The Devil Bat - Bela Lugosi - Full Movie

  • hace 3 meses
00:02:50Oh, my friend.
00:02:53Our theory of glandular stimulation
00:02:56through electrical impulses was correct.
00:03:00A few days ago, you were as small as your companion.
00:03:05And now, look at you.
00:07:38Check. $5,000.
00:08:14You have not forgotten.
00:08:16You hate this strange oriental fragrance even while you sleep.
00:08:23Just as you did before I made you big and strong.
00:08:29Now, if you detect the fragrance in the night,
00:08:34when you're fully awake,
00:08:37you will strike.
00:08:46Yes, you will strike to kill.
00:08:54Now Doc's late.
00:08:56I wonder if he's been called out on a case.
00:08:58Perhaps I'd better phone him.
00:09:08Now remember, Roy, Tommy,
00:09:10you're not to mention anything about this bonus for the doc
00:09:13until after your father has presented it.
00:09:15Have you warned those two lovebirds over there?
00:09:17Perhaps I'd better.
00:09:22I want to caution both of you...
00:09:24...enough to say a word about the check.
00:09:26Until you're ready to spring it on him.
00:09:28Your father will make the presentation, Mary.
00:09:30Why don't you unveil it like a statue?
00:09:32Then we could all be in on it.
00:09:34You know, I think it'd be a better idea to put it in a bottle and launch him with it.
00:09:37He must have gotten that idea out of a bottle.
00:09:40Well, the doc isn't coming.
00:09:43Oh, what a shame.
00:09:45Oh, he just got busy with his new formula and forgot all about us.
00:09:48He'd forget the formula if he knew about that $5,000 check.
00:09:51Why don't we all go up there and give it to him?
00:09:53No, no, I wouldn't do that.
00:09:55He doesn't like visitors when he's experimenting.
00:09:57Well, Roy, I could take the check up to him.
00:09:59Sure, I'll take it.
00:10:01Shall I make the doc a speech when I give it to him?
00:10:03You won't have to, Roy.
00:10:05The check speaks for itself.
00:10:06Yeah, and says a mouthful.
00:10:08Son, tell the doc we're awfully sorry he can't be with us,
00:10:10but of course we understand how busy he is.
00:10:13All right.
00:10:16Just a minute, Roy, and I'll be with you.
00:10:24That's it, all right.
00:10:28Now what can I do for you?
00:10:30We were all sorry you couldn't be there tonight.
00:10:32Yes, yes, but you see, I'm busy.
00:10:35Something important, very important.
00:10:37Yes, of course.
00:10:39Mr. Morton and Dad had planned a little surprise for you.
00:10:42A surprise?
00:10:44It's in here.
00:10:46Well, let's see what it is.
00:10:52What's this for?
00:10:54Just a little token of the firm's appreciation.
00:10:57Oh, I see.
00:11:00A bonus.
00:11:02Well, it's awfully nice of you, Father and Mr. Morton.
00:11:06I will thank them personally tomorrow.
00:11:08I'll tell them.
00:11:10Well, aren't you curious about my new formula?
00:11:12Yes, of course, only I didn't want to be inquisitive.
00:11:14What is it?
00:11:16A new shaving lotion.
00:11:20Smell it.
00:11:22Pretty strong, isn't it?
00:11:24No, no.
00:11:26The scent evaporates a short time after you've used it.
00:11:29Try a few drops.
00:11:34Now rub it on the tender part of your neck.
00:11:52Soothing, isn't it?
00:11:56When will it be ready for the market?
00:11:58Oh, it's still in the experimental stage.
00:12:01I want to try it out on several people first and see if it works.
00:12:05Well, if you'd like to send me a bottle, I'd be glad to try it for you.
00:12:10Good night, Doctor.
00:12:12Goodbye, Roy.
00:12:28Lovely check, isn't it, Doctor?
00:12:31They are wealthy because of you.
00:12:35You made them rich, Doctor.
00:12:38It was your formula.
00:12:41Tonight they gave you five thousand dollars
00:12:45and wanted you to come down to their house and thank them for it.
00:12:49That was your money they gave you,
00:12:53like a bone tossed to a faithful sword.
00:13:06You should be very grateful, Doctor.
00:13:10Very grateful.
00:13:12They are rich and happy thanks to you.
00:13:16And what have you got, Doctor?
00:13:36Good night.
00:13:50Good night. You have work to do.
00:13:56It's time you were on your way.
00:14:36But Mary, tonight's a good time while our families are here to announce our engagement.
00:14:40Look, darling, I've loved you a long time, ever since we were kids.
00:14:44But I'm afraid it's been more like a sister.
00:14:48Well, I... I had no idea you felt that way.
00:15:07What's happened to Roy?
00:15:15I'd better call Dr. Carruthers.
00:15:17Oh, please, hurry.
00:15:22There's nothing I can do.
00:15:24You mean he's dead?
00:15:26Yes, I'd better call the coroner.
00:15:28You think it's murder?
00:15:30I don't know. I never saw anything like it before.
00:15:34The jugular vein is severed.
00:15:54Send Johnny Layton in here.
00:16:04Well, what have I done now?
00:16:06Who wants to be fired this time?
00:16:08Nobody yet, but it's still early.
00:16:10This came in from Heathville. It's a mystery killing.
00:16:12Old Martin Heath's son.
00:16:14Who's Martin Heath?
00:16:15Who's Martin Heath?
