00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Shia.
00:11Hi, Shia.
00:12For those who are watching, I thank you for watching.
00:15This is going to be some crime against me, my twin flame, Shia.
00:22Because of yesterday's video, Shia, I'm going to talk about less crime in this video.
00:39I have a cup of green tea here.
00:47I've actually only been really up...
00:50Well, I've been up since 8am, but then I watched natural wilderness fires for like 4 hours
01:01and listened to spiritual zen frequencies, rakyas, and...
01:07I did some more crime report research, but I'm going to show you these at another video.
01:23Because it's complicated the way I...
01:31I took photographs of all the different places where I lived.
01:37And basically, in the Muscoma Lake house, there's missing pictures.
01:44There's no pictures of the attic I was living in, because it's not a bedroom.
01:51And remember that little sublet I was renting in Berkeley, California?
01:58And there, it was like, the room was not even half the size...
02:04It's not even listed as a bedroom. It's an office.
02:09And they fit a twin size bed, which had like a quarter inch thick plastic covering over it.
02:19So I had to pretty much sleep on the ground, and sometimes I would sleep on the mattress,
02:25with my blankets over it.
02:28It was not... You weren't even capable of putting sheets over it.
02:33The plastic was so thick, and I wasn't allowed to buy an air mattress, take the mattress off.
02:40There was absolutely no room.
02:42So I hope that she gets trouble with that.
02:46So I took photographs of all the different houses I lived in.
02:52And the Muscoma Lake, where I was living in the attic, was unlivable conditions.
03:00The Berkeley sublet was unlivable conditions.
03:05So I took pictures of the Goffstown apartment complex when I was one year old, to around, I don't know, five?
03:21Five, six?
03:24And then the Goffstown, Massachusetts, we moved into, rented a house with my dad and my mom.
03:34My brother at Mast Road.
03:38And then the Auburn, New Hampshire, where my parents split up, then I had to move into the criminal's, my dad ex-stepfather's house.
03:50I took photographs of the driveway. I used Google View Maps.
03:55I took photographs of the room. I'm not going to show you everything, because I want to take notes so that I can explain each place.
04:06Then I took, I didn't take photographs of all the places inside, but I took at least the sign of where I lived.
04:19Granite Hill and Hookset.
04:25The Lafayette Road, the Lafayette Road apartment, where when my mom and dad ex-stepfather split up,
04:35me and my mom and brother went and moved into this three-bedroom apartment in the west side of Manchester,
04:42which is a bad side of town, and it was a really crappy, shitty apartment.
04:48And then after that, we moved into, on Naperhurst Avenue. It was actually nice.
04:57She rented this really big house, but then we ended up having to get roommates, which wasn't completely a problem.
05:07People that were subletting the rooms.
05:11And then me and my mom and brother moved to Muscoma Lake, and the brick house that she was renting was full of mold,
05:20and I was, there was an, it was, it's listed as a two-bedroom, and the room that I was in was not a room.
05:35And my dad could have built a door, because there was a kitchen with a little sunroom where I could have made a room out of.
05:46They could have built a door, put something there, but the whole thing was, I was, I needed a closed door,
05:54but they didn't offer me to be able to sleep in the sunroom, and I wasn't allowed.
06:00So there's, so, and then I moved for like five months in a little apartment of my own, unfurnished.
06:17And then before that, that whole time, after I had to leave the sublet in Berkeley,
06:27I had, I was going to try to make it in New York City, and I was going back to school.
06:33So I had extra money from a school check that you get when you are using financial aid, so I was living off of the financial aid.
06:49And I rented a room in Astoria, Queens, and got, immediately after a month, the lady couldn't stand me and asked for my credit,
07:00and these all should have happened before I, it was all a whole stress, it was all rigged to stress me out.
07:08So then I moved to Jersey City for a few months, and was commuting three hours a day for a stupid part-time job,
07:21and going to school, online courses, and then I had to quit online courses.
07:26That was like an extreme of a failure.
07:29And then I ended up, my mom came out to pick all my stuff, belongings up, and drive me back to where she was living.
07:37That happened in 2014.
07:40So, so then I lived with my mom again, and then lived at the, then lived with my mom,
07:57and then got that expensive apartment on furnished for about five or six months, had to leave, went to California to live in my car,
08:13came back, was dragged back to New Hampshire by my mom.
08:17Then I drove down to stay with my dad for a couple weeks, obviously wasn't capable of living there.
