The Traitors NZ S02E03

  • 2 months ago
The Traitors NZ S02E03


00:00Previously on the traitors. 22 players descended on my stately southern man to play the ultimate
00:10murder mystery game in the hope of winning up to $100,000 in solid silver. But concealed
00:18among them are the traitors who struck first and fast. However, the faithful proved they
00:31weren't above playing dirty. But things blew up in Terry's face. When he crossed the wrong
00:47Terry, you have received the most votes and you were banished permanently from the game.
00:52I'm a faithful hunting traders. Now, who will be the next victim of the traitors?
01:16Doctor, I'm gone, haunted by the words you once said. I know you won't even think twice
01:29or look behind, because what could I really do? But come, I will find you.
01:37I feel like a million bucks this morning. I should say like 100,000 bucks,
01:59but every day that I'm here, I'll be more and more relieved to have made it as far as I've come.
02:08So Terry, and he was, he's faithful. I knew he was a faithful. He was so out for like trader blood.
02:14Yeah, he wasn't on my radar. Not at all. He wasn't on mine until I got in there.
02:19But Mark copped a bit of hate. Yeah, I really don't think it's Mark either. Do not. And I
02:24don't think the traitors will have taken him out because there's so much attention on him.
02:28I sat next to Britt at breakfast yesterday. Oh yeah.
02:38It came to me in bed last night. It's Whitney versus Brittany. And we're going to go like this
02:45and Brittany's going to banish herself. I would love to murder Brittany, but I actually think
02:51she's going to get banished tonight. I've had a little bit of suspicion on her.
02:56When Janae didn't walk in, she's like, I want to cry. I want to cry. And then I don't know
03:00if you picked up on it. We discussed it for maybe two or three minutes and then boom,
03:06she was on to normal life topics. Yeah. And I'm sitting here going, Janae's
03:12murdered. Like look around the room. Like we need to be focusing on little things.
03:18I came in here with the intention to be perceived as lacking confidence. I could kind of hide behind
03:37that as to why I'm not putting my neck out, why I'm not asking too many questions.
03:41Really? I'm absolutely stoked to be at breakfast. How'd you guys sleep?
03:49I think even having a shield didn't make me sort of sleep any better. I just couldn't,
03:56I couldn't turn my head off. I dreamt about the game last night, but I dreamt I got
04:01murdered. So that wasn't fun. Jane, big plays tonight, mate. Straight in. That was good.
04:06Yeah, you are so good. The way you speak is so... How do you do it without crying?
04:13How do you do it without crying? Like a lion out of the gates.
04:16Because I'm an old lady and I've been... Well, you get better with age, is what they say.
04:20Yeah, you get better with age. Okay, cool.
04:22Last night was quite tough at the round table, obviously. This morning is so different from
04:28yesterday. Everyone's now in the game, you can tell. Did you guys have anyone that you
04:32thought wouldn't come back? Um...
04:35Whittemore, maybe? Whittemore's so quiet, I'd be surprised
04:37they got rid of him, because I feel like people will eventually suspect him because he's quiet.
04:41Just how am I thinking? Jackie?
04:45I don't want it to be her. Because Yuta and I were looking at each
04:48other last night, right around the table. She was saying things and it was kind of like...
04:52Oh, baby! Oh, baby!
05:01Breakfast is a really interesting time to kind of read the room
05:05and to see all the different little conversations,
05:08all the different looks that are going on between people.
05:11I don't even know who I see as a friend. Andrew, he's not here.
05:16What's he waiting for? Molly.
05:17Molly. Molly's not here.
05:19You can't get rid of Joe yet, come on. Jackie?
05:26I can't see them murdering Jackie, though. No, neither.
05:30But she could be a traitor. You just answered by saying that.
05:34Yeah. I can't read Jackie at all.
05:38Yesterday she was like, I'm going to knit you a cardigan and send it to your house.
05:42Oh my god. I was like, that would be amazing.
05:49Oh my god!
05:54This morning is going to be a bit exciting because it is a second murder
05:58and they don't know what's coming. They just don't know what's coming.
06:03And I'm feeling quite excited.
06:06So who's missing now? Mark Whitamu.
06:10Brett. Brett.
06:11And Yuta. Yuta.
06:12Even though I know who's not turning up, I kind of think it's quite easy to feign surprise.
06:19I'm worried about Brett. Who?
06:22I was worried about her all night. I hope it's not Brett.
06:26I love her.
06:29I think other people are bringing suspicion on themselves
06:32for the way they're reacting or not reacting or overreacting.
