00:00:00You see, there is something so powerful about God's mercy and goodness.
00:00:29You see, no matter, the love of God, it's hard to, it's hard to fully grasp because
00:00:37we're so used to the love of humanity, a fleeting kind of love, a love that will cancel you
00:00:44the moment you do something wrong.
00:00:46But the mercy of God is different because of the sacrifice of Jesus.
00:00:53There is nothing you can do that if you come before him with a repentant heart that he
00:00:58will not receive you.
00:01:01Now it doesn't mean that there are not consequences to your actions, but it does not cancel you
00:01:08from being used by God.
00:01:10You see, in our society today where it's like, you know what, someone does something and
00:01:15it could be something crazy, but read the Bible.
00:01:19There were crazier men in the Bible and God still used them.
00:01:24There is a thing about mercy and I pray this will encourage because I could feel that there
00:01:29are some of you in the room and some of you listening and you feel as though your life
00:01:33is too messed up for what God showed you to happen.
00:01:38You're like, God, I've made too many mistakes.
00:01:41I've done too many wrong things, but mercy would always work as long as you're in time.
00:01:48You see, one of the reasons that Satan cannot be forgiven, that Satan cannot even, he cannot
00:01:54even comprehend what it is to seek mercy because mercy is only active in time.
00:02:02That's why the Bible says your mercies are made new every morning.
00:02:07Outside of time, there is no such thing as mercy.
00:02:10So the moment Satan had disobedience and rebellion in his heart, he fell.
00:02:17There was no grace period because in the realm outside time, there is nothing as mercy.
00:02:23But when God created time, he factored in his mercy and goodness.
00:02:33So as long as you have breath in your body, you are never far from the plan of God for your life.
00:02:42And so he reminds us in his word, he says his mercies are made new every morning.
00:02:51I know you messed up yesterday.
00:02:53I know you messed up a year ago, but if you woke up this morning, it is an opportunity
00:03:00to not allow the enemy to keep you crippled in shame and say, God, here I am.
00:03:08Help me.
00:03:09Here I am.
00:03:11I am going to release this thing before you.
00:03:14I'm going to repent before you.
00:03:16This is the beauty of the mercy.
00:03:19That's why the Bible says his mercy and goodness, because his mercy is a result of his goodness.
00:03:26So can we thank God for being a merciful and a good God to us?
00:03:37Thank you, Jesus.
00:03:39You know, we have been in the Holy Spirit series.
00:03:43And if you've been blessed by that, let me just hear you for a minute.
00:03:50See, what I love so much about this series, and we're going to continue in it,
00:03:54is that when, as a believer, the moment you receive the Holy Spirit, you have him.
00:04:00You don't have the Holy Spirit when you show up on Sundays at church.
00:04:05You don't have the Holy Spirit if you're walking with your Bible down the street for Bible study, right?
00:04:11You don't have the Holy Spirit if you dress in a manner that makes people think, wow, you're a priest.
00:04:18He's with you always.
00:04:20It was so interesting to me this morning, I was heading to church,
00:04:23and I realized I forgot my ring, you know, that reveals that I'm married.
00:04:28Right? Now, something they don't tell you when you get married, wearing a ring all day is uncomfortable.
00:04:33Okay, so sometimes you're going to forget it.
00:04:36But here's the thing.
00:04:38Even though I didn't wear my ring, it doesn't stop me from being married.
00:04:44I am still married.
00:04:46And here's what I love about marriage.
00:04:50Because the Bible says, and the two shall become one.
00:04:54Becoming one is a process of two willing individuals.
00:05:01In the same way, when you receive the Holy Spirit,
00:05:04there is a oneness that God wants you to step into with him.
00:05:09He has a purpose to be one with you.
00:05:12He is willing, but you also have to be.
00:05:16So you can have the Holy Spirit, and it looks different in you than the other person.
00:05:20It's the same Spirit.
00:05:23There is no junior Holy Spirit.
00:05:26There is no baby Holy Spirit.
00:05:29And that's why even for those in the room and listening, and if you have kids,
00:05:32teach them the things of the Lord.
00:05:34There is no junior Holy Spirit.
00:05:38My daughter is 10 months old right now,
00:05:40and from the moment she was born, she has always been around me when I pray.
00:05:45To the point that if I'm about to pray, she wakes up.
00:05:48And now she's just doing random things.
00:05:50She'll just lay her hand on my head,
00:05:53and just start saying things, because I do that to her.
00:05:55So now she's like, let me do it back to you.
00:05:59But you see, because there is no baby Holy Spirit,
00:06:03I want her to be exposed to the things of the Spirit,
00:06:06so that even at a young age, she will know that she can talk to God.
00:06:11But you have to be willing and open,
00:06:14so that you can come into this place of oneness with God.
00:06:19And that's really going to be the emphasis of the message today.
00:06:23And so right before this, I have a long, it's not that long,
00:06:26but Pastor Ed did something the other day.
00:06:29He chose the shortest verse to read to y'all,
00:06:32and so everybody could sit down.
00:06:33So I'm going to do that,
00:06:35because I know the feeling when I'm on the other side,
00:06:38and I want it to look cute and has some heels.
00:06:40And we're just standing, I said, look now,
00:06:44we got about two more minutes to go.
00:06:47But let's do this, right?
00:06:482 Corinthians 3, 17, it says,
00:06:50Now the Lord is the Spirit,
00:06:53and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
00:06:56You may be seated.
00:06:58Thank you, Jesus.
00:07:00And while you're seated, just bow your heads, we're going to pray.
00:07:04Heavenly Father, we thank you.
00:07:06We thank you, Lord, for that which you have purpose to do in this room
00:07:10and through your Word.
00:07:11Lord, I pray that every callousness of heart be broken,
00:07:15and that that which you have for each and every one of your sons and daughters,
00:07:20that they would receive it.
00:07:21I thank you, Lord God, that the chatter of the enemy be silenced.
00:07:25In Jesus' mighty name.
00:07:30Now, before we go into my real text,
00:07:33I'm going to be reading from John 14, verse 8 to 17.
00:07:38And just to give you a little back story of what's happening here,
00:07:42you see, oftentimes, when you study the Gospels,
00:07:45you will see that Jesus' disciples,
00:07:48they often struggled with this concept of who he truly is,
00:07:53with the fullness of his identity.
00:07:56Now, on one hand, Jesus understood,
00:07:59because even though the Holy Spirit was with them,
00:08:03he wasn't in them.
00:08:04So their understanding was limited.
