New Hallmark Romance 2024 - Best Holiday Movies 2024 - Great Romantic Movies 2024 (720p_30fps_H264-128kbit_AAC)_2.mp4

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00Claire? Oh. You okay? Hey, Henry. Yeah, I'm okay. Everything's fine. Yeah, it looks like
00:00:07it. Everything seems really great. Just another stupid fight with Zach. Oh, yeah, that guy.
00:00:12Yeah, well, I think we're breaking up. Oh, that's too bad. Let's talk about something
00:00:19else. Your graduation trip. Don't you and Lily leave soon? Mm-hmm. Just one more week.
00:00:25And then we will be wearing berets and sipping Chocolat Char in Paris. That sounds parfait.
00:00:33Okay. You always know how to cheer me up. High school graduation is this weekend. I
00:00:47just realized that with my trip and, you know, college right after, we might not be able
00:00:53to talk like this for a while. But I still have so many secrets and stories to tell you.
00:00:58Well, you better let it all out and tell me everything now, because there's a very good
00:01:02chance I will stay in Europe forever. Tell her everything. Claire. To my dearest Claire,
00:01:32Hey, Claire. What's up, Claire? Yo, Claire. Simple and from the heart. Dear Claire, I
00:01:55have known you for most of my life. And in all those years of friendship, I haven't been
00:02:01completely honest with you. Since this is the last week of high school, I think it's
00:02:07finally time for me to tell you the truth. I remember the first time I saw you down to
00:02:14the smallest detail. It was the day you moved in next door and I watched you sit on the
00:02:20front porch cheering on the movers. I remember that like it was yesterday. But for some strange
00:02:28reason, I can't remember when I fell in love with you. It's almost like I've always loved you
00:02:36even before we met. And I was just waiting for you to walk into my life. These feelings have
00:02:44always been there. They've never gone away. And I don't think they ever will. Hey, I picked up
00:02:49your yearbook when I got mine. Oh, thanks. You coming to class? Not yet. I'll meet you there.
00:02:56All right. I'm pretty sure you don't feel the same way. But I think it's time to let it all out and tell you everything.
00:03:05Maybe it's back. Sincerely.
00:03:11Love. Henry. Hey. Hey. What's going on? I just.
00:03:20I. Hey, you. Oh, hey, Zach. Not to be weird, but didn't you guys break up? No, no, that was just a silly fight.
00:03:36Was there something you needed?
00:03:41My mom was just wondering if your family could come over sometime for dinner next week. I know
00:03:48you'll be gone already, but. Sure, I can ask them. Oh, cool. Thanks. I gotta go. I'll see you.
00:04:34OK, I'm done here. Are you ready? I have been ready for days.
00:04:38Tom, your computer's still on and you have a solitaire over.
00:04:41Happy? Yeah. All right, Tyler. See you in two weeks. Hold on the four bus. All right. Oh, and don't forget about the tile.
00:04:49Got it covered. Enjoy your break. Oh, I will. Can't wait to chill in the old homestead. Oh, you mean my mom's house? Yes, your mom's house.
00:04:58I can't believe you ate my peanuts, Tom. Back off, man. I'm starving. This place hasn't changed.
00:05:04This place hasn't changed. Never does. I haven't been here in like five years.
00:05:09Been what, two years for you, right? Yeah, I just found.
00:05:24There's my boy. I am so glad you're home.
00:05:28Yeah, are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world. Turn into big five. Oh,
00:05:31do not remind me. Tom, how are you? Fantastic.
00:06:02I'm still in sweet bed. Every time I'm in this room, I feel like I'm 16 all over again.
00:06:08Ah, the memories. All the homework. All your dateless Saturdays. Late nights. Playing video
00:06:16games. I used to shout out this window to Claire. We tried sending notes to each other on paper
00:06:21airplanes. Definitely did not work. So we just yelled. Right, Claire. How long has it been since
00:06:29you've seen her? A few years, I guess. Can you help me out and set the table while I finish up
00:06:38dinner? Yeah. Hey, mom, did someone move into the Goodsters old house? Yeah, Claire did a couple of
00:06:42months ago, just for a little while. Thought I told you. No, I thought that her parents moved
00:06:48out. Well, they did, but you know, her grandmother originally owned the house and she got really
00:06:51sick. And so Claire moved back to take care of her before she just passed away. I could have
00:06:56sworn I told you. I think I would have remembered. Huh. You know, my mind is actually like a steel
00:07:01trap. If you want me to teach you some things, I can. Saved by the bell. That is probably Claire
00:07:08and Lily right now. I invited them over for dinner. I just thought it'd be really fun for
00:07:11you guys to all catch up. Wait, now? Yeah. Can you get it for me, please?
00:07:15No. Come on.
00:07:25Hey. Henry. Oh, my gosh. Look at you. So grown up and a little bit of man style.
00:07:35No, not really. But yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Look at you. I'm sorry.
00:07:39Tom, how are you?
00:07:44You guys remember Lily? Yeah. Hello. Hi. It's me, Tom King. We had half a semester of biology,
00:07:53actually. Well, you really do have a good memory. I told you it's a steel trap. And why only half
00:07:56a semester? Well, I got I got sick when I got my midterm back. Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. You're
00:08:04the guy who threw up and fainted when you failed. He's the one. I am so glad you're girls.
00:08:12Come in, come in, come in. So I'm the guy that throws up.
00:08:19Don't take it personally. Lily doesn't remember a lot of people from high school. She was a little
00:08:22too busy with her face in a book. I'm sorry. I prefer the classics to our classmates.
00:08:26Oh, well, that's my sweet little always too busy reading the romantics.
00:08:30Hey, Claire, I'm really sorry about your grandma. My mom just told me exactly.
00:08:35Thanks, guys. You're sweet. Remember that time she made us play Cinderella just to clean the
00:08:38kitchen? Yes. You made a beautiful fairy godmother. OK, I want to hear all about your photography,
00:08:49Claire. Wow. You're a photographer now? Yeah. Well, that's great. Lily, what brought you back
00:08:55now? Well, I moved back after college and I now own a boutique flower shop. It's called the
00:09:01Secret Admirers just off Main Street. And it's beautiful. I go there all the time. You really
00:09:05do have the best lilacs in town. Thank you, Mrs. Samson. That's so sweet of you. And she
00:09:09personally writes every love note that everybody wants to send with their flowers. And she is
00:09:16really good. I have to come to dinner here more often. Please just keep showering me
00:09:20in compliments. It's working. That's really great. I had no idea you did that. Yeah, well,
00:09:25you know, you might know all this if you bothered to keep in touch. Excuse me? I think you heard
00:09:31me. Last time I checked, friendship was a two way street. So you're just as much to blame as I am.
00:09:36At least I tried. I even looked you up online and everything. You look me up?
00:09:42Mm hmm. Henry meets my dad, right? We're out in the backyard.
00:10:12I'm sorry we lost touch. I don't apologize. I'm the old soul that doesn't use social media.
00:10:30We should get coffee tomorrow morning. I live next door, actually, in case you forgot. Oh,
00:10:35could you write down the address? I have a really bad sense of direction. Oh, Henry.
00:10:39Oh, good night, Henry. Good night. Oh, my goodness. Thank you.