06:36With Terry. Yeah.
06:37I don't know, maybe he thought I was a traitor. I don't know.
06:40I really thought he was.
06:41Because I think, to be honest, that he's probably going to come on you today
06:44for your statement last night. Yeah.
06:45Unless you can actually kind of work out who actually said it.
06:50I've heard today that Terry has said that he is going for Bailey
06:55because she is a sweet, innocent, young girl who no one would suspect.
06:59You didn't hear it from me. Who did you hear it from?
07:01That's the thing. And I want to play this game with integrity
07:04and I didn't remember who said it. And I'm really sorry.
07:08But I think you just have to be prepared for hate.
07:09I know. I think a lot of people are telling me to watch my back
07:12and I think that they're doing it because they want to scare me
07:15because I'm a strong player and they want me to think I'm going.
07:19But I'll let them think that. That's fine.
07:21They're totally in control.
07:23I'm honestly glad it happened though,
07:25because imagine if I went the whole game doing that.
07:27Like, I've actually learned something from it, like, genuinely.
07:29Oh, my God.
07:31Oh, my God.
07:33Oh, my God.
07:35Oh, my God.
07:37No reaction.
07:39Pat totally clocked Brett not having any reaction.
07:45I'm so sorry.
07:47I'm so sorry.
07:49I'm so sorry.
07:51I'm so sorry.
07:53I'm so sorry.
07:55I'm so sorry.
07:57So I'm not seeing any reaction.
07:59Interesting, Cat, interesting.
08:03Easy. Another little tick on my side there to get Brett out,
08:07so happy with breakfast, that's for sure.
08:09Hey, hey, oh, my God, there's more.
08:11Hey, you know after the round table yesterday
08:13and she said who didn't speak
08:15at the table
08:17and I said, oh, Andrew, next to me.
08:19She said, what am I?
08:21I'm honestly just flying by the seat of my pants.
08:23of my pants.
08:24Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
08:27I'm so f*****g mad.
08:28I'm angry.
08:32I'm actually surprising myself how easy this is.
08:47I think we're all heading to the same consensus.
08:51I don't think that the Faithfuls...
08:54are going to banish him.
08:55We're going to be responsible.
08:56I think you're right.
09:07Oh, great.
09:17I'm happy with it.
09:27A lot of people, you know,
09:29were happy to voice that they trusted me.
09:31And of course, for a trader, that's, yeah, bad news.
09:46Good morning, everyone.
09:48Good morning.
09:51Well, not quite everyone.
09:54So, another morning, another murder.
10:01Poor old Wirrimu.
10:14Has anyone first aid trained?
10:16Don't worry, let the old person climb up.
10:19No, you're too late now, Utah.
10:23Christ Almighty.
10:30So, Wirrimu's gone.
10:32Another cross for you all to bear.
10:35Speaking of crosses,
10:37I need you to change into your respectable best
10:39for today's mission.
10:41It's going to be a long morning,
10:43and that's morning with a U.
10:45God bless.
10:50Good morning.
10:51After a funeral.
11:00That was crazy.
11:01I feel as if I haven't seen you forever.
11:03Mate, I've been here.
11:04Thank God.
11:05Where have you been?
11:06Have a seat.
11:07I'm hearing my name is being thrown around.
11:11I need to be a bit under the radar today.
11:14Still not used to hearing your name, you think?
11:17Well, maybe it's the way we interpreted it.
11:19I will be prepared, obviously,
11:21and I should be able to hold my own to a degree,
11:26but I do understand that once people get something in their heads,
11:31that's who it's going to be, regardless.
11:35I kind of initially had Mark as well, right?
11:39But then the more that you sort of, that he was talking...
11:43Why is it a thing?
11:46Hey, Mark.
11:48Is it okay if I have a private conversation with you?
11:51We can wander outside.
11:53We don't have to if you don't want to.
11:55Of course I want to talk to you.
11:57Come on.
11:58Thank you.
11:59I'm going to borrow Jackie for a while.
12:01Oh, God, here we go.
12:06I'm only saying this because of how confident I am that you are faithful.
12:11Thank you.
12:13It's gotten around that I made a bad impression,
12:17that we don't like each other.
12:19What, you and me?
12:21This could be a mutually beneficial relationship
12:24between two people who publicly have a feud
12:26but privately share information.
12:28Here's my pitch for you.
12:31And you're welcome to say no.
12:33Is that we don't really mingle.
12:37We don't talk to each other.
12:38I sit down, you get up.
