The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Episode 1 In Hindi

  • 2 months ago
The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Episode 1 In Hindi

The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids In Hindi

The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Episode In Hindi

The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Season 1 In Hindi

The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Season 1 Episode 1 In Hindi

The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Episode 1 Hindi

The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids Episode 1 In Hindi
00:17Adventuring party camels keep going sorry for me kind of the just attack Karnal heal Karnal
00:23I am a tank
00:26As a tank, my job is to stop the enemy's attack and protect the other members
00:32This is a position that you never get to know
00:35In this story, you will see how I moved forward
00:41And rose as a hero
02:18My dear brother, I missed you a lot. I was feeling lonely
02:28I will never leave you
02:32What is the problem Nain?
02:34I was having such a good dream and you disturbed me
02:36Don't talk too much
02:38Will you stop giving weird expressions in the guild?
02:44I can't believe it
02:46You were thinking about your sister again
02:48But how do you know?
02:50We are in the same party
02:52That's true
02:54You love your sister a lot
02:56But you should be interested in other things
03:04Nain, are you saying
03:06No, you are misunderstanding
03:08For me, no one is more important than Manisha
03:10Shut up
03:12Rude, I am not joking
03:14I am serious
03:16Even I am not joking
03:18I can't think about anything else
03:20Manisha has a disease
03:22Which has no cure
03:24So I just want the secret treasure of that labyrinth
03:26Which fulfills her wish
03:32After yesterday's defeat
03:34I don't think it will be easy to find the treasure
03:36I am feeling very bad for the rest
03:38Don't say that
03:40As a tank, you have done your job very well
03:42There was no attack on you yesterday
03:44Still, how did your shield become weak?
03:46This is not just about yesterday
03:48Whenever we go to the labyrinth
03:50My shield becomes weak
03:52For some reason
03:54I have to take a lot of nutrition
03:56Even if I don't want to
03:58I put a burden on you
04:00Please forgive me
04:02Why are you apologizing?
04:04In all the battles we have fought
04:06You have contributed a lot
04:08And I know that
04:10You have always protected me
04:12Apart from this
04:14Your shield's value is 9999
04:16And this is the strongest shield ever
04:20You really are a very special tank
04:22Don't underestimate yourself
04:24Look, the hero is here
04:26Isn't he the one who has defeated
04:28A lot of fools at such a young age?
04:30He is the great hero Kyglus
04:36Rude, forgive me
04:38Am I late?
04:40No, you came on time
04:42Good morning, Lilliard Lily
04:44Now that everyone is here
04:46I want to introduce you to everyone
04:48Come here
04:50These are the party's new members
04:52Wait a minute, Kyglus
04:54What's going on?
04:56According to the rules of the labyrinth
04:58There can be 6 members
05:00This way we will be 7
05:02Don't worry
05:04Soon we will be 6
05:06Rude, you are not needed from today
05:10But why?
05:12Because you are
05:14Not useful
05:16But a bigger tank
05:22We won
05:24Yesterday you lost
05:26An important part of your shield
05:28That's when I took this decision
05:30What are you doing?
05:32Do you think this is a joke?
05:34We can't move forward with such a tank
05:36Please forgive me
05:38Rude was trying to stop the enemy's attack
05:40But his shield became weak
05:42There must be a reason
05:44The reason is
05:46His skills were interfering
05:48Two unknown skills
05:50Which we don't know anything about
05:56It's true that
05:58All his skills are useless
06:00But we still don't know
06:02What is the real reason
06:04And you are...
06:06What are you saying?
06:08This is not enough to get him out
06:10And anyway
06:12Our new members
06:14Are such tanks which are popular
06:16They can attack while protecting
06:18From the enemy's attack
06:20He is not like you
06:22Who only knows how to protect
06:24Your game is over
06:26You can leave
06:38Leave it
06:46Rude, listen
06:50I'm not done yet
06:52We didn't gain anything
06:54Just because of you
06:56So this is your most expensive shield
06:58You are just a useless tank
07:00Who is wasting his shield
07:08We know you are very capable
07:10But still, good luck
07:18Forgive me
07:20I could come to this party because of you
07:22But maybe I'm not worthy of this party
07:24This is not true
07:28Will you really leave?
07:30Do you remember