00:10:53What are you looking at? Tom? Uh, let's go. We should unpack. Yeah.
00:10:58Yeah. You unpack already? Oh, yeah.
00:11:09No way. Come on. Oh, man. Oh, there's Lily.
00:11:20Gosh, she's always been cute. Yeah. Why didn't you ask her out?
00:11:25The class clown and the valedictorian? Like that would have ever worked.
00:11:29But you're employed now. Yeah, you're right. Grown up. Got a good job. I'm a stand up guy.
00:11:39What is this? I don't know.
00:11:45Dear Claire. Known you for most of my life and in those years of friendship.
00:11:51Don't read that. I remember the first time I saw you down to the smallest detail.
00:11:57I remember like it was yesterday. For some strange reason,
00:12:00I can't remember when I fell in love with you.
00:12:04Dude, this is a love letter to Claire. Yes, it is. Well, I knew you liked her,
00:12:09but I didn't know you felt like this. Why didn't you ever tell me? I never told anyone.
00:12:14Not even Claire. Why do you think you have trouble expressing yourself?
00:12:18I did express myself. That's why I walked out. Yeah, sure you did. And a letter that was never
00:12:22sent. That's not expressing yourself, my man. She was the popular girl in high school. She
00:12:26never would have gone out with me. It's a stupid high school crush. It's probably for the better
00:12:32that I didn't tell her. So let's just forget about it. You still love her. No, I don't. Just
00:12:39whatever. I'm going to bed. It's like 830. I'm jet lagged. It's ridiculous. Good night.
00:12:44Night. Whatever. Sleep tight, pumpkin.
00:12:56Hey, Mom. Hey. What are you doing? Oh, I'm just going through all these photos. Look at this.
00:13:05First day of kindergarten. What a handsome young man. Yes, a totally handsome young man. So cute.
00:13:13Look at this of you and Claire. How cute are you two together? Seems like ages ago. It does.
00:13:20Okay, who is that? And what are you wearing? Yeah, I know. This is, well, this is Edith.
00:13:25And this was sort of our sorority signature. We would just wear these crazy hats to parties.
00:13:30And you lost the bet. And I lost the bet. Exactly. She's in a lot of pictures with you. Yeah,
00:13:36she was my best, dearest friend. What happened? Oh, we just kind of, you know, fell out of touch.
00:13:45Why is that? Well, because of your dad, actually. Edith had dated your dad first,
00:13:56but it wasn't very serious. They had just dated for a couple of weeks. And about six months
00:14:00later, your dad was just so charming and fun and sweet. And, and we fell in love. And Edith and I
00:14:10got in a big fight about it because she was hurt and she was mad. And I felt so terrible.
00:14:18That's really surprising. Well, why is that surprising? I mean, relationships come and go.
00:14:23They, people change. Oh, no, no, no. That dad had that effect on women.
00:14:27He was charming and look at him. He was handsome and sexy. Okay. All right. Yeah.
00:14:35You know, these photos are really all I have left of him. And I miss him.
00:14:44I miss him too.
00:14:49I can't believe this place hasn't changed. It's the same shops, the same people. I know. I love it.
00:14:57I love it. I think this place is so special. It's, you know, a smaller, quieter life,
00:15:02but it feels so much cozier than downtown LA. Well, maybe you should just enjoy it while you're
00:15:07here. That's true. And it might actually take a while to find a buyer. I still need to get that
00:15:14house in shape. There's a lot of repairs that need to get done on it. I could totally help you out.
00:15:21Oh, that's right. Your mom mentioned you own a construction company,
00:15:25but I wouldn't want you to work on your vacation. No, no, no, please. I'd love to help.
00:15:29I don't know. I really don't want you to feel used. Okay. Hey, let's do a trade. I will help
00:15:36you out with the house and you help me out with my mom's part. There's still loads to be done.
00:15:39And I have no idea what I'm doing. Well, I love doing that stuff. So you have a deal, sir.
00:15:45Yeah. Oh, it's official. We'll draft a contract after this. Oh, okay.
00:15:56Hey. Hi. How's it going? I just thought I'd come check out the shop.
00:16:05Everybody spoke so highly of it last night. It's really nice. Thank you.
00:16:11So what got you into the flower business? Well, when I wasn't reading, I was usually
00:16:14out in the garden with my mom. Most of the time I'm just helping people find ways to show their
00:16:18loved ones that they care using these bouquets of flowers and also expressive notes. So this
00:16:25is what you were talking about last night at dinner? Yeah. My first and only love.
00:16:35I wake filled with thoughts of you and I ask myself every moment if this happiness is not a
00:16:40dream. Wow. You're a really good writer. The language reminds me of a favorite romantic poet of
00:16:47mine. Oh, who's that? Lord Brian. Lord Brian. Of course. His work is great. I read it all the time.
00:16:54Then you should probably know that his name is George Gordon Byron.
00:17:01You got me. I don't know a whole lot about this romance stuff, but I'd like to learn more about
00:17:06it. Maybe you could share some of your favorites with me. Coffee or something. Maybe tonight.
00:17:12Tonight? Yeah. Well, I will probably be working tonight. I usually like to keep an assortment of
00:17:18cards on hand and I need to replenish a bit. Maybe I could help you with that. I thought
00:17:22you just said you don't know about this romance stuff. I could give it a shot. It's a very nice
00:17:27offer. But after a long day of managing the shop, I think I just need to get these done
00:17:32before it gets too late. Yeah. Maybe another time then. Maybe.
00:17:45So I thought we could walk through the house and make a list of repairs that need to get done.
00:17:49Sounds good. First thing on the list, this door jam needs to be replaced.
00:17:54According to this data, you stopped growing right about here. Oh, hilarious. That's when we
00:17:57stopped measuring. Wow. So this fence needs to be fixed. One of those slats is broken there.
00:18:05Oh man, didn't you break this when you fell into it? Yep. Yeah, we were playing tag and you tripped.
00:18:09Uh, no, we were playing zombies and you pushed me. Okay, maybe we should leave the scene of the
00:18:14crime before you injure yourself again. Yeah, before you, you know, get the urge to just
00:18:18push me again. Don't, don't, don't. And here is another area of the house that little Henry broke.
00:18:28The front steps, third grade, playing tag. Winning tag. Yeah, well, either way.
00:18:43That's all we had to do? Yep. Well, certainly earning your keep around here. I'll bill you later.
00:18:48All right, sure.
00:19:01That is ridiculous.
00:19:57Thanks so much again for doing this. Of course. You want to get started early tomorrow? Yes,
00:20:01that would be great. Um, I also wanted to talk to you about your mom's party. Uh, I have taken
00:20:06care of the invitations and the catering, so we just need decorations and oh, we definitely need
00:20:12more tables and chairs. Okay. Uh, great. What's the theme? Susan's 50th birthday bash. You don't
00:20:19have a theme? Every good party has a theme, like 80s night or great Gatsby. Halloween or
00:20:28a fourth of July. Stop. You're just naming the holidays. It's weird. Look, you know what? We
00:20:33need to brainstorm. Uh, you know what? The energy here is no good. We need some place where we can
00:20:43clear our heads. Come with me. Okay. Where are we going? We'll see. Hey, what are you doing here?
