I might find him?
00:13:32Yeah, he's just inside.
00:13:42Listen to him, man. Listen to him.
00:13:45It's all in the chat, isn't it, Wade?
00:13:47The Wolfhunter strikes.
00:13:49I was cool about it.
00:13:51I mean, it's just a body, right?
00:13:56Actually, the question is, did you post news about the death online?
00:14:01No. I left the woods and called you guys.
00:14:04Finally just got here.
00:14:06Anyway, so, this is Josie.
00:14:08She's our expert.
00:14:10She updates the Wolfhunter website,
00:14:13you know, trying to make sense of everything.
00:14:16The Wolfhunter has certainly captured everyone's imagination.
00:14:19Tell me about it.
00:14:21Even kids like to dress up as him.
00:14:24Well, not now.
00:14:27Um, Cal, do you want to take a break?
00:14:30No, I'd rather just be busy. Thanks.
00:14:34Your cafe is very popular.
00:14:36That's because we give them what they want.
00:14:38Connectivity, which is something of a luxury around here.
00:14:42Poor internet. It's a rubbish Wi-Fi connection.
00:14:45I wanted to create a nest, a sort of haven,
00:14:49where I could bring everyone together.
00:14:52I see from your sign there's an exhibition.
00:14:56Yes, it's just through here. Do you want to follow me?
00:15:08Jez left just after eight.
00:15:10He said he was going to meet someone.
00:15:12Did he say who? No.
00:15:15I thought it was odd, though.
00:15:17He got a text and headed towards the woods,
00:15:19but the village is over that way.
00:15:22So he had his phone with him. He didn't when we found him.
00:15:25Maybe he dropped it on the way.
00:15:27After he left, what did you do?
00:15:29Had a little barney, didn't we?
00:15:31Trouble in paradise, eh?
00:15:34Pat Everitt. Pleasure's all yours.
00:15:47And I said to Ronnie,
00:15:49Ronnie, I said,
00:15:51we've been coming here 30 years plus.
00:15:53No trouble.
00:15:56This year, with all their newfangled gadgets.
00:15:59Total mess.
00:16:01It drives Rowan's mum, Annie, mad.
00:16:04She runs the pub.
00:16:06It's all ending in tears.
00:16:08Mark my words, my lad.
00:16:10Let the officer speak, Pat.
00:16:12Battenberg. Oh, no, thank you.
00:16:22Erm, what were Mr and Mrs Yarrow arguing about?
00:16:26Jez, I reckon.
00:16:28He'd come to fix the hot tub again.
00:16:31Oh, good cup of tea, love.
00:16:33Could trot a mouse across that.
00:16:36Did you see where they went after?
00:16:39They both stomped off.
00:16:41Didn't see hide nor hair of either of them
00:16:44until late this morning.
00:16:46Well, I, erm, I went for a walk
00:16:49and I saw Rowan headed that way.
00:16:54Oh, erm, if you'd just excuse me.
00:16:58Thank you.
00:17:07When the wolf hunter went viral,
00:17:09we felt obliged to stage this.
00:17:12People come from miles.
00:17:14Is the gun real?
00:17:16No, it's a dummy.
00:17:18Is this place locked at night?
00:17:23This cane, in fact, all these items,
00:17:25I'll need forensics to check them.
00:17:27Are there others?
00:17:28Yeah, for sure. Jez made them to order.
00:17:30He got himself quite a sideline,
00:17:32making all sorts of artefacts.
00:17:35Quite a character.
00:17:37Sure is.
00:17:40A loner caught between worlds.
00:17:45Sort of Jekyll and Hyde werewolf with a steampunk twist.
00:17:48Steampunk? Right.
00:17:52Interesting images.
00:17:53Tell that to the flower arranging class
00:17:55that used to happen here.
00:17:56They weren't happy that we had to move them.
00:17:59Steve Skelton.
00:18:01Local photographer.
00:18:02Ah, did you take these?
00:18:04Why the wood?
00:18:06It's the location everyone's drawn to.
00:18:08And in medieval times, home to the worthy wolves.
00:18:12And it's where he hangs out.
00:18:14The kids go there all the time
00:18:16for dead-of-the-night dares and dates.
00:18:19Whose idea was the competition?
00:18:21Mine, I guess.
00:18:23And Steve won it.
00:18:25His entry was the only one worth its salt, really.
00:18:29Why would you invent something like this?
00:18:31Well, there was the local connection
00:18:34and I've always been a fan of the werewolf stuff.
00:18:37Just thought I'd give it a modern twist.
00:18:39An origin story.
00:18:41It's a good idea to take off, though.
00:18:43It's been nuts.
00:18:44Competition was just the beginning.
00:18:46Who else stands to profit from the legend?
00:18:49Someone who runs a website or a cafe?
00:18:52Clearly brings people in.
00:18:54It does, but that so wasn't the idea.
00:18:57The wolf hunter belongs to us all.
00:19:02What's the idea with the red eyes?
00:19:05They appear above the door of the wolf hunter's next victim.
00:19:10Did they appear above Jez Gladbury's door?
00:19:13I have no idea.
00:19:23Strange, isn't it?
00:19:28Fake lore becoming folklore.
00:20:10There you are.
00:20:12For you.
00:20:13Thank you.
00:20:15What's exciting?
00:20:16After you.
00:22:05What do you mean, accident?
00:22:08Ronnie, you could have been killed.
00:22:10But I'm fine, love.
00:22:11What happened?
00:22:12The door to the sauna locked shut.
00:22:13Someone sabotaged the electrics.
00:22:15One of the guests was trapped inside.
00:22:17Can't stay in that van any longer.
00:22:19We'll put you in a lodge.
00:22:20All of my dead body can be arranged.
00:22:22What did you say?
00:22:24I'm DCI Barnaby.
00:22:25Let's just all calm down, shall we?
00:22:27Calm down?
00:22:28These two are flippin' potty.
00:22:31Ronnie here nearly got cooped alive.
00:22:34First they target Jez and now us.
00:22:36Who's doing this?
00:22:37Probably he's sabotaging us.
00:22:40Easy, Mr. Everett.
00:22:42There's no need for that.
00:22:44One thing at a time.
00:22:46Yes, starting with...
00:22:48What were you doing trying to get rid of this phone?
00:22:52I told you I panicked.
