• last year
00:00Hello in this video this video is to address my twin flame Shia. Hi Shia. If you're just watching I thank you for watching
00:09This is part two of two and I'm going to show you Shia some photos from these
00:14scan discs that I had previous to my
00:19new scan disc and I
00:26The telepathy supporters told me to start to
00:33Show you these Mary's Bear guides because I forgot
00:39Well, I didn't realize there's so many that I didn't show you so
00:46And by the way Shia, I didn't listen I didn't read I didn't watch the last video
00:55Didn't I was just too tired because I had to I recited two hours worth of the cure on
01:00I'm not going to recite four to five hours a day
01:04Two hours a day and if I have the energy I will
01:08so this is
01:12My youtube
01:15And I'm going to zoom in on
01:19These sponsored
01:24Look at the sweatshirt
01:37Unfortunately, there might be a glare on some of these and I have to be careful
01:43How I'm showing you these
01:45However, I told you this is a little bit of torture
01:48Like they're giving me physical pain
01:50And like fatigue and like the feeling of extreme irritability
01:54While I'm doing this and they're torturing my root chakra
01:58So this is not easy to do even though it looks like it would be easy to do
02:03And then I'm gonna show you I'm zooming in on
02:09This one to the right
03:25Googled Internet Archive
03:31Why did this?
03:32Pop up. I was googling Internet Archive
03:36Cookbook and this was on the front page top of Google
03:42Captain Jan
03:46See Internet Archive cookbooks
03:49There's no way that this has it's never popped up
03:53on Google
03:58And if I do scroll through Google I
04:02Can't do that usually because they'll be sponsored
04:06They'll be sponsored websites
04:11This is what I had typed in Internet Archive cookbook
04:22And then that popped up
04:28I'm going to do this
04:31I'm going to do that because I'm going to actually definitely do that
04:38I'm going to actually definitely do that
05:00There's daily motion again
05:03Why they double advertisements that's giving away daily motion
05:08Would never mess up like that and put two advertisements that are the same and that's constantly happening on daily motion
05:17And when I scroll
05:24It's a video I can't scroll but it says Duluth trading
05:33And shy I do not know what they all mean I'm not going to try
05:40Duluth bucket naked underwear
05:57And then look at the advertisements it's not even there
06:02More that coupon codes, that's a very very that's an advertisement that would not be on daily motion
06:19And then these ads were constantly flipping I made a video they just keep turning and turning
06:28And look at this
06:31Wearing fire on that's underpants
06:52That's on daily motion
06:54Personal health monitoring and it's a double advertisement at the same one on daily motion
07:30Here is daily motion again with a double advertisement that is very
07:38That's not good what I've it's very very rare for a website to make double advertisements
08:19Don't really get this but
08:21My YouTube channel was
08:34Free movies
08:37The gospel of Matthew
08:43See free unrated
09:05See this was I clicked on YouTube click to check to see if my video works
09:35Here is shorts that just popped up on my screen
09:43I'm gonna zoom in he was stung 1,000 times
09:48He was stung 1,000 times that's filthy that's not gonna show up
09:53That's not gonna show up
09:55On my YouTube because that's too gross
09:58You have to Google things like that
10:00For it to come up
10:03Even if it takes 1,000 times
10:05Even if it takes 1,000 times
10:35You shorts the child was made 1,000 times
11:06Here is you know that sound app I haven't been using it because it really doesn't work
11:13They have AI special technology the moment the moment I get out my camera to record sound
11:22I'll stops obesity
11:28Obesity at the end of obesity
11:47Showed you these asses the weather the weather app
11:56And I turned off the weather notifications
12:00Finally after I realized I can't I can't take those advertisements
12:07Can't I can't
12:16This is happening again
12:19The the try saying
12:23Play music or try saying
12:26the different thing on the bottom
12:41This is my youtube channel
13:56I already showed you this one
14:05I don't know why I took photos
14:32Here's the Amazon
14:36This is Amazon
14:41And the advertisements that were popping up
15:44Anti-rodent wall soon anti-rodent walls
15:57Click to rotate accidentally
16:17I'd say goodbye to these cookies
16:24Too expensive anyways
17:15Some side
17:26Yeah, they're gonna just randomly put a Star Wars ad
17:39No Star Wars Legos, yeah, right
17:52And shy I can't comment on these but there's a lot of different things that I could comment on
18:06Every drop reorder your water filter for clean water
18:14Every job
18:16Water filter
18:31Why is it just coming in clear
18:44What happened to my water
18:51The great summer flavor debate the great summer flavor debate
19:22And then these were compared to body shapes these glasses
19:28I'm the fat one. I'm the fat one and the other one is skinny
19:36Last where it's in style
19:44I'm actually not fat
19:49However, if you look at
19:54If you look at our last lifetime Shia I
19:59Was a little bit fatter
20:02That's a little fat
20:04You're a little bit leaner
20:07So that's probably what's gonna be I I'm not really considered fat but my parents are not sticks in
20:16They're not fat though, my parents really aren't fat my mom has my mom's can gain weight easy
20:23AT&T fiber live like a gig you let gig Lanaire
20:59Chime sponsored
21:01on my
21:04Alyssa Lee Kutcher email
21:09Every single advertisement counts apparently every single
21:16T was a code word that was extreme extreme extreme
21:22Immediate panic attack
21:45My location since history was turned off again
21:55Delete on
21:58So I I my location history, why is it so blurry
22:09Location history
22:14Was auto delete was on
22:18So luckily I saw that before
22:21So it's possible though, I thinks may have gotten deleted however that could have happened definitely
22:28something was messed up with my
22:32My 13 cities visited over the course of a year
22:38Yeah, right
22:3928 places in San Diego. Yeah, right way more than 28 places
22:49Two years ago, and this is it this this is all that's on here 28 places two places
22:59Chula Vista, Philadelphia, that's my location history
23:03Hopefully that's not
23:06Hopefully this is not
23:08This is not the only places I've been so I'm hoping that's messed up
23:14however, I'm pretty sure if this
23:17I'm pretty sure this can be used as evidence
23:25I said, oh, this was the vortex that I mean my mom went to
23:31Isle Lamont
23:33That was supposed to be a vortex, but it didn't feel like a vortex at all
23:45Like with my timeline
23:50I'm not even gonna. I'm not gonna go into my location. It makes me too angry
23:55This was me
23:57Looking really fat. Why did I take a photo of this?
