The patient s daughter had a crush on Dr House...

  • 3 months ago
The patient s daughter had a crush on Dr House...
00:00You owe me a $400 handbag.
00:02It's kind of hard to check your throat when you're flapping your guns around.
00:05But it's for the fall formal.
00:07He doesn't care if it's for the presidential inauguration.
00:09But I'm using Marissa's old dress. It's free.
00:12You know what else is free?
00:13Roof over your head, the food you eat, your phone, your computer.
00:16How long have you been congested?
00:17All week, ever since we got back from Fresno.
00:20Fresno? It's in France, right?
00:21You see the Parthenon?
00:24I've got no appetite, I'm aching all over, I'm weak.
00:26Does that hurt?
00:28Does his voice always have that unattractive nasal tone?
00:32I'm going to take that giggle as a no.
00:34Fever, aches, weakness, loss of appetite.
00:36Been having any anal sex with IV drug users lately?
00:39Of course not, I'm married.
00:41You think she might have been in heaven?
00:43It's probably a rhinovirus.
00:44What's that?
00:45Take this four times a day, stay off airplanes, flying cesspools.
00:50Oops, I dropped something.
00:52If there's anything else you can think of, please call.