08:27And then went and worked, traded, lived and worked as the kitchen manager at the Buddhist Society in West Virginia for like a half a year.
08:46It wasn't things like a half a year, half a year, half a year, they're all contracts.
08:50And then that was becoming unbearable.
08:54So then I, then I, I was giving a stipend though.
08:58So then I moved, then I went back out to Mount Shasta to live in my car again.
09:04And then that's when all of that, the worst things that could possibly happen to me happened.
09:12So, I'll show you that in a little bit, I'll show you that tomorrow because I'm too tired today.
09:28So now I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm not going to share everything I wrote down.
09:36I think I'm going to call the Epson printer because basically this is what I can do.
09:44I can have them ship me the box to, so if I, I could buy my own shipping materials and send it to them, but there's no guarantee.
09:58But I don't want to really do that.
10:00So they're going to send me the shipping materials and then they'll place the $170 and I spend it on hold.
10:10And then once I get the shipping materials, I'll send the printer to them.
10:15They'll send me a new one.
10:18And I will track the package every single day and go down to security and say you have to look out for my printer.
10:25This cannot be stolen.
10:27So, I will make sure if it, if that were to happen, there's security cameras in the lobby.
10:37I could also, if it does get stolen from AI and because they don't check the IDs, I will, I'll ask them to look at the cameras.
10:56And I'm potentially going to do that because August is the last month where I can get the new printer.
11:06And they really can't, if a package gets lost, they can't charge me if the post office loses the package.
11:20So it would only be if the package got stolen.
11:23I'm potentially going to do that, potentially, because the chances, no matter what, this printer is broken and is unusable unless I return it.
11:38And even if it gets stolen, if I have them send me the shipping box materials and send this back first,
11:50at least, I will at least not have to pay, I didn't explain this well, I won't have to pay the $170 because they'll have this.
12:00Because if I didn't get, if they don't put that money on hold on my bank card, on my debit card, and they send me the shipping materials,
12:11no, they send me the new printer first, and this old printer doesn't get to them, then I will be charged $170.
12:28So I was able to rest down this morning for about three hours to watch the, no, four hours to watch the fire videos,
12:40because when we watch the fire shia, it clears the energy, it's like clearing, energy clearing, and there's more to it than that as well.
12:56And in regards to, in regards to my body, I've been, my body's been mutilated. I haven't actually looked that good for a good ten years now.
13:15The criminals were making my arms really fat with witchcraft so that I'd cover up the upper part of my body and be embarrassed.
13:25So my arms started getting unproportioned back in like 2013, 2012, or 2012-2013, and so it's not all the stroke.
13:42These arms, there's something wrong obviously with the paralysis, but these arms were starting to get fat like 10 or 12 years ago, and it was to make me feel ugly.
14:02So in regards to my body, I look really, really awful, worse than I have ever in my entire life.
14:16Oh, it's starting to get hot, hold on.
14:32Oh, my body's been kind of like, my body's been really ugly for many, many, many years.
14:46Um, so, but, and, the criminals say that your arms are skinny, Shaya, and my arms are so fat so, like, they try to humiliate me.
15:05Well, the thing is, your arms are perfectly proportioned to your body. I love your arms, Shaya. I wouldn't want you to have bigger arms.
15:16Obviously, my body's been mutilated, and, my body's been mutilated, so it's gonna take a while.
15:28They've done so much witchcraft to put all the fat, direct all the fat to my arms, and I still have an extreme infection from the food poisoning.
15:41I can show you, I'm still bloated.
15:47That's not supposed to look like that.
15:51So my body is not how it's supposed to look.
15:58Um, I don't think it's permanent, however, you can't, I can't just drastically lose weight because of my brain injury and all my health issues.
16:18I can't just reduce my diet, and I have trouble with exercise, the whole, I walked, I was walking a couple hours on the bayfront and came up and rushed up the stairs and that's when the stroke occurred.
16:37So, heavy exercise is not possible for me, and that wasn't my first stroke, that was my first lethal, like, extreme stroke.
16:47So, in working out at Plant Fitness for those nine days, Shaya, they were messing around with my pinky toes, so I couldn't walk on the treadmill.
16:59So I was forced to ride on the bike, the bicycle at Plant Fitness, and they kept saying, you're lazy, everyone's going to find out if you only do 30 minutes and go take a shower, everyone's going to know you're using the gym not to work out.
