صباح الأخبار - 09/07/2024

  • 3 months ago
مدي 1 تي في : صباح الأخبار - 09/07/2024


00:00Asaad Allah sabahakum wa wakatakum bi kulli khayr mushayyidina al-Azhaa, min jadeed nuhaikum
00:05wa nuqaddimu lakum hadhi al-fatar al-akhbariyya al-sabahiyya al-sabah al-akhbar ala kanatikum
00:09Median TV wa ila anawin al-nashara.
00:13Burrita yuakidu ana al-Maghriba muqtani'un daiman bi ana al-Midhalata al-Umamiyyata daruriyatun
00:18li idfai al-shari'i ala ayi halin lil-azmati al-Libya.
00:23Wa fi Washington yajtamiq qadatu duwa al-Hilfi al-Shamal al-Atlasi al-Natu al-yawm fi qimmatin
00:29yuradu laha an takuna tarikhiyya ba'da khamsatin wa sabayn a'man min insha'i al-Hilf.
00:36Wa alaf al-Falasaneena yafurruna min Madinat Ghazza ba'da maaqtahamaha al-Jaysh al-Israili
00:42bil-dabbabat da'ayan ila ikhla'i ahya'a idhafiyya.
00:59Al-Maghriba kana daiman muqtani'an bi ana al-Midhalata al-Umamiyyata daruriyatun li idfai
01:12al-shari'i ala ayi masarin wa ayi halin lil-azmati al-Libya.
01:16Wa aqiba mubahatatin ajraha fil-Rabat maa al-Mumathila al-Khalsa bil-Niyaba lil-Amin al-Aam
01:22al-Umami fi Libya, Stefani Khouri, abraza Bureeta anna hu kana hunaka hirsun ala an
01:27anta kuna al-Umam al-Mutahida mutabi'an lil-Milaf al-Libyi
01:30wa anta kuna ala ilmin bil-taharrukat al-Diplomasiya lati taqomu biha al-Mamlaka
01:35fi itari hada al-Milaf, musajilan anna hada al-Hirsa tajassada
01:39mindo al-Hiwar al-Libyi fi al-Skheirat,
01:41haythu ishtaghal al-Maghrib maa al-Umam al-Mutahida,
01:44wa kadhalik fi Buzneqa wa fi kula al-Ijlima'at.
01:47Wa awdaha anna ziyarat Khouri lil-Maghrib ta'ti fi itari al-Tansiqi
01:51wa al-Tansiqi wa al-Tashawur al-Daimain bain al-Janibain
01:54min muntalag ta'limat Jalalata al-Malik Muhammad al-Sadis
01:57bi anna taharruka al-Maghrib fi itari al-Milaf al-Libyi
02:00yakoona daiman bil-Tashawur wa bil-Tansiqi maa al-Umam al-Mutahida.
02:07Fi mawdu'in akhira yajtama'a al-yawm
02:09qadatu duwal Hilfi al-Shamal al-Atlasiya NATO fi Washington
02:13wa dhalika ila ghaya al-11 min al-Shahr al-Jari
02:17fi qimma yuradu laha an takoona tarikhiyya ba'da 75 aaman min inshaa al-Hilf
02:23wa wifqan lil-muhallileen ya'ti ijtima'u raasa al-duwal wal-hukumat
02:27fi waqtin mahfoofin bil-makhater
02:29haytu yawajha al-Hilf harbaan fi Europa
02:32wa al-adid min al-azamat al-alamiyya.
02:34Wa hasba lamina al-aam li Hilfi al-NATO Jens Stoltenberg
02:38sa turakkiza al-qimma ala 3 qadaya raisiyya
02:41tatamathalu fi ta'azizi difa'i al-Hilf
02:43wa da'mi juhudi difa'an Ukraniya
02:45wa huwa al-band al-akthara ilhahan
02:47wa muwasala ta'azizi sharakat al-NATO al-alamiyya
02:50khasatan fi mintaqat al-muhitayn al-Hindi wal-Hadi.
