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Episode-034, Episode-001, Episode-002

EGM, Quantum Vacuum (QV), Particle-Physics

Solution Algorithm
[M+Q+S] Spectral Convergence Derivations: pg. 95-97:
(*) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/370595808_QE5_YouTube_Derivations_httpswwwyoutubecomQE-5
00:00G'day viewers, in this episode we are going to present two methods, that is options, relating
00:05mass, charge and spin angular momentum to the quantum vacuum.
00:10We'll circle back to what these methods are shortly, but for now we recommend all viewers
00:14to watch episodes 90, 93, 94 and 95 if you have not already done so prior to continuing.
00:21By assisting us in this way, we do not need to repeat fundamental concepts and consequently
00:25we can minimise the length of this video presentation.
00:28Moreover, this enables us to tie episodes 93, 94 and 95 and this one together.
00:34Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
00:36In episodes 93 and 94, we calculated the spin energy required to power the phenomenon of
00:42spin angular momentum from the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy via the zero-point
00:47field interface.
00:48In order to execute these calculations, we required knowledge of particulate mass moment
00:53of inertia.
00:54Consequently, we assumed a classical representation of particles, that is, each particle is treated
00:59as a spinning ball.
01:01The problem this introduces is that particles are not actually spinning balls and the classical
01:06representation of particulate matter is, at best, a useful approximation only.
01:12So then, what does this mean?
01:13Well, it means that we need to ask the following question.
01:16Do we actually need to estimate the spin energy?
01:20If the answer to this question is yes, then we should utilise method 1, that is, option
01:241, whereby the spin frequency calculation is kept isolated from the spectral convergence
01:30frequency associated with mass and charge.
01:32Moreover, by keeping the spin frequency isolated from our quantum vacuum harmonic cut-off
01:36frequency calculation, we retain enough flexibility in order to recompute spin energy
01:41calculations based upon alternate mass moment of inertia configurations.
01:46However, if the answer to our question is no, that is, we do not need to estimate the
01:51particle spin energy, then method 2, that is, option 2, becomes the preferred solution
01:56because mass, charge and spin angular momentum are unified with respect to the quantum vacuum.
02:00Having said this, method 1, that is, option 1, may still be utilised if we wish to isolate
02:05the phenomenon of spin angular momentum from the quantum vacuum for whatever reason or
02:09motivation we have for taking this approach.
02:12So, pretty much, the choice between option 1 and option 2 becomes a matter of personal
02:17preference, depending upon whatever our particular research objective or modelling
02:21requirements might be at the time.
02:23OK, let's get into the quantum vacuum spectral convergence derivation process of mass,
02:28charge and spin angular momentum.
02:32We will begin with the first four steps defined in episode 90 and 94.
02:37Step 1 recognises that the time required to travel a distance of 2 pi r is equal to the
02:43time it takes to sweep through 2 pi radians, yielding omega sub theta as shown.
02:50Step 2 introduces the standard expression for spin angular momentum.
02:55Step 3 defines the energy density associated with spin angular momentum.
03:00Step 4 defines the spectral energy density associated with the quantum vacuum,
03:05if and only if the quantum vacuum is dynamically, kinematically and geometrically similar to the
03:11rotational frequency associated with omega sub theta as appears in step 1.
03:17I will also take a moment to emphasise that we have executed a quality assurance check
03:23appearing on the right hand side of the slide.
03:25The purpose of this was to ensure that steps 3 and 4 produced the correct dimensional units.
03:32Viewers may disregard the actual numerical results.
03:35They are not required going forward.
03:38In the lower half of the slide you see a generalised depiction of particulate matter.
03:42This is an excerpt from episode 93 which visually communicates spin radius,
03:47zero point field equilibrium radius, the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy
03:52and the origin of spin angular momentum.
03:54We will explore these concepts more on the next slide which is also taken from episode 93.
04:00OK, let's now look at what particle radii, that is particle size, physically means.
04:05The question we are going to investigate now is, what is particle size?
04:10That is, what exactly is particle radii?
04:13Whilst the concept of size may seem very straightforward to most people,
04:17particle physicists would disagree because particles do not have a solid boundary.
04:22Thus, the concept of size is somewhat ambiguous and open to interpretation.
04:27However, what we are going to achieve in this frame is a definition for three concepts of size,
04:33all of which are equally valid and applicable.
04:35We shall define spin radius, zero point field equilibrium radius and classical charge radius.
04:42Firstly, we shall define spin radius as the physical dimension which powers
04:46spin angular momentum via the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy.
04:51In other words, energy flows from the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy to a particle
04:56which powers the spin phenomenon in perpetuity.
04:59Please remember that, from the perspective of physics,
05:02particle spin appears to be a case of perpetual motion.
05:05However, the issue with perpetual motion is that it violates the laws of thermodynamics.