12:40If they believe that one of us might take each other out of the round table,
12:42they won't bother with the murder.
12:45And we might be able to ride that relationship
12:49into the second half of the game.
12:52If Jackie is a traitor
12:56and she thinks she has me in her pocket and my trust,
13:01she won't kill me off because she'll believe she can use me.
13:04If she's a faithful, same.
13:08I think people are like looking up to you,
13:11if you'll excuse a venerable elder.
13:14I'm just some old tart from Papakura.
13:17Don't let them know that.
13:20When you're out there, you're not an old tart.
13:24Whether she's traitor or faithful,
13:26I think I'm safe for a little while.
13:30The only potential hitch is Jackie revealing that I approached her
13:35and asked for a secret alliance.
13:40I had the most interesting morning.
13:42Mark asked me for a one-on-one.
13:45What did he say?
13:46He wants an alliance.
13:47He does.
13:48Did he say that?
13:49Oh, wow, he used that word?
13:52That we make out that we're not too chummy,
13:56that then perhaps the traitors will leave us alone.
14:00I mean, I voted for Mark at the round table.
14:02I still hold something inside me that goes.
14:06If he's a traitor, he's not a very good one.
14:09That's the thing, and I think that's what he said last night.
14:11He said, wouldn't I tone it down if I was a traitor?
14:14Can I move on?
14:16Because what you've just said triggered something in me.
14:18I'm quite suspicious of Britt.
14:20How cold?
14:21We were sitting in the yellow room.
14:22There was a good group of us in there, maybe eight or nine.
14:24And she said, I know everyone in this room is a faithful.
14:28And I was like, mathematically?
14:30See, I don't see her as sweet and innocent.
14:33She's this one minute and this is the next.
14:35She was very high on my list.
14:37And then after chatting with her yesterday,
14:39I am 95% confident that she's faithful.
14:43I don't agree.
14:44I don't think she's as quiet and innocent as one would think.
14:49Jackie's so focused, especially regarding Britt.
14:53It's funny how we all see things differently, isn't it?
14:56I don't trust her.
14:57She's too, I don't want to say manipulative, but like manipulative.
15:20Dearly beloved,
15:23we are gathered here today to celebrate the life
15:27and premature death of Wirimu.
15:30I know you will all be wanting to pay your respects at his funeral.
15:35Unfortunately, only some of you are invited.
15:39Before Wirimu met his grisly end,
15:42he selected 12 people he most wanted to attend.
15:47These are the players Wirimu selected.
15:51Go up to the church and take your seats inside.
16:00At this point, I just have no idea what's going on really.
16:07On the surface, players, it doesn't look good for you.
16:11But the fact of the matter is,
16:13you will be doing the heavy lifting in this mission.
16:17You see, Wirimu left a last will and testament.
16:21He stipulated that 12 silver bars should be given to three specific players,
16:26and they are among the mourners inside the church.
16:30But which ones are they?
16:36Conveniently, Wirimu recorded his final message
16:40on this very videocassette tape.
16:44Molly, step forward, please.
16:48I've selected you because, Molly, at 22 years old,
16:51you won't be bamboozled by my high technology.
16:55It was hilarious.
16:57Molly has no idea how to insert a VHS tape, which made me feel really old.
17:01Let's put it in.
17:03Turn the TV on.
17:08My proudest moment.
17:12To you, players, I bequeath 12 silver bars.
17:17Right now, there are 12 people attending my memorial ceremony,
17:21but only three of them are my lawful heirs.
17:25You must quickly decipher who those are.
17:28Listen closely.
17:30I do not bequeath my silver to my least favorite person or the most annoying.
17:35My heirs are also not the sweetest, the bravest, the quietest,
17:39or the most arrogant of you.
17:42And I haven't left it to the most trustworthy, shadiest,
17:45or the bossiest of the group.
17:48I wish we'd spent more time together.
17:51Good luck.
17:53Now, if you successfully identify and remove the nine mourners
17:58Wirimu specified, each of the remaining three should inherit
18:02the $2,000 left to them in his will,
18:05boosting the prize pool by a possible $6,000.
18:09Best get to it.
18:12I reckon we should lay them out.
18:15This mission is a bit nasty.
18:18You've got labels like the bossiest, most arrogant,
18:21but we've got to think of it from Wirimu's point of view.
18:24None of them spring out as bossy to me.
18:27Oh, there's that one as well.
18:31We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Wirimu,
18:36who was taken brutally just last night.
18:40Most trustworthy? Anyone?