00:20:55I thought if you were still working that I could maybe help, you know, with the writing and
00:20:59everything. Really? Um, it did not seem like your hair of expertise. Yeah. Well, after I got home, I,
00:21:06uh, came up with some stuff. Oh, did you? Yeah. I mean, I figured you've got all these cards that
00:21:11are supposed to be written by men. I figured you should have something that's actually written from
00:21:15the male perspective. What do you have in mind? I remember the first time I saw you.
00:21:24I remember it like it was yesterday, but for some strange reason, I can't remember when I fell in
00:21:29love with you. It's almost like I've always been in love with you, even before we met.
00:21:37And I was just waiting for you to walk into my life.
00:21:43These feelings have always been there. They haven't gone away and I don't think they ever will.
00:21:54You wrote that? Yep. All me.
00:22:00Uh, I guess I'm just a little more romantic than you thought.
00:22:10It's actually pretty late and I have to be up early in the morning.
00:22:14So. No, I also, I should get going. Also. Good night, Lily. Good night, Tom.
00:22:27We really need to sneak into our high school to come up with party ideas? Yes. It's very peaceful
00:22:33when no one else is around. It can be inspiring. It's inspiring anxiety. It builds character.
00:22:39I'm starting to sweat a little bit. Gross. Yeah, it's making my vision go bad. I need my glasses
00:22:45again. Nerd. Let me help. I don't want you tripping and breaking another set of stairs.
00:22:51So what? You want to wander the halls and talk of memories past?
00:22:55Memories past? Not exactly my plan here, Jane Austen. No, we need to relax and let the creative
00:23:03juices flow. It's what I do with my photos. I go to a special place and let the inspiration come
00:23:12to me. Isn't that your old hangout? You remembered. This place hasn't changed a bit. I know, I love it.
00:23:25It's nice knowing that some things never change.
00:23:34You got any ideas yet? Since I've been home, all she's been doing is looking at her photos.
00:23:42Oh, well then why don't we decorate her place with them? Yeah, we can put them up in the backyard,
00:23:50hang them with some Christmas lights. That sounds awesome. Yeah. Oh, and, and we can even print one
00:23:57out and put it on her cake. That does not sound awesome. You should have stopped there. I know, I
00:24:04know, I know. But see, I told you, this place is perfect for brainstorming.
00:24:27Hey, you. Rich, hi. What are you doing here? I came to surprise you and take you to dinner.
00:24:42That is so sweet. Hello. Oh, hi. Oh, uh, Rich, this is Henry, an old friend and next door neighbor.
00:24:49Uh, Henry, this is Rich, my boyfriend. Nice to meet you. Oh, great to meet you as well.
00:24:55Um, so I should get going. Okay. We can meet up tomorrow about the repairs and the party planning.
00:25:01Yeah, sounds good. All right. Okay. Have a good one.
00:25:09How was that for a surprise? Great. Completely unexpected.
00:25:14Oh, I am so glad you came here. My meeting was canceled. I wanted to see you.
00:25:19So I took a drive and here I am. I have missed you.
00:25:27How's everything going with the house? Great. Henry actually owns a construction
00:25:31company and has been helping me with the repairs. I know you want to take your time, but
00:25:37I'm really going to sell this place so we can finally start our life together.
00:25:41Yeah. I hate long distance. I barely see you. Exactly. I'm just,
00:25:48I'm going to start researching realtors. You don't need to do that.
00:25:51I'm not even ready for a realtor. I'm just trying to help. I can handle this, Rich.
00:25:55You know, it's my family home. It's my responsibility. I'm just taking my time.
00:26:03You know, there are a lot of memories here. Okay. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll stop pushing.
00:26:10Okay. You want to grab some dinner? Sure. Like right now? Yes. Well, come on. I'm hungry.
00:26:16Let's do this. She has a boyfriend. Who? Claire? Yeah. Wait, what are you doing? Nothing. Just
00:26:25checking work emails. Wait, she's got a boyfriend? Yeah. And you were right. Just seeing her again,
00:26:29it's brought back all these like old feelings. And we were getting along so well. I mean,
00:26:34I'm an idiot. I thought that I actually had a shot. I'm sorry, man. She never even mentioned
00:26:38him. Why would she? Well, you never said you had feelings for her. So if you're in love with
00:26:42somebody, don't you at least mention their name? You've hung out with her, what, a couple of times?
00:26:47I think you need to let this go. You said yourself, this is what a crush from 10 years ago?
00:26:53Yeah, you're probably right. Just give it some time and then you'll get over,
00:26:56you know, or you'll find something wrong with her. Like she doesn't own a TV.
00:27:01You're still upset about that girl? Who doesn't own a TV? I'm just saying.
00:27:17Um, excuse me, miss. Good morning. Good morning. Thank you. You are very welcome. I'm so glad
00:27:22you're here right now. I have something to tell you. What's up? So Tom comes by the shop last
00:27:29night. Really? Yeah. And he wants to help me write my romance card. Tom? Uh-huh. He was great.
00:27:35Like, really good. Romantic and sentimental and poignant. Mind blown. And
00:27:46it's really nice to be surprised by someone. I have to admit, he's not who I thought he was.
00:27:52God, I wish someone would do that for me. What? Wasn't Rich romantic?
00:27:56Yeah, but he's never really written me a love letter or a poem.
00:28:03Yeah, I just think for someone to sit down and take the time to write out their feelings and
00:28:07express themselves in such an honest, vulnerable way. I would love that. Yeah, it was pretty special.
00:28:17Okay. What did it say? Hey, how's it going? Oh, it's good. I need your help. Just stand
00:28:26right here for a second. Okay. Yeah. There we go. Now it's up
00:28:37to date. And I'm going to put a layer of protection on it so that the marks and the dates,
00:28:44they won't fade. So now you can take the memories to your new home or wherever it is you go next.
00:28:50Henry. Portable memories. I love that. Thank you.
00:29:00I don't suppose there's anything else around here that I could just take with me?
00:29:04What do you mean? Nothing. Forget it.
00:29:08Come on. We're old friends. I know when you're not fine. I always have.
00:29:11I'm just not sure if selling the house is the right choice for me.
00:29:23Really? Yeah. You know,
00:29:25I thought I was ready to move on, but after living here for a little while and
00:29:31all these memories are flooding back. I don't know. It just feels like
00:29:37home. Well, you don't have to sell.
00:29:41Yeah, but Rich wants me to move to the city so that we can finally, you know, take the next step.
00:29:48I think you should just talk to him. I think he'll understand.
00:29:53You need to tell him how you feel now, because if you don't, you'll end up regretting it later.
00:29:58Trust me, I know.
00:30:06You're such a great friend. Thank you, Henry.
00:30:16Oh, by the way, did you know that your BFF is totally crushing on my BFF?
00:30:21That's just Tom being Tom. I don't think so. He wooed her with
00:30:25romantic prose. Seriously?
00:30:28Yeah. Yeah. He said all these things about how he's known her almost his whole life and remembers
00:30:33the first time he saw her, but doesn't remember when he fell in love with her and that the
00:30:39feelings were always there. He was just waiting for her to walk into his life like crazy.
00:30:50Wow. All right.
00:30:52Tom! Hey Henry!
00:30:54Tom! Hey Henry!
00:30:56I think Tom's upstairs. What's wrong?
