• last year
The Junkies react to the news that CJ Abrams was named to his first All-Star Game.
00:00start with some of the good stories cj abrams is an all-star very good that's great news now he's
00:05the only all-star from the nats because every every team has to be repped but he uh he did
00:10make it um as a shortstop as a reserve in the national league so props to cj abrams the team
00:16put out a graphic about a week week and a half ago of where he ranked amongst nl shortstops in like
00:22five or six important metrics and he was top two three or top five in all of them so it's
00:29definitely well deserved he's a young superstar he should be featured yep a couple hits yesterday
00:34he's hitting 282 he um he is just a he's a really fun to watch and um you know obviously part of
00:46that huge juan soto trade he's just having a really good year he's got 14 bombs he's hitting
00:52almost 285 you know he steals bases um he's getting better defensively he only has seven
00:59errors on the year he's getting better defensively he struggled when he was first called up um but
01:04yeah props to cj abrams who's gonna rep the washington nets in the all-star game which
01:09is played in arlington all-star week is next week yeah it's coming oh so what you're telling me is
01:15the three or four most scant days on the sports calendar they're looming yes when there's not
01:21even any baseball correct now the only thing that got we got going for us is it's british open week
01:31that doesn't start till thursday but you're right monday tuesday yeah unless you get get into the
01:35home run derby right summer league hoops summer league hoops summer league hoops could be our
01:39salvation it could be it but the uh the nats lost to st louis yesterday eight to three a couple of
01:46nats things um i looked at an article on espn.com about the biggest snubs there's always said jake
01:53ervin was one of the biggest he's been really impressive he's had a really really good year
01:57yeah they used a category which i asked you about i couldn't figure out what it was that he was third
02:02in acts yeah and i've never heard of that metric but he's done very well in war and then the
02:08traditional ones that we know like era yeah and all that stuff so he was up the other thing i
02:13wanted to say is the problem is every team has to be represented so if there's a pitcher that's
02:19not as good as jake ervin or having a as good a year as jake ervin but he's the only
02:24player from that team then you know guys are gonna get snubbed for that