18:42Oh, well, are we looking...?
18:45Wirimu was a beloved son, brother,
18:49and, of course, a faithful friend.
18:53Shadiest and quietest.
18:55OK, quietest can definitely be Bailey.
18:58Quietest. Do you think Bailey?
19:00I'm going up to get Bailey.
19:04I am the alpha and the omega,
19:07the beginning and the end.
19:10To the thirsty...
19:14..I will give water as a gift from the spring of the holy well.
19:21Could be Mark.
19:23Did he vote for Mark? He voted for Mark.
19:25And he's stuck with that after the bench.
19:28Do you want to go get Mark?
19:37I will now read from Revelations 21, 1-7.
19:45I see the board and I see the label under my name.
19:48Least favourite.
19:52I don't think I was. I had some good chances with Wirimu.
19:56Sweetest could have been Brittany.
19:58Maybe Brie. Brie would be sweetest.
20:00I'm going to go get Brie.
20:03He leadeth me beside the still waters.
20:07He restoreth my soul.
20:09He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness.
20:13I have been labelled as sweetest.
20:15It's good, cos I'm coming across the way I want to come across.
20:18Do you think, everyone, are you happy with Jason Most Trustworthy?
20:21I am.
20:23Please join me in a rendition of Ave Maria.
20:30Ave Maria.
20:38Those words, they really mean something, don't they?
20:47Thank you, Trevor.
20:49I see we've all lost our voices.
20:52Jackie Most Annoying.
20:54I think it's Bossy or Annoying.
20:56Yeah, but which one? Who else is Bossy or who else is Annoying?
20:59A couple of these are not the ones that you'd want to be labelled as, definitely.
21:04Who else is Bossy and who else is Annoying? We've got two.
21:07Jackie can't be both.
21:09For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
21:13even so, through Jesus,
21:16God will bring him those who have fallen asleep.
21:20Stephen Bravest, maybe.
21:22Stephen's Bravest?
21:23Surely it's Utah. I think Utah or Mike would be the bravest.
21:26I think so, Utah's the fighter.
21:28Go, Utah.
21:30And so we will always be with the Lord.
21:34Jackie, we need Jackie, cos remember, she's not a fast traveller.
21:38I didn't get the pleasure of knowing Whittemore for very long.
21:41He was my first friend that I met.
21:43I don't see Joe as Most Annoying.
21:45I feel sorry for him coming down and seeing his name with that.
21:48Joe being Shadiest would work.
21:50And the one who was seated on the throne said,
21:54See, I'm making all things new.
22:00Well, you know, I did not choose the one that's next to you on there.
22:04Don't feel bad. It's Most Annoying.
22:09I just don't know where...
22:11I genuinely do not know where anybody...
22:14Like, how offensive is that?
22:16Are you sure? Are you sure?
22:18Yeah, I...
22:20Oh, maybe...
22:24Are we happy with Stephen and Donna?
22:26Cos they're not anything, are they? They're not the bravest, not the most...
22:28I'm thinking the three people with the most reserved social personalities
22:32are a fairly safe bet.
22:34Uh, yeah. Bummer. He's a nice guy.
22:37Bas looked great in those shorts yesterday at the challenge,
22:40and thanks for the invite to the funeral.
22:42Could do with an open bar, though.
22:44And, um, yeah, that's about it.
22:46I think it would be Mike.
22:48It's Shadiest.
22:50Out of all the names he said, he mentioned Mike.
22:52Mike? I don't mind going.
22:54Well, we seem to be running short of people.
22:57You, sir, you don't appear to have said anything much about him.
22:59Would you like to...
23:01Oh, thank you.
23:06Time is running out.
23:08You have one more person to collect.
23:11Make your call and collect your last person.
23:14So it's Donna, Stephen and Brittany.
23:17Do you want me to run and get Noel?
23:19I would change Noel to Brittany.
23:21I think I would, too.
23:23I don't get that.
23:25I don't get it either. I think if you know her as a person...
23:27But that's just me. If it's the group consensus, we'll go with that.
23:30We'll go with that.
23:33I once was lost
23:39But now am found
23:44Was blind
23:47But now I see
23:58Brittany is the last person
24:01you have called out of the church.
24:03All it remains for us to do
24:05is find out whether the three people who remain
24:08are the three who have been left silver by women.
24:24All it remains for us to do
24:26is find out whether the three people who remain
24:29are the three who have been left silver by women.
24:36Before Wiremu's untimely and tragic death,
24:39it seemed he felt strongly that these three people
24:43could carry on his legacy and keep his memory alive.
