How to Stop S#xual Thoughts in Your Mind - Buddhist Story on Controlling Lust

  • 2 months ago
How to Stop S#xual Thoughts in Your Mind - Buddhist Story on Controlling Lust
00:00once a young boy approached his zen
00:02master and asked oh wise one why do I
00:05keep having sexual thoughts in my mind
00:07all the time they consume my time and
00:10energy making it hard for me to focus on
00:12anything else and I constantly feel
00:14attracted toward the opposite sex the
00:17Zen master smiled and said you see my
00:19friend first of all we should realize
00:22that whatever naturally exists within us
00:25is not inherently bad it serves a
00:27purpose in our lives lust is an emot
00:30that arises from a physical need which
00:32is natural in every living being sexual
00:35lust is not something external that we
00:37acquire instead it is inherently present
00:40within us it is a natural aspect of
00:43human existence essential for the
00:45continuation of our species curious the
00:49boy persisted if sexual lust is a
00:52natural part of us then why do people
00:54condemn it the master pointed out there
00:57is a big misunderstanding when it comes
00:59to se ual desire it is a natural part of
01:02Being Human stemming from our biology
01:04and instincts however societal Norms
01:08cultural beliefs and personal
01:10experiences can shape how we perceive
01:12and express it some may view sexual
01:15desire as taboo or shameful while Others
01:18May embrace it openly sexual desire like
01:21any emotion is not inherently good or
01:24bad it is about how we handle it but
01:27just like with anything in life problem
01:30s can arise when there is too much of it
01:32take eating for example eating is
01:35necessary for survival but when we
01:37overeat it can harm our bodies similarly
01:41indulging in sexual desires excessively
01:44can cause harm to us animals also feel
01:47sexual desire and have sex but they
01:50usually do it during specific times like
01:52mating Seasons humans however can
01:55indulge in sex anytime whether it is
01:58needed for reproduction or not this
02:01means we have more freedom but it can
02:03sometimes lead to problems if we overdo
02:05it so having sexual thoughts is natural
02:09and okay but it becomes a problem when
02:11we start to think about it all the time
02:13and can't focus on anything
02:15else the boy nodded eagerly and said yes
02:19sir that's exactly what's happening to
02:21me right now these thoughts are taking
02:24over my mind and I can't seem to control
02:27them the Zen master explained there are
02:30a few reasons why sexual desire can
02:34uncontrollable firstly many people lack
02:36a clear purpose in their lives leaving
02:39them susceptible to being consumed by
02:42desires then turning to the boy the
02:45master asked do you find yourself having
02:48inappropriate thoughts even when you are
02:50busy with your work the boy replied no
02:54sir when I am focused on my tasks those
02:57thoughts don't bother me the master
03:00nodded that's because our mind can only
03:02hold one thought at a time if we have a
03:05meaningful goal in our lives and remain
03:07dedicated to pursuing it we will find
03:10that there is no space for these
03:11intrusive thoughts to bother us and even
03:14if they do surface our commitment to our
03:16goal will swiftly push them aside
03:19however the real issue lies in the fact
03:22that many people lack a strong and clear
03:24sense of purpose the Zen master
03:27continued another reason why sexual
03:29desire can become uncontrollable is
03:32because Society often tries to suppress
03:34it by labeling it as wrong when
03:37something is kept hidden or forbidden it
03:39Sparks curiosity and
03:41Fascination this can increase people's
03:44attraction to sexual desires even if
03:46they are not fully aware of it when we
03:49try to push away or suppress a thought
03:51it often comes back even stronger the
03:54same goes for thoughts of sexual desire
03:57suppose I tell you not to think about a
04:00what's the first thing that comes to
04:01your mind the boy replied sir the first
04:06thing I would think about is a monkey
04:09the Zen master continued similarly when
04:12we try to forcefully stop vulgar
04:14thoughts in our mind they often come
04:16back even stronger so it is best not to
04:19suppress thoughts sometimes sexual
04:22desires can take over us because we are
04:24not paying attention to our thoughts
04:27when one sexual thought pops up in our
04:29mind it often triggers more thoughts
04:31like it and we end up lost in a chain of
04:34them this can drain our energy and waste
04:36our time that's why it is crucial to be
04:39aware of our thoughts and what's going
04:41on in our minds the Zen master further
04:45said sometimes we start thinking about
04:47lust because of spending time with
04:49people who think about it a lot even if
04:52we don't naturally think that way being
04:54around them can make us feel the same so
04:58it is wise to avoid spending too much
05:00time with people who have lustful
05:02thoughts the boy asked master I have
05:06understood how to avoid lustful thoughts
05:09but can we ever completely overcome our
05:12urges the master replied first it is
05:16important to know that we can't
05:18completely stop our Sexual Energy it is
05:20a natural force designed by nature to
05:23create new lives and keep Humanity going
05:26trying to control it directly usually
05:29does not work work however through
05:31practices like meditation and prayer we
05:34can transform this sexual energy into
05:36something higher it is called sexual
05:40sublimation sublimation is not about
05:42suppressing desires but about positively
05:45converting them into something greater
05:47it is like electricity dangerous but
05:50when we convert it into light through a
05:52device it brightens up a room similarly
05:56by doing good deeds meditating and
05:58praying we we can change our sexual
06:00energy into spiritual energy which is
06:03also called OAS OAS is a powerful
06:07spiritual energy stored in the brain the
06:10person who has a lot of ojas in his
06:12brain is very intelligent has
06:14captivating eyes and a magnetic presence
06:17they can influence others with just a
06:19few words and leave a lasting impact on
06:22everyone they meet through meditation
06:25you find a deep sense of inner peace
06:27that makes worldly pleasures seem
06:29insignificant in
06:31comparison it is not that you lose the
06:33ability to think or do things instead
06:36you rise above them as you continue
06:39meditating you will find that these
06:41worldly actions start to feel trivial
06:44immature the boy asked but Master where
06:47do I start with
06:49meditation the Zen master said Begin by
06:52spending time alone with yourself the
06:54more time you spend with yourself the
06:56better you will understand yourself and
06:59as you get to know yourself better you
07:01will find that material Pleasures lose
07:03their appeal and intrusive thoughts
07:05begin to fade away
