• l’année dernière


00:00We're standing as we go to 2 Timothy 2, verse 1, and then we'll negotiate 2 Samuel 17, verse
00:26Clock starts now.
00:30Never trust a person that doesn't manage time, and never trust a person that doesn't
00:34manage money.
00:37You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
00:53And the things that you have heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit you to faithful
01:06men who shall be able to teach others also.
01:15You therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
01:27You therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
01:40No man that is in a war entangles himself with the affairs of this life that he may
01:52please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
02:012 Samuel 17, verse 7, and Hushai said to Absalom, the counsel that Ohithoel has given is not
02:21good at this time.
02:25For said Hushai, you know your father and his men that they be mighty men, and they
02:37be chaffed in their minds as a bear robbed of her robes in the field.
02:45And your father is a man of war and will not lodge with the people.
02:54Behold, he is now probably hiding in some pit, is in some other place, and it will come
03:03to pass that when some of them be overthrown at first, that whosoever years of the overthrow
03:12and the slaughter among the people that follow Absalom, he also that is valiant with Absalom
03:23whose heart may seem as a lion will utterly melt.
03:29For all of Israel knows that your father is an old soldier, a mighty man.
03:42And they which be with him are valiant men.
03:48Father, add a blessing to this word in Jesus' name.
03:53For about 50 minutes now, I'm going to preach to you on the subject, I'm an old soldier.
04:02Turn to three people and say, I'm an old soldier.
04:08Oh, you can feel it already.
04:21Every person here must know that you are in a world war.
04:34You have to know that.
04:37And you have to know that being in this war, a war that you didn't start, that began before
04:44the human family, that we find ourselves in a war.
04:49We didn't ask for it.
04:51We didn't subscribe for it.
04:53We didn't enlist for it, but we're in the war.
04:58And as a believer, as a Christian, our war is more intensified.
05:05Being a human being is just tough.
05:09I always say that life is not made for humans, it's just tough being a human being.
05:16But a Christian is tough because you've got everything coming at you so fast.
05:27And as a believer, we are dealing with great adversarial forces who are totally committed
05:34to your annihilation, our annihilation, our destruction, our harm, our hurt, and our demolition
05:46of everything we have, whether you know it or not.
05:53You have enrolled in God's army.
05:58You are in the army of the Lord.
06:02You are a soldier.
06:08You are a soldier.
06:10This year, our family will be celebrating 52 years of salvation.
06:18I'll be celebrating 50 years of ministry.
06:22A missionary from Austin, Texas, just thought of drugs, mom and Robin Ferris, she came see
06:28me last week in Houston, came off drugs, came to Zimbabwe, witnessed to one family,
06:36thought they had failed.
06:37Came back from Zimbabwe, which was Rhodesia, in a war at that time, thought they had failed.
06:45And when she came see us last week for the first time in years, she was so, so overwhelmed
06:54as to what God has done through one family.
07:00They endured a battle, but look what God has done through simple obedience.
07:10To enter a neighbor, say you are a soldier.
07:14Let's make it plain.
07:15Say you is a soldier.
07:21You are a soldier of the Lord.
07:24You are a soldier of the cross.
07:28You are a soldier of truth.
07:32You are a soldier to defend the scriptures.
07:36You are a soldier to defend the faith.
07:40You are a soldier to protect your family and the institution of the family.
07:47You are a soldier to protect the institution of marriage.
07:52You are a soldier to protect the church, universal, and this church, the Porter's House.
08:02You are a soldier to defend this church.
08:06You are going to have to learn, at least some of you, you are going to have to learn how
08:13to defend yourself, and you're going to have to learn how to fight.
08:21It's a fight, and the apostle Paul told his son Timothy, he said, fight the good fight
08:29of faith.
08:31If you're going to be in a fight, make sure it's a good one.
08:36I started a documentary of 50 years of ministry and went back to the school that I attended
08:43in 1964.
08:46I started school in 1965, in 1962.
08:50I was five years old.
08:51I'm a 1957 boy.
08:56The first few days I was at that school, I got into a fight with a guy by the name of
09:04Michael Holmes.
09:06His nickname was Impoyn Poy.
09:11I don't know where Impoyn Poy got that name.
