00:00I dreamed of being able to solve a case like this I would be lying if I told you that it didn't
00:09keep me up certain nights I did become a little bit obsessed with it there are still unanswered
00:17questions with this case factors that I can't explain this case is solvable and it will be
00:26solved why is it severed head sitting in a field who is she
00:36Jack the Ripper frightened people in a way that no killer had ever done before
00:41I saw it I don't know how to explain it there's something out there I'm still afraid to go outside
00:52at night he moved the curtain and sees this horrific sight she's telling me not to quit
01:03I don't believe Amanda's death was an accident we need to find out what happened here
01:16we didn't forget we're still looking