Milivoj Bračun na Nova TV

  • 3 months ago


00:00Good evening to you too. Tonight we will talk about changes at the coach club Rijeka.
00:08As we announced in our sports section, Josef Kuža is the new coach of the white Skantrida.
00:13Our guest is the coach of yesterday or today, we will hear it now.
00:16Miloje Bracun, good evening, welcome.
00:18Good evening, good evening.
00:19Mr. Bracun, you have a contract until July, but you are no longer the coach of Rijeka.
00:23Did you get a contract, that is, an extension of the contract, and why?
00:27Well, after a long withdrawal, to my satisfaction, I got that extension of the contract,
00:33today at 4 o'clock, so that we can, with my lawyer, see everything that is written in the contract,
00:40which is why I got the extension.
00:43Say it with your satisfaction, to your satisfaction.
00:45What does that mean?
00:46Well, okay, for these two days, it's not really a football drama anymore, it's a little more tactical.
00:53After the match in Čakovac, when I was talking to Mr. Ježić and Marinko Koljanin,
01:01my former director, that I will no longer lead the team, I asked them to give me a written decision.
01:09So they attached it to you, that came to you?
01:11Yes, they attached it to me, I asked for a written decision, because I have a contract until June,
01:18and I told them on Sunday that I ordered a training session, until there is a decision,
01:22that I will lead the team as a manager and coach.
01:24Okay, with what excuse did you get that extension?
01:27As far as I follow football, you don't have, at least from my perspective, such bad results.
01:31In the last three matches, as far as I know, you won twice, in the first one,
01:34in the second one you played unresolved at home, you lost, you are not from Dinamo to the soul, but who is not?
01:39It's unusual what you got after the victory.
01:42Well, it's a bit strange, it's a bit of a paradox.
01:45More or less, we based the whole club on the match against Belup, what we expected.
01:52You are talking about the match against Koprivnica, which is on the program Freksut, right?
01:55That's right, against Koprivnica, everything was based on that, the form was based,
02:00the whole season depended on that match, the team was rising,
02:04that's how we prepared them to rise and to be in the middle of the quality and physical.
02:09In the first court, you can't count on it, and then the second half starts.
02:12That's right, without the last one, and we caught the form just for that match.
02:15Unfortunately, what caused the split, I can't, except for the decision that says
02:20that because of the bad results, I can't be a coach of Rijeka anymore.
02:25Rijeka, we could say, likes to change coaches, you are the second coach of Rijeka this season.
02:30What can you say, you've been on that position for ten months,
02:35what has changed for the better, what has changed for the worse,
02:37how does it look to you from this perspective?
02:39Croatian football, more or less 99% of the times,
02:41coaches come when the results are bad.
02:44That's how it was for me, I was lucky to come to Rijeka,
02:47when it was 3rd from the bottom, when it had only 7 points,
02:50when Šibenik was 4th, so we had 10-11 points.
02:54At that moment, the situation was, when it comes to Rijeka, chaotic,
03:00because it went to the first place, that Dinamo will be separated,
03:04and after that situation, we said, first, what is important to us,
03:09and first of all, to make a selection in the winter,
03:12to rejuvenate the team, to refresh the team,
03:14and to make a quality team in the spring.
03:17The owners of the club say that a lot of money was spent on quality players,
03:21who came to the club, so that it's not seen on the game.
03:23I wouldn't agree with that, I can say that 8 players left the club,
03:28only Rubil stayed in the first division,
03:34the rest stayed in the lower ranks.
03:37I was in charge of leading the transition period,
03:41and Rubil was the only one who was dissatisfied with the situation,
03:45because he was a tonito on this position, he was dissatisfied,
03:48so we allowed him to go to the lower ranks.
03:52The rest of the players, except for Ivanova,
03:54who was damaged, I think 130.000 euros,
03:57and Novakovic, where I didn't play,
04:00but the president knows everything,
04:02the rest, Strok came with free papers,
04:04Vučko came with free papers,
04:06young players from Kvarnevska area,
04:10Malkić and Junuzović came with free papers,
04:14and the last one, Vučko also came with free papers.
04:20So all the players, except for two, came with free papers.
04:24They also told you about the bad situation in Slačionica,
04:27what does that mean, how should the situation be in Slačionica?
04:30The atmosphere in Slačionica was exceptional,
04:34because when a coach is in a bad situation, he certainly loses.
04:39If a player in Čakovac has a fever and asks to play,
04:45and Vučko, who was prepared only for Hajduk,
04:50said no, I will play because it is important for the coach to win,
04:55because the atmosphere felt that changes were being prepared,
04:59and many players wanted to play in the match,
05:02but of course in every Slačionica there are always two or three dissatisfied players.
05:05When we talk about the atmosphere, what is the atmosphere between the fans after the changes?
05:09Do you have any information, have you heard from anyone?
05:11Well, there are always supporters for or against,
05:14the fans are always closer to the result,
05:17I think Rijeka is on the right track, it will be a quality match.
05:20In Wednesday, right?
05:22I believe that regardless of everything, you want Rijeka to do well in the Cup and in the Champions League.
05:26I am too involved with the players, and the players with me,
05:29so that they would not want to go to Belupo.
05:32And you personally, what awaits you, negotiations with the club, with Rijeka,
05:36and further, do you have anything?
05:38Well, I think it's a matter of the referee,
05:41I mean, what I know, I know how to do on the court,
05:44I proved it through clubs.
05:46Do you already have contacts for a new job somewhere?
05:48I don't, I think all coaches are like this,
05:50when they get it, they all have some clubs,
05:52when they need it, no one has a club.
05:54In any case, we wish you a lot of success in your coaching career.
05:57Thank you very much.
05:58And thank you for visiting us on Neneko Nova TV.