When I Requested a Rental Girlfriend, the Single Mother Next Door Showed Up…

  • 2 months ago
When I Requested a Rental Girlfriend, the Single Mother Next Door Showed Up…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Alrighty then, see you later!
00:04My name's Hiro Shimada, a 26-year-old businessman flying solo.
00:09No marriage, not even a girlfriend in sight.
00:12My days are pretty plain.
00:14But my one soulless?
00:16Luna, my kitty.
00:18She barely makes a peep, so no neighborhood drama.
00:22Luna's my family, basically.
00:25Getting her morning meows is my daily ritual.
00:29Another day's starting.
00:31I really don't want to go to work.
00:33I don't want to go, mommy!
00:39G-good morning!
00:43These two just moved in next door last month.
00:47Saya Nakamura and her daughter, Marino.
00:50Saya looks way too hot to be a mom of one,
00:53but there's this lingering scary-person vibe about her.
00:57I guess she hates me because she always gives me the stink eye.
01:01Marino, her daughter, is undeniably cute.
01:04But lately, she's been fussing every morning.
01:08I get it.
01:09Used to drive my mom nuts with my crying, too.
01:12I wanna stay with mommy!
01:15Alright, time for my secret move.
01:20You look funny!
01:22How's that?
01:23My face has tremendous powers.
01:26Marino, why you...
01:28What are you doing?
01:30Oh, no!
01:31This is just...
01:34My bad.
01:35Come on, let's go, Marino.
01:37She's totally put off.
01:39Especially when she already hates me!
01:42Must be tough handling everything alone.
01:46I've never seen Saya's husband around.
01:48Probably a single mom situation.
01:51But even though we're neighbors,
01:53it's not like I should be sticking my nose in.
01:56Everyone's on the marriage hype train,
01:58and here I am, all alone.
02:00Oh, Hiro.
02:02Seems like you're feeling low, huh?
02:04Oh, Otakuta!
02:06You're unusually chipper.
02:08Oh, you know, had a date yesterday.
02:13You traitor, Otakuta!
02:15We made a pact as fellow uncool dudes, remember?
02:19Hey, chill, Hiro!
02:21It's a rental!
02:23A rental girlfriend!
02:26Seems my colleague, Otakuta,
02:28has been into this rental girlfriend trend lately,
02:31doing dream dates like hitting anime shops and arcades.
02:35He was all hyped about it,
02:37and even pitched it to me.
02:39There's a sweet deal for newbies if you're worried.
02:42Cheaper, cause you can't pick the girl.
02:45This is for your sake, Hiro.
02:47And if I refer you, I get discounts.
02:50You're just after that, huh?
02:52That's not...
02:54Anyway, just try it once.
02:57Nah, man, that's not my thing.
03:01Your rental girlfriend will arrive soon.
03:06It's just for three hours in the first pack, right?
03:09Plus, Otakuta's request.
03:11As long as I don't get hooked, it's all good, right?
03:16Phew, and here I am,
03:18getting all excited and buying new clothes.
03:21S-sorry to keep you waiting.
03:23I'm your rental girlfriend-
03:27W-what? Nakamura, why?
03:30That's my line.
03:32It's my first time and-
03:34Seriously, do you think this is okay?
03:37Huh? Is having a rental girlfriend illegal?
03:40No, not like that.
03:43What did you tell your family?
03:45I, uh, just said going on a date, you know?
03:50What? Some families are like that, huh?
03:55Anyway, if it's a problem, I can cancel.
03:59N-no, I mean, I'm already here, so we're going on this date.
04:04Huh? No way, what if she actually-
04:09I need the cash and it's all business, okay?
04:12Right, of course.
04:14So, what was it again? We start the date at the arcade-
04:18Calm down, Hiro. Let's sort this out.
04:21First off, the single mom next door is working as a rental girlfriend in between parenting.
04:27Got it! I'm changing the date plan!
04:32Ten minutes later.
04:33Welcome to Scramble Beauty Salon Koiwa Branch!
04:37I'll take the regular, and she'll have the three-hour special.
04:42Hold up, what's going on here?
04:45Relax, it's all good.
04:47Right this way!
04:50Alrighty, see ya!
04:52So, how was it?
04:54Well, it was, uh, actually pretty great.
04:59But anyway, next let's head to your spot.
05:02Rental time's up.
05:06Here's the payment for three hours.
05:08Like I'm gonna take that.
05:10I didn't do anything girlfriend-like.
05:12But I'm satisfied.
05:14Hold on.
05:16Renting a girlfriend just to loosen up and then it's over?
05:19That's shady, is that your thing?
05:21It's not like that.
05:23I just tried it cause a friend pushed me.
05:26Plus, you always seem stressed, so I thought you could use a break.
05:33I-I mean, you know, a neighboring courtesy and all that.
05:37Fine, I'll take it.
05:39I'll let it slide this time.
05:41But just this once!
05:43It was a bit surprising, but Otakuta gets his coupon,
05:47and maybe I helped someone out a bit.