00:08:08So on one hand, Jesus would show them,
00:08:10would allow them to witness many works that he did,
00:08:13to the point that even in the book of John,
00:08:15it talks about how that if all the works that Jesus did
00:08:20while he was on earth for those three years
00:08:22were written and explained,
00:08:24he said there would not be enough books in the world to contain them.
00:08:29So they saw a lot.
00:08:31But even in spite of that,
00:08:34they kept asking for more.
00:08:36They kept asking to see something else.
00:08:38So even though Jesus understood their limitation,
00:08:41he was also frustrated at their limitation.
00:08:45Because we were not designed to do life without God.
00:08:50We were not designed to do life without the help of God.
00:08:54And so even though sometimes he may call a disciple by name
00:08:57because of his frustration,
00:08:59it wasn't just about that disciple.
00:09:01It was about the representation of a person
00:09:05who is doing life for God without the help of the Spirit.
00:09:10That there will always be a limitation.
00:09:13You see, for example, you know, in today's society,
00:09:17they will often tell you, if you want to know your purpose,
00:09:20think about what you're good at.
00:09:22Think about what you're drawn to.
00:09:25Think about what you love.
00:09:27In God, that's not always the case.
00:09:31Sometimes it's what you hate.
00:09:33It's what you're not drawn to.
00:09:35I used to think my life was an oxymoron.
00:09:38Because before I met God,
00:09:41maybe my BC, before Christ,
00:09:45I was not, I'm not really a person that wants to be around people.
00:09:49You know, love being by myself.
00:09:51Now this is weird coming from a pastor.
00:09:54When I encountered God, I said, wow, I really love people.
00:09:58Like people, what excites me is when I see people.
00:10:02And when I look at them, I see them knowing who God has called them to be.
00:10:06I'm drawn to people. I love engaging with people.
00:10:09But that is by the Spirit.
00:10:11When I come back to Stephanie,
00:10:14I'm like, this is exhausting. I got to go.
00:10:16You see, I'm going to let you in on a little secret.
00:10:20Oftentimes, when you see a pastor,
00:10:22after they preach, they run home.
00:10:27It's not because they don't want to talk to y'all.
00:10:29They're introverts.
00:10:31And this was already exhausting enough.
00:10:35It's by the help of the Holy Spirit.
00:10:38There are many things that we do not because we are,
00:10:41it's our natural inclination.
00:10:44But when the Spirit of God comes in you,
00:10:47you begin to desire what he desires for you.
00:10:51And he empowers you. That is why you know where you're weak.
00:10:55And you know where he's strong.
00:10:57And it's often in the place God called you.
00:11:01Because in the thing God called you to do,
00:11:03if you don't need his help, you're doing you.
00:11:08There is nothing that God will call you to do
00:11:10that he is not required to walk with you.
00:11:14Because that is what keeps you at the cross.
00:11:17You know that, Lord, if you're not with me,
00:11:20this is not happening.
00:11:22I remember, I'll tell you a little story.
00:11:23We're going to read this scripture.
00:11:25When the Lord showed me that he had called me to preach,
00:11:28right, and I was like, okay.
00:11:31You know, I think by the time I fully accepted it
00:11:33and embraced it, then an opportunity came
00:11:37for me to speak to some high school students.
00:11:40And I was like, all right.
00:11:42I said, let me go speak to the students.
00:11:45I went to that high school.
00:11:47I got the mic.
00:11:49The moment I came out, it's little kids.
00:11:51They're not judging me.
00:11:51They already got a lot going on, right?
00:11:55The light was too bright.
00:11:56I said, wow, is this mic working?
00:11:58Oh, it's working.
00:11:59Can y'all hear?
00:12:00It was so embarrassing.
00:12:02I cannot remember what I said,
00:12:04but somebody said it was good.
00:12:05I think it was a failure.
00:12:07I walked out of there.
00:12:08I said, God, what happened?
00:12:10I thought you called me to speak.
00:12:12He said, I didn't call you there.
00:12:19I said, I fumbled over every word.
00:12:21The kids loved it because they did the same.
00:12:23I sounded like them.
00:12:25They said, wow, look at that.
00:12:30But this is just to make it plain.
00:12:31Whatever God calls you to do requires his help.
00:12:36And Jesus is not just frustrated with his disciples.
00:12:40His frustration is for all humanity
00:12:43that we were created to move with the help of God.
00:12:47So let's go into the text, John 14, eight to 17.
00:12:50It says, Philip said to him,
00:12:53Lord, show us the father, and it is sufficient for us.
00:12:57They're looking for something else.
00:12:59They're like, if you show us the father,
00:13:00then that should be enough.
00:13:02Jesus said to him, have I been with you so long?
00:13:06And yet you have not known me, Philip.
00:13:09He who has seen me has seen the father.
00:13:12So how can you say, show us the father?
00:13:16Do you not believe that I am in the father
00:13:19and the father in me?
00:13:21The words that I speak to you,
00:13:22I do not speak on my own authority.
00:13:25But the father who dwells in me does the works.
00:13:30Believe me that I am in the father and the father in me,
00:13:33or else believe for the sake of the works themselves.
00:13:37Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me,
00:13:42the works that I do, he will do also.
00:13:44And greater works than these will he do.
00:13:47Because I go to my father,
00:13:49and whatever you ask in my name, that I will do.
00:13:52That the father may be glorified in the son.
00:13:55If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.
00:13:58If you love me, keep my commandments.
00:14:01And I will pray the father,
00:14:02and he will give you another helper.
00:14:05That he may abide with you forever,
00:14:07the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive.
00:14:11Because it neither sees him nor knows him.
00:14:14But you know him, for he dwells with you
00:14:18and will be in you.
00:14:20You see, my message today is the Holy Spirit, God in you.
00:14:26Now, I love it when Jesus says
00:14:28that he will send them another helper.
00:14:32Well, I love so much about that,
00:14:33because the word another is a Greek word
00:14:36that means another of the same kind.
00:14:41Jesus is not speaking outside of himself.
00:14:45He is speaking of himself.
00:14:49He says, I'm gonna send you another of me.
00:14:52In a different expression, but it's me.
00:14:56So when he's saying that I'm gonna send you the Holy Spirit,
00:14:59because what kind is Jesus of?
00:15:02He says, I'm gonna send you another of the same kind.
00:15:06We are one.
00:15:07And so I'm gonna send you my Holy Spirit.
00:15:11That is why in the scripture we read earlier
00:15:13in 2 Corinthians 3.17, it says,
00:15:15now the Lord is the Spirit.