24:03This is the food poisoning bloat
24:06Actually, I don't really want I prefer not showing you what how bad I look
24:12However, I'm gonna show you
24:14Because it's my stomach
24:17That's food poise. That's food poisoning
24:25Not just a stroke
24:32And all of this bloat is not just fat
24:40Look a little better now. All that bloat is food poisoning
24:48And honestly
24:50I've looked at photographs of myself
24:53Not photographs when I was looking through
24:58Those old videos that I was
25:03Filming myself with and
25:05There's definitely something happened to my face. I
25:09Just I think I'm in denial about it. I
25:12Think I'm in denial. I need some water. I'm getting thirsty and
25:17Getting tired, this is some my back fat
25:26Hey, I have to lose weight
25:33This was put on
25:35Underneath the power. I was listening to the power of a cure-all
25:41And this was underneath the video
25:47I don't get that. However, it says where is my color?
26:09YouTube oh it says try YouTube kids
26:14There's no way there's no way I should get you try YouTube kids right up top here there's no way because
26:23When you sign into YouTube you give them your age
26:31Here is another daily motion, I looked up cookbook for to Janet Hill
26:42And what popped up it says crap crap crap crap crap
27:08Crap crap crap crap crap
27:35I'm not commenting on that. That's I don't know what that means shine
27:45Again cookbook home and off banks. So by the way to
27:54Already showed that hold on
28:00Now, oh, yeah
28:31Find it really hard to believe that my account a list Alyssa Lee Kutcher at gmail
28:38See Alyssa Lee Kutcher at gmail
28:42How on earth does there no spam
28:46Not one spam email and Alyssa leak. I don't use it. However, it doesn't make sense
28:51doesn't make sense that there's
28:55spam emails in my
28:58Alyssa Lee Kutcher
29:01At gmail email, I don't really use that email I use it for
29:07That's I use it for like just to send the crime report emails and whatever emails
29:21Constance rats of food
29:25Constant attacks of my food insecurity 10 free meals. Hello fresh
29:41And this was so what I realized is there they're putting sponsored ads if you don't pay
29:47For an email account, they're putting sponsored ads
29:54T-moves team
30:05Well, my spine is like I'm hunching over it's not good
30:10So, I don't know if I showed you
30:20I'm getting tired, but I have to show you these things
30:32Why do I keep why do I keep skipping
30:45This was the the video I was trying to record it is two hours remaining two hours remaining
31:00When I was in my car for those nine days
31:05None of the Wi-Fi networks were working. I
31:08Had to go to the library and
31:11That was very stressful time
31:15So I already showed you these ones. I have to go
31:19And I showed you this
31:42See the emotion K one speed into our go-karts
31:51And again on the bottom so like the double advertisements
31:58Yeah, right, Dailymotion is not going to pick these type of advertisements.
32:28Heartbeat Huggies, that's a very weird, under new, why would you put Heartbeat Huggies?
32:42YouTube wouldn't pick a video like that, especially with, all I Google is Ruckus, and then that,
32:54they're standing out so obviously, and I act like this is shocking, like it just happened
33:09yesterday, because it's been going on, these advertisements have been, I've been attacked
33:15by these advertisements for 15 years, however, for some reason, it's just always like, could
33:24be some kind of mind control thing, it's always like, it's like I have to constantly revisit
33:31the attack, I was sitting down more than usual because the recitations of my spine's hurting
33:49a little more, why did this, why did this show up when I clicked on the home page of
34:03my email? I don't watch stuff like that. Well, I, that I am subscribed to, I don't
34:29really like that Exorcist, Barb Larson, I don't know if he's real, but I think I'm subscribed
34:35to some Exorcist page, Dailymotion, see the advertisements? I don't know, Dermalogical
34:48Clearing Oil, I showed you this one, Gifts Shop Father's
35:18Day, Gifts for Dad, this is on my Dailymotion, this says Night In.