09:13Just two little fellows.
09:15I was accustomed to fighting with my sisters and pulling hair and scratching.
09:22I was never in a fight.
09:26When I turned Impoyn Poy over, he vooled at me, hit me in my eye.
09:33It was then, at the age of eight, I learned I was in a fight.
09:39I started training and doing stuff that eight-year-old boys do.
09:44I got bottle tops and made a knuckle duster and called Impoyn Poy out for a fight.
09:53He has a scar to prove.
09:58You are going to have to learn how to fight.
10:03It is important, Timothy, that you understand, make it a good fight.
10:07Timothy started his journey in chapter number 16 of the book of Acts, when Paul cut him
10:15for ministry.
10:17He comes into the maturation of his ministry in 2 Timothy chapter number 4, when Paul says,
10:24I've got to pull out this last drink offering on your head, but you've got to come before
10:33My life is moving off the stage, and you are coming onto the stage.
10:39And if there's anything you have learned from me, it's the ability to fight.
10:45If you want to be the apostle that I am, you have to study 2 Corinthians chapter 11 and
10:51find that being the caliber of ministry, the kind of prayers I've prayed, the kinds of
10:59letters I've written, the kinds of revelation knowledge that I have not been able to share
11:04with the world because they weren't ready, it's going to cost you absolutely everything.
11:10He told the Galatian church, I bear in my flesh the wounds, the scars of the gospel
11:19and of the Lord Jesus Christ.
11:22So sisters and brothers, there are many in the Bible that we can term as soldiers.
11:31Abel was a soldier, his sacrifice still screams at us.
11:38Enoch was a soldier, walked with God for 365 years, and God took him.
11:46Noah built an ark, he was a great soldier, preached a message for 120 years, and saved
11:59his family and life as we know it.
12:05Abraham believed God and did not stagger at the promise of God.
12:11Abraham was a soldier.
12:14He trained 318 men in his own household, Genesis 14, 14, and won a battle without any casualty
12:24to his men against five kings and said to the king of Sodom, I don't need your money,
12:31I don't need your treasure because God has made me rich.
12:37I'm blessed in every single way, but you have to reward my boys.
12:43Isaac was a soldier.
12:45He stayed in the land as God promised him he would prosper him, sold in a famine, and
12:53he's the first on record to be the beneficiary and recipient of 100-fold anointing.
13:01He married a tough girl, Becky.
13:05Becky was a tough girl.
13:07She was a soldier for real.
13:10She kept on running, filling pots of water for camels.
13:15She ran the water industry.
13:17The Philistines feared their family.
13:21Rebecca was some girl, a soldier.
13:24And what can I say about Isaac and Esau, definitely soldiers.
13:29Sarah at the age of 90 received strength to conceive seed.
13:35What a soldier.
13:37Was able to go for 90 years and then watch her body come back to being 36, 24, 36.
13:51Yeah, mama.
13:54And was in line at CVS buying vitamin E oil to handle all the stretch marks.
14:05Sarah was a soldier.
14:06Jacob and Esau were great soldiers.
14:09When Jacob got to Luz, heaven opened, and the angels ascended and descended, dropping
14:16him messages.
14:18And he made a covenant in 28 of the book of Genesis.
14:22When you bring me back to this place, I will come with my tithe.
14:27If you prosper me in my journey, 20 years later when he comes back, he's in hard labor
14:35with Laban for 20 years.
14:39He had to earn what was coming to him.
14:42When he gets to Luz, there he wrestled with God because he had one fight that he thought
14:51was a fight, and that was with Esau, his brother.
14:55And so he was wrestling with God.
14:58God changed his name at the dawning of the day.
15:03Joseph was very young, but became an old soldier at a young age.
15:09Joshua, rather Moses, who was born in obscurity, raised in controversy, because of the criminality
15:19that surrounded his life in killing an Egyptian, he was in confinement, exiled out of Egypt,
15:27and was trained by the skilled hands of the priest of God, Midian, who was also a head
15:33of state.
15:35Moses was being taught for 40 years what it means to be a head of state.
15:43He was in training for 80 years in his life, and what a soldier he was.
15:50Moses was a great soldier.