24:47The first four bars were bequeathed to Donna.
24:52Please come forward and collect them.
24:56Here you are, Donna.
24:58I hope you use them well.
25:00Thank you, Wiremu.
25:04Four more were left to Brittany.
25:07Please approach to collect your endowment.
25:19Oh, what a shame.
25:21More for the church.
25:25And lastly, the remaining four bars were left to Utah.
25:33No Utah?
25:35Oh, such a tragedy.
25:37Oh, well, all the more for me.
25:39I mean the church, obviously.
25:44If you were right, the three remaining parishioners
25:48should be the three who have been bequest money by Wiremu.
25:52Let's find out.
25:59Oh, you got one.
26:02Donna, thank you.
26:03If you'd like to place the four bars of silver on the podium
26:07where there should be 12.
26:09So, of the $6,000, you have made $2,000 for the prize fund.
26:14Enough of this malarkey.
26:16We'd better get off these sacred grounds
26:19and spontaneously combust.
26:22Ta-ra, chooks.
26:26It was total chaos.
26:28Everybody was shouting different things.
26:31So, I'm amazed that we even got one right, to be honest.
26:38It's been a very emotional day being away from my family
26:41and they had labelled me as the most arrogant.
26:44Like, I think that that was the straw on the camel's back, honestly.
26:47Like, feelings that I've been kind of squashing all day
26:50started to creep up on me.
26:52It was, I think, the last thing that I needed to come across today.
26:59So, when I went to the bathroom today,
27:03Britt walks up to me and says,
27:06they're going to banish me, Molly just told me.
27:09What? Is that why Britt's upset?
27:12I feel like she might have got upset at her label.
27:17What was her label? Most arrogant?
27:19Most arrogant.
27:20She saw that.
27:23So, how much of a threat do you actually think Jackie is?
27:26I reckon we need to vote for Jackie today and Noel tomorrow.
27:29I don't know. I love her.
27:32I can't imagine writing her name on my slate.
27:34Oh, boy, oh, boy, I can.
27:36I just really like her.
27:38Yeah, I like her as a person too, but I can't let that blind spot me.
27:41It's not personal.
27:43I'm thinking about it from a game point of view.
27:48I believe that the three traitors are Jackie, Noel and Utah,
27:53whose name I have never heard,
27:55who I think is playing an incredible game.
27:59But it all starts and ends with Jackie for me.
28:03I think I have all three sussed out, to be honest.
28:06And there's one who I love and trust.
28:09But I'm not going to look you in the eye,
28:11because I want confirmation.
28:13And I know that you cannot confirm anything.
28:14And I'm not.
28:15And so, I love Jackie.
28:17I'm obsessed with her.
28:19I love the idea of her running around,
28:21living her fantasy of marauding in a cape and taking us out.
28:27I was so scared of getting murdered on the first night,
28:30and I didn't, and I just had this funny feeling
28:32maybe I have a guardian angel.
28:34Once I realised that she was my guardian angel,
28:37I knew that my best hope of staying in this game
28:40was if Jackie was up there protecting me from murder.
28:44If I had a guardian angel,
28:46I would like to keep that guardian angel,
28:48and I would always defend that guardian angel.
28:51I know that on the first night,
28:53Noel and Utah wanted to murder me,
28:56and Jackie talked them out of it.
28:58If you were a traitor, I think it would benefit you
29:01to start thinking about sniffing out another traitor
29:03sooner than later.
29:05Because I think that
29:07showing that you are really looking for them
29:10would benefit you.
29:12It doesn't pay to be too confident in this game,
29:15but I am a good spotter of people.
29:25Molly brought something to my attention today at the mission,
29:28and she said that you were in the car with her and Andrew and Jackie,
29:32and Jackie was suspect of me.
29:35And I think we should probably try and unpack that.
29:40Jackie, I think she just throws names out there.
29:42It was Mark, and then it was Terry, and then it was you,
29:45and it's just like...
29:46She hasn't shared strategies with me.
29:49I don't think she shared strategies with anybody.
29:51Well, I don't think Mark has either, and I'm still there.
29:54I wholeheartedly believe that Brit is faithful,
29:58but I think Brit's just playing on it.
30:01Before I even defend you, I just need to let you know,
30:04don't make me look silly, because I will defend you through and through.
30:08But that's where I'm at.
30:10You've got my word.
30:11Like, I am a faithful.
30:13I just have to clear it.
30:15I'm not going to wait till we get to that table,
30:16and I'll just hang and ask.