00:15:19The Lord is the Spirit.
00:15:23You see, this concept of God in humanity,
00:15:26God in me, is often so difficult
00:15:31to fully understand, because it's like, wait, I'm me.
00:15:37And so you're telling me that when the Holy Spirit
00:15:39came into me, God is in me?
00:15:44God is in you.
00:15:46The residence of the Holy Spirit is in each and every one
00:15:50of those who believe in Jesus Christ.
00:15:54Now here is the thing, though, that is so captivating,
00:15:58because if God chose to put himself,
00:16:03to make his home in you,
00:16:06then what is the true purpose of your creation?
00:16:10What was the true intent and purpose
00:16:15of that when God created man, he said,
00:16:19now I would live in him.
00:16:22The goal was for God to live in you.
00:16:26So when he created you in his image and his likeness,
00:16:30it was so that you can host him.
00:16:34You see, when you think about a glove, right,
00:16:37when you buy a glove, you know, it's too hot in L.A.
00:16:40to be wearing gloves, but when you look at a glove,
00:16:45a glove is made in the image of a hand.
00:16:50So it can contain the hand.
00:16:54So that when you wear it, it fits perfectly.
00:16:58And you don't realize that actually,
00:17:01what the glove does is what the hand is doing.
00:17:05If the hand points, the glove is pointing.
00:17:08If the hand holds a thing, the glove is holding it.
00:17:12Because the glove was designed in the image of the hand
00:17:16so it can host the hand.
00:17:20When God created you in his image and his likeness,
00:17:24it was so that you can host him.
00:17:28So what was the reason?
00:17:31You see, we talk about purpose and all this stuff a lot,
00:17:34but we need to get down to the foundational intent of God.
00:17:39Because what it boils down to,
00:17:42and I want you to write this down,
00:17:44is that God created humanity so that he could experience
00:17:50the oneness he has within himself with his creation.
00:17:58Because everything created was for his glory.
00:18:01With humanity, he went a little further.
00:18:05Because even when you look at nature,
00:18:07do you know that sometimes,
00:18:08that even the things we call natural disasters
00:18:12are not really, it's a natural disaster,
00:18:16but it has a spiritual origin?
00:18:20Because everything was created to glorify God.
00:18:24So when there is sin and disobedience
00:18:27and rebellion on the earth, even nature rebels.
00:18:32That's why the scripture says all of creation
00:18:35is eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God, all.
00:18:42When you study, when you study Jonah,
00:18:44if you've never read about Jonah,
00:18:46just read the book of Jonah.
00:18:48When you study Jonah, God gave Jonah an assignment.
00:18:52Jonah was like, nah, I'm cool, bruh.
00:18:55He said, ooh, not this one.
00:18:57I don't like this people, I don't want them to change.
00:19:00That's what happens when we cancel people.
00:19:03What happens if the Lord sends you
00:19:04to the person you canceled and say, preach the gospel?
00:19:08You're like, never.
00:19:09So God gave Jonah an assignment.
00:19:12Jonah didn't want to do it.
00:19:13Jonah went the other way.
00:19:15He found a boat, he found a ship
00:19:16going the opposite direction.
00:19:18He says, I'm going in that ship.
00:19:19And not only was he in the ship,
00:19:21he went to the lowest part of the ship.
00:19:24He said, look, I don't want nobody to find me,
00:19:26including God.
00:19:28He goes to the lowest part of the ship and falls asleep.
00:19:32Then the Bible says the Lord sent
00:19:34a mighty wind upon the seas.
00:19:38And all of a sudden, I mean, they were in trouble.
00:19:41The storm was so bad that the ship was gonna drown.
00:19:46And then they see Jonah, he's sleeping,
00:19:48they wake him up, they're like, hey, we need to pray.
00:19:51We need to figure out what is going on.
00:19:53You see, they had a different understanding
00:19:55because at that time, they didn't have the technology
00:19:58that hid the real issues.
00:20:03Some of you caught that.
00:20:05Sometimes our intelligence pulls us away
00:20:07from what is the real source.
00:20:10So because they didn't have the technology we have today,
00:20:12they said, this has to be the Lord.
00:20:15And we need to know, what did we do
00:20:17that the waters are against us?
00:20:21Because if we're not in disobedience,
00:20:23why are the waters against us?
00:20:26So then they come to find out the problem is Jonah.
00:20:32And they ask Jonah, they say, hey, bro,
00:20:35so what can we do so that the sea could be calm for us?
00:20:40Because now that we know you're the problem,
00:20:41tell us what we should do.
00:20:43Jonah says, throw me into it and it will be calm for you.
00:20:49What was this mystery Jonah recognized?
00:20:52Because even when they're talking, Jonah says,
00:20:54I fear the God who created the sea.
00:20:58They recognized that the sea
00:21:00has been given word to find Jonah.
00:21:06And unless the sea receives him,
00:21:09it will not stop what it's doing.
00:21:12So the moment Jonah is thrown into the sea, it's calm.
00:21:18You see, you go to the beach, you see the water,
00:21:20it just feels like water.
00:21:22Before God, it's alive.
00:21:25That's why when Jesus was walking on water,
00:21:28it was creation keeping, holding the steps of its creator.
00:21:34To you, it's just water,
00:21:36but everything was created for God's glory.
00:21:42So when it came to humanity, God said,
00:21:44we're gonna take it a step further.
00:21:47Not only are you created for my glory,
00:21:49not just that you would glorify me,
00:21:52but you would contain my glory.
00:21:55You would contain my essence.
00:21:57I would live in you.
00:22:00Because there is a oneness they experience in the Trinity.
00:22:03God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit,
00:22:06they are one.
00:22:07And God desired to have the same oneness with you.
00:22:14That he would be one with you.
00:22:17That is why even before the fall of humanity,
00:22:21before sin entered the world,
00:22:23one of the first things God instituted was marriage.
00:22:27Two, becoming one.
00:22:29Because as a result of the oneness you experience with him,
00:22:33that you would extend it to others.
00:22:36And so that's why you will see Jesus will say things like,
00:22:40in John 17, 21, he will say,
00:22:42I pray that they will all be one.
00:22:46Just as you and I are one.
00:22:50As you are in me, Father, and I am in you,
00:22:54and may they be in us,
00:22:57so that the world will believe that you sent me.
00:23:01Well, how would the world believe?
00:23:02Because the original intent of God is being manifested.
00:23:07That we will come back to this place of oneness.
00:23:12When you put a glove on, your hand is one with that glove.
