Her Fantastic Adventure Ep 9 Eng Sub

  • 3 months ago
Her Fantastic Adventure Ep 9 Eng Sub


01:30别想跟着他 要去到终点 Don't want to be with him, I want to go to the end
02:01他是证明我是逆天性的证据 He is the evidence that I'm a pervert
02:05这是咱俩的小秘密 This is our little secret
02:07我没跟别人说过 I didn't tell anyone
02:09这个是我特别亲近的一个人送给我的 This was given to me by a person I was very close to
02:13他陪我度过了很多很多艰难的时刻 He accompanied me through a lot of difficult times
02:21一定要保密 不能跟别人说 You must keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone
02:25你要记住 You must remember
02:28生活可以苦 我们负责甜 Life can be bitter. We are responsible for sweetness
02:34生活可以苦 我们负责甜 Life can be bitter. We are responsible for sweetness
02:39生活可以苦 我们负责甜 Life can be bitter. We are responsible for sweetness
02:58星四 依你看顾小姐是个什么样的人 Xing Si, what do you think Miss Gu is like?
03:03好人呐 虽然为人说话不着边界 She is a good person. Although she doesn't talk much
03:06但对公子处处用心 她是看在眼里 But she cares a lot about the young master
03:08胆同身受般 暖在心里 She is like a beast in my eyes and warm in my heart
03:11你那文采还是留在风骚话本里吧 You'd better keep your literary talent in the novel
03:14公子 看得出来您对顾小姐心意不假 Young Master, I can see that you have a good feeling for Miss Gu
03:18但您总不能这么折磨自己呀 But you can't torture yourself like this
03:21我看着心疼 I feel sorry for her
03:23况且顾小姐要真是坏人 她也不会告诉您她就是逆天星啊 Besides, if Miss Gu is really a bad person, she won't tell you that she is Ni Tianxing
03:30我看她没心没肺的 I don't think she is heartless
03:33正是如此所以才难 她要真是坏人 索性就这么来一刀 这一切也就断了 That's why it's so hard. If she is really a bad person, she can just kill herself
03:37这一切也就断了 Then everything will be over
03:40骗人 你才是无德 你敢不敢大点声 You are a liar. How dare you say that?
03:43你们俩明明两情相悦 有什么不好意思的 You two love each other. Why are you embarrassed?
03:48要不咱们直接找顾小姐 把话说开得了 Why don't we just talk to Miss Gu?
03:51说逆天星是圣雪门的帮凶 是我段家仇人 还是说这场婚姻是场试探 现在弄假成真 不知道该如何收场 They said Ni Tianxing is the accomplice of Shengxuemen and is my enemy. They also said this marriage is a test. Now it's a fake marriage. I don't know how to end it
03:59话说 想那段公子早就对顾府小姐情根深重 只可惜他已经有了这长庆第一美人杜若云 It is said that Mr. Duan has a deep affection for Miss Gu
04:06只可惜他已经有了这长庆第一美人杜若云 眼看这梁荒破彩眉睫 连成狗的阿黄都嗷嗷嗷 他找不到吃屎 磕大伤破 只求自保不愿捐粮 连段誉都束手无策 Even Duan Yu is helpless
04:30就在这时啊 顾府大小姐顾清桥出现在了苗家酒铺 只说道这五坛酒我干了 你就当交了我这个朋友 但是作为交换你得把这粮食捐出来啊
04:48这下段公子哪还坐得住啊 自然要与顾小姐双宿双飞啊 长庆 长庆 长庆 长庆 长庆 那杜小姐呢 要说这杜小姐啊 就看在座的各位何人能抱得美人归了 放肆 我们家小姐岂是你们能议论的 糟糕 这下惹祸了
05:18兄长不日便要出关了 若他知道小乔是逆天星的话 那可就麻烦了 如若兄长率先识破 那小乔便性命难保 要不咱们就骗过家主 或者您这儿取了顾小姐 让逆天星为咱们段家所用 这样家主就不会苛责了 你说的是什么混账话呀 对小乔对段家都是不负责任
05:49你少安毋躁 我也只是帮您履行思路 毕竟您是家主的弟弟 我想家主也不能全然不顾及您的感受吧 若真是那样 那便好了
06:04段公子竟然来银楼了 这是要给哪家姑娘挑首饰啊 想必是给杜小姐的吧 肯定是给顾小姐的 大会长 这是本店的镇店之宝 赤红琉璃珠 那您再看看这个 哎呀 掌柜的 哎呀 掌柜 你过来看看 你看看 你看看 哎呦 这怎么了这 你这个金丝都给我掐歪了 你快点再给我调一调 这真耽误我的事 等等
06:35我要这个 你听说了没有 段公子要娶亲 娶的不是杜小姐 是顾小姐 你听说了没有 段公子要娶亲 娶的不是杜小姐 是顾小姐
06:51你听说了吗 段公子要娶亲了 娶的不是杜小姐 是顾小姐
07:49Zhang Yuanyao is going to kill me.
