The divorced Billionaire Heiress Part 2

  • 2 months ago
The divorced Billionaire Heiress Part 2
00:00Answer this. Why don't you give up Isabella? I was there when you both got married. You and Isabella didn't know each other before.
00:07I think, okay, we can talk about it, but please, just not now first.
00:10No, no, no, no. Talk first. Why don't you choose Lydia more?
00:19Because maybe we were meant to be. Maybe I don't love her then.
00:25Fucking hell, mom. Is that all you care about?
00:29Sign the transfer agreement.
00:32Ryan won't sign it.
00:33Wait, wait, let me tell you the truth. Mary, you're right, you're right.
00:37We didn't know each other before, okay? We're a perfect couple.
00:40I was mad at Carson and I wanted to do something to make him regret it.
00:44It turns out that Ryan was doing the same thing with Kara to avoid their arranged marriage.
00:49We were strangers.
00:51Please, please, please, please, please, please, please.
00:53Don't hurt her.
00:57Wait, it's either her or the shares.
01:01Okay, it's fine. It's fine. Let her go.
01:05Stop the record. If you hit something, I will shoot.
01:12Your finger is safer.
01:21You betrayed me.
01:28How dare you kidnap my stepsister?
01:34You planned all of this. You're much more of an asshole than I thought.
01:37I didn't tell you to do this. And why do you hate her so much?
01:45Wait, where are you going? It's her.
01:48Sorry, sir. It's about my duty.
01:52She can keep her walk. You sure?
01:58Aaron's waiting outside that door.
02:01He's a family business detainee.
02:03He's going to take you to the hospital and then I'll meet you there, okay?
02:07Can you hold anything for me, Shane?
02:11I'm sorry.
02:14This way.
02:15Got it?
02:17Thank you.
02:25It seems like you lost this one.
02:32Oh, Ryan.
02:34Hey, what are you doing, man?
02:53What are you doing, man? Ryan.
02:55What are you doing?
02:58You can have all my stairs, I don't care.
03:01But you can never own Isabel.
03:04Listen, man, it was just a joke.
03:09Her fight has nothing to do with her, you understand?
03:13I won't harm her again, I swear.
03:17You're not going to touch her, are you happy?
03:19I know why.
03:22The next time anything ever happens,
03:25it's not going to be me or Isabel.
03:28It's going to be the professionals.
03:45Where are you going, man?
03:49I'll die in here, man.
04:00I told you we shouldn't have taken the motorcycle.
04:03You're a mess.
04:04It wasn't your fault.
04:08It's your grandma's birthday.
04:16I'm so sorry I'm really late, everyone.
04:17There was a bit of traffic.
04:20Hey, Ryan.
04:21Why don't you grab a seat over there?
04:26Sorry, Grandma.
04:28We're just expecting Uncle Greg to come
04:29and we need at least one of those chairs.
04:34It's okay, everyone.
04:35I understand it's my fault that we're late.
04:37Ryan, wasn't Ms. Moore into you?
04:40Why did you reject her?
04:42Is this woman really more important than your family?
04:47When Mr. Jacobs died,
04:48it was Ryan that made the turnaround
04:50when the Jacobs group was in trouble.
04:52Where were you for your family, Uncle Octavian?
04:56Ryan, I heard that you gave up all your shares for this woman.
05:00This is true.
05:10Well, fortunately, it's Chris Gotham,
05:12not just some random person on the street.
05:15How could you keep your brother
05:18shut up in a church for days, kind of?
05:23What if some homeless person had kidnapped her?
05:25Would you have done the same?
05:27Ryan, why are you so obsessed with her?
05:31She's just a regular girl.
05:33Ryan, I'd like to remind you that in this family,
05:36inheritance is based on merit and hard work,
05:38not on taxes.
05:41Chris is now head of the Jacobs group.
05:49I'm sorry, Grandma.
05:53Uncle Greg must have forgotten Grandma's birthday.
05:57Grandma, here's my gift.
05:59A diamond bracelet by your favorite designer.
06:01I waited months for it.
06:04Happy birthday, Grandma.
06:06Thank you.
06:08Grandma and Uncle Octavian, I thought that...
06:10I am not your Uncle Octavian.
06:13Don't call me that.
06:14Excuse me, Uncle Octavian.
06:17Isabella is my wife.
06:19Well, if it weren't for you,
06:22I never would have had dinner with her.
06:24Since this is our first time meeting,
06:26I thought that I would bring gifts.
06:29Ryan's short on money right now.
06:30What can you afford?
06:33Thank you.
06:37Thank you.
06:43I happened upon this set of woolware bowls by chance,
06:46and I thought I'd gift them to you.
06:48Woolware bowls are very rare.
06:53Even one of them can be collected by a museum.
06:59The entire set must be priceless.
