• last year
00:00Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination And when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation
00:18Barney's friends are big and small, they come from lots of places
00:26After school they meet to play and sing with happy faces
00:30Barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend
00:34ABCs and 123s and how to be a friend
00:38Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him
00:43Barney can be your friend too if you just make believe him
00:47Barney can be your friend too if you just make believe him
00:56Hello Myra!
00:58Hey Myra!
01:00Have you guys seen Myra?
01:02No, haven't seen her. Maybe she's over in the shed.
01:05I'll look over here.
01:07Myra! Myra!
01:10Hi guys!
01:11There you are Myra!
01:13So what are we going to do today?
01:15I brought Barney with me, so that means it's going to be a totally amazing, super special kind of day.
01:20Yeah, if we're all together. So we're sure to have fun!
01:24Today is a special day
01:27Because we're all together
01:30We'll have a super-de-duper time
01:33Because we're gonna have fun
01:36Clap your hands
01:39Run in place
01:42Dance a silly dance
01:45Make a funny face
01:48Whatever we do, me and you
01:52The one thing that we know
01:54Is we're gonna have fun, fun, fun
01:58Fun with everyone
02:01We're gonna play all day
02:04We're gonna have fun together
02:07Fun, fun, fun
02:10Fun with everyone
02:13We're gonna play all day
02:16Together we're gonna have fun
02:19Whatever we do, me and you
02:22The one thing that we know
02:24Is we're gonna have fun, fun, fun
02:28Fun with everyone
02:31We're gonna play all day
02:34We're gonna have fun together
02:38Fun, fun, fun
02:41Fun with everyone
02:44We're gonna play all day
02:47Together we're gonna have fun
02:50Together we're gonna have fun
02:53Bye! Bye, guys! See ya!
02:56So what else do you want to do today?
02:58I don't know. Want to throw rocks in the pond?
03:02You want to climb a tree?
03:04No, not today.
03:05Hey, I know what to do.
03:07Let's get a baseball game going.
03:09That sounds like fun.
03:11What do you think, Barney?
03:14Hi, Barney!
03:16Hello, hi, everyone.
03:18Are you ready to have some more fun?
03:21Yeah, we sure are.
03:22Well, all right. Let's go!
03:26Let's go! Let's go!
03:27On an adventure today
03:29Let's go! Let's go!
03:30We can hardly wait
03:32Let's go! Let's go!
03:33It's gonna be so great
03:34Let's go! Let's go!
03:35Let's go! Let's go!
03:38Let's go and explore the world
03:41Each day will bring something new
03:44Anything is possible
03:47Make a wish and it might come true
03:49Let's go! Let's go!
03:51On an adventure today
03:52Let's go! Let's go!
03:54We can hardly wait
03:55Let's go! Let's go!
03:56It's gonna be so great
03:58Let's go! Let's go!
03:59Let's go! Let's go!
04:00Let's go! Let's go!
04:03Let's go! Let's go!
04:05On an adventure today
04:07Let's go! Let's go!
04:08It's gonna be so great
04:09Let's go! Let's go!
04:10We can hardly wait
04:12Let's go! Let's go!
04:13Let's go and explore the world
04:15Each day will bring something new
04:20Anything is possible
04:23Make a wish and it might come true
04:27Anything is possible
04:28Let's go! Let's go!
04:29Of course, we could always play hopscotch.
04:31Or we could play soccer.
04:32Or maybe we could shoot some more hoops.
04:34Or you could do all those things and more.
04:40How could we do that?
04:41You could have a big sports day, right here in the park.
04:45What a good idea, let's do it.
04:46Can we invite everybody to be in it?
04:49Oh, sounds stupendous.
04:52What should we do first, Barney?
04:54Let's see.
04:55We're going to need some sports equipment
04:57so we can play lots of games.
04:59Hi, guys.
05:00Hi, everyone.
05:01What are you doing?
05:02We're going to have a sports day here in the park, Baby Bop.
05:05Oh, that sounds like fun.
05:07Oh, yes.
05:08I just love a sports day.
05:12What's a sports day?
05:15It's a day when we play lots of different games.
05:18Oh, goody, may I play too, please?