05:10Thus, our explanation of energy exchange involving the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy
05:16preserves the laws of thermodynamics.
05:18We will circle back to the concept of the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy shortly.
05:24Next, we shall define the zero point field equilibrium radius as the physical dimension
05:29that the quantum vacuum perceives a particle to be.
05:32For example, proton, neutron and electron.
05:36Please remember that our zero point field equilibrium radius concept has been experimentally
05:40verified for the proton and neutron.
05:43Please refer to episode 5 for more information.
05:46Lastly, we shall define the classical charge radius as the physical dimension,
05:51that is, the size, that one charged particle perceives another charged particle to be.
05:56In other words, it is the physical dimension which characterizes
06:00particle interactions at the atomic scale.
06:02For example, the classical electron radius.
06:06As promised earlier, we will now discuss the dark reservoir of
06:09quantum potential energy in a bit more detail.
06:12To begin with, let's ask the question, what is energy?
06:15Simply put, energy is defined as the ability to do work.
06:19Hence, potential energy becomes the potential to do work.
06:23Thus, quantum potential energy may be defined as the potential ability to do quantized work.
06:29OK, so now we have defined quantum potential energy, what about the dark reservoir?
06:35When we speak of the dark reservoir, we are referring to the existence of a conjectured
06:40fourth spatial dimension.
06:41Or in other words, we are referring to the existence of a conjectured fifth
06:46spacetime dimension, that is, if you prefer to think in terms of general relativity.
06:50Either way is fine.
06:52Since the dark reservoir comprises of quantum potential energy only,
06:56it has no inherent structure associated with the potential energy it contains.
07:01This is not unusual, of course, as no form of potential energy can have any structure
07:05associated with itself because, by definition, it has not done any work yet.
07:10It only has the potential to do work.
07:12Potential energy does not attribute structure to any form of energy until it is released.
07:18The dark reservoir of quantum potential energy has the potential to release quantized energy,
07:24so it cannot possess any experimentally observable inherent structure, as previously discussed.
07:30However, having said this, because its energetic structure is, figuratively speaking, undefined,
07:37it is entirely reasonable to assign an energetic structure to the dark reservoir
07:42of quantum potential energy if it assists in solving a related challenge.
07:46Assigning energetic structure to the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy
07:51is analogous to assigning a datum when appropriate,
07:54which is common practice across multiple engineering disciplines.
07:58In other words, because the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy has no inherent
08:03energetic structure, we are free to theorize in any manner we wish,
08:08if it serves our purposes to do so.
08:10On the next slide, we will revisit the mass and charge spectral convergence
08:15derivation process we executed in episode 95.
08:18We shall do this so that we do not need to describe the spin-mass-and-charge
08:22spectral convergence derivation process from scratch later in the video presentation.
08:27That is, we will only need to communicate key events.
08:30OK, let's revisit episode 95.
08:34The spectral convergence derivation process commences with the selection of a physical
08:38model to analyze.
08:39Herein, we shall utilize two similar fundamental charges.
08:43Hence, they are repulsive.
08:44However, the results we will present on the next slide are unaffected by the choice of
08:49similar or dissimilar fundamental charges.
08:52Thus, utilizing equally attractive or repulsive fundamental charges does not alter the outcome.
08:58OK, let's now walk through the spectral convergence derivation process step by step.
09:04Step 1 derives the electrostatic spectral energy density.
09:08In episode 34, we derived a relationship between the electrostatic force and the quantum vacuum.
09:14We did this in order to solve the long-standing and well-known many-orders-of-magnitude problem.
09:19We show that a 90-degree phase difference exists between the quantum vacuum,
09:24electrostatic and gravitational spectra.
09:26We recommend all viewers to review episode 34 before continuing.
09:31Step 2 involves two parts.
09:33The first part derives the electrostatic force density.
09:36The second part relates the electrostatic force to Newtonian acceleration via Buckingham
09:42pi theory.
09:43Please review episode 1 before continuing.
09:46Step 3 converts the resultant quantum vacuum acceleration arising from electrostatic and
09:51gravitational forces into a cubic frequency distribution utilizing Buckingham pi theory.
09:57Step 4 quantizes the output from step 3 into quantum vacuum spectral frequency form whilst
10:03obeying Fourier harmonics.
10:05Step 5 defines the ratio of energy densities for utilization in the harmonic cut-off function.
10:12OK, now that we have revisited the mass and charge spectral convergence derivation process
10:16from episode 95, let's look at the spin mass and charge spectral convergence derivation
10:23By revisiting the derivation process from previous episodes, we have saved ourselves
10:28a bit of time on this slide.
10:30That is, we can jump into the key events without delay.
10:34These events occurred at step 1 and step 3, that is, where centripetal acceleration has
10:39been injected in step 1 and its contribution incorporated into the ratio of energy densities
10:44appearing in step 3.