17:14So I did an hour a day on the bike, and that was too much, but it was the possession that was forcing me, and they were trying to give me another stroke, and the resistance, I was feeling the nerves in my brain, sensitive and like pain in my brain from the excessive bicycling at Plant Fitness.
17:36It was irritating my brain.
17:38So working out is a problem.
17:41Now that it's summertime, I can't just walk indoors all day long.
17:48However, this body and weight and shape has been going on for a long time, it hasn't just been this past couple of months.
17:56And even if I do end up losing weight, I always gain it back very quickly because, and so these people are like, well look around you, everyone has something, everyone's looking bad right now, everyone has something, stop feeling bad for yourself.
18:16And then the criminals are saying that everyone has something that they don't like about themselves.
18:22This is unnatural, I'm not supposed to look like this.
18:27So, but the telepathic supporters responded, everything has something, I'm not going to hell.
18:38I'm not going to hell.
18:42These criminals are going to have deformed bodies in hell.
18:47Me and you Shia are going to have perfect bodies in paradise.
18:54So no, not everybody has something.
18:59I don't have the going to hell something with deformed body for the rest of my life until I don't exist.
19:07I don't have that problem.
19:10Yeah, so when I was at Planet Fitness, there was like, you can't just do 30 minutes on the bike, and then the employees are going to look down on you.
19:18You're going to feel ashamed of yourself because they're going to know that you're just using the shower, blah, blah, blah, blah.
19:23But there's demonic, there's a lot of demonic things happening to my body.
19:31And this, this arm fat has been going on for 10 to 12 years.
19:35And I never had a problem with my arms my entire life.
19:51So I, there is more to it with my arms and my body.
19:54However, I'm not going to talk about it completely.
19:59But they're to make me feel very ugly and to hide my upper body.
20:03And also it's been, it was to try to give me heat stroke.
20:10You don't see me ever wearing tank tops in these videos.
20:17Because I'm too embarrassed for my arms and my upper body.
20:21So in regards to Shia, in regards to choking, don't eat popcorn.
20:30Chewing popcorn is very unhealthy.
20:34Any question about that?
20:36So in regards to Shia, in regards to choking, don't eat popcorn.
20:50If they make you eat popcorn wicked, wicked fast, they're trying to choke you.
20:544,000 to 5,000 people die per year of choking in America.
20:59That's every 40 minutes someone's dying of choking.
21:03So watch with the choking, because if you like, and watch with certain foods, like with
21:11peanut butter, if things stick to your throat, peanut butter is not good.
21:16It can stick into your throat and choke you.
21:20And I'm going to start drinking a glass of water every time now with food.
21:27I'm going to stop eating popcorn because they make me eat it so quickly.
21:33Now I know it's because they're trying to make me choke to death.
21:38And always chew properly.
21:40That's another thing.
21:42They make me swallow large chunks of food, push it down my throat before I chew it enough.
21:52So be careful, Shia, with the way you're eating.
21:56And in regards to fire, 2,000 to 3,000 people die in a fire per year.
22:02I took photographs of the stove.
22:05I think they actually changed the wood stove.
22:11I'm not sure, though.
22:12It looks like a different wood stove, because remember I was getting smoked out from the
22:17fire stove in that house many, many, many, many times at all hours of the day and morning.
22:41So every three hours, someone's dying at the house fire.
22:44So we have to be very, very careful.
22:47And I think we're going to want to invest in a small storage space, because we can't
22:57afford to have some of our things destroyed in a fire.
23:01And because of our situation, it's very possible that someone would do that to us if they had
23:06the chance.
23:08And it's been a threat.
23:10It's been an ongoing threat this past 6 to 12 months that that's going to happen.
23:21But they're going to be accused of destroying evidence, because I have a lot of crime report
23:27notebooks and a lot of evidence.
23:29So in regards to, oh, and also a criminal this morning was flashing images of my brain,
23:48scams, saying, you're not going to live much longer, you're not going to live much longer
23:53because of my brain injury, my stroke.
23:57So I might not have body paralysis, but I have brain paralysis.
24:01I do have body paralysis, but I can move.
24:04However, it's a lie that just, it takes being in a wheelchair and not being able to move
24:09your body to be paralyzed.
24:11But I do have mostly brain, I do have a lot of, not mostly, I have brain paralysis.
24:17And I do have paralysis in my back and my arms, in my shoulders.
24:22I do have a stiffness in my entire left side of my body.
24:26I do have paralysis.
24:29So when I went to Oregon, Shia, and I have bank statements to prove when I was in Oregon
24:37on a road trip to visit the Vortexes.
