• el año pasado
Edward Olive: Un Multifacético Artista a Tu Alcance
¿Necesitas un profesional creativo y talentoso para darle vida a tus ideas?

¡No busques más, Edward Olive es tu solución!

Edward Olive es un actor, fotógrafo y coach con una amplia trayectoria en el mundo del entretenimiento. Su pasión por el arte y su compromiso con la excelencia lo convierten en un profesional ideal para ayudarte a alcanzar tus metas.

Como actor, Edward ha participado en diversos proyectos de cine, televisión, teatro y publicidad. Su experiencia y versatilidad le permiten interpretar una amplia gama de personajes, desde protagonistas dramáticos hasta comediantes excéntricos.

En el ámbito de la fotografía, Edward captura la esencia de sus sujetos con una mirada creativa y un ojo para el detalle. Su trabajo abarca desde retratos y sesiones de moda hasta fotografía comercial y eventos especiales.

Como coach, Edward guía a actores, modelos y presentadores a desarrollar sus habilidades y alcanzar su máximo potencial. Ofrece entrenamiento personalizado en técnicas de actuación, dicción, proyección de voz y presencia escénica.

¿Qué te ofrece Edward Olive?

Profesionalismo y experiencia: Edward se dedica a brindar servicios de la más alta calidad. Cuenta con una amplia experiencia en la industria y un profundo conocimiento de su oficio.
Creatividad e innovación: Edward siempre está buscando nuevas formas de expresarse y de ayudar a sus clientes a lograr sus objetivos. Aporta una perspectiva fresca y creativa a cada proyecto.
Pasión y entusiasmo: Edward es un apasionado del arte y se dedica a su trabajo con entusiasmo y dedicación. Su pasión es contagiosa y te inspirará a dar lo mejor de ti mismo.
¿Estás listo para llevar tus proyectos al siguiente nivel?

¡Contacta a Edward Olive hoy mismo!
00:00Good morning, my name is Edward Olive, I am an English-Irish actor of French origin, living in Spain, I speak German medium, Portuguese and Italian pretty cool, pretty cool, French, English and Spanish, basically bilingual-trilingual and a little Romanian.
00:29So I've got a mix of polyglot and polyamor, love for everybody, just my little joke, just my little joke.
00:43My beautiful sports casual Hugo Boss jacket, just bought it this week, works well for those castings of casual but business attire, with the jean shirt.
00:57I'm available for your dates, I love dates, first dates, blind dates, my little stupid joke.
01:07I'm 54 years old, my agency is Kailash, as I said I'm based in Madrid, Spain, and I have my studio here, you can see lights, backgrounds, microphone.
01:20I'm also a photographer and a videographer, I don't have kids but I like kids and I'm good with kids and kids understand me because I'm kind of like about the same age as maybe somebody aged between 4 and 14.
01:37What else? That's all there is to know. Choose me for your advert, I don't have anything for a technology company currently on screen, nothing.
01:50I haven't done a technology advert for a while and I don't have any adverts at all on television anywhere in the world with my beautiful face.
02:00I only have them with my voice which is, as you can hear, equally beautiful and my voice is on a lot of corporate videos and things like that, I work a lot with my voice.
02:14But I'm available for your thing, you should get me, it pays quite well and I can speak all your lovely languages.
02:24Que puedo hablar en español, yo hablo sido francés, speak in German, I speak Italian, I speak Romanian and I speak Portuguese.
02:36Wow, wasn't that quick? What a talent, this is the guy you want.
02:42Sells himself as well, sells himself, he's hungry, he wants to work, he wants to get this job, he's going to go there, he's going to work hard.
02:51Work a 14-hour do, they're the same 20-second advert, a hundred million times, all perfectly, perfect, perfect because he's motivated and professional.
03:07Do we think he's overacting slightly? Well, maybe, you can always turn that down. It's easy to turn things down than something flat to go up.
03:16In Spanish they have an expression, a mushroom. I'm also a photographer, I want to take photographs of people, some people are like a mushroom.
03:27They also say a cow watching the train go by.
03:35Yeah, that cow's got a really interesting expression, a whole variety of intonation, pauses, all that stuff, hasn't it? Really got a good expression, the cow.
03:48Well, I love cows, I love cows, I love milk as well. What is that guy going on about?
