Vivir de Amor - Capitulo 116

  • 2 months ago


00:00How did it go for you?
00:01Did you talk to your family?
00:04I'm sure they told you something.
00:06They all hate me.
00:08I talked to them.
00:11Look, Rebeca, I promise I'll fight for you.
00:15Against everything, if necessary.
00:18And I'm going to do it because I love you.
00:21Rebeca, I love you like I've never loved anyone.
00:25You're so good, Isabel.
00:28You're so good, Isabel.
00:39They'll soon tell you that Monica died.
00:50I think it's time for the kids to go to bed.
00:53So early?
00:55I'll walk you to the hacienda, but we can play here.
01:00No, no, no, kids.
01:02It's not time to play.
01:05It's time to sleep and dream with the angels.
01:09Okay, fine.
01:11Good night, everyone.
01:13Come here, come here, nephew.
01:15Come here, good night.
01:16I don't want you to worry.
01:18I'll make sure that if your mom comes looking for you
01:21in the neighborhood, she knows you're here.
01:26It's a promise?
01:27Of course, of course.
01:29That's so cool!
01:31That's so cool!
01:33You see that, little disco?
01:35So now we're going to sleep very well.
01:39Yes, Javi.
01:40Okay, girls, come here.
01:43What story do you want me to tell you tonight?
01:44The one about the witches and the ghosts.
01:47Those are the best, aren't they?
01:49Yes, yes, yes.
01:50But we're fine.
01:51No, no, I'm not going to tell you
01:53because then you won't be able to sleep.
01:59It's not fair that Pedrito suffers for his mother.
02:03And Isabel knows where she is.
02:06But he says she's a very bad woman,
02:09that she has a bad life,
02:12and that's why he doesn't want her to be in contact
02:15with the boy.
02:17I really don't see the time for everything to be fixed
02:20to get my Pedrito back.
02:22It seems that Monica and Misael have it as their task
02:26to make my life impossible.
02:28The good thing is that you're already seeing
02:29a little light at the end of the tunnel.
02:31You'll see that even the liar Misael
02:33will have to accept you as Pedrito's son's mother.
02:37I wish it were, Doris.
02:38But do you see everything that woman told my son about me?
02:43And I'm sure that now my Pedrito hates me.
02:46Don't worry, Guandita.
02:48Very soon you will clear everything up with your son.
02:51And since Pedrito is a very smart boy,
02:54you'll see that he'll understand very well
02:56what happened eight years ago.
02:58Yes, Marisa.
03:00Tomorrow I'll go with Angeli to talk to Mr. Emilio.
03:03And since he's the boss,
03:06they'll have to align on the right.
03:09They say that the brave lives until the coward dies.
03:13And I'm tired of being a whore.
03:17I'm tired of their abuses, their lies,
03:20and how they want to keep me away from my Pedrito.
03:25I need him to know me better
03:27and to know how much I love him.
03:31I know who Pedrito's mother is.
03:35You know her?
03:37Yes, and she's been suffering for many years
03:39because of her son, waiting to find him too.
03:41And where is that woman?
03:44She lives in the neighborhood.
03:47And Pedrito's mother...
03:49is Wanda.
03:53That's how you talk, Wanda.
03:56Women are worth a lot,
03:58but there are men who love to make us feel less
04:01and even despise us.
04:04That happens to us because we're mean,
04:05because we're left behind, and because we don't stop them.
04:09Because once you pass it on to men,
04:11they get used to it
04:12and start mistreating you day and night.
04:15That's why we have to report the abuse they do to us.
04:18And be careful.
04:20Let them lay a hand on us.
04:22It's time for me to grab the bull by the horns.
04:26And I'll do anything for my Pedrito.
04:29You know you can count on me
04:31and all the girls from the cooperative, Wanda.
04:35I'm more effective, Wanda.
04:37If you want, I'll go with you
04:39in case we have to beat up Monica's witch.
04:41You know what? That's how they are.
04:43They think they're evil because they scream a lot,
04:46but when it comes to beating up, they don't know how to do it.
04:53I wish it was my Carmelo who brought me serenade.
04:56Or maybe it was Primitivo.
04:58He sent me a serenade to make my life better.
05:00We'll see.
05:01You're so brazen. You're in love.
05:04Oh, my God.
05:10Now what?
05:11Don't even look at me.
05:12I'm single, married, divorced. I don't have anyone.
05:15Now she's getting romantic.
05:18That's my Duris.
05:25So when she turned on the chair,
05:27Clarita looked like Matilde and let out a big smile.
05:31You should've seen her.
05:33She was so happy to be able to use that chair by herself.
05:37I think that little motor gave her a little freedom.
05:41I'm glad you gave it to her.
05:44You love her a lot, don't you?
05:46You haven't stopped helping her,
05:49and you don't know how happy I am.
05:52Because you always have to remember
05:54that love is the most valuable thing in the world.
05:59Your mom is absolutely right.
06:01You have to love regardless of the obstacles.
06:05Don't tell us when Matilde is coming out.
06:08She hasn't been told yet,
06:09but I'm sure she'll be back at the hacienda.
