• 2 months ago
00:00:00Yes, sir. We promised you a great main event here tonight.
00:00:02Hey, Classy, the make-out can't be such a-
00:00:05Hulkamania is running wild!
00:00:09You're fired!
00:00:13This kind of world is watching!
00:00:20Tonight, on Friday Night SmackDown,
00:00:23it was an attack that destroyed a family.
00:00:26I no longer consider you my family.
00:00:29I no longer consider you my brother.
00:00:33Now, Jeff Hardy returns to Friday Night SmackDown
00:00:36to confront his brother.
00:00:39What will the Extreme Enigma do to the flesh and blood
00:00:43that betrayed him?
00:00:45Jeff Hardy returns to Friday Night SmackDown
00:01:00If I'm on the floor
00:01:04Don't ever count me out
00:01:08Cause I will stand up strong
00:01:12Is what I'm all about
00:01:15Cause if you are like me
00:01:19You always stand your ground
00:01:23And you'll take me back
00:01:27Oh, yes, you're going to
00:01:48We're on our way to New Orleans
00:01:50as we welcome you to Friday Night SmackDown!
00:01:54Jim Ross and Taz Ambringside
00:01:57and thanks for being with us on My Network TV.
00:02:00This is phenomenal.
00:02:14Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the general manager
00:02:16of Friday Night SmackDown, Vickie Guerrero
00:02:19and the WWE Champion,
00:02:22the Rated-R Superstar,
00:02:26Just in time for Valentine's Day.
00:02:42And a self-proclaimed first couple
00:02:44of Friday Night SmackDown.
00:02:51Oh, yes, you're going to
00:02:54Oh, yes, you're going to
00:02:57I'll tell you, if you get a look
00:03:00at Vickie's attire,
00:03:02I guess you know who wears the pants.
00:03:04Cause if you are like me
00:03:06You always stand your ground
00:03:09And you'll take me back
00:03:12Oh, yes, you're going to
00:03:15Oh, yes, you're going to
00:03:36in just two days i am being forced being forced to defend my wwe championship
00:03:48i'm being forced to defend this championship my wwe championship inside the most brutal invention in wwe history the elimination chamber
00:04:08a 10 ton metal edifice surrounded by two miles of steel chain
00:04:18and you know this match would be difficult enough if i were going in at 100% but i'm not
00:04:29you see last week i suffered a neck injury
00:04:42i suffered a neck injury at the hands of the undertaker
00:04:52after he gave me a tombstone pile driver directly onto my hand
00:05:03oh and how did i end up in that position you ask?
00:05:07well let's see my tag team partner the big show punched me in the face
00:05:18well you all enjoyed that did you yeah you don't like that
00:05:24well i'll tell you what i enjoy i enjoy the fact that i am still the wwe champion
00:05:40and i enjoy the fact that i got the hottest chick in the game wearing my chain
00:05:48the love of my life vicky guerrero
00:05:59now vicky i know you have a very special announcement to make correct
00:06:04yes thank you
00:06:14after after consulting with edge's doctors
00:06:23excuse me
00:06:27excuse her
00:06:30i said excuse me
00:06:34after consulting with edge's doctors
00:06:43it has been determined that edge can and will compete this sunday
00:06:52however based on what happened this past week
00:07:02i decided to not risk my husband's health any further
00:07:09so edge will not compete here tonight
00:07:22hey hey listen up you will all respect the general manager of smackdown
00:07:32you know what as a matter of fact each and every one of you are her guests right now
00:07:37so i suggest to be quiet
00:07:43you will also respect the fact that i will walk out of no way out still your wwe champion
00:07:51well the largest athlete in the world may have something to say about that
00:08:04well the big show is one of five men gunning for edge's wwe title this sunday
00:08:10six men in the elimination chamber to compete for the wwe championship
00:08:16the big show of course the wwe champion edge
00:08:20and what about the undertaker what about undefeated Vladimir Kozlov
00:08:24Jeff Hardy gets his rematch in the elimination chamber
00:08:28and let's not forget the 12 time wwe champion Triple H
00:08:34it's a big show
00:08:47who do you think you are marching out here after what you did last week
00:08:51you jeopardized my career my health my champion
00:08:56edge you need to relax man you're like so stressed out you're going to have a seizure or something
00:09:07you might want to save your energy you know store it up
00:09:12because after this sunday you're going to have so much to complain about when you're not the wwe champion anymore
00:09:19you see you can hide behind Vickie as it relates tonight as far as competing goes
00:09:28but two days from now no no no that's a whole nother story isn't it
00:09:34see i'm sure you're well aware of that every brand has to have a championship elimination chamber match
00:09:44and that comes straight from the wwe board of directors
00:09:48so you my long hair weasley friend while you may have got by tonight
00:09:55come this sunday you're going to have no way out
00:10:06that's cute that's cute to see what he did there Vickie
00:10:09because the pay per view this weekend is called no way out
00:10:12and he's saying my predicament i have no way out
00:10:15oh that's so intelligent bravo big show bravo so clever
00:10:23oh don't feed his ego
00:10:28what's the matter with you man what's the matter with me
00:10:31last week we had the undertaker and triple h beat all you had to do was follow my game plan
00:10:38but you couldn't do it huh you had to make a statement
00:10:42you had to make a big statement of my expense right
00:10:46well i got a statement i got a statement for you
00:10:51yeah i am the wwe champion
00:10:58my entire career i have defied the odds impossible odds
00:11:08and big show you're wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong
00:11:13you're all wrong because there is a way out
00:11:18i always find the way out
00:11:22I was literally sent to hell but yet who stands here as the WWE champion? I'll
00:11:34give you a hint it's not you and whose fault is that huh? You used to be a
00:11:41stand-up guy show I could trust you as a matter of fact you took care of my wife
00:11:46while I was gone
00:11:52hey let's just cut to the chase okay when you start making stuff up just cut
00:12:06this tape I made you a promise you thought I broke that problem I kept that
00:12:11promise I promised you I wouldn't walk out on you I'm making you another
00:12:16promise this Sunday you will not walk out with that championship
00:12:25see I'm gonna take pride in smearing you all over that cage I'm gonna grind
00:12:31your face under my boot I'm gonna wipe the walls with you that's enough
00:12:36Vickie do something why don't you do something do something Vickie you do
00:12:41something you coward
00:12:54Big Show my husband cannot compete tonight but you can so tonight you will
00:13:03take on the undefeated Vladimir Kozlov, Triple H, and The Undertaker
00:13:18it's every man for himself in a fatal four-way match
00:13:26hopefully hopefully at the end of the night all of you will make it to No Way
00:13:46well realistically you think about it what are the odds that all four men in the
00:13:51fatal four-way are going to make it to No Way Out in one piece I don't know but
00:13:57I can't wait to see this match
00:14:05Kozlov, Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, Fatal Four-Way tonight and last of all
00:14:11ladies and gentlemen tonight the former WWE Champion Jeff Hardy returns to Friday Night Smackdown
00:14:17some say that Jeff has been devastated we'll find out in the end camp's own words tonight
00:14:27WWE Smack of the Night is brought to you by Just For Men
00:14:31stay in the game with Just For Men hair color
00:14:35one fall non-title matchup earlier tonight in the Battle Royal MVP eliminated Shelton Benjamin
00:14:47I'm calling this a streak that's three in a row for MVP
00:15:18and his opponent from Miami, Florida
00:15:20weighing 249 pounds with Montel Vontavious Porter
00:15:27MVP looking to go 4-0 in the last few weeks
00:15:31against Chavo Guerrero in two minutes
00:15:33one thing's certainly violently incumbent
00:15:35other than their outstanding skills
00:15:37and that's their each other's side set on the United States title
00:15:42MVP, I've been very impressed personally with MVP the past several weeks
00:15:48in MVP's words, JR, he's been straight up ballin'
00:15:52you know what that means, right? Ballin'
00:15:54well, can you tell me later?
