Khul ja sim SIm web series in English

  • 2 months ago
Khul ja sim SIm in English
00:10Coming coming hold on
00:14Hello hello
00:17Hello, ma'am greetings. I'm Lalitha speaking Simran's mother
00:25Greetings dear greetings
00:27Okay, tell me something
00:30Why didn't you keep your daughter's name Lalitha? How did you name her Simran?
00:35Huh? One more thing that you have left your daughter here and forgotten her completely. Huh?
00:43Sometimes please keep calling us and checking on her whether we are alive or not
00:49Hey, what happened? I'm not feeling good at all
00:53You sound so sad to me
00:55Nothing is fine here
00:57If we speak we will be framed as bad
01:01The sons of today's generation have become outsiders and then this is our daughter-in-law that too much less
01:08What happened has she done something?
01:11She's still childish. She will learn slowly and if she doesn't understand then beat her up with a broom
01:18I also used to make her understand in the same way by beating her. Why?
01:23Your daughter is a
01:25Cow, right? What now what to tell you as
01:30Her age increases and a family grows the same way. She will understand everything
01:36She will also get some intellect. Hmm mrs. Lalitha
01:41How will her family just grow like that? Huh and then?
01:47Well, there is a question of intellect the family won't grow with this intellect
01:53What now what to tell you your daughter?
01:58She applies the eating thing and eats the thing that needs to be applied. I
02:04Am feeling ashamed even while speaking about it. Now you tell me a
02:09Husband has to be fed every day right with variety of food or just one thing
02:15Till the time he will be wrongly doing things and keep doing it till then your daughter
02:21will never ever bear a child and
02:24Nowadays, they have a new craze a love between two women a fancy craze
02:35My dear, what did you have and deliver your daughter? Huh? Why?
02:41Where is Simran? She's not picking up my call
02:44Yeah, take this here comes your cow
02:49Take it. It's your mom's call. Talk to her. Give greetings to mom. I'm coming in a while
02:59Simran, how are you? My dear? I am fine mom. How are you?
03:04Hey, dear, I will remain the same in the way you keep me, right?
03:09Okay, I want to speak to you something yes, sure dear
03:13Please have green vegetables. It is very good for the whole body not for a few places
03:18No, mom. I do eat and I have one more thing to tell you. Yes, tell me
03:24Do you love me or not? Yes, mom
03:27I'm a woman you two are a woman our love for each other is very clean or not
03:33I'm your mother you have had my milk, right?
03:37So this isn't the time to have milk
03:39I'm unable to understand anything mom a woman must love only a man just a man
03:46Yes, mom
03:47There is nothing like the way you are thinking mom. I only love my husband and no one
03:53But a woman can have a woman as her friend right mom a friend is only to speak your heart out
04:00Not to stroke yourself
04:02You don't outburst your heart now. Everything will be fine
04:05Mom everything is already fine. Okay. I am I'm being called right now. I will speak to you later. Okay. Bye mom
04:17What's fine in the Sun then what is what is wrong in this mom?
04:21Okay, then you tell me something a woman doesn't take bath with another woman in the bathroom or not
04:27So does that mean she can marry her there is a difference between bathroom and a home or not?
04:33Even I'm not saying that mom to be happy if she does spend some time doesn't mean that she has settled a family
04:39Huh, and what can a woman do settling with another woman, huh?
04:43Hey, son, is there a stone placed on your intellect?
04:47You don't find any problem in this there has to be a problem in the first place to be noticed
04:52Huh, or has she slept with another man now?
04:56It is not so and then you do know that mom that your own son has something lacking
05:01Is that right or not? And still she hasn't thought of crossing the limits of this house
05:06Whereas the first one had run away
05:10Son that doesn't mean she spreads her disease to everyone Oh mom my dear mom mom
05:17She isn't spreading any disease and I'm trying to be worth as her come on
05:22And if you say so I will speak to her all right, no, don't you take any tension, okay
05:32Hey, you keep teaching throughout the day, I won't be police if you teach me at night, too
05:40So, what should I teach you tell me
05:42You are the first teacher of a school who has to give an exam to stay in the school
05:48Don't get irritated now come pay attention to your studies
05:53Every morning and night take this medicine
05:57Yeah, go
06:01Once to go to Mumbai
06:10Mr. Kutta
06:13Come come come, please come
06:16Nowadays you are not to be seen anywhere. How's your love story going on?
06:22Enjoying the morning juices every day. I had a
06:26Important work with you. Hmm yesterday. I fell down from the stairs
06:31Something went inside
06:32What could you get inside you took a flying arrow inside your arse? Just come here and see what you can do
06:44Didn't mean it that way. I mean, all right. Okay. I will check the wound do one thing. Just lie down here. Come here. Come
07:00Come yes
07:10Come come
07:23Now can you please put this in your mouth here take it
07:34Turn around
08:05Yes, I do recollect
08:28Hope all the snacks are ready. Yes mom. Everything is ready and all the dry fruits are cut. Yes, okay
08:41What are you doing? If you apply all the colors, I will be quietly watching you or what? Hey, no sister-in-law
08:48There will be no fun when colors are not applied from both sides. Is it?
