7 Days Stranded At Sea! | MrBeast

  • 3 months ago
7 Days Stranded At Sea! | MrBeast


00:00We are now stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean.
00:03And there goes our boat.
00:04We are now stranded for seven days.
00:06How much longer?
00:08Seven days.
00:10This raft is literally countless miles
00:12from the nearest civilization.
00:14And whether we like it or not, my four friends and I
00:17are stuck on this raft.
00:18And it's not going to be easy.
00:20This is brutal.
00:21Stop raining!
00:23We're all at rock bottom now.
00:24This challenge went from fun to a literal nightmare very fast.
00:29Bro, look how far away the boat is.
00:32I can't even see it anymore.
00:33So step one, we're going to get sunburned
00:35if we don't get shade.
00:36And I had survival specialists equip this raft
00:39with tons of wood, rope, and everything
00:41else we would need to build ourselves a shelter.
00:43Boys, we need to get started.
00:44We are running out of light.
00:45I got this side.
00:46Oh, my finger!
00:47Now we set these up like a teepee.
00:49We picked the worst day to start.
00:51As you can tell by the clouds, it's literally about to storm.
00:55So first thing we want to do is set up some structure
00:59to cover us.
01:00Also, since we're on this slab of wood for the next seven days,
01:02we need a place to hide from the sun so we don't get sunburned.
01:05So two birds, one stone.
01:06Speaking of birds, while we were building, this happened.
01:09Bro, the bird!
01:10It's coming right at us!
01:11Oh, my god.
01:12I got it!
01:12It's a bird!
01:13Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
01:16Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!
01:17This is crazy.
01:18We should name him.
01:18What's his name?
01:21Brian, what if you went and caught some fish?
01:23I don't know.
01:24He's looking at me.
01:25He understands.
01:25Jimmy, just say the word.
01:27Put the knife away.
01:28OK, I'll put the knife away.
01:30And the hatchet.
01:32Brian, that was a joke.
01:33Forget the bird!
01:34We got to build a shelter!
01:35We're making friends!
01:36And while Brian watched, we worked on our first shelter
01:38for the rest of the day, except for my friend
01:41Tariq, who spent the entire day getting cool drone shots.
01:43And I'm not even mad about it.
01:47Inside this crate is the food for all five of us
01:49for the next seven days.
01:50All right.
01:51Oh, my gosh.
01:53And in these two barrels is our entire water
01:55supply for all five of us.
01:57How does it taste?
02:00Very hot.
02:01Oh, no.
02:02There was dirt in my cup.
02:04It's getting dark, and that crate has the word sleep on it.
02:06Hopefully, the survival guides gave us something soft.
02:09Why are they wet?
02:10Things do get wet on a boat.
02:12I'm ready for bed.
02:13I want to go to sleep.
02:14This is night one, and Brian is just yawning.
02:19This is miserable.
02:21This is all the coverage we have.
02:23I didn't realize what I was signing up for.
02:25It's hot.
02:26This thing will not stop swaying,
02:27and I feel like I'm going to puke.
02:28And I'm surrounded by a bunch of sweaty people.
02:30Hey, sweaty man.
02:32If you guys smell this bad on day one,
02:33what are you going to smell like on day seven?
02:35Oh, gosh.
02:39Our first night of sleep was really rough.
02:42Sleeping is impossible.
02:44These waves are just making me miserable.
02:46And to make matters worse, our best friend Brian
02:48ended up leaving us that morning.
02:54But regardless, today's objective
02:56is to build ourselves a permanent weatherproof
02:59How do we turn that into a livable structure?
03:02There's definitely something here.
03:04Luckily, I had them throw a bunch of wood on the raft
03:06so we could build a nice house.
03:09How we build the house, I'm not quite sure.
03:10But they said this is enough to build a house.
03:12But ironically, right as we got started.
03:15Oh, no.
03:15It's raining!
03:17Start throwing!
03:19Jimmy, get my shark pillow!
03:23This is miserable!
03:25This is bad.
03:27Jesus Christ, you're not doing the right thing, Nolan.
03:29Listen with your ears!
03:30Why do you yell so much?
03:32Because you don't listen!
