097 Spectral Signature Project (SSP)

  • 3 months ago
We are seeking volunteers to assist us in our Spectral Signature Project (SSP); i.e., the Direct Detection & Observation of Black-Holes.

What skills are we looking for ?
(1) Scientific Background.
(2) AstroPhysics.
(3) Cosmology.
(4) Mathematics.
(5) Radio Astronomy.
(6) Signals Analysis.
(7) Software Development.

Students are very welcome.
00:00G'day viewers, this episode is a call to arms. We are seeking volunteers to assist us in our
00:05Spectral Signature Project, that is the direct detection and observation of black holes.
00:11What skills in particular are we looking for? Well, some sort of scientific background would
00:16be great, particularly in astrophysics, cosmology, mathematics, radio astronomy,
00:20signals analysis or software development. Students are very welcome and participation
00:26in our Spectral Signature Project incorporating student assignments may also be considered.
00:31The direct detection and observation of black holes would be a landmark achievement.
00:36We hope to execute a rigorous research regime, then publish a research article based upon the
00:41results. Of course, all participants will have an equal share claim to full recognition.
00:47Please reach out to me via the gmail address appearing on screen.
00:51From episode 6, we know how the quantum vacuum and zero-point field may be mathematically
00:56described via Fourier harmonics. Utilising this mathematical description, we may postulate a
01:01physical interpretation of space-time. This is precisely the same thing that general relativity
01:06does, that is, the mathematical model drives general relativity's physical interpretation
01:11of space-time. Well, what's good enough for Einstein is good enough for us. Don't forget,
01:17the real value of general relativity isn't the theory, it's the mathematics underpinning the
01:21theory. Take the mathematics away from general relativity and you're not left with much.
01:26In fact, to demonstrate why it's the mathematics that is the useful part and not the theory,
01:31all we have to do is look for the application of the same mathematical techniques in engineering,
01:36such as stress and strain analysis. Tensor mathematics exists everywhere in various
01:40engineering disciplines, so we have clear evidence that the real value of general relativity lies in
01:45the mathematics underpinning it, not in the theory itself. We propose the following physical
01:51interpretation of our mathematical model. Number 1. All matter radiates conjugate photon pairs.
01:57Each conjugate photon pair constitutes a graviton. Number 2. Conjugate photon pairs are absorbed by
02:04the quantum vacuum. The quantum vacuum is the space-time manifold. They are the same thing.
02:10Number 3. Conjugate photon pair absorption into the quantum vacuum is not always perfect.
02:16That is, it is not always 100% efficient. Absorption of conjugate photon pairs into
02:22the quantum vacuum is a process, not an event. Hence, no process can be 100% efficient without
02:28violating the laws of thermodynamics. Number 4. Occasionally, one photon is
02:34absorbed by the quantum vacuum whilst its conjugate partner evades absorption and
02:38propagates in the conventional manner. This is the photon we are looking for.
02:42This is the photon we want to detect. Please note that the 100% process efficiency we have discussed
02:49would require an infinite number of processes to occur for an infinite period of time,
02:54and we would need to be able to measure all of this to an infinite number of decimal places.
03:00Failing any of these requirements means that 100% process efficiency cannot be confirmed,
03:05is impossible to achieve, and consequently, the laws of thermodynamics have been preserved.
03:11So then, what is our high-level project strategy? What might our approach to this project look like?
03:17Number 1. Recruit the appropriate team. Number 2. Mind-map project requirements.
03:23Number 3. Mind-map the solution. Number 4. Identify and access the appropriate
03:29astrophysical databases. Number 5. Develop custom software,
03:34if required. Number 6. Test and validate the solution.