02:54Kama sa yusallim al-Norwayji Stoltenberg
02:57qiyadat al-Hilf
02:58alati yatawallaha mndhu aam 2014
03:01ila raisi al-wuzera al-Hollandi
03:04al-hali Mark Rotte.
03:06Wazir al-Dakhili Abdul Wafi al-Iftit
03:13bil-Ma'ahad al-Maliki
03:14lil-idarati Torabiyya bil-Qunaytera
03:16tara'asa hafla takhuruj al-fawja 59
03:20lil-silk al-aadi lil-rijal al-sulta
03:24waladhi yadhamu 124 kharijan wa kharija
03:28wadhalika bi-huduri adadin
03:30min al-shakhsiyat al-madaniya wal-askariya.
03:33Wa khilala al-hafil
03:34tamma tawzi'u al-shahadat
03:35ala al-mutafawiqin
03:36kama tamma taqdeemu ista'aradan
03:39min taraf al-mutakharijin.
03:40Wa afada balaun
03:41lil-wizarati al-Dakhiliya
03:42be-inna hadhihi al-munasaba
03:44ta'kisu mada al-ahtimam
03:45al-ladhi tawliha al-wizara
03:47lil-tathmini mawaridhi al-bashariya
03:49bi-shaklin aam
03:50wa lil-mandhumati al-takween
03:51bil-Ma'ahad al-Maliki
03:52lil-idarati Torabiyya
03:53ala wajh al-khusus
03:55wa hirsiha ala takweeni
03:57wa maddi idarati al-qurb
03:59bi-jilin jadeed
04:00min al-mas'ulin al-qadirin
04:01ala rafa'i al-tahadiyat
04:03wa kisb al-rihanat
04:05bistikmali awrash al-tanmiya
04:07wa bina'i sirh al-taqadum
04:09al-ladhi yaquduh
04:10sahib al-jalala
04:11al-Malik Muhammad al-sadis
04:12fi sabili khidmat al-mu'atim
04:18Fi al-Rabat
04:19waq'at Wizarat al-Shabab
04:20wa Thaqafa wa Tawasul
04:21wa Sharika al-Wataniya
04:22lil-Idha'a wa Talfeza
04:23ittifaqiyata sharaka
04:25tata'allaku bi-taghtiyat al-alamiya
04:27lil-iktishafat al-arkeologiya
04:29bi-mawqi'i Shala
04:31wa Sijil Masa al-Athariyain
04:33wa tahdifu hadhi ittifaqiya
04:35allati waqa'a Wazir al-Shabab
04:36wa Thaqafa wa Tawasul
04:37Muhammad al-Mahdi bin Sa'id
04:39wa al-ra'is al-mudir al-aam
04:41lil-Sharika al-Wataniya
04:42lil-Idha'a wa Talfeza
04:43Faisal Al-Arayshi
04:44tahdifu ila al-ta'arif
04:45wa al-tahsis
04:46bi-ahmiyat l-iktishaf
04:49wa igna'a al-ma'arif
04:51al-tarikhiyya wa al-torathiyya
04:52bi-al-mamlaka wa al-nuhud
04:54wa al-hifadh
04:56abra tasliyat al-daw
04:57ala aham hadhi il-iktishafat
04:59ittifaqiya muhimma jiddan
05:01li'anna al-makhirat
05:03la'ithin yaqtifi al-mushru'
05:05tarmim madina
05:10wuna fi madinat al-ribad
05:12muhimma jiddan
05:13li'anna la'itha faqat
05:15ya'ni da'm
05:16li-tarmim hadha
05:17la'ithin yaqtifi al-mushru'
05:18walakin hatta nkhirat
05:19la'ithin yaqtifi al-mushru'
05:20bash yikonu baramij
05:22li yaqtikallim
05:23ala al-tarikh dir hadh al-mintiqa
05:30bima na'ishuhu
05:32yali rtibatan
05:33madi bil-hadir
05:34wa bil-mustaqbal
05:35andu wahd
05:43da'ma qratat
05:48al-tani mohim
05:49dir al-sijj al-masa
05:50li'andu al-tarikh
05:51kif ma'akash
05:58fakat fil-tarikh
06:06ila hadha
06:46In the end, the developments of the Israeli war on Gaza