00:30:58Uh, I gotta talk to him. Hey buddy, what's up?
00:31:02I'll tell you what's up. You read the letter that I wrote for Claire to Lily,
00:31:06and then you pretended that it was for her? Okay, look, I...
00:31:10This better be good. Okay.
00:31:11I wanted to impress Lily, okay? And I didn't want to think I was some class clown who could
00:31:15be taken seriously. So I thought it would be better if I read her some romantic words of my
00:31:20own. You're lying to her!
00:31:21No, I'm not. That's... By omitting the truth, you are lying.
00:31:27Well, then you're lying to Claire. No, I'm not.
00:31:31By not telling her how you feel, you're omitting the truth or whatever you just said.
00:31:36This isn't about me, Tom.
00:31:41You're right, but I think it worked. I mean, Lily seemed to really like what I told her,
00:31:48and, you know, after I took the letter... You took the letter?
00:31:55Where's the letter, Tom? Um...
00:32:00It's, uh... This isn't funny.
00:32:05I'm not joking.
00:32:10Uh, hey, Mom, when you were cleaning upstairs, you didn't happen to come across a letter or
00:32:14paper with some writing on it, did you? Kind of, right?
00:32:15Uh, it was a letter that... No, if you'd seen it.
00:32:17You need help looking for it? No, thank you.
00:32:19Okay. We have to find that letter.
00:32:24It's got to be around here somewhere, okay? We'll find it. I mean, we have to before somebody else
00:32:28stumbles across it, especially... Claire!
00:32:30Yes, Claire, exactly. Why do you have to interrupt me all the time?
00:32:32If the letter's swimming around in here somewhere, she cannot be here. I'm gonna
00:32:35distract her. You find it. All right, all right.
00:32:38Hey, Claire. Hey, hey.
00:32:40Is everything okay? You seemed really flustered, and then you just ran off without any explanation.
00:32:45Flustered? I seemed flustered?
00:32:47Yeah, and you still do. Well, that's weird.
00:32:49I mean, why would I be flustered? Oh.
00:32:54I think I know what's going on. You do?
00:32:57Yeah. And you really shouldn't worry so much.
00:33:01The party's gonna be great, and we still have a full week.
00:33:04You're right, you're right. It's the party.
00:33:05I think that I would feel better, calmer if we went and took care of some things right now.
00:33:10Right now, yeah. Let's just go... But we should probably...
00:33:12Oh, let's go get away from the house and... Um, okay.
00:33:16If we wanted to throw her, you know, kindergarten party.
00:33:19If no one's dancing, we can start with that. Throw them at their feet.
00:33:33You know, I think we have everything. Yeah.
00:33:39Oh, uh, did you need wrapping paper for your present?
00:33:43Present? Please do not tell me that you forgot
00:33:45to get your one and only mom a birthday gift? I thought planning the party was a gift.
00:33:50Oh, wow. You really don't know moms. Or women.
00:33:54Uh, maybe we could... Oh, do something with the photos she's been looking at.
00:33:57We could digitize them. That way they won't get lost or damaged,
00:34:01and she can look at them whenever and wherever she wants.
00:34:02Yeah, yeah. And we could play, like, a slideshow during the party.
00:34:05And I could take some portrait shots of you to add to the collection.
00:34:08That's perfect. Great.
00:34:16Where is it? Where did I go?
00:34:35You okay? Yeah, yeah.
00:34:43Careful with my flowers.
00:34:45Hey. Hey.
00:35:02What are you doing? Uh, just looking for you.
00:35:05Really? Because I'm not under there. What's going on?
00:35:10Just wanted to talk. About?
00:35:14Your, um, cards. I really liked the last one you shared.
00:35:18Really? I came up with some more.
00:35:22Let's hear it. What?
00:35:23Let's hear it. Um.
00:35:28Your eyes are endless. My eyes are endless.
00:35:35Endless black holes. Black holes?
00:35:39Of beauty. Uh-huh.
00:35:41You, you didn't like it? Uh, it was just, uh, different in the last one.
00:35:47You know, actually, I need to, I need to go, so I'll, I'll talk to you soon.
00:35:58Hey. Hey.
00:36:01Hey, I was looking for you. I just, uh, got a room at the, um,
00:36:05well, it's the hotel down the street. I figured I'd stay close until we sell the house.
00:36:10That's great. Uh, yeah, sorry, Henry and I were just out shopping for his mom.
00:36:14Oh. Yeah, here.
00:36:17Great, and, um, I will see you tomorrow? Yeah, yeah.
00:36:20Oh, if you guys want to cut through right here, it saves you, like, 15 seconds.
00:36:23It saves us a ton of time. All right, good night. We used to do it as kids.
00:36:29Okay. Oh, look.
00:36:35What is it? It shows how my height has changed over the years.
00:36:39Oh, that's cool. Yeah, Henry took it off in one piece so that I could keep it.
00:36:45Why would you want to keep it? It's just an old piece of wood.
00:36:49It's sentimental. Don't you have any memories or keepsakes from your childhood home?
00:36:56No, not really. Houses are, they're just things.
00:37:02You know, what's important is who you're with. Don't you think?
00:37:10I think
00:37:14we need to talk about the house. Excellent. That's why I'm here.
00:37:18It is? I found a realtor, and she's coming by to see the place.
00:37:26I thought you weren't going to push anymore. I'm helping.
00:37:29I appreciate you trying to help, but this house means a lot to me. It's not
00:37:35just some random building that I'm trying to sell. Claire,
00:37:46let me talk about the distance constantly and how it's taking a toll on our relationship.
00:37:53But if this continues, we could go weeks without seeing each other. Is that what you want?
00:38:00No. I'll make more of an effort to come to you. It's not about that.
00:38:08Think about your career. You want to just throw away all this hard work?
00:38:16If you really want to become a famous photographer, you got to get out of the suburbs,
00:38:22move downtown, in the arts district.
00:38:33Yeah. You're right.
00:39:48Hey, what are you doing? Just one more invitation to get out.
00:39:51Well, if you run out of stamps and you need more, they're right there in my address book.
00:40:10Claire Goodster. Hi. Can I help you? Bree Moore, Westside Real Estate Agency.
00:40:14Rich Bradford said you'd be expecting me. Oh, he did. Did he? Can I come in?
00:40:21Sure. What did you say your name was again?
00:40:29Bree Moore. Bree Moore, the realtor. That is very catchy. Let's see what we're working with.
00:40:36This house is in a great neighborhood near an excellent high school and a well-known hospital.
00:40:40Only minutes to the center of town, so there's no issue there. Are these the original hardwood
00:40:45floors? Yes, I think so. Rich mentioned that some work is being done to the place. I have
00:40:49a friend in construction who's been helping me with some minor repairs. Figured it'd be the right
00:40:54thing to do if I decide to sell. If? I'm still not sure. I understand. I've had many clients
00:41:00who have trouble selling a place that means something to them. This isn't just a house,
00:41:06it's a home. Exactly. And it's my job to make sure that this home, one that means so much to you,
00:41:12goes to a family who will love and treasure it as much as you do.
00:41:17Thank you. Can I see the rest? Sure. Keep it out of the street. Okay.
00:41:28Hello? Edith? Yes? Hi, I'm Henry Sampson. Susan Sampson is my mother.