05:50Feeling unexpectedly satisfied,
05:52I finished my first and last rental girlfriend and headed home.
05:59The rental's over.
06:01I know.
06:02Then why are you walking with me?
06:04Well, I gotta head this way too.
06:06I mean, we're neighbors.
06:08Oh. Right.
06:11On our way back, Nakamura explained things to me.
06:15She got married at 22,
06:17but found out about her husband's cheating right after getting pregnant,
06:20leading to a divorce.
06:22She's still collecting alimony and child support,
06:25but handling finances alone is tough.
06:28After looking for a flexible job,
06:31she ended up with the rental girlfriend job.
06:34By the way, she didn't have a delinquent past.
06:37She just grew up with brothers and became assertive to protect Marino.
06:42But this rental girlfriend thing ends today.
06:45It's not my thing as a woman like me.
06:48I don't think it's like that.
06:50That's why, for your own sake, it's better if you stop doing this rental thing.
06:54Even if you say your family's okay with it.
06:59Hey, Marino! Were you a good girl?
07:02Yeah! I played with Grandma and Grandpa!
07:05But I wanna play with Mommy too!
07:08I'm sorry, Marino.
07:10But Mommy has to work.
07:12That's gotta be tough.
07:17Hey! You're the guy with that funny face!
07:21Huh? Me?
07:23Yeah! You're always making funny faces to make me laugh when I cry!
07:29W-Well, I guess you can call me that.
07:32So that's what's up!
07:34I thought you were picking a fight with Marino!
07:37Like I'd do that!
07:39Sorry for the misunderstanding.
07:41Thanks for today.
07:43Make more funny faces next time!
07:45Y-Yeah, I'll try!
07:48Oh, I'm home!
07:52There, there.
07:53Man, Nakamura's almost the same age as me, but she's hustling as a mom.
07:58What can I do for her?
08:00Oh, I got it!
08:03Rental date start!
08:05You went out of your way to pick me again.
08:08Thought you were done with this.
08:10Oh, well, you know, where's Marino today?
08:13Hm? She's at the park across from our place, playing with my parents.
08:18Then let's go there!
08:22A few days later, I ended up picking Nakamura again for another rental.
08:27It cost a chunk out of my low paycheck, but there was something I really wanted to do.
08:32Hold on.
08:34What in the world are you up to?
08:38Alright, Nakamura. Just focus on playing with Marino.
08:42Don't worry about me.
08:47Hey, hey, that weirdo!
08:49Let's play together!
08:51Now, she's even calling me a weirdo, but sure, why not?
08:56Psh, no way!
08:58This is getting sketchy, right?
09:00What if someone from your family sees us?
09:02Huh? It's totally fine.
09:05I can even call them over.
09:07Hold it!
09:08Why stir up drama yourself?
09:11A few minutes later.
09:14My beloved family Luna!
09:17Uh, cat?
09:20I thought maybe you'd bring your wife or something.
09:24W-wife? I'm single, you know.
09:27Huh? You're single?
09:30Don't mess around!
09:32I-I'm not messing around!
09:34I'm freaking single, I swear!
09:37So, wait.
09:39Are you telling me all that see you later sweetie stuff was for a cat?
09:45Nah, there's no way someone that lonely exists.
09:49I'm right here!
09:51It turns out Nakamura assumed I was married and was giving me a hard time to avoid misunderstanding about a non-existent wife.
10:01I thought you were a married guy making weird faces and hiring a rental girlfriend.
10:06If that's the case, you were still kind enough.
10:09But, why'd you do all of this for me?
10:13Actually, I grew up in a single parent household too.
10:18Yeah, I've never known my dad, and my mom worked her heart out for me.
10:23Just when I wanted to show my appreciation two years ago, she passed suddenly from the strain of it all.
10:30I still regret not giving her an easier life and not playing with her when I could when I was a kid.
10:36I understand Marino's loneliness and your struggles now.
10:40That's why I worry.
10:42I just want to lend a hand.
10:45So, can I please pay for the rental today too?
10:48And hey, add the option to call each other by our first names.
10:52You're a decent guy, Hiro.
10:55But I'm quitting rentals today.
10:57Found some remote work, you know?
11:01That's great.
11:03Is it though?
11:05So, Saya quit being a rental girlfriend.
11:08That meant our relationship would go back to being plain old neighbors.
11:13I wish I could ask her out like a regular person.
11:20What, did Luna's toy arrive or something?
11:26I made too much curry.
11:28Wanna eat it?
11:30Yeah, I'd love to!
11:32Then after you're done, bring back the pot, okay?
11:35Sure thing!
11:36Thanks for the meal!
11:38Wow, that was fast.
11:40It was super duper delicious!
11:42You don't have to praise it that much.
11:46Anyway, if you ever have too much, just let me know!
11:49Just kidding!
11:54Next day.
11:57It was just leftovers, seriously.
11:59You can eat it, right?
12:01Of course!
12:03Holy Luna! Let's play!
12:06In Mari, no? Don't just barge in!