15:53What can we say about his protege, Joshua and Caleb?
15:57The first battle recorded that Israel fought at Rephidim, in chapter 17 of the book of
16:04Genesis, Moses sat on a rock that was Christ.
16:11And her and Aaron lifted his hands as Joshua mobilized the forces, Joshua being trained
16:20as a soldier.
16:22And when they got to the land of promise, because Joshua and Caleb were true soldiers,
16:29when they saw the giants and the walled cities, they acknowledged their existence, but they
16:35didn't flinch at their intimidation.
16:40Caleb said, that is my mountain, I'm coming back for my mountain.
16:48We are well able to take this land right now.
16:52All those that believed the evil report of the 10 spies were forbidden to enter into
16:58the wilderness except Joshua and Caleb.
17:03And when they possessed the land, they came in as soldiers, surrounded Jericho, took Jericho
17:11as soldiers.
17:17And the scripture says, Caleb went almost single-handedly as an old soldier and possessed
17:25his mountain, shout, I'm an old soldier.
17:31That's not good enough, shout, I'm an old soldier.
17:36Hannah watched her counterpart popping out babies like a popcorn machine every year.
17:45But what Hannah was being trained in was in locating the prophetic.
17:51Hannah's prayer life was not an exercise of prayer.
17:57Hannah's prayer was locating Samuel, who was so deep inside of her, it took years to
18:07pull him out.
18:09Hannah was an old soldier.
18:13Give someone a high five and say, you look like an old soldier to me.
18:21Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:24The process of becoming an old soldier is patience in time.
18:32If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God that gives to all men liberally and it shall
18:37be given him, James 1.
18:39But let him ask in faith not wavering, for he that wavereth is like the wave of the sea
18:44driven by the wind and tossed.
18:47Let not that man think he shall receive anything from the Lord, because a double-minded person
18:52is unstable in all his ways.
18:57If you are going to ask God to give you patience, which I don't recommend you asking to, tribulation
19:06worketh patience.
19:10If you ask God to give you love, you are going to have the love to love the weirdest
19:18of the word, Pookie and his whole family.
19:28Being an old soldier, you have to grain confidence in your gift, because at some point your gift
19:36will make room for you and bring you before great men.
19:43In the meantime, while your gift is still making room for you, start studying how to
19:50practice and how to behave when you stand in front of a great person.
19:58Remember to grow as an old soldier, you have to be convinced of God's will.
20:06And you have to be able to say, not my will be done, but thine be done, because the will
20:13of God sometimes can be contrary to what we feel for our individual lives.
20:20To grow to be an old soldier, one has to have determination to complete the race.
20:28To be an old soldier, one has to have passion for the things you do.
20:35To become an old soldier, never, never waste time, never.
20:41You'll only have a set time.
20:44To become an old soldier, always press towards the prize, towards the mark of the high calling
20:55in Christ Jesus.
20:57And, in the words of the great Winston Churchill, to be an old soldier, never give up.
21:05Never, never give up.
21:09Napoleon Bonaparte said, victory belongs to the tenacious.
21:15Victory belongs to the tenacious.
21:20Anything that is in this world is reachable.
21:25It just depends how bad you want it.
21:32How bad do you want it?
21:34And so, in my case study, I'm going to do a comparison between King David and Prince Epsilon.
21:49King David and Prince Epsilon.
21:55This is the journey to the crown.
21:59So, Epsilon's journey is very simple.
22:032 Samuel chapter number 3, 13 all the way through 18 talks about Epsilon.
22:11He comes into the picture because his step-brother desired Tamar, his real sister.
22:23And, she went and took care of Amnon.
22:27And, in that time, he raped his step-sister.
22:33And, Epsilon became extremely angry.
22:39And so, after three years of festering inside, without getting counsel, without getting help,
22:47he managed to convince his dad to have Amnon come to a festival for princes.
22:54And, there he killed his step-brother.
22:58Went into exile for three and a half years.
23:02And, there conceived a diabolical plan to try to usurp authority.
23:11And, in a coup, overrun his father's kingdom.
23:17On his 40th birthday, he went to Hebron and declared war against his dad, an old soldier.
23:302 Samuel 15 verse number 4, Epsilon said that he wanted to be judged over the land.
