00:00Into the Sphinx is again one of these equinox connections but trying to stick with the Great
00:10Pyramid and have a look and so we see now the transparent so we can see now the internal
00:16shafts and chambers at least the ones that are known about there are there's a lot more
00:20to to this and again this would be a long topic to go into but I have like labeled the
00:27King's Chamber, Queen's Chamber, the Grand Gallery I'm using the standard names but and
00:34also we see these four slender shafts leading off so if the eight-sided pyramid was an internal
00:41collapse at 90 degrees from each other and perfectly aligned again that's just so it's
00:48it's embarrassingly bad to say that it was because of a structure collapsed or partially
00:55collapsed in on itself it's just wrong so false but as I mentioned earlier I showed
01:03the there are shafts inside one heading north one heading south on the inside of the King's
01:10Chamber and the same again on the Queen's Chamber these shafts are aligned to key points
01:16in the all were the Vidalian Trimbole have shown how these were aligned to all the North
01:23Star how North Star has it was in antiquity but also to the belt of Orion and to Sirius once
01:29again these are navigation points and as I mentioned a bit earlier even the location of
01:36the pyramid is a very important point in regards to navigation considering the trade winds are
01:42swapping direction from east to west and also that trade items such as cocaine and even a
01:48tobacco beetle have been found in Egyptian mummies. Next we need to have a look again
01:56at the alignments from the shafts which point off to the southern alignments which point
02:02off to Alnitak in Orion's belt but especially to Sirius in Canis Major now Sirius for ancient
02:12Greeks Romans Polynesians so many other people was a very very important navigation tool but
02:19also a calendar item for instance the flooding of a Nile was heralded by the arrival of Sirius
02:25so which in Sirius is also considered the star of Isis and even the doubters have to admit the
02:33importance of Sirius since the hieroglyphs and so much else are especially connected to the
02:38Dendera Zodiac so the pyramid was built these alignments were made and they were and they have
02:47been preserved because of the quality of the building of the pyramid but now let's have a
02:53look at the King's Chamber as I mentioned earlier it's much like the pyramid itself of the external
02:59larger pyramid the alignments and the measurements and so much else contain a spectacular level of
03:08sophistication and the encoding of very very important mathematical knowledge including
03:14Pythagorean theorem and proportions of triangles relating back to the golden section again this
03:23is a red granite so and this was brought from far away but here we see this 3-2 triangle with
03:29square root of 5 straight away you've got the golden section but the 3-4-5 Pythagorean triangle
03:35the floor of the pyramid actually two floors to the grand gallery you have the floor but you also
03:42have a channel running around the outside which gives it the extra depth multiple levels multiple
03:47meanings Richard Heath has spoken about the sacred Jewish qubit I've been including this because I
03:54think it's important because of the numbers involved and the origin of it it's I couldn't
04:03confirm it so I'm not locking that in but I am including it but sticking just with the royal
04:07qubits and the meter ratio so you have the perimeter of the King's Chamber encodes pi in
04:18meters pi times 10 meters the maximum visible so if you're standing with your back towards the wall
04:25that's the most you're going to see and that's going to bring you to 5 squared meters so once
04:31again this 6 over 5 ratio which from the sacred Jewish qubit to the Egyptian royal qubit is 6 over
04:375 pi and 5 the sarcophagus itself the external volume versus the internal volume connects us to
04:47the Delian problem which again was in official history not solved until much later however
04:53considering it's already got Pythagorean theorem and these other you know lovely geometric measurements
05:00in there that the sarcophagus wasn't accidentally brought us to doubling the cube problem it really
05:10it cannot be ignored or simply dismissed again the alignment of it the precision of the alignment of
05:19the of the King's Chamber but of the pyramid itself the measures and the other information
05:24encoded inside it just keeps building up and up now high up in the top there the pinnacle now
05:32there there is some graffiti which is basically in Campbell's chamber which is used to date the
05:40pyramid and to give it over to Khufu again very very weak and there's a whole scandal regarding
05:49that and again Zoe Hawass and the way he behaves and had almost had guides put in prison for damage
05:56that he actually done he blamed it on guides and these other researchers and only when the
06:01photographic evidence was brought forth did he have to were the people saved from going to jail