05:20Of course.
05:21Well, everybody can play.
05:23We're going to invite everybody in the whole park.
05:27Hey, I have an idea.
05:29We could give out prizes when we're done.
05:31Oh, that's a super-dee-duper idea.
05:34Yeah, that's really cool.
05:36OK, so what do we have to do to get ready?
05:38Well, first we'll need to invite everyone in the park.
05:41Oh, I can do that.
05:45Everybody, we're going to have a sports day.
05:48And the rest of us could get the equipment together.
05:50Come on.
05:52Yeah, I'm all over that.
05:54Will you please come to our sports day?
05:58We'll be there.
05:59Oh, goody.
06:00Cute babies.
06:01Oh, hi.
06:02My name's Baby Bop, and we're going to have a...
06:05Oh, are you OK?
06:08Hi, Baby Bop.
06:09This is Jill.
06:10She's just a little quiet sometimes.
06:12Oh, you know, I can be a little quiet sometimes, too.
06:15Does she want to play with us?
06:17We're having a sports day with games and prizes.
06:20Would you like to play some games with them, Jill?
06:23I guess not right now, but maybe later, OK?
06:26Oh, OK.
06:27Bye-bye, Jill.
06:28Oh, bye, Jill's mommy.
06:29Bye, Baby Bop.
06:30Do you want to get back on the swing?
06:33OK, just be careful.
06:36Oh, this is awesome.
06:38Hello, boys and girls and all our friends.
06:41Welcome to sports day.
06:46Today, we're going to play all kinds of games.
06:50And we're going to have all kinds of fun.
06:55Barney, what are we going to do for the prizes?
06:58Oh, that's right.
07:00Thanks for reminding me, Marcos.
07:02I have some super-dee-duper prizes right here.
07:09Check it out.
07:11Now, before we start playing, let's warm up our bodies.
07:15But I'm not cold.
07:18Well, we need to warm up our muscles, Baby Bop.
07:21If you warm up, it helps you to play better.
07:25But how do you warm up?
07:27With exercise.
07:28Oh, yeah.
07:29That's right.
07:30Can you do some warm-up exercises with us?
07:33Oh, boy.
07:39Put your arms up.
07:40Put your arms up.
07:41Put your arms down.
07:42Put your arms down.
07:43Put your arms up and down and up and up.
07:47Put your arms up and down and up and down.
07:50And shake them all around.
07:52Put your leg up.
07:53Put your leg up.
07:54Put your leg down.
07:55Put your leg down.
07:56Put your leg up and down and up and down.
07:59And run and run around.
08:01We like to run and jump and slide.
08:04This is how we exercise.
08:06No matter how you choose to move, exercise is good for you.
08:13Put your arms in.
08:14Put your arms in.
08:15Put your arms out.
08:16Put your arms out.
08:17Put your arms in and out and in and out.
08:20And shake them all about.
08:22Put yourself in.
08:23Put yourself in.
08:24Put yourself out.
08:25Put yourself out.
08:26Put yourself in and out and in and out.
08:29And wiggle all about.
08:32We like to run and jump and slide.
08:35This is how we exercise.
08:37No matter how you choose to move, exercise is good for you.
08:45We like to run and jump and slide.
08:47This is how we exercise.
08:49No matter how you choose to move, exercise is good for you.
09:04Is everybody all warmed up?
09:06Oh, you betcha, Bart.
09:08OK, then.
09:09Let's let the games begin.
09:12All right!
09:14Well, what's the first game, Barney?
09:16I think we'll start with basketball toss.
09:20OK, I'll see you over there.
09:22All right.
09:23Come on, Baby Bob.
09:24I'm coming.
09:26Oh, well, hi, Jill.
09:27Oh, hi, Mrs. Walker.
09:28Hi, Barney.
09:31Oh, hi, Jill.
09:33Hi, Baby Bob.
09:35I guess Jill's still feeling a little shy.
09:38Oh, OK.
09:40Bye, Jill.
09:43Goodbye, Baby Bob.
09:45Come on, Taylor.
09:46You can do it.
09:47Let's see it, Taylor.
09:48Whoa, look at her go.
09:50Good try, Taylor.