03:33Oh, I'm going to hit Nolan!
03:34It's just rain.
03:35Shut up!
03:35At least we don't have to shower.
03:37This is so bad!
03:39And we still have over six days left.
03:42Where do we go poop?
03:43Oh, we have to build the pooper.
03:45We have to build everything that's here.
03:47We have to build the toilet, build our shelter, the fire,
03:51The moment the rain finished, the boys
03:53and I needed to build all of our survival essentials,
03:55starting with the shelter.
03:57We're tearing this down in the name of something better.
04:04Five-minute break for Chris.
04:06I also need a break.
04:07I'm seasick.
04:08I'm out of it.
04:09You guys, pick this up.
04:10I can't.
04:11I can't pick it up anymore.
04:12I feel like you're doing all the work,
04:14but we got two other goofs just laying down.
04:18I'm miserable.
04:18We built one wall!
04:20Yeah, we built one wall.
04:22All together.
04:23Regardless of being seasick, who's
04:25going to take all of us if we wanted to finish this?
04:28Now you guys bring it forward.
04:30There we go.
04:31Let's go!
04:32How many YouTubers does it take to build a little structure?
04:36Is that a whale?
04:38I think that's a whale.
04:39That's insane.
04:40Oh my gosh.
04:41That is unreal.
04:42They're actually whales.
04:43This experience just keeps getting better.
04:45Shelter, water, not being near Nolan.
04:49I'm never going to take that for granted again.
04:51Probably would have been really useful
04:53to build the ladder first.
04:55Got a ladder now.
04:57I literally just built this four minutes ago.
04:59After hours of building, we were finally getting somewhere.
05:03I severely regret making this a seven-day challenge instead
05:07of a 50-hour challenge like all our other videos.
05:09We keep rocking back and forth.
05:10It's freaking miserable.
05:11I'm going to puke.
05:12And finally, just as the sun was going down.
05:15Camp is now organized.
05:19Night two.
05:20My bed is still broken.
05:22But I'm going to get some sleep tonight because I'm that tired.
05:24I'm going to head to bed.
05:25I'll wake you up.
05:27Just go back to bed.
05:28I'm just walking.
05:29Excellent work, laser.
05:30I feel bad now.
05:31This might be the most tired I've ever been in my entire life.
05:39It's now day three, and somehow our building didn't fall over.
05:42I'll take that as a dub.
05:43Noises of destruction made while I was sleeping last night
05:47filled me with nightmares.
05:49It's day three, and we've really started to get into a rhythm.
05:51Our morning routine consisted of peeing in the corner.
05:54Bro, who vlogs in the pee corner?
05:56I'm not moving.
05:58Eating our breakfast.
05:59Surviving on feastables.
06:01It's all you need.
06:02And drinking hot barrel water.
06:03So dehydrated.
06:05I need this.
06:06We're about 36 hours in, and we're almost halfway
06:09through a barrel of water.
06:10Is that slow or fast?
06:12We're going to run out on day six.
06:15Running low on water and food gave me an idea.
06:17I'm kind of curious to see what's under the boat.
06:20Dude, there's so many fish below us.
06:22So we decided to try to catch some dinner,
06:25but we weren't very good at it.
06:27Why does this take so long?
06:28I just want something to put in my stomach.
06:31Brian, help us catch fish.
06:34Turns out fishing is a lot harder than YouTube.
06:37After hours, we caught absolutely nothing.
06:40Why can't we catch anything?
06:42Oh, I give up.
06:42We were tired, dehydrated, and hungry, which forced
06:45us to dig into our rations.
06:47Let's have ourselves a feast.
06:50We'll call it a feast.
06:51A bowl.
06:53In our supplies, we had wood to build a fire
06:55and pans to cook with.
06:57You take a big stick and make really little sticks.
07:01And then make medium sticks, then
07:03use the big sticks at the end.
07:09Look at the beans, baby.
07:11I'm so excited.
07:12This looks awesome.
07:13These are really bad.
07:14Can you tell we've been at sea for three days?
07:16When have I ever been this excited over canned chili?
07:19Hey, I put some love into this one.
07:21It's not just canned chili anymore.
07:22It's got tomatoes, kidney beans.