00:15:57yeah, sure
00:15:58it's one fall match here
00:16:00MVP, the longest reigning U.S. Champion in Smackdown history
00:16:04343 days
00:16:06that's amazing, that's impressive
00:16:10talk about impressive
00:16:12nice hard shot with that clothesline
00:16:14MVP looking to make short work of the third generation superstar
00:16:19who calls our general manager, Ant Vickie
00:16:24wow, talk about innovative by Chavo Guerrero
00:16:30take a rib out that way and Chavo, no wasted motion
00:16:35Chavo not wasting any time
00:16:37Chavo not wasting any time in the center
00:16:39Chavo, no!
00:16:41taking a chance
00:16:44Guerrero going downstairs and now over the top
00:16:48showing certainly versatile offense
00:16:54these men got to get back in the ring
00:16:56can't win on the outside, obviously
00:16:58referee has a ten count to work with
00:17:00and now Guerrero looking for three
00:17:03MVP! MVP! MVP! MVP!
00:17:10I'm hearing something a month ago, I thought I'd never hear it
00:17:15MVP chants
00:17:18are these fans chanting for MVP or are they chanting against Chavo Guerrero?
00:17:23don't know
00:17:26nice wide base by Guerrero
00:17:28certainly a United States championship
00:17:31that has had numerous WWE Hall of Famers
00:17:34have the distinction of being the U.S. Champion
00:17:38about the great Bobo Brazil
00:17:41one of the most charismatic big men in WWE history
00:17:47great features on Bobo this month
00:17:49on WWE 24-7 In Demand
00:17:58Guerrero, I got to tell you, I'm
00:18:00not in shock, but I'm kind of appreciative of
00:18:03the fatal four-way match that
00:18:05our general manager, Vickie Guerrero
00:18:08is putting out here this evening on SmackDown
00:18:12I think she made it to punish the other competitors, quite frankly
00:18:16but nonetheless, it will be a scintillating main event later tonight
00:18:19well, whatever Vickie's reasons are, I'm going to enjoy it
00:18:23so, JR, I'm putting you on the spot, pick a winner
00:18:27I'll go with MVP
00:18:29I met the fatal four-way, come on
00:18:33it's a hard one to pick, I'll tell you
00:18:35my picks this year haven't been so good
00:18:38how do you
00:18:40how do you pick against The Undertaker?
00:18:44there's a cover
00:18:46well, wait a minute, how do you pick against Triple H?
00:18:50the undefeated in singles competition, Vladimir Kozlov
00:18:53how do you pick against that man?
00:18:57the largest athlete in the world in the big show
00:18:59so we've done a great job of straddling the pants
00:19:03John Bo Guerrero just did a great job of
00:19:05eating the second turnbuckle
00:19:07looking to drop it
00:19:08trying to, and just got the
00:19:10almost took Guerrero's head off
00:19:14take the taillights out with that
00:19:17MVP seems to be, oh, wait a minute
00:19:21Shelton Bale from the US Champion
00:19:40obviously a disqualification
00:19:42thanks to the gold standard
00:19:44the United States Champion, Shelton Benjamin
00:19:46who's very proud of his actions
00:19:48and his disruption here
00:19:56John Bo Guerrero
00:19:58with that sly look on his face
00:20:00MVP seemed to be moments away from a
00:20:02from a victory, but
00:20:04oh, wait, what's this?
00:20:06him being completed a drive-by
00:20:08the match is over
00:20:10Guerrero taking advantage
00:20:15Guerrero looking at
00:20:17Shelton Benjamin like
00:20:19all the United States Championship
00:20:21is going to be mine
00:20:23Benjamin continues to look over his hand
00:20:25interrupting this one-on-one match
00:20:27and you're right, Taz
00:20:29it did look like that MVP
00:20:31had things well under control
00:20:37here's the drive-by
00:20:39this was, in my opinion, the beginning of the end
00:20:41from John Bo Guerrero
00:20:43standing, picks his spot
00:20:45and man, pay dirt city
00:20:51are looking
00:20:53somewhat competitive, to say the least
00:20:55regarding the United States Championship
00:20:59I mean, John Bo just picked the bone
00:21:01that was at the end of the match
00:21:03broad splash, wow
00:21:05ladies and gentlemen, the Elimination Chamber
00:21:07is a structured, career-shortening
00:21:09symposium of
00:21:11sadistic combat
00:21:27the Elimination Chamber
00:21:29Satan's structure
00:21:35the most
00:21:37punishing structure
00:21:39ever devised
00:21:49these men are playing Russian roulette
00:21:51with their careers in this environment
00:21:55that chamber is a cold, heartless structure
00:21:57willing to execute
00:21:59all that injury
00:22:03six men, but only one can survive
00:22:17ladies and gentlemen, the Elimination Chamber
00:22:19is all in the minds of these four men
00:22:21but our gentlemen are assuming the hopes
00:22:23all four destroy each other
00:22:25in tonight's fatal four-way main event
00:22:27just two days before their
00:22:29diabolical encounter
00:22:31and no way out this Sunday
00:22:33heavy men from stealth
00:22:39the 25th anniversary of Wrestlemania
00:22:41celebrating 25
00:22:43years of historic Wrestlemania
00:22:47welcome everyone to
00:22:49Wrestlemania 13
00:22:51in Chicago
00:22:53the city of broad shoulders
00:22:55aptly hosted one of the toughest
00:22:57Wrestlemanias in history
00:22:59this is prudent, a vicious
00:23:01fight, a Chicago
00:23:03street fight, 13 was
00:23:05anything but unlucky for
00:23:07the future of the WWE
00:23:09as a plethora of young
00:23:11superstars were about to break loose
00:23:23the future people's champ
00:23:25gave a glimpse of the electrifying
00:23:27presence that would one day
00:23:29dazzle the squared circle
00:23:31later that night
00:23:33the grueling submission match
00:23:35justified a hall of fame resume
00:23:43but the sweat and blood
00:23:45a rattlesnake spilled
00:23:47marked the beginning of a whole new attitude
00:23:49in the WWE
00:23:5118,000 fans chanting Austin
00:23:53Austin, that's a testament
00:23:55of that man's guts and the admiration
00:23:57these fans have gained for this man here tonight
00:23:59in the main event
00:24:0113 brought good fortune
00:24:03to the man from the dark side
00:24:05the end may be near
00:24:13he did it
00:24:15the capacity crowd has come to Wrestlemania
00:24:1713 and witnessed
00:24:19The Undertaker taking his
00:24:21rightful place as champion
00:24:23for The Undertaker
00:24:25it was his first championship
00:24:27won at Wrestlemania
00:24:29and his 6th straight Wrestlemania victory
00:24:31a streak that continues
00:24:33to today
00:24:35the dark days have begun
00:24:51tonight is but a prelude
00:24:53a prelude to the pain
00:24:55and suffering
00:24:57my opponents will endure
00:24:59inside the elimination
00:25:01chamber at No Way Out
00:25:05inside the chamber
00:25:07I will have but one ally
00:25:11and I will use that demonic
00:25:15to administer pain so
00:25:19that even the shadows
00:25:21will cower
00:25:23with fear
00:25:25victory is my
00:25:29and as far as the others
00:25:33their fate is sealed
00:25:356 men will enter
00:25:39and 5
00:25:41will rest
00:25:43in peace
00:25:45The Undertaker
00:25:47The Undertaker
00:25:49The Undertaker
00:25:51The Undertaker
00:25:53The Undertaker
00:25:55The Undertaker
00:25:57The Undertaker
00:25:59The Undertaker
00:26:01The Undertaker
00:26:03The Undertaker
00:26:05The Undertaker
00:26:07The Undertaker
00:26:09The Undertaker
00:26:11The Undertaker
00:26:13Lord of the Rings
00:26:15Wait wait wait
00:26:17If you guys didn't send the flowers
00:26:19Then who did?
