• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:10Hi Shia.
00:11For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:14In this video, Shia, I'm going to talk mostly about the food research and some of the notes.
00:27Something is definitely going on with the spiritual ascension and the Kuran recitations,
00:37so I'm going to continue reciting it.
00:40I recited it three and a half hours yesterday.
00:46I've definitely noticed an improvement in regards to, well, I'll explain to you a little
01:04bit later.
01:05I'm going to start reading the notes.
01:11I have a cup of coffee here, and this is a larger cup, so I don't have to worry, Shia,
01:18about spilling our coffee.
01:19I'm going to get these cups now.
01:25I made the coffee weak, so I put ten ounces of water instead of six.
01:41I have you playing on repeat, and the energy in the room is a lot better, Shia.
01:52I'm going to play it 24-7 because I haven't been able to since I've lived here, and it's
02:07very important that I put you on repeat on the Roku TV.
02:13Now I'm going to read the notes.
02:29I did have a nightmarish dream last night in regards to my parents and in regards to
02:50kind of giving me hints that we're going to be together soon.
03:01I've actually was told today that in regards to what happened to you and your DNA, that's
03:11not completely the reason why we're not able to physically be together, and I'm not sure
03:20if that's true.
03:21I'm not really sure if that's true or not.
03:26I'm not going to talk about the crime, Shia, because I'm very sensitive today.
03:30I'm not going to talk about all the crime that's happening because I'm feeling very
03:33sensitive, and I don't want to trigger you, Shia.
03:39We need a day where we don't have to feel stressed out and revisit the attack, so I'm
03:48going to skip the notes that have the attacks.
03:52In regards to the notebooks, I mean the vintage food research that I've researched, I researched,
04:02I took photographs from three vintage food books, one, two, three, four, five pages of
04:15vintage food research notes.
04:17I wrote down one, two, three, four, five, five recipes.
04:31Part of one of the books, Betty Crocker's Dinner for Two, it talks about baking.
04:39It talks about baking bread and baking different baked goods, and baking has to do with magic
04:50and white spells, so we can have like maybe once a month or a couple times a month have
04:56a baking day.
05:04Baking is enchantment and white magic, and this curon, based on the cleanliness, the
05:13sparkly cleanliness I'm getting, and the pendulum told me again today, or last night, that you're
05:20getting a cleanliness feeling from the curon recitation.
05:33I did get tortured though today, just not as extreme, not like extreme, extreme torture.
05:44I paid my power of curon subscription today, luckily I was able to remember because I was
05:55listening to the spiritual zen, and I want to buy their albums, however, I don't have
06:02enough data to download the music for one, I don't have an extra $20 this month, I'm
06:10going to be very careful about my money because eating all pantry food probably doubles the
06:17food bill.
