Marinara: Full Episode 67 (Stream Together)

  • 2 days ago
To celebrate finding her second daughter, Maria (Rufa Mae Quinto), Juan Miguel (Rufa Mae Quinto) organizes a party, but a known individual tries to sabotage the event.

Watch the episodes of ‘Marinara’ starring Rufa Mae Quinto, Alfred Valdes, Angel Quino, Ronaldo Valdez. Marinara's story centers on a young, innocent mermaid who ventures to the surface to find her two sisters.


00:02I already put it in the sea.
00:06You know I will bury it.
00:08I think the sharks ate it.
00:18I'm fine with this.
00:20But your mission is not yet done.
00:22Alright, alright.
00:23What's your next mission?
00:25Look for my siblings.
00:27Look for your siblings?
00:30And if you find them, what will you do?
00:33I will kill them.
00:35You will kill them?
00:37That's my girl!
00:38You're my girl!
00:40I don't want to!
00:41Ay, Ayra!
00:43That's my girl!
00:44You're my girl!
00:46I don't want to!
00:47Ay, Ayra!
01:00If there's a problem here at home,
01:03I'll just leave.
01:05I'll just stay at my mom's house.
01:10Because I'm used to it.
01:13What's important to me,
01:17is that I already met you, Papa.
01:22You're not leaving, Marie.
01:26Your mom and I were left behind
01:28to look for your other sibling.
01:33Now that I've seen you,
01:35I won't allow you to leave me again.
01:38Ay, what about Ayra?
01:44Let's just give her some time.
01:47She can get used to having a sibling.
01:51I know that she will accept you one day.
01:57One day?
01:58When is that?
02:00Next year or next decade?
02:01In a century?
02:03Am I still alive then?
02:09will you allow me to apologize to Ayra?
02:14It's okay, Papa.
02:17What's important,
02:19is that we're a family.
02:23Is that right?
02:25I was left behind like a street cat
02:29who's shy in front of our neighbor.
02:33And you,
02:34why did you hide the newspaper clippings
02:37of your ex-husband's death?
02:40It's a souvenir.
02:41A souvenir?
02:45I look at it when I'm depressed.
02:48And when I see those clippings,
02:51it uplifts my soul.
02:53I'm happy because
02:55no one caught me when I killed my ex-husbands.
02:58It's a success in my part.
03:01You know, you're really weird.
03:03That's why I really like you.
03:05What? I'm not in the mood.
03:08What do you want us to do?
03:12I want you to replace me, Alvaro.
03:16You have to kill Juan,
03:19and also his son in his first wife.
03:23That's all?
03:28What do you mean, solved?
03:30Solved. You don't have a problem anymore.
03:32I'll take care of it.
03:34You know, you should wear that black dress again,
03:37because there's a funeral in Juan Bautista's mansion.
03:40Excuse me, Alvaro.
03:42I don't wear clothes again.
03:44That night,
03:46I'll wear the signature brand of Valentino.
03:50Also black.
03:53Luis Inigo, there you are.
03:56My mom just brought me here.
03:59Good day to you.
04:01What good day?
04:03It's even worse when I saw you here.
04:05You know,
04:07you don't fit here.
04:09You fit in the fields, in the mountains.
04:13You don't fit here.
04:15Luis Inigo, what's wrong with you?
04:18Why are you doing this to my mom?
04:21It's none of your business.
04:23Also, can you stop being so dramatic?
04:27I'm just being nice to you.
04:35Why are you like that?
04:37It's like you're possessed.
04:40Why are you like that, Marie?
04:43Do you have feelings for that man?
04:48Mom, why is he like that?
04:51He told me he loves me, but
04:54it's like he changed.
04:58That's what I'm telling you, my child.
05:01The other day,
05:02I told you,
05:04men like that are cheaters.
05:07They're liars.
05:09They don't know how to love.
05:11How many times do I have to tell you?
05:13Yes, you're right, mom.
05:16Thank you.
05:18But it's the last time.
05:20I love Luis Inigo.
05:23It's so annoying here in the mansion.
05:26And of course,
05:28that Marie stays here.
05:30She's so arrogant.
05:32Even her mom
05:33will probably stay here.
05:34It's all gone, right?
05:36From the moment she found out that Marie is her daughter,
05:38everyone seems to like her.
05:44What do you mean,
05:45after Juan fired me,
05:48she's going to stay here?
05:51Yes, Madam Sadama.
05:53Oh, and one more thing.
05:56I think,
05:57there's going to be a party
05:58at Don Juan's ship.
06:00Because he's going to introduce Marie
06:01to the high society.
06:04What can you say about that?
06:06You're having a party?
06:11Tomorrow night.
06:12Oh my,
06:13I hope it doesn't continue.
06:14I hope it rains heavily.
06:16No, no.
06:17It should continue.
06:19Because there's a surprise
06:20waiting for them there.
06:23It's going to be a big blast.
06:35Where did you come from?