06:49where thousands of Palestinians fled the city
06:51after the Israeli army tanks were bombed
06:54in a bid to evacuate additional areas
06:58at the time of the fight
07:00with the continuous intensive shelling
07:02where the fierce battles continue
07:04in the besieged Palestinian territory
07:06where eyewitnesses reported
07:08that Israeli tanks
07:10bombed many areas
07:12in the city of Gaza
07:13in addition to a wave of shelling
07:15from military aircraft
07:17and vehicles
07:18which caused thousands to flee again
07:21On the one hand, Hamas considered
07:23that the Israeli forces' escalation
07:25to invade the neighborhoods of Gaza
07:28and forcing tens of thousands of civilians
07:30to leave their homes
07:32under the brutal shelling
07:34is a sign of a continuous war of extermination
07:37against the Palestinian people
07:44We turn to France
07:46where many followers
07:48do not ignore the political turmoil in the country
07:51after the results of the legislative elections
07:53in its second round
07:55which were suddenly issued
07:57by the Left Alliance
07:59the society under the banner
08:01of the new People's Front
08:03led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon
08:05but without a majority.
08:07A report by Najat Boutefsoud
08:09The French are facing this year
08:11a much hotter summer
08:13than the previous one
08:15after the fierce escalation
08:17in the political arena
08:19The results of the second round
08:21of the French legislative elections
08:23shocked the political parties
08:25and put the French
08:27in front of the possibility
08:29of a suspended parliament
08:31and political chaos
08:33The People's Front
08:35is the one who created the surprise
08:37after the results were issued
08:39We find ourselves
08:41in front of France
08:43unable to rule
08:45Everyone deceived everyone
08:47and in the end
08:49the two parties
08:51that support the French
08:53find themselves unable to rule
08:55A government will be formed
08:57that the French did not agree with
08:59The followers see
09:01that these elections
09:03confirm something important
09:05that France is not ready
09:07to hand over the power
09:09to the far-right
09:11to other European countries
09:13For them, the far-right
09:15is the main loser
09:17in the legislative elections
09:19won by the left
09:23Through these elections
09:25we know the loser
09:27which is the far-right
09:29which did not get the absolute majority
09:31that it sought
09:33and did not get the relative majority
09:35that most people expected
09:37to get
09:39On the other hand, we know the winner
09:41No one won
09:43Therefore, the current situation
09:45is a case of parliamentary conflict
09:47Will all this be of great importance
09:49in the short term?