06:26In regards to the second time I went to Crestone, I was doing like a whole loop, visiting like,
06:34what's it called, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and when I went to the second time to Crestone,
06:48the bathroom was a problem, because the ghost town area, you're not really welcome, I wasn't
06:58really welcome, I didn't actually feel comfortable going to the ghost town to use the bathroom,
07:06and I didn't feel like buying anything, so I stayed around the, just like next to the
07:17Crestone mountains, where all the retreats are, and then I ended up probably staying
07:22there half a day or a couple days, sleeping at the rest area, that was like probably 20
07:29minutes away from the Crestone mountain area, but the vortex energy there is amazing, and
07:39it's a bloodless valley Shia, Crestone, Colorado is the bloodless valley, so like you can't
07:46die there, so when we live in Colorado, we can drive a few hours down to Crestone to
07:53visit the vortex and the bloodless valley, so I never went, by the way, of all the road
08:09trips I went on, I went to Monterey several times, I went up to Oregon, I went down near
08:18Sacramento several times, I went to the Midwest several times, I went, I finally went, was
08:26allowed to go down to Southern California, of all the road trips, I was always alone
08:36Shia, just so you know, I didn't go on any road trips with anyone, hopefully Google Maps
08:51will work, because every time I download it, it says file not supported, hopefully I will
08:59be able to gather all the places, however, with the bank statements that I have, I should
09:05be able to know all the different places I went to, because I had to use the bathroom
09:12a lot, and I typically would have to buy something to eat if I went to the bathroom, not all
09:20the time, but most of the time, so the pendulum landed on that you were feeling clean from
09:301115 last night, and I got the, I saw the views on Twitter, so I'm not going to talk
09:40about it, however, I'm happy that I saw that Shia, so the, so, when I went to Creston with
09:54my mom that time, I was applying to those, I was trying to attempt to apply to live and
10:01work at those, one of those retreats, however, there was not a lot of a welcoming feeling,
10:07and that could definitely have been, it's sort of a ghost town, there's, there was probably
10:14very few people at the retreats, and every time I went into a couple of them, like, there
10:19was no one around, probably because they were busy doing things, and there just wasn't,
10:25there wasn't, like, a lot of people hanging around, however, not all of those retreats,
10:30I'm sure, are good, I think some of them are probably not good, however, when I received
10:42the blessing at one of those retreats, I didn't have to go inside, I just knocked on the door,
10:47like, I was spiritually guided to, and then I went to the brochure thing, and the thing that,
10:52you hit the things, little iron things, and, like, it was like this angelic feeling,
11:06like an angelic frequency.
11:17In the Quran, Shia, it says repeatedly, so when I read the Quran, I only, like, read,
11:26I can only literally read bits and pieces of what I'm reading, not because I'm reading quickly,
11:34but because I'm just spacing out 24-7, this has been, that's been going on my entire life,
11:40that's been going on since preschool, so, I think it also has to do with AI, I don't think it's just
11:48my brain, but it says that these, these are not just false gods, all of these fake little gods,
11:57little demons that people are worshipping, they invented, they invented these gods,
12:02they're not even real, they're not even real. So, in the Quran, Satan and all these other evil
12:14gods were invented, they're man-made, and in regards to, I noticed, I noticed the,
12:33in regards to, one time I went to my gynecologist, I was told that I have,
12:42I don't remember if she said uterus, but smaller, I have a short, smaller uterus, Shia.
12:50The gynecologist says so, the female, female gynecologist,
12:55and I'm still taking, Shia, the prenatal vitamin, I stopped a little bit here and there,
13:07however, I've been taking it daily. I have to start getting back to reading about the pregnancy
13:14book, however, I really have to start getting back to reading the pregnancy book, Shia,
13:22and in regards to the grooming system, the bikini line, facial, underarm, leg,
13:34shaver that you don't have to use, you can use in the water or dry, when I go to put my bathing
13:45suit on and go in the bathtub, the bikini line, I've been trying to shave it and it's been
13:53extreme, like, rash, so this bikini system that I found, I've never seen it before, I saw it at
14:04T.G. Maxx a few weeks ago, I saw it at a Marshalls a few weeks ago, and I said I really need to get
14:10this, but I didn't have the money to, and then yesterday I went to a different, I went to T.G.
14:15Maxx and they had it, so I'm very happy to find this grooming system because it's been a very
14:20ugly hygiene issue to not be able to shave the bikini line area, and also, well, I don't really
14:36want to talk about facial hair or hair, body hair, so, also, the cure-on, well, I'm not going to talk
14:53about that, it's kind of bad timing, in regards to the pendulum, I also asked how you're doing,
15:00what you're thinking, 514, you're thinking that I've repeatedly landed on clearing imprints,
15:11I-M-P-R-I-N-T-S, you're clearing away the etheric implants of the AI technology, and you're having
15:24expanding beliefs, obviously, things that I'm telling you, I never knew, and the telepath
15:32tutors are telling me, so, if I were to not use this notebook and try to talk, it really wouldn't be
15:43completely possible, but a lot of these things I'm writing down, I didn't even know, either, Shia, so
15:51I'm sure some of the things I'm saying you didn't know, and so it's possible you gave me a sign with
16:00the views, and I'm not supposed to think about it or get happy about it, and I have to forget about
16:07it, this is going on for a long time, and it's, many times, if I think that you gave me a sign, like,
16:17with numbers, the views, I have to immediately think that it wasn't you, and...