00:23:18There is no separation in that moment
00:23:20between what your hand is doing and what the glove is doing.
00:23:25And you are the glove.
00:23:28God is the hand.
00:23:32He wants to express his nature,
00:23:36his purposes, and his will through your life.
00:23:41That is why, with God, God can meet you at your level,
00:23:46but he doesn't keep you there.
00:23:49Because he's meeting you there to bring you
00:23:51into the reality of who you truly are.
00:23:53Jesus, when Jesus died on the cross,
00:23:56he went to the depths of hell
00:23:58to get the keys of hell and the grave.
00:24:01Not to stay there, it couldn't contain him,
00:24:04but to get that which will cause people to be free.
00:24:08He will meet you at the depths of your mess,
00:24:10but not to stay there,
00:24:12because God cannot lower his standards.
00:24:18That is why, when you think about the sacrifice of Jesus,
00:24:21can you imagine the justice of God?
00:24:25That when it came to redeeming us back to himself,
00:24:28he could have written you laws.
00:24:31He says, you know what, I'm just gonna blow wind,
00:24:34and they'll be redeemed.
00:24:35No, he had to come in the form of man.
00:24:38He had to go through a whole process.
00:24:41Because his holiness is not up for discussion.
00:24:45He cannot go against his own nature.
00:24:50And so the process of redeeming humanity
00:24:53required the blood of Jesus.
00:24:57There was no way around it,
00:25:00because he will not lower his standards, it's who he is.
00:25:04And so God wants you to,
00:25:07he created you in a manner that he can fully host you,
00:25:15or you can fully host him, rather.
00:25:18That when they see you, they see the Father.
00:25:22When they see you, they see the will of God
00:25:26expressed on the earth.
00:25:28That's why when many people are saying,
00:25:29God, where are you, why would you allow,
00:25:32you know, bad things happen to good people,
00:25:34and the Lord is like, my representatives are on earth.
00:25:39I have, there are things he desires to do,
00:25:41but who is willing to say, God, let me be your host.
00:25:48Let it not be about me, but about your will through my life.
00:25:53If more people woke up to the realization of their creation,
00:25:57we would not have the chaos we're seeing in the world today.
00:26:01Because the chaos we see in the world today,
00:26:05oftentimes, not even oftentimes,
00:26:07probably 100% of the time,
00:26:10is the result of us bearing a different image.
00:26:16That's why demonic spirits will also call a human
00:26:19their house, because they're also looking for a host
00:26:26to express their nature, and their will,
00:26:30and their purpose.
00:26:32If you've ever watched documentary,
00:26:34like a docu-series on serial killers,
00:26:36you will know that they're not there.
00:26:40When you're watching them, who they really are is gone.
00:26:43The person you're speaking to
00:26:44is somewhat completely different.
00:26:49Because they became a host for something else.
00:26:54Void of being a true host of the Holy Spirit.
00:26:59You were created so that you are a host for God to dwell in.
00:27:08That's why Jesus would say, look,
00:27:11the things I do are not of my own authority,
00:27:13because he modeled it.
00:27:15That's why when we look in the scripture,
00:27:17when we talk about this power of oneness,
00:27:21Jesus would even come down and say,
00:27:23whatever you ask in my name, that I will do.
00:27:28That the Father may be glorified in the Son.
00:27:32If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.
00:27:35What is Jesus speaking about?
00:27:36He's not saying, pray whatever you want to pray,
00:27:40and sign it within Jesus' name.
00:27:44There is a mystery of oneness in this text,
00:27:47because what name speaks to,
00:27:49name, when I was studying this,
00:27:51name speaks to everything the name represents.
00:27:55The authority, the interest, the pleasure, and the commands.
00:28:03And then, when I took it a step further,
00:28:05so I was looking at the root word of name,
00:28:07then I looked at the root word of that root word,
00:28:10and that spoke to intimacy.
00:28:12And I understood what Jesus was actually saying.
00:28:16Because Jesus is not just saying,
00:28:17whatever you ask in my name, I will do it,
00:28:19because it would be a lie.
00:28:20I've asked a lot of things signed in Jesus' name.
00:28:24They have not happened.
00:28:28I've seen people that asked things and died.
00:28:31So we could say, oh, the Lord is just waiting,
00:28:33there's not time, no, they died.
00:28:36It did not happen.
00:28:38What is Jesus referring to in the text?
00:28:41That as a result of our intimacy,
00:28:45as a result of our oneness,
00:28:47my interests have become your interests.
00:28:50You have a knowledge of my will,
00:28:53and whatever you ask within the boundaries
00:28:56of what I have pleasure in, I will do it.
00:29:02Whatever you ask when it's concerning my interest,
00:29:07when it concerns what I take pleasure in, I will do it.
00:29:13That is why you will see there was this dependency
00:29:17that Jesus had on the Father when he walked the earth,
00:29:20because he walked the earth as man.
00:29:23That's why his prayer life was so robust,
00:29:25not as a spiritual checklist,
00:29:28but as an expression of his dependency,
00:29:31because Jesus knew that whatever he did
00:29:34that was in the interest of the Father will happen.
00:29:38Whatever he spoke that was in alignment
00:29:41with the interest of the Father, it will happen as a man,
00:29:46because he was fully man, yes, he was fully God,
00:29:48but he came in obedience so that he could experience
00:29:53what we experience, that there would be no excuse
00:29:56so that he is the model.
00:29:58We can't say, well, Jesus did that because he was God.
00:30:00No, he was fully man.
00:30:03He came in the form of man so that he could have
00:30:06the experience on earth that we do,
00:30:09and model who we can be.
00:30:12So Jesus had this dependency on prayer.
00:30:16That is why even when the disciples were asking him
00:30:19to teach them something, they never said,
00:30:21hey, rabbi, teach us how to heal.
00:30:24Teach us how to speak like you.
00:30:27Teach us how to break bread like you.
00:30:29No, they said, teach us how to pray,
00:30:32because they saw a connection of how consistent
00:30:37and diligent he was in prayer,
00:30:40and how it reflected that, Jesus, you just knew where to go.
00:30:46You just knew what to do and what to say.
00:30:50Everything he did was because he knew
00:30:53that it had the interest of his father.
00:30:56That is why when it came down to Jesus resurrecting a man
00:31:00who was dead for several days, that would speak to,
00:31:05that would be a foreshadowing of his own resurrection,
00:31:08you know who the father chose?
00:31:10His friend.
00:31:12When you study it, Lazarus was Jesus' friend.
00:31:19They were companions.
00:31:21They had a beautiful friendship.