06:08for undeserved reasons again this character Zoe Hawass if you just do a Google search of Zoe Hawass
06:16and Graham Hancock debate and see how he behaves towards Gobleki Tepe and you will see straight
06:21through this guy he is a gatekeeper or a very nasty character at the best but I digress let's
06:30move away from the individual characters and focus on the pyramid itself and for instance the alignments
06:37to Orion's belt and Sirius. Sirius being the most important for the moment because the Greeks and
06:43Romans used it as a calendar event but so did the ancient Egyptians which has a connection back to
06:48Abu Simbel and the cycles of flooding on the Nile but now let's look at this diagram by using the
06:58JH Cole survey the supposed imperfections of the measurements on each side so most researchers will
07:05tend to focus on the ideal measures 440 by 280 cubits but each side of the pyramid has a slight
07:13variation and this imperfection is actually a excellent example of the perfection of the pyramids
07:21construction because the the slight variations encode a series of knowledge and it goes back
07:29to looking at the pyramid as a 3d object not as a 2d object and the number being 86,400 so
07:36virtually all the researchers will focus on this number 43,200 I believe I've more than shown proof
07:44that this is not incorrect but very inelegant because it requires a looking at the pyramid
07:52dividing and then timesing by two it gets all messy but the number pi so let's begin if you
07:58stand at the southeast corner the proportion of the pyramid is as close to pi as you're going to
08:07get now because of the slight variations of a margin of error within the survey this margin
08:15of error will bring us to a perfect proportions of pi looking at it from the southeast corner and this
08:21is what I believe to be the greater code of the pyramid each corner represents a different level
08:29of knowledge and so as you move around the pyramid a 3d object you need to look at it not just as a
08:342d plan as a 3d plan so what do I mean by that as we move around to the southwest corner the
08:42proportions are now pi times 100 meters with again within a sliver of them and within the
08:51margin of error of any survey regarding the pyramid but once again we have pi times 100 in
08:59meters so the perfect proportion of pi is seen from the southeast corner the perfect measurements
09:06appear in the southwest corner each corner has a new level of understanding now so again we look
09:15at it as a 3d object but I will see again but the same so pi times 10 so at pi times 100 meters and
09:23here we have pi times 10 meters appearing using the eastern face slice down the middle so this
09:33system it says we'll go for it more and more and it's going to appear the importance of it's going
09:38to appear very strongly over and over again now even the 115 meters is of very important piece
09:48of information but we'll sticking to pi for the moment so has above so below has inside is outside
09:57whatever is on the outside of the pyramid will be repeated on the inside of the pyramid and the
10:02another example of that is that the perimeter of the King's Chamber is also pi times 10 meters the
10:10connection between the second the qubit and the meter and 86,400 not 43,200 brings all these
10:20things into a wonderful harmony another very important point regarding pi as a proportion is
10:28the Grand Gallery now again most researchers will try and we'll we'll use a rounded off measure of
10:35150 free feet I would love it to be 150 free feet but the surveys again are showing that it's a
10:41sliver over 150 free feet making it in proportion to the height of the pyramid so pi times the length
10:49of a Grand Gallery 153.15 it's just rounded off a little bit but the exact stick with the exact
10:58measure also but so again we see a pi proportion we also have pi represented in meters pi times 10
11:06meters pi times 100 meters and most interestingly pi times 1,000 meters now I used Google Maps to
11:15calculate this distance so the Great Pyramid is not exactly on the 30th degree or 108,000
11:23seconds as in the 108,000 seconds 30 degrees of the pendulum clock or pi over 6 radian it is
11:30short of that distance to the distance it is short as least as best I could gather from using the
11:37measuring tool on Google Maps is it's pi times 1,000 meters pi times 10 meters pi times 100
11:46meters pi times 1,000 meters the Egyptian Royal Qubit again connecting to the meter so and or pi
11:54over 6 meters and the circumference of a circle of a meter diameter a 2 meter circle gives us
12:01the one second pendulum clock all of these things intricately connected beautifully connected it
12:08can it simply cannot be coincidence and for people like Zawi Hawass to mock people and call
12:14them Pyramidions really exposes his not only his character but basically his level of understanding
12:23now he might be very skilled in names and and reading hieroglyphs etc but the maths and the
12:29metrology of the pyramid is the true language and we need to look at that so now we've gone