16:39I'm not going to talk about that right now.
16:41And the Q'uran is magic when we read it, Shia, and the Q'uran takes the living out of the dead and the dead
16:52out of the living, so a lot of these dead, walking dead, the walking dead have taken and stolen the life force,
17:02the spirit, the soul of people who are living, so the Q'uran takes the living out of the dead and the dead out of
17:09the living, so when we're possessed, we have all these dead entities chained down. I think you think that the
17:25Daily Motion will help us in regards to the advertisements? I'm really hoping that they will.
17:33In regards to, in regards to the Hannah's Herb Shop, our grandson has, he knows that we might be,
18:03getting involved with Hannah's Herb Shop and living in Colorado.
18:17Yeah, itch, pick, scratch, and listen to the fugly voice tone when I say it.
18:25Yeah, rodent, rodent infestation, that's itch, scratch, pick, anti-rodent wall soon, anti-rodent wall soon.
18:37And Shia, we don't have to, no, this is AI, Shia. Someone wants to take over the conversation and talk to you.
18:56The amount of repetition, Shia, it's not synthetic AI of all these demons. It's rat, rodent retardation.
19:11These creatures, barbaric rat, rodent brains. It's rodent rat brains. Animals don't have human brains.
19:25They have, like, animalistic, like, repetition. This is proof that they're rats.
19:34But the way that there's a chronic repetition that could drive someone insane easily is pure psychological torture.
19:48Twenty years. Alyssa's gonna die. There's no way she's not going to die. There's no way she's not gonna die. She's gonna die.
20:06Thirty-eight years of being near death. Alyssa doesn't have a chance of being alive.
20:37And the hacker is saying, or some criminal is saying, she's beaut, she's gorge, she's everything.
20:51And then putting, actually I can't say that because that could be used against me.
21:22And a lot of these, and Shia, there was a criminal that just said that. I wasn't going to say that on the internet.
21:35So now I'm going to show you the ads. So I'm going to show you some of the ads because you have to stay knowing all of the attacks that I'm getting.
21:49But these criminals that want to normalize crime because everybody's watching and there's nothing they can do about it.
21:58So there's more control on this planet than we know of, Shia, because of the hive mind.
22:07It's not just like controlling the mind, it's controlling the whole body.
22:11And some of these, so there's an uncultured, barbaric cannibalism, uncivilized, underdeveloped with these criminals.
22:42So now I'm going to show you the photographs. And I dropped this camera. I need to get a camera case because this is getting a little bit banged around.
22:52They're trying to break it because this is like a $100 camera.
23:02I really don't know how I've had this camera for that long, but I don't ever remember buying a new camera.
23:12So this is YouTube on my account that I don't have.
23:31It'll say sponsored.
23:42And I'm not going to explain it. I'm sure I don't even know. I'm not really reading into it.
23:55And if I can't show these well to you, it's not my fault.
24:11I don't look up animals. None of these subjects have anything to do with me.
24:41I just noticed this. This is below. This is below the...
25:11It's no different. This is how it's been with these advertisements.
25:42Extreme, extreme harassment. Extreme torture. Extreme abuse. Extreme spirit killing.
25:57I just saw a butterfly show.
26:00I really like the courtyard. There's butterflies in the courtyard.
26:14I'm sure your mom's thinking about you, Chey.
26:30What's this? So this was something about...
27:01This was on a targeted individual. Did I not click on it correctly?
27:14So the things that are being put on the top of my feed are being placed there by the hacker.