00:22:54That phone might contain important information about who killed Mr. Gladbury.
00:22:59We could charge you with withholding evidence.
00:23:01I'm sorry.
00:23:02I wasn't thinking.
00:23:03Why did you have it anyway?
00:23:05Jez left it.
00:23:06I knew he was coming back.
00:23:07Well, I thought he was.
00:23:09And you didn't think to mention this when we spoke about the phone earlier?
00:23:12I thought it would seem suspicious.
00:23:15Not as suspicious as trying to throw it into a lake.
00:23:17And then accusing one of your customers of trying to sabotage your business.
00:23:20Look, I'm sorry about the phone.
00:23:22But that control unit didn't smash itself.
00:23:25First Jez and now this?
00:23:28Someone is out to get us.
00:23:30I thought it was just bad karma, but it's much more than that.
00:23:34And it's damaging.
00:23:35We need to be at 60% capacity just to keep our heads above water.
00:23:41We borrowed.
00:23:45There was an angel investor in the wings, but we are not about to hit any targets any investor would insist on.
00:23:50Apart from Mr. Everett, has anyone else opposed the campsite?
00:23:55Eric Gladbury?
00:23:56But that was just because he wanted to buy the land and we beat him to it.
00:24:00He's Jez Gladbury's father?
00:24:02He has the windmill on the edge of the village.
00:24:04Pat Everett said that you had words about Jez after he left.
00:24:07Pat Everett needs to mind his own business. We're just stressed.
00:24:11Is that why you had Jez's phone?
00:24:13What? No.
00:24:14Because you were suspicious of Jez and your wife?
00:24:17I told you, he just left it.
00:24:21What happened after you rowed? Where did you go?
00:24:23I went for a walk to clear my head.
00:24:26I like to channel the chi energy of nature to help ease my stress and dispel negativity.
00:24:31And did it?
00:24:32As a matter of fact, it did.
00:24:36And you?
00:24:38I went to the land.
00:24:39We'll need to check that.
00:24:41By all means.
00:24:57A bit of a tumbleweed moment?
00:25:02Annie Davids?
00:25:04DCI Barnaby.
00:25:05Lewis Winter.
00:25:06Did Brandon Yarrow come in last night?
00:25:09Yes, he did.
00:25:11Do you remember what sort of time, how long he stayed?
00:25:14No, not really.
00:25:16We were busy with the dance tournament and...
00:25:19Well, me and Brandon don't talk.
00:25:22He's your son-in-law?
00:25:24In name only.
00:25:33Why don't you get on?
00:25:36This is a traditional pub in a traditional village.
00:25:41Or it was, before that cafe arrived.
00:25:45And before my daughter got all do-lally, new-agey, trendy, lefty, pinko, liberal, glamping mad.
00:25:52Not a fan, then?
00:25:55This about Jez's death.
00:25:57And that wolfhunter hokum.
00:26:00Yes, it is.
00:26:02Keen on that as well.
00:26:04Mel and Steve should be shot for encouraging the whole thing.
00:26:07Shot? That's a bit harsh, isn't it?
00:26:10She and Steve are as thick as thieves.
00:26:13Some would say more than that.
00:26:16Steve used to work here and...
00:26:18Well, we left on bad terms.
00:26:20Back to best, please, Annie.
00:26:25Your wife has recovered, if I take it, Mr Everett?
00:26:28She needs a drink to steady her nerves.
00:26:30We both do.
00:26:32And a pinot for Ronnie.
00:26:34Ms Davids, Mr Everett.
00:26:36Any luck with your searches?
00:26:39None whatsoever.
00:26:41Oh, never mind.
00:26:45How are we getting on with the numbers for our Aunt Sally team?
00:26:48All signed up.
00:26:52We're gonna smash them.
00:26:54Aren't we, Ronnie?
00:26:57Course we are, love.
00:27:21Hey, Ronnie.
00:27:27Why are you even bothering doing that?
00:27:30Just trying to keep on top of everything.
00:27:33It's really gone through the roof now.
00:27:35It's gone too far, is what it's done.
00:27:39Someone killed Jez.
00:27:41You do realise that, don't you?
00:27:43Course I do.
00:27:45But I've got to do this. I have to.
00:27:47Why? What's wrong with you?
00:27:50Lots of reasons, and there's nothing wrong with me.
00:27:57Hey, what did you do that for?
00:27:59Because it's sick, that's why.
00:28:01Ooh, cat fight. Like it.
00:28:04Get lost, you waster's face.
00:28:06What are you doing pretending you can write anyway?
00:28:08It's not exactly touch typing, is it?
00:28:10Who are you to talk?
00:28:12It's not exactly Hollywood, this place, is it?
00:28:14At least I got some dreams.
00:28:16Such a loser.
00:28:20Like I care what you think.
00:28:22Cos you know what? You know nothing about me.
00:28:26What's going on?
00:28:28Ask her, she's lost the plot.
00:28:30I've just had enough, OK? That's all.
00:28:32I've had enough of the wolf hunter, I've had enough of this place,
00:28:34I've had enough of everything.
00:28:36I've got to get out of here for good.
00:28:38Come on. No.
00:28:40I'm serious, Mel. This place is doing my head in.
00:28:42It won't be forever.
00:28:44You've had a shock, we all have.
00:28:47We're all upset about Jez.
00:28:49We're confused and frightened.
00:28:52Confused and frightened.
00:28:54We can't let that get to us.
00:28:56We've got to stick together.
00:29:18The Arrow's financials are back.
00:29:20They're definitely struggling.
00:29:22Brandon gave up his job in marketing
00:29:24to follow his wife's dreams.
00:29:26Strangely enough, we're not the only ones looking into the Arrows.
00:29:28Pat Everett has been making inquiries.
00:29:30Maybe he's trying to push them out.
00:29:32Keep digging.
00:29:34And also, check out Mel Wallace and Steve Skelton.
00:29:38And get a tech team over to the cafe.
00:29:40I want to know if that post
00:29:42was made from one of their computers.
00:29:44Progress on the boot prints.
00:29:46Heavy tread.
00:29:48Brutal cells.
00:29:50Two of them.
00:29:52The murderer had two legs.
00:29:54Not so far, sunshine.
00:29:56Different sizes.
00:29:58Different boots.
00:30:00Apart from the victim,
00:30:02there were two other people at the murder scene.