00:31:24It was not a stranger.
00:31:26Lazarus was sick, and his sister sent word to Jesus,
00:31:32our brother is sick.
00:31:35Do you know the pain, or not even the pain,
00:31:39the weight of knowing, man, my friend is sick,
00:31:44but the will of the father is actually that he dies,
00:31:48and after many days, then he be raised up.
00:31:51If Jesus was to move on emotions, he would say,
00:31:55oh, let me speak a word right now.
00:31:59This is not just about Jesus, this is about us,
00:32:03because there are things that are connected
00:32:05to your destiny, and the will of the father
00:32:08is different from what the voice
00:32:10of your emotions are telling you.
00:32:12The will of the father says walk away,
00:32:14but you're like, man, I care about that person.
00:32:20You know, we've been riding for X amount of years,
00:32:24but God, I'm a people pleaser, and if I say no,
00:32:29are they not gonna like me?
00:32:32The father did not choose, if it was a random person,
00:32:35it would be easier, for Jesus,
00:32:38you wouldn't feel it like Jesus felt it.
00:32:42Imagine knowing your friend is going to die.
00:32:47If you don't step in right now, he will die,
00:32:50but because the father has a different will
00:32:53for this situation, there are times that God
00:32:57will ask you to walk away from something,
00:33:00and it will be against the expectation people have for you,
00:33:05but there is something at work that God is doing,
00:33:09and if you would submit to the will of God in that moment,
00:33:12do you know who you become?
00:33:13A host.
00:33:16Not just for that moment, because the moment
00:33:19you wear a glove, it's on now.
00:33:23So there are things that the Lord will use to test you
00:33:27if you are truly willing to bear his image,
00:33:31and it would affect, in a beautiful way,
00:33:34every other area of your life.
00:33:37Whenever God is getting ready to bring you
00:33:40into a new season, a new dimension of your life,
00:33:43your ability to be a host will be tested.
00:33:49So Jesus, his friend, he hears his friend is sick,
00:33:55and he leaves it alone.
00:33:58He actually delays.
00:34:01I mean, if he was in our generation today,
00:34:03he probably went to Disneyland.
00:34:05He said, let's just go ride some, you know,
00:34:08some rides, ride some rides, child.
00:34:11Let's go to the theme park, get some cotton candy.
00:34:14Just wasting time, and when he finally arrives,
00:34:19they are so broken up.
00:34:22They're like, man, if you would have been here,
00:34:24he would have made it.
00:34:26They're wailing.
00:34:28There was an expectation that they had of Jesus
00:34:31that he did not meet yet.
00:34:34Because there was something else at work.
00:34:38And so he allows them to cry.
00:34:40He allows them to question him.
00:34:42Imagine the disciples looking at him,
00:34:46like, Lord, what are you doing?
00:34:48You over here healing people and raising other people up
00:34:50from the dead, but your friend?
00:34:53We were with you when you got word about him.
00:34:57We were right there, and you let him die?
00:35:00In the same way, there are decisions you have to make
00:35:05that people around you will question.
00:35:07Like, what are you doing?
00:35:09This is not what we expect of you.
00:35:12Because either you want to host God,
00:35:15or you want to host them.
00:35:19And you want to live a life that is so beneath you,
00:35:23or you want to live the life that Jesus died for you for.
00:35:27So in that moment, he allowed them to do all of that.
00:35:31And then Jesus is like, you know what, roll the stone.
00:35:35But you see, the confidence Jesus had in that moment,
00:35:38when he says, Lazarus, come out of the grave.
00:35:42It wasn't too much prayer.
00:35:43He didn't, you know, move around.
00:35:46He didn't ask, no, no, no, he just said a phrase.
00:35:50It was the interest of the Father.
00:35:52He was in alignment with the way
00:35:56that the Father wanted this to be done.
00:35:58And we saw the results happen.
00:36:01You see, sometimes we are,
00:36:05being a believer does not mean
00:36:06you will not experience difficulty.
00:36:07No, you will.
00:36:08You will go through highs and lows.
00:36:10But there are times where we experience
00:36:12prolonged difficulty.
00:36:16Things that were never assigned to you by God.
00:36:19Because you're praying in your name.
00:36:24You're praying according to your interest
00:36:28and your pleasure and your desires
00:36:31has nothing to do with the will of God.
00:36:34You say it and say it in Jesus' name.
00:36:37But it's in your name.
00:36:41And so it's not something that he can execute.
00:36:46He can respond to.
00:36:48But it's not something that he will guarantee he will do.
00:36:52He can respond to and say no.
00:36:55He can respond to and talk about
00:36:57something completely different.
00:36:58But the things that Jesus will do
00:37:01are the things that fall within his interest.
00:37:04That is why it's so fascinating
00:37:07that even in verse 10 of John 14,
00:37:11Jesus says, do you not believe that I am in the Father
00:37:15and the Father in me, the words that I speak to you
00:37:19I do not speak of my own authority.
00:37:22He starts by referencing words.
00:37:24The words that I speak to you are not of my own authority.
00:37:27But then check this.
00:37:29But the Father who dwells in me does the works.
00:37:34So are we talking about words or works?
00:37:39What is he saying?
00:37:40The words that I speak to you
00:37:43are because I first heard it from the Father.
00:37:46He showed me what to say in this moment.
00:37:49He showed me how, what to do in this moment.
00:37:53I'm not just saying things randomly.
00:37:55I received it from the Father.
00:37:57And when I'm in alignment with his will,
00:38:00the Spirit executes and we call it works.
00:38:05You see, when the Lord has put something on your heart to do
00:38:09when the Lord reveals to you what his interest in
00:38:12is through your life or the places that he sent you.
00:38:15And when I was praying, I kept seeing someone working.
00:38:18It was so interesting.
00:38:19I kept seeing someone working on a documentary.
00:38:22And as a result of this, you came to a point
00:38:25where you were running out of funds for this documentary.
00:38:28But it was the vision and everything about the documentary
00:38:32God gave it to you.
00:38:33When you pray for the resources,
00:38:37believe that you already have it.
00:38:40Because it's within the interest of the kingdom.
00:38:44You don't have to come and beg
00:38:48and wonder, God, where are the resources?
00:38:50You told me to do this.
00:38:52I don't have what it takes.
00:38:53No, you have to realize what God has interest in,
00:38:56he will do.
00:38:58He says, whenever you pray, according to my authority,
00:39:02according to my interest, according to what pleases me,
00:39:05I will do it.