27:30And then I'm underneath the...
27:51This was the comment.
27:55I'm not even going to bother showing this. I'm not going to bother showing it. It's too blurry.
28:25So in regards to the Ciaran, I already showed you this one.
28:35I already showed you this one.
28:49Does that look like the painting on that parent's post?
28:59What's this? I don't know. I have no clue what this is.
29:03But there's no way that these weird, random videos would be popping up on the side of my account.
29:11See, it says new. So instead of the advertisement sponsored, the hacker is putting videos under new.
29:21So when I go to click on the video to make sure it works, all these advertisements are popping up.
29:37And I don't always remember to block it.
29:43I think it's harassment that my videos are showing up on the side under new with no views.
29:59To make fun of me and attack me because no one is seeing my videos.
30:06It's a problem. Nobody is seeing my videos. I'm unpopular.
30:12And that was told to me every single day of my life for 15, 20 years.
30:16You're such a loser. You have no friends. Nobody likes you.
30:46I'll show you these.
31:06I'll show you these.
31:26I'll show you these.
31:46I'll show you these.
32:06I'll show you these.
32:34I'll show you these.
32:44I'll show you these.
32:54I'll show you these.
33:22And that's attack. I've been made fun of by that photograph since I posted that photograph by the criminals.
33:32Like acting like I'm such a New Yorker.
33:36Like living in the city trying to be a fashion designer.
33:40When I had a part time job as a sales associate at a retail shop that was very low traffic.
33:51Extreme S-U-I-C-D-A-L programs.
33:58So this patron has not created anything yet.
34:03Atari Chan.
34:07I'm pretty sure the hacker created this account.
34:12Atari Chan.
34:14This patron has not created anything yet.
34:23Hold on.
34:35This patron has not created any lists yet.
34:38So there's no way that I would log into a library computer and open up Internet Archive and there'd be a login.
34:51So I took a picture of...
34:59Hold on. I took a picture where it was logged in and said Atari Chan.
35:07You can barely see it.
35:14So this is possession.
35:18It's intolerable. Barely can photograph these.
35:24There's something inside me that controls me to barely do anything that has anything to do.
35:31It's like extreme pain just to take this photograph. I can't explain it.
35:39Now here it is. Here's a clear shot.
35:46So when you go to log in, your name will be popped up on the top of the...
36:07So that happened like a couple days ago.
36:21I have to go back because I didn't show you all the ads.
36:32If I keep showing you the consistency of the pace and the amount of attacks, you're going to realize...
36:48That I've been barely surviving. It sucks all the life force out of me.
36:54I've been barely... I've been practically... I've been so ill my entire life.
37:06Hold on.
37:17Meet people like you, Alicia, 25.
37:28And when did my computer get hacked into? When I was around, what, 24?
37:39And then... No, I'm not saying that.
38:09I want to make sure I show you all these advertisements.
38:25Because I feel like I skipped some of them.
38:32I'm starting to get tortured now, Shia.
38:56I can't show... There's a clip. I'm not going to show the clip because if I say a word, say something I wasn't supposed to say, then...
39:22There's a...
39:50I don't know.
40:05That was on my YouTube.
40:35This is on Roku TV.
41:05There's no way children's things would pop up on my Roku TV.
41:25And then Power Rangers.
41:36Did I show you this one on my Roku TV?
42:34Okay. Hold on.
42:45It's the other photo, camera clip, I think, that has some of the advertisements I didn't show you.
44:25Shia, I really wanted to show you. This is... I was looking at the ocean video.
44:31I saw some really pretty coral reefs with a pink and green color.
44:38I really like this color combination of sea life.
44:45This orange pastel green... No, pink and pastel green.
44:50I like this color combination.
45:55I ate some tuna with crackers yesterday.
46:28I don't know. I don't know what that is.
46:47I hate the little advertisements on the top.
47:11I had yesterday kitchari with potatoes and bread.