24:40I went to Mount Hood.
24:43I went to the, that gold Vortex thing.
24:52I went to Crater Lake.
24:54There was fires going on the entire time, and I was being led to the fires.
25:00And obviously, I wanted to visit the different Vortexes.
25:07However, I was repeatedly being driven, I was repeatedly driving through very dangerous areas.
25:15You know, I told you I was not allowed to look at the weather.
25:18I was not allowed to look at the weather because they were constantly trying to get me into
25:25natural disasters, blizzards, heat strokes.
25:31I was never allowed to know about heat strokes.
25:35I was never allowed to know that the car heats up double than what's outside.
25:42I was, in regards to the fires, I was repeatedly having to turn around in Oregon and other places in California.
25:52Other places where I visited, I was repeatedly having to turn around because there was plastic,
25:58a plastic piece of tape covering the road saying,
26:04this road is closed because of the forest fires.
26:08I would be, I literally took photographs, and I don't, I highly doubt they would still be in my cell phone.
26:15I was literally driving and seeing the actual huge, like, explosion of smoke and fire,
26:23driving, like, away from it and, like, taking photographs, driving on the side of it.
26:29That's how close I was to the fires.
26:31I was, I would be driving and I'd have to close the windows.
26:35It would be so foggy, I could barely drive from the ash and smoke.
26:39So they were leading, leading me to forest fires.
26:43And I have bank statements with gas, where I took, where I, where I had to get gas,
26:49which will say where I was at the time where these fires were going off.
26:55This is not just, so let's see, repeatedly turned around closed roads in Oregon and other places in California where there were fires,
27:03and I'm not recalling them right now in this moment.
27:06There were ashes in the air.
27:09The smoke was so intolerable, I was getting extreme irritability.
27:15And the fact that I, somehow I was looking at NatureScapes and I saw fire and I said I want to look at fire,
27:22and I just happened to be on YouTube and seeing a little YouTube clip of seven hours ago, 30,000 evacuated.
27:29I didn't even, I wouldn't even know about the Northern California fires until last night,
27:34and I wouldn't have ever found out about them until the fire was gone.
27:39I wouldn't even know about the Northern California fires until last night and I wouldn't have ever found out if I didn't look up the fire videos last night.
27:49So keeping people uneducated about the surrounding environment and news is extremely bad and I had some problems with the floods,
28:00being out on the roads in the floods recently that I have to remember about because I didn't look at the news.
28:08Because I have to avoid the hacker's harassment advertisements when you saw proof on the weather app of why I don't look at the weather.
28:21So I was literally driving away and visibly seeing blazing fires, huge clouds of smoke in many, many different areas.
28:32I was driving, I was driving in the pitch dark towards Crater Lake and all of a sudden it was like a smoke smell and they had plastic tape covering the road.
28:49Turn around, you can't go to Crater Lake, it's on fire.
28:54I had no clue that Crater Lake was on fire at that time.
29:03So I took photos if I still have them on past phones of all the smoke and the blazing fires that I was literally driving away from in a panic, an extreme panic.
29:18And I'm going to add to my sheet wildfire footage using 4K drones of wildfire footage.
29:30It's extremely healing to watch wildfire footage.
29:39I'm going to have to add to sheet because I was too tired to add to the sheet wildfire footage to all of the healing things I'm doing.
29:50So near Mt. Hood, this is another thing that happened in Oregon, the hacker changed my Google Maps directions to make me drive up a mountain.
30:10And I was looking at the maps thinking, oh I was going to drive, in order to get to Mt. Hood I had to drive up through a mountain and down a mountain to get to the other mountain.
30:27This mountain, I was low on gas in the middle of nowhere driving to Mt. Hood and I was on another mountain and Google Maps led me up a mountain that was turning into an unpaved road and they were still trying to get me to go up on the unpaved road.
30:50I could have easily gotten stuck up there without any gas, popped tire easily. I ended up turning around and figured out this was not the way to get to Mt. Hood.
31:02So before I found Mt. Hood, which was a vortex mountain, Google Maps led me up a different mountain that turned into an unpaved road that would barely fit a car.
31:22And I was continuing to look at Google Maps and it was supposed to lead me to Mt. Hood, going through this mountain down the mountain to the other mountain.
31:37There was no tar, it was very bumpy. The hacker made me get lost on that mountain in order to trap me up there with no help. I could have had car trouble, I could have ran out of gas, I could have popped a tire, all kinds of things could have happened.