00:16:17Say, have you ever had a date with a girl?
00:16:19A girl? Oh, yes, a girl.
00:16:21I believe I did take a girl out once.
00:16:23Well, did she smell sweet?
00:16:25Of course she smelled sweet. Most girls do.
00:16:28Well, that's because of Martin Heath Cosmetics Limited.
00:16:31They make all that goo that the women put on their faces
00:16:33so they won't have to wash them with soap and water.
00:16:36I get it. A big man, huh?
00:16:38Yes, and a big advertising account.
00:16:40Grab yourself a photographer and get along over there to Heathville.
00:16:43The coroner's holding an inquest.
00:16:45Find out who really killed old man Heath's son.
00:16:48Okay, McGinny, I'm on my way.
00:17:02Chief Wilkins?
00:17:05I'm Johnny Layton of the Chicago Register.
00:17:07Glad to see you.
00:17:08And this is my cameraman, One-Shot McGuire.
00:17:10Hi, Chief.
00:17:12Say, we're down here to cover that Heath murder,
00:17:14but we didn't get much information at the coroner's inquest.
00:17:17I thought maybe you might be able to help us.
00:17:19Well, I'm always glad to cooperate with the newspapers,
00:17:22providing they cooperate with me.
00:17:24That's the policy of our paper.
00:17:26Well, to tell you the truth,
00:17:28I haven't gotten very far with this thing myself.
00:17:31Oh, here's something that might interest you.
00:17:33It's a picture of the victim's wounds.
00:17:37You'll be able to see it better with this glass.
00:17:41Are these scratches on the neck and shoulders?
00:17:43Yes, but we can't determine the source.
00:17:48They're too deep for fingernails,
00:17:50too shallow to have been made by knife.
00:17:53They're more like claws.
00:17:55That sort of bears out Dr. Crother's theory at the inquest.
00:17:58Of a wild animal.
00:18:00Have there been any circuses around here lately?
00:18:03Heard of any animal escaping from a zoo?
00:18:06Couldn't have been one of those African leopard men.
00:18:08They used steel claws.
00:18:10This isn't Africa.
00:18:12Okay, Chief, I was just trying to help.
00:18:15Chief, are you sure there's no clue you're holding back while investigating?
00:18:19Well, since you're going to work with me on this case,
00:18:23there is a clue.
00:18:25And a very weird one.
00:18:28The autopsy surgeon says that such wounds could have been made
00:18:32by the beak and talons of a bird.
00:18:34A bird?
00:18:36Why, there aren't any birds around here big enough to attack a man.
00:18:39How about an eagle?
00:18:40We know it wasn't a bird.
00:18:42How do you know that?
00:18:43Because we found several hairs on the shoulder of Heath's coat.
00:18:47Chauchat Le Femme.
00:18:49They're not human hairs.
00:18:51What kind are they?
00:18:52Well, it may sound silly,
00:18:54but the laboratory test shows that they were from a mouse.
00:18:57Well, who ever heard of a mouse big enough to kill a man?
00:19:02Say, a bat has hair like a mouse.
00:19:04Well, the only bats around here are no bigger than sparrows.
00:19:08There was a peculiar odor about the wounds,
00:19:11but they were so faint and elusive
00:19:14that the police chemists have been unable to identify it.
00:19:17Then it does give us something to work on.
00:19:19Well, the scent was a clue.
00:19:21It's been destroyed.
00:19:22It was a clue.
00:19:23It's been destroyed by evaporation.
00:19:28Say, Chief, do you mind if I do a little sleuthing around on my own account?
00:19:32Certainly not. Go ahead.
00:19:33If I can help you in any way...
00:19:35You can.
00:19:36Miss Heath seems to be the nearest to an eyewitness of the crime.
00:19:39I'd like to have a talk with her.
00:19:40Can you arrange it?
00:19:41I think I can.
00:19:43Well, Dr. Crothers refused to let her speak to us.
00:19:45We tried that this morning at the inquest.
00:19:47Well, don't you worry about Dr. Crothers.
00:19:49He's one of the finest men in Heathville.
00:19:51He just thought you'd add to Mary's grief
00:19:53so you could get sensational newspaper stories.
00:19:56I'll arrange an interview.
00:19:57Thanks, Chief.
00:19:58I'll keep in touch with you.
00:19:59All right.
00:20:01Uh, 48J.
00:20:08Miss Heath, did your brother have any enemies that you know of?
00:20:11Why, no.
00:20:12Everybody in the village liked Roy.
00:20:15Well, what did he do at the factory?
00:20:17He had charge of the experimental department
00:20:19where the new products are developed.
00:20:21Oh, here comes Dr. Crothers.
00:20:24Hello, Doctor.
00:20:25Hello, Mary.
00:20:26I took a shortcut from my laboratory through a garden hedge.
00:20:29You met Dr. Crothers at the inquest this morning.
00:20:32Mr. Layton, I hope you'll forgive me if I seemed a little abrupt.
00:20:36But I'm fond of Mary.
00:20:38And considering the ordeal she already went through,
00:20:41I wanted to protect her from dwelling too much of a tragedy.
00:20:45Of course.
00:20:46You were quite right.
00:20:47We're working on the case with the police now.
00:20:49Yes, I understand.
00:20:50Chief Wilkins phoned me.
00:20:52And if I can be of any assistance, just call on me.
00:20:56Won't you sit down?
