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Fugitivas En Busca de la Libertad Capitulo 7 Completo HD
Fugitivas En Busca de la Libertad Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Fugitivas En Busca de la Libertad Capitulo 9 Completo HD
Fugitivas En Busca de la Libertad Capitulo 7 Completo HD
00:06You have to help me.
00:08What is it?
00:09Lorena and her friends are crossing the border.
00:12You have to stop them.
00:14I'd rather she go back to prison
00:15than risk her life crossing the river.
00:18Find her before it's too late.
00:20Please do what you have to do to save my sister's life.
00:24Don't worry.
00:25First, tell me how you found out about her plans.
00:27Did you see Lorena?
00:29No, she left me this letter.
00:40Gabriela, I've decided to leave the country.
00:42I've been thinking about it
00:43and it's the best thing I can do to keep the police from catching me.
00:46One of my friends found a coyote
00:47so she could cross the river while we were swimming.
00:50I'll call you when I get to a safe place.
00:52Take care. I love you.
00:55When did you get this letter?
00:57I found it under the door when I got home.
01:01I must've taken it with me to school.
01:03Do you realize you're betraying your sister?
01:06I thought about it a lot before I came to see you.
01:09I'd rather betray her than cross the river while swimming.
01:12Most people who try it drown.
01:16You did the right thing by coming to see me.
01:19I have to keep the letter.
01:20Please find it and stop me from doing this nonsense.
01:24Count on me. I'll do my best.
01:26Let me know if anything happens.
01:27Of course.
01:28Thank you.
01:38Patricia, I need you to come to my office.
01:45I told Dario my name was Estrella.
01:47Estrella? What a nice name!
01:49He's a good guy.
01:50You have to think of a name to introduce to him.
01:54I like Cecilia. I've always wanted to be called that.
01:58I don't have an idea and I don't care.
02:00Do you like Renata?
02:01No, that's awful.
02:02I've called a girl from school that bothered me.
02:05And Tatiana. I can't think of one.
02:08What about Fredesvina? Do you like her?
02:12Where did you get that ridiculous name?
02:15A girl's name was like that.
02:18Don't tell me what your aunt was like.
02:20I can imagine her name.
02:22She was a jerk.
02:24Like me.
02:25Just like me.
02:31According to this letter,
02:33you're willing to do anything to prevent them from being caught.
02:37How did this get into your hands?
02:40Gabriela, Lorena Martínez's sister, brought her here.
02:43She was worried and she was right.
02:45Crossing the river while swimming is very dangerous.
02:48It's not easy to get a coyote to cross them
02:51from a safe place.
02:52But it's not impossible.
02:54I need you to organize a mission to deal with the fugitives
02:57before they reach the border.
02:58The Bravo River crosses from Chihuahua to Tamaulipas.
03:02There are many places they can cross.
03:04So, get to work.
03:08I'll make a few calls. Keep me informed.
03:10Thank you.
03:22I don't know why you would do something like this.
03:27The market is full of people.
03:29It's like they're giving away things and everything is more expensive.
03:33I brought vegetables for the whole week,
03:35lemons and oranges for the drinks.
03:36Thank you.
03:38I have good news for you.
03:40A girl applied for a job as a waitress.
03:42That's great. Did you hire her?
03:46She's coming with four friends.
03:49Why do we need five waitresses if we only need two?
03:52She said she'd work with two at five.
03:54And you accepted?
03:56She just asked for a place to stay
03:58and I told her she could sleep at the winery.
04:00What? No.
04:02I don't get it. You should've asked me first.
04:04Let's try.
04:05If it doesn't work, I'll tell them I can't hire them.
04:07You should've waited for me to make a decision, Dario.
04:10I did it because I've dealt with the personnel issues.
04:14Did she even bring a reference?
04:17She told me she worked at a bar in Puerto Vallarta.
04:19Did she tell you or did she bring a paper to endorse it?
04:21She just told me.
04:23But she looks like a good person.
04:25Dario, what's wrong with you?
04:27Who did you hire?
04:28You're making a storm in a glass of water.
04:31I'm going to leave Mati's clothes.
04:37Good afternoon.