07:50He's going to arrest me.
07:51I knew he was a man of his word.
07:54Dad, I'm going to clean up Xiruan.
07:56Where are you going?
07:58Miss, Guard Xing is here.
08:00So soon?
08:04Miss Du.
08:08Guard Xing.
08:09Mr. Pu.
08:10Is there anything you want to tell Mr. Duan?
08:13Yes, there is.
08:14Guard Xing.
08:15I know. I understand.
08:17I won't make it hard for you.
08:19Since we're good friends,
08:22can I see Mr. Duan one last time?
08:26So we can break up in person.
08:30Mr. Pu asked me to bring this.
08:41I've been waiting for this.
08:43A wedding gift.
08:45He even prepared a wedding gift.
08:47Happiness is always so short-lived.
08:51Duan Yu is not a jade.
08:54He's a vicious man.
08:55He wants to poison me to death.
09:00Tell him.
09:01Even if I'm wrong about Guo Jiangchao,
09:03I won't let him go even if I'm a ghost.
09:05Calm down.
09:06Guard Xing.
09:07Is there anything else you haven't taken out?
09:11Don't hide it.
09:12I know everything.
09:14You know Miss Guo likes pearl milk tea.
09:16There's no precedent in Changqing.
09:19So I personally made it for a whole morning.
09:21I sent it to Miss Guo to sober her up.
09:24That's all.
09:28Milk tea?
09:33Guard Xing, thank you.
09:35Milk tea is fragrant.
09:37And there's the fragrance of tea.
09:39Mr. Duan, you're so considerate.
09:43Look at this pearl.
09:45It's soft and delicate.
09:46It's full of strength.
09:49This one is so big.
09:55Is this a real pearl?
10:01Do we have to pick it up?
10:04Pick the biggest one.
10:16Milk tea
10:19Milk tea
10:21Milk tea
10:23Milk tea
10:25Milk tea
10:27Milk tea
10:28Could it be the phoenix coronet?
10:32It's all here.
10:34This is definitely the most expensive tea in the world.
10:37It's all my son's idea.
10:38I don't know if Miss Guo likes it.
10:41I like it. Of course I like it.
10:43But I'm afraid I can't eat it.
10:48But creativity is 100% effort.
10:51I must collect it well.
10:53No, I mean, treasure it.
10:56My lady is the best in tea in Chaoqing.
11:01It seems that I came at the right time.
11:03What's this fresh stuff?
11:04Don't let me open my eyes.
11:06Miss Du, since you're here,
11:08I'll leave first.
11:12Guard Xing, I have something to say to you.
11:17Luo Yan, you're here.
11:19I was just going to find you.
11:23The tea sent by Brother Duan Yu
11:25Even the bridge is not allowed.
11:26No, no, no.
11:28Guard Xing
11:30Guard Xing
11:34I called you for a long time.
11:35Mr. Guo, what do you want to see me for?
11:39I just want to ask
11:40When will the engagement with the Duan family be settled?
11:44My son will arrange it himself.
11:46You can go back and wait for the news.
11:48I'm afraid it's a long night.
11:50Don't worry, Mr. Guo.
11:51I'll leave first.
11:55Guard Xing, please tell me if you need anything.
11:59Sure, sure.
12:01You just said you were coming to see me.
12:03What's the matter?
12:05It's not convenient now.
12:08Yuan Hua, you can go down first.
12:18I have a few sisters to go to my house for tea tomorrow.
12:21Xiao Qiao, come with me.
