'Think About That': Gosar Pushes To Defund Special Representative For Ukraine's Economic Recovery

  • 3 months ago
In remarks on the House floor last month, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) spoke about an amendment on Ukraine.

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00:00in printed in part b of house report number 118-559 offered by mr gosar of arizona
00:06pursuant to house resolution 1316 the gentleman from arizona mr gosar and a member opposed each
00:12will control five minutes the chair recognizes the gentleman from arizona thank you mr chairman
00:17i rise in strong support of my amendment 16 to the fiscal year 2025 state foreign operations
00:22appropriation bill my amendment prohibits funds for the special representative for ukraine's
00:26economic recovery think about that special representative for ukraine's economic recovery
00:33the purpose of the special representative for ukraine's economic recovery is to work with
00:37various actors to quote help for forge ukraine's future as a prosperous secure european democracy
00:46a european democracy that's pretty interesting it is a slap in the face of hard-working americans
00:52that are wasting taxpayer dollars to pay for the special representative for ukraine's economic
00:56recovery but no such position for america's economic recovery that has been so ravaged by
01:01this administration by biden inflate inflation our national debt is approaching 35 trillion dollars
01:091 trillion dollars is being added to that debt every 100 days the national debt is leading
01:14cause of biden inflation the downgrade in c credit rating and overall poor economy
01:19since this administration took office the price index for food consumed at homes increased by 21
01:2521 percent energy prices have shot up by more than a third biden has since he's assumed office
01:33the u.s economy is hurting and american families are struggling while americans find it difficult
01:38to afford energy and healthy food because of this administration's disastrous domestic economy
01:43economic policies this administration is giving ukraine a blank check this is unacceptable let's
01:50defund the wasteful special representative for ukraine's economic recovery and commit to putting
01:55america first i thank the chair chairman i asked for a vote yes on my amendment and with that i
02:01reserve gentlemen arizona reserves what purpose gentlemen from california mr chairman i claim the
02:06time in opposition the gentleman from california is recognized this amendment prevents the united
02:12states representative for ukraine's economic recovery from helping forge ukraine's future
02:18as a prosperous secure european democracy and accelerates ukraine's economic transformation
02:25this position is key to ensuring that ukraine not only survives but thrives standing on its own
02:31the ukrainian people are defending their country from the front line to the assembly line
02:36their ability to emerge from this conflict depends on their economic resilience a coca-cola bottling
02:43plant outside of kyiv the largest in europe was shelled and many of the plants 1600 workers
02:49fought not only to liberate it but to get it back up and running 84 of american companies in ukraine
02:57are back up and running ukraine's economic recovery is not just key to the stability of europe but
03:04also dinner tables around the world in january 2024 the black seas corridor brought more than
03:118.7 million tons of ukrainian grain to global markets feeding much of the world ukraine and
03:18its people have not given up on their aspirations the special representative for ukraine's economic
03:24recovery is doing critical work to ensure ukraine can see economic success success and not be
03:30dependent on donor assistance this should be supported not demagogued i urge my colleagues
03:38to oppose this amendment i reserve the balance of my time the gentleman from california reserves
03:42the gentleman from arizona is recognized thank you mr chairman european democracy there's an oxymoron
03:49right there how about europe handling this person economic recovery in ukraine when we can't even do
03:57it here at home that's sick that's absolutely sick these are taxpayer dollars 36 trillion
04:04how well are we going to have the establishment in this world bearing 36 trillion dollars in debt
04:09soon to be 50 trillion dollars i find this unacceptable that this should be flying right
04:16through because this this is unbelievable we're in a proxy war that we never condoned we're over
04:24here just funneling money right and left and then we can't even do uh to support our our southern
04:30border give me a break give me a break give the american taxpayers a break it's time for us to
04:38get serious about this it's time for peace it's time for us to show us our power in the fact that
04:43we can mitigate peace and everybody can honor their promises to each other with that i reserve
04:49gentlemen reserves the gentleman woman from california i yield back i urge a no vote on this
04:56the gentleman from california yields back the gentleman from arizona is yes i urge all my
05:00colleagues to vote yes on this and i you resent uh question is the gentleman yields back question
05:06is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from arizona those in favor say aye those opposed no
05:12in the opinion of chair the ayes have it and the agreement amendment is
05:20pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18 further proceedings on this amendment offered by
05:25the gentleman from arizona
