Get paid $979 by Google search New Earnings method 2024

  • 3 months ago
### Description:
Discover the new earnings method for 2024 and learn how you can get paid $979 by Google. This exciting opportunity reveals a straightforward approach to boost your income using Google’s platform. Whether you’re looking for a side hustle or a full-time income stream, this method promises to be a game-changer. Watch now to find out the steps to take advantage of this lucrative earning potential and start making money online today.

### Viral Tags:
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00:00We all know this website, but did you know you can make more than $700 per day using Google search?
00:06Right now I'm going to show you a step-by-step strategy that you can use to do this,
00:11even if you have zero experience with anything like this.
00:14In fact, here's a video of my teenage daughter, me driving her home after she made her first money with this exact strategy,
00:22and here's the payment that she got, the first payment that she got doing it.
00:25Let's get right into it.
00:27First thing that you want to do is go and do a Google search like I'm showing right here for any business.
00:32I'm going to do a search for hardware store, but it could be anything that interests you.
00:36You don't want to overthink this part.
00:38And then what you want to click is down here, more places.
00:41We want to look at all the local businesses that show up in your area.
00:46And then what you're going to do is I want you to click on each one.
00:50And by the way, I'm actually show you a shortcut for doing this.
00:53I'm going to show you the manual way to do this right now,
00:56but then I'm actually going to show you a tool that you can use that actually automates this entire process.
01:02But first I want to show you the manual way to do it so you understand.
01:06But the tool I'm going to show you later is going to cut out almost all of this work.
01:10So what you want to do is you have this list of businesses and you want to click on them
01:15and you want to scroll down to the bottom here where it has web results
01:21and you want to make a list of any of these businesses that where Facebook does not show up in these web results.
01:30So you're just going to get up open a document on your computer
01:33and just start copying and pasting the names of businesses that don't show up on Facebook
01:39and it could and actually you could do this same exact thing for Instagram.
01:43You could do it for Twitter. You can do for any of those social sites that you're familiar with.
01:48I'm just going to do Facebook because it's the simplest.
01:50Then what I want you to do is you want to do another Google search
01:54just to confirm that the business does not have a Facebook page.
01:58So for example, I'm going to do this search Google for this specific business.
02:04If you scroll down, I don't see any Facebook here at all.
02:07I'll take this. Here's another one. We've got here Howell True Value Hardware
02:12and then I'm just going to do a quick search and if you're in Google Chrome,
02:14it's really easy just right click and click search Google for it and that'll bring it up
02:19and then you just want to click just write the word Facebook to see
02:22if they actually do have a Facebook page and you can see that they don't.
02:26Now I do want to say something. Sometimes you'll see a page that looks something like this.
02:30This is actually an auto-generated page that Facebook created themselves about this business.
02:35So this isn't the actual business owner setting up something on Facebook.
02:40Howell True Value can stay on our list as a business that does not have a Facebook page
02:47and then what you want to do is you just want to keep going down the list repeating the process for each one.
02:53You see this one does have a Facebook page.
02:54So we're going to go to the next one and you just want to go down
02:57and get a big list of businesses that do not have a Facebook page
03:02or whatever you want if you like Instagram better you could do with Instagram
03:05or you could do it with LinkedIn or you could do with Twitter,
03:08but the goal is you want to have a big list of all these businesses that do not have a Facebook page
03:13or a Twitter page or Instagram page or whatever it is.
03:17Then we're going to do another Google search for the business.
03:19We'll just use this one for an example and we are going to go to their website
03:24and by the way, it looks like they could also use a web design redo
03:27if anybody wants to contact them to redo their website.
03:30Then you're going to click on contact us
03:32and you're going to send them a very specific email
03:35and here's what that email says send them this specific email.
03:38Okay is competitor stealing your customers.
03:42That's a subject line and right in here.
03:43You're going to insert any one of those competitors
03:46that just showed up on the Google Maps list
03:48that you were just looking at you could insert any of those names
03:51and then in the email body it says yes,
03:54they are but it's ethical and legal.
03:55I noticed they have a Facebook page
03:58and you don't you're going to insert Facebook there
04:01or if you do with Instagram or Twitter
04:03or whatever you could put that in there too.
04:05They're grabbing customers from
04:07and then again, you're going to insert the word Facebook or Twitter
04:09or whatever there they're grabbing customers from Facebook
04:12that should be yours.
04:13If you'd like to take back what's yours hit reply.
04:17I'll show you what they're doing and how to beat them your name.
04:21Don't overcomplicate this email.
04:23I know it's short.
04:24I know it's simple this email has been tested
04:27and already works now.
04:28I'm going to give you an alternative email.
04:30This one takes a little more courage to send subject is
04:33and then insert the competitor cheating body of the email says yes,
04:37they are but it is ethical illegal and ethical
04:39and then again, you're going to say notice they have a Facebook page
04:42and you don't they're stealing your best customers
04:44because of it I can change that hit reply
04:46and I'll show you how and when they reply you're going to offer
04:51to set up a Facebook business page for them.
04:55It is very very simple to do if you do a simple Google search
04:57for how to set up a Facebook business page,
04:59you'll see that hardly anyone either you hardly have to have any computer knowledge
05:04to be able to set up one of these things
05:05and you're going to set this up for them.