04:38I'll see you later.
04:40Can you explain to me
04:41how long you've been Elsa Morales' lawyer?
04:44I just need you to tell me
04:45you're the defender of all the fugitives we capture.
04:49I don't see anything wrong with that.
04:50That's why I'm a lawyer.
04:52It's more like it bothers you.
04:55Because I have to know everything you do for third parties.
04:59This isn't the place or the time to argue.
05:02Now, as a lawyer, I'm here to see my client.
05:07Follow me.
05:12Good afternoon.
05:14Are you sure the superior is okay with this?
05:17Yes, of course.
05:19Why would I lie to you? Everything is under control.
05:22Good afternoon.
05:24I'm Dario.
05:25This is Matias, my son.
05:27Nice to meet you.
05:28I'm Estrella.
05:30And these are my friends.
05:32Cecilia Ramos.
05:34Julissa Montes.
05:35She's the DJ I told you about.
05:47She's going to put a lot of atmosphere in the bar.
05:51And this is Angelina.
05:53Nice to meet you. Welcome.
05:54Thank you. Nice to meet you.
05:56Aren't there five of you?
05:58Yes, but Carla preferred to go back to Puerto Vallarta.
06:02I imagine Estrella already told you she's on trial.
06:05It depends on how she sees your performance.
06:07Did she hire you or not?
06:08She already knows.
06:09And we all agree.
06:10Then there's nothing else to talk about.
06:12I'll show you the place and then we'll talk.
06:15I'll help you with your backpack.
06:17Thank you so much. You're so nice.
06:30May I?
06:32Before my client gives her statement,
06:34I need to talk to her in private.
06:36I'm sorry, but I can't right now.
06:38I have to go to a meeting.
06:40I'm sorry, but I can't right now.
06:42I have to go to a meeting.
06:44It is part of the protocol?
06:54How are you?
06:55It could be worse.
06:57Where are the others?
06:59I hope they're somewhere safe.
07:01They were all together when they left my house.
07:03What happened?
07:04We decided to split up.
07:05We agreed to meet later.
07:07I was caught because I decided to go see my son.
07:12I decided to go see my son.
07:14And there I found Ramón living in my house.
07:16Who is Ramón?
07:17The drug dealer who hooked me up to sell drugs.
07:20The very unhappy one put my son in that world.
07:23I asked him where he was and he told me he was asleep,
07:26that he had been working all night selling that crap.
07:29At that moment I started screaming until Danilo appeared.
07:32Ramón got furious and pulled out his gun
07:35and pointed us to her, Lorena and me,
07:37telling us to leave.
07:39Lorena was with you?
07:41Yes, and I don't know what would have happened
07:43if she hadn't taken advantage of a moment in which Ramón got distracted,
07:46grabbed a bottle and shot him in the head,
07:48leaving him unconscious.
07:49And why didn't you leave at that moment?
07:51Lorena proposed it to me, but I refused.
07:54The only thing I cared about was saving my son.
07:57I asked him to leave Los Mochis, to forget about that life,
08:00to go to a future far from crime.
08:03With all the pain in my heart,
08:05I said goodbye to him and as soon as he left,
08:08I told Lorena to leave too.
08:10The only way Ramón was going to leave my son alone
08:13was by turning him over to the police,
08:15even if that meant that they would arrest me too.
08:17And you called the police?
08:19No, with Ramón's gun I approached the window,
08:21I shot twice in the air to get the police's attention.
08:24When we were on our way home,
08:26we saw that there was a patrol watching.
08:28And yet they dared to approach your house?
08:30Yes, we did it very carefully so that no one would see us.
08:33You had to see my son.
08:35When the agent arrived, I told him who he was
08:37and that he wanted to turn me over.
08:39And Ramón?
08:40I was still unconscious.
08:41I told the agent that he was the one
08:43in charge of distributing the drugs in the area.
08:45You were very brave.
08:47That man could have reacted at any moment.
08:50He would have hit him again in the head with all my strength.
08:53Forgive me for telling the police that you were my lawyer.
08:56It was the first thing that came to mind.
08:58Don't worry, you did well.
09:00Does that mean you're going to defend me?