09:52What's after this, Barney?
09:54Let's see.
09:55Next, we're going to play soccer.
09:58That'll be awesome.
10:00Oh, yeah.
10:01All right.
10:02I'm pumped and I'm working.
10:04I got game here, too.
10:06All right, here we go.
10:08Oh, man.
10:09Go for it, BJ.
10:10OK, watch this.
10:12Oh, that was close.
10:14Oh, but I'll get it.
10:16I'm just having an off day.
10:17You'll see.
10:18OK, here I go.
10:20Oh, BJ's kicking it really hard, Barney.
10:24He certainly is.
10:25Maybe you should try kicking it a little softer.
10:28Oh, softer.
10:29OK, I'll try that.
10:32Oh, yeah.
10:33Way to go, BJ.
10:37Ha ha.
10:39Oh, thanks.
10:40I knew I could do it if I just kept trying.
10:44So, what's next?
10:45What can I try now?
10:47Oh, there are lots of games left.
10:50What kind of games do you like to play?
10:58When we're together, there's nothing better than playing a game with a friend.
11:03That's what I have.
11:04With games we all know, we can get up and go.
11:08We can make up new games and pretend.
11:11Laughing and running or singing a song.
11:15Climbing and jumping all day long.
11:18I love it when we play together.
11:21Playing games.
11:23There's nothing like playing games.
11:27Everyone loves to play games.
11:30Let's keep on playing our games.
11:34I need another one.
11:38Dancing along, we can play all day long.
11:42Never get tired of the fun.
11:45There's always a new game or one with a new name.
11:49A game we can teach everyone.
11:52There are many outdoor games that we love to play.
11:56And others we save for a rainy day.
11:59As long as we're playing together, playing games.
12:04There's nothing like playing games.
12:07Everyone loves to play games.
12:10Let's keep on playing our games.
12:20Now it's time to jump rope.
12:25I want to try that.
12:27Yeah, me too.
12:29Yes, Baby Bob?
12:30I wish Jill would play with me.
12:33I know you do.
12:36She didn't want to play before, but maybe she wants to jump rope.
12:40Can I ask her?
12:42You surely can.
12:43Would you like me to come with you?
12:45Yes, please.
12:46All right.
12:47BJ, you can keep score.
12:51We'll be right back.
12:52All right.
12:53Okay, let's see here.
12:56Okay, next.
13:03Hi, Jill.
13:04Hi, Barney.
13:05Hi, Baby Bob.
13:06Do you want to come jump rope with us?
13:08Do you?
13:09Jill loves to play Baby Bob, but sometimes she feels shy with people she's just met.
13:14Maybe it would help if you and Jill could play a game that she likes.
13:18That's a great idea, Barney.
13:19Oh, okay.
13:20What do you like to play, Jill?
13:23I like to count.
13:25Oh, I do too.
13:27I can count to five.
13:29Watch this.
13:30One, two, three, four, five.
13:35I can count to 30.
13:40Oh, that's terrific, Jill.
13:43We think counting is fun too.
13:45We count all the time.
13:48We'll show you.
13:52Way to count, way to count.
13:54We count to find out the amount.
13:56One hop, way to hop.
13:58When I hop, it's hard to stop.
14:01Oh, very good.
14:02Way to count, way to count.
14:04We count to find out the amount.
14:06Two skips, way to skip.
14:08When I skip, I rarely trip.
14:10One, two.
14:12Way to count, way to count.
14:14We count to find out the amount.
14:16Three jumps, way to jump.
14:18When I jump, I like to thump.
14:20One, two, three.
14:23Way to count, way to count.
14:25We count to find out the amount.
14:27Four spins, way to spin.
14:29I like to spin with my good friend.
14:32One, two, three, four.
14:36Way to count, way to count.
14:38We count to find out the amount.
14:40Five claps, way to clap.
14:42First I clap and then I nap.
14:44One, two, three, four, five.
14:48Count with me and never stop.
14:50One, two, three, four, five.
14:5517, 18, 19, 20.
15:01Count for Jill higher.
15:05You know, Baby Bop, it really helps Jill
15:07if you tell her exactly what you want her to do.
15:09Oh, will you please count higher for me?