31:57I was in the middle of nowhere running out of gas. The mountain that I was on was supposed to lead me to the next mountain. That's what I was thinking. That's what Google Maps was trying to show me.
32:11I felt very, very unsafe. I was being extremely tortured. I was being, I was basically being led to my death and there was many, many times where I was getting lost and going the wrong directions because the hacker was changing my Google Maps.
32:30There was many, many times the hacker would kick me off of Google Maps or turn my Wi-Fi off so that I would lose my directions and trying to scramble onto Google Maps while driving is not the safest.
32:47I would constantly, repeatedly lose my cell phones. Oh, and on that mountain on the way up, I lost all cell phone service. So, obviously I had to turn around at that point. Because I lost cell phone service, it was getting more dangerous. Luckily I turned around before I got more lost.
33:18So, this also happened with blizzards. I would be stuck on the highway in blizzards and almost in trouble in Northern America, Northern California. I would purposely be stuck in blizzards because I wasn't allowed to check the weather. Very dangerous blizzards on the highway where I'd be stuck for hours with no gas.
33:40And Shia, I checked the pendulum at 844 and it says you're thinking about faith. You're thinking about you have faith that we'll be together soon, Shia, and that you love me. I love you, Shia.
33:57And I watched your video on loop for a few hours today. And you're not being heard, Shia. You're not being heard. And you think about that a lot, Shia, and I think about it a lot.
34:11So, I have to keep talking about the fire. Okay, so that's everything about the fire.
34:27Oh, it's going to be proved, Shia, that I was purposely being led to natural disasters. Fires, blizzards, floods, inks, and I wasn't allowed to look at the weather. It's going to be proved.
34:43The smoke was extremely irritating to my lungs. And this was in order to attempt to kill me, Shia.
34:56And this Oregon trip was planned. It was my plan to go on a road trip and visit the Oregon vortexes. It was their plan to interfere and leave me to fires, wildfires, and try to kill me in the smoke.
35:21I would visibly see the ash in the air. I was extremely scared because I had no clue where the fires were. And I was constantly getting kicked off of the internet, losing Wi-Fi service. Oregon is, like, you can lose Wi-Fi service in Oregon a lot, apparently.
35:51So, Shia, that's all I have to say in this video.
36:21So, I'm going to make this video, like, 40 minutes. Talk about you now. I have a splitting headache. Actually, I have to put on the fan over here. Move on.
36:36I have to worry about heat stroke, Shia, because I have a problem with the heat in here. It's 82 degrees. That's 82 degrees, so that's heat stroke. 82 and up is caution heat stroke.
37:04And I have to start not wearing sneakers to cool off my feet. That's another problem. I always have the habit of putting on my sneakers.
37:15I have to slow down on the food research and all of the reading and writing. I think it's becoming too much for my brain. And probably just watch more Vortex Nature videos for a little while to try to rest.
37:40However, I did do Lumairne Technology today, like an hour or two.
37:47So, this is about Shia. Do I have anything to show you? I took some photos of all the addresses.
38:02What I should really do is start photographing all the important emails that I wasn't able to print out, so that if they happen to get deleted on the internet, I have proof that the email exists.
38:17That's what I probably have to do. But, like I said, it's really a shame, too, that some of my email accounts got deleted because I didn't log in after 10 years. The one from when I lived in Auburn.
38:37Do I have anything recent? No.
38:48I apologize for not talking about you enough, Shia. However, I think about you all day long, Shia.
39:07And it's partly because I don't want to get us in trouble. It's partly possession. But I know that you're feeling abandoned, Shia, but I'm feeling abandoned, too. I'm feeling very abandoned, too, Shia.
39:26It's been very, very painful, and it's been a lot of torture to not be able to see you and hear you. And I know I'm going to get shocked. I know that you probably look way more sick than I think you do.
39:45You're in intolerable pain, Shia.
39:55And I know that you probably look way more sick than I think you do.
40:15So, Shia, I just try to rest because a lot of the videos are very stressful, too. I know that it's probably making you a little sick.
40:34And I told you that I get really attacked when I have to show you all of this crime. We're being treated like animals, Shia. It has to stop.
40:54However, I don't always feel awful, and I definitely felt better, Shia, afterwards, knowing that you know what happens to me and all the crime that's happened to me.
41:15So I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, Shia. So just try to rest, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you, Shia. Thank you, everybody, for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.