03:38The next couple of slides you'll see are direct excerpts from episode 6,
03:42which was recorded utilizing a synthesized voice. We understand that some viewers may not enjoy
03:47listening to a synthesized voice, but please be tolerant because it provides important
03:52background information. OK, let's get into it. In this illustration, we see the zero-point
03:59field modeled as a randomized spectrum of real photons. This is the effervescent baseline of the
04:06quantum vacuum driving the Casimir effect. But where does the energy for these wave
04:11functions come from? If the energy for these wave functions existed at the level of the
04:16zero-point field constantly, then all the energy within the zero-point field would be released in
04:21one catastrophic event. Therefore, a layer of reality must exist beneath the zero-point field
04:27where the energy for these wave functions must be stored. This is why we describe the
04:32zero-point field as a dark reservoir of quantum potential energy. In order for virtual photons
04:38to pop into existence, they must have been stored in some inaccessible layer of reality,
04:44as potential energy. Due to the storage layer for this quantum potential energy being physically
04:50inaccessible, we may imbue it with any structural format we wish. All logical formats are equally
04:56valid as they cannot be directly experimentally confirmed. Please do not confuse or associate
05:02this statement with the Casimir effect, which is experimentally observable. The Casimir effect
05:07occurs in the real world, but the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy fueling the Casimir
05:13effect is physically inaccessible. Therefore, it logically follows that any structural format
05:19applied to describe this dark reservoir of quantum potential energy should be efficient,
05:24in order to be consistent with all other natural phenomena. Hence, a very efficient way of storing
05:30quantum potential energy, mathematically speaking, is in accordance with a Fourier distribution.
05:37In the bottom left-hand corner of this illustration, we see the quantum potential
05:41energy associated with the zero-point field. The zero-point field is the physical manifestation of
05:46the quantum potential energy released into the physical universe when the quantum vacuum is in
05:51its ground state. We manifestly observe this process in the Casimir effect. The illustration
05:57depicts the amplitude and frequency spectra associated with the available quantum potential
06:02energy, formatted in accordance with a Fourier distribution. As described by the unit harmonic
06:09operator in Episode 2, each wavefunction denotes a population of virtual photons and exists in
06:15conjugate pairs, as indicated and required for net zero gain. Hence the term, zero-point.
06:22These wavefunctions mean that at any instant in time, populations of virtual photons pop into
06:28existence, but so do an equivalent population of virtual photons, 180 degrees out of phase.
06:35Consequently, no electromagnetic radiation is ever experimentally observed, mysteriously
06:41appearing from nowhere. So how do we interpret these curves? That's a good question, I'm glad you
06:48asked. The amplitude of each wavefunction denotes the probability of a population of photons popping
06:54into existence. As you can see, the probability of emergence into reality is significantly greater at
07:00lower frequencies than it is at higher frequencies. That is, the higher up the frequency spectrum we
07:07look, the lower the probability of virtual photons popping into existence. And as we have already
07:13established, for perfectly flat spacetime geometry, the harmonic cutoff frequency tends to infinity.
07:20This also means that its probability amplitude tends to zero. In other words, it is impossible
07:26for photons of infinite frequency to exist in the physical universe. Hence, the universe cannot
07:32catastrophically collapse. When we add matter to the zero-point field, a major change occurs.
07:39The quantum vacuum becomes polarized by the presence of matter and compresses the frequency
07:45range of the zero-point field. The lower spectral frequency limit is upshifted from zero hertz,
07:50and the upper spectral limit is downshifted from infinity. Both alternate spectral limits are
07:56mass-energy dependent. However, the structural format of the Fourier distribution is preserved.
08:03In other words, the mathematical description doesn't change, the Fourier distribution is
08:08preserved, but its lower and upper frequency limits have been modified, due to the addition
08:13of matter. We call this polarized form of the quantum vacuum, the polarizable vacuum.
08:20So how does all of this lead to the topic of gravitons? Well, if we consider any mass to be
08:26represented by a point particle, we are in fact, insisting that all of its mass-energy is contained
08:32in the quantum vacuum field surrounding it. Hence, if the quantum vacuum surrounding any
08:38mass can be described by a Fourier distribution, which is fully quantized, then it logically
08:44follows that a conjugate photon-population pair must define the graviton. And an important question
08:50now is, what are the gravitons interacting with, how is space-time curvature generated?
08:56The answer to this will be discussed in detail on the following slide, but for now, we'll say
09:01that matter is analogous to an energy source, whilst the zero-point field is analogous to an
09:06energy sink. Let's take a closer look. So far, we have established a link between the zero-point
09:13field and the layer of inaccessible reality beneath it, termed the dark reservoir of quantum potential
09:19energy. However, if the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy feeds the zero-point field,
09:25what is feeding energy to the dark reservoir? To answer this question, we first propose that
09:31one pair of conjugate photons constitutes one graviton, and that baryonic matter evaporates
09:37via graviton radiation. This mechanism feeds the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy.