23:41And, in verse 5, scripture says that when any man came near to him, he had to bow down and put his hand and took him and so on and so forth.
23:53Epsilon's problem was his outward good looks, his gift that was given to him, that was not earned.
24:02And, when you have an entitlement spirit, when you have an entitlement spirit,
24:09you'll depend on your good looks, your natural ability, which is the greatest enemy to faith.
24:18Your greatest enemy to faith is talent.
24:23Chandler, wherever you are, great job today.
24:27I saw you not depend on your talent and your good, but I saw you depend on the Lord.
24:34You pressed in and, through faith, brought the anointing.
24:38Can we appreciate him?
24:41And so, David left the palace and went to old school.
24:54David went to old school and he fled from place to place.
25:00And, Hosea said to Epsilon, your father is a cunning old fox.
25:07He is an old soldier.
25:09Don't take for granted that you've been in the gateway convincing people by your good looks,
25:16conning them with pseudo-counsel, that the support that you have from the people is permanent.
25:26In the movie, Gladiator, one of the senators says to Cracus, he says,
25:33the crowd is fickle.
25:36The crowd is fickle.
25:38They are shifted by various opinions.
25:41Julius, you will learn on the Ides of March,
25:45that Brutus, alongside the others in the Senate, will take your life.
25:51And so, David then, David understood.
25:55Here's his journey.
25:57He's introduced to us in 1 Samuel 16.
26:01Stay with me, it's going to get gooder.
26:051 Samuel 16.
26:08Saul was tormented by a demon and said,
26:12provide for me a man that can skillfully play,
26:16because this demon is driving me up the wall.
26:19And they said, behold, we have seen a son of Jesse, the Bethlehemite,
26:25that is cunning in playing,
26:28and a mighty valiant man,
26:31a man of war.
26:33He's a teenager.
26:35And his resume, his CV, curriculum vitae,
26:39is really going out as a young man.
26:42He was already known as a man of war,
26:45a mighty valiant man,
26:47a man of war, a prudent man in matches,
26:50a very good looking man,
26:52and the Lord is with him.
26:56In 1 Samuel chapter 17 and verse 32.
27:02David came and said to Saul,
27:06don't let any man collapse because of this giant
27:11that's been threatening for 39 mornings and 39 nights.
27:17Today is the 40th morning.
27:20A new day begins today.
27:23And David with a stone killed Goliath
27:28and cut off his head.
27:31King David was then given into the palace of Saul,
27:36Saul's daughter, as a reward.
27:40But Saul became envious of David
27:44and said, I'm going to try to get rid of him.
27:47If he wants my daughter,
27:49he must give me 304 skins of Philistines.
27:54And David said, no sweat.
27:57Went in there and killed 300 Philistines
28:01and delivered the parcel of goods.
28:05King David's sisters and brothers
28:07were skilled in war.
28:09A bear, a lion, Goliath.
28:12300 Philistines.
28:14The women sang their songs
28:17that David has killed his ten thousands
28:21and Saul only a thousand
28:24and that ticked off Saul.
28:26David then had to run to a dulem
28:30in 1 Samuel chapter number 22.
28:34There he gathered his family,
28:37his brothers, nephews, nieces
28:41and 400 Dalek men came to him.
28:46David taught them what it meant to be a soldier.
28:51Taught them how to get out of debt.
28:54Showed them how to build their character.
28:58Taught them how to be men of their word.
29:03And David was from wilderness to wilderness
29:07scrambling for food.
29:09In 26 of 1 Samuel,
29:12Nabal insulted David
29:15by saying, I won't feed David.
29:18He's a marabu-rabu.
29:20He's nothing in our lives.
29:22He's just some scant person.
29:25And David was on his way to go and kill Nabal.
29:30And Abigail came and said,
29:32how can you do this unjust deed
29:35to a man that's a total idiot?
29:40And she saved David's life
29:43from putting blood on his hands needlessly.
29:49Nabal died of a heart attack
29:52and David got all the goods including Abigail.
30:00Move along.
30:06David came to Ziklag
30:10and the Amalekites had taken his wives,
30:13all his goods and everything he owned.
