جودا أكبر موسم 2 حلقة 11 مدبلجة

  • 2 months ago
00:30You can make love happy
00:35And give to make the world hear
00:38My greatest love, Judah
00:40My greatest love, Judah
01:01My greatest love, Judah
01:08My greatest love, Judah
01:12I will sacrifice myself for you
01:16And give to make the world hear
01:21My greatest love, Judah
01:25In the hands of the greatest love of the Assyrians
01:30The syrian army is forced to retreat
01:35The attack of the Assyrians began
01:39The rebellion of Syrians
01:43The Syrian army goes on
01:49Syrians are rebelling in the west
01:54Syrians attack the liberators
03:27About to do you like it. Yeah, I did it. Oh my god. I'm a Musa
03:30He's a lot of the money. Okay. I'm sure but they must hurry. I couldn't buy it
03:33Isn't it? But they give her diet. I don't know how to match you don't make me don't know how to show you Moti
03:37How do you know she was killed?
03:41She'll continue I'm at all. He had a child who will age a lot
03:44I had a child and I can dump it to be presented. Oh, yeah, I did it
03:48Oh, I did it. I never met again. I had a child. He's on you. Do you think I'll be someone's a mom?
03:53Moosah ha ha ha ha
04:01Malika Judah majooli kteer bil-hassabat. Oh mashaka. The Asr al-harim
04:05Lazen to be a kteer meh ya malika
04:07Iyak al-zahir ya ammi
04:09Men abil fatra ya habibi
04:11Kanat al-malika Ruqayya tahtambi hal-omur bidun tardut
04:15Bas mobzun anna kene tontor
04:17Lahata t'abila lano al-malik daiman aham min hada al-shagh
04:21Tafasil hon kteer muhommi
04:23Al-maliki Judah, lasata jdeeda a shaglat al-harim bidak t'thamal
04:27Bidda shwayet waqt Judah wabtata'awad
04:29Anna rah rooh hala w khabara anna khon w bidak t'shufa
04:33Lakhza ammi, mafi da'i, ma bdiyaka tnadila abadan
04:38El yom awal yom la ila, fa khaliya amta'atambi al-shagli kteer mnih
04:41Shway shway, wa ba'dain, rah t'ta'awad ala hal-omur la hala
04:46W bsraha ya'ni ya ammi, anna mbsot la'ni shayfa hayk
04:50Am t'shtagl la hala wa anna b'yajbouni nasli li b'ihtirmu mas'uliyatun
04:54Shufi kif am t'shtagl ba'dma ribhat bil-intikhabat wa muh ahtaflit abadan
04:57La, bil-aqs, balashet bil-shagl fawran
05:00Mshahayk, anna ma bdiyatdakhl bi-shagla wala bi-ayya shakl
05:05Maliki Judah
05:06Shufi kif ma'ana fadi, ma'alish, khaliya hayk, am t'kaffi shagla ahsan
05:10Fini qol shagla ya Jalal
05:13Ana shayfa innak ma'al-waqt am t'tghayyar wa yitghayyar taba'ak
05:20La'na al-waqt bi-ghayyar kel shi fina, wa bi-a'tina droos jdideh bil-hayat
05:24Yalla khalina nrooh, wa ba'dayn ana b'gabil Judah bi-waqt thani
05:39Ahla wa sahla bil-maliki
05:43Kint arfan innak rahtiji l'andi
05:49Wa kif a'rifat inno hay ana? Berki hada ghayri?
05:55Akid min sot khtwatik
05:57Aywa? Mnih annak lissatak hafiz sot khtwati
06:01Illi lakan, madamak a'ad wa fadi, lesh inta ma'ajit l'andi?
06:06Hellak ma ba'a andi mas'uliyat kteer, ana faditir lak al-akhir
06:11Min mbarih, wa ana amfakar inno enti lesh sawotti l'Judah, wa lesh ya'amilti hayk, wafakti t'slim badalik
06:19Bas ana ba'arif lesh enti ya'amilti hayk, wa m'takit
06:24Tayyib hakili, shu ssabab bi-ra'ya?