09:03Of course.
09:04Thank you very much.
09:05We can argue that the only thing you wanted was to see your son
09:09and that your intention was always to turn yourself in.
09:11Let's hope that serves as a deterrent
09:13so that they reduce your charges for the escape.
09:15As long as my son is okay, I'll do my best.
09:18Whatever comes is good.
09:20You have to feel very satisfied
09:22for saving your son from a criminal life.
09:25Yes, I am.
09:31This is the space I can offer you to sleep in.
09:35It's our winery.
09:36Make yourself comfortable.
09:38I ordered a little so that you have more space.
09:42Thank you very much.
09:43It's perfect.
09:44What are you saying?
09:45It's not the best place, but it's what I can offer you.
09:49For us, it's very good.
09:50Thank you.
09:51Is there a bed for you to use?
09:54We're going to make ourselves comfortable.
09:56Thank you very much.
09:57I'll see you later at the bar.
10:05It's not bad.
10:07There's nothing to complain about.
10:09After prison, any place is better than that.
10:16Superior, thank you very much.
10:17You saved our lives.
10:19We owe you forever, Superior.
10:21I'm glad to see you,
10:23but promise me you'll behave.
10:25Of course.
10:27We just want to work to earn some money
10:29and then leave.
10:30I think it's great,
10:31but while you're here,
10:32you're going to have to follow some rules.
10:34As you wish, Superior.
10:36First, my son and my grandson are sacred.
10:40Don't you dare do anything that could put them in danger.
10:43Of course. Perfect.
10:44What else?
10:45No bad words.
10:46And you, Monse,
10:47don't you dare flirt with the clients.
10:52And I don't want any fights.
10:54Is that clear?
10:55Yes, Superior.
10:57Now tell me, where is Elsa?
11:02She turned herself in to the police.
11:04But why?
11:05To free her son from a guy who was selling drugs to her.
11:08I went with her to look for him,
11:10and Ramos already had a guy named Ramos.
11:12What plans did your partners have?
11:14Lisette was going to look for her boyfriend
11:15to get us fake IDs.
11:17And Frida was going to talk to the Superior
11:19to ask her to help us get a job as waitresses
11:22at her son's bar.
11:24I was going to escape with Paula.
11:26We were going to go to her ranch after all.
11:29¡Alvaro! ¡Alvaro! ¡Alvaro!
11:38Hi. How are you?
11:41Boring. I was looking for something to watch on TV.
11:44So it was a good idea to come visit you.
11:48Come in.
11:50Thank you.
11:53Have you eaten yet?
11:57How about a pizza?
11:58Is that okay?
12:06Pepperoni would be better.
12:08I know.
12:09Half pepperoni, half Hawaiian.
12:11Everyone happy.
12:18Here it is.
12:21I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
12:22I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
12:23Be careful.
12:24I'll bring you your drink.
12:27I'll bring you your drink.
12:34Your drinks.
12:35What is this?
12:36I ordered a Bloody Mary.
12:37You ordered a Cuba.
12:41I'm sorry.
12:46Table 5 ordered a Bloody Mary and a Cuba.
12:49So who is this vodka and tequila for?
12:51I don't know.
12:52They're for her table. I'll take them.
13:04What are you doing here?
13:07What do you mean you work here?
13:09It's a matter of destiny.
13:10And what are you doing here?
13:14I see you've met.
13:15My love, this is Estrella, the girl who came to ask for a job.
13:18This is Carmen, my wife.
13:23Nice to meet you.
13:32So now you call yourself Estrella.
13:34And you, Carmen?
13:36You look better, but...
13:37Shh, don't call me that again.
13:39Grab your things, your friends, and leave.
13:42I'm sorry, but that's not what the owner of the bar told us.
13:46But you're my partner.
13:48And if I don't want you to work here, you'll have to leave.
13:51No, we're not leaving. We need the job.
13:55And if you don't want your partner to know you were called Pearl
13:58and you worked for the Turk,
14:00you'd better keep your mouth shut.
14:04Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go.
14:09Yes, tell me.
14:14When I came here, a friend called me to invite me to a party.
14:17Shall we go?