07:32I told you about my village
07:34Where my sister and I used to live
07:36About my sister
07:38But what about her?
07:40If you get a chance, do come there
07:42Because I'm not going to live here anymore
07:44From now on
07:46I'm going to live with my sister
07:48I hope
07:50We will meet again
07:54And you don't get the wrong idea
07:56That I will miss you
07:58Yes, I know
08:00I will wait for that day
08:02When we will meet again
08:06What should I do now?
08:08I don't understand
08:10I can't go to Avancia right now
08:12You are just a useless tank
08:14Who is wasting his shield
08:16Is it true that
08:18My skills are making my shield weak
08:20And I'm unaware of it
08:22Such skills are dangerous
08:24And I can't depend on anyone
08:26To learn my skills
08:28What do you think?
08:30Are we capable of handling this
08:32As protectors?
08:34We can definitely do it
08:36You are right
08:38And I think we will definitely reach Kuraaz
08:40Yes, but
08:44Wait a minute
08:46This is too high
08:48Can I join you guys in this?
08:50And yes
08:52I won't take money for this
08:54What is your adventure rank?
08:58I am of F rank
09:00Because I have spent all my time in the labyrinth
09:04I have seen him somewhere
09:06I remember
09:08He was in Hero's party
09:10Yes, I remember
09:12Please join us
09:14But I
09:16You are the adventurers
09:18Who have agreed to come with me
09:20And we have got a new member
09:22What is your name?
09:24My name is Root
09:26Oh, so your name is Mr. Root
09:28Your name is good
09:30But you will get the same salary
09:32Let's start the journey
09:34Yes, why not sir
09:36I have lost the chance to tell them my rank
09:38I think I have betrayed them
09:40But what can I do now
09:42I will protect them
09:44Until I reach Kuraaz
09:58This fog is increasing
10:00Should we stop to rest?
10:02No, I think we will reach Kuraaz
10:04There is a risk of trouble if we stop here
10:06So we should go straight there
10:08Then let's do that
10:10If we are careful
10:12We can reach Kuraaz safely
10:16Stop the car
10:20What happened suddenly?
10:22Keep quiet
10:26Is he a demon?
10:30Let me check
10:38Who are you?
10:58I can't see anyone around
11:00That means there is no danger
11:02Are you alright?
11:06Look, I won't harm you
11:08So you don't have to be afraid of me
11:10Can you stand?
11:16She is not wearing clothes
11:20Magical stone?
11:22Is she a girl?
11:24Mr. Root!
11:26Look, a demon!
11:30Forest snake!
11:36This demon is very big
11:38Go and hide somewhere
11:40Listen carefully
11:42This demon's venom is poisonous
11:44Don't let it bite you
11:46We can't kill such a big snake
11:48Are we all going to die?
11:50Look at me
11:52Forest snake!
12:06Mr. Root!
12:08Don't worry
12:10I have a skill that can save me from such attacks
12:12I will distract it
12:14You guys attack it
12:16But how are we going to do that?
12:18What should we do?
12:20If this continues
12:34Big brother!
12:40I won't give up like this
12:42Listen you guys!
12:44I don't have a sword right now
12:48So all of you have to do this together
12:50Pick up your weapons
12:52And go and fight it
12:54We have to kill it together
13:02I am the most powerful tank
13:04I promise all of you
13:08I will stop its attacks
13:10And all of you
13:12Have to believe in your strength
13:16And I also promise
13:18We will definitely win
13:22Move forward
13:32Listen everyone!
13:34It is going to attack us
13:36You have to save yourself
13:38I don't want to be saved from its attack
13:42Because if it is going to attack us
13:44Then I will also finish it
13:54Attack it
14:08I can't believe it
14:10That we defeated a wild snake
14:12We wouldn't have been able to do this without your help
14:14We could only kill it because of you
14:16No we could only defeat it because
14:18All of us played our part
14:20Anyway, can you cut that snake into pieces?
14:22I will go and see that girl
14:24I understood
14:28Are you hurt?
14:32That's good
14:34You were running away from that snake
14:36Now what are you going to do?
14:38What are you going to do?
14:40Where will you go now?
14:42I have no place to go
14:48Do you want to come with me?
14:52I am going to a village called Awansia
14:54Can I come with you?
14:56Yes, but are you hurt?
14:58No, not at all
15:08You can't roam around in these clothes
15:10If you want
15:12You can take these clothes
15:16If you weren't there
15:18I would have died
15:20Keep it as a gift from me
15:22Thank you very much
15:24You can wear it there
15:28It seems that this girl is a maid
15:30And she has come here
15:32This girl is a homunculus
15:34These people serve humans
15:36And they never roam around alone
15:38There must be some reason