15:1421, 22, 23.
15:18It looks like they're good friends now.
15:20Yes, I'm glad Baby Bop took the time to get to know Jill
15:24by finding a game they both like.
15:26That helped Jill feel comfortable with Baby Bop, didn't it?
15:29Thank you, Barney.
15:31Jill is a wonderful little girl with some special needs.
15:3428, 29, 30.
15:38Yay, 30!
15:40Can you teach me to count that high?
15:45One, two, three.
15:47One, two, three.
15:49Four, five, six.
15:51Four, six, five.
15:54Four, five, six.
15:59Four, five, six.
16:03Okay, let's keep counting.
16:05Oh, is everyone ready?
16:09Hey, wait. Where's Sissy?
16:11Well, she's helping a friend.
16:13Oh, okay.
16:14Now, everyone get ready.
16:18Get set.
16:21And they're off.
16:25I got my scooter all tangled up.
16:27Oh, you'll get it, PJ.
16:28Just keep trying.
16:29Okay, I got it!
16:30I got it!
16:31Here I go!
16:32Oh, good job.
16:33Do you like to ride a bike or a trike or a scooter?
16:44Let's go riding on a bike today.
16:46One of my favorite ways to play with steering hands and pedaling feet.
16:52Helmet on my head going down the street.
16:55Riding on a bike.
16:56Riding on a bike.
16:57We love riding on a bike.
17:00Do you like to ride a bicycle?
17:02It's fun to pedal around the neighborhood.
17:06And when you're first learning to ride, training wheels can help.
17:10The wind is blowing through my hair.
17:13I ride around without a care.
17:16On the sidewalk, up and down.
17:18I ride my bike around and around.
17:21Riding on a bike.
17:22Riding on a bike.
17:24We love riding on a bike.
17:26When you're riding on a bike, be sure to remember to wear a helmet.
17:32It's important for safety, and I always want you to be safe.
17:37When I'm biking with my friends, sometimes we play Let's Pretend.
17:42We're flying in a rocket ship in outer space on a super trip.
17:48Riding on a bike.
17:49Riding on a bike.
17:50We love riding on a bike.
17:54Riding on a bike.
17:55Riding on a bike.
17:56We love riding on a bike.
18:02Oh, here they come.
18:04And the first place goes to BJ.
18:07Way to go, BJ.
18:09Nice job.
18:11You had a slow start, but then you came from behind and won.
18:15It was a really fun race.
18:17Have we played all the games, Barney?
18:19Is it time for the prizes now?
18:21Well, there's one more game left, and then we'll hand out the prizes.
18:26Now, can you do this and this?
18:29Maybe there's one more friend who'd like to join us.
18:32Well, I'll be right back.
18:35Oh, you guys, that was so much fun.
18:37That was awesome.
18:38That was really good.
18:39Man, you were close, so you were right behind me.
18:42That's it.
18:44Can you do this one?
18:47Uh, Baby Bop, do you and Jill want to play with the others?
18:50We have one game left.
18:53I don't think she wants to, Barney, but thank you.
18:56Well, Barney, could we play a game that Jill likes?
19:01Well, certainly.
19:03Oh, how about hopscotch?
19:05I know you'll like that.
19:07You get to count.
19:09I don't want to.
19:11Oh, it's OK, Jill.
19:14You don't have to.
19:17Oh, you can come watch me.
19:20Then if you want to try, I'll be right there by your side.
19:24You will?
19:25Well, yes.
19:26You can always count on me.
19:29That's so nice.
19:32You can count on me.
19:35I'll always be around.
19:39I will cheer you up when you're feeling down.
19:46I like you.
19:48You like me.
19:50We have fun together.
19:53When it's sunny.
19:55When it rains.
19:57In any kind of.
19:59In any kind of.
20:01In any kind of weather.
20:09You can count on me.
20:11You can count on me.
20:13Because I am your friend.
20:16Because I am your friend.
20:18We make a happy team.
20:20We make a happy team.
20:22Together to the end.
20:24Together to the end.
20:26You're my buddy.
20:28I'm your pal.
20:30Side by side we're playing.
20:32If you ever need my help.
20:36On your side I'm.