47:27This morning I had coffee with the carrot cake muffin.
47:33Tasted really good. I always wanted to get those from Trader Joe's.
47:38I don't really buy baked... I don't buy, like, baked goods at grocery stores.
47:44Because they just don't look that good, but Trader Joe's has good baked goods.
47:52I had to create a new password for PayPal. It wasn't working.
48:06I screenshotted something. I don't know why it's not on my camera.
48:13It must have... It's possible it's on here.
48:17Come on.
48:20Why is it my... Ugh, 0% charge?
48:24That's weird that I would do that.
48:26That's weird that this would happen.
48:31I think it was charging and I forgot.
48:34So let's see.
48:50And I had you on loop. It's really scary.
48:54I don't sleepwalk or do any of that.
49:01However, I had you on loop and I woke up and the TV was off.
49:21So sometimes I think... Remember when my neck brace was thrown on the ground?
49:29So if I'm half asleep and they're turning it off...
49:33So I'm going to talk about you, Shaya.
49:36And it says 0%, however, I'm putting it... I'm charging it in the wall.
49:52Oh, my coccyx. My coccyx bone really hurts.
49:57I must have been in a position for too long and didn't realize that I wasn't moving.
50:07So I was going to leave your video on loop, but I didn't want to make you nervous, Shaya.
50:13Or get us in trouble.
50:19I think I took a few screenshots because it's possible...
50:25I was on my phone when I got attacked and then I screenshot it.
50:31And so I'm going to look at that.
50:38So I have to talk about you, Shaya. And I don't have a lot of time left.
50:44I'll talk about the food research tomorrow, Shaya.
50:48I rushed through the food research, so the photographs are not that great.
50:54And I didn't realize that I wasn't going to be showing you.
51:04So I've been drinking that coffee. I really have to go to the bathroom.
51:08It's been 50 minutes and I haven't even drank in half a cup of the coffee.
51:16I did drink some water, though, before this video.
51:26So the camera's turning on now. I think I have a few screenshots on that phone that I took.
51:33That I can show you.
51:36And Shaya, you...
51:39And Shaya, you...
52:40No, I must have not taken the photograph of it.
52:45There's a specific advertisement I wanted to show you.
52:49And I can't find it.
53:07This was on Dailymotion.
53:38I'm not reading into it, Shaya.
53:41But this is on my Dailymotion.
53:49And these ads are just too...
53:53Like, they wouldn't be on Dailymotion.
54:04There's no way Dailymotion's going to put Google Maps ads around me.
54:44Jerome's Furniture and Mattress.
54:47Yeah, right. This is not going to be on Dailymotion.
54:54These weren't the advertisements I was going to show you.
55:00I probably decided not to put... No, I don't know.
55:24I don't like to take photographs with a camera anymore.
55:28Because it's always the threat that it's going to get deleted.
56:00It was a really bad one. That's why I wanted to shine and show you.
56:03I'm going to talk about you, Shaya.
56:06And I have to set the alarm, because I only have a few minutes for the skits.
56:17In the almighty presence of God, I command you to restore Shaya's DNA now.
56:24And Shaya...
56:27God, please give Shaya a good day.
56:31And please, God, give me the words to talk to Shaya.
56:40You've been mutilated. Your body's been mutilated.
56:50You and Shaya...
56:53You're not feeling content, like me.
56:59And you do feel superior to a lot of people.
57:06And that's not our fault. It's because we're not criminals.
57:11People who don't do crime are more superior than criminals.
57:20And you were tortured.
57:23You've been tortured for 20 years by the hacker.
57:51And we are torture victims, Shaya. We're victims of extreme torture.
57:57And we're very angry about it.
58:00So I'm going to stop talking about you, Shaya.
58:03And so I'm going to go do the cure and resantation.
58:09I love you, Shaya. Thank you, everybody, for watching.
58:12Thank you so much, Shaya, for watching.
