00:00It could be a camera accident.
00:03It could be an accident that needs to be investigated and investigated.
00:06No one is safe as long as caught on cam.
00:12First on caught on cam, a motorcyclist entered the cabin of Skyway Stage 3.
00:19An enforcer tried to stop him but he kept going straight.
00:24Aside from his fast running, he also did a counter-flow.
00:42Just in time, an SUV passed by and the motorcyclist fell on the collided SUV.
00:50The motorcyclist fell on the collided SUV.
00:53The rider who was drunk and not wearing a helmet also fell.
01:00After a few hours, he came back to life.
01:06Caught on cam, a rider who was drunk also fell on the collided truck.
01:14The motorcyclist was following a 10-wheeler truck.
01:17The truck suddenly braked, so the rider also pulled the brake.
01:24He lost his balance and fell.
01:26Just in time, a delivery truck was on its way.
01:30On the other side of the lane, the female rider fell.
01:37On Ilocos Norte, caught on cam,
01:39on Ilocos Norte, caught on cam,
01:41this is a video of a 74-year-old grandmother hitting a motorcycle rider.
01:54Because of the hitting, the rider returned the old woman and tried to hit her back.
01:59The old woman begged the rider to forgive her
02:03because there are often people passing in front of her house.
02:09We will share those videos of caught on cam.
02:13We have with us this morning, Joel Elio, a road safety consultant.
02:18Good morning, Igan.
02:20Good morning, Igan.
02:21Okay. Let's go back to the caught on cam accident.
02:25What can we do to avoid that kind of incident?
02:31First, on the Skyway, the rider counter-flowed.
02:36Can you explain what can happen if you counter-flow?
02:41That's the expressway, Joel.
02:43Okay. Igan, first of all, it is prohibited to counter-flow.
02:50It is prohibited to enter the expressway or Skyway.
02:53It is prohibited for cars to run on the expressway.
02:57So just in case, on the part of the motorcycle,
03:02on the part of the motorcycle, you entered,
03:04the process of mine is to make a way for you to return.
03:09You need to brake immediately and then return.
03:12On the part of the SUV, so that it cannot bounce,
03:16it needs to avoid the other lane.
03:19Because most of the time, when there is a hit-on collision,
03:24it is usually fatal.
03:26So if that happens, it's dead.
03:29So now, this is the process of mine of both drivers,
03:33the motorcycle and the SUV driver.
03:37Now, on the part of an accident…
03:42This is the accident where you suddenly braked, Joel.
03:48Yeah. Normally, a driver should have the process of mine.
03:53Now, there is a safe following distance,
03:56which is the three seconds rule.
03:59If you are the motorcycle,
04:00your following distance should be the three seconds rule.
04:04You should not get too close.
04:07And on the part of the delivery truck,
04:10it should not get too close to the front,
04:13so that it will not suddenly brake.
04:16So that it will not bounce from the back.
04:18So both can be prevented.
04:20It can be avoided that it will not bounce.
04:22How far is the distance of the vehicle?
04:25Before, it was said that there are two vehicles.
04:27But now, it's traffic.
04:28So that's why it's called the three seconds rule.
04:31Three seconds.
04:32Thousand one, thousand two, thousand three.
04:35That is the correct distance for the vehicle in the front.
04:39So that you can still avoid it suddenly.
04:42So that when it brakes, it will not bounce.
04:46Now, on the part of the one that happened,
04:50this one.
04:51The grandmother.
04:52The grandmother.
04:55We have a lot of ways to avoid road rage.
04:58We can avoid having a fight on the road.
05:01So a driver should have a long patience.
05:05A driver should have a presence of mind.
05:08Do not let people who have a small problem
05:12when it comes to the road.
05:15So again, as a driver,
05:17we develop the culture of safety.
05:20We develop road safety
05:23as a defensive driver.
05:26That's how we should advocate for all motorcycles or road drivers.
05:31I'll go back to the one who countered the expressway, Joel.
05:36Because what a lot of people noticed is that the motorcycle has a crime.
05:40But the SUV driver seems to be in jail.
05:43Shouldn't we already know who has a violation there?
05:50According to the law,
05:52you need to prove to this driver that he has a crime.
05:56That's a counterflow.
05:59So there's still a process.
06:00There's still a process.
06:01But on the part of the defensive drivers,
06:04you should do everything.
06:06So our suggestion is,
06:08on the part of the highway,
06:10on the curbs,
06:11you should put rubber strips.
06:14Rumble strips.
06:16To force the drivers to slow down.
06:19On the curbs.
06:20To avoid accidents.
06:21That's engineering control.
06:23Thank you very much, Joel Elio, road safety consultant.
06:26My fellow countrymen,
06:27we will investigate accidents or crimes.
06:30Because from now on,
06:31there's no blind spot when it comes to safety.
06:34Let's focus on that.
06:36On cam.