06:27Ya'amilti hayk, msh'ayni sir a'andik
06:29Waqt farag, wa Judah ddala majghouli, wa ma tafda t'shoufni abadan
06:35Ana z'alt minnak ya jala, ana hawalt kteer, a'amil kermalak shi minih bihal asr
06:40Wa shift inno l'kilb l'don Judah t'stlim
06:44Qilt l'hali basita, bima enno l'kilb l'don Judah t'stlim umour l'harim badali
06:49Lakan lesh ma btakhud l'fursa 3al-aqal?
06:51Ana kan biddi koun moti3a ilak, wa ihtaramit wa qadert makanti b'hal qarar, wa qadamit wafaq w'tibe
06:57Wa bil-akhir, ma'aqoul enti t'tfakir fini b'hat tariqah?
07:00La ma hayk l'qussa abadan, bas binbasit lama ba'arif enti wahdi moti3a
07:05Mashi tayeb, enti kaman mfakirni 3anida kteer, wa ma bti3a kelle l'kalam lli btekoulo ma hayk?
07:12Bas l'haqiqa ya jalal, ana ma fini itgada abadan 3an lli btehki
07:18Ma fi shi b'hayati, ahem w'aghlab l'aalam minnak sadeqni, la ma kante l'malika l'kbire, wala hatta l'sulta bteghrini
07:26Binbasit lama esma3ik, a'am t'atini ahemiyah kbire b'hat tariqah, enti biddi kikoun 3andek waqed farag
07:33Bas choufi la3bet alqadar ma3ik, 3andek waqed farag wa ma 3andek mas'ouliyat abadan, bas ana l'asaf ma 3andi waqed abadan
07:41Jalal, la jalal, ana ma bdi esma3 hal haqiq, enti lazam tlaqi waqed m'shani wahdi
07:47Jalal, ma fik t'3amel hayk shi m'shan malik takil momayaze?
07:52Mashi khalas, bokra ba'dal ihtifar ahawil fadhi waqet m'shanik
07:58Choufi laqella, awal shi bidna nal3ab polo, wa ba'dam m'seed, m'rooh 3as3ed, chou raqiyak?
08:04Laqenno sar lna zaman ma r3hna 3as3ed, mo hay?
08:07Khalwa l fikra
08:09Anjad Jalal, ana mabsota kteer habibi, laqenni ma3ak wa janba
08:29Khalas shaglak m'shan nrooh
08:31El malik hala a'alan 3an ihtifal kbeer, wa lazim nrooh la hnik fawra
08:36Ya akhi, ihtifal bishou momken t'elli?
08:38Chou elit? Kent na3em ola chou?
08:40Kel wahed bi agrab ya3rif
08:42Sar l shhour m'safer, el yom la7ad t'arja3t
08:45M'shan hayk ma b't3arif
08:46El malik 3amel el yom, ihtifal kbeer wa maftouh, hal marra kel el nas mad3ouin 3aleh
08:50Wa el malik r3hi nzik, wa yuwaqif bain kel sh3abu, wa yuhtifil ma3na
08:58El malik salam sh3ana ma3al kel
09:00Waqta huwa s3ra3h, enno l3ma tishfa el malika Jouda, r3hi s3ir ihtifal kteer kbeer
09:04Wa yukoun momayaz fa3alan, wa 3azam kel el nas 3aleh
09:07Bas la3 hatta yashkira, wa yifar3ha menjouat 3alba
09:09Wa y3ab3rla 3an imtinano
09:11Yalla Abdoul, khalas b'sra3a wa ta3al
09:15Ana mapsout b'teer ya Jouda, la3enno el 3alem kelloum bi3habbouki
09:19Hala abl ma3 hada y3arafni b'l mant3qah, lazim r3oh b'sra3a mn houn
09:27S3ma3ouni mn3eh, b'tf3tchou b'sh3kle mn3eh wa k3teer d3qeeq
09:30El f3ayet wa el t3al33, b'tet3k3dou mn3eh min huwe
09:33El malik b'nafso r3hi ji l3houn wa y3h3dar el ihtifal
09:36Lazim tkoun ijra3at el amn kella 3mam, ma b'dna m3sh3kel
09:57Kabrita, kabrita, kabrita, kabrita, kabrita, kabrita
10:03L3amn mch3ll3d k3teer 3al3 h3ras3
10:06K3f b'di ittl3a balama 3hada y3nteb3h
10:09Chou? Ija el malik?
10:11L3j ma3 qalt3yli mouti?