00:21:02Shall I serve, mademoiselle?
00:21:04No, Maxine, I'll do it.
00:21:05You may go now.
00:21:06Oui, mademoiselle.
00:21:12Do you take sugar, Mr. McGuire?
00:21:14Oh, no, ma'am.
00:21:16In fact, I don't even take tea.
00:21:18If you'll just deal me out, I'll take a look around.
00:21:21I may dig up a clue.
00:21:27What do you think of Dr. Crothers' theory about a wild animal, Mr. Layton?
00:21:31Well, frankly, I don't think much of it.
00:21:34I can't say that I blame you.
00:21:36But I, as a scientist, take many things into consideration
00:21:39a layman might overlook.
00:21:41For instance?
00:21:42The jagged nature of the wound,
00:21:44the rapidity with which the murderer escaped,
00:21:47the scratches from talons or claws.
00:21:51But when an animal attacks a human, there's bound to be a lot of noise.
00:21:54You heard Miss Heath testify there was no sound of a struggle.
00:21:58Only those awful screams.
00:22:02It's very puzzling, very mystifying.
00:22:05Doctor, when you last saw Roy, did he seem worried or nervous or moody?
00:22:10No, not at all.
00:22:11On the contrary.
00:22:13He was in the best of spirits.
00:22:16Well, I've got to get back to the village now and follow my story.
00:22:19You'll excuse me?
00:22:20If you find it necessary for us to talk again, you may come back at any time.
00:22:23This evening, if it's all right with you, I'd like to spend some time here.
00:22:26Why, yes, that'll be quite all right.
00:22:28Thank you. Goodbye, Miss Heath.
00:22:30Goodbye, Doctor.
00:22:34A little more chiffon, baby.
00:22:36I do not understand.
00:22:38Oh, you know what I mean. A little more of your stocking.
00:22:43Like these?
00:22:44Sure, I like them. Who wouldn't?
00:22:46Now, hold nice and still, because this is going to take a little time.
00:22:56Well, if you're going to shoot, shoot.
00:22:58Right away, Johnny. I was just trying to get the focus.
00:23:03I got it. And not bad either.
00:23:06I'll be back in a minute, Frenchie.
00:23:08And don't worry none about those werewolves,
00:23:10because nothing's going to harm you while I'm around here.
00:23:12You make Maxine feel so calm.
00:23:15My peep brave journalist.
00:23:24This is my idea of nothing at all.
00:23:26Sitting here waiting for an animal to give us an argument.
00:23:31Look at that moon.
00:23:34And I had a date with Frenchie.
00:23:36Oh, stop crabbing. We're supposed to solve a murder.
00:23:38You peep, you brave journalist.
00:23:43This is the first time I've ever been invited anywhere
00:23:46and asked not to shave until after I get there.
00:23:49I wanted to observe your exact reaction when you tried the lotion.
00:23:52Oh, now I understand.
00:23:56I want this lotion to be perfect
00:23:58before turning it over to you to be marketed.
00:24:05It's a little strong.
00:24:06That'll make the customers think they're getting their money's worth.
00:24:09Oh, that feels great.
00:24:11Very soothing.
00:24:13I don't think you ever use anything else.
00:24:15Well, we wouldn't want to market anything we wouldn't use ourselves.
00:24:20That almost smells good enough to be used as a cologne.
00:24:24Oh, what's the matter, Doc?
00:24:26Can't you stand your own lotion?
00:24:28I have a violent dislike for perfumes.
00:24:30Oh, I'm sorry.
00:24:32All right, Tommy.
00:24:34Good night, Doc.
00:24:36All right, Tommy.
00:24:38Good night, Doc.
00:24:40Goodbye, Tommy.
00:25:32What's that?
00:25:34Over there, something's moving.
00:25:41Come on out of there, whoever you are.
00:25:48What are you doing out here, Miss Heath?
00:25:50I thought you might want some company.
00:25:52Shall we sit down?
00:25:55You know, you shouldn't be wandering around the garden at night
00:25:58after what's happened.
00:25:59Neither should you.
00:26:00Well, but it's part of my job.
00:26:02Mine too.
00:26:03Roy was my brother.
00:26:08Be careful, I think it's Tommy.
00:26:14Hello, Tommy.
00:26:15Hello, everybody.
00:26:16Hello, Tommy.
00:26:17What's up, sis?
00:26:18Mr. Layton wanted to stay in the garden for a while, so I joined him.
00:26:21Don't tell me you're waiting for that animal Dr. Carruthers mentioned.
00:26:24So you don't believe it either?
00:26:26I certainly do not.
00:26:27It's ridiculous.
00:26:29Somebody or something killed your brother.
00:26:32And I suppose you're working on the theory
00:26:34that the murderer always returns to the scene of the crime.
00:26:38Perhaps I am.
00:26:39Well, not for me.
00:26:41If you'll take my advice, Mary,
00:26:43you'll leave these gentlemen to their vigil and go to bed.
00:26:45That's what I'm going to do.
00:26:47Good night.
00:26:48Good night, Tommy.
00:26:55I don't think your brother likes my being here.
00:26:57Oh, you mustn't mind, Tommy.
00:26:59We're all terribly upset.
00:27:01I know.
00:27:11Come on.
00:27:48But I'm telling you, McGinty, it was a bat.
00:27:50I saw it kill Tommy Heath.
00:27:52Listen, Johnny, I want you in one shot to come on home
00:27:55or I'll fire both of you.