12:23Try the treasures in my house.
12:25Ruo Yan, you're not angry with me.
12:27What can I do if I'm angry?
12:29If I'm angry,
12:31You won't be with Brother Duan Yu.
12:33Forget it.
12:39Anyway, I have been fighting with Brother Duan Yu since I was a child.
12:41He will definitely give way to me.
12:43I really envy you.
12:45What's the use of envy?
12:46I'm leaving.
12:49Don't forget to come early.
12:52See you tomorrow.
13:04Dong Xin.
13:06Do you think Ruo Yan is strange today?
13:11What's strange?
13:14I can't tell you.
13:16What should we do?
13:17What can we do?
13:18Look at her.
13:20She wants to fight with me to the end.
13:23So, should we fight?
13:25Why should we fight?
13:26I'm just a soy sauce.
13:28I don't have the right to fight with others.
13:30Anyway, remember.
13:31We should be more tolerant of others in the future.
13:35Miss, look at her today.
13:36She didn't dare to instruct you.
13:38She's obviously guilty.
13:40Yuan Hua, you're right.
13:42Gu Qingqiao pleases me first.
13:44He made me lose my guard.
13:45And he took the opportunity to do something behind my back.
13:47He took Brother Duan Yu away.
13:49Now he forced me to marry him.
13:51I can't believe he's a coward.
13:53He's a liar.
13:56It would be great if Duan Xiang was here.
13:57He will definitely give you a good idea.
14:00I'll teach him a lesson.
14:01Gu Qingqiao is so arrogant.
14:04How is it?
14:05Did you drink the milk tea?
14:06Did you say it was delicious?
14:09I'm not sure if I drank it or not.
14:11I came out in a hurry.
14:12What's wrong with you?
14:14Can't you handle this?
14:16Miss Du came here suddenly.
14:18I was afraid to disturb them.
14:20So, I came out first.
14:21I've seen Miss Du before.
14:24Why are you blushing?
14:27It's hot.
14:28It's hot.
14:29Young Master, I don't know if Miss Gu drank it or not.
14:32But she said she liked it very much.
14:35So, don't worry.
14:41I'll go out first.
14:45Well, go back.
14:55Congratulations, Miss Gu.
14:58Congratulations, Miss Gu.
15:04Congratulations, Miss Gu.
15:07Miss Gu, I wish you and Young Master Duan a happy marriage.
15:14Congratulations, Miss Gu.
15:19What's going on?
15:20Congratulations, Miss Gu.
15:23Tell me.
15:24Is he my father?
15:25Miss Gu.
15:27I really don't know anything.
15:40This tea cup is so beautiful.
15:42It's just a few rough drinks.
15:45We're good sisters.
15:46You're welcome.
15:47But this tea is the best peony tea.
15:50It's made of peonies?
15:54Peony tea is white tea.
15:56It's also the flower in white tea.
15:58It's good for heating and cooling.
16:00It also has the effect of nourishing the eyes and eyes.
16:03Is it necessary to drink tea like this?
16:07it's more delicate to drink the tea boiled by the silver fox.
16:10Drink it when it's warm.
16:11It's smooth and tender at the mouth.
16:14It's heart-wrenching and lively.
16:17If you want to drink different tea,
16:19you have to use different cups.
16:20You're right about a little bit.
16:25A little bit?
16:26A real good cup of tea
16:28needs to be paired with good tea leaves,
16:31spring water from the mountain,
16:33and the right water temperature.
16:34Then, you need to pair it with the right teapot.
16:37Only when the teapot is warm and fragrant
16:39can you drink it.
16:42I was reckless.
16:45The teapots in front of you
16:46are all famous teapots.
16:48Or specially made gold teapots,
16:51silver teapots, bronze teapots,
16:52sword teapots,
16:53clear teapots, and military teapots.
16:55Ruo Yuan, you're really talented.
16:58Not at all.
16:59I like it.
17:00I just need to have a bit of taste when I play with it.
17:05You're right about one thing.
17:09An interesting soul
17:10only needs one second
17:12to crush those ridiculous thoughts.
17:20Dong Xi, try this tea. It's really good.
17:26Four years later
17:30Miss Li from Jiangnan
17:31is not as interesting as Gu Qingqiao.
17:33Miss, don't forget your purpose.