00:26:21That would be us
00:26:23You guys think you're just gonna
00:26:25come here and hit on our girls
00:26:27Your girls?
00:26:31You see we just thought
00:26:33these two señorita's would rather hang out
00:26:35with some winners on Valentine's Day
00:26:37That's so sweet of you guys
00:26:39but we actually
00:26:41And on, Primo and Carlito didn't send us flowers, these two guys did.
00:26:47That is correct.
00:26:47I did, but FedEx, that doesn't-
00:26:49So you know what, excuse me, I have an idea.
00:26:53Let's see who wants a s'more.
00:26:54You guys have a match against each other tonight, right?
00:26:57Right, we do, we do, see.
00:26:59Well then, let's make it a little interesting.
00:27:01Tomorrow night, we'll go out with the winning team.
00:27:06You got it, you got it, I like that.
00:27:08We like that.
00:27:09See you in the ring, colons.
00:27:11It's actually colognes, yeah, an accent on the O, and I don't speak Spanish.
00:27:22Are you sure this is a good idea?
00:27:39The embattled former WWE Champion Jeff Hardy will speak for the first time here on Friday Night SmackDown.
00:27:52We have a suggestion, it's for the cost of a championship at the Royal Rumble.
00:27:56What kind of mood will Jeff Hardy be in tonight?
00:27:59Finally embracing his own brother.
00:28:09This is a tag team bout, set for one more.
00:28:11Approaching the ring first, at a combined weight of 450 pounds,
00:28:14they are the World Tag Team Champions,
00:28:17two-time Slammy Award winners,
00:28:19John Morrison and The Miz.
00:28:23I like that slow motion stuff.
00:28:25Looks like me walking into the kitchen every morning.
00:28:30Oh, I can just pitch you with John Morrison's red velvet cake,
00:28:35Oh, I can just pitch you with John Morrison's red velvet cake,
00:28:41I don't think I have a red velvet,
00:28:43you know, you don't know.
00:28:54Well, the excitement known as WWE No Way Out,
00:28:57presented by AT&T.
00:28:59Play superstar entrance trivia powered by AT&T on m.wwe.com.
00:29:04No Way Out is live from the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington,
00:29:08this Sunday exclusively on Pay-Per-View.
00:29:12I've seen the face of people who don't want to be cool.
00:29:19At a combined weight of 438 pounds,
00:29:22they are the WWE Tag Team Champions,
00:29:25Primo and Carlito.
00:29:28The Bella Twins, Sneaky and Rebella.
00:29:32The WWE Tag Champions entering this contest with the Bella Twins.
00:29:37The question is, and what's at stake is,
00:29:40who will be leaving with the Bella Twins?
00:29:43The winner goes on, well actually,
00:29:45the Bella Twins said whoever wins this match,
00:29:48they will go on a date with that person tomorrow night.
00:29:51I'll tell you what, it's going to be some Valentine's Day,
00:29:53I'll tell you that right now.
00:29:58I got my wife's present already picked out.
00:30:01Yeah, I got to get on that.
00:30:02Barbecue sauce, works for every occasion.
00:30:08Morrison and Miz, the World Tag Champions,
00:30:10quite frankly, slam the award winning tag team of the year.
00:30:15I guess arguably that would make Miz and Morrison
00:30:18the best team in all the WWE.
00:30:20Well, I'm sure Primo and Carlito might disagree with that.
00:30:26You know how you win that argument?
00:30:27You win the match.
00:30:29You also win the girls in this situation.
00:30:33The San Juan Southpaw looking to do some damage.
00:30:39Has you ever wearing ring attire akin to Miz?
00:30:42Well, we got all the tag team champions basically here.
00:30:45You know, it's like almost as a champions versus champions
00:30:49kind of situation.
00:30:53We bring you the best here on Friday Night SmackDown.
00:30:55No bailout needed, folks.
00:30:58A shoulder tackle by the second generation star Carlito.
00:31:02I mean, early goals in a match,
00:31:05it seems as if both Carlito and Miz are highly motivated.
00:31:09And I can't say I blame them.
00:31:15Carlito blasting great athleticism.
00:31:17We're seeing it right now as he turned it up a notch.
00:31:21Carlito was trying to take credit for buying the flowers
00:31:25for the belligerents.
00:31:26Tag was made.
00:31:27Primo in.
00:31:31Yeah, I thought that was the right thing to do.
00:31:36That's just what I'm saying.
00:31:44Yeah, when I was younger, of course now I'm a happy married guy.
00:31:47You know, JR, you say that a lot.
00:31:49It's almost as if you've got a guilty conscience or something.
00:31:51I don't know what's going on here.
00:31:52Maybe not.
00:31:56Look at this Morris.
00:31:57Morris in his...
00:31:59...athletic ability.
00:32:02Primo in.
00:32:03Backslide into a kidding combination as Brie and Nikki look on
00:32:07in another inside cradle.
00:32:11A basic single leg takedown by John Morris and Hal Breslin.
00:32:18This is exactly the kind of fast-moving, fast-paced range
00:32:21I would see between the two tag-team champs.
00:32:26Quick and sudden.
00:32:27I like it.
00:32:28Not a pretty landing for the man formerly known as
00:32:32the Tuesday Night Delight, John Morris.
00:32:36That is a Morrison.
00:32:37It's almost as if sometimes they channel Mr. Perfect
00:32:40and Ravishing Rick Roode.
00:32:42Their bodies, their teamwork, their self-confidence.
00:32:47Primo! Primo! Primo!
00:32:49Primo! Primo! Primo!
00:32:52Whoa, whoa, whoa!
00:32:55Primo going upstairs.
00:32:56Much to the...
00:32:58...huge crowd's delight here tonight in Fresno, California.
00:33:02I wonder who the Bellaschmidt's are actually rooting for.
00:33:06That's a good question.
00:33:07Maybe the winners.
00:33:11Well, maybe we'll be moving to a neutral corner here in a second.
00:33:17Yeah, he can keep your eye on him real slow.
00:33:19No problem.
00:33:21Detective Taz.
00:33:23And a knockdown.
00:33:24Morrison trying to get the ball.
00:33:30A little bit of a low grip.
00:33:31It's a bad aligning.
00:33:34We did not see that.
00:33:37This match is going to continue.
00:33:41The WWE Tag Champions
00:33:43against the World Tag Team Champions
00:33:45here tonight on Friday Night SmackDown.
00:33:47And at stake,
00:33:48a date with the Bella Twins.
00:33:52Marlito and Primo.
00:33:53And JR, a whole lot more.
00:33:54There's a lot of professionalism at stake here.
00:33:56A lot of pride at stake.
00:34:02Of all four men are Tag Team Champions.
00:34:07Who's better than who?
00:34:10Miz and Morrison,
00:34:11the Slammy Award-winning Tag Team of the Year of the WWE.
00:34:18Well, personally, I'm a fan of both teams.
00:34:20Sure you are.
00:34:21Oh, yeah.
00:34:22I mean, there's Styles and...
00:34:25You're a bigger fan of Nikki or Briebel?
00:34:27Both, but you notice how Miz
00:34:29kind of blew a kiss over there at the Bella Twins.
00:34:31Kind of suave bola by Miz.
00:34:35A clean break by Miz,
00:34:36but Morrison gets a cheap shot in.
00:34:38Well, the referee, I think,
00:34:39is well aware of the shenanigans
00:34:41of both Miz and Morrison.
00:34:44Whoa, whoa, whoa!
00:34:46Great teamwork by Miz and Morrison.
00:34:48Morrison's so athletic.
00:34:50Marlito might be out.
00:34:51Marlito might be done.
00:34:53Valentine's Day may have come and gone.
00:34:57Almost did for Marlito and Primo.
00:35:01The most frequent tags by Miz and Morrison.
00:35:05Tremendous tag team chemistry.
00:35:08An excellent tag team matchup.