14:18To be honest, I'm not in the mood to go out.
14:20Cheer up, we're going to have a good time.
14:23What's the point of staying here and being sad?
14:25I'd rather go out and forget about my problems.
14:28That doesn't solve anything.
14:30It distracts you for a while, but the problems are still there.
14:34It's like sweeping and putting the dust under the rug.
14:38What a comparison.
14:41If you want, you go.
14:43Forget it.
14:45I don't know why, but I feel responsible for accompanying you tonight.
14:49Don't worry about me.
14:52I'm not worried. I'm busy.
14:55We're going to watch a movie.
14:57What do you prefer? Romantic comedy or action?
15:04Oh, no, no.
15:05Nobody move.
15:06Pick up the bottles.
15:08Pick up the bottles.
15:10Don't move.
15:13Your friends are a disaster.
15:14They don't have my experience as a waiter.
15:17They deliver bad drinks, they get confused, they throw them away.
15:20I'm sorry, but they're very nervous.
15:22As you know, they get like this at the test.
15:24Anyway, if you have to pay attention, I'll have to ask them to leave.
15:27No, no, no.
15:28Not that, boss.
15:29I'll talk to them right now.
15:32Julissa, Angelina, come on.
15:36Come on, come on.
15:43Girls, Dario has realized that they don't have experience and that they don't know how to serve the tables.
15:47And he's going to fire us?
15:48Well, that's what he told me.
15:49Because of all the mess they've made.
15:51I told him I'd talk to you.
15:53We have to do something to convince him not to fire us.
15:56What this bar needs is a different environment.
15:58Get rid of the boredom.
15:59The music is horrible.
16:00Well, what do you propose?
16:01Well, I don't know.
16:02Change the music.
16:03No, no, no.
16:04Not just that.
16:05We have to do something else so that customers consume more and sales go up.
16:08But how?
16:09Can you think of something?
16:10Get in.
16:11Pass me the suitcase.
16:12Yes, yes, yes.
16:13The suitcase?
16:14Yes, the suitcase, the suitcase.
16:18What are you doing?
16:19They're going to see you.
16:21Put them on.
16:22I have an idea.
16:24Grab one.
16:41Good night.
16:49What is this reception for?
16:51I want to please you.
16:53I bought you the wine you like and spaghetti bolognese.
16:58I thought you were upset.
17:01I've been thinking about what happened between you and Lorena.
17:05And I came to the conclusion that if I don't put the past aside, we won't be able to build a good relationship.
17:12And I want to start from scratch.
17:14I appreciate your attitude.
17:16What happened happened.
17:29Can I open it?
17:30Yes, of course.
17:43What's wrong? Why do you look at me like that?
17:46I like to see you.
17:50Do you believe in love at first sight or does it happen again?
18:30Do you know why I said no?
18:32What's wrong with you?
18:33And you still ask? We just met.
18:36I don't understand you.
18:37You don't want to go out and you reject me when I know you like me.
18:40And that's why you want to take advantage of me?
18:42Not because you're alone you're going to go crazy.
18:44Better go.
18:45Are you kicking me out?
18:46Take it as you wish.
18:49I regret coming here.
18:51You're so boring.
18:54Call Dura.
19:15Our resources are unlimited when you discover our capacities.
19:22Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
19:28How did they shoot him?
19:30A bullet, no.
19:32How did they shoot my mother?
19:34Damn it, Monica didn't die.
19:37My mother said he shot her.
19:39Find the real killer of Monica, because I didn't go.
19:42It was Emilio.
21:00What happened?
21:44People are going to start dancing and asking for money.
21:47You better get ready.
21:51Come on!
21:54Let's go!
22:19What are you doing here?
22:20I heard the music and came to see you.
22:23Go back to your room, please.
22:24Grandma, I want to see them dance.
22:26No, you can't be here.
22:28If they see you, they can close the bar.
22:31I'll hide so they don't see me.
22:33Leave me alone, please.
22:34No, leave me alone.
22:36Besides, the bar is only for minors.
22:38Come on, let's go.
22:40No, no, no.
22:42Look at me.
22:56How did you know I was here?
22:57Elsa told me where to find you.