00:27:57I'm not coming home and neither is one shot.
00:27:59I'm keeping him here to get a picture of the devil bat.
00:28:01Say, that'll look great in the headlines.
00:28:03Devil bat strikes again.
00:28:07Listen, don't tell me it had horns.
00:28:09Maybe I better send a wagon with the steel bars
00:28:12and the strong boys with the straight jackets.
00:28:14Look, Joe, have I ever lied to you?
00:28:17Plenty of times.
00:28:19Well, I'm not lying this time.
00:28:21If it ever got out that I cooked up a fake story about a devil bat,
00:28:24I wouldn't be able to get a job on a country weekly.
00:28:26Print the story, Joe.
00:28:28Oh, help me, it's on the level.
00:28:30All right, I'll print it, but I won't believe it
00:28:33not till one shot gets me a picture of that devil bat in action.
00:28:37Don't worry, he'll get it. Goodbye.
00:28:40You, my friend, are going to get a shot of the devil bat in action.
00:28:43Who, me? How?
00:28:45Have you noticed there's a taxidermist shop on the village?
00:28:49Well, you wouldn't suggest that I go out and stuff a bird, would you?
00:28:52One shot.
00:28:53To think that you'd even hint that I would suggest
00:28:55you have the village taxidermist build you a nice big bat for pictorial purposes.
00:28:59Besides, a bat isn't a bird, it's a mammal.
00:29:02Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?
00:29:04Where is this bird stuff an emporium?
00:29:08Oh, down on Cottage Grove Avenue.
00:29:55Now, here's the idea, Frenchie.
00:30:23You hang on to the bat till I get my camera set up.
00:30:26And when I raise my hand, you give the bat a good shove
00:30:29and it'll swing out just like it's flying.
00:30:31Then I can get a swell picture for my boss, get it?
00:30:34Sweet. I am wise, no?
00:30:36No, but hang on to the bat until I raise my hand, huh?
00:30:53Sherry, are you hurt?
00:31:14Say, what's the idea of breaking up my devil bat?
00:31:17I'm gonna make you pay for that.
00:31:18And I'm going to take you to jail until you explain this.
00:31:21Come on.
00:31:22You can't do this to me.
00:31:23I'm doing it.
00:31:26I was just conducting a little experiment,
00:31:28trying to find out how the devil bat does his killing.
00:31:30I'm sure McGuire didn't intend doing anything wrong.
00:31:33He's just a little overzealous about his work.
00:31:36Yeah, with the town in an uproar,
00:31:39and everybody terror-stricken,
00:31:40wondering whether he's going to be the next victim,
00:31:42I don't want any more trouble stirred up,
00:31:45even with an artificial bat.
00:31:46You'd better get back to the hotel.
00:31:48I want to talk to the chief alone.
00:31:50Is it all right, chief?
00:31:51Yeah, but be careful in the future.
00:31:57Ever smell anything like this before?
00:32:04Well, yes.
00:32:05That's the same stuff that's been on every one of the devil bat's victims.
00:32:08Where'd you get it?
00:32:09Found it in Don Morton's bathroom.
00:32:13Find out where Morton got it?
00:32:15No, I didn't want to arouse suspicion by asking questions
00:32:18till after it's been analyzed.
00:32:20You think it has any connection with the murders?
00:32:22That's the way it strikes me, but I can't figure out how.
00:32:26I'll get the police cameras on it right away.
00:32:29I'll snoop around, see if I can find out where Morton got it.
00:32:32Well, it probably came from down at the Heath cosmetic plant.
00:32:36I've men working on a theory of a disgruntled factory employee committing the crimes.
00:32:41It's certainly more than coincidental that all the victims
00:32:44have been members of the Heath and Morton families.
00:32:47Yeah, looks like a plot to wipe them all out.
00:32:51I wish the rest of them would leave town until this crime is solved.
00:32:56You're worried about Mary, aren't you?
00:32:59Well, yes.
00:33:00I've been urging her to leave, but she won't go without her father,
00:33:03and he insists on remaining here to help clear up the crime.
00:33:06Worse than that, neither Heath nor Morton will let me give them a bodyguard.
00:33:11I guess we'll just have to wait for something to break.
00:33:13Good night, Chief.
00:33:14Good night, Johnny.
00:33:24Boy, if I got a picture, I'll knock McGinty dead.
00:33:27Meet the double bat.
00:33:30Well, how about that wire?
00:33:31Looks as if the bat's on a flying trapeze.
00:33:33Oh, but I'm not through working on it yet.
00:33:35See, I can touch this picture up so the bat will look like he's got nothing around him, but nothing.
00:33:40Okay, Rembrandt, you win.
00:33:45This is your news commentator, Walter King.
00:33:47Tonight we're broadcasting from the little village of Heathville
00:33:50where an alleged devil bat has claimed three victims during the past six weeks.
00:33:54You will note that I say alleged devil bat.
00:33:56That, ladies and gentlemen, is because your correspondent has been very skeptical
00:34:00from the start as to the existence of this horrendous creature.
00:34:03I have as my guest in the studio tonight Professor Percival Garland Rains,
00:34:07perhaps the world's greatest authority on animal life.
00:34:09I'm going to interview Professor Rains on the subject of the devil bat.
00:34:12Our radio audience may draw its own conclusions.