00:35:10Exactly what we thought we would see.
00:35:13Cross face, cross head shot.
00:35:16Between the two best tag teams in all of WWE.
00:35:20Oh, it seems as if Nikki and Briebel
00:35:22are rooting on Marlito.
00:35:24That's my assumption.
00:35:39Marlito trying to find the corner,
00:35:40but I think a tag has been made.
00:35:42Not sure if Marlito's aware of that.
00:35:44Marlito trying to find the corner,
00:35:46but I think a tag has been made.
00:35:49Not sure if Marlito's aware of that,
00:35:50but I think Morrison got the tag.
00:35:53And face first.
00:35:56Well, Primo realizes he needs to try
00:35:59to get tagged into this match by his big brother.
00:36:02Now there's Primo holding that tag rope.
00:36:07Miz missed it!
00:36:08Million dollar kneeling.
00:36:12That was a million dollar sit-out powerbomb.
00:36:14Can Carlito tag in Primo?
00:36:17Primo holding the tag rope.
00:36:19Tags are only legal when your partner is holding that rope.
00:36:22Tag made.
00:36:24Both sides.
00:36:25Morrison and Primo, the two legal men.
00:36:32And the pace always quickens when Primo gets the tag.
00:36:36Primo like a house of fire.
00:36:44I like the intensity.
00:36:46I like that, Miz.
00:36:54Everything clicking for Primo.
00:36:57Talk about poetry in motion.
00:37:07Oh, wow. Look at Morrison.
00:37:11Nice leg sweep into the cover.
00:37:14And the break-up by Miz.
00:37:18The second generation collides.
00:37:20Carlito and Primo.
00:37:27WWE Tag Team.
00:37:29Referee was on the other side.
00:37:30You see the results.
00:37:32Primo hit first.
00:37:34Referee never saw it.
00:37:35Miz pushed Primo off the top turnbuckles.
00:37:38You see in this though.
00:37:47The tag team champions.
00:37:49Shawn Morrison and The Miz.
00:37:52Miz is wasting time.
00:37:59To the winners.
00:38:00To the winners goes The Squirrels and Carlito.
00:38:03How disappointed is he?
00:38:07The Cole brothers have lost the match.
00:38:09And apparently are going to lose their girls at least for the evening.
00:38:13This is what happened.
00:38:15Carlito was getting ready to go for the win.
00:38:18And Carlito gets thrown out.
00:38:20And the referee checks on Carlito.
00:38:22Unbeknownst to the referee, this is what Miz does to Primo.
00:38:25And then the rest is history by Shawn Morrison.
00:38:31Not a good night for Carlito and Primo.
00:38:34Quite the couple out, ain't they?
00:38:36Look, Miz Morrison and the fellow twins.
00:38:38Well, happy Valentine's Day.
00:38:40Hopefully it goes well.
00:38:47The tag team champions.
00:38:49The tag team champions.
00:38:51The tag team champions.
00:38:53The tag team champions.
00:38:55The tag team champions.
00:38:57The tag team champions.
00:38:59The tag team champions.
00:39:09It's Jeff Hardy, ladies and gentlemen.
00:39:12Scheduled to be here tonight.
00:39:14Jeff Hardy is here.
00:39:20Hey, how you doing?
00:39:21What's up?
00:39:23What's up.
00:39:27What's up, Jeff? What's going on, bro?
00:39:35How you doing, y'all?
00:39:36Hey, guys. How you doing?
00:39:37Good. Good.
00:39:45Well, we'd like to say thank you to Saliva for the No Way Out theme song, Hunt You Down.
00:39:51The official No Way Out theme song, the album is Cinco Diablo.
00:39:55Available now, Cinco Diablo.
00:39:57That's pretty cool, huh?
00:40:02Matt Hardy.
00:40:03Swung on bro.
00:40:05And that's to do it.
00:40:10Oh, come on.
00:40:11Got disqualification.
00:40:12General manager ended up with the count.
00:40:17Oh, Matt Hardy.
00:40:20Oh, my God.
00:40:25Jeff's brother, Matt, handing it for the legal record.
00:40:32The Hardys.
00:40:35Shades of TLC.
00:40:41In Seattle City.
00:40:42Oh, my God.
00:40:50One, two, three.
00:41:20Oh, my God.
00:41:51Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Jeff Hardy.
00:42:12Simply an amazing ovation.
00:42:14An amazing ovation for a young man that has suffered the betrayal of his own brother.
00:42:26And the result of that betrayal by Matt Hardy, Jeff's brother,
00:42:31was Jeff losing the WWE Championship.
00:42:35Probably a betrayal of biblical proportions.
00:42:45Oh, my God.
00:42:47Oh, my God.
00:42:49Oh, my God.
00:42:51Oh, my God.
00:42:53Oh, my God.
00:42:55Oh, my God.
00:42:57Many have speculated that Matt Hardy is emotionally hurt.
00:43:02Many say that Jeff Hardy is emotionally devastated
00:43:05by the betrayal of his own flesh and blood.
00:43:09I've also heard, JR, that some people told me that Jeff Hardy
00:43:14is determined to once again become WWE Champion.
00:43:20That chance will come in two days.
00:43:24Inside the Elimination Chamber.
00:43:29And what a rematch.
00:43:52You know, it's been a weird, a really weird time for me lately.
00:43:57I kind of feel broken, kind of feel, you know, left alone.
00:44:03I kind of feel like doing bad things to bad people,
00:44:06but something doesn't feel right.
00:44:10Matt Hardy is my brother.
00:44:18I mean, we made it here to the WWE together.
00:44:25We've won championships together.
00:44:27We've lost championships together.
00:44:29I mean, come on.
00:44:30A big brother is someone you're supposed to be able to look up to.
00:44:33He's supposed to be a role model.
00:44:34He's supposed to have your back.
00:44:40And evidently with Matt, that's not the case.
00:44:43I don't know if it's jealousy or what, but whatever it is, it's messed up.
00:44:52And the Royal Rumble, I mean, it used to remind me of good times.
00:44:55I mean, when we were kids, we watched it every year.
00:44:59But now all it reminds me of is betrayal.
00:45:05All it reminds me of is a chair shot to the head and a broken dream.
00:45:16Matt, whatever's going on inside your head, man,
00:45:18you should know better than anybody how I roll, man.
00:45:21And I'm the type of person that moves on.
00:45:24I don't live in the past and I refuse to.
00:45:27So what I'm going to do is move on.
00:45:29And I'm moving on to this Sunday.
00:45:31Come the Elimination Chamber.
00:45:36And I will become the WWE champion for the second time,
00:45:39whether Matt Hardy likes it or not.
00:45:55Well, Jeff Hardy made his point abundantly clear.
00:45:59Of where his focus is right now.
00:46:01But you can still tell, at least I think,
00:46:04that it's still eating this kid up.
00:46:07And it's both flesh and blood.
00:46:09Stabbed him in the back.
00:46:11You see the disappointment is written all over Jeff's face.
00:46:14But I personally respect Jeff Hardy.
00:46:17Saying he's moving on and realizes what's coming this Sunday
00:46:21at No Way Out in that Elimination Chamber.
00:46:23Ladies and gentlemen, if our general manager has her way,
00:46:27the four men in tonight's four-way main event
00:46:30will compete at No Way Out for the WWE title
00:46:32battered, bruised, and physically shattered.
00:46:41This contest is set for one fall.
00:46:43Currently in the ring from Harlem, New York,
00:46:45weighing 390 pounds,
00:46:47Ezekiel Jackson.
00:46:50A mountain of a man, a real powerhouse,
00:46:53is Ezekiel Jackson.
00:46:56Who we'll see here in one-on-one competition tonight.
00:47:02Wait, no!
00:47:06We about to crank it up!
00:47:11You feel me stand up and say,
00:47:13What's up? What's up?
00:47:16What's up? What's up?
00:47:19You can get with this, or you can get with that.