17:36Don't let her confuse you.
17:38Look at how she was flirting with you today.
17:41This is clearly called guilty.
17:44You can't be soft-hearted.
17:48I'm no longer the old me.
17:51I'm not that easy to coax.
17:53Huh, thank you.
17:55Give me a pat on the back.
17:56I've been stuttering all day.
17:58Miss, why do you have to do this?
18:01It's all because of my father.
18:03He was envious of me.
18:05Now, I don't even have a chance to explain.
18:12It's better to drink tea from someone else's house.
18:24I miss you, but I don't care.
18:27Even if time turns white.
18:33You are all the reasons in my life.
18:37In this sea of people, I only have you.
18:41If we meet again, let's stay together.
18:53That's right.
18:54Before my brother comes back,
18:56I have to find a way to deal with Ni Tianxing.
19:00Childe, are you looking for me?
19:05I'm going out for a few days.
19:07Okay, I'll pack up.
19:08No need.
19:10I'll go by myself.
19:12My brother is coming back.
19:14Take care of the Chamber of Commerce for me.
19:16Take care of Duan Shaoyi.
19:18Childe, are you going far away?
19:20I'm going to the Holy Palace.
19:22Go to the Holy Palace?
19:23Childe, the people who go to the Holy Palace are not good at martial arts.
19:26They are useless.
19:27You can't go.
19:28Besides, the master is about to leave the temple.
19:31I have to find out Ni Tianxing's prophecy before my brother comes back.
19:35Otherwise, there will be a big mess.
19:37What if the prophecy of the Holy Palace says that Ni Tianxing will die?
19:41I don't dare to think about the consequences now.
19:44Childe, everything has a set number.
19:47So it can't be forced.
19:53It's not easy to meet good people.
19:56I don't dare.
20:00No need to say more.
20:02I've decided to go.
20:06Duan Yu is going to the Holy Palace?
20:08What is he so anxious about?
20:10He didn't say anything.
20:11He just said that he had to wait a while before he could come back.
20:14Isn't it that ordinary people can't go to the Holy Palace?
20:18But your uncle is not an ordinary person.
20:22Actually, I still don't know how I got here.
20:26But I will try my best to find a way to go back.
20:29You may have to wait a little longer.
20:33You must take care of yourself.
20:36I'm fine.
20:37Don't worry.
20:39Although I met a lot of strange people and things,
20:42I can handle them all at present.
20:47By the way.
20:49My arm is already healed.
20:51It's more powerful than before.
20:53I'll be a good man when I go back.
20:59Please bless my mother.
21:03Please bless Gu Qingqiao.
21:06Everything is safe.
21:11Duan Yu.
21:21Did you come to see me on purpose?
21:23I have to go out for a long trip.
21:25I may have to take a break for ten days before I can come back.
21:27Are you avoiding me on purpose because I'm a star?
21:33Why would I come to see you if I wanted to avoid you?
21:35I just want to remind you that you have to take good care of yourself when I'm not around.
21:39Why are you so serious?
21:43It's like a farewell.
21:45Are you going to do something dangerous?
21:48I don't want to see you again.
21:50It's not dangerous.
21:51Don't worry.
21:53Everything will be fine.
21:57When you go on a long trip next time,
21:59remember to tell me in advance.
22:01I can make dumplings for you.
22:03Get in the car.
22:07I want to eat dumplings on horseback and noodles on horseback.
22:10When I eat dumplings, I'll send you back to talk.
22:13Haven't you heard of it?
22:14It's a custom in your country.
22:18Then I'll wait for you to come back and eat noodles together.
22:20Let's stay together.
22:23By the way,
22:24this is for you.
22:25I think you should keep it.
22:27After all, this is the relic of the person closest to you.
22:30It should be extremely important to you.
22:32Now you are the most important person to me.
22:35The most important thing should be kept by the most important person.
22:38This is my most important decision.
22:40Let him stay with you for me.
22:49You are also the most important person to me.
22:51Believe me.
22:53Even if I encounter any difficulties,
22:55I will try my best to face it.
22:58I also hope to be with you all the time.
23:03No matter where you go,
23:05you have to come back safely.
23:08I'm here waiting for you.
23:15I believe
23:17there must be a way to find two fists in the Holy Palace.