00:30:04An accomplice.
00:30:06Or someone else came across the body
00:30:08and posted about it on the website.
00:30:10What about the wolf-paw cane at the hub?
00:30:14Was that the one in the woods?
00:30:16Probably not.
00:30:18The one used in the woods
00:30:20has a chip in it.
00:30:22You're looking for a wolf-cane
00:30:24with a broken little toe.
00:31:46Mr. Gladbury.
00:31:50The DCI Barnaby, Causton CID.
00:31:54I'm very sorry about what happened to your son.
00:32:00Lovely view.
00:32:02My wife's favorite.
00:32:04Until she fell ill and died last year.
00:32:06I'm very sorry to hear that, too.
00:32:10Did you do the paintings of the wolf hunter
00:32:12at the local exhibition?
00:32:14No, they're not mine.
00:32:20Are you going to paint the campsite as well?
00:32:22I'll leave that to last.
00:32:24Shame it's there, really.
00:32:26Spoils the view, don't you think?
00:32:30I've gotten used to it.
00:32:34Was Jez seeing anyone?
00:32:38I may be old, but I'm not deaf.
00:32:40Do you know who?
00:32:42Do you know who?
00:32:44No idea.
00:32:46We didn't talk much.
00:32:48Not since his mother died.
00:32:52This stuff
00:32:54got a grip of me.
00:33:10Another bottle.
00:33:12Where's my cane?
00:33:14Please, allow me.
00:33:22Have you injured yourself?
00:33:24Thank you.
00:33:26Hip replacement.
00:33:28Jez made the cane for me.
00:33:30Do you know of any others that he made?
00:33:32No. Can't say I do.
00:33:44Yes, Winter.
00:33:46There was no mention
00:33:48in his order book of Wolfhunter items.
00:33:50But check this out.
00:33:52It wasn't just the photograph that was interesting.
00:33:54Tech got back to me about Jez's call history.
00:33:56Yesterday, the same number called him
00:33:5811 times and texted
00:34:00to meet in the woods last night.
00:34:02And that phone belongs to?
00:34:04Kelly Kirklees.
00:34:06Excuse me.
00:34:10We'd like to ask you a couple of questions.
00:34:12You can ask.
00:34:14Were you in a relationship with Mr Gladbury?
00:34:18A what with Mr who?
00:34:20What century do you think this is?
00:34:22We found this.
00:34:26Oh, that.
00:34:28Friends with benefits.
00:34:32It's when...
00:34:34I don't know what that is.
00:34:36Would you say you and Jez were close, then?
00:34:38What's it to you?
00:34:40You arranged to meet him in Worthy Wood last night.
00:34:42We have a record of the text.
00:34:44Then you must be imagining it.
00:34:46Here, look.
00:34:50No text about the woods.
00:34:52You could have just deleted it.
00:34:54I didn't go anywhere near the woods last night.
00:34:56I hate them. They freak me out.
00:34:58So where were you last night?
00:35:00At home, with Josie.
00:35:02We will.
00:35:08Did you have your phone on you all day yesterday?
00:35:12Although I do sometimes leave it lying about if we're busy.
00:35:22Who lives here?
00:35:24Me and Josie.
00:35:54Cuppa, love?
00:35:56You making tea?
00:35:58Am I in heaven?
00:36:02Thanks to this bunch.
00:36:04Best sleep I've had in ages.
00:36:06Well, you're nearly fried alive.
00:36:08No wonder you slept well.
00:36:14You going for your walk?
00:36:16Yes, I think I will.
00:36:18You want me to come?
00:36:22No, I'll go on my own, if that's okay.
00:36:30You needn't worry about a thing.
00:36:32We'll have an officer here.
00:36:34I'm not worried.
00:36:36I'll just be Wade Ando mucking about.
00:36:40Kelly, oh my God, we're next.
00:36:42It's fine, Josie. Don't worry about it.
00:36:44It'll just be a joke.
00:36:46Well, what if it's not? What if we're next?
00:36:48We won't be.
00:36:50It's okay.
00:36:52Can I just ask, where were you last night?
00:36:56In watching telly with Kel.
00:37:00Come on, Josie.
00:37:10The post about Jez's death
00:37:12was sent from one of the computers in the cafe
00:37:14by someone calling themselves the Wolf Slasher.
00:37:16I'll go there.
00:37:18You take those boots back to Fleur.
00:37:20Let's see if any of them match
00:37:22the prints she found in the woods.
00:37:28I'm so sorry.
00:37:30I have no idea who the Wolf Slasher is.
00:37:34People make up names all the time.
00:37:36So when the cafe's open,
00:37:38anyone can use this computer?
00:37:42Do you have CCTV?
00:37:44No, I'm afraid not.
00:37:48This was posted at 8.13am.
00:37:50What time do you open?
00:37:54So whoever left this was here
00:37:56at opening time.
00:37:58Does anyone else have keys?
00:38:00Um, Steve.
00:38:02Sort of does, as he's living
00:38:04on site at the moment.
00:38:06I'm going to need a word with him.
00:38:16Mr. Skelton.
00:38:22DCI Barnaby.
00:38:26Do you have
00:38:28any idea where he might be?
00:38:30Out taking photos, probably.
00:38:34There was a cash prize for the competition.
00:38:36Who paid for that?
00:38:38I did.
00:38:40Very generous of you.
00:38:42Are you and Mr. Skelton involved?
00:38:46Contrary to popular opinion, we're just friends.
00:38:48I'm not one to
00:38:50take chances on the roulette wheel of love.
00:38:52You're a very generous
00:38:54friend, providing him with
00:38:56somewhere to live, letting him win the competition.
00:38:58His was the best entry.
00:39:02I spoke with the landlady at the Lamb.
00:39:04Oh, hard luck.
00:39:06I gather Mr. Skelton used to work there.
00:39:08He quit. Because?
00:39:10Well, Annie is best friends
00:39:12with Steve's ex, Rachel, who I get
00:39:14wasn't happy, but then
00:39:16Annie encouraged Rachel
00:39:18to dump him and do a runner, leaving
00:39:20him with all this debt and
00:39:22Josie to look out for. It's been a
00:39:24real struggle, but he's tried
00:39:26his best. And yet he
00:39:28still keeps her photograph.
00:39:30He still sends her money.
00:39:32He's crazy about her.