00:34:15Professor Rains, first let me ask you, point blank,
00:34:19do you believe that any such creature as the devil bat exists?
00:34:23I do not.
00:34:24He's got a nerve.
00:34:26In the dark ages when men and women lived in caves,
00:34:29there may have existed a bat of this size, but not in this day and age.
00:34:34How do you account for the fact that Mary Heath,
00:34:37whose two brothers were victims of the devil bat,
00:34:40and a newspaper reporter, John Layton, claim to have seen this amazing creature?
00:34:44Sometimes under stress and excitement, our minds play tricks on us.
00:34:48Hey, he's insinuating you saw the little bat that wasn't there.
00:34:52Pipe down.
00:34:53But how about the picture of the devil bat published by Mr. Layton's paper?
00:34:57I examined that picture under a powerful magnifying glass.
00:35:00I denounce it as a fraud.
00:35:02Whoever constructed the strange-looking monster forgot to remove a label from the silk.
00:35:07From the silk used on its left wing.
00:35:10That label reads, made in Japan.
00:35:20Put through a hurry call to Heathville.
00:35:22I want to talk to Johnny Layton.
00:35:24He's at the Heathville Hotel.
00:35:28One guess who that is.
00:35:29Yeah, McGinty.
00:35:37Go ahead, pour it on.
00:35:39So you slipped over a fake picture on me, huh?
00:35:42Well, you're fired, both of you.
00:35:44And I'll see to it that you never work on another newspaper as long as I live.
00:35:48Made in Japan.
00:35:50You tell one-shot McGuire he ought to be snapping photos in a booby hatch.
00:35:54Both of you, come on in and get your final checks.
00:35:57Oh, no. We're not coming in to get anything.
00:36:00All right, so we're fired.
00:36:02But we're staying here just the same.
00:36:04I saw that bat.
00:36:06We're going to stay here till we catch that bat.
00:36:08And when we do, I'm going to bring it in and stuff it down your throat.
00:36:15Well, we're fired.
00:36:20That's him calling back to apologize.
00:36:22Now you give him a good scare.
00:36:25No use begging us to go to work for you again, McGinty.
00:36:28You fired us and we're staying fired.
00:36:30Oh, Mary, I thought it was somebody else.
00:36:33Johnny, why did you make a joke of a tragic thing like this?
00:36:36But it wasn't intended as a joke, Mary.
00:36:38I was only trying to get the news.
00:36:40I suppose you call it getting the news when you arrange to print a picture
00:36:43that's a deliberate hoax.
00:36:45That has the entire country laughing.
00:36:47A grand joke, Johnny.
00:36:49But somehow I can't appreciate it.
00:36:51But I can explain that picture.
00:36:53Don't try, Johnny.
00:37:03Made in Japan.
00:37:05I ought to skin you alive and nail your hide to a barn door.
00:37:13Here's the chemistry part on that shaving lotion.
00:37:18I see he couldn't break down one of the ingredients.
00:37:20Yes, he said it must be some element with which he's not familiar.
00:37:26We won't get anywhere until we identify it.
00:37:29There's just one other man in this town that might be able to help us.
00:37:33Dr. Carruthers.
00:37:36Yeah, Carruthers could help us.
00:37:38I found out he compounded that lotion.
00:37:40Well, if you suspect Carruthers, you're backing up the wrong tree, Johnny.
00:37:45He's the last man in this town that would harm anyone.
00:37:47Why, everybody loves him.
00:37:50Maybe so.
00:37:51But here's something else I dug up.
00:37:54The Heath and Morton fortunes are based on a greaseless cold cream formula Dr. Carruthers invented.
00:38:00So what?
00:38:02All the doctor got out of it was $10,000.
00:38:04And the others made a fortune.
00:38:06Well, it's common knowledge that he sold out for cash when he could have had an interest in the firm.
00:38:11Just the same, every victim had this stuff from his laboratory on him.
00:38:18Maybe you've been working too hard on this case, Johnny.
00:38:21I'd like to get his reaction on the stuff.
00:38:23If he denies knowing anything about it, we'll know there's a tie-up somewhere.
00:38:28I think you're bombing.
00:38:29But just to show you that I'm following up every clue, we'll talk to him.
00:38:34We'll put this in another bottle and without telling him we know he compounded it, ask him to analyze it.
00:38:40Doc, I hope we're not upsetting your work, barging in on you this way.
00:38:43No, no, not at all.
00:38:45I'm anxious to help solve these crimes.
00:38:47All the victims were very dear friends of mine.
00:38:50Here's a sample of the stuff young Morton and the two Heath boys had on them when they were attacked by the devil bat.
00:38:54Of course, it doesn't make sense to me that a bird would choose only people using that particular stuff.
00:39:01A bat is not a bird.
00:39:03It's a mammal.
00:39:04Well, anyway, our police cameras couldn't break down one of the ingredients.
00:39:08We thought perhaps you could.
00:39:13I compounded this myself.
00:39:15It's a new shaving lotion I'm experimenting with.
00:39:18The ingredient your chemist couldn't break down I discovered years ago in Tibet.
00:39:23How did you happen to put it in a shaving lotion?
00:39:25Oh, the lamas use it in some of their religious rites as a perfume.
00:39:30The scent is very pleasant and can't be imitated by competitors.
00:39:34But what were Don Morton and the two Heath boys doing with the stuff?
00:39:38Oh, it is the policy of our firm to try out any new product before marketing it.
