Une affaire Française - 09/07/2024

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Une affaire Française - 09/07/2024


00:00This is it, it's done, the second curtain of the legislative elections has fallen, with results and surprises.
00:18Suddenly, the National Right in front, then the far left with this feeling of a jar of humanity
00:24where we find Trotskyists, Stalinians, S-files, leftists, socialists who wonder what they are doing there and who know nothing about it,
00:33misguided ecologists, people who voted left because they didn't want the right,
00:38others who always voted left because they didn't know what to do, maybe out of boredom, maybe out of habit,
00:45with this electoral system where we don't vote for, but against.
00:50All of this doesn't make much sense.
00:52By the way, will France be better or less governable after this scrutiny?
00:56Nobody knows, the president himself knows, he who organises what seems good to him.
01:02Nobody wanted this scrutiny, except him, a few advisors, a few enlightened friends,
01:07the expression is amusing, an enlightened friend, enlightened by whom, by what, we don't know, it's still mysterious.
01:13France, with a new political don, but ultimately, what is the importance of it,
01:18since the great winner is the deep state, the administration, diplomacy, defence, state bodies,
01:25all those that don't move, that don't permute, the immutable France, the France that doesn't weaken,
01:30the France that carries this part of eternity, like all states, by the way, yes, all have a part of eternity.
01:36It's interesting, there are in each nation men who live, who think about the longevity of the political system,
01:42men who are beyond the scourge of the days and the saliva of the intestinal rages,
01:47and the regulations of political accounts, men and women who think their nation beyond the obstacles of everyday life.
01:54Peoples are animated by intrinsic forces, forces capable of transcendence.
01:59This gives a force, a real power, in the case of France, which loves to have fun with democracy,
02:06the force is a bit to do anything, because somewhere, people know that the country will hold,
02:11it's a bit like dancing on a tightrope over a precipice, the one who falls, dies,
02:16but as he doesn't fall, he continues to dance, taking all the risks,
02:20as if French democracy was a risk factor management, a bet on the future,
02:25the bet of a people who, in the midst of the wave, has always known, always known, to grab on.