10:12Ana h3awalt3 k3teer el3k, bas enti ma3 samm3htili ih3ki l3anak kent3y mesh3ghoule
10:16Wa ba3den el malik ch3fi b'nafso l3wada, wa qar3r eno ma3 y3atlik
10:20El3 li chou ba3amal ena?
10:22Kent3 mf3k3ra b3d3k t3kouli sh3 tani, ma kent3 3arfan3 en3k j3ayet 3khabri3ni 3ann3
10:26Wa kam3an h3wa ija b3la ma3 y3ba3tli 3khab3r
10:29H3ll3k chou b3kon3 3am b3f3k3r f3ni, en3 ma3 3andi w3qet el3o ab3da?
10:32Ak3t b3kon 3za3l min3
10:34T3wli ba3lek wa la t3f3kri h3k, ak3t ma3 za3l min3k
10:37L3knou kan3 3am y3bt3sem qab3l ma3 y3mshi, wa ak3t r3hi qab3lek ba3de
10:41Must3h3l, ana laz3m ro3 a3'tez3r min3 el3mal3k, ma f3ni y3est3n3 ab3da
11:16Moti kan3t b3da t3ll3k, ya3ret l3w kent3 a3tini khab3r qab3l, en3o en3ta b3d3k t3ji l3andi w3t3qab3lni
11:21F3k3rt en3o laz3m a3tiki khab3r, b3s sh3ft en3k kent3 k3t3r maj3ghoul3 l3ndar3j3t en3o l3w ij3w k3l el3mal3k, fa ma3 3and3k w3qet l3t3st3qab3l3y3on
11:29L3k j3l3lt el3mal3k, l3yom kan3 aw1 yom l3qel3y, w b3lb3da3 ma f3hm3t sh3 ni3ha3iy3an
11:35K3n3t d3y3a b3l sh3g3l, en3a b3qad3r el3mal3ka r3qeya b3ma en3a sh3t3g3l3t k3l3ha s3nin b3doun sh3k3ma
11:40K3n3t t3sht3g3l b3doun ma t3t3ab3, em3a en3a t3ab3t m3n aw1 yom sh3g3l mawla3y, ma b3ta3rif k3d3y3 sh3 t3ab3t
11:46E3st3n3y t3w3 li3 bal3k, en3a k3n3t aw3 b3m3z3h ma33k m3w3 ak3tar, w e3za b3d3k l3hi3qa m3bas3t l3ma sh3ft3k a3d3y3 sh3k3 maj3ghoul3
11:53T3y3b sh3k3r3n k3t3r la3 el3k, b3s en3ta ej3j3t l3 3nd3 w en3a m3a k3d3r t3qab3l3k, w h3l3 g3ll3t m3a r3hi3t k3r3r
11:59T3y3b sh3k3r3r
12:04T3y3b sh3k3r3r
12:09T3y3b sh3k3r3r
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17:34T3y3b sh3k3r3r
17:39T3y3b sh3k3r3r
17:45You can go now, if you can find some free time
17:52Okay, I have to go now, I have to get everything ready for tomorrow
17:57Good night
18:13Greetings, Queen Judah
18:15As you ordered, most of the servants you asked for are here in front of you and they are at your service
18:23Tell me, are you happy with your work and comfortable here?
18:27Yes, yes my queen
18:30Queen Judah, our servants work day and night, they don't rest at all or have a day off
18:36You see Judah, they have to be working even if they are not comfortable
18:41Girls, I want to explain something very important to you
18:45I don't care about their work, I didn't take over the job for the authority or to control you
18:50I took the responsibility for everyone to be comfortable here
18:54And no one should be bothered by anything
18:57And a person should be comfortable in his life when he starts on his own and he should be happy that he is working
19:02And he shouldn't be forced
19:04I am very sorry my queen, but all of them are servants and they don't have any rights
19:08Even if they have another life outside the palace
19:11I want them to spend the rest of their lives working and taking care of the palace
19:15And this is the palace law
19:17Yes, it was a long time ago
19:20But now everything has changed
19:22If anyone of you doesn't want to work here and wants to go back to his previous life
19:26I will respect his will and you have the right to do so
19:30And do anything, just tell me and I will help you a lot, trust me
19:34So tell me, who wants to leave here and leave the palace forever?
19:39My queen Judah
19:44This is against the rules of the empire, the servants are serving the king
19:47And it was a long time ago, what are you talking about?