00:39:34He even thinks that she might come back
00:39:36one day. She won't.
00:39:38Especially if Annie keeps
00:39:40bad-mouthing him. We'll
00:39:42get our revenge, though.
00:39:44Excuse me?
00:39:46It's the annual battle of Aunt Sally tomorrow.
00:39:48Ah, I see.
00:39:50Does Mr. Skelton sell these photographs?
00:39:52If he can.
00:39:54Steve does anything
00:39:56to bring in whatever he can.
00:39:58So it's very much in his interests
00:40:00for the myth to grow?
00:40:02I suppose.
00:40:04When he
00:40:06comes back, please get him to contact me.
00:40:08Yes, of course.
00:40:20. . .
00:40:22. . .
00:40:24. . .
00:40:26. . .
00:40:28. . .
00:40:30. . .
00:40:32. . .
00:40:34. . .
00:40:36. . .
00:40:38Steve Skelton, wherever
00:40:40he is, seems most likely to have posted
00:40:42the news. But why
00:40:44target Jez? And if you're
00:40:46the murderer, then why advertise the fact
00:40:48by posting as the wolf slasher.
00:40:50To create an atmosphere of fear and paranoia, maybe.
00:40:55What else?
00:40:56Well, we know that Kelly Kirkley's
00:40:57or someone using her phone lured the victim into the woods.
00:41:02That could be anyone that uses the hub,
00:41:04which is pretty much everyone.
00:41:08How are we doing on the boots?
00:41:09Perfect match, actually.
00:41:12Who do they belong to?
00:41:13According to the label.
00:41:16Whose writing is this?
00:41:22Kelly Kirkley's.
00:41:25Yes, I'm on it.
00:44:36Same wolf cane, with a broken toe.
00:44:41And same boots, that we haven't been able to identify yet.
00:44:48Only these are a stronger imprint.
00:44:52So let's hope these ones were made for talking.
00:44:57And a funeral wreath.
00:45:00What was in her rucksack?
00:45:02Cash and clothes.
00:45:05Looks like she was leaving the village, poor thing.
00:45:07Or trying to.
00:45:08Kelly Coley's family have been informed.
00:45:10They live in Scotland.
00:45:15Oh, sorry.
00:45:17So what was Kelly doing at the scene of Jez Gladbury's murder?
00:45:21Assuming she was the one wearing the boots.
00:45:25Where's her flatmate, Josie Skelton?
00:45:27She was found nearby distressed.
00:45:28She's with her father, Steve Skelton.
00:45:30Well, we need to talk to him anyway.
00:45:32Not least to find out if his camera is his.
00:45:34Found it on the wall.
00:45:36Yes, it is my camera.
00:45:37Can I have it back?
00:45:38All in good time.
00:45:40Someone posted from the cafe yesterday morning
00:45:43about Jez Gladbury's murder under the name
00:45:46of the wolf slasher.
00:45:48Was that you?
00:45:50I was out early with that camera trying to capture the sunrise.
00:45:53Nowhere near the woods.
00:45:54Can anyone verify that?
00:45:56I was on my own.
00:45:57What about last night?
00:46:00I was trying to stage some shots of the wolf hunter.
00:46:03The camera was on a timer.
00:46:04I was walking in front of it for a shot when
00:46:06your headlights turned on me.
00:46:07It was you that I chased?
00:46:11I ran back to the flat.
00:46:12Via the churchyard and Kelly Kirkley's?
00:46:16You can see why we might think otherwise.
00:46:17Kelly Kirkley's was murdered at a time
00:46:20when you were in the vicinity, dressed like the man himself.
00:46:23Tell us about the cuts on your hands.
00:46:26I fell when he was chasing me.
00:46:27Look, if I was a killer, why would I take photos?
00:46:31Trust me, you wouldn't be the first.
00:46:33And what were you hoping to achieve
00:46:35with the photographs anyway?
00:46:36To keep them if alive?
00:46:37What does it matter?
00:46:39The wolf hunter's mine.
00:46:40I came up with it.
00:46:41I could do what I want.
00:46:42Not really, Dad.
00:46:43Yes, really.
00:46:47It was my original idea.
00:46:48Everyone else just surfed on the back of it.
00:46:51I thought that was the point.
00:46:52It is.
00:46:53Josie, please.
00:46:54No, Dad, you can't just take credit.
00:46:55Yes, I can.
00:46:58I have to.
00:46:59You don't understand.
00:47:00I did it for you.
00:47:02For financial gain?
00:47:07Yeah, I'm skint, OK?
00:47:10I thought if I had some shots, some real ones,
00:47:14then I could sell them.
00:47:16And you knew people would pay more if they felt they'd
00:47:18seen the murderer in action.
00:47:20Highly ethical.
00:47:20Hey, I'm desperate, OK?
00:47:22You're doing all this for money?
00:47:24And to get your mum back.
00:47:27You know that's never going to happen.
00:47:34Did you know Kelly was leaving the village?
00:47:38Not really.
00:47:39Why did you follow her?
00:47:42I'm not sure.
00:47:46How serious were Jez and Kelly?
00:47:49They were pretty new.
00:47:52Yeah, they were going for it.
00:47:54There was talk about them moving in together.
00:47:58How did you get on with Jez?
00:48:03Yeah, he was all right.
00:48:04You and Kelly were good friends.
00:48:09Did you ever share clothes?
00:48:12What about boots?
00:48:25If Jez's relationship with Kelly was serious,
00:48:27then we could just be talking about a case of jealous lover.
00:48:31Rowan Yarrow?
00:48:33I think something else is going on, though.
00:48:35The slashing, the gunshot.
00:48:37Why use the myth?
00:48:39It's like they want some kind of vengeance.
00:48:43So what do we do now?
00:48:45Well, it's early, and we've been up all night.
00:48:47So I'll pop home, and you can hold the fort here.
00:49:04You've slept in.
00:49:05I never.
00:49:07Don't be ridiculous.
00:49:11Bloody hell.
00:49:14Must be all that stress.
00:49:18Or beer.
00:49:20Or you like the bed.
00:49:27Pat, I've been thinking.
00:49:30We tried everything.
00:49:33Nothing's worked.
00:49:35Everything's changing.
00:49:40I think this has to be the last year we come here.
00:49:45It's over.
00:49:59You're going to give me a heart attack.