00:47:22You better get with this.
00:47:25What's up? What's up?
00:47:27What's up? What's up?
00:47:35Ladies and gentlemen, last month,
00:47:38it was R-Truth and D-Ryan Kinder going one-on-one.
00:47:42We see R-Truth in unorthodox offense,
00:47:44scoring yet another victory.
00:47:46And then R-Truth paid a big price,
00:47:48thanks to Ezekiel Jackson.
00:47:50Oh, no doubt about it. Hey, look.
00:47:52The very vast and large Ezekiel Jackson
00:47:56always watching the back of D-Ryan Kendrick.
00:48:01A whole lot of bad attitude in Ezekiel Jackson.
00:48:05D-Ryan Kendrick clapped him on that occasion.
00:48:08What's up? What's up?
00:48:10What's up? What's up?
00:48:13You can get with this, or you can get with that.
00:48:15Fresno County, this is where it's at.
00:48:18What's up? What's up?
00:48:20What's up? What's up?
00:48:24We'll see who gets the last laugh tonight.
00:48:28Fresno, California!
00:48:37What's up?
00:48:38What's up?
00:48:40The charismatic R-Truth will have to use
00:48:43every bit of his speed, quickness,
00:48:45and that unique offense, in my estimation,
00:48:47to survive the undefeated Ezekiel Jackson.
00:48:50I had the opportunity to have a conversation
00:48:52earlier today with R-Truth,
00:48:54and he told me straight up,
00:48:56he's got payback in mind.
00:48:59And R-Truth getting right in the face of Ezekiel Jackson
00:49:03and being the aggressor here early.
00:49:11R-Truth ducking and dodging
00:49:14and then striking with that heel.
00:49:20Just about to say R-Truth better be careful
00:49:23not to make Ezekiel Jackson angry.
00:49:26I think Ezekiel Jackson came to the ring angry.
00:49:29The issue is, I think, that R-Truth's got to
00:49:32continue to dictate that fast pace.
00:49:35Jackson slows it down here and use a power and mass.
00:49:38This one could be over in a hurry.
00:49:40Well, I agree with you completely, JR.
00:49:43That's what Ezekiel Jackson's trying to eliminate
00:49:46is the high-flying antics of R-Truth.
00:49:51Oh, man.
00:49:52Full Nelson by Ezekiel Jackson?
00:49:54You have to be kidding me.
00:49:55Pride and true is the full Nelson.
00:49:59And, quite frankly, a perfect offense and maneuver
00:50:03for Ezekiel Jackson to utilize.
00:50:06Look at this.
00:50:07Talk about unorthodox.
00:50:09Take it to the street.
00:50:10That's a street fighting style
00:50:12how to get out of a full Nelson, I would assume.
00:50:16R-Truth stomped on the feet.
00:50:18Oh, man.
00:50:19There's a lot of strength right here.
00:50:23Ezekiel Jackson, military, pressing another human being
00:50:26and then just walking out from under him.
00:50:28Look at the speed, too, by Jackson.
00:50:30It's always amazing to see an athlete
00:50:32like Ezekiel Jackson who has that great first step.
00:50:36Well, first step explosion is a gigantic thing
00:50:39in any athletic sport,
00:50:41including in the squared circle here during a matchup.
00:50:46To your point, JR, that's what Ezekiel Jackson possesses.
00:50:50Dean Brian Kendrick somewhat annoying
00:50:53to R-Truth here at ringside.
00:50:58And Jackson walked right into that forearm and now a foot.
00:51:03So R-Truth is keeping Ezekiel Jackson off balance.
00:51:07Oh, you got to be kidding me.
00:51:09How many press slams?
00:51:10How powerful is Ezekiel Jackson?
00:51:12And R-Truth on the roll-up.
00:51:17R-Truth with a near fall.
00:51:22And R-Truth shut down offensively.
00:51:24Oh, man.
00:51:25And maybe anatomically after that clothesline.
00:51:33That almost knocked the bling off R-Truth.
00:51:35It was nothing but impact.
00:51:37What's up with that clothesline?
00:51:39Now, Ezekiel Jackson going for that uranage,
00:51:43which we've seen him do so many times.
00:51:47A roll-up.
00:51:48A cradle.
00:51:49A roll-up.
00:51:57R-Truth just reversed the uranage into that roll-up.
00:52:04And he called it an upset in my book.
00:52:08This was earlier in the match.
00:52:09R-Truth just showing off his tremendous athletic ability
00:52:13and that unique offense.
00:52:17And that unique offense kept Ezekiel Jackson off balance.
00:52:21But let's not forget, what a powerhouse.
00:52:23Look at this.
00:52:24Military press from Ezekiel Jackson.
00:52:28And then listen to the impact.
00:52:31Right there.
00:52:32But it was R-Truth able to execute a counter
00:52:36into a rolling cradle to upset Ezekiel Jackson.
00:52:42The charismatic R-Truth.
00:52:44And that smile reminds me of the late, great Junkyard Dog.
00:52:49What's up?
00:52:50All right.
00:52:51Hey, Eve.
00:52:52Eve Flores, what's up?
00:52:53Ladies and gentlemen, joining me now, Maria.
00:52:57Thanks for taking some time out before your match, Maria.
00:52:59Now, I know firsthand who you're up against tonight.
00:53:03You and I have both had problems with Michelle.
00:53:05Yes, we have.
00:53:07How do you plan on dealing with this new, bullying, overpowering Michelle McCool?
00:53:12You know, Eve, tonight I'm going to have to prove to Michelle
00:53:15that I'm not just going to be pushed around.
00:53:17I'm going to have to give her the fight of my life.
00:53:20I have the desire.
00:53:21I have the passion.
00:53:22I have the heart.
00:53:23And hopefully, I'll be victorious.
00:53:25And hopefully, you'll have some luck on your side tonight, too.
00:53:29Let's see.
00:53:30Good luck.
00:53:37The 25th anniversary of WrestleMania.
00:53:40Celebrating 25 years of historic WrestleMania moments.
00:53:45There are many classic films,
00:53:47a few memorable Super Bowls,
00:53:49and a plethora of record-breaking athletic achievements.
00:53:52But there is one happening that holds a firm place
00:53:55in the Mount Rushmore of entertainment main events of the 20th century.
00:54:00Welcome to the magnificent Super Bowl.
00:54:04And welcome to WrestleMania III.
00:54:08In a world indoor record that stands to this day.
00:54:15All witness to this once-in-a-lifetime event.
00:54:18And Alice Cooper is inside.
00:54:21Oh, Damian got him.
00:54:24This colossal spectacle captured the imagination of the entire world.
00:54:30The champion still in control.
00:54:31Now, a small package by the dragon.
00:54:33They got him.
00:54:34Mickey the Dragon, Steve Oak,
00:54:36the new Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion.
00:54:39When WrestleMania III comes to mind,
00:54:41one exhortation rains forth.
00:54:45Like Ali Frazier or Bird and Magic,
00:54:47Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant personified their industry.
00:54:51I'm here for one reason.
00:54:53To challenge you for a world championship match in WrestleMania.
00:54:58You got 93,173 standing on their feet for this one, Gorilla.
00:55:05The irresistible force meeting the immovable object.
00:55:09Hogan's giving it everything he's got.
00:55:11He dropped the big guy.
00:55:14At WrestleMania III,
00:55:16Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant
00:55:18slammed their way to the forefront of the world's collective conscious.
00:55:23Look at this.
00:55:25He slammed it.
00:55:27I don't believe it.
00:55:28Hulk dropping the big leg.
00:55:30Over for the cover.
00:55:32He got him.
00:55:34Hulk Hogan.
00:55:36Hulk Hogan.
00:55:38Hulk Hogan.
00:55:39Hulk Hogan.
00:55:41History made here in the Silverdome.
00:55:42Part of WrestleMania III.
00:55:45The foundation had been laid.