23:00I'll tell you later.
23:02Where can we talk?
23:05Let's go to the kitchen.
23:15Come in.
23:16Thank you.
23:19How did you talk to Elsa?
23:21When they were interrogating her, she told the police I was her lawyer
23:25and that she wouldn't say anything until I was there.
23:27Are you going to help her?
23:28Of course.
23:30I'm going to argue in her favor that she ran away to see her son.
23:34I hope that helps her not to lose the benefits she had.
23:37What she did for her son is very moving.
23:40She didn't hesitate for a second to turn herself in
23:42to free him from that guy who had him selling drugs.
23:45Only a mother would do something like that for her son.
23:49Why are you wearing that wig?
23:51Well, Montse's friend, who helped us change our appearance,
23:54gave it to us.
23:55And Frida thought it was a very good idea to put it on us to attend the bar.
23:59From what I see, you already have a job.
24:01And they also let us stay here.
24:04I don't know if that's a good idea.
24:05This is a public place.
24:06Someone can recognize you.
24:08Well, with the change of appearance and these wigs,
24:11they can hardly recognize us.
24:13I hope so.
24:14But they don't trust each other.
24:17Elsa told me that she was looking for a way to get fake identities.
24:21Yes, Lizette spoke to her boyfriend.
24:23She agreed to communicate with her when she had news.
24:25I love that you have so much initiative.
24:30Thank you.
24:32I wanted to talk to you because I found something that can help us in your case.
24:41I don't understand.
24:42How can a photo help me where Juan Pablo, Ismael and other men are?
24:48Look at the cell phone that Juan Pablo brings.
24:53Isn't that the cell phone he always brought with him?
24:57And it's not the same one they presented in court as proof with the message you sent him.
25:03Why would someone like Juan Pablo have two cell phones?
25:07I have no idea.
25:09We need to find that cell phone to get the records of the calls.
25:13And maybe that can lead us to the real killer.
25:17You are the best, Juan Pablo.
25:26What are you doing here?
25:29We were talking.
25:30He is Alejandro Castillo, my lawyer.
25:33Nice to meet you.
25:34Nice to meet you.
25:35And she is Marta, the superior.
25:38You have spoken very well of you.
25:40I can imagine.
25:42I'm very sorry about what I have to tell you, but as you will understand, the situation is very difficult.
25:47And I don't want my son to find out who they are.
25:50It would be best if he didn't come looking for Lorena here.
25:53I offer you an apology.
25:55It won't happen again.
25:57I'm leaving.
25:58I'll keep you informed.
25:59Thank you.
26:01Excuse me.
26:10I didn't mean to be rude to him, but what if I hadn't been the one who came in?
26:15And that Dario Carmen had surprised them?
26:19And tell me, how did he know you were here?
26:22Elsa told him.
26:24And he brought me good news.
26:26He found a way to prove that I am innocent.
26:28I'm glad for you.
26:30And how did he meet Elsa?
26:31Because she told the police that he was her lawyer and he accepted.
26:35He's going to argue that Elsa ran away to see her son and once she did, she turned herself in.
26:40I hope it works.
26:41I hope so.
26:43Go back to work.
26:54Help me serve, I can't do it alone.
26:56They are ordering and ordering drinks.
26:58What a way to vulgarize the bar.
27:01It's a shame what these women do.
27:04They are despachatadas.
27:06Stop complaining and prepare two tonic vodkas, please.
27:22Good evening.
27:25I was waiting for you.
27:26Where did you go?
27:28Why did you just arrive?
27:30Are you watching me?
27:32No, I think it's very coincidental that you are Lorena Martinez's lawyer.
27:36And now you are also one of her colleagues with whom she escaped from prison.
27:40I don't see anything wrong with it.
27:42I am a lawyer and it is natural that among my defendants they recommend me.
27:46Now it turns out that you are the defender of the criminals that I have to catch.
27:50Detective Rojas.
27:52I work with people who have problems with the law.
27:55Yes, and unfortunately you and I are on opposite sides.
27:59And for our work we have confidentiality agreements.
28:02I agree.
28:04But just tell me if another fugitive has contacted you.