19:49But now everything has changed
19:51They are just servants, they are not servants
19:54You don't have the right to decide this for yourself
19:56You don't have the right to free the servants, without any knowledge
20:00But as far as I know, there is no slavery in the kingdom
20:04Where did you get this from?
20:06I received the palace law a long time ago
20:09And these laws have been around for a long time
20:12And this makes me sad
20:14The laws have been around for many years
20:16But no one understands that it is a big mistake
20:18To force a person to work without any mercy
20:22There are no servants here who work without mercy
20:24They are always working like this
20:26And of course they are happy with their will
20:28And on the other hand, they get paid for this all the time, my queen Judah
20:31Depending on the work of course
20:32Okay, let us know the truth
20:37Tell me who is not working with her will
20:39And wants to leave the palace now
20:41I will free her right now
20:43Just tell me why, and I will give her her freedom
20:45Let's go girls
20:47After that, excuse me
20:48I want to be free a long time ago, my queen Judah
20:55I want to go to my family in Mathura
20:57I haven't seen them for a long time
21:02My queen Judah, I have devoted 15 years of my life to this place
21:05I want to go home as soon as possible
21:07And I am the queen
21:08And I am the queen
21:10You just told me that they are all working with their will
21:13But what is this mischief, Anga?
21:18There must be work
21:19Respect for everyone here
21:21And everyone who works in the palace
21:23We must preserve their dignity
21:24And those who do not want to work
21:26With their will
21:27They can take their freedom and leave immediately
21:32The king has the right to do this
21:35This is the right of the king
21:37He is the only one who decides
21:38The majesty of the king gave me the right to make decisions here in the palace
21:42And without going back to him if he wants
21:55I will work on this basis from now on
21:57And if you want to take your freedom to complete the procedures
22:00You can do this and take your freedom
22:03And the rest who want to stay
22:05If they decide to stay in the palace
22:07In the future they have the full right to do so
22:09And whenever they want to go, they can tell me and I will solve it
22:12Long live the queen Judah!
22:20My king
22:21All the arrangements for the celebration are ready
22:23And since the celebration is with the people
22:25The soldiers will be ready for any emergency
22:28But I want you to be aware that this celebration is for the people and all the people
22:31I want them to be happy and there should be nothing missing
22:34And no one should complain about anything at this celebration
22:38Peace be upon you
22:39And upon you peace
22:40You can go now
22:41And make sure of the arrangements if you please
22:44Yes my king
22:45With pleasure
22:52What happened? You seem nervous, is something wrong?
22:54I am here because there is a problem that makes one really nervous
22:59I told myself that you should know what is happening in the palace of Al-Hareem, your majesty
23:02The palace of Al-Hareem is under the administration of the queen Judah
23:04You have no right to say that
23:06But I want you to know about all the big changes
23:08That are happening in the palace of Al-Hareem without your knowledge
23:11Tell me what is going on
23:13It looks like it is a serious matter
23:15You better see for yourself and I will tell you everything while we are on our way
23:20Believe me, you will know everything by yourself
23:22Go ahead
23:25You did a great job Judah
23:27Even the servants are still humans
23:29They should have a little freedom like everyone else
23:32I am sorry your majesty the queen
23:34I know that you did a great job
23:36But the response to Angea's mission was not good
23:39I am sure that you will do something and you will not stay silent
23:45Look, she heard us and she came right away
23:48Greetings your majesty the king
23:53Queen Judah, I heard that you are making changes to the laws in the palace of Al-Hareem
23:57I expect that you know that
23:59There are things that have been there for a long time
24:01And no one dared to change it before
24:03I tried to explain to her
24:05I explained to her that this cannot happen because there are laws that have been there for a long time
24:09But she was in the palace of Al-Hareem
24:12And she was not there
24:14She was not there
24:16The palace of Al-Hareem has laws since time immemorial, and no one has ever changed them, Your Highness.
24:23Thank you, Ma'am Maham Anga, for letting the king come here.
24:29I was going to see you myself, Your Majesty.
24:32If the old custom is very important to you, then this doesn't mean it's right.
24:38With time, there are traditions that need to be changed and developed.
24:41You can't stay on your own.
24:43Look, I know that the palace of Al-Hareem is under your control, and you have the right to do whatever you want and as you wish.
24:48But the servants who have been working here for years and serving us, you can't let them go like this.