00:39:44Well, that knocks our theory into a cocked hat.
00:39:49We were hoping the unknown ingredient might turn out to be some sort of a clue.
00:39:54This isn't the kind of bottle I give it out in.
00:39:57But I presume your chemist changed it when making the analysis.
00:40:03Is there anything else I can do to help?
00:40:07Tell me, did you hear Professor Raines on the radio last night?
00:40:12It was very interesting and very asinine.
00:40:15You mean you believe there is a devil bat?
00:40:17Why not? You saw it, didn't you?
00:40:19Well, sure I did. So did Mary.
00:40:21Then why worry about what one scientist says?
00:40:24That one scientist got me fired.
00:40:28You mean your newspaper discharged you?
00:40:32That's right.
00:40:33Oh, that's too bad.
00:40:36I'm afraid not.
00:40:37I'm going to stay here and work with the chief.
00:40:42Since you're going to stay here for a while,
00:40:44I would like you to try out a bottle of the new lotion and tell me how you like it.
00:40:51And you too, Chief.
00:40:52No, no. Not me, Doc.
00:40:54If my wife ever smelled perfume on me, she'd know what to do.
00:40:59And you too, Chief.
00:41:00No, no. Not me, Doc.
00:41:02If my wife ever smelled perfume on me, she'd suspect me, sure.
00:41:07Well, Mr. Layton, I understand you are not married.
00:41:10All right. I'll try it in the morning when I shave.
00:41:12I guess we better be going, Chief.
00:41:14See you later, Doc.
00:41:15So long, Dr. Crothers.
00:41:17Goodbye, Mr. Layton.
00:41:30What's the matter? What's the matter?
00:41:32Does that smelly shaving lotion put you to sleep?
00:41:35Well, why did you tell the Doc you're going to use it if you think it's smelly?
00:41:38Oh, I don't know. I guess I was a little ashamed of ever suspecting the old Doc.
00:41:42Well, I like it and I'm going to tell him so.
00:41:47What time is it?
00:41:49After midnight.
00:41:51Oh, there ain't no use of waiting around here any longer.
00:41:54This must be the bat's night off.
00:41:57Did you hear that?
00:42:05Get that camera ready.
00:42:26Look out!
00:42:35You got him.
00:42:36Listen, Johnny, I'm going to cook that bread personally for McGinny.
00:42:40And I'll even stuff it myself.
00:42:56I was still skeptical when I came to Heathville today to examine the body of this so-called devil bat.
00:43:26But after seeing it personally and making exhaustive research,
00:43:31I've arrived at the conclusion that the creature is the lone survivor of a type of giant bat
00:43:38which existed in great numbers during the early part of the Neolithic age.
00:43:44Perhaps I should explain for the benefit of some of our listeners
00:43:47that the Neolithic age is that period of antiquity commonly called the Stone Age.
00:43:58Bombastic ignoramus.
00:44:25Sorry, McGinny, but one shot and I are not interested.
00:44:49At your prices.
00:44:50Of course, if there was a raise of, say, twenty...
00:44:54Thirty dollars plus a fat bonus, we might consider it.
00:44:57You're holed up, man, both of you.
00:44:59I refuse to be robbed.
00:45:01Have it your way, McGinny, have it your way.
00:45:03But we have the bat's corpus delicti and the exclusive picture.
00:45:07Of course, I've got an eyewitness story that two syndicates are bidding for.
00:45:12And don't forget, you've got to pay us for the time we were fired.
00:45:16That's better.
00:45:18Now you're talking, boss.
00:45:19Okay, we're working for you again.
00:45:21We'll gather up the loose ends and see you in a couple of days.
00:45:26Come in.
00:45:29Hello, Johnny.
00:45:30Well, Mary.
00:45:31Johnny, I came to tell you that I'm sorry I said what I did the last time we talked.
00:45:36Do you suppose...
00:45:38Well, I don't know how to say it, but...
00:45:40I do.
00:45:41Miss Heath, do you suppose that little French girl would apologize to me if I looked her up?
00:45:46Positive she would.
00:45:53Thank you.
00:46:23Thank you.
00:46:57You will be even greater than your unfortunate predecessor.
00:47:12Enraged, aren't you?
00:47:17I'm enraged also.
00:47:20Tonight I shall call on Henry Morton and you shall strike him down.
00:47:28Henry, the lotion has turned out to be better than I had hoped.
00:47:33I want you to try it.
00:47:37Well, just leave it here, Doc, and I'll try it in the morning after shaving.
00:47:44Smells good, doesn't it?
00:47:46Yes, but isn't it too strong?
00:47:48No, no, no.
00:47:49Evaporation quickly tones it down just to the right scent.
00:47:54Rub a few drops on your face.
00:47:56Well, I'd rather wait until after I shave.
00:47:59Then my skin will be more tender and receptive to a lotion.
00:48:03Well, just a little here.
00:48:06The texture of the skin there is always very delicate.
00:48:13I give you a few drops in your hand.
00:48:18Thank you.
00:48:26I hope you're right about that scent evaporating quickly.
00:48:30I smell the high heavens.
00:48:32Perhaps that will be the secret of its success.
00:48:36Well, you can never tell what's going to happen in this business.
00:48:39You can believe me, Henry.
00:48:41You don't have to worry.
00:48:43Yes, I can believe that, Doc.
00:48:44All of your formulas have been highly successful.
00:48:48I've been going over the report of the company's annual earnings.