07:24You don't have to keep talking.
07:25I'm already drooling.
07:26This was our first hot meal in days.
07:28But it was also a good chunk of our rations,
07:31so we made sure to enjoy it.
07:32I'm feeling a lot better.
07:33I think the first two days were definitely the most miserable.
07:36I think we're slowly losing our minds,
07:37and it's actually becoming bearable.
07:39I still haven't gone to the bathroom.
07:41That's my biggest concern now.
07:47I'm struggling to sleep.
07:49This raft is just rocking like crazy.
07:53Not going to lie, I'm kind of miserable.
07:56Hopefully tomorrow's better.
07:58None of us managed to get any sleep.
08:00We lost the back of our fort last night.
08:02The house needs some repairs.
08:04Tensions are pretty high on the raft this morning.
08:07Nolan's a little upset.
08:08He broke his bed.
08:08Oh my god.
08:10Nolan is struggling, and he's just in his feels right now.
08:13It'll be OK.
08:13It's going to be OK.
08:14It's going to be OK.
08:15You probably would have quit the channel if I did that.
08:18This is easily the worst.
08:21Oh, there's thunder.
08:22I swear, if I start trying to nap.
08:24Oh, I can't take that.
08:25And to make matters worse, we accidentally
08:27dropped our ladle in the drinking water.
08:29And since we haven't showered in four days,
08:31grabbing it technically contaminated the drinking water.
08:34I'm never drinking out of that again.
08:35I'm looking forward to when we run out of water.
08:37Because of the contamination, a third of our water
08:39was no longer safe to drink.
08:41For whatever reason, the more I suffer,
08:42the more I feel like I'm going to die.
08:44For whatever reason, the more I suffer,
08:45the more you guys watch.
08:46Some of our most popular videos are
08:47when I buried myself alive, spend time
08:49in solitary confinement.
08:51So I hope you're happy.
08:52I'm suffering again.
08:53It's not easy surviving on a raft.
08:55But after four long days, laser's finally pooping.
08:59Can you play a celebratory song?
09:03Laser beam is pooping.
09:08See how all those clouds over there are dark?
09:11Yeah, they're going to pour down on us tonight.
09:13Tonight's going to suck.
09:14We didn't know it yet, but the biggest storm
09:16of the entire challenge was heading right towards us.
09:19And when we saw it approaching,
09:20we tried to prepare as much as possible.
09:22Can't wait for another storm
09:23just to destroy all this again.
09:25Tariq is fixing his side of the floor
09:27and Chris is fixing the roof.
09:28And I'm now the cameraman for some reason.
09:30There's a storm of ruin.
09:33And while they're preparing the shelter for the storm,
09:35I'm going to tell you guys about Shopify.
09:37Because it might literally storm
09:38until the end of the challenge.
09:40This is going to be a bit rocky.
09:42Shopify is a platform that makes it easy
09:44for anyone to start a business.
09:46They literally support millions
09:47of small businesses all around the world.
09:49From selling wood to nails to crates to crops,
09:53they support businesses that sell it on Shopify.
09:55Soon going to have absolutely zero tops
09:57covering this structure.
09:59I am worried about it.
10:00100% of what I sell online,
10:02from merch to Feastables, I do with Shopify.
10:05It's actually getting pretty rocky out here.
10:06Save my pants.
10:07Bro, the wind is getting crazy.
10:08We're out of nails.
10:09It's really hard to work around the wind, guys.
10:12Stop yelling and do things.
10:13Shopify even has a new AI tool called Sidekick,
10:16making running your entire business easier.
10:19Just like surviving on this raft can be hard,
10:21so can entrepreneurship.
10:22And that's why they do everything in their power
10:24to make it as easy as possible for you.
10:25This is my worst nightmare.
10:27So miserable.
10:28Go to Shopify.com slash MrBeast to give it a try right now.
10:31Thank you, Shopify.
10:32Let's go prep for the storm.
10:34I'm soaking wet.
10:35Maybe you can start helping us, Jimmy.
10:37I was paid for the raft.
10:39This storm was really starting to pick up,
10:41but that night it got so much worse.
10:43This really puts the helter in shelter, eh?