23:21Then the domineering son fell in love with me.
23:36Why are you in a hurry?
23:38Duan Yu went to the Holy Palace.
23:40Why did he go to the Holy Palace?
23:41I don't know.
23:42It's probably related to Gu Qingqiao.
23:45Gu Qingqiao, Gu Qingqiao.
23:48Are you done?
23:54Why don't you forget Duan Yu?
23:57It's not that I can't forget him.
23:59I just don't want to give up.
24:05Then I'll take advantage of Duan Yu's absence
24:07to help you defeat Gu Qingqiao.
24:09Will you give up?
24:55I'm a genius.
24:57A top student of the iron cake team.
25:00It's done.
25:04Who's in there?
25:05Why did you lock the door?
25:08It's me.
25:09Dad, wait a minute.
25:10I'll be right there.
25:12I'll be right there.
25:22What are you doing in Dad's study?
25:24Why did you lock the door?
25:27I'm doing creative work in your study.
25:30Then when I closed the door,
25:31I accidentally locked the door.
25:34Creative work?
25:35What is creative work?
25:37Do you have to do creative work in my study?
25:40Why are you so insecure?
25:45You're being so rude.
25:47Then I'll return the study to you.
25:50I'll leave first.
25:51What are you holding in your hand?
26:02My painting.
26:06Qiaoqiao, come back with me.
26:10Close the door.
26:13What's wrong, miss?
26:14What happened?
26:15Master has been calling you.
26:16I used a few paintings to do creative work.
26:18He may not be able to understand for a while.
26:31Help me find some nice clothes.
26:33Miss, where are you going?
26:36I'm going to have a good relationship with my aunt and nephew.
26:40Can you call them aunt?
26:42That's called rival.
26:43All right.
26:44It's just a flattery.
26:46Look at the master.
26:48I'll go first.
26:52What should I do next?
26:55Dad doesn't move.
26:56I don't move.
26:57Know yourself and know your enemy.
26:58Only then can you fight for nothing.
26:59The book is not for nothing.
27:01Young master.
27:03How's it going with Gu Qingqiao?
27:05He hasn't been out of the house for a few days.
27:07He's been at home all the time.
27:08He said he was doing something creative.
27:11What is creative?
27:13He won't have any tricks again, will he?
27:16I don't know.
27:18I heard that some people came back from the dead.
27:21It's some evil things.
27:23They came back.
27:25Since he crawled out of the coffin,
27:27the scene has turned upside down.
27:31Did he get some kind of witchcraft?
27:36The soldiers came and the water came.
27:38I'm afraid of him.
27:40I'd like to see what he can do.
27:43Ruoyi, lead the way for me.
27:45Go and meet his creativity.
27:47Young master, don't bother.
27:49People have come.
27:52No way.
27:55It's so fast.
27:57At this moment, the fourth brother is waiting.
27:59He sent someone to tell me that he was waiting for you in the garden.
28:02And he knows that Miss Du is also in the house.
28:05He said he would invite you two to go together.
28:07Miss, will it be dangerous?
28:09You'd better not go.
28:16This is my Duan Mansion.
28:18I'm afraid he's a stranger.
28:22Ruoyi, go and get me a few guards.
28:25Arrange them in the garden just in case.
28:27Find a few smart people.
28:35I've never seen so many guards in the mansion before.
28:38Just a few of us.
28:40How about asking them all to leave?
28:42Miss Gu, you don't know.
28:44These guards are here to protect me.
28:46They never leave.
28:48If they meet some bad guys,
28:49they can't get in.
28:51You're in trouble again.
28:53No one will just knock on the door.
28:55Are you stupid?
28:56It's better not to be stupid.
28:57It's okay.
28:58Just pretend they don't exist.
29:00By the way,
29:01Miss Gu,
29:02do you have anything important to do today?
29:04I haven't seen you speak seriously.
29:06I'm not used to it yet.
29:08We haven't seen each other for a few times, have we?
29:15Come on.
29:16This is what I brought you today.
29:18Duan Yu is away.
29:19I guess you're as bored as I am.
29:22This is a new game I designed
29:24to get rid of our boring life.
29:31What do you think?
29:32Surprise or not?
29:33Surprise or not?
29:34Excited or not?
