FULL MATCH Men’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match WWE Money in the Bank 2018

  • 2 months ago
00:00Basically what it came down to is Big E and Xavier figured that Kofi was the least valuable member of New Day
00:05Because they want to throw him to the wolves. What it is, is that Kofi makes history tonight because he ties Kane
00:10entering his seventh
00:11Money in the Bank contract ladder match in his career. I'm an easy one, Cole.
00:18Everyone goes after Strowman. Tremendous strategy. Take out the monster and he even thinks up. Maybe some people weren't listening to Kevin Owens.
00:26Now look at Rusev, he's got Strowman pinned in the corner as everybody takes shots at the Monster Among Men, including the right by Samoa Joe.
00:36But now Strowman with headbutts and clubbing blows battles his way out of the corner.
00:41You want a special delivery of bodily harm, you call on Braun Strowman. And Strowman and Balor who've had quite the rivalry.
00:48Miz who's had problems with Strowman in the past when he was on Monday nights. Oh boy. Oh boy. Look at a splash in the corner.
00:57And Kevin Owens didn't fare too well and suddenly the big man stands alone. That entire strategy didn't fare too well.
01:05Now Braun's got to get a ladder, place it in the ring, climb it, grab the contract and he may only have to go up one or two rungs.
01:12Remember Kevin Owens was trying to get rules put into place where Strowman had to use smaller ladders than everybody else. I think it's fair.
01:20Strowman accomplishing the first step, grabbing a hold of a ladder.
01:26The problem is that ladder is a serious weapon in the hands of-
01:30From behind, Samoa Joe.
01:33Comes a man who's just a walking weapon. Samoa Joe from behind taking advantage.
01:37And now Kofi Kingston launches himself and Strowman's in trouble.
01:41There Kofi strikes, you can't discount the experience. We talked about it, that Kofi brings to this match.
01:47Everybody turning their attention now on Braun Strowman, Kevin Owens-
01:51Did you hear that? Did you hear that? I felt it. Good God.
01:55Kevin, you may want to take a time out.
01:57And now it's Miz and Roode with ladders to the ribs of Strowman who's still on his feet.
02:03Oh, look at this.
02:05Now Bobby Roode and Finn Balor going to work together and down goes the monster.
02:09Multi-level ladder attack on Braun Strowman.
02:12And now burying Strowman in the pile of ladders.
02:17This isn't the first time that Strowman's been buried in furniture.
02:21Remember what Kane did in a steel chair a number of months ago.
02:25This is a great strategy.
02:28Wait a minute. Oh my God, it's Miz. It's Miz.
02:31He's gonna do it. This is genius. I agree with the corny.
02:35This is genius.
02:36Miz now setting up the ladder center of the ring.
02:38All the other superstars are busy burying Strowman.
02:41Miz is gonna sneak in the black door.
02:43Trying to climb the ladder.
02:45It's Samoa Joe.
02:47Samoa Joe got the memo and answered in a hurry.
02:50Talk about the speed with which Samoa Joe entered the ring all the way down the ramp.
02:57Flattening Balor.
02:59Started off as a mad rush to Strowman.
03:01Look at Miz. Miz sending Joe after Rusev as he looks to grab a ladder as a weapon.
03:06Now a tug of war begins.
03:08Joe wins easily.
03:13Kofi with trouble in paradise.
03:16Samoa Joe never saw it coming.
03:19Kofi Kingston.
03:20Drop kicks the ladder right through Miz.
03:22He saw that one coming but he couldn't stop it.
03:24How positive would things be in real world, Byron, if Kofi won?
03:28Might be the greatest day of my life.
03:31Kingston now.
03:34Uh-oh, what's up?
03:36Little bit of a boob drop to the ladder.
03:40Even that hurts.
03:42Man, I cannot get over how fired up this WWE Universe has been here tonight in Chicago.
03:48Sold out.
03:4913,214 WWE fans on hand for Money in the Bank.
03:55Historic night already.
03:57And Kofi Kingston looks to win his first contract ever.
04:00If he can climb the ladder and grab the briefcase.
04:03The power of positivity could be in full effect.
04:05And now Kevin Owens playing defense.
04:07And Owens will drive Kofi across the ring.
04:10Went for the pop-up powerbomb.
04:12Caught him with a super kick.
04:16Kevin knows this is his opportunity.
04:18Oh man, can you imagine KO with a contract?
04:20Can you imagine Kevin Owens?
04:22And now Finn Balor.
04:25And these two have had quite the history.
04:27Oh, Finn's got his hands on the briefcase.
04:30Not for long.
04:31And now Kevin Owens trying to just tear Balor off the ladder.
04:35He does so.
04:38Such a dangerous match.
04:42Not only career-changing, but career-threatening.