12:34through pi now let's look at the golden ratio the divine proportion phi as on the eastern face we
12:41saw a similar thing happening in regards to pi now we see the same thing happening as where that
12:46was in meters now we see phi appearing as a perfect proportion using the eastern face and again so
12:56as is the nature of pi, phi being such a beautiful number the inverse you know so
13:03pi minus 1 equals 1 divided by sorry phi minus 1 equals 1 divided by phi this is one of the
13:13beautiful things about this number phi plus 1 equals phi squared that's important because if
13:20we stand at the southeast corner and we include the visible base plus the invisible height the
13:26total height because the pyramid goes underground so now we have as we had the perfect proportions
13:32of pi from the southeast corner using the maximum visible base and the maximum visible height the
13:40visible base divided by the invisible height gives us pi sorry phi squared proportions what's more
13:50again the surface area of the pyramid itself will give us this divine proportion over and over as
13:59with what happened with pi will happen also with phi the divine proportion the golden mean so many
14:06names for it but whether it's in the metrology or whether the proportions of a building it happens
14:13again so the western face gives us pi sorry phi squared or phi plus 1 in meters times 100 again
14:24so again as with pi as with phi meters proportions 10 and 100 it happens over and over as above so
14:34below as in regards to the pyramid as is what's on the outside is what's on the inside the same
14:41hermetic code philosophy comes through for instance the maximum visible edge length or
14:48perimeter of a grand gallery so you stand at the shortest corner of your back towards the wall you
14:53can only see three walls at one time and what those three walls again will bring us to phi plus 1 or
15:01phi squared times 10 meters meters proportions over and over phi and pi now and so as we move
15:13around to the northern face the proportions that appear from here will give us phi squared the
15:20yeah what it's it simply is amazing now again the establishment will ignore these things firstly
15:31they'll mock you and then they'll ignore you and that's you know that's what's happening with the
15:37establishment but these are things that can be measured these are things that have been measured
15:41unlike so much of a fluff where they find a scrap of a hieroglyph and say oh therefore it's this and
15:46we know it for sure it's yeah anyway also the angles of the pyramid will give us the golden
15:55mean the divine proportion and again using trigonometry using a type of maths which apparently
16:00they didn't have access to yet coincidentally if I were able to encode all these other proportions
16:06all this other metrology all these other alignments and and yet coincidence after coincidence after
16:14coincidence it boggles the mind that so-called professionals and people who spend years and
16:21studying this and who have access to the site have access to all sorts of resources and yet
16:32they ignore this all or snicker when it's even brought up but again we just using the math using
16:40the proportion especially proportions connected to as I showed with astronomy and so much else
16:46now this is a snippet of what's happening and you just you know you just have to look now how can
16:53all this is just fine now we also have pi and we also had the astronomy and we also had well the
16:59273 which I begin began with and we'll review again in a second it's simply not sustainable
17:07for the stat for the orthodoxy to be allowed to get away with what they've well what they've been
17:14doing or alternatively what they've not been doing you know either they're concealing it or
17:19they or they need to get their arse in gear and and do some proper examination I showed this
17:28diagram I made earlier and I want to explain this theory more and about how the supposed
17:34imperfections on each side of a pyramid are actually a series of beautiful perfections
17:39which will include in encode so much knowledge and explain away some of the questions regarding
17:46the slight variations from true pi and phi in regards especially to meters but all this has
17:54to do with the Great Pyramid having eight sides so these things will all connect as we'll go
18:00through them so let's begin as we move around the pyramid now the eastern section will give us
18:08perfect proportions of phi again within a really really sliver of a margin of error so you see
18:16again because of a surveying because of the casing stones are missing there's a slight
18:23variation but as we move to the southeast visible corner we will see pi appearing as in pi times 10
18:32meters the southeast corner of a visible base base versus a visible height will give us pi
18:39proportions on that same corner we're also going to get phi squared proportions phi plus one the
18:46beauty of this and again the visible base including the invisible height the total height as we move