00:48:52A net profit of over a million dollars.
00:48:55Not bad, eh?
00:48:57When you remember what we built on.
00:49:00A mere $10,000 for your formula.
00:49:05You shouldn't have demanded all cash, Doc.
00:49:08You should have ridden along with us.
00:49:10Then you'd be rich, too.
00:49:11Oh, but then you've had a lot of fun in your laboratory.
00:49:15With your experiments.
00:49:17Dreaming up something new.
00:49:19You're a dreamer, Doc.
00:49:22Too much money is bad for dreamers.
00:49:25So you try to pay me in flattery.
00:49:28Telling me that I'm a dreamer.
00:49:31Well, I do dream.
00:49:35Dreams that you could never guess.
00:49:37Your nerves are afraid, Doc.
00:49:40Now calm down. Get a grip on yourself.
00:49:42You've been working too hard on your formula.
00:49:47That's but child's play for a great scientist.
00:49:51Your brain is too feeble to conceive
00:49:55what I have accomplished in the realm of science.
00:49:59Doc, you've made some great scientific discovery.
00:50:03Why don't you tell me what it is?
00:50:05When you find out, Henry, it'll be too late for you.
00:50:10Oh, come, come, Doc.
00:50:13You can't pretend to control a man's destiny.
00:50:17I've already proved it three times.
00:50:29I'm sorry.
00:50:32I'm sorry.
00:50:36Perhaps you're right, Henry, about my working too hard.
00:50:40I guess I'm a little tired.
00:50:42I'd better go home and get some rest.
00:50:45Sure. A night's sleep will do you good.
00:50:48Good night, Doc.
00:50:50Goodbye, Henry.
00:51:06Oh, that's you, Martin?
00:51:08Yes, Henry.
00:51:10I want you to call Chief of Police Wilkins to come to your house immediately.
00:51:14It's very important.
00:51:16Chief's here now.
00:51:18Well, don't let him leave until I get there.
00:51:20What on earth has happened?
00:51:22I think I've got a clue to all those murders.
00:51:24It may peter out, but if half what I suspect is true,
00:51:27it's the most diabolical plot that a madman ever concocted.
00:51:31What is it?
00:51:35Talk about the absent-minded professor. I forgot my hat.
00:51:40Henry, what is it?
00:51:42I'll tell you all about it when I get there.
00:51:44I hope I didn't intrude on a private conversation.
00:51:47Oh, nothing important.
00:52:01What's the matter, Henry?
00:52:05What's the matter?
00:52:09What's the matter?
00:52:13What's the matter?
00:52:17What's the matter?
00:52:21What's the matter?
00:52:25What's the matter?
00:52:29What's the matter?
00:53:16I hope Henry was right about having a clue.
00:53:19But why didn't he explain more about it when he phoned?
00:53:23When I insisted, he changed his tone as if he'd been interrupted.
00:53:27I was afraid that he might be overheard.
00:53:32What's that squeaky sound?
00:53:34Oh, just some night noise.
00:54:31I feel much better, Mr. Heath, since you asked us to stay in your home
00:54:46until this new devil bat has been killed.
00:54:48I've been worried about Mary.
00:54:50What reason have you to believe that Mary is in danger?
00:54:53Only this.
00:54:55I'm convinced that someone is using the bat
00:54:57to wipe out the entire Heath and Morton families.
00:54:59As a scientist, I assure you
00:55:01that the thought of a human controlling a bat is fantastic.
00:55:05Just the same, no villager has been killed or even attacked.
00:55:08You're forgetting, aren't you, that Mr. McGuire was attacked.
00:55:12He's not a member of either family.
00:55:14Why, I'm practically a member of this family already.
00:55:16I'm going to marry Miss Heath's maid.
00:55:18Oh, really?
00:55:20Well, boys, I'll have Maxine show you to your rooms.
00:55:22I must be running along.
00:55:24Home, it's past my bedtime.
00:55:26Good night, gentlemen.
00:55:28Good night, Doctor.
00:55:30Come along.
00:55:40Oui, mademoiselle.
00:55:45Did you fill my perfume bottles with something new?
00:55:48Oh, no, mademoiselle.
00:55:50I never touch your perfume.
00:55:52It's funny, I don't recognize it.
00:55:54Perhaps Dad filled them, as a surprise.
00:55:56He always does that with every new perfume the plant puts out.
00:55:59Is there anything else?
00:56:01No, Maxine, that's all.
00:56:03Good night.
00:56:05Good night, mademoiselle.
00:56:56Mary, what happened?
00:56:58It was trying to get in the window.
00:57:02Oh, it was awful.
00:57:09Mary, I want you to tell me everything you did
00:57:11just before that bat tried to get in.
00:57:13Well, first I took a bath.
00:57:15Then I brushed my hair,
00:57:17and Maxine came in and turned the covers down.
00:57:19And then fastened the screen,
00:57:21which somehow had come unhooked.
00:57:23Yeah? Go ahead, what else?
00:57:25Well, then we talked about some new perfume
00:57:27that someone had put in my dressing table bottles.
00:57:30I said, did you put any new perfume in my bottles?
00:57:32No, I didn't.
00:57:34Is this the stuff?
00:57:38Johnny, this smells like...
00:57:40Be quiet.
00:57:42I've got a hunch that I want to follow up,
00:57:44and I'll need everybody's cooperation.
00:57:46We'll do everything we can.
