Battle Through the Heavens Season 5 Episode 102 Sub Indo ■ English Sub

  • 3 months ago
00:00找回状态麦洞回来 麦洞提醒灵精彩即将开始
00:10天山血坛终于开启 在硝烟的力挺之下 拿兰燕燃也获得进入血坛修炼的资格
00:20为了尽快提升实力 硝烟不过危险独自潜入血坛底部
00:26而此时 凤卿儿等人还在为争夺血坛中的修炼资源大打出手
00:33硝烟凭借异国以及世间鼠族的信物 顺利进入了资源更优质的捷径空间
00:40在其分身的助力下 以极快的速度吸收能量晶体
00:46待突破之谷后 硝烟的灵魂之力竟再次进入药佬关押之处
00:53与老师的短暂相逢 更加坚定了硝烟解救老师的决心
01:05传说若能达到豆地之境 其后嗣也将拥有得天独厚的修炼天赋
01:16放眼斗气大陆 能与传承豆地血脉的古族相抗衡的势力 一了了可数
01:26古族背景竟如此响荡 难怪轩儿要我步入多宗界别后才能寻他
01:35竟是他这样 没问题吧
01:53古族的势力主要集中在中州东域 族中之人大多居住在古界
02:00至于古界具体在何处 我便不知情了
02:06嗯 斗胜阶别的强者撕裂虚空开辟出一方独立空间
02:22经历无数年的加固与扩张 其念迹定是十分辽阔
02:35嗯 多谢金谷前辈
02:46金氏前辈体内的火毒已经去除 剩下的就是好好调养了
02:59既然事情都已经解决 不知道硝银小兄弟接下来有何打算
03:11这次四方阁大会是由风雷阁举办 硝银小兄弟一定要小心啊
03:18那凤卿儿通过这次血坛实力也达到了斗宗 可是这届四方阁大会的夺冠热门
03:25放心吧 两位前辈 小子自有分寸
03:33斗宗戒备的速度果然不同寻常 没有动用古异也能这么快离开天目山脉
03:43风雷东阁倒是挺远的 得加个准 绝不能错过四方阁大会
04:06好浓郁的风雷之力 这四方阁大会倒是吸引了不少人
04:32要是在这里被他们认出来 怕是无法再见到风尊者了
04:37快快快 第五招 只要接下这招就能参加比赛了
04:56当然若是前来捧场观赛 请从左边石道登山
05:05此行目的只为寻风尊成 还是低调行事 尽量避免暴露身份
05:16这位朋友 我看你已经达到参赛资格了
05:24不必了 我来此也只是寻人而已 对大会没有兴趣
05:30这小子看起来平平无奇 竟以这个高手来
05:33这家伙 你太嚣张了
05:37不知道 我也只是在他踏入石道的时候 感觉我的火属性能量波动了一下
06:10风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:13风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:16风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:19风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:22风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:24风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:25风雷夜裂 异地终终
06:47他便是风雷阁的阁主 黎尊者吧 果然极为恐怖
07:15剑尊者 这一次你倒是来的快啊
07:25风雷夜裂 异地终终
08:00黄泉尊者 雷尊者
08:06但比起某个在封尊者手中 仅支撑了百余回合的人
08:15这老家伙明明速度最快 却喜欢最后一个刀
08:34四雷尊者都来了 真可谓群英汇聚
08:42若封尊者真是重情重义之人 那将是助我解救老师的最大帮手
08:56今天是四方阁盛会开幕之日 雷山圣地乃我风雷阁所在
09:04本尊在此感谢诸位远道而来 为雷山捧场添光
09:11大会即将开始 望诸位遵守规矩 不要行出阁之举
09:17风雷烈烈 引领众忠
09:20风雷烈烈 引领众忠
09:23风雷烈烈 引领众忠
09:26本届大会筛选而出的参赛者 共有五十三人
09:31老规矩 众人静静 不可对投降认输者再动手
09:36认输者离场 剩下的生死不论 决筑四强
09:42现在 请参赛者入场
09:50我这方 班农队的张云厚好身体
09:57力气闭上嘴 杀人凶手
10:11范振清� Kristia 精祖
10:13Hey, where are the people from the Furniture Pavilion?
10:17Why isn't anyone coming to the Furniture Pavilion?
10:19That's right, the Furniture Pavilion isn't here.
10:44Now that everyone is here, let the tournament begin!