28:07I can't answer that.
28:09That means yes.
28:11Please let me do my job.
28:13Did you go to see the hammer?
28:15What are we?
28:17You to your job and me to mine.
28:19No questions and much less you dare to come and watch me.
28:22I'm not watching you.
28:23We are in a relationship.
28:25And that will not have affected you in my work life.
28:27I'm tired of having to remind you always.
28:30It will be better if we think if it is worth continuing with this relationship.
28:33Let's go.
28:51Last night we were a success.
28:54We did it.
28:56Who would have thought that some wigs would save us the night.
28:59And our dance steps that were great.
29:03I'm sure Dario must have woken up just as happy as us.
29:08We probably made him earn more money than any other night.
29:11So with this you think we have the job insured?
29:14Of course.
29:16The job and the place to live.
29:19You have no idea how calm I am.
29:22And we are close to the top.
29:24It could not be better.
29:26Hey, what good music.
29:27Oh yes.
29:32It's a joke.
29:45What do you want?
29:47Ask you to forgive me.
29:49Last night I behaved like an idiot.
29:51Can we meet in the afternoon?
29:53Forget it. You told me it was boring.
29:55Why do you want to waste time with me?
29:57Things that later I regret.
29:59That's your problem. Don't call me again.
30:02I don't care to know anything about you.
30:22I can't believe the sales we had last night.
30:25We earned what we normally get in a week.
30:29You can't deny me that the new waitresses were very creative.
30:34You wouldn't be thinking that they stay to work?
30:36It would be very stupid not to do it.
30:38After the results we had last night.
30:40But at the cost of what?
30:42If little was left to turn the bar into a table dance.
30:46They are the most common.
30:48Our bar is decent, Dario.
30:50You have to run them.
30:52But why?
30:54To animate the place. And it worked.
30:56Because the spirit of the bar has never been that.
30:58I refuse to lose the reputation that so much work has cost us to build.
31:02Let's look for other ways to promote it.
31:06For example, have a happy hour of the week.
31:10Or put other buttons on the menu. Change it. I don't know.
31:15I confess that I don't like the idea of ​​running them.
31:20I feel sorry for them. They look very needed.
31:23Well, you'll be more sorry when this bar becomes a place
31:27so that the rapists come to see the girls dance.
31:30Think about the example you are giving your son, Dario.
31:33In fact, if you feel sorry to run them, I won't.
31:36No, no, no, no, no.
31:41I'll do it.
31:49Why didn't they tell me they arrested another fugitive?
31:52I reported it to Ismael.
31:54If he didn't notice, it's none of our business.
31:58Good morning.
32:01I understand that you are going to interrogate my client.
32:04I want to be present.
32:06Who is it?
32:08He is Mr. Alejandro Castillo.
32:10Elsa Morales' lawyer.
32:12For no reason can you be present at the interrogation.
32:15I'm sorry to contradict you, but by law I have that right.
32:19It's strange that you don't know.
32:20The interrogation will take place when Prosecutor Dominguez arrives.
32:24If so, I would like to talk to my defendant first.
32:27Shall I accompany you?
32:29No, it's not necessary. I know the way.
32:32Excuse me.
32:39Good morning.
32:41How did you wake up?
32:44Fine, thank you very much.
32:46Do you want milk with chocolate?
32:48No, I don't drink milk.
32:50I only drink coffee.
32:54Did you put on the music last night?
32:56It was Julissa.
32:58Did you like it?
33:00A lot, I loved it.
33:02A very heavy coffee for the gentleman.
33:10We are already preparing breakfast.
33:12Sit down, we will serve you.
33:14Good morning.
33:16Good morning.
33:18What did you think of what we did yesterday?
33:20It was very lively and it sold a lot.
33:23We passed the test, right boss?
33:26I recognize the effort you made,
33:29but I'm sorry I can't hire you.
33:32Why not?
33:34My wife didn't like what happened last night
33:37and what you did doesn't go with the spirit of the bar.
33:39And what didn't you like?
33:41That you made a lot of money?
33:43It seems to me that for the first time the bar had a good atmosphere.
33:45The music they put on is always lame.