15:40for her to be here
15:42It's a little strange to see her
15:44in such a dangerous jungle
15:46And she didn't even have a collar
15:48You are right
15:50But for now, it's my responsibility
15:56Thank you very much
15:58Will you be able to travel from here?
16:02We should leave from here
16:04Wait a minute
16:06I wanted to know
16:08Are you still connected to the party?
16:10No, I don't have any connection with them
16:12So would you like to join us?
16:14We would like to fight this battle
16:16with a powerful tank like you
16:18I am very happy to hear this
16:20But for now, I need to find
16:22a secret treasure
16:24The same treasure that can fulfill
16:26any wish?
16:28It also has the ability to make homunculi
16:34I don't like homunculi at all
16:36They don't have any emotions on their face
16:38They work without thinking and are scary
16:40And the magical stone in their chest
16:42makes them different
16:44Yes, but...
16:46So, as I was saying
16:48For now, I can't join you
16:52As you wish
16:54I am sure
16:56that you will win
16:58We will win
17:14We haven't told each other
17:16our names yet
17:18My name is Root
17:20Mr. Root?
17:22What is your name?
17:24I don't have
17:26any name
17:30It will be difficult for me
17:32to call you without a name
17:36Lunafia's petal
17:44What did you say? Luna?
17:46Didn't you like it?
17:48No problem, you can change it later
17:52Thank you so much
18:02Thank you for the food
18:04We will reach Avancia tomorrow
18:06It will be better if we sleep now
18:22As I thought
18:24Luna is a
18:26illegally made
18:30It has will power
18:32and emotions
18:34which other homunculus doesn't have
18:36It can fight too
18:38Usually, homunculus is killed or sold
18:40Her scared eyes
18:42reminded me of Manicia
18:44I can't leave her
18:46For the utensils
18:50For the utensils
18:52Please forgive me
18:54No problem, we already ate
18:56If you are so powerful
18:58then why didn't you kill the forest snake?
19:00I have the magic skill
19:02I can't fight
19:04in a crowd
19:06Magic skill?
19:08It means it can imitate
19:10the effects of skills
19:12Which magic skills do you have?
19:14I have the skill to increase
19:16the effect of magic
19:18I have another skill
19:20It means to identify
19:22Identify skill?
19:24Identify skill?
19:28Identify skill is a very special skill
19:30Only one person has this skill
19:32But I heard that
19:34he died a few years ago
19:36It means you are the only one
19:38in the world who has this skill
19:40I didn't know
19:42that this skill is so special
19:46Can you identify my skills?
19:48Yes, I can
19:52This is what I used to do
19:54To identify your skill
19:56I have to touch you
19:58Please forgive me
20:00Mr. Rude
20:02You have four skills
20:06You have the skill to attract
20:08the attention of the enemy
20:10Next is healthy body
20:12It protects you from bad effects
20:14Your body starts healing
20:16It makes you more powerful
20:18I already know about these
20:20Tell me what I am looking for
20:22Next skill is life conversion
20:24Life conversion?
20:26Because of life conversion
20:28you get the power to give strength
20:30to your weak skin
20:32It means this is an aggressive skill
20:36It means there are some skills
20:38that will activate when we understand them
20:40And finally
20:42Shield of Sacrifice
20:44Shield of Sacrifice?
20:46Shield of Sacrifice
20:48gives you the power to heal
20:50the weak skin of your allies
20:52While protecting your allies
20:54your and your allies'
20:56powers increase
21:00It means I take the loss
21:02of others on myself
21:04Yes, you are right
21:06It means I was using my skill
21:10to save my allies and their shields
21:14Why are you laughing?
21:16I was worried about
21:18my unknown skills
21:20I never thought
21:22I would get the answer so soon
21:26Thank you, Luna
21:28I am glad I could help you
21:34What a beautiful place
21:36I was expelled from the party
21:38when it was not my weakness
21:40but the great power
21:42to protect my allies
21:44Now I will return
21:46with my head held high
21:50to my sister
22:12to my sister
22:18who is now
22:22someone's shoulder
22:24You are smiling
22:26You are smiling
22:28Words I want to deliver
22:30Words I want to deliver
22:32Piling up in the depths of my heart
22:34Piling up in the depths of my heart
22:36and disappeared into the sky again
22:41The promise that you cherished
22:47I will continue to search for it, from now until tomorrow
22:55I won't stop, I will continue to take another step
23:01I just want to get a little closer to the future
23:07I reached out my fingers, but they were a little crumpled
23:14Please, hey please, don't let this dream wake up