10:46However, the resultant quantum vacuum acceleration appearing in step 1 does have some special
10:53The special qualities exhibited by the resultant quantum vacuum acceleration appear on screen.
10:59We can see from episode 95 that the direction of the gravitational acceleration vector has
11:04no discernible computational impact upon the cubic frequency distribution associated with
11:09the quantum vacuum.
11:11However, the same cannot be said for the inclusion of the centripetal acceleration vector.
11:16We determined that a minor computational impact exists upon the cubic frequency distribution
11:22associated with the quantum vacuum, and we shall explore this on the next slide.
11:26Firstly, please note that the Higgs boson is a special case because it possesses zero
11:31spin angular momentum and zero charge, which is why it appears where it does in the table.
11:37So we will basically exclude it from the conversation for now.
11:41We shall begin by walking through table 1, as appears on screen.
11:45Table 1 contains eight columns.
11:47The columns of most interest to us are column 2, column 3, column 6, and column 7.
11:53The remaining columns are self-explanatory, particularly if you notice the nomenclature
11:57tile in the top right-hand corner of the slide.
12:01Columns 2 and 6 display the harmonic cutoff frequency when the centripetal acceleration
12:06vector is negative, whereas columns 3 and 7 display the harmonic cutoff frequency when
12:11the centripetal acceleration vector is positive.
12:14We show that, for charged particles, the similarity between solutions is extremely high, so any
12:20impact upon the solution derived in this episode is trivial.
12:24For neutrally charged particles, the similarity between solutions experiences minor impact,
12:30that is, a dissimilarity of approximately 30%.
12:35We describe it as minor because the harmonic cutoff frequency is many orders of magnitude
12:40above the Planck frequency.
12:41Hence, being so far above the Planck frequency means that a 30% disparity isn't that meaningful.
12:48OK, let's move on to our next table of results.
12:52In table 2, we lay out the solution algorithm in numerical terms via 10 columns of information.
12:58Columns 2 and 7 denote the spectral convergence factor.
13:02Columns 3 and 8 denote the harmonic cutoff mode.
13:05Columns 4 and 9 denote the spectral convergence radius.
13:09And columns 5 and 10 denote the harmonic cutoff frequency.
13:12The spectral convergence radius specifies the physical dimension whereby mass,
13:18charge, and spin angular momentum are unified with respect to the quantum vacuum.
13:23The harmonic cutoff frequency specifies the quantum vacuum upper spectral frequency limit
13:28specifically at the spectral convergence radius.
13:32In other words, the spectral convergence radius and the harmonic cutoff frequency go hand in hand.
13:38The spectral convergence factor is a numerical guesstimate required to
13:42initiate the execution of the solution algorithm.
13:45This is a common technique utilized in the information technology space,
13:50so it should be familiar to many viewers.
13:52The reason it is termed the spectral convergence factor is because the quantum vacuum converges
13:58to a single harmonic mode, which can be seen by the results displayed in columns 3 and 8.
14:03The results displayed in columns 4 and 9 and columns 5 and 10 denote the solutions
14:09satisfying the condition of unity displayed in columns 3 and 8.
14:12In other words, once columns 3 and 8 have been generated, the solutions in columns 4, 5, 9,
14:18and 10 simply drop out because they satisfy the constraints defined by columns 3 and 8.
14:24In table 3, we execute a side-by-side scale comparison.
14:28Firstly, we look at the spin radius as appears in column 2.
14:32This is the physical dimension which powers spin angular momentum from the
14:36dark reservoir of quantum potential energy via the zero-point field interface.
14:41Secondly, we look at the spectral convergence radius pertaining to mass and charge
14:46as appears in column 3.
14:48This specific configuration of spectral convergence radius denotes the physical dimension whereby the
14:54quantum vacuum electrostatic spectrum converges with the quantum vacuum gravitational spectrum.
15:00The concept of spectral convergence means that both spectra, that is mass and charge,
15:04share a common harmonic frequency mode, that is, the harmonic cut-off mode equals unity.
15:10This means that both spectra may be described by a single harmonic frequency mode
15:15termed the quantum vacuum upper spectral frequency limit.
15:18Thirdly, we look at the spectral convergence radius pertaining to mass,
15:23charge, and spin angular momentum as appears in column 4.
15:26To cut a long story short, the same principle applies to this configuration involving
15:31spin angular momentum as we just described in relation to mass and charge appearing in column 3.
15:37Lastly, we look at the zero-point field equilibrium radius as appears in column 5.
15:43It is important to recognize that the principle of zero-point field equilibrium radius
15:47has been experimentally verified against all presently available
15:51confirmed particle size measurements.
15:53It may be surprising for viewers to learn that the physical size of so few particles
15:58have been experimentally measured and confirmed. Of the 17 particles listed in column 5,
16:03only two of them have been experimentally measured to high precision.