24:53What upsets me is that they have been working in this palace for years.
25:00No one listens to them at all.
25:05Don't embarrass me, Queen Judah.
25:07The servants' job is to work for us, not more, and serve the queens of this palace.
25:11We are not here to listen to them.
25:14If we want to listen to the servants and servants as you say, who is going to work for us?
25:19I know they are servants, but in the end they are humans like us.
25:22I don't understand you at all, Judah.
25:24Your Majesty, do you have time to know what I mean?
25:27Of course.
25:28If you allow me, Your Majesty, and if you don't have a problem,
25:31I ask the king to see a few places in the palace of Al-Hareem and let him understand what I mean.
25:36Thank you.
25:40Can I see Mrs. Maham Anga?
25:42Yes, of course.
25:43Of course, I have no problem.
25:45Please, Your Majesty.
26:06Greetings, Your Majesty. Greetings, Your Majesty Judah.
26:09Do you see this servant in your eyes?
26:11Her health is not good, and yet she is forced to work all the time and she can't rest.
26:19Because according to the laws here, if her health is good or bad,
26:23she must work without stopping for a moment.
26:26Did the doctor see you last night and treat you?
26:28Yes, Your Majesty King Judah. Thank you very much.
26:31Otherwise, I wouldn't have survived.
26:37Please, Your Majesty.
26:41I will show you how Al-Hareem is in the palace.
26:43You have never seen him before.
26:45I hope you understand my words.
26:47Why did I make this decision and what am I going to do?
26:50Come with me to the kitchen and you will see with your own eyes.
26:54Come on, come on.
26:55Hurry up.
26:56No one should stop working.
26:58All the food must be ready on time.
27:01You are in the kitchen, not in the hotel.
27:07Stay seated.
27:11Did you see with your own eyes, Your Majesty King?
27:13These servants, either I got them from the war, or they got rich.
27:17And ever since they came here and settled in the palace,
27:20cooking and working in the kitchen has become their whole life.
27:25And now, look at that old woman.
27:27The old woman should be with her grandchildren and friends,
27:30or serving her son or daughter.
27:32The important thing is that she should be comfortable at this age.
27:37But she, at this old age,
27:39has been working for 35 years,
27:41and she is grinding spices in the kitchen.
27:43She is not doing her job.
27:45She is not doing her job.
27:47She is not doing her job.
27:49She is not doing her job.
27:5130 years have already passed
27:52and she is still grinding spices in the kitchen.
27:57And she is not doing her job on her own will.
27:59She does it because she is forced,
28:01and she is spiritual, because she's preceded by God.
28:04The stone of grinding is made for her
28:06before you die and before I come, too.
28:11Is it possible that we don't miss our families?
28:14Don't you think she wants to be with her family and his beloved ones?
28:16But of course her family would be forgotten,
28:18or even forget her true forms.
28:19She doesn't have time to remember them, and they don't allow her to remember them.
28:25Tell me, Your Majesty, is this the pride of the Kingdom of Mongolia?
28:29Tell me, what do you think? Aren't they part of the Kingdom like us?
28:34For whom did you swear the oath?
28:36In any case, this imitation is good.
28:41And not just them, there are many others in the same situation.
28:47I want to do good for these people.
28:50That's why I took responsibility and decided to help.
28:57Come with me, Your Majesty.
29:05Oh my God!
29:06I don't want to. I don't want to eat, I want to see my mother.
29:10Come on, don't be stubborn, eat from my hand to see.
29:20Who is this king, Judah?
29:22What is this boy doing in the palace?
29:24Sorry, Your Majesty, I brought him here without your permission and without telling you.
29:30Babu, did you want to say something to the king?
29:33Look, he's standing in front of you.
29:35Say what you want.
29:37You're a bad man, king, and I don't love you.
29:42What is this boy saying? Is it possible?
29:45This boy, who has his tongue twisted and doesn't hide anything.
29:50That day when I was coming back from the prayer house,
29:53this boy sat on my pillow and he was quiet and afraid, hungry and thirsty.
29:58And what he needed more than anything was to find his mother quickly.
30:05The ones who sold him are your soldiers.
30:07Without any mercy.
30:09I saw them in the market, Your Majesty.
30:14This is a fact, it is also happening to us.
30:17The mothers who are sold become slaves.
30:20And their children are separated from each other.