04:48And a throw right to the chest.
04:50We know Finn Balor's comfortable on the ladders.
04:52Remember several weeks ago, delivering the coup de grace
04:55to Kevin Owens from the top of the ladder.
04:57And Bobby Roode now.
04:59The glorious one, Bouncy Balor.
05:01Off the ladder, former United States champion.
05:04Battled all over the world.
05:06What this would mean to his career
05:08as he climbs the ladder now.
05:10The briefcase swinging above the ring.
05:12Balor and Roode.
05:14Bobby Roode with it.
05:16Went for the glorious DDT.
05:18Balor rolls through into the basement dropkick.
05:23A window of opportunity so small here.
05:26Kevin Owens back in the ring.
05:28Yeah, bringing the second ladder into the ring here.
05:34Any superstar who's ever competed in a Money in the Bank ladder match
05:37will tell you that you lose a piece of yourself.
05:43This is the kind of match that'll scar you for the rest of your career.
05:46Remember, Kevin Owens still has a bone to pick with Balor.
05:48Believes Balor betrayed him last week.
05:51And here we go.
05:52Owens sent through the second rope by Finn.
05:54Grabs the foot of Balor.
05:56Drags him right out here in front of us.
05:58And he sends Balor into this ladder
06:00that is set up outside the ring.
06:02And now Finn Balor on our table.
06:04Oh my lord, a super kick to the jaw.
06:07Balor, I think, is out.
06:09No, no, Kevin, don't even think about it.
06:11Kevin, don't even think about it.
06:13Kevin, don't even think about it.
06:15I think Kevin is thinking about it all right.
06:18Kevin, don't even think about this.
06:23Oh, that's what I was afraid of.
06:26Kevin Owens isn't gonna go through with this.
06:28There's no way.
06:30I gotta question this strategy.
06:32This is Kevin's opportunity to climb the ladder in the ring.
06:35I think it speaks to the desperation of doing whatever it takes.
06:38Kevin Owens willing to do whatever it takes right now.
06:41This is a long rivalry, a very personal rivalry
06:44between Owens and Finn Balor for years.
06:46And now Kevin Owens heading up to the top of the ladder.
06:49Balor's on our announce table.
06:51Meanwhile, Rusev climbs the ladder in the ring.
06:53That forces Owens to come off the ladder to run defense now.
06:57I think Rusev unintentionally just saved Finn Balor's participation in this match.
07:02And now Rusev with a fall away slam.
07:04Owens spine first into the ladder.
07:08And now Samoa Joe back into the action.
07:11And he sends Rusev face first off the ladder.
07:14Samoa Joe just has that intense look in his eyes.
07:18Oh, this is the kind of match that's made for a guy like Samoa Joe.
07:21Boom! And boom!
07:23And a step up Ben Sagary right to the back of the neck.
07:26Joe does not assimilate or play well with others.
07:29Because others have a problem with losing, Saxton.
07:32Okay, Kofi Kingston now launches himself off the top rope.
07:35Down goes Samoa Joe.
07:37And now Kofi again finds himself in an enviable-
07:42Unenviable position. I'll get it right.
07:44Could be enviable.
07:45Yeah, Kofi is enviable right now.
07:47Kofi! Kofi! Kofi!
07:49What a moment.
07:50That's from the universe here in Chicago.
07:53What a moment would be and what a way to cap off an incredible career for Kingston.
07:58But Miz though, oh man, Kofi caught him low.
08:01Look at that ladder.
08:03Sometimes the ladder's like an extra participant in the match.
08:06Yeah, Kofi almost got clipped by it.
08:08Yeah, and that ladder has no emotion or remorse.
08:11Now Kingston going up to the top rope yet again.
08:15He's nuts. He's out of his mind.
08:17What's he gonna do next?
08:18You gotta be.
08:19High flyer, Kingston!
08:21A stagecoach.
08:22Wait a minute.
08:23Uh-oh. Oh, no.
08:27Finn Balor!
08:28Holy moly.
08:33Finn Balor is fired up.
08:43Unfortunately, even though he's the last man standing, Finn still has a long way to go.
08:47Guys, guys.
08:48Oh, look who's back.
08:50Wait a minute.
08:51Look who's back.
08:52Braun had a hold of the ladder.
08:55Strowman has risen.
08:58Crawling his way out of the rubble.
09:01Everyone in this match thought Braun Strowman was out of commission.
09:05Well, everyone's getting a rude awakening.
09:08Shoulder tackle. Kofi about cut in half.
09:12Just like what we saw on Monday night.
09:13Look out!
09:15With a flying forearm.
09:21And yet Strowman back to his feet.
09:23Super kick to the jaw.
09:25Strowman down again.
09:28You said it with a kick to the face!