06:36Sit down.
06:37I went shopping.
06:38What's wrong with you?
06:42What's wrong with you, Alvaro?
06:43Why did you make me sit here?
06:44It's so ugly
06:45when you're with me here.
06:46You're making me sick.
06:47Go away.
06:51Why did you go shopping?
06:55we're going to be attendants later.
06:58Big surprise.
07:02The Bautistas have a big party.
07:04We will attend their big party.
07:08So, are you ready?
07:12Look at this.
07:13Open it.
07:21Ladies and gentlemen,
07:24good evening to all of you.
07:28Maybe it's time
07:31for you to know
07:32the reason
07:33why we're all here today.
07:37Maybe some of you
07:39don't know
07:43our first wife and I
07:44became triplets.
07:50we lost
07:51both of them.
07:55But now,
07:56I can see one.
08:00And that is none other than
08:25My congratulations to you, Marie.
08:28I'm happy that you're with your parents.
08:32For that,
08:33I have something for you.
08:36bring it in.
08:44Do you see this?
08:47It's a bomb.
08:49I'll just press it.
08:52We'll all explode.
08:56what does this mean?
08:58What do you mean, Juan?
08:59Can't you see?
09:00Are you deaf?
09:03But why are you doing this?
09:05Because I don't want you to do this.
09:07My life is miserable.
09:11Do you understand that?
09:15Be careful.
09:16If you don't want to get involved,
09:17get out of here.
09:22What's that?
09:25What's that remote?
09:27There's no TV.
09:30Hey, Luis!
09:37Luis Inigo,
09:38what's that?
09:39What's that?
09:40Don't listen to him, son.
09:42Kill them all!
09:45What's that?
09:51What's that?
09:55Don't listen to him, son.
09:57Kill them all!
09:58Kill them all!
10:11Luis Inigo!
10:12Luis Inigo!
10:14Don't listen to him, son!
10:15Don't listen to him, son!
10:16Don't listen to him, son!
10:17Don't listen to him, son!
10:18Don't listen to him, son!
10:40I'm going to look for Mommy.
10:41Don't, JM.
10:42Let the rescue teams handle it.
10:43They'll take care of it.
10:53He's still partying!
11:08how's Mommy?
11:09She's fine.
11:11We just temporarily hid her in a safe place.
11:15Don't worry.
11:16They won't leave her alone.
11:19Thank you.
11:22I really don't know what I'll do without you.
11:26What are you saying, Dolphina?
11:28What are friends for?
11:30Thank you.
11:31Just take care of it.
11:34please hide these.
11:37Don't let it get cold.
11:41You know why.
11:42Take care.
11:43Of course.
11:45take care.
11:48I love you.
11:51Okay, bye.
11:52Take care of it.
11:55Come here!
11:56It might die!
11:58I told you to take care of it.
12:02My IQ dropped again.
12:04The rescue operation is still going on, sir.
12:06Until now,
12:07there's still no news.
12:09And Mrs. Bautista's body
12:10hasn't been traced yet.
12:14Why are you so sure
12:15that it's her body?
12:18We don't even know
12:19if she's safe.
12:21It's better if you think
12:22that it's your wife's body.
12:24So that when you find out,
12:25you won't be surprised.
12:37what's wrong with you?
12:39Everyone's in a mess.
12:41People's minds are all messed up.
12:43And if you look for your mom,
12:45you'll end up
12:46scuba diving.
12:47What's wrong with you?
12:49I'll look for my mom.
12:53there's a rescue team
12:54looking for your mom.
12:55You don't have to
12:56risk your life anymore.
12:58What if something happens to your mom?
13:01Dad, don't stop me.
13:02I'll look for my mom.
13:03I'm sorry,
13:04but she's my mom.
13:05It's your fault
13:06that your mom's gone.
13:11If your mom didn't die,
13:13none of this would've happened.
13:15Because she left.
13:17I have a reason.
13:18There's no reason.
13:19Because you're useless.
13:21I'm really useless.
13:26Sir, sir.
13:27You're fighting.
13:28That's enough, sir.
13:29You're fighting.
13:30You're fighting.
13:31You'll pay for this.
13:33You'll pay for this.
13:36I have nothing to do with your mom.
13:39That's enough, sir.
13:40You're just like your mom.
13:42You're both
13:43ungrateful people.
13:45Get out of here.
13:46Come with me.
13:47I'm leaving.
13:48But remember this.
13:50I'll punish you.
13:51I'll punish you
13:52for everything that happened to my mom.
13:55That's enough, sir.
13:56You're drunk.
14:00Okay, I'm okay now.
14:01Lucid Nigo.
14:04Where are you going?
14:06You're not going anywhere.
14:08Lucid Nigo, stop it.
14:09What's your problem?
14:12I don't have a problem.
14:13You're the one who has a problem.
14:16You think you don't have a problem
14:18but you have a huge problem.
14:20Why are you acting like that?
14:22I said I have a problem.
14:23Did you hear what I said?
14:25I know.
14:26That's it.
14:27That's the root of your problem.
14:29Remove it.
14:30Remove it.
14:31Remove it.
14:32I said remove it.