00:50:05Woof, woof.
00:50:12I don't know.
00:50:14Not all night.
00:50:16Blame Winter.
00:50:17He leads me astray.
00:50:20You OK?
00:50:23If I could figure out what was going on.
00:50:28The key is somehow buried in the myth of the wolf hunter.
00:50:32I just can't quite fathom what it is.
00:50:36Well, what do you need to know?
00:50:39I spent half the night reading the kids' local history
00:50:41projects, and the wolf hunter featured pretty heavily.
00:50:44Why would he appeal to kids?
00:50:47This is someone who goes around killing people and wolves.
00:50:52But he's conflicted.
00:50:54I think the kids respond to his vulnerability.
00:50:58I'm clearly missing something.
00:50:59He was abandoned as a child by his family,
00:51:03left alone in the woods on the night of a full moon.
00:51:06Abandoned because?
00:51:07The wolves were closing in, and his family fled.
00:51:09And then the wolves brought him up.
00:51:12So the wolf is both predator and protector.
00:51:18The wolf hunter is torn between loving
00:51:19and hating both of his families.
00:51:22That's why even someone like Wade Ando can relate to him.
00:51:26Do you know him?
00:51:27Yeah, he was a pupil of ours.
00:51:29But we had to let him go.
00:51:30But talking about finding the body,
00:51:34he lashed out at a teacher he thought
00:51:35was looking down on him.
00:51:37He was a very sensitive boy with a really bad attitude.
00:51:41It was such a shame.
00:51:43He was talented.
00:51:44He showed real potential as an artist.
00:51:51Thanks for the call, Ma.
00:52:30You've clearly heard the news.
00:52:39You and Kelly were obviously close.
00:52:43How long had you known her?
00:52:46I sort of always known of her.
00:52:49I came here 18 years ago.
00:52:50That was the summer that she was born.
00:52:53And then a few years ago, she just swung into the cafe,
00:52:57demanding a job.
00:53:01Do you have any idea why she was leaving
00:53:03or where she was going?
00:53:06Yeah, she always talked about it.
00:53:09She dreamt of bigger things than Little Worthy.
00:53:14And why would she go through with it now?
00:53:17Because of what happened to Jez, I guess.
00:53:21She loved him to bits.
00:53:23Can you think of anyone who might have had a grudge
00:53:25against either Jez or Kelly or both?
00:53:30No, they got on with everyone.
00:53:32Well, Kelly didn't, but she kind of treated
00:53:38everyone with equal contempt.
00:53:43What about Rowan Yarrow?
00:53:45How was Kelly about her?
00:53:48Fireworks, those two.
00:53:50All that new agey stuff wound Kel right up.
00:53:54And she also thought that Rowan was after Jez.
00:54:01Excuse me.
00:54:06Yes, Winter.
00:54:08I'm in Jez Gladbury's workshop.
00:54:11It's been broken into, and I think I know what's been taken.
00:54:17Bolt cutters.
00:54:25What are you doing?
00:54:30It's black tourmaline.
00:54:33Good for soaking up negative energy.
00:54:37All right.
00:54:40Jez Gladbury.
00:54:42Did you know that he was seeing Kelly Kirk Lees?
00:54:47Yes, I did.
00:54:48He confided in me.
00:54:51He was stressing about his father, life and love.
00:54:55I suggested I do some Reiki healing,
00:54:58and he told me about Kelly.
00:55:00I'm so sorry to hear about what's happened.
00:55:03Did you know Miss Kirk Lees?
00:55:06A bit, from the hub.
00:55:08She was quite a live wire.
00:55:15And why was Mr. Gladbury stressing?
00:55:19You mentioned love.
00:55:21I got the impression he might have been seeing someone else,
00:55:23apart from Kelly.
00:55:25I'm going to need a little bit more than that,
00:55:26I'm afraid, Mrs. Yarrow.
00:55:29Were you fond of Mr. Gladbury?
00:55:31Perhaps jealous of his growing relationship with Kelly?
00:55:35No, of course not.
00:55:42After all the things I've done for you.
00:55:44These people have done nothing to me.
00:55:46They have to me.
00:55:47They have to go.
00:55:49How many more?
00:55:50Until it's over.
00:55:51And when would that be?
00:56:06Come on, Wayne.
00:56:09Just one more.
00:56:11That's all.
00:56:20That's all.
00:56:54How's business?
00:56:58Not great, to be honest.
00:57:00I told you.
00:57:01Littleworthy isn't ready for fancy camping.
00:57:04We'll see.
00:57:06Come on, Bran.
00:57:07Way too much negativity around here.
00:57:12To the victor, the spoils.
00:57:14And what lovely spoils they are.
00:57:16Greatly keg of est bitter.
00:57:20Let's show this showroom's boss around here.
00:57:23Roll me?
00:57:31Missed by a whisker.
00:57:32By a country mile, more like.
00:57:35You do know that you are supposed
00:57:36to actually hit the target.
00:57:40Watch it, you.
00:57:43Come on, Will.
00:57:44You've got this.
00:57:50Pat Everett's been contacting all the property
00:57:53companies in the area.
00:57:54You think they're trying to drive them out and take over?
00:57:57Could the murders be something to do with that?
00:57:59Not much of a motive, though, is it?
00:58:01Murder's hardly good for business, is it?
00:58:03Two deaths in the village at the end of Yarrow Glam.
00:58:08Let's call it by its proper name, shall we?
00:58:10It's a glampsite, Winter.
00:58:12You see, language is a living, breathing thing.
00:58:17That's part of the beauty of it.
00:58:24What do we know about Mr. Everett?
00:58:26Self-made man.
00:58:27He's been coming here for years.
00:58:29His wife goes off for walks on her own.
00:58:32You think she could be capable of killing someone?
00:58:35Let's find out where Ronnie Everett goes on her walks.
00:58:40Oi, you two, stop gawping.
00:58:43Come here.
00:58:48I suppose I'm going to get going.
00:58:50But you weren't the only one.
00:58:54Can't we have him instead?
00:58:55No, you can't.
00:59:14Good luck.
00:59:17I might have something for you.
00:59:20You see, we're busy detecting.
00:59:25Loving it, Sally Lee.
00:59:27Well, don't just stand there.
00:59:29Have my go.
00:59:31The elbow's playing up.
01:00:07It's all about technique, Winter.