33:47Don't get involved, you don't know what we're talking about.
33:50I thank you for everything you did
33:52and we actually made a lot of money.
33:54Thanks to this, I will pay each of you your salary tonight.
33:58But you have to go.
34:00But I don't understand, if you didn't like something, we can change it.
34:06I'm very sorry, but the decision has already been made.
34:09As soon as we give you your money, you leave, please.
34:12Dad, you can't fire them.
34:16Go picking up your things, right?
34:20See you never.
34:51It's full of volcanic stone
34:53and the excavations would increase the budget in a very important way.
34:58Well, let's do an underground study and make a decision.
35:01No, no, I prefer you to look for another terrain.
35:04There's no point in wasting time.
35:08And tell me how things are going with Ismael
35:11now that you're back home.
35:15It was a pleasure to see you smile.
35:17Thank you.
35:18And how is Vicente doing?
35:21He's not the most hardworking man in the world, but he helps in something.
35:25He's just as rebellious as his mother.
35:27I mean, sometimes I think he has no choice.
35:29Maybe it would have been better for him to go back to Buenos Aires with her.
35:32No, no, no, leave it to me.
35:34I'll take care of disciplining him.
35:36I'm going to demand more from him.
35:38He has to learn to value what he has
35:40and that's only going to get him working in construction.
35:42Yes, of course.
35:44I hope so, but squeeze it.
35:45Let him live alone with his salary and no more money, okay?
35:49Don't worry.
35:51I'll let you work.
35:59See you later.
36:01Good morning, Prosecutor Dominguez.
36:03Good morning.
36:05Apparently you specialize in representing fugitives.
36:08I specialize in representing people who have problems with the law.
36:11They all have the right to have a defense.
36:14Good morning.
36:16Good morning.
36:18We proceed to the interrogation.
36:20Yes, of course.
36:22Let's go.
36:24Let's go.
36:28What's up?
36:30Excuse me.
36:34After what happened with Paula Farfa,
36:36I don't know if it's wise for you to be present at the interrogation.
36:39That woman may have important details about other fugitives.
36:41Besides, my personal issue with one of them
36:44will not prevent me from doing my job.
36:46Let's proceed then.
36:55Ismael Dominguez, the prosecutor in charge.
37:03I remind you that you are not obliged to answer any of the questions.
37:06If you have any questions, let me know first.
37:09It's your right.
37:12We are sure that you were with the other fugitives.
37:17So we assume that you know perfectly well what your plans were.
37:21Where are your friends?
37:23My defense will answer all your questions.
37:26But first I want to put a condition.
37:29What condition?
37:31That they assure me that Ramon Soto will not leave prison.
37:34We have already investigated it and it is indeed a drug trafficker.
37:38Count on that.
37:39With those background, Ramon Soto will spend many years in prison.
37:43Now tell me, what are your friends' plans?
37:47Leave the country.
37:49A friend of one of them will help them cross the other side.
37:52That costs a lot of money.
37:54They will cross swimming so as not to have to pay.
37:57And for what state of the republic do they intend to cross?
38:00For Nuevo León.
38:02And why did you join us in that plan?
38:04Because I fled to save my son from Ramon Soto.
38:07I didn't want him to end up like me.
38:09How did you do it to subdue him?
38:11When I got home, we started arguing.
38:14And he got very aggressive.
38:16In a carelessness, I grabbed a vase and threw it at his head.
38:19Taking advantage of the fact that he was unconscious,
38:22I called the attention of the police,
38:24shooting Ramon's gun in the air.
38:27And when the police arrived,
38:29I surrendered myself without resisting.
38:32Do you agree with Agent Rojas' report?
38:34Tell me the names of the fugitives who intend to cross the border.
38:40The names.
38:42We have a deal.
38:44Lizette Parra, Frida Segovia,
38:47Monserrat Torres, and Lorena Martínez.
39:05Get out of my room. You have nothing to do here.
39:07Get out! I think so.
39:09We have to talk, Perla.
39:11I told you not to call me that.
39:13I don't forget that we have a history.
39:15But that was in the past. It has nothing to do with the present.
39:17If you want the past to be left behind,
39:19my friends and I need the work to start a new life.