08:55You will apply in front of your mother-in-law or else we move towards a corner
09:00Hey, can I apply for our mom? Is it necessary?
09:06Mother, yes, come. Let's play some Holi. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
09:11I have I have already applied it. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. It's fine. Okay. Happy Holi. Happy Holi. Happy Holi
09:22What kind of gossiping is going on between you two
09:27Today I should also get an
09:30Opportunity to be able to hear everything
09:34Tell me what would you like to hear?
09:38Now whatever you utter from your sweet mouth, it will be music to my ears. Yes
09:43Yes, sister-in-law, even if you leave gas for him, he will find an aroma in that too
09:50Couldn't you find a better example? Yuck. Hey this example and stuff. We can do this wordplay later
09:56Tell me when will we be able to smear color on each other?
10:00Come on now, just show me your feet. I'm gonna touch your feet today and make my life worthwhile
10:06Show me show me show me
10:08She has made you a brother
10:11You idiot
10:13Always coming in between the happiness that is there in sister-in-law's feet. That is not even in mom's feet. Am I right?
10:25Don't you remember last time's punishment or not tell me
10:30I remember and realized it. I had just come to give you the glass
10:36Everybody everybody please have it. Come on
10:40Yeah, a Lord Shiva. Oh Lord
10:44Get our boats into the harbor today. Hey brother Tej, how can you be without me applying color on you?
10:52The evil person's face is always blackened. Your boat finally crossed. Now go and sit in a corner
10:59Smearing black color? Who does such kind of thing? Looking like a Corona. Here sister-in-law, have this. No, no, I get high very easily
11:07Come on
11:09You won't get high if you have it from your friend
11:12If everything could be done by female friends, then how would you have a friend like me?
11:17Give me give me give it to me. I will make her drink it. Come on
11:19No, I can't. No, no, I will get high easily. No, I can't.
11:22Try it. Try a little
11:28Yeah, very nice
11:34Happy Holi Sim
11:36Same to you dear
11:38That's great
11:40You have got yourself colored too much
11:42What to do? I have broken my heart
11:45What to do? I have broken my promise too
11:48Which promise?
11:50To stop having alcohol till I don't wash out the spots put on me
11:55This is only bhang. You haven't stolen anything
11:59Yes, and bhang isn't alcohol. It's a Holi offering
12:03That's true
12:05Okay, listen to me
12:07You have definitely made me have it. Now you will have to handle me also
12:11I will handle you happily for my entire life
12:14I am not talking like that
12:17You will have to handle my saree and my blouse and my petticoat. You will have to handle it all
12:23You definitely don't know
12:26On your dear Sim, there are many eyes keeping a watch
12:32There are two of many varieties
12:36Will I ever leave you or not?
12:38I will show you right now
12:40What? Let me also
12:45Are you fine now?
12:49Now what is this?
12:51Nobody wants to see me in peace
12:53Hey listen, go and tell them to eat and just sleep. Go, tell them
12:57Go and get something to eat and just sleep
13:00Go and tell them to eat and just sleep. Go, tell them
13:03Go and get something to eat first
13:06How can I ask them to leave just like that?
13:08It is Holi today
13:10Holi is over. It's enough that you are high
13:13Come on, go and tell them
13:15Or should I go?
13:17Okay, okay, I am going
13:19If Pappu gets to know that there is a rocket here, then the Holi plate here is also very good
13:27Yes, yes, please go
13:31Hey you, what are you doing here?
13:34We have come to make friendship with our enemies for its Holi
13:38Call her
13:39Where is my enemy? Your, your daughter-in-law
13:44Have you forgotten the beating you got last time?
13:47You have come again for the beating
13:49Please forgive me. The young should be forgiven
13:54The way I have forgotten everything
13:58You too can forget everything
14:00Or else someday I will teach you a lesson
14:04So for that you should pay me respect
14:08Go, go. You have no stomach and no teeth in your mouth
14:13And you are trying to remind me of my beatings. Go
14:16Call Queen Simran
14:18Let me insert my 5G sim in her mobile
14:27My mobile is eagerly waiting for your Simran
14:32Hey, you go inside
14:37He has come to play Holi, mom
14:39Look at him. Some guests have come
14:43Today I will make him play Holi for real
14:49Oh my dogginess
14:52Hey, give me a pinch
14:54Why brother?
14:55Give me a pinch you idiot
14:58No, no, no. I am not dreaming
15:04Pass me the colour. Come on
15:06Come on, come on, come on
15:08Play Holi anyhow today
15:43All the colours only you will apply
15:46In Holi I will only shake the rattle or what?
15:52Wish you a very happy Holi
16:10Hey, she has done it again
16:13Hey, she has done it again
16:17Bloody, instead of red colour she applied chilli powder
16:25Get water, get water
16:26Hey, get some water, go
16:29No water, no water brother
16:31Hey, give me water