01:00:11Waller, by jingo, you've got some gumption.
01:00:18Oh, thank you.
01:00:24Oh, thank you.
01:00:35I can confirm Kelly Kirklees was shot with a silver bullet.
01:00:39Fired from a real gun.
01:00:40Very much so.
01:00:42And not the one at the hub.
01:00:44Confirmed as a fake yesterday.
01:00:47Also, had a bit of time over a cuppa,
01:00:50so thought I'd read Josie Skelton's blog
01:00:52about the wolfhunter.
01:00:55The phrasing is remarkably similar to the phrasing
01:00:59used by the wolf slasher.
01:01:01Thank you.
01:01:03Well, I guess there's always next year.
01:01:05Oh, I don't know why we bother.
01:01:07Oh, that's the spirit.
01:01:12What's going on?
01:01:15What are you doing?
01:01:16I've had enough.
01:01:17I hate everything about you.
01:01:20I hate you.
01:01:21I hate you.
01:01:22I hate you.
01:01:23I hate you.
01:01:24I hate you.
01:01:25I hate you.
01:01:26I hate you.
01:01:27I hate you.
01:01:28I hate you.
01:01:29I hate everything about this.
01:01:31Kelly was right.
01:01:32We were too far.
01:01:33And no one cared.
01:01:34You put a lot of work into this.
01:01:36Yeah, just to make money.
01:01:37To get your mum back.
01:01:38No, no, no.
01:01:40To get us all back on track.
01:01:43So we can be together again.
01:01:44Don't touch me.
01:01:47You don't get it, do you?
01:01:50Mum is never coming back.
01:01:53She doesn't want to be here with you.
01:01:55You dare say that?
01:01:56Steve, stop it.
01:01:58Leave it.
01:01:59OK, just let it go.
01:02:10It's OK, Josie.
01:02:11She's gone now.
01:02:14I'm so sorry.
01:02:29Popping out?
01:02:32As you wish, love.
01:02:36Shall we go to the pub?
01:02:42Seeing as we're off tomorrow and maybe aren't coming back,
01:02:51this could be the last time.
01:02:56This could be the last time.
01:03:00Shall I join you?
01:03:05Yes, I would like that.
01:03:29Who's here?
01:03:41Exhibition finished?
01:03:44Well, I think we've all had enough of the wolf hunter now, don't you?
01:03:50Can I help you?
01:03:52Actually, it's Josie I need to speak to.
01:03:56In your blog about the wolf hunter, you refer to his claws
01:04:01being like silver shining talons.
01:04:06The wolf slasher, reporting Jez Gladbury's death,
01:04:10said he was rich.
01:04:14The slasher, reporting Jez Gladbury's death,
01:04:17said he was ripped by silver shining talons.
01:04:24Funny that, isn't it?
01:04:28So you could have borrowed Kelly's boots,
01:04:31which potentially places you near the scene of Jez Gladbury's murder
01:04:36and you were very much in the vicinity of Kelly's.
01:04:40So were you in the woods the night before last?
01:04:44The truth.
01:04:47It was you who found Jez's body and posted about it online.
01:04:52Did you see or hear anything?
01:04:54No, but I didn't arrive till later.
01:05:01Wade left early next morning, cos he's like that.
01:05:06So you and Wade are an item?
01:05:11Kind of.
01:05:14I like him loads, but he's not into me.
01:05:17I see.
01:05:19How did you get into the hub?
01:05:22Dad gave me a set of keys, in case I ever needed them.
01:05:30You said you didn't get to the woods until late.
01:05:32Was Wade already there when you arrived?
01:05:38He said he'd been there ages, putting up the tent.
01:06:40Seen it go to ruination.
01:07:07Wade, who?
01:07:11To whom you have lent easels and paints and presumably your expertise.
01:07:16Have you taken him under your wing?
01:07:19Well, someone had to.
01:07:36The boy has talent.
01:07:39Just needed bringing out, you know?
01:07:43You know, I always thought that Jess might pick up the brush,
01:07:47but he didn't.
01:07:49Wasted his potential.
01:07:50An odd job, man.
01:07:52And smithy.
01:07:55Each to his own, Mr Gladbury.
01:07:58Castori went painting a landscape to paint everything that's there, isn't it?
01:08:03An artist can do as he pleases.
01:08:06Still, to do so many and not to include the campsite,
01:08:10what is it about that view, Mr Gladbury?
01:08:13Your wife's favourite, you said?
01:08:16We used to sit outside and look at it.
01:08:18And they were building that damned site.
01:08:21Could he even die in peace?
01:08:23Is that why you're sabotaging the site?
01:08:25Or getting Wade to?
01:08:27What is the point in developing his talents
01:08:29if you're just going to persuade him to commit crime?
01:08:31I just wanted that place gone!
01:08:35Mr Gladbury, where is Wade now?
01:08:59Don't go any further.
01:09:01It's not safe. Come down.
01:09:29Come on.
01:09:50Presumably, it was you who broke into Jezzy's workshop
01:09:54and stole the bolt cutters,
01:09:56as well as going online and posting bad reviews of Yarrow Glamping.
01:10:03Did you also take a gun from the workshop?
01:10:08What about killing two people in the manner of the wolf hunter?
01:10:11No, of course not.
01:10:12But you were in the woods the night Jez was killed.
01:10:19I hear you have a lot of talent.
01:10:23So why would you waste it for money?
01:10:26Was Mr Gladbury paying you?
01:10:29I just owed it to him.
01:10:31He didn't mean to hurt anyone.
01:10:33He just wants the campsite shut down.
01:10:36You could have said no.
01:10:37I could have, but do you know what it's like?
01:10:40To have everyone think you're a no-mark loser,
01:10:43who'll do nothing with their life.
01:10:47Eric was good to me.
01:10:49He took me under his wing, encouraged me.
01:10:52And he was broken after his wife died.
01:10:55How did Jez feel about your friendship with his dad?
01:10:59Jez didn't care.
01:11:00He had other things on his mind.
01:11:02Like what?
01:11:08Kelly, Kurt, Lise, and...
01:11:11who else?
01:11:13I don't know.
01:11:14But he'd been seeing someone else for ages.
01:11:18Just thank God no-one was injured, to be honest.
01:11:21Thanks, Graham.
01:11:22Hang on a second.