09:31I see Rollins in the background trying to rally the troops to go after Braun Strowman again.
09:35I'll tell you, it's every man for himself until it comes to Strowman.
09:39Then teamwork is a must.
09:41And they've been doing a hell of a job right now keeping Strowman out of this matchup.
09:45Aside from short bursts here and there, Braun Strowman's been relatively ineffective since the bell rang.
09:51Kevin Owens went searching for something.
09:58Oh, apparently Owens found it.
10:00Perfectly legal.
10:01Did you see the size of that ladder?
10:04How can you not? It's visible from outer space.
10:06How tall is that thing?
10:14Kevin Owens now directing traffic and what does he have in mind?
10:18Something bad for Braun Strowman.
10:21Strowman now fighting back again.
10:24And now it's Samoa Joe.
10:26Uh-oh, the Coquina Clutch.
10:28Even monsters go to sleep.
10:30The Coquina Clutch locked in.
10:32This could knock Strowman out.
10:35Make him pass out.
10:36Take him out of this matchup.
10:41And a shoulder kick and Strowman may be out.
10:43Strowman may be out.
10:45Get your ass up there.
10:47These three men trying to make sure.
10:50What did Joe just say?
10:52I'm not in time.
10:54Oh, my God. No, no, no, no, no, no.
10:59Is this worth it?
11:01That ladder's got to be 15 feet in the air.
11:03Good God.
11:07How high is he?
11:08This is not worth it.
11:12Strowman fighting out though.
11:14And Braun Strowman fighting out of harm's way.
11:17Kevin Owens is still on top of the ladder.
11:21Oh, no.
11:25Yeah, you better get down, Kevin.
11:31Meanwhile, Strowman's going up the other side.
11:34Braun caught Kevin halfway.
11:36No, no, no.
11:37He's dragging Kevin Owens up to the top of the ladder.
11:40No, he's dragging Owens to the top of the ladder.
11:42I don't like the looks of this.
11:49Oh, my God.
11:50Oh, my God.
11:52Oh, my God.
12:01Strowman just threw Owens off the top of the ladder,
12:05through a table.
12:11And again, when you think Strowman is done.
12:15And now Kofi Kingston.
12:17Look at this.
12:18Wasn't smart enough.
12:19A monster strikes again.
12:21Oh, no, no.
12:22Oh, my goodness.
12:23Out of the steel.
12:30Look at what he did to the ladder.
12:31Are you kidding me?
12:32Strowman just.
12:34Are you kidding me?
12:35Bulldozed his way through a ladder.
12:37And two other men.
12:39And look at Miz.
12:40He scared to death.
12:41Strowman just treated a ladder like a sophomore football banner.
12:45That was ridiculous.
12:49Miz climbing up.
12:50Trying to grab the contract.
12:53Miz frantically trying to grab the briefcase.
12:57Can't blame him.
12:58Grab the contract and get out of harm's way all at the same time.
13:01Instead, he just got those hands.
13:04And now Strowman.
13:05We were wondering, guys, how this is gonna.
13:08And now using the ladder as a bat.
13:10Samoa Joe forces Strowman off the ladder.
13:14First time we saw Strowman again.
13:16Attempt to climb that ladder.
13:20And now Strowman sent over the top rope and taken out momentarily.
13:24This could be Joe's moment.
13:28Is it Samoa Joe's turn?
13:30Up to this point on SmackDown Live, Samoa Joe's come through.
13:33Samoa Joe's climbing the ladder.
13:34Joe's climbing the ladder.
13:35Bálor driving Brad into the timekeeper's area.
13:38And now Bálor into the ring.
13:39Look how quick.
13:40He needs to intercept Joe here.
13:42Finn's like a man possessed.
13:43You can see Samoa Joe pawing at Finn.
13:45Trying to stop the Irishman from climbing.
13:47And now Bobby Roode has crawled into the ring.
13:49Bobby Roode now sends Finn and Joe off.
13:52Roode gonna send Finn through.
13:56Finn hit the post hard.
13:58You can hear it echo through the All-State Arena.
14:03Roode right to the face of Samoa Joe.
14:11Now Roode seven.
14:12Joe going at it.
14:13This is what I want to see.
14:14A couple of bulls thrown down.
14:17The heavy duty hitters in this matchup.
14:19Samoa Joe.
14:20And Joe over the top.
14:22Almost flattened Finn Bálor.
14:26And Rusev caught Roode.
14:27Roode's down.
14:29Kofi Kingston.
14:30Here comes Kofi again.
14:31Back in the ring.
14:33Trouble in Paradise.
14:34This time caught by Rusev.
14:36And a kick of his own.
14:39Rusev just pancaked him.
14:41Forget New Day.
14:42The only day that matters is R-U-S-E-V.