30:22Today he thinks that you are unworthy,
30:24but if he spends all his childhood in this state,
30:27he will grow up and become unworthy.
30:33The most important thing in this boy's life and all the children like him,
30:36is to have their mothers always with them.
30:45Why is Jalal crying?
30:47Your Majesty, we tried to calm him down, but the prince has been crying for a long time.
30:53Can't you deal with a little child?
30:55Don't you know how to please him?
30:56No, I'm not stupid.
30:57Go away, go away.
31:03Enough, enough, enough.
31:08What happened, my love?
31:09Who made you cry and be sad?
31:11What do you want, my love?
31:12Why are you crying?
31:13Look how many beautiful toys you have and you are crazy.
31:16But if you don't love them, there is no problem.
31:18I will buy you new toys, better than them,
31:20but there is no need to cry, my love.
31:22Tell me what you want, but don't make the boy sad.
31:24Come on.
31:27I want my mother to come back to me quickly.
31:34I am really a bad man.
31:36I promise you that I will keep my promise to the queen,
31:38and I will find your mother as soon as possible,
31:40and you will not be sad.
31:42God willing, I will find her and bring her back to you.
31:45You love your father very much, my king.
32:03Episode 2
32:21Benazir al-Sammi
32:24She was buried in this very deep well,
32:27after her attempt to kill Jalal al-Din.
32:30This place is dangerous.
32:33Benazir is inside.
32:35God bless the person who gave life to the king.
32:39We are all grateful to you for this great deed.
32:43Please do not get close to this well.
32:46This place is perfect.
32:48No one will find me here.
32:51When the guards are down, at midnight,
32:53I will leave Agra and go far away.
33:04Benazir al-Sammi
33:06Benazir al-Sammi
33:08Benazir al-Sammi
33:10Benazir al-Sammi
33:12Benazir al-Sammi
33:14Benazir al-Sammi
33:16Benazir al-Sammi
33:18Benazir al-Sammi
33:20Benazir al-Sammi
33:22Benazir al-Sammi
33:24Benazir al-Sammi
33:26Benazir al-Sammi
33:28Benazir al-Sammi
33:30Benazir al-Sammi
33:53You tried to finish your work, Benazir,
33:56but your mission did not end well.
33:58And I died for this. I won't let your sacrifice go to waste.
34:05Bitar will take your sacrifice, don't worry.
34:10This is a promise of honor to you from Abu al-Mali.
34:29Don't be afraid of me.
34:35It's me.
34:36Tell me, what's the news?
34:38The news is good, Mr. Abu al-Mali.
34:40What's going to happen?
34:41King Jalal will have a big celebration with the people at the flag tomorrow night.
34:46And we won't find a better opportunity to kill Jalal and get rid of him.
34:51I'll tell you when I see the right time, and you do the rest.
34:55Be careful.
34:57Very good.
34:59I'm very happy that you finished your work so quickly, hero.
35:02I would have done the same, Mr. Abu al-Mali.
35:06But after we kill King Jalal, you'll remember your promise, right?
35:11Yes, of course.
35:37Abu al-Mali wants to kill King Jalal tomorrow.
35:40And at the celebration.
35:42Who's going to help Abu al-Mali with this?
35:51Queen Ruqayya.
35:55What are you doing?
35:57Queen Ruqayya, I'm here to talk to you about something important, and you...
36:02Everyone, get out!
36:08What's your problem with me?
36:10You're really weird.
36:12You care about clothes more than politics?
36:14How can you put everything behind your back like that?
36:18Who's Queen Ruqayya that I don't know?
36:20Where's the old Queen Ruqayya, who was in charge of all the Mongolian empires?
36:26And today...
36:28You don't even know what's going on in Al-Hareem Palace.
36:32Maham Anga.
36:33This is Queen Judah's business, not mine.
36:36And now, I'm going to spend all my time with the king without any work.
36:41But Al-Hareem Palace used to be yours.
36:44Queen Ruqayya.
36:45Queen Judah freed the slaves in the palace, and now they're just servants.
36:50They're not slaves anymore.
36:52That's great.
36:54Let's see what happens when Jalal finds out about this.
36:57Oh, no.
36:58Queen Judah is finished.
37:00You misunderstood.
37:03The king knows everything, and I told him myself.
37:06And the king gave all the freedom to Judah to make any decision.