30:17And before I even start to defend you, girl,
30:19I just needed to, like, clear that.
30:21Going into the round table, I just want to make it clear
30:24that I would not play a traitor in this game.
30:27I couldn't do it, and so I decided to prove that to people.
30:30I will swear on my children's lives that I am faithful.
30:35I would also feel like an absolute see you next Tuesday
30:39if I made it to the end with a faithful,
30:42and I took all of the money.
30:44Like, that's not the person that I am.
30:46It's not the game I want to play.
30:47I've got nothing to hide.
30:49My plan was to go for Brit and to sort of spread her name around,
30:52which I think I have done successfully.
30:54Trust needs to be re-evaluated on a daily basis.
30:57Yeah, the game is going to change daily.
30:59We can't take that for granted because tomorrow
31:01somebody could be recruited or blackmailed,
31:03and they become a traitor.
31:15My strategy today is to lay low.
31:17There's still a lot of people here,
31:18and there's still a lot of people not under suspicion.
31:21This is exactly where I want to be.
31:23My plan is to still go into this banishment and vote for Brit
31:28because I need the other players to know
31:31that I am backing up what I've been saying all day.
31:36I am feeling extremely anxious.
31:39So, right here and right now,
31:42I'm convinced that Brit is a faithful.
31:47Britany's going to get banished from the round table tonight.
31:50Like, me just saying that out loud,
31:55is that going to pick back on me?
32:25At the moment, emotionally, I'm not feeling very strong.
32:55Another round table, players.
32:58Another chance to sniff out the truth.
33:02That's $29,000 worth of silver there, and it's yours.
33:08But to get it, and much more,
33:11you must avoid being murdered and banished.
33:15Have some around this table betrayed themselves today?
33:20Behaved differently?
33:23Shown inconsistencies that have sounded alarms?
33:28It's around this table that you stab in the front.
33:33And the stabbing starts now.
33:40OK, everybody knows me by now. I hate chaos.
33:43I'm so done with the chaos, the lies, everything.
33:46When I woke up in the morning, I thought,
33:48Mark, but Brit, I told you
33:50to not make me look stupid inside of that room.
33:52As we just came in, I saw you with your eyes,
33:56I don't know, what's going on here?
33:58And I got a feeling it's the both of you.
34:01Yeah, I'm coming for you tonight and then you tomorrow.
34:05This is nothing more than
34:07we have been sitting across from each other,
34:09and what do you do when you glance around the room,
34:12you awkwardly make eye contact with somebody over and over?
34:15Don't make me look stupid. I told you that already.
34:17Don't make me look stupid.
34:18Joe is giving me whiplash right now.
34:21He is just attacking me out of literal nowhere.
34:25There is an absolute 0% chance
34:28that I was going to come into this game
34:31and play it as a traitor.
34:33I am an anxious person.
34:35It wouldn't sit right with me in my heart.
34:38I am 100% faithful,
34:40and if you write my name down tonight,
34:42you are going to be sending home a strong and determined player.
34:46This is what the traitors are trying to do.
34:48They are trying to pick off the strong ones.
34:50That's why Janaye went first.
34:52That's why Widomu went second.
34:54And now, who is the person who is casting Sandra over my name?
34:57It is Jackie.
35:00Jackie, you were a disruptor.
35:02You have come in here,
35:04and you have pointed fingers at everyone.
35:07You have changed the subject.
35:08You have created drama.
35:10To me, that is traitorous behaviour.
35:12You are making everybody look at everyone else
35:14except for yourself.
35:16I wasn't the only one who mentioned your name.
35:18Let's just get that straight.
35:21Yeah, Brittany, I have been throwing your name around
35:24to a couple of people.
35:26We were sitting at breakfast in the morning
35:28that we found out Janaye had been murdered.
35:30You told me you wanted to cry,
35:32which I totally understand.
35:34We all connected quite quickly.
35:36Five minutes later, you had jumped onto Stephen
35:39and started a casual conversation with him.
35:41That's what started it for me.
35:43So when Janaye didn't arrive, I did feel upset.
35:46As you guys have seen today,
35:48I am an emotional person.
35:50Then cut to when I got to speak to Stephen.
35:53I had barely said two words to him the day before.
35:56So having him right there was an opportunity,
35:58and you as well.
36:00I thought we were all conversing and vibing together.
36:02I was sitting there holding back
36:04and biting my tongue a little bit.
36:06But I asked you about your family.
36:08I don't remember you asking me.