14:46Rusev Day.
14:53Oh my God.
14:54Both Kofi and Roode.
14:58Double accolade.
15:01Bobby Roode's tapping out.
15:02He's trying to submit.
15:03But that doesn't count.
15:04And look at Miz go for the skull crushing finale.
15:08Rusev made him pay.
15:12No way.
15:14There is no way.
15:16I admire the creative thinking about it.
15:21Rusev can't do this.
15:22There's no way.
15:24A triple accolade?
15:25You gotta be kidding me.
15:27Did he get it?
15:29He got it with a coquina clutch.
15:31With a coquina of his own.
15:37It just seems to be a reoccurring thing.
15:39Samoa Joe is always there.
15:41There it is.
15:42Bodies everywhere.
15:47And now it's Rusev in position.
15:49Right now the moment belongs to Rusev.
15:52But he's gotta set up that ladder immediately.
16:01Rusev taking the first step toward changing his own destiny.
16:06Rusev now climbing to the top of the ladder.
16:09Contract in hand.
16:11It'll be a celebration.
16:15Miz now doing his best to tip the ladder.
16:20Across the top rope.
16:26Moments come and moments go.
16:28That is the nature of the beast when it comes to the Money in the Bank ladder match.
16:32Now it's Miz's opportunity to climb the ladder, grab the contract.
16:35Miz for the second time in his career.
16:37Looking to become Mr. Money in the Bank.
16:39The smile on the face of the Miz.
16:41He's got his hands on it.
16:42Meanwhile it's Kofi Kingston.
16:43And Kingston climbing the ladder.
16:45Face to face with Miz.
16:48Two superstars from SmackDown Live battling it out.
16:52Kofi's almost got it.
16:53Every man for himself.
16:57Miz is up there.
16:58Miz has been in this position before.
17:01Now the briefcase starts to swing.
17:03Which makes it even harder to grab.
17:05Seems only appropriate.
17:06The two most experienced members of this matchup.
17:09Just got launched off the ladder.
17:12Go flying is Bobby Roode.
17:14And now a sling blade by Balor.
17:17It's getting crowded inside the ring though.
17:19Crowded and hazardous.
17:22Miz eliminated at this juncture.
17:24And Kofi Kingston sent out as well.
17:26And hit the ladder hard.
17:27Kofi's face first off the edge of the ladder.
17:29And now Finn Balor out to the apron.
17:31Caught Roode.
17:33Wheels appear to be turning for Finn Balor.
17:39How is Balor gonna do?
17:40Balor's got it.
17:41I know what Balor's willing to do.
17:43Balor climbing the ladder that is set up outside the ring.
17:48Already showing the welts and the bruises.
17:51Building from this match.
17:53Finn, don't do this man.
17:55Balor near the top of the ladder.
17:56Don't do this.
17:57On the top of the ladder.
17:59Finn, don't do this man.
18:00Balor near the top of the ladder.
18:01Don't do this.
18:02On the top rung.
18:04To the claw.
18:05To the claw.
18:07To Bobby Roode.
18:08At what cost?
18:09Finn Balor might have just broken his own ankle.
18:12He doesn't care.
18:13Balor with a ladder in position.
18:14Starts to climb.
18:16The climb that could change his life.
18:18The climb that could change his career.
18:20Meanwhile, Strowman's back.
18:23And Braun Strowman bouncing Balor off the ladder.
18:26Samoa Joe now.
18:28Oh my God.
18:29Look at the power.
18:30A slam by Strowman.
18:32Look at the Miz.
18:33Miz trying to steal it again.
18:36Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
18:43The monster among men has just established dominance.
18:48Is it Strowman's moment?
18:50Or will Finn Balor beat him to the punch?
18:52The climb begins.
18:53Balor on one side.
18:55Strowman and now Kofi Kingston.
18:57Launching himself onto the back of Strowman.
18:59How smart is that?
19:01Strowman hasn't stopped.
19:03Are you kidding me?
19:04Strowman and Balor and Kingston up on top of the ladder.
19:07Overusing Braun to make it to the briefcase.
19:10What a coup it would be for Kingston.
19:12If he can win the contract this way.
19:14Hold on, Kofi.
19:16Finn had the contract driven off the top of the ladder.
19:18Now it's Strowman and Kofi Kingston up there.
19:23Kofi Kingston just trying to grab the contract.
19:25Trying to win it right here.
19:27Oh my God.
19:29Kingston launched by Strowman.
19:31That was a high risk venture for Kofi and you saw why.
19:34Braun Strowman on the top of the ladder.
19:36Strowman's there.
19:38Strowman has the briefcase.
19:40Braun Strowman wins.
19:45Here is your winner, Braun Strowman.
19:50Braun Strowman has become Monster in the Bank.