00:39:07So when you pray about the things connected
00:39:10to executing what God put on your heart, he will do it.
00:39:14Another thing that the Lord began to show me,
00:39:16you see, there are moments that,
00:39:19and this may apply even to, we're in L.A.,
00:39:23to singers in particular, whether you sing in worship,
00:39:29you sing in different ways, but even,
00:39:31but I will use singers as an example.
00:39:35There are times that you have,
00:39:37you're sticking with what you got.
00:39:39And the Holy Spirit gives you something.
00:39:43And you are doubting if you should say
00:39:46what the Holy Spirit is telling you to say,
00:39:48because you're like, well, we have a script.
00:39:51Not realizing what he wants to do in the places
00:39:54connected to you saying what he's telling you to say.
00:39:58That when you release the words,
00:40:00not from your own will or authority,
00:40:02but you release what he is saying, he backs it up.
00:40:06In the same way, you may meet a stranger,
00:40:09and the Lord tells you to tell them something.
00:40:12And you're like, but God, I don't know them like that.
00:40:14But God, I'm not sure I'm the one,
00:40:16because you're thinking of yourself too, too, too highly.
00:40:22You are the host.
00:40:25And if the one who dwells in me is saying I should say it,
00:40:30when I say it, he's the one saying it.
00:40:35When I do it, he's the one doing it.
00:40:39That is why one of the things that you would sometimes see
00:40:42and you're wondering, what is going on?
00:40:43And we see this in the Bible with the Apostle Paul,
00:40:46when literally the Bible says,
00:40:48and God worked unusual miracles through him,
00:40:52that even when people took handkerchiefs
00:40:54and put it on his body and took it to their sick,
00:40:57they were made whole, why?
00:40:59Because he was so submitted to God,
00:41:02that God said, I would even use your sweat to heal people.
00:41:08When you see that you're the host,
00:41:11your sweat in that moment is anointed.
00:41:13It's a very weird thing to say.
00:41:15Now don't go sweating and touching people now,
00:41:17don't do that.
00:41:20And you're not the one who,
00:41:22Paul was not the one saying,
00:41:24and here's how you will know when it's of God
00:41:26and it's of man.
00:41:27When it's of man, he glorifies himself.
00:41:32That is when you will see false prophets
00:41:35selling their pictures or maybe they will say,
00:41:39hey, take this and buy it, buy this handkerchief
00:41:43and it will bless you, no, this is false.
00:41:44When it is self, they glorify the person.
00:41:48When it is God, you don't even realize what's happening,
00:41:52you're just following his instructions
00:41:54and things begin to break out.
00:41:57Because you cannot put a price on
00:41:59what comes from the Lord.
00:42:04And so God wants to,
00:42:05he wants you to be in his image
00:42:09so that he can be one with you.
00:42:14That you would hear his voice, you will know him.
00:42:17And here's the thing guys,
00:42:19it's not for a select few,
00:42:22it's for everyone.
00:42:25Jesus died for you.
00:42:28He did not die for someone to tell you
00:42:30what he wants to tell you.
00:42:34He died so you would have a beautiful relationship
00:42:39with his spirit that you would have access
00:42:43to what he has to say.
00:42:45Our job is to empower and equip you
00:42:48to lead you to his voice.
00:42:51If you find yourself dependent on the voice
00:42:54of another person, this is not the will of God.
00:43:00That is why the Bible talks about you start with,
00:43:03you know, when it talks about, you know, milk
00:43:05and then you mature to solid food like a baby.
00:43:08When a baby is in that milk stage, they have to be fed.
00:43:12You have to prepare the milk.
00:43:14You have to get things ready.
00:43:16You have to do the do and feed them.
00:43:18As they get older, now they're in the kitchen.
00:43:21They're making what they want to eat.
00:43:23They're spicing it how they want to spice it.
00:43:26You can't stay in the place of dependency all your life.
00:43:29It's not the design of God.
00:43:32He called you so that you may grow
00:43:34and this was one of the emphasis the Lord told me to make
00:43:37about this message.
00:43:38You have to know that this is for you.
00:43:43It's not for your pastor.
00:43:45It's not for your neighbor.
00:43:47It's not for the person who prays in poetry.
00:43:52It's for you.
00:43:55God wants to be one with you.
00:43:57He wants you to know his voice.
00:44:00The same way that Jesus had such a beautiful precision
00:44:04but the key thing is that we just have to be open to it.
00:44:09The two things that fight against your ability
00:44:12to be truly vulnerable to bearing the image
00:44:17and the likeness of God.
00:44:19Number one is doubt.
00:44:22And you would know that you have doubts
00:44:25not by what you say but how you think.
00:44:29You see sometimes we're just like I'm full of faith
00:44:32but pay attention to what you're thinking
00:44:35while you're praying.
00:44:37That after you just say God I believe I receive it,
00:44:40a thought pops up but will he really do it?
00:44:43That is actually what you truly feel.
00:44:49So when God responds to you
00:44:52that is when all of you are one.
00:44:55Your thoughts, your speech, your heart
00:44:58is all in alignment that you believe this will happen.
00:45:02When you're saying one thing and thinking the opposite
00:45:06that is when the Bible talks about
00:45:09you know you're kind of like just all over the place.
00:45:13God can't really do much with that.
00:45:17And here's the thing, that's not a bash on you.
00:45:21If you find yourself speaking something that you desire
00:45:25but then your mind keeps telling you but will it happen?
00:45:29Your mind reminds you about all the things
00:45:32that didn't happen,
00:45:32all the areas you experienced disappointment.
00:45:35The Bible has a remedy.
00:45:37It talks about that's why there's an emphasis
00:45:39on renewing the mind.
00:45:44And you renew the mind through the word of God.
00:45:48There's a reason why the Bible wants you to renew your mind
00:45:53because God is not just responding to what you say.
00:45:56He responds to how you think.
00:45:59That's why when you study the life of Jesus,
00:46:02Jesus did not just speak to what people were saying
00:46:05or asking of him.
00:46:06He even responded to the thoughts of men.
00:46:11He would tell them what they were thinking
00:46:13and respond to it.
00:46:17That's why the Bible also says God is able to do
00:46:20exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask, think.
00:46:29Your thoughts could be the reason
00:46:32that you're experiencing limitation
00:46:38because God responds to how you think.
00:46:42If you don't think, it's for you.
00:46:45That's why the Bible says if whoever believes in me,
00:46:50whoever believes, if you don't believe
00:46:54because to believe in Jesus is to believe
00:46:56in everything he represents.