07:02Why would you be so kind?
07:04Because you're my family now.
07:08Alright, look.
07:09Let's just call it what it is.
07:10She used Ryan's money to buy these bowls
07:12just to get our respect.
07:13Okay? Very impressive.
07:15How can a waitress afford these antiques?
07:19Wait, I'm sorry.
07:20Who said that she is a waitress?
07:25Well, that's not surprising, is it, Chris?
07:29Because you seem to weed out the truth a lot.
07:33Then who is she?
07:35Who is she?
07:45She's a world-famous Michelin star chef
07:48who owns many restaurants.
07:51She's the owner of Menresem,
07:52Europe's best fine dining restaurant?
07:54I waited almost a year for a reservation.
07:56How is that possible?
07:59Isabella, or Cecilia,
08:01is actually the one who helped me win the bid,
08:04and you will all see it on the news shortly.
08:07Cecilia is my sister-in-law.
08:09A Michelin star in the house all the time?
08:13Isabella, thank you for the precious gifts.
08:18Well, let's have everyone calm down.
08:20You haven't seen my gift yet.
08:35Another set of you werewolves.
08:43Why do the two sets look the same?
08:45I wish Uncle Greg were here.
08:47He's an expert in antiques.
08:49One of them's got to be a fake.
08:51No, we do not need to appraise them.
08:54The set from Chris is obviously the most genuine.
08:57How dare you lie to us?
09:02Amazon trash.
09:04How dare you bring this shit here?
09:06Please, it's a real antique.
09:08My brother wouldn't give us fake antiques like you.
09:10I can't trust you.
09:15Grandma, I don't know why they're acting crazy,
09:17but I can assure you, I promised Isabella's top line.
09:22You know what?
09:23The gifts are yours.
09:24You can decide to do with them whatever you want.
09:27I just hope you don't regret it.
09:29Sorry I'm late.
09:31Bridget, happy birthday.
09:38Did I miss anything?
09:43T-King, you forgot your sister's birthday.
09:47No, I didn't forget.
09:49Didn't I come?
09:54What the hell are these?
09:57Throw this trash away.
09:59Uncle Greg, Chris bought them.
10:01They're Grandma's birthday gifts.
10:03How can you call them garbage?
10:05You're a bargain.
10:06I can buy ten sets for $100 on Amazon.
10:09You can have them if you like them.
10:11Greg, respectfully, I found these specifically for Grandma.
10:16I looked for a month.
10:17How can they be fakes?
10:19Um, I made a mistake.
10:27No, no, no.
10:30I paid a lot of money for these bowls.
10:32There's no way they're fake.
10:33Uncle Greg, you scared me.
10:35I almost thought I had smashed a genuine one.
10:42This one seems genuine.
10:45Really, Uncle Greg, no need to look at those.
10:48Gregor, look at these.
10:50It is genuine, I'm sure of it.
10:54There are five or six to a set.
10:57It's unfortunate only one is here.
11:03I'm going to need you to be careful when you walk around the table
11:06because there's some debris everywhere.
11:17Who did this?
11:19Do you know what it's worth?
11:22Look at the light bluish green.
11:24How beautiful it is.
11:26Oh, come on, Old Greg.
11:29Couldn't you be mistaken?
11:31Please, have a look at my collection.
11:33These are rubbish.
11:35Stop wasting my time on artificial coloring.
11:38Octavia, I've been studying antiques my whole life.
11:42Are you suggesting I'm wrong?
11:46Who drove them?
11:53He did it.
11:57It's a blessing your brother is running the company and not you.
12:00If you were in charge, the Jacobs group would have went bankrupt very quickly.
12:06Uncle Greg, please.
12:08It's Grandma's birthday. Can we just sit and have dinner?
12:11No, I'm in no mood for dinner.
12:13How could you pretend nothing's happened?
12:15Greg, stop losing your temper.
12:18Chris is the head of the Jacobs family.
12:26He doesn't even know the difference between a real antique and a fake one.
12:30I don't think he's up for it.
12:36This is for me?
12:38It is.
12:39It's from you?
12:42You have good taste.
12:44What is your name, young lady?
12:48Well, let's enjoy the meal.
12:52Waiter, another chair, please.
13:04Isabella, even though you're the best chef in America,
13:09I suppose you've heard that Ms. Moore has to thank my cousin.
13:12And, well, when Ryan gets his head wrapped around that,
13:15it will make things very complicated.
13:18Yes, Ryan, if you marry Ms. Moore,
13:22you will no longer be trapped in New York.
13:26And who says that he can do whatever he wants after marrying Ms. Moore?
13:30Everyone knows.
13:32We can't imagine Mr. Moore's wealth.
13:34They're real nobles.
13:36What about me?
13:38Do I pass as a noble?