06:12I think that's for the best.
06:14Of course.
06:15Those kids have suffered enough.
06:18You can tell your dad loves them a lot.
06:21He's willing to protect them no matter what.
06:24Besides, the fresh air is the best thing to cure everything.
06:29I'm sure Matilde will put a lot of work into therapy.
06:32I hope so.
06:35What now, son? What happened?
06:38What's wrong?
06:39Brian is still on the loose.
06:42He said he wouldn't stop until he got revenge on me.
06:47Don't worry about that, Lucas.
06:49I heard on the market that Brian left the neighborhood.
06:53Really, man? That's great news.
06:56Something's not right.
06:59I think Brian is up to something.
07:01I need to know where he is.
07:03I don't want him to continue with his plan of revenge
07:05and for me to do something to Matilde because of Lela.
07:08No, no, no.
07:14I understand.
07:16Yes, thank you very much. See you later.
07:19What is it, Dad? Who was it?
07:21They just told me tomorrow will be the first hearing
07:24for the exclusive custody request I submitted.
07:28Considering your health,
07:29the judge will come to the hospital
07:31to take Javier and his statement.
07:34Dad, do you know anything about Mom?
07:37Why hasn't she come to see me?
07:39I don't know, honey.
07:40The last thing I know is that the police
07:42was checking the security videos of the building
07:44to see what happened the day you fell.
07:49That way they could see if your mom was responsible
07:51or not for your fall.
07:57Damn, Lucas.
08:00Everything's going to be okay.
08:07In case you didn't know,
08:09Rebeca killed a woman.
08:11She's pretending to be amnesiac so she won't go to jail.
08:15But when the police find out
08:17that she got the drug she used to kill her...
08:21They'll put her behind bars.
08:24You have to get me this drug, okay?
08:28But this is a controlled drug.
08:31I'm going to need a prescription.
08:32Then solve it.
08:33Don't you think you're very efficient?
08:36If they find out I bought the drugs
08:38that Ms. Rebeca used,
08:40they'll accuse me of being an accomplice
08:41and put me in jail.
08:45Ms. Romina Castillo,
08:46you're under arrest for the accident and injuries
08:48that you caused to your daughter Matilde
08:51when she was in your custody.
08:55I almost met you by accident
08:58I almost met you by accident
09:01I almost met you by accident
09:04I almost met you by accident
09:07I almost met you by accident
09:10I almost met you by accident
09:13I almost met you by accident
09:16One minute and you'll be mine
09:20Ever since we started dating
09:25Why won't Doris turn up? I've been waiting for three songs.
09:28Please, calm down, Sebas.
09:31Doris has her own temperament,
09:33but she's got very big heart.
09:35So don't worry.
09:37There will be more than enough time to sing about her.
09:39Doris can sound a little negligent sometimes,
09:41She's better than bread.
09:43If I didn't know, I'd know her like the back of my hand.
09:46She's my daughter.
09:47Okay, but if after this you don't come out,
09:49it's a sign that you don't want to know about me,
09:51and I'd better go.
09:52No, no, no. Keep singing.
09:53You sing so beautifully.
09:54Sing another one.
09:55Sing another one.
09:57Have you finished singing your songs?
10:00Or do you know more?
10:02Well, I told you it was a bad idea.
10:05I'd better go.
10:06No, no, no, no.
10:07Sebas, where are you going?
10:09Are you going to be happy with a serenade?
10:11Well, no, SebastiƔn.
10:13Because if we're not for what we are,
10:15then why are we if we're not?
10:18Oh, no, no, no.
10:19If that's how Doris is, she's right.
10:21In her words,
10:22we are or we are not, my Sebas.
10:25Come on.
10:26Come on.
10:27Come on, Doris.
10:31How quickly you forgot all the times we were together
10:34and how much we laughed when we were together.
10:37You even told me that when you met me,
10:39all the sadness had left you
10:41and that you had regained the desire to live.
10:44And I had regained the joy.
10:46And the times we ate garnachas at the market
10:49and that you told me
10:50that they were the best moments for you
10:51because you were with me.
10:53Do you remember you told me that, SebastiƔn?
10:55Do you remember?
10:56I haven't forgotten anything I've lived with you.
10:59Well, it seems so.
11:01Because you paid me with bad money
11:03and you treated me super badly.
11:05That's not fair, Sebas.
11:07Because to be a little man,
11:08you don't need to have money
11:10or be very poor.
11:11You are born without a little man or you are not born.
11:13Doris, that's why I'm here.
11:15Like the man I am, asking you for forgiveness,
11:16giving you the face.
11:18I admit that I let myself go.
11:20Forgive me, please.
11:23Please, Dorisita.
11:25Look, listen to Sebas now.
11:28Armando Fuegos, don't meddle.
11:31Let them sort it out.
11:33Love is a matter of two.
11:35Oh, but for God's sake, Dorisita,
11:37don't let this man escape
11:38because they don't take them seriously.
11:40Think about it, Dorisita.
11:41Besides, he sings very beautiful.
11:42Mom, yes.