00:46:59It's not just picking and choosing, no.
00:47:03Because guess what?
00:47:04Even the demons know that he is Lord.
00:47:07So knowing he is Lord is not the kind of belief
00:47:09he's speaking of.
00:47:12But if you believe in him,
00:47:15if you truly know he died for you,
00:47:19if you truly recognize that what he did on the cross
00:47:22was for you,
00:47:24this is a prayer he will do.
00:47:28Because it's within his pleasure.
00:47:31It pleases him to have communion with you.
00:47:35It pleases him to have intimacy with you.
00:47:39He wants you to know him like you know your best friend.
00:47:43He wants you to hear from him
00:47:45the same way you can easily call someone and say,
00:47:48hey, what do you think?
00:47:49You can say, Holy Spirit, what do you think about this?
00:47:52He is called counsel.
00:47:54That he is a counselor.
00:47:57The Holy Spirit, what are your thoughts?
00:47:59I'm about to make this move.
00:48:01Is this the right move?
00:48:04He wants you to hear him in that way.
00:48:06So if you're in a place where your mind
00:48:08is working against you, get into the study of the word.
00:48:14Because the enemy can only fight you on that level
00:48:17when you're not grounded in the knowledge of the word
00:48:20to fight against it.
00:48:23So not just in saying things.
00:48:26Not just in picking up a scripture and praying with it.
00:48:29After you did, pay attention to what you were thinking.
00:48:31That will tell you if you have doubt or not.
00:48:34Same thing with pride.
00:48:36These are the two things that will fight against you.
00:48:38Doubt and pride.
00:48:41God hates pride.
00:48:43He hates it.
00:48:45Pride is the reason Satan fell.
00:48:48Pride is at the root of every sin.
00:48:54Pride is what causes unrepentance.
00:48:58Because pride, you know, it's masked up to say,
00:49:02oh, I can do this by myself.
00:49:05Just how I am.
00:49:07I don't need to do anything different.
00:49:09I don't need to rise up to the standards of God
00:49:11or his word, no, I got this.
00:49:13God will cause the pride to fall.
00:49:16Because he hates it.
00:49:18You cannot be prideful and receive from the presence of God.
00:49:24So if you're going to desire for oneness with God,
00:49:29you have to be open to disruption.
00:49:33Of your plans, your ways, your desires,
00:49:37you have to be open to God disrupting it.
00:49:41Because then it's not the thing holding you back
00:49:44from the fullness of who he is.
00:49:46This is gonna be a journey.
00:49:49It's not like a switch on and off.
00:49:52But that journey starts with true vulnerability.
00:49:56God created you for oneness.
00:49:59To be one with you.
00:50:01And he gave you his Holy Spirit
00:50:05to guarantee that if you would be willing.
00:50:08Family, let's stand up and pray.
00:50:14Thank you, Lord.
00:50:17Thank you, Jesus.
00:50:19Thank you, Lord.
00:50:24Now if you're giving your life to Jesus today.
00:50:27If you have been kind of all over the place.
00:50:32You see, there's a difference between being a fan of Jesus
00:50:37and a follower of Jesus.
00:50:41A fan, the moment things are not happening
00:50:44the way you expected, you out.
00:50:49And a fan is a fan of many things.
00:50:54A fan, they're their own idol.
00:50:58And whatever soothes their interest,
00:51:01it's what they take a liking to.
00:51:04So you will notice when people say things like,
00:51:07man, I love Jesus.
00:51:08But they dabble in all kinds of things.
00:51:11You know why?
00:51:11They're fans.
00:51:13It's not a bad thing, it's an awareness thing.
00:51:16But the moment the person you're a fan of disappoints you
00:51:20or says something you don't like,
00:51:22there will be moments, Jesus is cold-blooded.
00:51:25There'll be moments that Jesus will purposely
00:51:27say some hard truths to weep people out.
00:51:32People were following him.
00:51:33They were like, yeah, man, we're with Jesus.
00:51:36Then Jesus would say something,
00:51:37they're like, whoa, I'm not with that.
00:51:41They were fans.
00:51:43But God is touching your heart today.
00:51:48To go from being a fan to a follower.
00:51:53A follower is one who says, Lord, I wanna be your host.
00:52:01I don't wanna do this life my way.
00:52:04Because for all I know, this concept of doing life my way
00:52:08may be the biggest deception I'm living in.
00:52:11It is a distraction to who I truly am.
00:52:16And so I run to so many things, and you.
00:52:21You know, the enemy does not care if you say yes to Jesus
00:52:24as long as there's and.
00:52:28As long as there are commas.
00:52:31That is why you will notice there are certain nations
00:52:33that will have a million gods.
00:52:35How do you have a million gods?
00:52:37You cannot even pray to all of them
00:52:40throughout your life.
00:52:43You know why?
00:52:44Because Satan doesn't care.
00:52:44He doesn't care about, you know,
00:52:47whether, he doesn't want this exclusivity
00:52:50because he realizes that as long as you are inclusive,
00:52:55he is the one reigning.
00:52:59Because to believe in Jesus is to believe
00:53:01that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
00:53:07That he is the only way, not a way, the way.
00:53:13So the enemy does not care if you have Jesus
00:53:15and he wants you to have this inclusive religious lifestyle
00:53:20because whenever there is this inclusive spirituality,
00:53:23he is the one reigning.
00:53:26Not Jesus.
00:53:29So maybe you have been a fan of Jesus.
00:53:33You like the fact that he just loves people
00:53:38You say, Jesus people, I rock with them.
00:53:40They have the best community groups, right?
00:53:43The church just feels amazing.
00:53:45I walk in there, I'm like, wow, this is good music.
00:53:49You're not even like, oh, this is great worship.
00:53:50You're like, wow, this is a vibe, you know?
00:53:52All right.
00:53:54You say, what they doing?
00:53:54Put your hands up, hey.
00:53:57Yo, the funniest thing, I tell you,
00:54:00when you bring someone who is far from God,
00:54:03a non-believer to the church, it is so fascinating.
00:54:07I have seen many people, many friends of mine
00:54:09who have come to the Lord,
00:54:10but the first experience when they came to church,
00:54:13it cracked me up.
00:54:15They said, wow, I like that.
00:54:16Okay, all right.
00:54:19I said, what's this song?
00:54:20I said, girl, you need to calm down.
00:54:23You're showing yourself.
00:54:29So you have been a fan,
00:54:31but you cannot deny what is happening
00:54:34in your heart right now.
00:54:36You cannot deny that Jesus is saying,
00:54:38hey, follow me.