01:11:28What's going on?
01:11:30I don't understand.
01:11:32Who fixed it?
01:11:34It were just your flange and sprocket mechanism.
01:11:38And your widget needed unblocking.
01:11:40How do you know about...
01:11:41Pumps, lad, pumps.
01:11:43That's how I made my money.
01:11:45You can't hammer a nail in over the internet.
01:11:49You can knock it off the bill.
01:11:51Oh, tell him, love.
01:11:53Tell him what?
01:11:55That angel investor you've been in touch with.
01:11:59You're looking at him.
01:12:01No way.
01:12:03I only invest in the best.
01:12:05That's why we're testing you.
01:12:08I don't understand. You hate glamping.
01:12:11But I love Ronnie.
01:12:13And I love it around here.
01:12:16We were going to move here permanently,
01:12:18but we've changed our mind.
01:12:20Because of us?
01:12:23No, no. It's just time for us to move on.
01:12:26We wish you well.
01:12:29We'd better be getting on.
01:12:31Got us goodbyes to do.
01:12:38We'll keep in touch.
01:12:42I checked the properties that the Everetts have been looking at.
01:12:45It's Daisy Cottage. It's been empty for years.
01:12:47So did one of them used to live there?
01:12:49Did they want to buy it?
01:12:51It's listed to a holding company.
01:12:53We'll find out who's behind that.
01:12:55The Everetts have been coming here for decades, haven't they?
01:12:5836 years.
01:12:59Ronnie Everett was very specific about it.
01:13:01The previous owners used it as a rental property.
01:13:04Maybe they stayed there once.
01:13:06The holiday snaps are back.
01:13:08The holiday snaps are back.
01:13:12A.K.A. Mr. Skelton's film.
01:13:15I think you'll like them.
01:13:24What's that?
01:13:27Thought you'd like that bit.
01:13:29So I had it enlarged.
01:13:36Another wolf hunter.
01:13:38The real one.
01:13:39So Steve Skelton was telling the truth.
01:13:41He isn't the wolf hunter.
01:13:42So who is?
01:13:44Well, I have more on the boot prints.
01:13:47They belong to someone who repeatedly puts a lot of weight on one side.
01:13:51Someone with a consistent limp.
01:13:56Thank you, Annie.
01:13:57Oh, you shouldn't.
01:13:59It's only me.
01:14:01We're going to miss you so much, you know.
01:14:03Thank you.
01:14:04You've always been so good to us.
01:14:07Mr. Gladbury.
01:14:10Did you find Wade?
01:14:12Yes, indeed.
01:14:13Just in time.
01:14:15He's been charged over trying to sabotage Yarrow Glamping,
01:14:19as you will be.
01:14:23But first, I'd like to ask you about a pair of boots you own.
01:14:28Heavy tread?
01:14:30Have you found them?
01:14:32Excuse me?
01:14:33My hip's been killing me without them.
01:14:35They just disappeared from my house.
01:14:38Well, who took them?
01:14:39I don't know.
01:14:41I asked Jez about it, and he said he didn't know either.
01:14:45But you know what?
01:14:46I figure it's possibly someone he's seeing.
01:14:50You never met this person, but you sometimes heard them.
01:14:54When were they last there?
01:14:57Three nights ago.
01:14:59Did you hear anything specific, like a row?
01:15:03But I was pretty out of it at the time.
01:15:10Are the Everetts leaving?
01:15:13Sort of the earth, those two.
01:15:15I gather they were interested in a cottage in the woods.
01:15:18Any idea why?
01:15:20They stayed there the first time the entire summer.
01:15:24They're definitely going to be missed.
01:15:26You talk as if they're never coming back.
01:15:28They're not.
01:15:29They're leaving for good.
01:15:33This photograph...
01:15:36From that first summer.
01:15:38We thought they'd be back next time with a little one.
01:15:41But they weren't.
01:15:43And no mention.
01:15:46We thought they'd lost the child.
01:15:48Didn't really like to ask.
01:15:50Well, you don't, do you?
01:16:01I take Mr. Gladbury to the station
01:16:04and charge him over the damage to Yarrow Glamping.
01:16:07And find out when the current owner
01:16:10bought that cottage in the woods.
01:16:12Oh, dear. Where are you going?
01:16:14To see if Josie Skelton has any idea
01:16:17who else Jez Gladbury was seeing.
01:16:21Sorry, we're not...
01:16:23Oh, hello.
01:16:26We're heading off later.
01:16:28Oh, well, I'll see you next time.
01:16:30Not sure you will.
01:16:32Oh, that Glamping.
01:16:35I thought we thought we could hack it.
01:16:38But it's not to be.
01:16:40Me and that Brandon chalk and cheat,
01:16:42so we won't be coming back.
01:16:44We wanted to give you just a little present
01:16:47to say thank you for all the cups to you over the years.
01:16:50Oh, thank you.
01:16:52Ronnie's read that cover to cover about a million times.
01:16:55Wouldn't it be time to pass it on?
01:16:57Well, it belongs here in the village.
01:17:07Well, cheerio.
01:17:11Bye-bye, love.
01:17:37Carol never went near the Gladburys' house.
01:17:40She was scared of Mr Gladbury.
01:17:42If she saw Jez, she saw him here.
01:17:44Have you any idea who else Jez might have been seeing?
01:17:48Someone less scared of Mr Gladbury, perhaps?
01:17:51No idea.
01:17:55You're really letting the wolf hunter go, then?
01:18:00You bet.
01:18:06Tell me, the different elements of the myth,
01:18:10the mask, the eyes, being left in the woods,
01:18:14you came up with what?
01:18:17The werewolf thing was my dad's.
01:18:20The silver bullet and red eyes.
01:18:23The website stuff was me.
01:18:25What about being left in the woods?
01:18:27Whose idea was that?
01:18:30Can't remember now.
01:18:34Mel, maybe?
01:18:40Come on.
01:19:05All fires on the sign at the campsite.
01:19:09Did you find out about the sale of the cottage?
01:19:11It was bought 18 years ago.
01:19:13I'm still trying to track down who's behind the holding company.
01:19:15It's OK. I think I know.
01:19:18What's going on?
01:19:20I'm not sure. We'll need you to account for all your guests.
01:19:24Where's your husband?
01:19:25I don't know. He took a call.
01:19:32Mr Everett? Mrs Everett?