09:43In other words, baryonic matter radiates populations of gravitons which are absorbed
09:48by the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy via the zero-point field interface.
09:54General relativity interprets this absorption as space-time curvature. Hence, the mechanism we have
10:00described is isomorphic to general relativity. However, as one might expect, the store of
10:07gravitons within matter is finite. This means that all matter possesses a minimum gravitational
10:13lifetime. But don't worry, we'll cover this in a later slide. The important takeaways from this
10:20illustration are. 1. All matter acts as an energy source. 2. All matter evaporates via graviton
10:27radiation. 3. The gravitons radiated by matter are absorbed by the dark reservoir of quantum
10:34potential energy via the zero-point field interface. This means that the dark reservoir
10:39of quantum potential energy acts as an energy sink. 4. The zero-point field interfaces a
10:45bidirectional information layer, allowing gravitons to enter the dark reservoir of quantum potential
10:51energy, but also acting as a pressure release valve which we perceive as the Casimir effect.
10:57To ensure that the dark reservoir of quantum potential energy inflates very gradually,
11:02the zero-point field releases energy back into the physical universe to drive the experimentally
11:07observed accelerated cosmological expansion. Now that we have these fundamental concepts in place,
11:14we're in a position to start doing some calculations. So, let's move forward. From episode 6, we know how the
11:21quantum vacuum and zero-point field may be mathematically described via Fourier harmonics.
11:26Utilizing this mathematical description, we may postulate a physical interpretation of space-time.
11:32This is precisely the same thing that general relativity does. That is, the mathematical model
11:38drives general relativity's physical interpretation of space-time. Well, what's good enough for
11:43Einstein is good enough for us. Thus, we propose the following physical interpretation of our
11:48mathematical model. 1. All matter radiates conjugate photon pairs. Each conjugate photon pair
11:55constitutes a graviton. 2. Conjugate photon pairs are absorbed by the quantum vacuum. The quantum
12:01vacuum is the space-time manifold. 3. Conjugate photon pair absorption into the quantum vacuum
12:09is not always perfect. That is, it is not always 100% efficient. Absorption of conjugate photon
12:15pairs into the quantum vacuum is a process, not an event. Hence, no process can be 100% efficient
12:22without violating the laws of thermodynamics. 4. Occasionally, one photon is absorbed by the
12:29quantum vacuum, whilst its conjugate partner evades absorption and propagates in the conventional
12:35manner. This is the photon we are looking for. This is the photon we want to detect.
12:405. Detecting these photons is analogous to identifying 2 to 330 specific electrons from
12:47the cosmic background noise. As you can imagine, filtering out all cosmic background noise so that
12:53you can identify 2 to 330 specific electrons which have your name written on them is going
12:59to be an extremely difficult task. Of course, these electrons are only an analogy, but it clearly
13:05communicates the difficulty of the task. Let's now compile a project strategy. Firstly, in case
13:12you were wondering about utilizing 2019 particle data group information instead of 2024 information,
13:18you can see from the results on screen that the deviation from the previous slide is trivial.
13:24Particle data group 2024 information yields an upper limit of specific electrons equaling 328
13:30instead of 330. For the purposes of conceptualization, 328 equals 330. Okay, that's enough
13:39distraction. Let's talk about a high-level project strategy. So then, what might our approach to this
13:44project look like? Number one, recruit the appropriate team. Number two, mind map project
13:49requirements. Number three, mind map the solution. Number four, identify and access the appropriate
13:55astrophysical databases. Number five, develop custom software if required. Number six, test and
14:01validate the solution. Allow me to repeat an important point made on the previous slide.
14:07Conjugate photon pair absorption into the quantum vacuum is not always perfect. That is, it is not
14:12always 100% efficient. Absorption of conjugate photon pairs into the quantum vacuum is a process,
14:19not an event. Hence, no process can be 100% efficient without violating the laws of thermodynamics.
14:25Well, I hope that I've been able to convince you to jump aboard the spectral signature project,
14:30that is, the direct detection and observation of black holes.
14:33Please reach out to me via the gmail address appearing at the start of the video presentation.