37:09And he had no problem with that.
37:13What are you talking about?
37:15And you thought you were going to work now, and you were going to rest in peace.
37:20You're going to spend more time with King Jalal, aren't you?
37:23But I want to tell you something important, Queen Ruqayya.
37:26Queen Judah was able to get rid of him.
37:28Easily, because she knows how to behave.
37:33Queen Judah also knows how to take her place in the king's heart.
37:38I warned you a lot before.
37:40How many times have I warned you about her?
37:42Ever since Queen Judah came to our palace, I told you that nothing good would come of it.
37:48I also told you that it would be very difficult for you to control her and control her.
37:53But you didn't listen to me and see the consequences.
37:56Queen Judah is controlling everything in the palace.
37:59Everything here was yours before, right?
38:02The Harim and King Jalal.
38:05And you.
38:08You lost everything.
38:13Why are you laughing like this?
38:17Answer me, why are you laughing like this and without this joke?
38:20But what can I do, Queen Ruqayya?
38:22Jalal likes people who play with his mind and make him convinced.
38:26And I was proud of her at that time.
38:29When you were in control of Jalal's mind and controlling him.
38:32But today, Queen Judah is the only one who thinks for the king and no one else.
38:38And Queen Judah is always playing with King Jalal's mind.
38:42Queen Judah is in control of his mind and controlling him to the end.
38:45And you.
38:48You only care about yourself and your external beauty.
38:52Maybe you know this, Queen Ruqayya.
38:55That you are in control of Jalal and his mind right now.
38:58You have no choice but to care about your beauty and your external appearance.
39:03Enough with the jokes.
39:05You started to cross your limits with me.
39:07I hope you excuse me today, Queen Ruqayya.
39:09I don't want to hurt you or upset you.
39:11I just want you to be comfortable and happy in the end.
39:14But I'm explaining the situation to you so that you can look around you.
39:18And see how Queen Judah has become the queen today.
39:23The decision, the Harim, King Jalal and everything.
39:29And you.
39:32You have nothing, Queen Ruqayya.
39:38In any case, I will go, Queen Ruqayya.
39:43Peace be upon you.
40:03I was very shocked when I heard what that boy was saying.
40:06It's true that I have servants and servants,
40:08but I never expected them to be so unjust.
40:12Because before anyone showed you,
40:14you would advance after winning the battle,
40:16and these servants would stay where they were.
40:19And you no longer ask about them,
40:21even though they need you by their side.
40:23Some of them become your soldiers in the palace,
40:25and some of them become servants in the Harim,
40:27and others are sold in the market like any cat or cheap weapon.
40:32They deal with the worst treatment you can imagine.
40:35And when they become servants,
40:37their lives become a slave to orders other than King Jalal.
40:40But how did you know all this?
40:42When I found Babu Harban,
40:43I saw everything with my own eyes in the market at that time.
40:46I saw with my own eyes how they were sold by the merchants.
40:50They were hungry and thirsty,
40:52and they were killing their lives and hating their lives,
40:54and only God knows where they will go.
40:56Babu ran away from them and came to me and hid.
40:59We can't control what is happening outside.
41:02But I don't want a slave system in the palace.
41:05And change must start from your house,
41:07so that everyone can change.
41:09I want someone who will become a servant,
41:11who will be acting on his own will,
41:13and he will be satisfied.
41:15If they work on their own will, they will be satisfied.
41:17And you won't find anyone complaining about anything,
41:19nor will they get their share.
41:24You are right about everything you said.
41:27I was shocked when I saw what was happening,
41:29especially when he came to me in the palace,
41:31even though I am the king.
41:36Maybe because they are not following your orders,
41:38and you are not listening to what is happening,
41:40and you don't know all the injustice that is happening.
41:42Maybe he is not hiding himself,
41:44because there is no clear law against the slave system.
41:47And for this reason, this thing still exists.
41:51Your Majesty,
41:52evil always finds a way to pass through it.
41:55And then it will be a natural duty for good
41:58to stop in the way of evil,
42:00like the mountain with all its strength.
42:05You are right, King Judah.
42:07I promise you that I will review the matter in every minute,
42:09and I will also find a solution.
42:11I want to punish everyone who has a slave
42:13and does not give him his freedom.
42:15Listen to me carefully, Judah.