00:54:41While there is still breath in your body,
00:54:44choose well.
00:54:46Choose well.
00:54:49And if that is you and you're saying,
00:54:50God, I don't wanna just be out here distracted and deceived.
00:54:55I wanna choose well.
00:54:57I wanna choose you.
00:54:59I want to be that which you had in mind
00:55:04when you created me.
00:55:06I wanna be a host for your presence.
00:55:10However you have to mold and chip me and prune me,
00:55:14Lord, you can do it.
00:55:15I say yes to the journey.
00:55:18I'm gonna be in the word so I can renew my mind
00:55:21so that your word will come alive
00:55:23and renew how I think,
00:55:24that my thoughts will not work against me.
00:55:27I'm gonna submit to you and not let pride ruin my life.
00:55:32If that is you, I want you to lift up your hands
00:55:35wherever you are right now.
00:55:37Thank you, Jesus.
00:55:38We see you.
00:55:39We see you.
00:55:40Thank you, Lord.
00:55:42Thank you, Lord.
00:55:43Thank you, Lord.
00:55:44Can we just celebrate what is taking place
00:55:47in the room right now?
00:55:49Thank you, Jesus.
00:55:51Thank you, Jesus.
00:55:54And we're gonna pray with them in just a minute.
00:55:57But if you're also in the room
00:56:00and you wanna rededicate your life
00:56:04from the perspective that, God, I wanna be truly,
00:56:08I wanna be the glove and you the hand.
00:56:11I'm tired of trying to be the hand and you the glove
00:56:16because you will never submit to that.
00:56:19I've been trying to force my fingers into a baby glove.
00:56:27Lord, I wanna be right.
00:56:31I wanna do this in the order you desired.
00:56:35I've already said yes to you,
00:56:37but I also recognize that I've been about myself.
00:56:41If you wanna rededicate your life to Jesus
00:56:44and you're believing that God wants to talk to you,
00:56:47God wants you to know his voice,
00:56:49do you know that the disciples,
00:56:52it only took them three years
00:56:55to be mighty men of God in the world.
00:56:59Three years of walking with Jesus
00:57:02and the Holy Spirit came in, boom.
00:57:05Three years.
00:57:07What does that speak to
00:57:09when you're really serious about this thing?
00:57:11It's not immediate, but you will see how with time,
00:57:16God will mold you and develop you and shape you.
00:57:21You are not called to be dependent on the voice of others.
00:57:30You're a disciple of Christ that would raise disciples.
00:57:36So there would be maturity that would take place in you
00:57:40that you would be able to speak to others
00:57:44about the Jesus you met.
00:57:47The Holy Spirit, Jesus said the Holy Spirit will teach you.
00:57:51He will teach you.
00:57:54When you pray and say, when you take a moment,
00:57:56you may feel like the Bible is hard to understand.
00:57:59When you open it up and say,
00:58:00Holy Spirit, show me your word.
00:58:04Open my eyes to understand.
00:58:07This is a prayer he will do.
00:58:11It's within his interest.
00:58:16If you're faithful to it,
00:58:18then you will see your growth over time.
00:58:23So if you're rededicating your life,
00:58:24just lift up your hands and we're going to pray.
00:58:27Thank you, Lord.
00:58:29Thank you, Lord.
00:58:30I see you.
00:58:31I see you.
00:58:31Can we just praise God for what has taken place?
00:58:34Thank you, Jesus.
00:58:36Thank you, Jesus.
00:58:38Thank you, Lord.
00:58:39We're going to pray.
00:58:41Everyone just lift up your hands before the Lord.
00:58:45Thank you, Lord.
00:58:47And right before, there's a gentleman,
00:58:48you have a hat on,
00:58:49you have a shirt that has a logo right there.
00:58:53And I just see the glory of God just all over you.
00:58:57And I'm excited for you
00:59:02because I'm seeing that even as you're receiving this word,
00:59:07that the Holy Spirit is going to use it
00:59:09and do spiritual surgery in your life.
00:59:12And he's going to open your eyes for you
00:59:14to see what God has always known about you.
00:59:18You have not even met you yet,
00:59:20but you're getting ready to.
00:59:22And why I'm going to say this to you,
00:59:24and here's the thing,
00:59:25as we're speaking to when the Lord begins to highlight
00:59:28some of the messages,
00:59:29literally what is taking place in the room,
00:59:31there is just someone that is like a point of contact.
00:59:34But as I'm seeing this,
00:59:36when the Lord begins to show you who you truly are,
00:59:41believe it.
00:59:43That's it.
00:59:45You've had an inkling,
00:59:47but you've like,
00:59:48I don't think that's me.
00:59:49That's not my thing.
00:59:51It is your thing.
00:59:52Because it's what God knows about you.
00:59:54And he will perfect it in Jesus' name.
00:59:58Everyone just lift up your hands and we're going to pray.
01:00:02Heavenly Father, we thank you.
01:00:05We know that what is taking place in this room
01:00:08can only be done by your spirit.
01:00:11What you are doing in the hearts
01:00:12and in the minds of your sons and daughters
01:00:14can only be done by your spirit.
01:00:18And so Lord, have your way.
01:00:20We thank you, Lord,
01:00:21that what they received,
01:00:22you will seal it by your blood.
01:00:25And that this would be a conversation
01:00:27that continues outside of the building.
01:00:31But it's a conversation that will continue
01:00:33in their private life,
01:00:35in the secret place,
01:00:37that they would know, Lord,
01:00:39that you desire oneness with them.
01:00:43Because you have a will and a purpose
01:00:45for every place that you have sent them to.
01:00:48Everything that you have called them to,
01:00:50there is a way you desire to show up through them.
01:00:54And so Lord God, we say, have your way.
01:00:57Thank you, Jesus.
01:00:59Now, everyone just repeat after me
01:01:00for those who gave their life to the Lord.
01:01:03Lord Jesus.
01:01:05Thank you.
01:01:07Thank you.
01:01:07I accept you today as my Lord and Savior.
01:01:13You died on the cross
01:01:16and you put my sin to death on it.
01:01:20Everything that could keep me bound,
01:01:23you put it on the cross and you killed it.
01:01:27And when you were raised up,
01:01:29I was raised up too, free and victorious.
01:01:34And now, Holy Spirit, come and make my life your home
01:01:40and teach me, counsel me, guide me,
01:01:45and show me the ways of the Lord Jesus.
01:01:50In Jesus' name, amen.
01:01:53If you're blessed today,
01:01:54can we praise God in the building?