10 Multiplayer Games With GREAT Story Modes

  • 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're taking a look at 10 multiplayer games with the best
00:12story modes to play.
00:21Before we begin we publish new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to Mojo
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00:30Sea of Thieves
00:40When it first launched in 2018, Sea of Thieves didn't have much going for it.
00:44It kind of just dropped you into the world and said, yarr go be a pirate and do pirate
00:49things me hearty.
00:50But this is a video game, shouldn't there be some kind of story to go along with this
00:55and justify my actions besides trying to be a pirate legend?
00:59Well, as the years have gone by, Rare has added more and more series of adventures known
01:05as Tall Tales.
01:15These quests not only give you special voyages, they also reveal riveting tales that the dead
01:20will gladly tell.
01:21You can search for legendary treasures, avenge the deaths of a pirate and his crew, or partake
01:26in the crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean or Monkey Island.
01:30They're all truly fun to experience both solo and with friends, but mostly with friends.
01:53It's almost hard to believe that a free-to-play game such as Warframe could have an engaging
01:57enough story to keep players coming back, and yet, Warframe has managed to do that for
02:03well over a decade now.
02:05There is plenty of lore to read up on about the game's planets, enemies, and of course
02:10the Warframes.
02:11As for things like cutscenes and dialogue, well, there is something wonderfully corny
02:16about it.
02:17It kind of brings us back to Saturday morning cartoons like He-Man and G.I.
02:28So long as you don't go in expecting top-of-the-line, ultra-serious storytelling, you'll have a
02:33good time here.
02:44Splatoon 2
02:56We want to acknowledge Splatoon 2 for how it manages to use its campaign as a training
03:00ground for the multiplayer.
03:02We'll be the first to admit that the AI can be a bit oppressive at times, but Nintendo's
03:07level design is on point here.
03:09Every mission will test your platforming, traversal, and shooting skills with various
03:24In other words, it is a campaign that will help you get good at Splatoon and get you
03:28primed to tackle the online scene.
03:31And if you're wanting more of the game's world and narrative, that Octo Expansion was
03:35widely loved by the fanbase, too.
03:43Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
03:55If you were ever curious about why people ever fell in love with Call of Duty in the
03:59first place, then you absolutely need to play the original Modern Warfare 2.
04:04At the time, this wasn't just a game to let us go pew pew pew.
04:08This was a game that understood the importance of set-pieces in an action game's story
04:13and explored the touchy subject of terrorism and nuclear warfare, which was a super-sensitive
04:18topic to bring up back in 2009, and in some ways, still is today.
04:32Honestly, it really is the most thought-provoking and clever Call of Duty game to have been
04:37which is something we never thought anybody could say about the franchise.
04:49Gears of War 2
04:58Whereas Modern Warfare 2 presented a story that touched upon modern subject matter, Gears
05:02of War 2 was a bit more isolated, focusing on its characters, their bonds with each other,
05:08and the horrors of war.
05:10Gameplay-wise, it truly is Gears at its best.
05:20The gunplay is way more satisfying than the first game, and the visual and sound design
05:24showcased some of the potential behind Unreal Engine.
05:27The only complaint we have with the game is the final boss, and even so, you should really
05:32go play this for yourself if you haven't already.
05:43Battlefield 1
05:53Just when it seemed like Battlefield was struggling to stay relevant, DICE went and found a way
05:57to give the IP some juice.
05:59Initially, the main appeal of Battlefield 1 was just the fact that it was set in World
06:03War 1, a tragically historical event that video games have rarely explored, and DICE
06:08crafted a campaign that was expertly approached.
06:15See, you don't experience the story through one linear path, it's not that simple.
06:23Rather, you have six campaigns to go through, each one showing World War 1 through the perspective
06:30of various different countries and their soldiers.
06:32You have the US, the UK, France, Italy, Turkey, and Arabia.
06:37It provides much more context to how things unfolded and what it was like on the battlefield,
06:42and it's a rare example of games taking historical subject matter like World War 1
06:47seriously with an educational and open approach.
06:57Super Smash Bros. Brawl
07:05Such a dramatic shift to go from war, war, war, to colorful crossover fighting game,
07:10we know.
07:11But just to break up the first-person shooters, we should acknowledge the ambition Super Smash
07:15Bros. Brawl had with its campaign.
07:17Ask any Smash fan who played it on the Wii, and they'll tell you the subspace emissary
07:22was the best part about Brawl.
07:31You mean, we get to play through a sprawling adventure, filled with our favorite Nintendo
07:36characters working together to fight an invasive force that threatens their entire existence?
07:41And it features a sticker system akin to RPG mechanics?
07:46And it has co-op?
07:48Say what you will about fan service, but this was paradise for just about any Nintendo fan,
07:53casual or hardcore.
07:55And the closest we ever got to having a sequel for subspace emissary was the grindy World
08:01of Light campaign in Ultimate.
08:03It was good, but it wasn't exactly what we were wanting.
08:13Halo Reach
08:25You almost can't go wrong playing through any of the Halo campaigns from the Bungie
08:30Well, unless you hate yourself and want to suffer through the library, then by all means,
08:34play Combat Evolved.
08:36But Halo Reach remains the best in the franchise.
08:39Not that the bar is super high, admittedly.
08:42But whether you want to play the campaign alone or with friends is up to you, but you
08:46really might want to pay attention to the game's story here.
08:55The brief respite from Master Chief might seem odd at first, however, the story of Noble
09:00team and their efforts to defend a massive colony of humans from the Covenant is beautifully
09:05written and told in such an unforgettable way.
09:08That's really the most we can say about it without getting into spoilers, so please,
09:14go play this if you haven't yet.
09:23Titanfall 2
09:34Much like Splatoon 2, Titanfall 2 presents a campaign that is primarily meant to help
09:39you hone your skills before tackling the multiplayer.
09:42They could have easily just made some explosive missions and called it a day, and yet, developer
09:46Respawn Entertainment went the extra mile and really fleshed out their world.
09:58Titanfall 2 tells an incredible story about Jack Cooper and his mech, BT, and it is told
10:04exceptionally well.
10:06There are moments that are genuinely funny, and before you know it, you may actually feel
10:10some attachment to these two.
10:12Really, we never expected something of this caliber out of Titanfall of all franchises.
10:24Destiny Series
10:32The hardcore fans may have some problems with us listing the Destiny games as multiplayer
10:37games with great story modes.
10:39They don't trust us though when we say Destiny and Destiny 2 are great multiplayer games
10:43with great stories.
10:45It's just that we're saying that with one big bold asterisk.
10:54Destiny 2 has some onboarding problems, as significant chunks of its story have been
10:58vaulted away to keep the game's file size reasonable.
11:02So there's quite a bit of homework involved with reading up on lore if you want to play
11:06with some idea as to what in the hell is going on.
11:10But for the players who have been around since the first game launched in 2014, they swear
11:15that the story is spectacular.
11:16There's been some lows recently, but it's still good.
11:26But anyways, which multiplayer game do you think has a great campaign?
11:30Let us know down in the comments below, and don't forget to subscribe to Mojo Plays
11:34for more great videos every day.