42:17You have the right to make any decision in the palace
42:19without asking anyone,
42:20and I also want to ask you for another request.
42:22As dangerous and as bad as it was,
42:24come to me.
42:25Come and tell me immediately,
42:27and don't hide anything from me
42:28so that we can find you a quick solution.
42:29And this will be a promise of honor from me, Judah,
42:31that I will always listen to you,
42:32and I will trust your words,
42:33and I will not believe anyone else but you.
42:35There are many things around me
42:37that I could not see,
42:38but you made me pay attention to them and see them,
42:40and you understand everything that is happening to us.
42:44King Judah,
42:45you ended slavery in the palace of Harim,
42:47and I will end it in the whole kingdom.
42:51Thank you.
43:06The guards are very strict today because of the celebration.
43:09I must hide as much as I can.
43:14If you see anyone during the celebration
43:16walking around here,
43:17or suspect that someone has been arrested
43:19and released,
43:20this is a matter of urgency,
43:22and you must not make any mistakes.
43:24I am not a slave.
43:25I am a man.
43:26I am a man.
43:27I am a man.
43:28I am a man.
43:29I am a man.
43:30I am a man.
43:31I am a man.
43:32I am a man.
43:33I am a man.
43:34You must not make any mistakes.
44:01What are you doing here?
44:02End of the road now!
44:03Before the celebration, I have to see my sister Jouda.
44:11I have to tell her that my father, Mali, and someone from the palace want to kill King Jalal in this party.
44:16I wish, I wish she would come to the house.
44:20Otherwise, I don't think I will be able to meet her at all.
44:23Now there is only my sister Jouda.
44:26She will tell me who is the person who wants to kill King Jalal and get rid of him.
44:32Look, Adga.
44:34I heard about the atrocities and atrocities of the slaves' treatment here.
44:37And worse than that, this is happening in my palace as well.
44:41Could it be that we didn't notice until now?
44:44Didn't I order before that no one should treat the slaves in this way?
44:47That's why I told myself that I have to talk to you and make sure of this again.
44:51Yes, why not?
44:53If a person sells another person and trades in him simply, it is a very big sin.
44:59But Your Majesty, from Agra to Bukhara, and also from Bihar to Bengal, this is happening all the time.
45:05But I know that whatever I do against this will be very good.
45:16Come in, sir. Come in.
45:18Come here, sir. Come and choose.
45:20Choose any guy.
45:22I have a beautiful girl here.
45:24Only 20 dirhams.
45:26These boys are worth 10 dirhams each.
45:28They will serve you all your life and fulfill all your wishes.
45:31They will be your slaves all your life and I am sure you will thank me.
45:34Come in, sir. Come in.
45:36I like this girl.
45:38Come in, sir. I am here to serve you.
45:41I mean, honestly, your choice is perfect.
45:44Because she is a small and beautiful girl.
45:46Only the jewels that are special for real diamonds.
45:48Come in. Only 20 dirhams. Take it.
45:50That's too much. I will give him 15 dirhams.
45:52No, sir. That's not fair. Give me more.
45:54At least I will pay you 18 dirhams.
45:56Not more than 16.
45:58What can I do now? I won't be unfair to you or you won't be unfair to me.
46:0017 for lunch. Congratulations.
46:13If you allow me, let me take my son with me.
46:16I will give you my CD.
46:17I want a slave to serve me and fulfill my wishes.
46:20Are you crazy? Do you want me to take your son?
46:23Of course, if you take him, you will be satisfied.
46:25No, sir. You take him with you.
46:27You will not have any problems because of him.
46:29How can I not have any problems?
46:31Doesn't he want food and clothes?
46:33Leave him to me. Come on. Take him, sir.
46:35The slave works when you are quiet.
46:37Do you want to make me lose my son?
46:39No, sir.
46:41This is not the right place.
46:43Not even the right time.
46:45Did you see, Edgar? This is what I told you.
46:47Even after all my orders, this is not happening.
46:51But, sir, there is no strict law against slavery.
46:54And they are taking advantage of this without thinking.
46:57And honestly, your Majesty, the law and the system are not enough to stop them.
47:01We must also raise awareness among the people.
47:03We want to do what is necessary and the mission ends forever and never returns.
47:07No, not only that.
47:09I also want to punish those who disobeyed my orders and no one will get away with it.
47:21To be continued...
47:51To be continued...