00:41:39Love me. You're a very handsome young man. Thanks. These your grandkids? Oh, yes. This is
00:41:48Ariana and Sergio. Nice to meet you guys. Go play, kids. Is everything all right?
00:41:56Yeah, her 50th birthday is coming up and I'm throwing a party for her.
00:42:01I just wanted to hand deliver your invitation. Make sure you got it.
00:42:06Well, that's very kind, but you didn't have to come all that way.
00:42:09Oh, it was really no trouble at all. It would mean a lot to her if you came.
00:42:25Oh, I'll tell you what. Tell your mom if she truly wants me to be there that,
00:42:32you know, she should give me a call. I'll let her know.
00:42:37Take care. Take care, guys. You too, Henry.
00:42:42Henry, the front steps, the back steps, the fence. Great job, man.
00:43:05Your hard work is really going to help us sell this place in no time.
00:43:08Thanks. I actually wanted to talk to you.
00:43:14OK. I came across something the other night outside in the bushes. A letter.
00:43:26I think it belongs to you.
00:43:31Do you know what I'm talking about? Yes. It was written a long, long time ago, right?
00:43:36Oh, yeah. Way, way, way, way. Like way, way back. Why was it in the bushes?
00:43:41Tom and I, we were going through some of my old stuff.
00:43:45We might have dropped it when we threw out the trash.
00:43:49It was just a stupid high school crush. I don't know about you, but I had a crush on a different
00:43:53girl in high school like every day. Really? Yeah. But yeah, we're just friends. Nothing more.
00:44:02That's good to hear. Because as her friend, I need you to do something for me.
00:44:07Yeah. What's that, Rich? Well, before you came back into town,
00:44:11Claire was really gung ho about selling this house and moving downtown with me. But now
00:44:19she's second guessing our plans. Sounds like a discussion you should have with Claire.
00:44:28Don't you want what's best for Claire? Of course I do.
00:44:32Great. Then we're on the same page. Hey, wait. Can I have the letter back? Oh,
00:44:39I don't have it on me, but I'll get it back to you next time.
00:44:47You're not going to tell Claire, right? Don't worry. It's between you and me.
00:45:02Hey, buddy. Got some great news. Your words are telling me one thing,
00:45:16but your tone is saying something else. Someone found the letter.
00:45:20And that someone, you listening? It's Rich. No, Rich.
00:45:32I really thought I had a shot.
00:45:41She seems happy with Rich, and she's moving on. I don't want to get in the way of that.
00:45:45Once you get back to New York, I'm sure you'll forget all about it, you know? Out of sight,
00:45:48out of mind. I shouldn't be spending so much time with her. Every day, it's the house and
00:45:53the party. It's just Claire, Claire, Claire. Hey, guys. What's going on?
00:45:59Just having a beer. Cool. Well, I'm waiting for Lily. I'm just going to grab a table.
00:46:04Do you want to join? We'll meet you there. Okay, great.
00:46:12Dude, I was just saying I'm spending too much time with her. No. Lily's here.
00:46:18So? My last talk with her went poorly. You can do this on your own. Listen,
00:46:25just have one drink, okay? If you're not there, I might be.
00:46:29Fine. Just one drink. Hey. Hi.
00:46:34Hey. Hey.
00:46:36We were just coming to join you guys. Perfect.
00:46:39Listen, I just wanted to apologize for blah. Don't worry about it. It's no big deal.
00:46:45So we're okay? I'm just a little confused.
00:46:50It's been a really, really hard week. Sure.
00:46:59Yes. So even if you do...
00:47:06You made it. Look who I ran into while I was here. Yep, a complete coincidence.
00:47:12Well, sorry I'm late. I was just talking to Brie. She wants to bring people in as soon as Henry's
00:47:20done with the back steps. Who's Brie? Oh, Brie Moore. She's the realtor that Rich spread on me.
00:47:26Brie Moore. The realtor? I know, right?
00:47:32Can you imagine the jiggle she could have? I can't not imagine it.
00:47:39I didn't mean to spring her onto you, honey. I just wanted you to meet her.
00:47:43Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Henry,
00:47:45did you tell Claire about what we were talking about earlier?
00:47:50What do you mean? We were back at the house.
00:47:57How Henry's hard work is really going to help us sell the house and
00:48:02how thankful I am that he's helping you move on.
00:48:08Henry's been doing a great job.
00:48:11You know, actually, I think I need to get going. No, why? Come on, stay.
00:48:16No, I'm tired and there's a lot of work to do tomorrow, especially if
00:48:20people are going to start coming to the house. So I'll see you all later. Bye.
00:48:30So if you want to just put them, just kind of spread them out and make it look pretty.
00:48:34Okay, I'll work through them a bit.
00:48:37So what's going on with you and Tom? You haven't talked much about it.
00:48:41I don't know. He was so sweet and romantic that one time and then the next day he was,
00:48:49he was like a completely different person.
00:48:52He's probably just nervous. You should give him a chance, find out what he's really like.
00:48:56You don't want to be disappointed. You're the relationship guru.
00:49:00Oh, am I? Yeah. What do you think?
00:49:05Well, he makes you laugh, right? That's the most important thing, I think,
00:49:09to find humor in any situation. But you also want someone who's going to be serious
00:49:14and helpful when you need them to be. You know, someone who will listen to you actively.
00:49:22Actively. According to all the women's magazines, active listening is what you
00:49:25really need from your man. Good to know. You're welcome.
00:49:31But honestly, to have a serious, lasting relationship, you just need to be good friends
00:49:36first. You know, you need to connect on that base level. Like it's more than a romantic
00:49:45relationship. You enjoy spending time together no matter what you're doing. You have a rhythm.
00:49:56Like you've known each other forever.
00:50:01And you have that with Rich?
00:50:04Uh, I'm not talking about anyone specific.
00:50:08I need to go. These are for you. Thanks. You're welcome.
00:50:20Oh, looking good. Thanks.
00:50:22People are coming by tomorrow and I don't want the paint to be wet. Will it be done by then?
00:50:26Yeah, it'll be good as new. Great. And be sure to put everything away
00:50:29when you're done. The place needs to be spotless. I'm going to go check on the other rooms.
00:50:33Okay. Getting rid of the evidence?
00:50:44What? The step that broke. I mean,
00:50:48I was going to take you to court, file a lawsuit over a foul play of zombies resulting in injury,
00:50:52but I guess I can't do that now. I guess not.
00:51:00You okay? Yeah, yeah. I'm just trying
00:51:02to focus so I can get this done. Oh, yeah. Okay.
00:51:17Hey, been working hard over there.
00:51:24Doing what I can. Yeah, well, you are a very sweet guy.
00:51:27Hey, Mom, would you say you're in a good mood? You seem like you're in a good mood.
00:51:38I saw Edith. I invited her to your party.
00:51:49When I go back to New York, you're going to be in our house all alone again,
00:51:52and I just think maybe it would be good for you to talk to Edith. Please.
00:51:58For your one and only adoring son.
00:52:05I might just happen to have her number right here.
00:52:17The west-facing front gets beautiful sunsets.
00:52:21So, how many bedrooms is it? Three bedrooms, three full baths,
00:52:25and an additional office with a half bath. Now, I like the location,
00:52:29but it's kind of a teardown, don't you think? Yeah, we could gut the place.