20:38On your side I'm.
20:40On your side I'm staying.
20:44You can count on me.
20:47I'll always be around.
20:51I will cheer you up.
20:55When you're feeling down.
20:59You can count on me.
21:02Because I am your friend.
21:06We make a happy team.
21:09Together to the end.
21:14You can count on me.
21:20Shall we all go over there together, Jill?
21:24This is going to be so much fun.
21:26Oh, come here, everyone.
21:28What's up?
21:30Well, I'd like you to meet a new friend.
21:32Everyone say hi to Jill.
21:34Hi, Jill.
21:38Jill's going to watch us play our last game.
21:42Would you like to go first, Myra?
21:46Thanks, Barney.
21:481, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
21:54Do you want to try too?
21:56I don't know.
21:58Well, that's okay.
22:00You can just watch for now.
22:02Okay, stand back, everybody.
22:04Here comes some real hopscotches.
22:06Okay, let's see.
22:08Hop, hop, hop, hop.
22:12I know someone
22:14who has lots of fun
22:16with a happy kind of dancing.
22:18All of her friends
22:22do the baby bop hop.
22:24Hop, hop, hop.
22:26Hop, hop, hop.
22:28Hop, hop, hop.
22:30Some good hopping there.
22:32Thank you.
22:34I know someone
22:36who has lots of fun
22:38with a happy kind of dancing.
22:40All of our friends say, baby bop.
22:43Do the baby bop hop.
22:45Hop, hop, hop.
22:46Hop, hop, hop, hop.
22:50Oh, boy.
22:50Here, I'll do it now.
22:53So sing this song.
22:54You can hop along whenever you feel like jumping.
22:59And when you hop, you'll feel tip top doing the baby bop hop.
23:04Let's do the baby bop hop.
23:09Hop, hop, hop, hop.
23:12Do the baby bop hop.
23:16Way to go.
23:19Jill, do you want to try now?
23:231, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
23:28All right.
23:29You did it.
23:31You did it, Jill.
23:33Let's see now.
23:36Oh, and that was the last event in the sports day.
23:39So who gets a prize, Barney?
23:41Who gets a prize?
23:43Well, everybody's a winner today.
23:48Taylor, you did great at soccer.
23:51BJ, you won the race.
23:54And Myra won the basketball toss.
23:57And for everyone else, a prize for joining our game.
24:04What about hopscotch, Barney?
24:06Oh, yes.
24:07Oh, hopscotch was a tie.
24:09That means there were two winners, Baby Bop and Jill.
24:17Thank you.
24:18You won, Jill.
24:19You won.
24:21We both won, Baby Bop.
24:24Jill, I'm so proud of you.
24:26But we have to go.
24:27Say goodbye to everybody.
24:30Bye, Jill.
24:36Thanks for all the games, Barney.
24:37It was humongous fun.
24:40Oh, you're welcome.
24:41You know, you were right, Myra.
24:43About what?
24:44It was a totally amazing, super special kind of day.
24:47Yeah, it was.
24:49We better get going now, guys.
24:50Yeah, we probably should.
24:51OK, we'll see you later.
24:53All right.
24:53OK, bye.
24:54Have fun today.
24:55Bye, everybody.
24:55Bye, BJ.
24:56Oh, I guess we ought to be going too, sissy.
24:59Oh, OK, BJ.
25:01Bye, Barney.
25:02Bye, BJ.
25:02Bye, Barney.
25:03Bye, Baby Bop.
25:04See you soon.
25:06It's always fun to make a new friend,
25:09even if it takes a little extra effort.
25:12And I'm glad to have a friend like you.
25:17I love you.
25:20You love me.
25:22We're a happy family with a great big hug and a kiss
25:30from me to you.
25:32Won't you say you love me too?
25:41I love you.
25:43You love me.
25:45We're best friends like friends should be with a great big hug
25:52and a kiss from me to you.
25:54Won't you say you love me too?
26:03I love you.
26:04We're best friends like friends should be with a great big hug
26:09and a kiss from me to you.
26:13Won't you say you love me too?
26:17I love you.
26:18We're best friends like friends should be with a great big
26:24hug and a kiss from me to you.