00:57:48Of course.
00:57:50What's Carruthers' number?
00:57:54Operator, give me 4-8-J, please.
00:57:57Hello, Dr. Carruthers?
00:57:58This is Johnny Layton.
00:58:00That's right. Something terrible has happened to Mary.
00:58:02Can you hurry over?
00:58:04I'll be right there.
00:58:08Wait, Johnny, I'm all right. I don't need a doctor.
00:58:10That's where the cooperation part comes in, Mary.
00:58:12You'll have to pretend to be a nervous wreck.
00:58:14Mr. Heath, you and one shot must help her
00:58:16trick Dr. Carruthers into staying here as long as you can.
00:58:18Where are you going, Johnny?
00:58:20To do a little private bat hunting.
00:58:28I'll be back in a minute.
00:58:59The devil bat tried to get through that window.
00:59:01She's suffering from fright.
00:59:03I'll give her a sedative.
00:59:06Where's Mr. Layton?
00:59:08Well, I guess he's out in the garden
00:59:10hunting the devil bat.
00:59:12Layton is a very brave young man.
00:59:15Give Miss Heath one of these every half an hour.
00:59:17Oui, Doctor.
00:59:19It will quieten her nerves.
00:59:21But, Doc, hadn't you better stay until she's quieter?
00:59:23She'll be all right, Johnny.
00:59:25She'll be all right.
00:59:26Hey, Doc, I don't feel so good myself.
00:59:28Would you mind taking my temperature?
00:59:30You look perfectly well, Mr. McGuire.
00:59:32Well, you ought to see my tongue.
00:59:34It looks just like a squirrel's tail.
00:59:38Try some caramel.
00:59:56It's good.
01:00:26It's good.
01:00:28It's good.
01:00:57You may have visitors tonight.
01:00:59And it would be dangerous for me
01:01:01if they found you here.
01:02:24Hi, Doc.
01:02:26I'm not intruding.
01:02:27No, not at all.
01:02:29I heard you were out stalking the bat.
01:02:32Any success?
01:02:33No, but I thought you might be able to help me.
01:02:36I don't see how that's possible,
01:02:38but if you can suggest anything...
01:02:41You could give me some more of that new concoction of yours,
01:02:43that shaving lotion.
01:02:45But how on earth could that possibly help catch the devil bat?
01:02:50I've still got a crazy idea that if I douse myself with it,
01:02:53it might attract the killer.
01:02:55I don't see how you can connect the two,
01:02:57but there is a bottle of the lotion on the table.
01:03:00Thank you.
01:03:21You see, Doc, I figured something out.
01:03:24All four of them had this lotion on them when the devil bat struck.
01:03:28My plan is to sit in the garden
01:03:30and when the killer uses his powers, I'll kill him.
01:03:34Layton, I'm afraid all these murders have affected your mind.
01:03:40Maybe you'd like to come along and be an eyewitness.
01:03:43I'm sure it would be a waste of time,
01:03:46but I'd be glad to see your experiment.
01:03:49Good. I knew I could count on you to help me.
01:03:54I told you, Layton,
01:03:56expecting a bat to be attracted by the scent of a lotion
01:03:59is all foolishness.
01:04:00I think I'd better run along.
01:04:03Sit down, Doc.
01:04:05The devil bat is behind schedule tonight.
01:04:15You aren't very chummy tonight. What's the matter?
01:04:18Firearms always make me nervous.
01:04:21I thought you didn't want to sit too close to me.
01:04:24Just in case the devil bat shows up.
01:04:27According to your theory, the killer wouldn't attack me.
01:04:31I don't have any of that lotion on me.
01:04:37You have now, Doc.
01:04:38Why did you do that?
01:04:39To make it a 50-50 proposition, Doc.
01:04:44Now sit down and don't try any shenanigans.
01:04:47I'll be right back.
01:04:57It's not so funny when it's your own jugular vein that's in danger.
01:05:00Is it, Doc?
01:05:02I... I don't know what you're talking about.
01:05:06Maybe you made a mistake
01:05:07when you let that devil bat of yours out of the attic tonight.
01:05:11Don't worry about the bat killing you.
01:05:13I'm saving you for the hangman.
01:05:19Tell me, Doc, how did you develop a monster bat like that?
01:05:25You wouldn't understand scientific theory.
01:06:05Chief, what are you doing here?
01:06:07Don't think you're the only one working on this case.
01:06:10I was lucky to be here.
01:06:12Did you kill the devil bat?
01:06:13No, he got away.
01:06:14Here's one that didn't get away.
01:06:16He's the killer we've been looking for.
01:06:20Shoot him!
01:06:29Where is it?
01:06:30It's gone.
01:06:33And so is the doctor.
01:06:34Did you get the bat?
01:06:35What happened?
01:06:36Doc Carruthers is the killer.
01:06:38He's hiding in the garden.
01:06:39Go back to the house and guard Mary.
01:06:42Come on.
01:06:51Doctor Carruthers!
01:06:57Has anything happened to Johnny?
01:06:58Is he hurt?
01:06:59They took him to my place.
01:07:01You'd better come with me.
01:07:20That was Mary.
01:07:34Are you okay, Mary?
01:07:35Go help Dr. Carruthers. He's over there.
01:07:40That devil bat belonged to the doctor, Mary.
01:07:42He created it to commit those murders.
01:07:47Well, it's too late to help the doc.
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