09:51Because the president does not accept his resignation
09:53and he can continue to rule
09:59On the other hand,
10:01it is expected that the middle class
10:03will not be able to remain
10:05after the president's resignation
10:07On the other hand,
10:09it is expected that the middle class
10:11will not be able to remain
10:13after the president's resignation
10:15by calling for these early elections
10:17by calling for these early elections
10:19It is also expected that
10:21Macron's military
10:23will be a major beneficiary
10:25after joining his position
10:27as a major player
10:29in the battle to form the government alliance
10:31a major beneficiary
10:33in the battle to form the government alliance
10:35a major beneficiary
10:37in the battle to form the government alliance
10:41The presidential candidate
10:43for the US presidential election
10:45Donald Trump
10:47refused to withdraw his opponent
10:49President Joe Biden
10:51from the presidential race
10:53despite the pressure
10:55that his Democratic allies
10:57are under
10:59Trump presented
11:01Trump presented
11:03Trump presented
11:05Trump presented
11:07Trump presented
11:09Trump presented
11:11Trump presented
11:13Trump presented
11:15Trump presented
11:17Trump presented
11:19Trump presented
11:21Trump presented
11:23Trump presented
11:25Trump presented
11:27Trump presented
11:29Trump presented
11:31Trump presented
11:33Trump presented
11:35Trump presented
11:37Trump presented
11:39Trump presented
11:41Trump presented
11:43Trump presented
11:45Trump presented
11:47Trump presented
11:49Trump presented
11:51Trump presented
11:53Trump presented
11:55Trump presented
11:57Trump presented
11:59Trump presented
12:01Trump presented
12:03Trump presented
12:05Trump presented
12:07Trump presented
12:09Trump presented
12:11Trump presented
12:13Trump presented
12:15Trump presented
12:17Trump presented
12:19Trump presented
12:21Trump presented
12:23This is how the Bouskoura forest
12:25looks like at the beginning of the week
12:27The weekend
12:29was capable of turning the forest
12:31from a space for recreation
12:33and enjoying the beautiful nature
12:35to a place of garbage
12:37that is everywhere
12:39Family waste
12:41that deforms the image
12:43of the green lung
12:45of the city of the White House
12:47and its windows
12:49There are 12 rivers
12:51but they want to make
12:53the place a little cleaner
12:55and that's what it is
12:57and those who have to come from Muram
12:59and those who have to go
13:01to find clean places
13:03and that is necessary
13:05to keep
13:07the forest
13:09a place for everyone
13:11to preserve
13:13The positive behavior of citizens
13:15to preserve the cleanliness of public spaces
13:17and achieve sustainable development
13:19is one of the main challenges
13:21of civil society
13:23which confirms the need
13:25for sustainable management
13:27in parallel with awareness
13:29to ensure the protection
13:31of the ecological system of the forest
13:33Unfortunately, the Bouskoura forest
13:35does not take its right
13:37although it has a number of
13:39material possibilities
13:41but unfortunately today we see
13:43the situation of the game
13:45that is not in its place
13:47and the lack of monitoring
13:49and maintenance
13:51by the direct supervisors
13:53of the forest
13:55The Bouskoura forest
13:57has been prepared
13:59in a modern way
14:01but unfortunately the forest
14:03does not take care
14:05of the civil society
14:07and the constituencies
14:09of the elected councils
14:11and that's why the citizens
14:13should contribute
14:15The Bouskoura forest
14:17is like the White House
14:19It extends over 3000 hectares
14:21and forms an ecological element
14:23of the first tier
14:25on the one hand
14:27It is also a distinguished
14:29destination for visitors
14:31from all age groups
14:33and sports lovers
14:35To the city of Tangier now
14:37where the activities of the 15th round
14:39of the summer university
14:41for the benefit of young Moroccans
14:43This university is an opportunity
14:45for young Moroccans
14:47to get to know more about
14:49the development of Morocco
14:51under the leadership of His Majesty
14:53King Mohamed VI
14:55and to discover the cultural
14:57economic and touristic
14:59characteristics of Morocco
15:01The President of the Moroccan
15:03Council of Foreign Affairs
15:05Idriss El Yazami talked about
15:07the history of the migration
15:09of Moroccans abroad
15:11and how it is a special destination
15:13for the immigrants
15:17To the main section
15:19where we will follow these scenes
15:21related to the change of the Kaaba
15:23for the year
15:251446 AH
15:411446 AH
15:431446 AH
15:451446 AH
15:471446 AH
15:491446 AH
15:511446 AH
16:07At the end of the broadcast
16:09Al-Fatrah Al-Ekhbariyah Sabahiyah Sabah Al-Ekhbar
16:11Latazal Mutawasili Ala Kanatikoum Median TV
16:13Natawqaf Ma Ahwal Al-Taqs
16:15Thumma Na'oud Wa Naltaqi Min Jadeed
16:17Arjouan Tabqoum Ala