10:46Oh no!
10:48Are you kidding me?
10:49It's leaking.
10:50Oh no.
10:50This shelter is the opposite of waterproof.
10:54This is brutal.
10:55What do we do?
10:56We have three more nights to live.
10:58There's three days, by the way.
11:01There's water everywhere.
11:02It's useless.
11:03This does nothing.
11:04This is the most insane night yet.
11:07Insane night yet.
11:09We've got a lot of rock leak right now.
11:10Is this safe anymore?
11:12We could've just filmed this in a studio.
11:14But no, we have to be the real channel
11:16that doesn't fake things.
11:17Oh, we're gonna die.
11:18We're getting just destroyed.
11:20Oh, I'm kidding, bro.
11:21There's a hole that is completely opened up over my bed.
11:24I can't do this.
11:25I can't do this.
11:26You can end this video, Jimmy.
11:27Jimmy, please.
11:28I tried to talk all you guys out of it.
11:31You all said yes.
11:32This is the worst experience
11:34I've ever had in my entire life.
11:36I hate every part of this.
11:38Bro, I'm just miserable right now.
11:43The storm was reaching a new peak
11:44with every passing hour.
11:47We were desperate,
11:48so we tried using our beds as literal walls
11:51to protect us from the rain.
11:53We're all at rock bottom now.
11:55Been raining for a few hours.
11:56Stuff's freezing cold.
11:58We don't have beds.
12:00I'm getting nauseous.
12:01I don't know if we're gonna make it
12:02this full seven days at this point.
12:05It rained nonstop for around 20 hours straight.
12:09And after standing the whole night
12:11completely soaked and exhausted,
12:14we had to push ourselves to dry off our supplies
12:16and rebuild camp.
12:17Our raft is just in shambles.
12:19Look at our beds.
12:20We're drying them off.
12:20This is harder than Antarctica.
12:22This is harder than a desert video.
12:24I'm just ready to be home.
12:25And I hate this raft.
12:26I never want to see it again.
12:28Our entire fire pit is completely drenched.
12:30We couldn't start a fire if we wanted to tonight.
12:32No dinner.
12:33And to make matters worse,
12:34all of our food was completely soaked,
12:36meaning only a portion of it was still safe to eat.
12:39We had stability.
12:41We had food.
12:42We had dry beds.
12:44And we took it for granted.
12:45We cannot take another night like that.
12:47We need to waterproof the shelter.
12:48We just rip that off,
12:50tie it here,
12:51and then we'll leave the air clothes inside.
12:53I mean, last night we were shivering cold
12:55and wanted to die.
12:55So would you rather be warm and dry or cold and wet?
12:58Put a zip tie here, Nolan.
13:00Tie a rope to that.
13:02Zip tie's there.
13:03We can use that to push this up so we get even warmer.
13:06I'm thinking, why don't I make a really big clothesline
13:09and hang up all our wet stuff?
13:11Maybe we'll have dry towels by tomorrow.
13:13I want to die.
13:14I'm sunburned, tired, dehydrated,
13:16and I stay tired.
13:18After fixing camp, we were so exhausted
13:20that we spent most of the day sleeping.
13:22But at least when we woke up,
13:23we were reunited with a familiar friend.
13:31Come back!
13:32After being stuck on a raft for five days with these guys.
13:36This really is a nightmare.
13:38I'll admit it.
13:39I miss Brian.
13:40Brian moved on.
13:42You may not have given up on Brian,
13:43but Brian gave up on you.
13:45Brian's given up on us.
13:47We have two days left.
13:48We're running out of food.
13:49Our water's contaminated.
13:51And we're all borderline dying.
13:52I'm going crazy.
13:53These last two days will be interesting.
13:55Oh, what could go wrong now?
13:57I can literally see 500 fish down there.
14:00That is crazy.
14:01Oh my gosh, this poop bucket stinks.
14:04I almost had a mental break last night.
14:05I was shivering, wet the entire time.
14:08Could not sleep.
14:09It was one of the worst nights of my life.
14:11Last night, shivering in the torrential rain
14:13in the middle of the deep, dark ocean.
14:15You know, we got through it.
14:16Now the end of this challenge should not come soon enough.