12:13Should've cleaned up for real.
12:17I'll tidy up, so have these meat and potatoes stew.
12:22Y-you know, if my next door neighbor's space is a mess, it's a downer, right?
12:28Phew, glad I didn't tidy up!
12:31Since then, Saya, the one who always cooks too much, and Marino, who Luna's totally warmed up to, started dropping by often.
12:40And if that's the case, I found myself getting conscious and sprucing up the furniture.
12:46It'll go to waste, so let's eat together.
12:49I'm so into her!
12:52I quickly fell for Saya.
12:55But thinking about Marino, expressing feelings isn't that easy.
12:59Plus, what really matters is the financials.
13:02But with sudden expenses lately, savings took a hit.
13:06Luckily, my job allows side hustles, but I don't want to cut into our time.
13:12So, I came up with...
13:15What's up with your hair, hero?
13:17Guess what? I've decided to give Rental Boyfriend a shot!
13:23Gotta go for the job that's flexible and rewarding!
13:27Well, maybe if Saya gets jealous and goes,
13:30Stop it! I'd be thrilled, but...
13:33Sure, go for it.
13:38I thought I might end up with zero bookings.
13:41But what do you know? Right after signing up, got a five-hour booking!
13:46Amazed that there are girls who dig this stuff.
13:49I awaited the big date.
13:51Alright, this is work and a test run for a date with Saya.
13:55Gotta gear up.
13:57Sorry, did you wait?
13:59No, I just arrived.
14:03Wha? How did you...
14:05Uh, I'm Saya, okay?
14:11Cute, but what's happening here?
14:14She definitely had a different vibe, but unmistakably Saya.
14:19However, she insisted on being called Saya, not her usual self.
14:24Leading to a confusing yet entertaining five-hour date.
14:28Uh, so where do you wanna go, Saya?
14:32Anywhere's cool if I'm with you.
14:35Alright, let's hit the arcade.
14:38Come on, get closer, babe.
14:41Uh, oh, okay!
14:43Does changing looks alter personalities too?
14:47Look, hero! Got the one I wanted!
14:50Whether she's Saya or Saya, it's super fun!
14:54Oh, look! A punching machine!
14:57Oh, cool! Give it a shot, Saya!
15:00Can I do it, though?
15:06Hey, it's showing, it's showing! Your inner vibe's lit, Saya!
15:11It's not Saya, it's Saya, you know?
15:17She's cute, don't care which way it goes!
15:21After that, we went to an anime shop and all.
15:24Somehow digging the dates my way.
15:26Forgot about being rented at all.
15:29Five hours felt like a blink.
15:31And by sundown, the last thing Saya wanted was...
15:35A bench with a view.
15:37Surprisingly into the cheesy stuff.
15:40You thought it was cliche, right?
15:42No, I didn't think that.
15:45Well, maybe I did. Sorry.
15:48But I wanted this. Wanted a cheesy date like this.
15:52Oh, the usual Saya's back.
15:55Got married young, straight into solo parenting.
15:59Of course days with Marina were all happiness.
16:02But I've always longed for girly clothes and dates.
16:06So today, wanted to spend it just me.
16:09Putting on the woman vibes, you know?
16:12I see.
16:14And of course it's also a return for you renting me before.
16:19Seeing you date other girls...
16:22Kinda stings.
16:25But it's too embarrassing to ask directly.
16:28So I went searching rental boyfriend sites.
16:31Ended up all desperate and...
16:33Saya, I...
16:36This is the rental boyfriend service.
16:38Time's up. Do you want to extend?
16:41Yeah, this here. I'm good.
16:45It's over.
16:49Then your time is...
16:53Could I ask for forever, Saya?
16:57At first, I was just being nosy.
16:59But eventually, I fell for you.
17:02And of course, for Marina too.
17:05I want to live together with everyone.
17:07Not just as neighbors, but under the same roof.
17:10Stay by your side forever.
17:14Of course, darling.
17:16Stick with me forever, okay?
17:19Saya, I promise I'll always make you...
17:24Oops, totally forgot.
17:26Sorry for the abruptness, but can I back out today?
17:30Well then, Hiro.
17:32You'll be excluded after this time.
17:37Wait, this voice...
17:39This is Otakura speaking.
17:41What? Otakura doing side jobs too?
17:45But... what about this money?
17:48Well then...
17:51This is the toy I wanted!
17:53Thanks, Mommy! Daddy!
17:57No worries.
17:58Wait, Daddy?
18:00Hiro became my daddy from today's date, right?
18:05Alright, gonna be a cool dad!
18:08Years later, after truly becoming a dad,
18:11my job's performance was skyrocketing.
18:14Of course, not just me,
18:16but with the help of colleagues starting from Otakura,
18:19and most importantly...
18:21See you guys later!
18:24Give me a kiss, darling.
18:27Aren't you two just too close?
18:29Don't you think love...
18:33It's the support of a loving family that matters.
18:36That happy extended time from that day,
18:39it's still ongoing forevermore.