00:52:36And finally, the garden has been restored, and it has a brand new fence.
00:52:43All right, please let me know if you have any questions.
00:52:47All right, please let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for coming by.
00:53:00Everyone gone? That was the last family. It's been quite a day.
00:53:04Thank you for all your work. You could thank me when I've sold the place,
00:53:07but there were quite a few interested parties. I wouldn't be surprised if we had an offer in
00:53:11the next couple of days. You think it'll be that quick?
00:53:14We'll see. You never know. Hopefully, it'll be that sweet couple who's starting a family.
00:53:18They'd be perfect for this place.
00:53:44Hello? Hey, it's Susan.
00:54:06Oh. Hi. I heard that you spoke to my son.
00:54:14I was surprised to see him. He stopped by to give me an invitation for your party.
00:54:19Oh, good. Good, good. I thought that it would be really great if you could join us.
00:54:28Is that all? What do you mean?
00:54:32Susan, I just can't forget what happened, and I can't pretend that everything's fine.
00:54:41Well, I can't really apologize for having fallen in love, Edie.
00:54:44I wasn't still in love with Mel. It was never about him.
00:54:50You know what? I don't want to do this again with you. I don't. I'm sorry I called.
00:54:55Yeah, well, so am I. Wow.
00:55:13Oh, wow. You look great. Um, I mean, you are dressed really nicely.
00:55:18Just thought it'd be better than jeans and a t-shirt.
00:55:20Yeah. Is it too much?
00:55:21No, no, no, no. It's perfect. You look really good. Okay, um, are you ready?
00:55:25I guess so. Okay.
00:55:26I feel a little bit awkward. Oh, don't. It's fine. Let me just do a test shot real quickly.
00:55:31All right. I was, uh, what should I do?
00:55:34You should just, first of all, breathe. Okay, get your chakras aligned.
00:55:40I don't like being photographed, so that's not okay.
00:55:42I know, but don't even think about the camera, okay? So just, we're having a conversation.
00:55:46We're hanging out. There's one. That's, come on. You've got to warn me first.
00:55:50No, I don't. You could just, do you have a remote like that?
00:55:52I'm doing great. It's not a big deal.
00:55:53What I need you to do is sort of cross one eye.
00:55:58Great. I can't. Come on.
00:55:59Perfect. Put your arms up in the air. There you go.
00:56:04Perfect. Beautiful. What if I do one with you?
00:56:07Um. Okay, come on.
00:56:08And just to loosen you up, we could recreate that picture of us from high school.
00:56:12Yes. Okay. All right.
00:56:14Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally.
00:56:18So pretty straight up like this?
00:56:20Yeah, but your hand is, yeah.
00:56:23Let me see. Yep, that looks pretty good.
00:56:27On three, you're going to do the photo?
00:56:28Yeah, ready? One, two.
00:56:33Okay, I'm ready.
00:56:33You've got to look straight ahead. You can't look at me.
00:56:36You're happy. Remember.
00:56:38This is my happy face.
00:56:40I'm going to break it.
00:56:41Don't break it. I need that for a lot of things.
00:56:44Are you smiling?
00:56:44Oh, yes. I am smiling.
00:56:45Okay. Let's do this.
00:56:47Oh, is this prom now?
00:56:48We could do it the other way.
00:56:50Oh, what?
00:56:52This is illegal in most countries.
00:56:57Oh, no. That's mine.
00:57:02Okay, okay, okay. I'm stopping.
00:57:16Hey, guys.
00:57:17Hey, hey.
00:57:18Wow, we're taking some photos.
00:57:20Yeah, they're for Henry's mom.
00:57:22Um, yeah, we should be done. We're good, right?
00:57:25I should probably get going.
00:57:28Um, and I'll send those to you on a disc.
00:57:34Got some good ones.
00:57:35That's nice.
00:57:37Oh, that must be Lily with the floral arrangements.
00:57:40So I'm going to go help her out. I think she has a ton.
00:57:50Why didn't you come by the shop today?
00:57:52Oh, uh, Henry and I had to take some photos.
00:57:55So I was just setting up.
00:57:57Is everything all right? You seemed out of it yesterday.
00:57:59Yeah, it's just, uh, all moving a little fast.
00:58:06Rich is talking to Henry about something in there.
00:58:09I think that, uh,
00:58:12Rich is trying to make sure that things happen even faster.
00:58:16You know, it seems like he doesn't even really care
00:58:19that I'm having a hard time.
00:58:20You know, Henry is kind of the only one who's listening to me.
00:58:23Is something going on between you two?
00:58:27No, why would you ask that?
00:58:29You're my best friend. You can be honest with me.
00:58:37He's a great guy, you know, and we get along really well.
00:58:45And I enjoy spending my time with him.
00:58:47And I think I might like him a little bit.
00:58:50I already knew that.
00:58:56Henry just gets me.
00:59:03I think that Henry feels the same way.
00:59:11And I don't think that you should ignore that.
00:59:17Hey, um, before you go.
00:59:26What now?
00:59:28I just want to say thank you for all your hard work.
00:59:31You made a big difference.
00:59:33Yeah, no problem.
00:59:34Yeah, and one more thing.
00:59:38There wasn't anything going on out there, right?
00:59:43If you're really set on taking the next step with Claire,
00:59:45you should probably trust her.
00:59:46I trust her.
00:59:48I don't trust you.
00:59:50We've been through this already.
00:59:52I do not have any romantic feelings for Claire.
00:59:56She's just an old friend from my childhood, nothing more.
01:00:01As soon as I go back to New York,
01:00:02you'll probably never hear about me again.
01:00:09Now, hey, can I have my letter back so I can get rid of it?
01:00:12Do I look like a mailman?
01:00:13Yeah, I don't just carry your love letter around with me everywhere I go, Henry.
01:00:18Fine, just bring it next time.
01:00:26Enjoy them.
01:00:34Hey, Lily.
01:00:37Do you have a minute?
01:00:39What's going on?
01:00:41It's about us.
01:00:44And all those romantic things I said a few days ago.
01:00:49You see, all those things that I said to you,
01:00:53you should know that wasn't really me.
01:00:59What do you mean?
01:01:00I mean, the feelings were me,
01:01:02and the meanings behind the words were true,
01:01:05and I was directing it towards you.
01:01:07But I have to admit that I had help.
01:01:13I did notice quite a difference in the way that you
01:01:18presented yourself that night.
01:01:24Why did you think that you needed help?
01:01:27When we first met, you only remembered me because of that
01:01:30time I fainted in biology class.
01:01:32You threw up and then you fainted.
01:01:35You were such a beautiful and amazing person,
01:01:38and you were so smart and good with words that
01:01:40I just thought I needed to be smart and wordful too to get you to notice me.
01:01:45Wordful's not a word.
01:01:47I just felt that I had to go above and beyond to get your attention.
01:01:51But that's only because you're worth going above and beyond for.
01:01:59I'll let you get back to work.
01:02:03Tom, wait.
01:02:16There you go.
01:02:23Thank you.
01:02:25Hey, honey.
01:02:27Bree's here.
01:02:28I have some exciting news.
01:02:30What's going on?
01:02:31There's an offer on the house.
01:02:33That's fantastic.