00:55:48The enormity of WrestleMania III set the tone
00:55:51for many of the record-breaking,
00:55:53history-making WrestleManias that were to follow.
00:56:11This is a diva's match.
00:56:13Number one, making her way to the ring,
00:56:15from Palenque, Florida,
00:56:17Michelle McCool.
00:56:19Michelle McCool may be the most talented diva
00:56:22on Friday Night SmackDown, arguably,
00:56:24but certainly not the most popular.
00:56:27And here's a little proof of that statement.
00:56:29Last week, you were on the broadcast
00:56:31when Michelle McCool took it on Eve
00:56:33in Eve's very first match.
00:56:35Yes, and Eve had a tremendous outing in this match.
00:56:39I don't mind saying so myself,
00:56:40but at one point, or towards the end of this match,
00:56:43you will see Michelle McCool
00:56:46gets this nasty heel hook, an ankle lock,
00:56:50which Michelle calls, right here, man-teeth.
00:56:54I talked to Michelle about this earlier.
00:56:56Man-teeth stands for make a diva tap.
00:56:59Well, Michelle didn't want to release the hold,
00:57:02but Maria convinced her that's what she should do.
00:57:06Well, since losing the Divas Championship,
00:57:08Michelle McCool has a completely different disposition.
00:57:12Here's your judge of the game,
00:57:14right here at number seven,
00:57:16number 475 from Chicago, Illinois,
00:57:23Maria says she's not going to be pushed around
00:57:25any longer by Michelle McCool.
00:57:29Maria's got passion, heart, desire,
00:57:32WWE Universe at tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock
00:57:35in Los Angeles.
00:57:37That tickets will be available for this SummerSlam.
00:57:41Ah, you gotta love that, baby.
00:57:46You can see the look of determination
00:57:48in the eyes of Maria.
00:57:52And the confidence, the cocky swagger
00:57:55in Michelle McCool.
00:57:58McCool may have more in-ring wrestling skills,
00:58:01but I don't think any diva's got any more heart
00:58:03than Maria possesses.
00:58:05But will that be enough in this one-on-one match?
00:58:15Aggression displayed early by Maria.
00:58:19Maria's got a lot of confidence in her.
00:58:22She's got a lot of confidence in her.
00:58:24Aggression displayed early by Maria.
00:58:30Michelle McCool is...
00:58:32Oh, man.
00:58:34Bottom rope seems to have caught off
00:58:37Maria's ankle or the back of her Achilles tendon, maybe?
00:58:44And whatever it damaged,
00:58:47Michelle McCool's not going to waste any motion.
00:58:50Let me tell you, folks, I'm experienced.
00:58:52These ring ropes that hold this ring together here
00:58:54are extremely tight.
00:58:56They can be used as a weapon, and Michelle McCool
00:58:59seems to have done that.
00:59:01Oh, the cables.
00:59:03Those cables certainly aren't forgiving.
00:59:05And there's no telling exactly what's, uh,
00:59:08the diagnosis of the legs under getting better here.
00:59:11Look at Michelle McCool.
00:59:15I mean, listen, you don't have to be a rocket scientist
00:59:18to understand what Michelle's trying to do here.
00:59:22What a nasty offense on the ankle.
00:59:26In front of Maria, I would assume to hook that,
00:59:28he'll hook that mantee.
00:59:30The very first Divas champion.
00:59:38Side Russian leg sweep, nice float over.
00:59:42There's the passion we talked about.
00:59:46Oh, my God, look at this.
00:59:49Just contorting.
00:59:51Michelle's contorting Maria's lower leg.
00:59:58There is a qualified and natural mean streak
01:00:01in the athletic Michelle McCool.
01:00:04And, you know, we've known Michelle for several years,
01:00:06J.R., both of us, and...
01:00:08Uh-oh, wait a minute, okay, look at this.
01:00:10Signs of hard truth just moments ago with that roll-up.
01:00:13What a sweet counter that was by Maria,
01:00:17but it seems to have just made Michelle more irate.
01:00:21What I'm saying is we've both had the opportunity
01:00:23to know Michelle for a lot of years,
01:00:25and what do you make of this change in her attitude?
01:00:29Nice enziguri.
01:00:31It's all about Michelle McCool these days,
01:00:33and as you pointed out, after she lost to Maryse,
01:00:36the Divas championship,
01:00:38we started seeing a change in Michelle McCool.
01:00:41And Maria trying to do all she can
01:00:43to find her way back into this thing.
01:00:45Yeah, you can see the desperation in Maria's offense,
01:00:47because, you know, when you know someone
01:00:50has singled out a body part on you
01:00:52and they have to up a hand on you,
01:00:54it's very frustrating.
01:00:56It's like going to quicksand, you can't get out.
01:00:59Michelle McCool with some sinister strategy,
01:01:02continuing to focus on the leg.
01:01:04What is this?
01:01:07Eve Torres!
01:01:11Eve at ringside.
01:01:14And Michelle McCool
01:01:16taking acceptance into Eve Torres,
01:01:19getting too close and personal here.
01:01:22Referee trying to restrain Eve.
01:01:26Oh, Michelle, Michelle wants to,
01:01:27oh, Michelle better be careful!
01:01:29Look at this!
01:01:30Maria with a roll-up,
01:01:31kicks you out of the ring.
01:01:33Maria jumps Michelle McCool!
01:01:38Well, Eve told Maria earlier,
01:01:40hey, maybe you have a little luck on your side,
01:01:42and who would have thunk it?
01:01:43That's exactly what happened.
01:01:47Maria supplied the heart.
01:01:50Eve Torres supplied the luck.
01:01:56Eve come out of nowhere,
01:01:58and Maria is in the ring.
01:02:01Eve come out of nowhere here,
01:02:04distracting Michelle's intentions on her behalf.
01:02:09What a nasty uppercut by Michelle.
01:02:12The big picture is
01:02:14the roll-up victory by Maria.
01:02:20Another upset!
01:02:27Ladies and gentlemen,
01:02:28please welcome my guest at this time,
01:02:30The Game, Triple H.
01:02:36Triple H, how confident are you
01:02:37heading into that Fatal 4-Way tonight,
01:02:39just two days away from the Elimination Chamber match?
01:02:42Well, Todd, I've got to say,
01:02:44I'm extremely confident about tonight,
01:02:48because as you can see,
01:02:50I'm wearing the brand new Triple H T-shirt,
01:02:53available at wweshop.com.
01:02:57You know, Todd, when you look good, you feel good.
01:03:00And as you can see on the back,
01:03:02it clearly says...
01:03:06Isn't that Latin? I don't speak Latin.
01:03:09Yes, Todd, it's Latin.
01:03:11It's Latin for Destroyer,
01:03:14which is exactly what I will be this Sunday.
01:03:19Five other men will join me
01:03:22inside the most barbaric structure
01:03:25in the WWE, the Elimination Chamber.
01:03:29But I will hold a distinct advantage.
01:03:32See, because of all those men,
01:03:34Edge has been in one Elimination Chamber.
01:03:37Jeff Hardy, one. Big Show, one.
01:03:40Vladimir Kozlov, none.
01:03:43Even The Undertaker has only been in one Elimination Chamber.
01:03:48For me, this is number six.
01:03:55You see, and I know what they're thinking.
01:03:57They're thinking the same thing I thought after the first one.
01:04:00I hope to God I never have to go inside
01:04:03another Elimination Chamber again.
01:04:06They are dreading.
01:04:08Every man is dreading
01:04:11stepping into that chamber this Sunday.
01:04:15Except for me.
01:04:17You see, as sick as it sounds,
01:04:20I've grown to like that chamber.
01:04:23I've grown to like the pain.
01:04:26I've grown to like the anguish.
01:04:29And this Sunday,
01:04:31I will revel in every minute of it
01:04:35because I will walk out of that chamber
01:04:38the WWE Champion.
