以巴停火协议有望 双方皆同意下周谈判

  • 2 months ago
八点最热报 | 以巴冲突延烧至今,曾在去年11月达成停火协议。但在停火的一星期后,双方依旧一直无法在谈判桌上达成协议。不过有最新消息指,以色列与哈马斯下个星期都会派出代表团,在卡塔尔的调解下进行新一轮停火协议的磋商。但是在实现停火前,加沙依旧战火连天。(主播:颜江瀚)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30Yesterday, the Israeli military attacked a United Nations school in the middle of Gaza,
00:35causing 16 people to die and 75 people to be injured.
00:38At that time, 7,000 homeless refugees were also taken into the school.
00:42But Israel later issued a statement saying,
00:45There is information showing that Hamas used the school as a place to hide and a command center,
00:50so the Israeli army will launch an attack.
00:53According to reports, since the outbreak of the Iba conflict in October last year,
00:57the Israeli army has bombed more than 17 schools and refugee centers in the Gaza Strip.
01:27The Israeli army has been protesting on the streets of Tel Aviv.
01:29They asked the Israeli government to accept the ceasefire agreement and release the refugees in Gaza.
01:38After nightfall, the demonstrators were still in high spirits.
01:40The family of the refugees also took turns to speak on stage and pressurize the government.
01:43A survivor who had been captured by Hamas hopes that the government will not let the negotiations go smoothly.
01:49What is happening here, from this stage,
01:52is even a plea to the Prime Minister and the members of the cabinet.
01:57We must not miss the opportunity to bring David back.
02:02And 119 other captives,
02:06Mr. Prime Minister,
02:08please give a wide welcome to the Hamas and Matan team,
02:11to return with a deal and to bring everyone back home.
02:17The peaceful gathering eventually turned into a police conflict.
02:20The demonstrators gathered in the center of the highway and set fire,
02:22causing traffic jams and chaos.
02:25The police were forced to launch water cannons to drive away the demonstrators,
02:28preventing them from continuing to make trouble.