16:06That's less than 12% of the column 5 population.
16:10I would like to draw your attention to the purple numbers appearing in columns 2 and 4.
16:15The purpose for this emphasis is to accentuate the fact that the spin radius,
16:19which represents mechanical rotation, generates results within two orders of magnitude of the
16:24spectral convergence radius associated with mass, charge, and spin angular momentum with
16:29respect to neutrally charged particles, with the obvious exception of the Higgs boson,
16:34which is a special case particle.
16:37The reason this alignment of results is significant is because the methods and
16:41physical principles utilized to generate the results appearing in columns 2 and 4
16:45are vastly different. The fact that the results associated with six particles align so well
16:51when they have been derived utilizing vastly different methods and physical principles
16:55is noteworthy. These six particles represent greater than 35% of the particle population
17:01appearing in columns 2 and 4.
17:03In table 4, we execute a side-by-side frequency comparison.
17:07The spin frequency as appears in column 2 denotes the mechanical rotation frequency of each particle.
17:13Column 3 specifies the quantum vacuum harmonic cutoff frequency associated with mass and charge.
17:18Column 4 specifies the quantum vacuum harmonic cutoff frequency associated with mass,
17:22charge, and spin angular momentum.
17:25Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the purple numbers appearing in columns 2 and 4.
17:29The spin frequency, which represents mechanical rotation, generates results within two orders of
17:34magnitude of column 4 results with respect to neutrally charged particles, with the obvious
17:39exception of the Higgs boson, which is a special case particle.
17:43We have also emphasized the numerical magnitude of the results between columns 3 and 4
17:48pertaining to charged particles. We can see that the quantum vacuum harmonic cutoff frequency
17:52associated with column 3 generates results within two orders of magnitude of column 4 results.
17:58OK, let's now analyze what we have derived so far.
18:01The first thing we will do is take a closer look at the orders of magnitude relationships
18:05we just mentioned. We can see that the relationship between columns 2 and 4 on table 5
18:11is two orders of magnitude, as expected. Moreover, the relationship between columns 7 and 8 on table
18:176 is also two orders of magnitude, once again, as expected. From these orders of magnitude
18:22relationships, we can see that the ratio between them is approximately 2.4.
18:27This implies that our spectral convergence solution, which incorporates spin angular
18:32momentum, is seemingly consistent across the entire population of neutrally charged particles
18:37and charged particles. So what does this mean? Well, it means that we have two options available
18:42to us. Number one, we can treat spin angular momentum as a discrete and disconnected physical
18:48phenomenon from the quantum vacuum spectral convergence we have demonstrated incorporating
18:53mass and charge. In other words, columns 2 and 6 stand alone from columns 3 and 7.
18:58However, the contribution of columns 2, 3, 6, and 7 combined represent a complete solution
19:05describing particulate mass, charge, and spin angular momentum. Or, number two, we can consider
19:11mass, charge, and spin angular momentum to be unified physical phenomena via the quantum vacuum.
19:16Consequently, columns 4 and 8 represent a complete solution describing particulate mass,
19:22charge, and spin angular momentum. So then, which option should we use going forward?
19:27Well, to answer this question, we need to reflect upon a few things. In episodes 93 and 94,
19:33we calculated the spin energy required to power the phenomenon of spin angular momentum
19:38from the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy via the zero-point field interface.
19:44In order to execute these calculations, we required knowledge of particulate mass moment
19:48of inertia. Consequently, we assumed a classical representation of particles, that is, each
19:54particle is treated as a spinning ball. The problem this introduces is that particles are
19:59not actually spinning balls, and the classical representation of particulate matter is,
20:05at best, a useful approximation only. So then, what does this mean? Well,
20:10it means that we need to ask the following question. Do we actually need to estimate
20:15the spin energy? If the answer to this question is yes, then we should utilize option 1,
20:20whereby the spin frequency calculation is kept isolated from the spectral convergence frequency
20:25associated with mass and charge, as appears in column 3. Moreover, by keeping the spin frequency
20:31isolated from our quantum vacuum harmonic cutoff frequency calculation, we retain enough flexibility
20:36in order to recompute spin energy calculations based upon alternate mass moment of inertia
20:41configurations. However, if the answer to this question is no, that is, we do not need to
20:46estimate particulate spin energy, then option 2 becomes the preferred solution because mass,
20:52charge and spin angular momentum are unified with respect to the quantum vacuum. Having said this,
20:57option 1 may still be utilized if we wish to isolate the phenomenon of spin angular momentum
21:02from the quantum vacuum, for whatever reason or motivation we have for taking this approach.
21:06So, pretty much, the choice between option 1 and option 2 becomes a matter of personal preference,
21:12depending upon whatever our particular research objective or modeling requirements might be at the
21:17time. For interested viewers, you can find a list of useful references on the next slide.