01:19:35You've been coming to the village for 36 years, I believe.
01:19:39The first time you came, you stayed at Daisy Cottage.
01:19:42Why do you keep coming back?
01:19:44It's private.
01:19:46I'm sorry, but I have to ask.
01:19:49Do you have any children?
01:19:54No, we don't.
01:19:56Did you once?
01:20:01We had a baby.
01:20:04She was conceived at Daisy Cottage,
01:20:06but we lost her and then we couldn't have any more.
01:20:11Lost her in what way?
01:20:14I said, it's private.
01:20:17It is all right, Pat.
01:20:22We gave her up for adoption.
01:20:24We were young, from strict Catholic backgrounds.
01:20:27We'd only just met and didn't know if we'd stay together.
01:20:30I've regretted it every day since.
01:20:33Did you have any way of tracking the child down?
01:20:37At that time, didn't want that, so we didn't give her details.
01:20:43We just left a postcard.
01:20:45But you've kept coming back here?
01:20:47We wanted to buy the cottage, but the trail went cold on who owned it.
01:20:54It's just too upsetting.
01:20:59And we've given up hope.
01:21:04Have you said your goodbyes to people?
01:21:07We have.
01:21:09Have you given the glampside as the reason?
01:21:15I mean, we wouldn't mention the real reason, would we?
01:21:29You said your husband received a call. Do you know who from?
01:21:33He just said it was a potential investor. He's gone to meet them.
01:21:36He's not meeting an investor.
01:21:38He's meeting the wolf hunter.
01:21:41And I think I know where.
01:22:44I don't understand.
01:22:46Nor did I at first. I thought it was about vengeance.
01:22:51But it's not.
01:22:53I think it's about abandonment.
01:23:05This doesn't have to happen.
01:23:09You said you weren't one for taking chances on the roulette wheel of love.
01:23:13But you did, didn't you? You took a chance and you lost.
01:23:19Why did you create a nest? A haven?
01:23:29Because I never had one.
01:23:32Do you know what that's like?
01:23:34To be always on your own. Huh?
01:23:37Until I let Jez in.
01:23:39And Kelly.
01:23:41I get that the costume was easy and that you took the boots from Eric Gladbury,
01:23:46but a real gun?
01:23:48Yeah, because the smithy and Jez wanted to create the real thing,
01:23:51but we couldn't have it in the exhibition.
01:23:53What about the cane?
01:23:55It was the first one that he did, but it broke.
01:23:58Jez was going to leave and I couldn't have that.
01:24:01I can't bear to be left.
01:24:03We had a year.
01:24:06I finally let someone in who I could trust.
01:24:10Also, I thought...
01:24:12Why the wolf hunter?
01:24:14Because, like him, I was left in the wilderness.
01:24:21Not just by Jez, but by your parents.
01:24:24Did you look for them?
01:24:25Yes, of course I did.
01:24:27As soon as I was 18.
01:24:29But the records didn't exist, just some money and a postcard of this place,
01:24:34so I came here and I secretly bought the cottage.
01:24:38And you know who your parents are now, don't you?
01:24:41Abandoning me again.
01:24:44Only this time, it's his fault that they're leaving.
01:24:48Why don't you see them? Speak to them. Meet them.
01:24:50Because I've done wrong.
01:24:53I can't bear the thought of them knowing that.
01:24:58Why didn't you make them stay?
01:25:01Think, Mel. Put the pistol down.
01:25:04Why? Why? What's the point? It's too late. They've gone.
01:25:10They gave me a book on daisies. Oh, great. Well, that's how I knew it.
01:25:15Because the postcard I had said that Mum loves them.
01:25:18And this place.
01:25:20So all the while they were here, the whole time.
01:25:24They still are.
01:25:25Yes, but I can't see them, can I?
01:25:28Oh, I must have been so bad for them to leave me. I must have been.
01:25:33Otherwise, why would they give me up?
01:25:35Because we were young.
01:25:38We cared too much what other people would think.
01:25:42We didn't know any better.
01:25:45We let you down.
01:25:46No, no, no. Not after what I've done, no.
01:25:48It's OK.
01:25:49No, it's not OK.
01:25:53All I've ever wanted was a family. That's all I've ever dreamed of.
01:25:59Why did you leave me?
01:26:03I was a coward.
01:26:04I couldn't find you.
01:26:07I tried to find you.
01:26:11Why does everybody leave me?
01:26:14If you want someone to blame, blame us.
01:26:17Not Mr Yarrow, are you?
01:26:20He's the one that's driven you away.
01:26:29He hasn't.
01:26:32We're not going.
01:26:37I don't care what you've done.
01:26:41You're my flesh and blood.
01:26:43Whatever happens after this, I will never leave you again.
01:26:48Nor me.
01:26:57My little Melanie.
01:27:20Thank you.
01:27:34It's a little gift I made.
01:27:36Thank you.
01:27:38It's beautiful.
01:27:40Are you going to be OK?
01:27:43Pat's decided to help out.
01:27:45Mum and Dad have said they'll chip in.
01:27:46Fingers crossed.
01:27:47And the Everetts, are they going to stay on?
01:27:50Yeah, in the cottage.
01:27:52To be here for Mel.
01:27:54Thank you.
01:27:56Thanks for coming.
01:27:57You're welcome.
01:27:59Any ideas where John got to?
01:28:01I can't wait for us to try out some of these treatments together.
01:28:07No, Paddy, sit.
01:28:12Ah, since you all wanted to check out the treatments,
01:28:15I thought I'd see what this was like.
01:28:17But I'm fine, really.
01:28:18Don't worry about me.
01:28:19Yeah, we can see that.
01:28:21Well, once your muscles have relaxed,
01:28:23perhaps you'd like to try the Shakti mat.
01:28:26The what?
01:28:27What's that?
01:28:28It's a bed of nails, darling.
01:28:37How about Heruda therapy,
01:28:41blood-sucking leeches.
01:28:54Richard E. Grant celebrates another crime-fighting double act tomorrow night.
01:28:57Agatha and Poirot, partners in crime, is at nine o'clock.
01:29:00And get lost in hours of great British telly with loads of exclusive box sets,
01:29:04including Cold Feet, Sanderson and Happy Valley on BritBox.
01:29:08Stay there for the ITV news.
01:29:10On the way next.