10:51Let's go!
11:07There are too many of them!
11:14Don't fight!
11:15If we keep fighting like this, we won't be able to win!
11:33Let's work together.
11:36There are too many people on the ground, it's easy to cause trouble.
11:39At that time, I'm afraid even running away is a problem.
11:58We want to follow Qing'er's plan.
12:00This time at the Furniture Pavilion, we will definitely win.
12:03Then we have to ask the Furniture Pavilion if they agree.
12:05The Furniture Pavilion hasn't started yet.
12:08The Furniture Pavilion hasn't started yet?
12:10What is the Furniture Pavilion?
12:38Let's go!
12:46I am Tang Lang, Wu Chan.
12:48Let's fight again!
13:11You are not qualified to block my way.
13:13Damn it, I can't see her strength at all.
13:17The disciple who was personally trained by the Thunder Lord is really extraordinary.
13:23The Furniture Pavilion is really hidden.
13:26This tournament should be the Furniture Pavilion's biggest win.
13:31The Thunder Lord is too much.
13:33Your female disciple is not an ordinary person.
13:36Even if she has the power of the Sky Wheel,
13:38she is still the best in the world.
13:42Wang Chen's strength is not as good as these.
13:44It seems that the Imperial Army will be defeated again at this tournament.
13:50He deserves to be the winner.
13:51He is so young and strong.
13:53It's just that the Furniture Pavilion's tournament attracts so many people.
14:02Lin Ye?
14:03Why is this guy here?
14:07I haven't seen him for a few years.
14:08Lin Ye has also reached the level of Douhuang.
14:12It seems that he has also been training for a few years.
14:16His martial arts skills are really amazing.
14:20It's just that he walks around like a duck.
14:25It seems that Lin Ye is still training.
14:37It seems that he is still training.
14:46It's a trap.
14:47Don't run.
15:07I admit defeat.
15:08You admit defeat?
15:12I'm just warming up.
15:17I'm just warming up.
15:22Shameless bastard.
15:25Is this your last word?
15:27What are you doing?
15:28What are you doing?
15:29What do you want to do?
15:30Are you going to die here again?
15:34You guy.
15:35What are you doing in this place?
15:38Don't make a sound.
15:40Why did you come to Zhongzhou?
15:42Who are you?
15:44Why do you interfere with the tournament?
15:47According to the rules of the tournament,
15:48the loser will continue to be killed.
15:51If you don't go to him,
15:52why do you come to me?
15:55A loser who came here by luck.
15:57Just kill him.
15:59What's the big deal?
16:01The people of Huangquan Pavilion seem to be of this quality.
16:04You can stay until now.
16:05It's just a trick to sneak attack.
16:09What's so arrogant?
16:10This guy really doesn't know death.
16:12Dare to offend Huangquan Pavilion.
16:15This person.
16:17Who are you?
16:19How about Huangquan Pavilion?
16:21It's not your turn to comment.
16:25Even I can't see his strength.
16:28This guy is strange.
16:30My friend said he admitted defeat in advance.
16:32But the other party still wants to kill him.
16:33It is against the rules of the loser.
16:37Those who do not respect.
16:38Solve these little troubles as soon as possible.
16:41Don't delay the progress of the tournament.
16:44What do you think about this matter?
16:47Do it according to the rules.
16:49Those who disrupt the tournament.
16:51Thunderstorm 50 times.
16:53Burn Lei Mountain.
16:55The mistake is not in him.
16:57The reward and punishment are not clear.
16:58You are trying to make Lei Zunzhe.
17:00A name that is not fair.
17:02What Feng Zunzhe said is right.
17:04It's better to take a step back.
17:06Let this person take his friend out.
17:09The tournament will continue.
17:11How about it?
17:13Since you have an opinion about my situation.
17:18Then I will give you a chance.
17:21Let you compete with Wang Chen.
17:24If you win.
17:25You can take your friend and leave safely.
17:28How about it?
17:29This old guy.
17:31There is no respect for the fight.
17:34This Wang Chen is very powerful.
17:36If you dare not fight.
17:37Then you will be kowtowed three times.
17:40Then worship me as a teacher.
17:41Just do it.
17:43Otherwise, you can't leave.
17:45Don't be impulsive.
17:51Don't worry.
17:52People who come out of the inner garden.
17:54Will never bow down.
17:56If you want to fight.
17:57Just fight.