36:10I asked you if you had children,
36:12and we talked about how you were trying to make a choice.
36:14You said that you were anxious
36:16and you'd be terrible as a trader.
36:18I mean, this is the game that we're playing.
36:22I want to speak up as well in your favour, Britt.
36:25I don't think you're a trader.
36:27And we have some unfinished business from last night.
36:31Jane and Terry were going for each other,
36:33and then Terry was voted out.
36:36If I get it wrong, I get it completely wrong,
36:38but Jane, I think that speaks a whole lot.
36:41And I have to stick to my gut.
36:43Can I just imply to that?
36:45Oh, you can, but I haven't finished speaking.
36:47Can I just imply to that a little bit?
36:49Did I ever say Terry's name to anybody here?
36:52So be it.
36:54But I'm just saying my personal opinion and how I feel.
36:57I think there's unfinished business.
36:59Well, I, Donna, heard that you said my name.
37:01Did I say I was voting for you tonight, Britt?
37:03Not at all.
37:05No, but you told people coming for me,
37:07and no one's coming forward and saying that they are.
37:09So why did you say that to me?
37:12Because you had made a fact,
37:13and not one person in this room could back it up.
37:15And you went, watch your back, people are coming after you.
37:17I'm sorry, I did not say, watch your back.
37:20You did.
37:22I'm waiting for the cameras to prove you wrong, Babs.
37:26Brie just has a habit of causing havoc.
37:31Last night, and now tonight,
37:33I would like to point something out that we should all care about,
37:36which is the best thing that could happen at this point in the game
37:39for the traitors is if the faithful fight between ourselves,
37:43and we vote out faithful.
37:45Andrew, last night at the roundtable, you didn't speak at all.
37:48So I kind of just wanted to ask you, like, you know,
37:50why didn't you talk last night?
37:52I didn't speak because I didn't want to contribute to someone going down
37:54that I wasn't confident in.
37:56There were other people that didn't speak at the table.
37:58Why, Andrew?
38:00There were other people, you're absolutely right.
38:02Siale, Joe, you did speak, just not that much.
38:04You're dodging Molly's name.
38:06No, that's true, actually.
38:07I was on my list of people who didn't speak.
38:08You're absolutely right.
38:09It just strikes me as odd.
38:11I won't lie, throughout this roundtable, Molly,
38:13I do like you as a person, but I have been growing more suspicious of you.
38:17I'm not too sure how to defend myself,
38:19other than just to say that I am 100% faithful.
38:21I swear, like, it's not anything to read into.
38:24I'm not the person you should be voting for tonight.
38:26So give us some names then, because you're so quiet.
38:29Give us some names.
38:30I know, I'm sorry.
38:31You don't need to apologize,
38:32but to try and prove that there's something else happening,
38:35give us something.
38:36Yeah, so my vote tonight is for Jack.
38:40Because you would make the perfect traitor.
38:42I feel like there have been a lot of times
38:44where you have thrown people's names out
38:46and just been very direct with people,
38:48and just from the get-go, gone for it.
38:50You're very persuasive, and you would just be a very good traitor.
38:55My name is being thrown around,
38:57and because of that, I think I might have to reveal what I actually do.
39:05So now is the time.
39:08You will have noticed in some of the other games
39:11that there are always clairvoyants,
39:14and they always go home first.
39:17And I am a clairvoyant tarot reader.
39:25It doesn't give me any advantage in the game.
39:27The other psychics go,
39:29Oh, my guides are telling me it's you.
39:32I can't do that because I will not use it for game.
39:36So if you want to vote me out because I'm a clairvoyant, fine.
39:46Enough talk.
39:49You must now write down the name
39:52of the person you want to banish permanently from the game.
40:11Ben, we'll start with you.
40:14I'm voting tonight for Noel.
40:18Yeah, you're so smart, and you're just being credible,
40:21so I'll take it as a compliment.
40:23Molly, who have you voted for and why?
40:26So I already said my piece about Jackie,
40:28so I'm sorry, but, yeah, Jackie, you are my vote tonight.
40:31CLA, can you reveal who you voted for and tell us why?
40:34The person I voted for tonight is playing against what he actually is,
40:38and that's why I think Noel.
40:42He'd make a great trader.
40:45Molly, tonight the only thing you had to come back with was
40:49I am a faithful, just trust me.
40:51And it wasn't enough for me,
40:53so I've put your name down.
40:59I'm really sorry, but I think for the same reasons,
41:02Molly, I voted for you.
41:05So, Noel, two votes for you.