39:22Like you.
39:24It's a shame. You won't be able to do it here.
39:26Darío already made a decision.
39:28Because you didn't like what we did last night.
39:30But he was very happy.
39:32So it's up to you to make him change his mind.
39:34I don't understand why you became so moralistic now.
39:36If you were a ballerina when you worked for El Turco.
39:39I forbid you to mention that again in this house.
39:42If you don't want him to open his mouth,
39:45you have to make Darío return the job to us.
39:51I will be aware of my defendant's request.
39:54As you wish.
39:56Even if you lose your time.
39:58He is a criminal and as such we are going to process him.
40:01In that case, I say goodbye.
40:03Before you go, I want you to make a clarification.
40:06In Elsa Morales' file,
40:08the name of a woman who was in the house
40:11and who was in a relationship with the defendant
40:14appears in the name of a woman who was in the house
40:17and who was in a relationship with the defendant.
40:20It was a lawyer who defended her before she fled.
40:23And now, from good to bad,
40:26that lawyer is the same one that Lorena Martínez has.
40:29Don't you think it's a coincidence?
40:33You said it.
40:35Pure coincidence.
40:37And what do you think of what Elsa Morales says about Lorena Martínez?
40:40How are you going to defend her from that?
40:42Well, it's a shame that Lorena Martínez has decided to flee the country.
40:46Because that implies a lot of risk.
40:47But that goes beyond my work as her defense lawyer.
40:51Because you and I know that woman is innocent.
40:55Excuse me.
41:05I just saw the girl picking up her things from the warehouse.
41:09I can't deny that my heart was broken.
41:12What do you mean?
41:13Well, I thought about it.
41:15And I also feel sorry to leave her without a job.
41:18As you say, she looks very in need.
41:21I don't understand your radical change.
41:24In the morning you were firm that you didn't want them to be here.
41:27That's right, but I changed my mind.
41:30Maybe we can reach an agreement.
41:32If they don't get intimate with the customers by making them dance,
41:34the music wasn't bad.
41:36And they can learn to be good waitresses, right?
41:38Are you sure?
41:40Look, I wouldn't like you to change your mind again.
41:43I'm sure.
41:47Reinforce the operation on the border.
41:49Assign as many elements as possible.
41:52We have to find the fugitives before they try to cross the border.
41:55I just sent you the files of the four fugitives
41:58so you can distribute them with all the elements of the operation.
42:02I have important information.
42:04Keep me informed on any news.
42:06I just confirmed that the fugitives crossed the border.
42:13I was with a snitch that I have in Matamoros.
42:17I need you to confirm the information.
42:19Are you sure?
42:21Yes, boss.
42:23A coyote from here, from the area,
42:25crossed yesterday with four women by the river.
42:27How are you so sure that they are the same women
42:29that we are looking for?
42:31Here, among the gang, everything is known.
42:33The girls told the coyote that they had to cross
42:36because they had no choice.
42:38He proposed that they cross the next day,
42:40but they insisted that it had to be that same night.
42:42Everything matches.
42:44On the one hand, the letter that Gabriela gave me,
42:47where Lorena tells what her plans are to cross the border.
42:50And on the other, the testimony of Elisa Morales.
42:54But they swore that they are out of the country.
43:00Take good care of yourself, please.
43:03I don't want them to leave.
43:05I really like that they are here.
43:07Us too, but you see.
43:09Can I give you a hug?
43:20We're leaving.
43:22We were just saying goodbye to Mrs. Marta and Matías.
43:25You don't have to leave.
43:28You can stay to work.
43:30I saw the way you looked at Dario a moment ago.
43:34Respect Carmen.
43:36Lorena knows how to use her charms.
43:39You and she had something to do.
43:41We had a relationship.
43:43You messed with Ismael?
43:45You have to explain to me why that guy just said everything he said about you.
43:49I'm not going to commit a crime again.
43:51For nothing in the world I'm going to risk
43:53for them to put me in jail.
43:55I'm not going to do it.
43:56For nothing in the world I'm going to risk
43:58for them to put me in jail again.
44:02You are the fugitives that the police are looking for.