29:35Miss Gu,
29:36this game
29:37seems to have taken a lot of thought.
29:39It's a pity that Duan Yu is not here.
29:41Otherwise, we can play together.
29:43It doesn't matter.
29:44We can play first.
29:45We'll improve it later.
29:47We'll play together when Duan Yu comes back.
29:49So we're all food testers.
29:51What are you talking about?
29:52I have something good here.
29:53It's the first time I've brought it out to share with you.
29:56This game is called Great Talent.
30:01The rules are all written in the book.
30:02Let's take a look at it one by one.
30:04Let's see who has the ability
30:06to become a real great talent.
30:08This is the latest one I've made.
30:14Lin Xiaona.
30:15Mr. Yang is polite.
30:17Don't send things here all the time in the future.
30:22What's the matter today?
30:25It's still about food.
30:28The food last time was donated by me.
30:30At most, it solved your urgent problem.
30:33This is not a credit.
30:34It's a bit of a hard labor.
30:37Donating food is voluntary.
30:39You don't have to do it.
30:42Donating food is voluntary.
30:44Don't mention it again in the future.
30:47I won't mention it.
30:49But you have to know
30:51Last time I put all my family together.
30:53If it wasn't for Gu Qingqiao,
30:56Can I get to this point?
30:58I still have a family waiting for me to eat.
31:01If you have something to say, just say it.
31:03Don't beat around the bush.
31:07Can you think of the old times
31:10Help me again.
31:12Can you let the Gu family
31:14Take Qingfenglou
31:16You said people hurt you.
31:18You don't have evidence.
31:20I am a magistrate.
31:22Not a robber.
31:25Do you want me to grab Qingfenglou?
31:28I can't give it to you.
31:30It's a joke.
31:33Then you can't see it and save it.
31:36If the Gu family has any illegal actions
31:39Then it should be discussed separately.
31:41I can't help the rest.
31:50Illegal action
32:00The book is good.
32:02I bought it.
32:03No way
32:04Ruorui has already bought the book.
32:06If you want to read the book, you have to pay.
32:08Did you see it?
32:09Ten taels
32:10Ten taels
32:11So expensive
32:13That one
32:14Can I write two books to pay the debt?
32:18The book is to be written.
32:20But the debt can't be paid.
32:26All yours
32:28That one
32:29Fifteen taels
32:30I will read the book for a while.
32:33First come, first served
32:35This rule is right.
32:37I think it should be respected in all aspects.
32:39Have to grab from others
32:41That is a big price to pay.
32:43That's right.
32:44But everything has two sides.
32:47If the person who bought it first is bankrupt.
32:49That is equivalent to giving others a chance.
32:51What is it?
32:52I don't know who it is until the end.
32:55What is bankruptcy?
32:57Bankruptcy is no money.
33:00There is no assassin spirit.
33:06Get a treasure box
33:08Let me see
33:10The bidder is bankrupt.
33:12You can choose to buy the bidder.
33:14Or give up
33:16This kind of good thing
33:17I must buy it.
33:18Wait a minute, I take a look.
33:19The bidder is one tael
33:22Earn it
33:24Who is the bidder?
33:25Now it's mine.
33:26It's mine.
33:28Can I not sell it?
33:30That won't work.
33:33One tael for you
33:36It's mine.
33:37The two of us are clear.
33:41Just now I read the book
33:43Give more of that five taels
33:45Can you give it back to me?
33:46Of course not
33:47How can I give it back?
33:49Not wild at all
33:51Am I not wild?
33:53One tael for you
33:54I will look at it for a while.
33:56Don't show
34:01Yes, your young master.
34:03I just bought it.
34:04Two taels
34:06Earn three
34:07Admit it
34:09But to be honest
34:10I should have dropped out of school to do business.
34:12I am full of smart material
34:14There is no place to use.
34:15It doesn't matter
34:16Come to my Qingfeng Tower in the future
34:17Can be an intern manager
34:19Intern manager
34:22Then I am here
34:23Can make Qingfeng Tower
34:24No.1 in Changqing
34:26Wait a minute
34:27This person has a will
34:29If everyone in the world goes to school
34:31Who is responsible for eating?
34:33Who is responsible for cooking?