01:04:54And you stand in the ring
01:04:57Oh yes you do
01:05:02And now, The Raw Rebound is brought to you by WWE Mobile.
01:05:07Download Undertaker's ringtone at m.wwe.com
01:05:16Nothing can stand in my way.
01:05:19Not Vince McMahon.
01:05:22Not Shane McMahon.
01:05:25And certainly not Stephanie McMahon.
01:05:31Stephanie has been intimidated, scared to death
01:05:34because she thought that I was going to punt her.
01:05:39I don't want to hurt Stephanie McMahon.
01:05:41I want her to be around so I can see the look in her eyes
01:05:46when I take out yet another member of her family.
01:05:51And Shane, The Undertaker,
01:05:54couldn't stop me at Royal Rumble.
01:05:57And he's not going to stop me tonight.
01:06:02So if The Undertaker can't beat me,
01:06:07what kind of a chance do you think that you have?
01:06:15Randy Orton knows what The Undertaker is all about.
01:06:20As merciless as Randy Orton is,
01:06:22The Undertaker is the same way.
01:06:24Relentless, he will dish out a savage beating
01:06:27and not think twice about it.
01:06:33And Randy Orton, he ain't quit being here.
01:06:36Oh wait a minute, Legacy climbs into DiBiase.
01:06:40Now a furious assault.
01:06:42Now this is what Orton's all about right here.
01:06:47Oh no. Oh wait a minute.
01:06:50There's that snake-like Viper Orton.
01:06:53He's set and coiled for that RKO.
01:06:56Hey! Shane McMahon!
01:06:58Shane McMahon!
01:06:59Shane is here!
01:07:00But wait for Orton.
01:07:02There goes Rhodes on the choke slam.
01:07:04And the emotion pouring out of Shane.
01:07:07The Undertaker has DiBiase up now!
01:07:10Orton can hardly believe his eyes.
01:07:13What is Shane doing?
01:07:16I want some payback.
01:07:18I'm going to sacrifice my body.
01:07:21I'm going to ensure that you are unable to compete
01:07:24at WrestleMania.
01:07:28Toes to toes connecting!
01:07:31Orton in disbelief!
01:07:34Shane said he would sacrifice his body.
01:07:38He may be doing it this Sunday.
01:07:42You can feel the passion of Shane McMahon
01:07:45as he prepares for the showdown with Randy Orton this Sunday.
01:07:49Can't wait. No way out.
01:07:50It's going to be off the charts.
01:07:51Speaking of no way out, let's get into it, baby.
01:07:54It's personal. It's physical.
01:07:56It's all about family.
01:07:58And pardon the expression, ladies and gentlemen,
01:08:00but Randy Orton has spit in the face
01:08:03of the McMahon family legacy.
01:08:05Look for Shane O'Mac to take his game to new heights on Sunday.
01:08:08We'll show Michaels be a free man or an indentured servant.
01:08:12Everything Michaels has worked for his entire life
01:08:14is on the line, all or nothing,
01:08:16against JBL in two days.
01:08:19And look at this one.
01:08:20The question is, can the fighting Irishman
01:08:22slap the smirk out of Swagger's face?
01:08:25Finley has seemingly had the easier time to attend this number,
01:08:27but can the Irishman cash in for gold on Sunday?
01:08:31Can even John Cena
01:08:35dodge five bullets in the ever treacherous Elimination Chamber?
01:08:39John Cena will be challenged as never before.
01:08:42I think we're going to see a new heavyweight champ.
01:08:45Some sound fairly, but our general manager
01:08:47has given Jeff Hardy his return match
01:08:49for the WWE title and offer the most
01:08:51sophisticated structure in all of WWE.
01:08:53Without a doubt, but it's an earlier,
01:08:55and he has always defied the odds,
01:08:57and he's always found a way out.
01:08:59Will the WWE champion be able to find no way out this Sunday?
01:09:04We'll find out.
01:09:34This, my friend, is a heavyweight four-weight match.
01:09:37This is the one for the original record
01:09:39from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing 255 pounds,
01:09:43Triple H!
01:09:52Much like the Elimination Chamber championship match,
01:09:54this famous four-weight is every man for himself.
01:09:59And this is a man that is old man,
01:10:01and a yard wide, as they say.
01:10:05The Cerebral Assassin says he will be a destroyer
01:10:09in his sixth Elimination Chamber on Sunday.
01:10:13The issue is, is that how will the four men
01:10:16in tonight's main event make it in 48 hours to Seattle?
01:10:31Is there any human being in the WWE
01:10:35that is more driven to be WWE champion than the game?
01:10:43This crowd is on their feet, and so are we,
01:10:47as we'll be right back with our main event.
01:10:54We're back on Friday Night SmackDown
01:10:56here on Monday Night Raw.
01:10:58We're back on Friday Night SmackDown
01:11:00here on My Network TV.
01:11:02Jim Ross and Taz at ringside.
01:11:04We thank you for being with us.
01:11:06Our main event is just about to get underway.
01:11:08A every man for himself fatal four-weight match
01:11:11involving The Game, The Big Show,
01:11:14Vladimir Kozlov, and The Phenom.
01:11:17I love you, son!
01:11:47Ladies and gentlemen,
01:11:52and in first place, weighing 299 pounds,
01:11:57The Undertaker!
01:12:14The demon of Death Valley
01:12:16stated earlier tonight that he would use the ten tons that comprise the Elimination Chamber
01:12:23to administer pain in two days and no way out.
01:12:28And that even the shadows would cower in fear.
01:12:38I'm not going to argue with him.
01:12:46His victory, as the Undertaker stated earlier tonight, his destiny, and no way out.
01:12:53This matchup made conveniently by our general manager, Vickie Guerrero, who gave her husband
01:13:17Edge, the WWE champion, the night off.
01:13:21Well, he is a little injured, Jay, huh?
01:13:23He says he is.
01:13:26But Edge will compete on Sunday, whether he likes it or not, in the Elimination Chamber.
01:13:34There's no doubt in my mind what the motivation was of our general manager in making this fatal four-way matchup.
01:13:41You think?
01:13:42I think what you're alluding to is that our general manager, Vickie Guerrero, is hoping
01:13:54to have all four of his men more or less tear each other apart to help her husband go forward
01:14:00and maybe be victorious this Sunday.
01:14:04Well, one doesn't have to have any medical degree to ascertain that any injury that is
01:14:10significant can be healed in 48 hours, and that's every man for himself.
01:14:15One fall matchup is underway.
01:14:17And talk about four combustible elements.
01:14:20Ladies and gentlemen, we're looking at it.
01:14:23With pride on the line, four men all wanting momentum.
01:14:27These four men know what the motives...
01:14:29Oh, man, look at the Undertaker.
01:14:32And the big shot on the other side.
01:14:34These four men all know the motives of Vickie Guerrero.
01:14:38And all four of these men will be throwing this Sunday in the Championship Elimination Chamber match
01:14:43by Jeff Hardy and the WWE Champion, Edge.
01:14:49Look at the Undertaker.
01:14:52And the game allowing the Undertaker to do his damage.
01:14:57And now look at the synergy between the Undertaker and Triple H.
01:15:01But don't let that fool you.
01:15:03This match is every man for himself.
01:15:05These two men know it.
01:15:07They both want to be WWE Champion.
01:15:09And they both want to survive tonight.
01:15:11Hey, I can feel this moment, JR.
01:15:20And the Undertaker strikes first.
01:15:22But the game retaliates.
01:15:26Fatal four-way action.
01:15:2848 hours.
01:15:29And there may be no way out of Fresno tonight.
01:15:32I'm getting goosebumps, man.
01:15:33This is great.
01:15:35And this is another great reason to watch Friday Night Smackdown.
01:15:40With this kind of action.
01:15:42And look at this.
01:15:43The Double A Spinebuster.
01:15:45Pulverizing the demon of Death Valley.
01:15:49Who rises from the dead.
