Channing Tatum On Zoë Kravitz DOUBLE DATES w Scarlett Johansson - Colin Jost

  • 3 months ago
Channing Tatum On Zoë Kravitz DOUBLE DATES w Scarlett Johansson - Colin Jost


00:00I love you saying hi to fans. It's got to feel good to see people continue to just always celebrate your work.
00:05Yeah, look, I mean, you know, everybody says that it's boring, you know.
00:08We can't make movies unless people like to go to the movies.
00:11And, you know, you want to make movies that people like to see, so that's it, really.
00:16Well, the reviews are in already. People are loving...
00:18I haven't read any of them yet.
00:20I'm glad it's, like, a positive thing.
00:22People are loving...
00:24I always like that. You're usually like, let's not talk about the reviews.
00:29But they are buzzing, and they're really loving the love story between you and Scarlet and the chemistry.
00:34How do you relate to the way this film really shows the love between these characters?
00:39Yeah, you know, like, I think two people that come from completely two different worlds
00:44and have two completely different points of view on the world, actually,
00:48and how to go through it, how to get what you want.
00:51It's a really small, kind of old story to tell.
00:53You know, you have two opposites that kind of help each other come in both in their direction, I guess,
00:58and help each other stretch and grow, but set in one of the biggest events on our global history,
01:04you know, our modern history, I guess.
01:06And it's really just sweet that way. I don't think we make movies very much like this.
01:10It's usually a Marvel movie or, you know, somebody in tights, and it's such a beautiful...
01:14We don't even make that many rom-coms anymore, and I don't know.
01:17We're trying to bring them back, and this is hopefully a beginning of them.
01:20What I like about these characters, it's kind of a slow burn.
01:24Like, it takes a second for them to kind of find their way to each other.
01:28And you have to annoy each other a little bit.
01:30You got to, like, annoy each other a little bit.
01:32I don't think you can be in love unless the other one irks you just a little bit,
01:35because that just means, like, you don't care.
01:37So, like, you know.
01:39It's true. It's true.
01:41Scarlett's a powerhouse. She's amazing.
01:43After working with her on this, what surprised you about her?
01:47I don't know if I can say anything surprised me about her, because when I met her,
01:50I was like, yeah, she's every single thing that you think about Scarlett Johansson.
01:54She's, like, scarily smart, like, scarily beautiful.
01:58Everything is just, like, exactly the way you actually think.
02:01And then when you get to, like, hanging out with her,
02:03she kind of, like, lulls you into a false sense of security.
02:06We have, like, a lot of similar sort of life experiences.
02:09She has a brother. I have a sister.
02:10So we were just, like, teasing each other the whole way.
02:12Well, still, when I see her tonight, I'll probably make fun of her hair.
02:15And then, you know, all of a sudden, I think I was saying it earlier,
02:19but, like, she'll do a scene, and you'll be like, oh, right, I forgot.
02:23Like, you're a movie star.
02:25Like, you're a massive, one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and I forgot.
02:29I forgot just because we make fun of each other all the time.
02:31And she'll just pull off some scene that I was like, this is going to be a hard,
02:35this is a hard scene, this is a hard monologue.
02:37And then all of a sudden, you know, whatever the light goes on inside of her brain,
02:41and then just, like, perfect tear at the perfect moment, and just, like, breaks your heart.
02:45I think I found myself, like, kind of watching her one time in the scene
02:48and not even, like, being in the scene with her.
02:49I was like, how is she doing this right now?
02:51You kind of leave your body a little bit.
02:53Yeah, yeah, I was like, I forgot I was in a scene.
02:55I thought I was just, like, watching a movie myself.
02:58Colin made a cameo, her husband Colin, of course.
03:01He was brilliant.
03:02He's actually, I think he has one of my favorite scenes in the movie.
03:06It's weirdly one of the most pushed tonally scenes,
03:10and I think I didn't even know he was coming in that day.
03:13I had no idea. I had no idea.
03:15And he showed up, and I'm like, what's up?
03:16What are you doing? Oh, my God, what are you doing here?
03:18You know, because we see each other around New York a little bit,
03:20and he's just like, I'm in the scene.
03:21And I'm like, huh?
03:22I'm like, no.
03:23And, like, I thought he was fantastic.
03:26And I was, talk about watching a movie and not being,
03:29I'm so happy I didn't have very much to do in that scene
03:32because I just got to watch them, see how they played with each other
03:35because I was like, is this y'all's first time acting together?
03:38And then she's like, kind of.
03:39And I was like, oh, my God, this is amazing.
03:41I was like, what's going on underneath?
03:43Is she liking what he's doing?
03:44Is he liking what she's doing?
03:45And they are just, they work really, really well together.
03:47They respect each other so much, and you can tell.
03:49You can tell in there they were, like, laughing,
03:51but also, like, still, like, sparring with each other.
03:53It was gorgeous.
03:54Scarlett just raved about how much she loved working with Zoey.
03:58Did you guys get to double date at all off set?
04:00Do anything like that?
04:02They're both so, we're all so busy.
04:04And, like, look, he's, like, I don't think he's ever going to,
04:08like, have a day off almost.
04:10And when they do have a day off, like, they're, I'm sure,
04:12like, on a beach somewhere.
04:13So, you know, and Zoey and I,
04:15we're obviously very, very busy as well.
04:17We haven't been able to, like, double date,
04:20but I'm sure if we ever, like, happen to vacation
04:22at the same time, we might see each other around.
04:24But we see each other more in New York.
04:26Like, we'll just go to the show.
04:27We'll go to the show, and, like, Colin's working,
04:29and, like, you know, it was actually,
04:31we saw each other more because we were working.
04:33You know, we were working on the film,
04:35and they came with the kids, and, like, Zoey came down,
04:37so we all went and watched the Super Bowl together.
04:39So that was kind of fun.