30:17Sisters and brothers, it was a horrific scene
30:21and the Lord said to him, you must pursue
30:24because you will recover all.
30:26You will overtake.
30:28The battle is not yours.
30:32It's mine.
30:34David's soldiers forgot who they were
30:38and in a moment of recklessness,
30:41in a moment of emotionalism,
30:44it's very dangerous to have people on your staff
30:48who lead by emotions
30:51because when you're in a war,
30:54all kinds of nasty can happen to you.
30:57I'm not saying don't have emotions
31:00but you cannot in a moment of life and death
31:04be emotional.
31:06That moment of being emotional
31:08will cost your friends their lives.
31:12Slap your neighbor a high five.
31:14Say you have to be hardcore.
31:17I said you have to be hardcore.
31:21David recovered all at Ziklag.
31:25Sisters and brothers, he becomes king of Judah
31:30for seven years
31:33and then Israel brings him in
31:36to be king over Israel.
31:39In that short dispensation,
31:42David rises up and destroys in 1 Chronicles 1.
31:47He destroys the Philistines,
31:51destroys the Midianites
31:53and makes them his servants.
31:55He destroyed King Hatteras
31:58as he went to the Euphrates River
32:01to establish his dominion.
32:04He destroyed the kings of Gath
32:08and the giant's machine.
32:10David went and took 1,000 chariots
32:17and 7,000 horsemen,
32:1920,000 footmen
32:22out of the hands of the Assyrians.
32:25King David went and fought Amnon
32:31and took the crown of Amnon
32:35and put it on his head.
32:38The Bible says that the crown
32:41was nine talents.
32:45It actually weighed 37 kilograms,
32:5090 pounds in weight.
32:53The crown was filled with stones
32:56and David took that crown
32:59and put it on his head
33:02amidst all the other crowns he had taken.
33:06King David made axes and swords,
33:10spears and saws
33:13and cut all of the Assyrians in half
33:18and dared the enemy never to rise again.
33:22David was an old soldier
33:27and when this little prince
33:31filled with egotism,
33:37stood up against his daddy
33:40over something that could have been resolved.
33:43David's soldieristic instinct kicked in.
33:48He went to the place where he wrote a song.
33:52I'm going to the mountains
33:55from whence cometh my help.
33:58My help comes from the Lord.
34:03I sought the Lord with all of my heart
34:08and he heard me.
34:11He said, yea, though I walk
34:14through the valley of death,
34:17I will fear no evil
34:20for thou art with me.
34:23Absalom didn't even attend Sunday school.
34:27Couldn't sing Jesus loves me, this I know.
34:31How is a prince, a little sapling,
34:35trying to come against an old soldier?
34:40Shout three times, I'm an old soldier.
34:48It's going to take more than this trial
34:51to take me out.
34:53Sisters and brothers,
34:56David said to his general,
34:59don't harm the boy,
35:02keep him alive
35:05because there's a little bit of good in him
35:08that I can help craft.
35:11But Joab said, we gotta get rid of this cancer.
35:15And Absalom caught his hair
35:19in an oak tree.
35:22Hair is covering the highest part of Absalom.
35:28Was caught in the lowest branch
35:31of a massive organization.
35:34Sisters and brothers,
35:36you need to learn obedience
35:40through the things you suffer.
35:43Turn to your neighbor, say push on.
35:47Amen, if you're growing your covering,
35:50look at what is higher than you
35:54and aspire to be
35:57like a tree planted by the rivers
36:00of water.
36:03The Bible says of Absalom,
36:06in 2 Samuel 18,
36:09verse 17,
36:12they took Absalom, verse 18,
36:15in his lifetime.
36:17He never raised up a son,
36:20but they raised up a pillar as a son.
36:24Put your hands together, someone.
36:28I need the keys in that monitor.
36:32Come on, put those hands together.
36:37Sisters and brothers, the soldiers
36:40in Matthew 27
36:43and verse 27,
36:45the soldiers took Jesus
36:48and they crucified him.
36:52Those soldiers,
36:54as brutal as they were,
36:57didn't know that they were dealing
36:59with a Jesus that seemed young.
37:02But Jesus was an old soldier.
37:06Jesus was a soldier
37:09in the ark of Moses.
