Bananas in Pyjamas - Ep. 175 - Rat's Tale (2004)

  • 2 months ago
Amy is upset because Rat in a hat has sold out of tails and everyone else in Cuddles Avenue has bought one.

©2004, ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


00:00♪ Bananas in pajamas are coming down the stairs ♪
00:04♪ Bananas in pajamas are coming down in pairs ♪
00:09♪ Bananas in pajamas are chasing teddy bears ♪
00:14♪ Come on Tuesdays, babe, I'll try to catch them on the air ♪
00:32One morning, when the Bananas in Pajamas went to Rat's shop...
00:36Oh, good morning, Bananas.
00:38I see you're admiring my splendid new collection of tails.
00:42Tails? We were right, B-1. But, Rat, who would want to buy a tail?
00:45Oh, everyone needs a tail.
00:47Why, I couldn't imagine what I'd do without one.
00:50An elegant tail adds the perfect finishing touch to any ensemble.
00:55Oh, Rat, I'm sure they look very nice, but what would you, uh...
00:59Oh, use it for?
01:01Believe me, Bananas, a tail has a thousand and one uses.
01:05For instance, you...
01:06Now, Rat, we may not be the smartest fruit around, but we're no cumbersome...
01:10Oh, you're quite right, B-2.
01:12So, please, don't try and tell us that anyone would possibly want to buy a tail.
01:17Oh, no, no, no, no.
01:18Oh, Rat, you're right.
01:20My new tail looks positively magnifique.
01:24What do you think, Bananas?
01:27Oh, hello, Bananas. What do you think of this, Morgan?
01:31You were right, Rat. My new tail is so useful.
01:35For what?
01:36Ah, well, um, if I've got something important to remember,
01:40I can tie a knot in the end of it.
01:45Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B-1?
01:47I think I am, B-2. It's tail time.
01:50And once the Bananas had their new tails, they found that they were very useful indeed.
01:58Ouch! Ouch! I've got one, B-2!
02:02Rat's tails were so popular that when Amy went to buy one...
02:06One tail, please, Rat.
02:07Oh, I'm sorry, Amy, but I'm completely sold out of tails.
02:11I haven't got a single one left.
02:13Oh, not even a little tiny one?
02:15I'd sell you my own tail, but the problem is I'm rather attached to it.
02:20Oh, no! Now everyone will think I look silly
02:24because I'll be the only one without a tail in the whole of Cuddles Avenue.
02:28Oh, Amy.
02:35Morgan had found all sorts of useful things that he could do with his tail.
02:41Oh, how I wish I had a tail.
02:44Oh, cheer up, Amy.
02:47At least you don't have to alter all your clothes,
02:50so you've got room for a tail.
02:54And the Bananas were discovering that having a tail wasn't always such a good idea.
02:59Dinner's ready, B-1.
03:01Good. I'm really hungry, B-2.
03:07What's the matter, B-1?
03:09What's the matter, B-1? I've caught my tail in the door, B-2.
03:13And I just knocked the food onto the floor with my tail.
03:18One, two, three...
03:21And later that evening, when the Bananas went round to the Teddies' house
03:25for a game of hide-and-seek...
03:27Coming ready or not!
03:29Oh, well, that's not very good.
03:31Hiding? I know where you all are right away.
03:35Because of your tails, of course, Morgan.
03:37Look, Lulu's over here.
03:39And B-1's there, and B-2's over there.
03:42B-2, I'm beginning to think that these tails aren't such a good idea after all.
03:46I'm beginning to think that too, B-1.
03:48And when I was doing my dancing practice this afternoon,
03:51I kept tripping over my tail.
03:53And this morning in the park, Maggie Miss took my tail for a worm.
03:57You can say that again.
04:01Are you thinking what we're thinking, Teddies?
04:04We think we are, Bananas!
04:06These tails have to go!
04:09I'm a rat, I'm a rat, I'm a clever, clever rat.
04:12The very next day...
04:13Oh, morning, Amy. Today is your lucky day.
04:16Oh, is it, Rat? Why?
04:17Because I have just got in a huge new supply of tails.
04:21Oh, sorry, Rat, but I've changed my mind.
04:24I don't want a tail after all.
04:26Oh, don't want a tail?
04:28Don't you realise you will be absolutely the only person
04:32in the whole of Curls Avenue that doesn't have a tail?
04:36We're returning our tails, Rat.
04:38Because they just don't work.
04:40Me too, Rat.
04:42And what's more, our clothes no longer fit us
04:45because we had to alter them to make room for those tails.
04:49Yes, my trousers keep falling down.
04:51Ours too.
04:53Oh, I can fix that.
04:55You can?
04:56Oh, trust me, I'm a rat.
04:58I won't be a moment.
05:00Hmm, I wonder what he's up to, sweet cheese.
05:05There you are. Belts.
05:08What a good idea, Rat.
05:11I think they want them for me, Rat.
05:13No problem, Amy.
05:14They want them for you.
05:16Come on, everybody, take your belts.
05:19Come on, everybody, take your belts.
05:21Come on, everybody, take your belts.
05:23Come on, everybody, take your belts.
05:26Here you are, Rat.
05:28There we go.
05:30Now tie it firmly.
