Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" is the latest installment in the "Planet of the Apes" franchise. Directed by Wes Ball, the movie is expected to continue the story from the previous trilogy, which ended with "War for the Planet of the Apes" in 2017. The film is set to explore the future of the apes' society and their interactions with the remnants of human civilization.
Short filmTranscript
01:48There was a time when humans and apes lived side by side
01:57But it ceases
02:00to exist
02:07Apes hunt humans. That is the law, but the law is wrong
02:21You chose humans over apes
02:27Together you will die
02:33Stole my village. I will find them. I will bring them
02:47We are safe together
02:55Kingdom of a planet of the apes enter the kingdom in IMAX only beaters may tap tickets on sale now
03:08Are you familiar with the concept of evolution?
03:20In their time humans were capable of many great things
03:28They could fly like eagles fly they could speak across oceans
03:39But now it is
03:43Our time and it is my kingdom
03:53Will learn
03:57Apes will learn high
04:03And I
04:05Will conquer
04:17Legend says ape and human live side by side impossible is that may seem
04:24Why do they hunt her? She is smarter than most
04:29the elders
04:32Did not tell us everything
04:35About this world
04:38Bend for your king
04:43Apes hunt humans
04:47That is wrong
05:08Together you will die no together strong
05:29When I sleep I
05:32I see strange things
05:44Not memories
05:51No things
05:55I see everything
06:01That is not everything
06:49What a wonderful day