37:12Jesus was a soldier
37:14in the burning bush
37:16when he spoke to Moses.
37:18Jesus was the ten plagues
37:22that faced Pharaoh.
37:24Those soldiers, as they whooped him
37:2739 times,
37:29one time for every Old Testament book,
37:33they thought they were dealing
37:35with a young man.
37:37They didn't know
37:39that this was an old soldier,
37:42someone that was there from Genesis.
37:46In the beginning was the word
37:49and the word was with God
37:52and the word was God.
37:54The same in the beginning was with God.
37:57All things were made by him
38:00and without him was nothing made.
38:03You can beat me all you want
38:06but I'm an old soldier.
38:08You can crucify me
38:10and put me on the cross
38:12but I was there in Exodus.
38:15I was a sacrifice in Leviticus.
38:18I was the prophet in Balaam
38:21that God is not a man,
38:23that he shouldn't lie
38:25neither the son of man,
38:27that he shouldn't tell the truth.
38:29I was there in Deuteronomy,
38:32blessed in the city,
38:34blessed in the fields,
38:36coming in and going out.
38:38I was there
38:40when Rahab
38:42put a scarlet cord
38:44outside of Jericho.
38:47I was there.
38:49I was there when the judges came.
38:52I was Jephthah and Samson.
38:55I was Samuel.
38:57I was David.
38:59I was Solomon.
39:01I was Elijah.
39:04I was Elisha.
39:06Beat me all you want.
39:09I'm the fire from heaven
39:11on the altar
39:13against the puppets of Baal.
39:15I'm the devil portion anointing
39:18as Elisha crosses Jordan.
39:21I'm an old soldier.
39:27Give three people a high five
39:30and say I'm an old soldier.
39:34I'm going to the enemy's camp
39:37and I'm taking it.
39:39I'm taking it.
39:40I'm taking it.
39:42I'm taking it.
39:43I'm taking it.
39:44I'm taking it.
39:45I'm an old soldier.
39:47Clap your hands everybody.
39:59Jesus is an old soldier.
40:02He fought every sickness
40:05and every disease.
40:07He fought affliction
40:10and infirmities.
40:12He carried our sorrows
40:15and he bore our grief.
40:18He was wounded
40:20for our transgressions
40:22and he was bruised
40:24for our iniquities.
40:26He fought serpents.
40:29He fought serpents
40:31and he fought scorpions.
40:34He fought principalities
40:36and he fought powers.
40:38He fought spiritual wickedness
40:41in high places.
40:43Put the devil under his feet
40:46and when they crucified him
40:50the devil thought he got rid of him.
40:55Three days later
40:58I'm coming out
41:00as an old soldier.
41:03I'm going to crush your head.
41:06I'm an old soldier.
41:08You can kill me now
41:11but the old soldier in me
41:14will never die.
41:16Peter, James and John
41:19were old soldiers.
41:21Paul and Silas
41:24singing at midnight
41:26were old soldiers.
41:28Timothy and Titus
41:30became old soldiers.
41:33Arrhenius and Polycarp
41:36grew to be old soldiers.
41:39Thomas Aquinas,
41:41Saint Gregory,
41:43Saint Francisco,
41:47old soldiers
41:49of the first church.
41:51Can I talk about Martin Luther
41:54the great reformer
41:56when he said the just
41:59shall live by faith.
42:01I'm going to nail this thing
42:04on the cathedral door
42:06because I'm an old soldier.
42:09Can I talk about
42:11William Seymour
42:13and Bishop Haywood
42:15and Bishop Mason
42:17old soldiers.
42:19What can I say about Wesley
42:21and Spurgeon
42:23old soldiers.
42:25Can I preach about
42:27Joseph Babalua
42:29in Nigeria
42:31an old soldier
42:33along with Archbishop Benson Ideosa
42:37old soldiers.
42:39Can I talk about A.A. Allen
42:42T.L. Osborne
42:44Oral Roberts
42:46Daddy Hagen.
42:48Can I preach to you for a few minutes
42:50about the old soldiers
42:53of the faith.
42:55Thank God for Bishop Blake
42:58of the Church of God in Christ
43:01an old soldier.
43:03Bishop we salute you.