01:15:57Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:15:59And from behind, the world's largest athlete,
01:16:02assaulting the Undertaker.
01:16:04And now manhandling the game.
01:16:10Don't let the massive Undertaker fool you.
01:16:12He can move quick.
01:16:14Who will survive this fatal four-way main event?
01:16:17We'll find out when we come back.
01:16:23And we're back, ladies and gentlemen.
01:16:24It's chaotic here.
01:16:26The Undertaker, sealed to the steel
01:16:28by the undefeated Russian Vladimir Kovalev.
01:16:31It's a fatal four-way.
01:16:32Every man for himself.
01:16:34Kozlov, the Undertaker.
01:16:36The Big Show and the Game.
01:16:38It's bedlam out here, bedlam.
01:16:41Oh, I like the bedlam.
01:16:44Watch Kozlov just sail the dead man into the steel steps.
01:16:49Knees first.
01:16:51And the 440-pound Big Show.
01:16:54Seven feet, 440.
01:16:56Side-slamming the Game.
01:16:58Side-slamming the Game.
01:17:00Well, for the short time here,
01:17:02it seems as if Kozlov and Big Show working together.
01:17:05Again, to your understanding,
01:17:07it's every man for himself.
01:17:10And when we start the Elimination Chamber,
01:17:12the six-man matchup this Sunday,
01:17:15four men will be restricted or confined in lexan pods
01:17:19and will bear witness, oh my,
01:17:21as two combatants start in the competition
01:17:24to eventually determine the WWE Champion.
01:17:28And every five minutes, one of those pods opens,
01:17:31and it just gets thicker.
01:17:32The plot gets thicker and thicker.
01:17:35And it gets nastier and nastier.
01:17:38Look at this double-team effort.
01:17:39This synergy between the Russian and the Big Show.
01:17:44Well, it won't last for long.
01:17:46Every man for himself.
01:17:49Well, neither can be trusted,
01:17:51nor should they be,
01:17:52as the Game is withstanding huge amounts of punishment.
01:17:55I'm thinking if it happens, J-Off,
01:17:57will the Big Show even fit in one of those pods?
01:18:03This teamwork by the 441-pounder.
01:18:07And Vladimir Kozlov,
01:18:08good luck to take the WWE title with him.
01:18:11Uh-oh, the title back to Moscow.
01:18:13And a choke slam on Kozlov.
01:18:16The cover.
01:18:20The Undertaker with a right hand interrupted the count.
01:18:23Yeah, and don't be fooled.
01:18:24I don't believe Undertaker's trying to save Vladimir Kozlov.
01:18:27Undertaker wants to win the match for himself.
01:18:31Undertaker's all about winning.
01:18:35And surviving tonight.
01:18:37And becoming WWE Champion.
01:18:39Into the air.
01:18:41Good lord, what impact.
01:18:44You saw The Undertaker
01:18:46come back involved in this fatal four-way matchup.
01:18:49Look at this.
01:18:51How'd he lock that right hand?
01:18:53From downtown.
01:18:54But now The Big Show imposing his...
01:18:58The Undertaker counters
01:18:59into a gigantic Cyclopean DDT
01:19:03as the undefeated Russian interrupts the count.
01:19:06And the main event continues.
01:19:07Man, what a night.
01:19:11Moscow Mauler.
01:19:13All intensity.
01:19:15All the time.
01:19:17I want to see this slugfest here.
01:19:25Oh, the power of Kozlov.
01:19:27The Kozlov.
01:19:29The cover.
01:19:30And a near fall.
01:19:32You know as well as me, Gerald.
01:19:33There are many athletes that...
01:19:35Oh, look at this.
01:19:39looking for the submission.
01:19:41Devil's Gate.
01:19:42Left himself vulnerable and The Big Show
01:19:45took advantage
01:19:46not to save Kozlov
01:19:47but to win the match
01:19:49and to continue the match
01:19:50as The Undertaker sets up
01:19:52somehow, someway.
01:19:57Man, what a night.
01:19:58Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:19:59Here he goes.
01:20:00Big Show's gonna tap.
01:20:03Big Show's gonna tap.
01:20:05And mayhap
01:20:06the Game wants to win this match as well.
01:20:09Fatal 4-Way.
01:20:10Every man for himself.
01:20:15Kozlov to the outside.
01:20:17This match taking an amazing
01:20:19physical toll
01:20:20on each and every combatant.
01:20:22It has been non-stop action
01:20:24since the opening bell.
01:20:27And who's the favorite
01:20:28going into this Sunday
01:20:29in the championship elimination
01:20:31chamber match
01:20:32with WWE title?
01:20:34Who is the favorite?
01:20:35Is Triple H correct when he says,
01:20:37Hey, listen, I've won six...
01:20:38I've been in six chamber matches.
01:20:41All the other men have been in one.
01:20:43Except Kozlov.
01:20:45The Game in his sixth elimination chamber
01:20:47on Sunday.
01:20:48Look at the cavalry his way.
01:20:50Here we go, baby.
01:20:52Oh, no.
01:20:53Big Show powers out.
01:20:57The kick from The Undertaker
01:20:59took down two men.
01:21:00The Big Show
01:21:01and The Game
01:21:02who was on the back of The Big Show.
01:21:04Man, look at this.
01:21:05Look at the fatalities.
01:21:06The casualties.
01:21:07The carnage.
01:21:09The arm over.
01:21:10The Game, man.
01:21:11The Guard!
01:21:13And remember,
01:21:14these men are being
01:21:15closed in ten tons
01:21:18of steel infamy
01:21:20on Sunday.
01:21:22And Kozlov
01:21:24introducing The Big Show
01:21:25to some steel
01:21:28on Friday Night SmackDown.
01:21:32Kozlov looks invigorated.
01:21:34Sure does.
01:21:35A dangerous man.
01:21:38Kozlov has a very
01:21:42and effective
01:21:51Oh, the
01:21:52Snake Eyes.
01:21:54head first.
01:21:55And another huge kick.
01:21:57The flexibility.
01:21:58The strength.
01:21:59The power.
01:22:00The softness
01:22:01of The Undertaker.
01:22:03And The Big Show
01:22:04right in the kidneys
01:22:05and the lower back
01:22:06with all that weight.
01:22:08440 pounds plus.
01:22:10What a match.
01:22:11What a fatal
01:22:12four-way wheel
01:22:14This is
01:22:15SmackDown, baby.
01:22:16And that's why the
01:22:17WWE title
01:22:18inside the Elimination
01:22:20is Sunday's
01:22:21Man of the Month.
01:22:22And this body
01:22:23sounds rocket.
01:22:24But living it
01:22:25ripes in less.
01:22:26And that giant
01:22:28with the headbutt.
01:22:31A rancorous
01:22:35Oh, man.
01:22:36And now this is
01:22:37the world's largest
01:22:39using that
01:22:40massive ball.
01:22:44Finding nothing
01:22:45but canvas
01:22:46luckily for The Undertaker.
01:22:50Another one.
01:22:51Right to the sternum
01:22:52of The Big Show.
01:22:54The Game.
01:22:55The Game.
01:22:56The Game.
01:22:58from The Destroyer.
01:22:59A destructive
01:23:02Oh, my God.
01:23:03Oh, no.
01:23:04Oh, no.
01:23:09The Dead Man
01:23:10with a Tombstone.
01:23:11And The Big Show
01:23:12is back.
01:23:13Every man
01:23:14for himself.
01:23:17from the biggest
01:23:18athlete in the whole
01:23:19wide world.
01:23:22Oh, man.
01:23:23Oh, my God.
01:23:27The WWE
01:23:31The ultimate
01:23:34has struck
01:23:35at the most
01:23:36opportune time.
01:23:38And will this
01:23:39be the same Sunday
01:23:40and nowhere
01:23:42Oh, my God.
01:23:43This body's laying
01:23:44all on the floor
01:23:45around the edge.
