The makers of Akshay Kumar-starrer upcoming film 'Sarfira' recently released a BTS video from the shoot of the movie, wherein we can see the 'Khiladi' of Bollywood lending a helping hand to a senior lady, who was boarding her first-ever flight. A recent video from the sets of 'Sarfira' is melting hearts across the internet. With grace and kindness, the video shows Akshay taking away the heavy bag from her and offering assistance during her scene. The video captures Akshay speaking to the lady in fluent Marathi, creating a moment of genuine warmth and connection. The senior lady’s heartfelt blessing towards the end of the clip is evidence of the impact of Akshay’s kindness off-camera. The movie is set to release in theatres on July 12.
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00:00The makers of Akshay Kumar Starrer upcoming film Sarfira recently released a BTS video
00:05from the shoot of the movie wherein we can see the Khiladi of Bollywood lending a helping
00:10hand to a senior lady who was boarding her first ever flight.
00:14A recent video from the sets of Sarfira is melting hearts across the internet.
00:19With grace and kindness, the video shows Akshay taking away the heavy bag from her and offering
00:24assistance during her scene.
00:26The video captures Akshay speaking to the lady in fluent Marathi, creating a moment
00:30of genuine warmth and connection.
00:33The senior lady's heartfelt blessing towards the end of the clip is evidence of the impact
00:37of Akshay's kindness off-camera.
00:40Sarfira is inspired by the life of Air Deccan founder G. R. Gopinath, who revolutionized
00:45air travel in India by making it affordable for the common man.
00:49The movie stars Radhika Madan alongside Akshay.
00:53Sarfira not only tells an inspiring story but also involves real-life locals from small
00:58towns who experienced their first flight during the making of the film.
01:02The makers also recently released a new track from the movie titled Chaawat, which captures
01:08the joyous spirit of a traditional Maharashtrian wedding.