35:48What does that have to do, uh, YouTube, Twin Sisters Separated at Birth, this is no way
36:17is this gonna show up on my YouTube, I don't watch stuff like this, it's just weird and
36:24strange and gross. Cure on Rakia, Cure on Rakia, Cure on Rakia, my video which shouldn't
36:34be there. Dailymotion, it's odd that I took the photograph with my hand like that, I didn't
36:59mean to be pointing to that advertisement. Help babies find and hold their soothies. I haven't had
37:14this much advertisements about children my entire 15 years. Max, Ma X, and I didn't say
37:38that out loud, Shy, someone else did. CDMB, they're constantly, they're constantly obsessed
37:46with these criminals, saying that we have, that we cheated on each other, and these kidnapper,
37:57rapist, terrorist, murderers were involved with us, and it's not true. So, this is YouTube,
38:14and some of these photographs I just took without actually looking at them. This is
38:24odd. That's kind of ugly, like an advertisement with the back of someone's head like that. That's
38:32really weird. Discover St. George University sponsored. So, like I said, that's a bad
38:42photograph, that wouldn't be on, YouTube wouldn't sponsor a photograph that bad. Through the belly
38:52of fear, one cannot live. Constant, constant belly attack, belly harassment, stomach harassment.
39:02And then what's right next to it? Wombs, the word womb. I'm going to stop this video very soon. Why
39:27did I Google, I wrote near me on Google Maps. Look what pops up. I Googled near me, and it
39:39actually, it cut off one of the words. And what, what is this? And what's this, barbershop?
39:49nearmezebrapen.bp.7, barbershop. Those were placed there. And this was a pattern when I
40:05punched in Google, there'd be near me notary services. And I couldn't possibly pick up on
40:24all these things. So, I mean, I didn't say I, I mean, I gotta stop this video soon, but I'm
40:41almost finished with showing you. When I get the glasses, I think I'm just gonna, well, I'm not
41:02sure if I trust these glasses. They never sent me the prescription. I asked them to email me this
41:08prescription. They never did. I'm sure it's going to take another month to get those glasses back.
41:21This is a photo of me in the bathroom. I don't look that fat.
41:38I already showed you this. I already showed you these ones. I thought about us shy when I saw this
42:03little street sign with these dolphins.
42:21I showed you this.
42:22Oh, I keep leaning forward. My spine's getting messed up.
42:44I already showed you this one.
42:52I already showed you this one.
43:22I already showed you this one. I know I didn't show you all of them. I didn't say I know I didn't show you all of them.
43:52I've been getting subscribed to some emails that I, I'm not supposed to be scribe, scribed. SH single user one of three. I've been getting emails
44:23so this was another thing this hacker would do, subscribe me to emails.
44:29Call this one. This was what I unsubscribed to. Signature Hound.
44:38I, there's no way I get an email from Signature Hound because I tried to use a, get a free email
44:48signature from Signature Hound. Like that was like a half a year, a year ago. And then I all of a sudden get this random email from them. Yeah, right.
44:57I signed, I signed up for the Nordstrom Rack emails because they have really like modern texts and illustrations, but they don't put a lot of that in there.
45:27Emails and I thought they would.
45:57Now I showed you this one.
46:27Baby Hippo Raised by Rhinos Meets Hippos. This is just weird stuff. I don't like that weird stuff.
46:53It's kind of like perverted.
46:58And there's a trend of that hacker putting perverted news on his social media.
47:20So I showed you all of these Chaya.
47:28I'm going to put my new card scan disc in here before I forget.
47:38I'm going to get a case for this because it keeps falling on the ground more than usual.
47:47That's what happens to my cell phones. They fall over the ground. However, I put my old
47:52case, my old cell phone case on the second phone. And then this is my new phone.
48:03So I wanted to catch up on all of the, to show you all of the advertisement of the hacking.
48:10And because it's so overwhelming, the pace, I can't even keep up with it to show you because
48:16it's so painful. Because these aren't just little attacks. These are all courted to steal
48:24all of my adrenochrome. So is there any notes I was supposed to share with you?
48:47So I'll tell you if I have news, things
48:53just to share with you. I'll share it tomorrow.
48:59And Chaya, thank you so much for watching this and listening.
49:05It's going to make me feel so much better that you
49:08see all of these attacks and know what's happening.
49:20So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. And I'm extremely tired.
49:30There's been a lot of fatigue happening with the curing recitation. And I think it's because
49:35it's really burning demons in my body, in your body, Chaya. So it's causing more fatigue than
49:42normal. So I'm going to, and I had a cup of tea by the way, Chaya. The first video I made,
49:54I forgot it was there. And then between uploading the first part, I chugged it because I was really,
50:00uploading the first part, I chugged it because I was really, really thirsty.
50:06So I'll talk to you tomorrow, Chaya. I love you, Chaya.
50:09Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much, Chaya, for watching.