01:02:35That's the way I work.
01:02:37Darling, look more excited.
01:02:39They're slightly above asking and really eager to own this place.
01:02:43Yeah, I just thought I would have a little bit more time to sort things out.
01:02:48Hey, we should go out and celebrate.
01:02:52We should take advantage of this offer,
01:02:53but I won't proceed unless it's 100% what you want.
01:02:58Oh, okay.
01:03:03Yeah, just give me the night to think about it.
01:03:07No, we just need to talk escrow.
01:03:12Great news, dude.
01:03:19Julie likes me.
01:03:22Like likes you or likes you like a friend?
01:03:24She like likes me, dude.
01:03:26By her own free will?
01:03:28I just told her how I felt and in my own words, and it worked.
01:03:32Honesty, it really is the best policy.
01:03:38I think you'd feel better if you told Claire the truth.
01:03:41It's too late.
01:03:46She's already with Rich, and I missed my opportunity.
01:04:04Come on in.
01:04:05Thanks, Tom.
01:04:07So, uh, a celebration's in order, because we just got an offer on the house.
01:04:18I'm taking everyone out tonight, so...
01:04:21There's an offer already?
01:04:22Yeah, now Claire can finally leave this place and live with me in a big, bad city.
01:04:26Oh, well, let's not go crazy.
01:04:28I haven't made my decision yet.
01:04:30Well, it's still great, isn't it?
01:04:32That's perfect.
01:04:34So, you guys have to come out with us.
01:04:41Lily's gonna be there.
01:04:43Well, then I'm there.
01:04:47I don't know if I can make it.
01:04:48I should spend time with my mom.
01:04:51Maybe later, then?
01:04:53Please try to come out.
01:04:55I would love for you to be there.
01:04:57I'll try.
01:04:59All right, well, first round's on me, so if you come late, you're paying for yourself.
01:05:04It's true.
01:05:05I'll see you later.
01:05:24Thank you.
01:05:27All right, most expensive bottle they had.
01:05:31Brie must really know what she's doing.
01:05:33Yeah, well, Henry also really fixed it up.
01:05:36How come you didn't help out?
01:05:37Well, I've been busy.
01:05:38Doing what?
01:05:40I'm trying to impress you.
01:05:42That took you all week?
01:05:43Yes, there's lots going on behind the scenes.
01:05:45Planning, preparation.
01:05:49Selling the house and moving forward.
01:06:04You don't have to be here, you know.
01:06:19Why would you say something like that?
01:06:20That's ridiculous, Mom.
01:06:22Because you've been quiet and distracted all night.
01:06:26I'm just tired.
01:06:27Go be with your friends.
01:06:28I would much rather be here.
01:06:30No, your friendships mean so much to you.
01:06:32I know that or you wouldn't have tried to patch up Edith and I.
01:06:35I was wrong.
01:06:37You shouldn't feel bad about all the things you never told Edith.
01:06:43It was so long ago.
01:06:47Friends change, feelings, they change.
01:06:51People grow apart.
01:06:55You were right, it's best to leave the past in the past.
01:07:33Hey there, I got something for you.
01:07:51The photo slideshow for your mom.
01:07:53Oh, this is great, thank you.
01:07:57I think she's really going to love it.
01:08:03So where were you last night?
01:08:05I thought I told you I wouldn't be able to make it.
01:08:09Yeah, but you didn't even return my texts.
01:08:12Oh, sorry, I've just been busy and I didn't think that it would matter if I was there or not.
01:08:20But I thought we were friends.
01:08:25We are.
01:08:28But what difference does one night make?
01:08:30I mean, let's be honest, we went years without even talking to each other.
01:08:35I thought we were getting closer.
01:08:37Was I wrong about that?
01:08:41Last night was a big deal for me.
01:08:43You know, I might be selling the house and it's scary.
01:08:45It shouldn't be.
01:08:47I mean, I know that it's easier to, you know, hold on to the past, but things change.
01:08:54It's a part of life.
01:08:55You just need to let go and move on.
01:08:57Even if it's scary, even if it hurts.
01:09:05You sound like Rich.
01:09:09Oh, I think he's right on this one.
01:09:15I really need to get this done.
01:09:17I'm sorry.
01:09:20Okay, I'll see you at the party.
01:09:27So, if you agree, we could go to the dance floor.
01:09:47Oh, this looks amazing!
01:09:52Oh my gosh.
01:09:54It's beautiful.
01:09:55You don't look a day over 22.
01:09:57Oh, you're a big liar.
01:09:58Try to tell that to my colorist.
01:10:00Life's mission is to keep these grays in.
01:10:03Thank you, honey.
01:10:04Thank you so much.
01:10:04Good to see you.
01:10:06This is beautiful.
01:10:07It's beautiful.
01:10:08You've always been the sweetest kid on the planet Earth.
01:10:10You always were.
01:10:13Perfect party for the perfect mom.
01:10:20Thank you, sweetheart.
01:10:21Thank you.
01:10:25Um, what is she doing here?
01:10:28Thank you, thank you.
01:10:30You didn't call her again?
01:10:32You didn't call her?
01:10:33I didn't think she was going to show.
01:10:37Go talk to her.
01:10:46Great to see you, Edith.
01:10:50Surprised to see you here.
01:10:52I didn't like the way we left things.
01:10:55Me neither.
01:10:58Uh, do you want to go and talk?
01:11:04I thought you wouldn't agree to see me,
01:11:06so I figured I'd come to tell you in person.
01:11:11Tell me what?
01:11:12How I feel about all of this.
01:11:17Susie, I am so sad about what's happening with our friendship.
01:11:22I know.
01:11:27You know, Edith, I didn't invite you to the wedding
01:11:31because I thought it would hurt you.
01:11:33I knew how much it upset you that I was with Mel,
01:11:35and that, that killed me.
01:11:40But do you know how much I wanted you there that day?
01:11:45I never wanted to stand in the way of your happiness.
01:11:47I mean, it was just, it was just hard.
01:11:52For that, I'm sorry.
01:11:53No, I should have been more respectful of your feelings.
01:11:58You were just in love.
01:12:03And look at what it brought you.
01:12:06And it's so much better that you're here.
01:12:09Now, I know you brought me a present.
01:12:11You did, I saw it.
01:12:14Yes, I did.
01:12:15You did.
01:12:19Oh, hey, guys.
01:12:20Thanks for coming.
01:12:21Oh, yeah, well, it wasn't too far of a commute.
01:12:23Actually, I'm gonna grab a drink.
01:12:24You want anything?
01:12:26No, I'm good right now, thanks.
01:12:31Want to have one?
01:12:44Look, I'm sorry I didn't come out last night.
01:12:46Oh, no need to apologize.
01:12:48You were right.
01:12:51I've decided to take the offer.
01:12:53Oh, really? You're gonna sell?
01:12:55Yep, so, you know, we can just forget about it.
01:12:58Water under the bridge.
01:13:04Uh, where's your mom?
01:13:06I should say happy birthday.
01:13:07Hey, she's over there.
01:13:13Fraternity, remember?
01:13:17Susan, hey.
01:13:19Happy birthday.
01:13:20Thank you so much.
01:13:21Thanks, honey.
01:13:23Wow, nice hat.
01:13:24Yeah, right? What do you think?