34:35Carving wood, gas bowl
34:36This world
34:37Not just by reading
34:38Can operate
34:39This is clearly a knight.
34:41You said too well
34:42Heroes are the same
34:44People will have a skill
34:46It's too interesting to break the jade.
34:48I also think so.
34:50You have to talk to my uncle.
34:55I still don't know how to play this thing.
34:58Use a lot of strength
35:00It's ok
35:02Let's find the dice and continue to play
35:04Help me find it.
35:07Find together
35:09Forget it
35:10Or come here first today.
35:11I am still not good at playing this kind of game
35:14I feel a little tired
35:16No, you play so well.
35:18Mine was taken away by you.
35:20That's it.
35:23Entertainment is the most important
35:25Since the young master is tired
35:27Then let's go.
35:30I am happy to play.
35:31Just go
35:32How to go
35:34It's ok
35:35That time is still long
35:36How to play in the future
35:39This Gu Qingqiao
35:40Sure enough, there is a witchcraft.
35:42Why do I talk to him?
35:43I forgot our action goal.
35:45Did you experience it?
35:46Actually, if it wasn't for Brother Duan Yu
35:49I am still very happy to play with him.
35:52As a friend
35:53As long as you are happy, I am happy.
37:26I dreamed that I jumped again.
37:30Maybe I am growing up.
37:34Miss Gu
37:35Still growing up
37:41What are you doing?
37:42You come to see the shop manager.
37:43No, I just come around.
37:49Why is there no one in your shop?
37:53It's not time to turn over yet.
37:54There are many people at the time.
37:57That line
37:58Give me a room
37:59Xiao You, I will eat dinner with you today.
38:01I will prepare dinner for you in person.
38:03Xiao Er
38:04Take the youngest young master to the best room.
38:06Young master, please
38:08Young master is really interesting
38:10I still want to play with me at this time.
38:12Dong Xian
38:13Make him good tonight.
38:16Dong Xian
38:19Where is the person?
38:21When the grain disaster, the Gu family made a lot of profits.
38:23Eat porridge and donate money
38:25Dong family is not easy
38:26I don't want the monthly payment.
38:27You don't want the monthly payment.
38:29Are you crazy?
38:30I don't care
38:31So you have to find me some money.
38:34Dad, I am your daughter.
38:36I am not a bank.
38:38How do you talk to your father?
38:44Didn't you just send the monthly payment?
38:46I am buying a new one.
38:48I like this one very much.
38:50Can still wear
38:55Your embroidery this time is not as exquisite as last time.
38:58I can only give you two taels of silver.
39:00Just two taels
39:01Just two taels
39:05Gu Qingqiao
39:06What are you doing?
39:10Am I asking for money for myself?
39:12Isn't it for your mother's debt?
39:15Your pair of earrings are good.
39:17Can also be used as money
39:18Dad, this is not good.
39:19This is what the lady gave me.
39:21The lady gave it to you.
39:22That is more valuable.
39:23Anyway, your lady has money.
39:25Let her give you another one another day.
39:27Give it to dad
39:29Dad, how are you like this?
39:31How can you be a father like this?
39:34Are you not convinced?
39:36You also got the earrings.
39:38Let's go
39:39Thank you, miss.
39:41and many more
39:42This is the last time.
39:43Things are signed and sold.
39:45Don't be angry.
39:46As long as the indenture is still in my hand for one day
39:48He is our Gu family.
39:50If you let me see you again next time
39:52We are the Yamen family.
39:54Yes, yes, yes
40:08This is your favorite earring.
40:11How important is the earring to you?
40:13I am not stupid.
40:43I am not stupid.
40:44I am not stupid.
40:45I am not stupid.
40:46I am not stupid.
40:47I am not stupid.
40:48I am not stupid.
40:49I am not stupid.
40:50I am not stupid.
40:51I am not stupid.
40:52I am not stupid.
40:53I am not stupid.
40:54I am not stupid.
40:55I am not stupid.
40:56I am not stupid.
40:57I am not stupid.
40:58I am not stupid.
40:59I am not stupid.
41:00I am not stupid.
41:01I am not stupid.
41:02I am not stupid.
41:03I am not stupid.
41:04I am not stupid.
41:05I am not stupid.
41:06I am not stupid.
41:07I am not stupid.
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