18:54to the southern face we get the ideal proportions and this is what most researchers focus on and
18:59that's one of the problems that it's not true pi or phi but so to the southwest corner southwest
19:06corner is about measurement scales in this beautiful connection pi times 100 meters the
19:14same thing will appear again phi squared times 100 meters as we move to this western side this so we
19:21have phi and pi and meters and again it's again it's about perspectives on a three-dimensional
19:28object not a two-dimensional plan it's a three-dimensional object and also on the western
19:35side we will get these proportions where it's the square in the circle inside the square or 2.73 but
19:43also the proportions of earth and moon will appear on the western side so we've gone through phi pi
19:50in ratio but also in meters now also on the west side we go to the northwest corner we get the
19:57proportion of pi over 6 which is also the Egyptian royal cubit in meters the northern face will also
20:05give us phi squared proportions so again as we move around we've moved through proportions to
20:14measurement and now on to some other key proportions and for instance for standing
20:22at the northeast corner we'll get these wonderful geometries happening again so each corner each
20:29side has a different tale to tell and for instance against sticking with the northeast corner the
20:37maximum visible base will describe the rotational speed of the earth per second which we can take
20:43even further since it's here on the northeastern corner that the scaling of the pyramid to the
20:49size of the earth really appears now we have to include the sockets which were around the corner
20:56as well as the cycle the paving stones on which it stands but the maximum visible base it's a 3d
21:03object we stand at the corner we can see two sides nothing to describe the rotational speed
21:07of the earth per second and remember one pendulum one meter pendulum clock connecting to the
21:13Egyptian royal cubit and pi over 6 well that same knowledge will extend so if we multiply that
21:19maximum visible base by 86,400 we get the circumference of the earth this is much more
21:28elegant than the traditional way which is to use 43,200 to get the half measures here we get the
21:36full scope of what's going on on the knowledge that's being passed on and that extends even
21:41further because the height of the pyramid including the socket the cycle the paving stones on which it
21:47stands multiply them by that same factor which so much connects us to the meter to the pendulum
21:53clock and all the other connections we get the polar diameter of the earth and this is a huge
21:59importance because the earth is not a perfect sphere it bulges at the center and it's slightly
22:04flattened at the top and understanding that is key to geodesic measurement systems earth-based
22:11measure systems which well the meter was originally used as a derived from the second and also from
22:20the polar circumference of the earth and so many of these ancient measures have so many connections
22:26to geodesic measure so earth-based measure geometry earth measure that's this is the the core of the
22:33hermetic code about bringing measurement systems in tune with the natural world not just on a
22:41microscopic scale but on a macro scale as above so below it's not just a motto it's it's a way of
22:48thinking and it's a way of understanding the world and this I believe is how we are able to properly
22:57read the the pyramid in that it's a not a two-dimensional object but a three-dimensional
23:03object and from the one the two and the third dimension we get these properties which not only
23:10relate to the one second pendulum for all qubit and the meter but also tell a story so each part
23:16one part represents metrology one part ratio one part geometric geometric ratios one part earth
23:24ratios earth and moon ratios and even the angles of the pyramid have so much information that that
23:32this particular angle was chosen short in a building that was so perfect surely is no coincidence
23:39and again has what's on the inside is what it's on the outside of a grand gallery in the Kings
23:46chamber have the same thing but again getting back to the golden ratio the angles across
23:51trigonometry bring us these beautiful proportions once more if we the Kings chamber as contains as
24:00well so much information Pythagorean triplets pi and phi and perfect alignments and so much
24:08else the phi over pi over six being relating to the qubit to the position to the one second
24:15pendulum which we get the proportions the north different corners again two and three dimensional
24:24geometry appearing and it's that again and also one qubit is pi over six meters but we get the
24:32same ratio of pi times 100 pi times 10 also I mentioned earlier pi times a thousand inside
24:40and outside from the viewing it as a three dimensional from the corner and as we went
24:46through earlier this
25:16Pini, come eat.
25:26Come here.
25:28Come eat, Pini.
25:36Come eat, Pini.