05:08If you look here, you can see they're charging between 150 a month
05:11to $500 per month just to set up social media
05:17for a company to set up their social media page
05:20and then to do some posts for them
05:22and that is exactly what my daughter did in the screenshot
05:26that I showed you earlier in this video.
05:27She used Canva which is a very simple graphics program
05:31to create some cool graphics for a business owner.
05:34She set up their Facebook page for them.
05:36She did the graphics for them
05:38and everything and she charged them for it.
05:40Now, I want to show you a tool that is a huge shortcut
05:43for this entire process is going to allow you to make a lot more money
05:46and get a lot more of these done much much quicker.
05:49If you go to D7 lead finder, I'm just going to do Chicago.
05:52For example, if you do a sample search,
05:54I'll show you this one auto glass in Fort Worth,
05:57Texas and you click get leads
06:00and if you look all the work that it saves you right here,
06:03you can actually sort so we've got a huge list of auto glass providers
06:07in Fort Worth and I can actually sort this column see
06:11that if I click it it sorts it
06:13and now at the top of the list are all these businesses
06:17that do not have a Facebook page.
06:20It's a huge shortcut.
06:21It saves so much time and look at all these businesses.
06:24I can literally email all of these businesses.
06:27That's a hundred just on page one,
06:30even if just a small percentage of them reply
06:32and say hey, yeah, we'd love for you to set up a Facebook page for us.
06:36That's some pretty decent money just by shooting off a bunch of emails.
06:40Now. I do want to say if you click on the link in the description of this video,
06:44I have a free class that goes into a lot more depth
06:47about making money with local businesses
06:50and Google Maps and in my members area.
06:53We have a lot more templates like the templates
06:55that I just showed you
06:56where my students actually send these templates out
06:59whenever they need to get some money into their bank account
07:02and you can see some screenshots of students
07:05that I'm showing right here that have sent out the email templates
07:09that we have in my members area
07:11and literally just by sending these emails out on a day-to-day basis.
07:15They get business owners paying them for services.
07:18Just like I'm showing right here and in my free class.
07:21We actually teach other ways to make money just like this with local businesses.
07:26So just click on the link in the description of this video
07:28and you can get that free class,
07:29but you can see right here with D7 lead finder.
07:33You can actually sort by Instagram
07:35and this shows you all the businesses that don't have Instagram.
07:38You could sort by Twitter.
07:39It shows you all the businesses that don't have Twitter or X.
07:41You could sort by LinkedIn.
07:43This shows you all the businesses that don't have a LinkedIn page
07:46and you can also even sort by website
07:48and you can see which ones don't have a website.
07:51So it's very very powerful huge shortcut gets you a massive list of businesses
07:57that you can email to make money just like my daughter did at the beginning of this video.
08:02Now, I already know some people are going to comment in the comments
08:05and they're going to say hey D7 lean fighter costs money.
08:08It's true.
08:09It does cost money.
08:10I don't get paid anything to recommend them in this video.
08:12I just recommend them
08:13because it's such a great service such a huge time saver,
08:17but you can actually get a free tool that can do the same thing.
08:21If you just go to this site right here
08:25and they have and this is actually downloadable software that can download onto your computer
08:30and can do the exact same thing that D7 lean finder does.
08:34It's a little more work to do it with the lead scraper.
08:37So that's why I made this video more focused on D7 lead finder
08:41because it's so much simpler to do but you just click right here.
08:44Try it for free.
08:44You can download a free version of their software
08:47that can do the exact same thing that I just showed you with D7 lead finder
08:52and then you can just contact these businesses
08:55and if you just get two businesses per day to do this for you to pay you for this,
09:02then you can easily be making $700 a day simply by searching out businesses on Google
09:09and sending them the simple email template that I showed you earlier in this video.
09:13And if you want to make even more money with it,
09:16then just send out more of the emails every day
09:19and it's a very very simple service to set up.
09:22So I recommend again,
09:23like I said earlier,
09:24if you're more familiar with Instagram
09:26or you're more familiar with Twitter
09:27or you're more familiar with LinkedIn,
09:29focus in on building the page for the businesses that you're most familiar with.
09:34I think most people are probably familiar with Facebook.
09:36Almost everyone's on Facebook these days.
09:38So that's why I started with that
09:39but you could do with any social media platform like this.
09:43Now I will say this is quite a lot of work.
09:46You do have to hustle every single day.
09:49So every day you're searching for businesses
09:52whether using D7 lead finder
09:53or just doing it manually through Google search.
09:56Every day you're searching Google for businesses
09:58and every day you're emailing businesses
10:01and hustling every day to create social media pages for these businesses
10:05and it can be a lot of work even though the money can be really good.
10:09It is a lot of work on a day-to-day basis
10:12and that's why I continually recommend to people to click on the free class
10:16that I have in the link in the description of this video
10:19because that teach that free class teaches you a more autopilot business model.
10:25It is some work to get it set up at the very beginning.
10:28But what I teach you to do in that free class is to set up a system
10:32that's going to generate income for you on a day-to-day basis
10:36whether you are working or not.
10:38So on an ongoing basis, it's going to be a lot more work.
10:40In fact, it's going to be hardly any work at all for you on an ongoing basis
10:44once you get it set up
10:45and we go through all the details of that specific business.
10:48Again, it's similar to this one where it works with local businesses and Google Maps,
10:52but it works on an auto uses an autopilot system to generate the income for you.
10:58So just click on the link in the description of this video to get a free class on how to do that
11:03and I'll see you on the other side.