41:08Molly, two votes for you.
41:11And Jackie, one for you.
41:16Molly, I just feel like I haven't got to know you at all,
41:19and even to press you today, it took quite a bit,
41:23and I think you wanted to fly under the radar,
41:25so for that reason, I'm letting you know.
41:30Molly, I don't know what the hell I saw,
41:32but I'm going with you, and then I'll be going with Britt tomorrow.
41:37Mike, who have you voted for and why?
41:40My experience with you today was really inconsistent
41:43with what I'm hearing from others.
41:45For that reason, my vote's for you.
41:50Donna, please reveal who you voted for.
41:52Yeah, I'm sticking to my guns.
41:54Sorry, Jane, prove me wrong.
41:58I think honesty is the best policy,
42:01and that's why I'm going with you, Jackie.
42:06I have made a decision based on somebody who I feel
42:09is consistently disrupting and misleading the group,
42:13somebody who we know has lied to us,
42:16and so, Jackie, I have gone for you.
42:20For me, similar to what Stephen said,
42:23honesty is the best policy.
42:25So I just have to go based off what I feel may be a lie.
42:29So, four votes to Jackie, four votes to Molly,
42:34two for Noel, one for Brittany, and one for Jane.
42:40Jason, who have you voted for and why?
42:42I can see that I'm wrong, just by what everyone's chosen.
42:47Mark, I didn't get a chance to talk to you, bro.
42:50I love you, Jason.
42:51I'm stuck in my ways.
42:53I would have been disappointed if I was on nobody's board.
42:56Sorry, Mark.
42:57Noel, please reveal who you voted for and tell us why.
43:01So when I walked in, my names were Britt and Andrew,
43:04and you both gave a really good defense, honestly.
43:06And like you, Ben, I thought Kat made amazing points
43:08that I really hadn't racked it through my mind,
43:10and once I did, there were a lot of clicks.
43:12So, Molly, it was on you tonight. I'm sorry.
43:16Andrew, who have you voted for?
43:19Well, I appreciate that you didn't vote for me, Noel.
43:22But I did vote for you.
43:30Basically, I have to stick with my intuition,
43:32and, Brittany, I'm voting for you.
43:36Jackie, who have you voted for and why?
43:39Come for me, or come for you.
43:43Bailey, please reveal who you voted for and tell us why.
43:46I just feel like this person has a protective bubble around them.
43:49So, Jane, I'm sorry I voted for you.
43:51Wow, okay.
43:53Finally, Brie.
43:56I'm really sorry, and I hope you still make me a cardigan,
43:59but my person is Jackie. I'm sorry.
44:05So, we have a tie.
44:09Molly and Jackie, you've both received five votes each.
44:15I will now give you both an opportunity to defend yourselves.
44:19Players will then vote for either Molly or Jackie.
44:24Molly and Jackie, you will not get a vote.
44:31I'm faithful. I don't have a reason to be a traitor.
44:34I would not be a good traitor. You would see right through me.
44:37That is the biggest thing that you will learn about me, if you haven't already,
44:40is that I am just me. I'm 100% authentic.
44:44I will come right out and say what I'm thinking.
44:47So, yeah.
44:52I will address just one thing, and that is, you said that I was a liar, and I'm not.
45:00I am a horoscope writer and have been for 24 years.
45:04I explained why I didn't say I was a clairvoyant,
45:07and I have told all of you that I have many income streams.
45:11I am a woman of many faces, and I'm not going to say I'm 100% faithful,
45:18because you will cast your votes, and you will cast them as you see them.
45:25It's now time to cast one final vote for either Molly or Jackie.
45:42Bailey, we'll start with you.
45:47I voted for you, Molly.
45:50I'm sorry. I also voted for you, Molly.
45:57I voted for you, Molly.
46:03I voted for you, Jackie.
46:20So that's four votes for Molly and three votes for Jackie.
46:57So that's seven votes for Molly and eight votes for Jackie, with two votes still to cast.
47:06Andrew, who have you voted for?
47:16We are eight all for Molly and Jackie.
47:25Finally, Whitney, who have you voted for?
47:33Who have you voted for?
47:43This is the end.
47:50Next time, Whitney, will it be traitor or faithful and a traitorous plot?
47:59The three of you will spend the day digging a grave.
48:02Sends the faithful into anarchy.
48:06They're gonna pick us off one by one.
48:08Has the game become too much to stomach?
48:12For one of the traitors.
48:14Whitney, what you're doing now is a bit sus to me, to be honest.
48:17Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.