14:19Making the challenge seven days was a horrible decision.
14:22This is so much harder.
14:25The new reinforced, waterproof fortress actually worked.
14:28Glennon said it rained last night, did it?
14:30Yeah, 4 a.m., sprinkled a little bit.
14:32Hey, here's the beauty.
14:33I didn't even know.
14:34That was the best sleep I've ever gotten.
14:36I actually got a full night's sleep last night.
14:39I can barely even open my eyeballs.
14:41I would say this is the hardest challenge we've ever done.
14:43Adding the extra five days on the end of a 50-hour challenge
14:47definitely makes it harder.
14:48The fact that we're just drifting at sea
14:49on this hunk of wood, that's pretty impressive.
14:51And while it seemed like the rain was over,
14:54we found ourselves encountering a new obstacle.
14:56We've gone from shivering cold like two nights ago
14:59to being scorching hot, unbelievably hot.
15:02I'm about to jump in the water because I'm getting too hot.
15:04We're going to go swimming.
15:05I hope Nolan can swim.
15:06And while they cooled off in their own way,
15:08we got creative with ours.
15:10Oh, yeah, it's bad.
15:11Cold air.
15:12I feel amazing.
15:14A jellyfish hit me.
15:15No, no, no.
15:16Ow, why does the ocean hate us?
15:19I knew it was a great idea not to go swimming.
15:23Are you okay?
15:24Oh, my leg.
15:26I found the sweet spot.
15:28Oh, yeah.
15:30Oh, no.
15:31Yeah, I got a little welts and some red lines.
15:32For the majority of the day, it was so hot.
15:35We literally couldn't walk on the deck.
15:36Yeah, I'm hot.
15:37I don't want to be alive because I'm hot.
15:39It's very hot.
15:40But as the sun went down,
15:41we were optimistic about reaching the finish line.
15:44We have less than 24 hours left in the challenge.
15:46This has genuinely been the hardest challenge video
15:49I've ever been a part of.
15:50Honestly, this whole experience has made me appreciate
15:53all the things we take for granted in life,
15:54like your shower, your food.
15:56I miss food.
15:58A working toilet.
15:59I never want to poo in a bucket again.
16:03I say we celebrate making it this far
16:05with the Feastable Bar.
16:07Available in every Walmart, Target,
16:087-Eleven, Albertsons, and America.
16:10For 2023, if you're still buying Hershey's,
16:12it's kind of lame.
16:13Hershey's for the boomers.
16:18No, Jimmy.
16:19You ate the chair.
16:19Why, my chair is broke.
16:21Jimmy, I'm starting to think you ate all the food.
16:22Yeah, I guess I'll just continue the time lapse
16:24with the broken chair, I guess.
16:30This is our final night sleeping together, everybody.
16:33I'm so glad to sleep alone.
16:35I'm going to miss sleeping by your side.
16:37I would not rather sleep next to any other man.
16:41And with that, I'm going to bed.
16:51After an amazing night's sleep,
16:53we were visited by a familiar face.
16:55Brian brought his family to say goodbye
16:57to us on the last day.
16:59Thank you, Brian, that meant a lot.
17:01It's almost like we were family to Brian.
17:03We were.
17:04He kept us safe during the night
17:06we had the least shelter.
17:08Maybe he's just a pea-brained bird.
17:10Shut up.
17:11Nolan, off the raft.
17:12I wish.
17:13That was emotional.
17:14Everything's gone full circle.
17:16We had so many crazy memories on this raft.
17:19Yep, and I think my best memory is going to be leaving.
17:23We spent over 150 hours on this floating piece of wood.
17:26And even though it was easily
17:28the hardest thing I've ever done,
17:29the boys and I still had some good times.
17:31Where's this boat?
17:32Where's the boat?
17:34Then finally, the end was literally in sight.
17:37The boat is coming.
17:38Alert the ship of our location.
17:40Signaling the boat.
17:47Why is it moving so abnormally?
17:51Oh my God.
17:52I'm getting off this raft.
17:53The first 10,000 people to go to the shop app
17:55will get a free box of Beastables.
17:57Click the link in the description
17:58to download the shop app right now.