43:05Put your hands together.
43:10The late Norman Wagner
43:13was an old soldier
43:16marching along
43:18and kept his legacy.
43:20I want to talk about
43:22Ezekiel Goethe
43:24died last year
43:26on his hundredth birthday
43:29served the Lord
43:31for 78 years
43:33ministry all around the world.
43:37He died the day after
43:39100 years
43:43going to the pearly gates
43:46an old soldier.
43:48Old soldiers
43:50they never die.
43:53I'm coming to a close now.
43:57I'm coming to a close now.
44:00Everyone in this room
44:03you must endure hardness
44:06as a Christian soldier.
44:09You must fight the battle of faith
44:12as a Christian soldier.
44:15You must fight treachery
44:17as an old soldier.
44:20You must fight demonic powers
44:23because you're an old soldier.
44:25Pray against principalities
44:28and powers
44:30because you're an old soldier.
44:33Fight for signs and wonders.
44:36Fight for miracles.
44:38Fight for the glory of God.
44:41Fight for the power
44:43of the Holy Ghost.
44:49with the whole armor of God.
44:52I'm a soldier
44:54in the army of the Lord.
44:57I'm a soldier
44:59in the army.
45:01I'm a soldier
45:04in the army of the Lord.
45:06Clap your hands
45:08if you are a soldier.
45:14Put on
45:16the whole armor
45:18of God.
45:20Put on the breastplate
45:22of righteousness
45:24because you're a soldier.
45:27Have your feet short
45:29with the preparation
45:31of the gospel of peace.
45:34Have the helmet
45:36of salvation.
45:38And above all
45:40take the shield of faith
45:44you shall be able
45:46to quench all
45:48the fiery guts of the devil.
45:50Shout, I'm an old soldier.
45:58You're an old soldier.
46:00Fight for your salvation
46:02with fear and trembling.
46:05You're an old soldier.
46:07Fight for your testimony.
46:09You're an old soldier.
46:11Fight for your spirituality.
46:14You're an old soldier.
46:16Fight for your soul.
46:19You're an old soldier.
46:21Fight for your generations.
46:23You're an old soldier.
46:25Fight for your legacy.
46:27You're an old soldier.
46:31for the future.
46:33Give God a praise, everybody.
46:41Is there anybody
46:43who believes that God is able
46:46to do exceedingly
46:50above all?
46:52You can ask or think.
46:54Give him a praise.
47:12Join hands with an old soldier.
47:27Ah, yeah.
47:46Squeeze that hand just a little.
47:49Just a little.
47:51Don't break it, just squeeze it
47:53just a little.
47:56It's very difficult for me
48:00to sum up
48:0250 years of ministry
48:05looking back.
48:07It's like,
48:09how did all of that happen
48:12in such a short space of time?
48:17I can't imagine
48:1950 years going forward,
48:23but looking 50 years back
48:26and what God has done,
48:29the grace that he's given,
48:32the power that he's given
48:35is stunning.
48:37And hopefully,
48:39we are better people for it
48:42and through it.
48:45The late, great Andre Kraut said,
48:48through it all,
48:50I've learned
48:53to trust in Jesus.
48:56I've learned.
49:01Father, for every hand that's joined,
49:04for every faithful
49:09of this significant church,
49:12of this legendary ministry,
49:16release the commanded blessing.
49:21Release the commanded blessing
49:25in this second of 14 years.
49:30Release the commanded blessing,
49:34even life forevermore.
49:38Add grace,
49:40more grace,
49:42add anointing,
49:44more anointing.
49:46Seal the place with a double portion anointing.
49:50Turn to three people as you join hands
49:53and say, I have faith you are an old soldier.
50:02Now give him a praise.
50:04Now give him a praise.
50:07Now give him a praise.
50:13Oh yeah, yeah.
50:15Yeah, yeah.
50:17Thank you.
50:18Thank you
50:20for keeping every one of us.
50:22Thank you for keeping Bishop
50:24and Lady Sarita
50:26and their family.
50:28Thank you
50:30for keeping their leadership.
50:32Thank you for blessing this church.
50:35And we thank you for more.
50:38We thank you for higher.
50:40We thank you for more.
50:42We thank you for higher.