01:13:25Aren't those the ones from the picture?
01:13:26They are the hats from the picture.
01:13:27I think we could get away with, you know, wearing these.
01:13:30To a royal wedding.
01:13:31To a royal wedding.
01:13:32Glad you made it.
01:13:34Me too.
01:13:36We've been catching up on everything.
01:13:38She's been telling me all about her husband and her kids and her grandkids.
01:13:41I love that you can still lose track of time just hanging out.
01:13:44Well, we haven't talked in a long while, but we did have a way
01:13:48of losing track of time, didn't we?
01:13:50Yeah, we did.
01:13:51And had we just been honest with each other all those years ago,
01:13:54we wouldn't have all this catching up to do right now.
01:13:58Yeah, glad you're here.
01:14:00You too.
01:14:01Well, uh, I'm gonna gather up all the troops.
01:14:04Time to give mom her present.
01:14:07There's more?
01:14:08Oh, there's more.
01:14:09Oh my gosh.
01:14:10Uh, first, I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight.
01:14:23It means a lot to both of us.
01:14:26I wouldn't be the man that I am today without the love and support of my mom.
01:14:34So this party tonight is not just a birthday celebration.
01:14:37It's a thank you.
01:14:39So thank you, mom.
01:14:41I love you.
01:14:42I love you.
01:14:42Thank you.
01:14:44Uh, I also want to thank someone else who made this party possible.
01:14:51Claire Goodster.
01:14:53Claire's the one who suggested that we have a theme.
01:14:56And the theme tonight is memories.
01:15:20just kiss her.
01:15:42Money well spent.
01:16:40That's the most incredible appearance.
01:16:52Thanks, my sweetheart.
01:16:53I love you too.
01:17:08Party's a success, huh?
01:17:10Yeah, we did it.
01:17:14My mom loved her present.
01:17:17She loves all of it.
01:17:19That makes me happy.
01:17:24Uh, Rich and I are going to get going, though.
01:17:27Oh, already?
01:17:28Yeah, we, uh, have to get some stuff organized at the house.
01:17:33We already said our goodbyes to your mom.
01:17:37Well, um, good luck with everything.
01:17:41Well, I'm sure we'll see each other again.
01:17:43Yeah, I'm only in town for a couple more days.
01:17:45I'm probably going to spend most of it with my mom.
01:17:48Of course.
01:17:50You know, try to stop by before you leave.
01:17:54But if you can't...
01:18:03Take care.
01:18:04Take care.
01:18:06Yeah, you too.
01:18:12Oh, hey, before I forget, um...
01:18:17This is for you.
01:18:21Take care, Henry.
01:18:34Oh, hey, uh...
01:18:57Henry should have taken care of this.
01:18:58You know what? I'll...
01:18:59I'll toss it out.
01:19:07Rich, I need to be honest with you.
01:19:10Yeah, okay.
01:19:14I don't want to sell the house.
01:19:16And I've been telling you that for a while, but...
01:19:19I feel like you haven't ever really heard me.
01:19:22You convinced me that it was the right thing to do, so I listened.
01:19:25I'm just trying to help.
01:19:27I believe you.
01:19:29But being back here has made me realize that...
01:19:34living downtown isn't what I want.
01:19:38What are you saying?
01:19:40You want to keep the house?
01:19:43don't just want to keep it.
01:19:45I want to live in it.
01:19:47I want to start a family and raise my kids here.
01:19:51I grew up here.
01:19:53My friends are here.
01:19:54Rich, I am happy here.
01:19:57Did Henry put you up to this?
01:19:59Are you sure?
01:19:59Because I swear, ever since he's gotten here,
01:20:02you've got all these new ideas about life.
01:20:06Henry didn't put me up to anything.
01:20:16We just want different things.
01:20:21And I think deep down you know that.
01:20:26I'm sorry.
01:20:31I know.
01:20:31I'm sorry too.
01:20:37There you are.
01:20:40Looking all over for you.
01:20:41I brought you some cake.
01:20:47You should talk to her.
01:20:53You should talk to her.
01:20:53You should go talk to Claire.
01:20:55You can't just keep this bottled up anymore.
01:20:59How do you know how I feel about Claire?
01:21:01Honey, I'm your mother.
01:21:14Happy birthday.
01:21:15Thanks, sweetheart.
01:21:18I love you.
01:21:21I love you.
01:21:23Go get her.
01:21:30What'd I tell you?
01:21:32I told you to stay out of the way.
01:21:33What are you talking about?
01:21:34She just broke up with me.
01:21:36Is that what you want?
01:21:36Are you happy?
01:21:37You pushed her away.
01:21:39There's nothing that I could have said or did that would have done that.
01:21:43But I did lie about one thing.
01:21:44She's not just a friend to me.
01:21:47I love her.
01:21:48Yeah, yeah, I knew that.
01:21:50Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:21:50Back up, back up, back up, back up.
01:21:52Are you okay?
01:21:53Where's Claire?
01:21:54Said she wanted to be alone.
01:21:55Need time to clear her head.
01:22:19What are you doing here?
01:22:20I need to talk to you.
01:22:23What's this?
01:22:25You said that everyone loves presents.
01:22:27So this present's for you.
01:22:29Just read it.
01:22:31Why does it smell like trash?
01:22:32Now just read it.
01:22:40Dear Claire,
01:22:42I've known you for most of my life.
01:22:46But in all our years of friendship, I haven't been completely honest with you.
01:22:51Since this is the last week of high school,
01:22:54I think it's finally time for me to tell you the truth.
01:22:57I remember the first time that I saw you,
01:23:00down to the smallest detail.
01:23:03It was the day that you moved in next door,
01:23:06and I watched you sit down on the front porch,
01:23:09cheering the movers on.
01:23:13I remember that like it was yesterday.
01:23:18But for some strange reason,
01:23:19I don't remember when I fell in love with you.
01:23:23I don't remember when I fell in love with you.
01:23:26It's almost like I've always been in love with you, even before we met.
01:23:35And I was just waiting for you to walk into my life.
01:23:42These feelings have always been there.
01:23:45They've never gone away.
01:23:48And I don't think they ever will.
01:23:54I wrote that senior year of high school.
01:23:57But I could have written it today because I feel exactly the same way.
01:24:01Every single word of it.
01:24:10What took you so long?
01:24:12So you're telling me he's been in love with you all this time?
01:24:16Ever since high school.
01:24:17Do you want to see the letter?
01:24:22So it has this little...
01:24:22Oh, oh, um...
01:24:24So sticky.
01:24:27Yeah, I got this birthday cake.
01:24:29I'm so happy for you.
01:24:31I'm so happy for you.
01:24:33I'm so happy for you.
01:24:35I'm so happy for you.
01:24:37I'm so happy for you.
01:24:39I'm so happy for you.
01:24:41I'm so happy for you.
01:24:45What's going on, darling?
01:24:49I can explain.
01:24:51I told you...
01:24:53I told you I wanted you to see me differently.
01:24:55That those words were not mine.
01:24:57You never said that this was Henry's love letter to Claire from high school.
01:25:01Um, it's not... listen...
01:25:03How could you do this to me?
01:25:05Get over here.
01:25:07You are so much trouble.
01:25:09You are so much trouble.
01:25:11Come here.