11:43Go down.
11:44Here we are, look.
11:45We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anything.
11:47It's that you ignored me, SebastiƔn.
11:49And you didn't even give me a chance to explain
11:51how things were.
11:53I didn't use you as Rebeca said.
11:54And then I wanted to explain to you.
11:55Doris, Doris.
11:59Let's leave the past behind and start over.
12:02I promise you that from tonight on,
12:04I will dedicate my life to making you happy.
12:08Are you talking straight, Sebas?
12:10Very straight.
12:19Are you going to kiss me?
12:21It's a good kiss, isn't it?
12:23That's right, very good.
12:27Oh, how beautiful.
12:31My grandson feels a deep hatred
12:34for Pedrito's mother.
12:36Unjustified hatred, grandfather.
12:38Because if Wanda earned her life
12:40dancing in a nightclub,
12:42that doesn't mean she's a bad woman.
12:46Besides, Wanda has suffered a lot all these years.
12:49Since the day Pedrito was snatched from her arms,
12:52she has not been able to live in peace.
12:54We have to help Wanda to get closer to Pedrito.
12:58A mother and a son cannot live unhappy
13:03when it is in our hands
13:05to give them back happiness.
13:07Yes, I totally agree with you, grandfather.
13:10Pedrito is not to blame for what happened
13:12between Wanda and Misael.
13:15And Monica has to understand
13:18that for the child,
13:19the love of her mother is very important.
13:25The children are finally asleep.
13:28By the way, grandfather, I didn't understand well,
13:31but they said something about a diary,
13:33about a witch they found,
13:35and that you kept it.
13:38No, daughter.
13:40That's another matter that...
13:43that has to be known.
13:46About what?
13:48Hi, son.
13:49Hi, Angeli.
13:51I didn't expect to find you here.
13:55And what is the family reunion due to?
13:57No, you better tell us where you come from.
14:06We decided to go to a new restaurant.
14:09Oh, what a mystery.
14:11If you had a romantic date,
14:13no one would criticize you, right?
14:15No, no, no.
14:16No restaurant, no.
14:18You, excuse me,
14:20but I didn't understand well.
14:22It seems that something happened to Mrs. Monica.
14:26Thank you, Petra.
14:30Excuse me.
14:34Yes, yes, it's my aunt.
14:39How did they shoot her?
14:43No, no.
14:45How did they shoot her?
15:11Rebeca, I want you to feel good by my side.
15:14That you trust me.
15:16But please don't do this again.
15:21It won't happen again.
15:23I promise.
15:25And what were you doing in that neighborhood all afternoon?
15:27Nothing, I already told you.
15:28I wanted to go to the place where I was supposed to grow up
15:31to see if I remembered something from my past.
15:35And what things from your past do you want to remember in that place?
15:51How did they shoot my mother?
15:54But what happened? Where is she?
15:56In which hospital are they attending?
15:58Damn it, Monica didn't die.
16:01My mother said who shot her.
16:17You have never loved me as you love Cristina.
16:20I was always the relegated daughter, dad.
16:23No, that's not true, daughter.
16:25I love them the same.
16:27Both are my daughters.
16:29Lies, lies.
16:32All my life I wanted to have your attention.
16:35With affection.
16:38And for once, you looked at me as you look at Cristina.
16:43But no, it was never like that.
16:49Yes, I am to blame for Monica's character.
16:54With my indifference.
16:57I made her like that.
16:59A selfish woman.
17:02Full of resentment and envy.
17:08With an insatiable ambition.
17:13Please, Amalia.
17:17My God, I don't want my daughter to suffer.
17:21Don't abandon her.
17:24In these delicate moments of health.
17:27Grandpa, please, calm down.
17:29Calm down, grandpa.
17:31It's not good for you to get like this.
17:33It's all my fault, Jose Emilio.
17:38I didn't know how to be the father Monica needed.
17:43I was wrong with my daughter.
17:47That's why she could never be happy.
17:50I am to blame.
17:53Grandpa, no.
17:58Not here.
18:13Hello, mom.
18:14Please, daughter, tell me how Monica is.
18:17Bad, mom, very bad.
18:19At the moment, Monica is struggling with life.
18:23At the moment, Monica is struggling with life and death.
18:28I hope Monica ends up dying.
18:31That damn girl has to die.
18:33Sir, my sister's life is in your hands.
18:38Save her, please.
18:42That's all for now, Gabriela.
18:44Thank you very much.
18:47I knew you were hiding with Cristina.
18:50And you didn't even look at me.
18:52So I got you drunk.
18:55That night was easy.
18:57Very easy to seduce you.
18:59And I got pregnant.
19:04I still remember Cristina's face
19:08when I told her I was going to marry you.
19:10Out of terror.
19:12Pathetic like she is.
19:14How do you see?
19:17Is it me you owe your miserable life to?
19:21Only to me, Adolfo.
19:30Now I understand why my father never loved you.
19:33You don't deserve anyone's love, Monica.
19:36No, you don't deserve a man like my father.
19:40And my father definitely didn't deserve a...
19:43Don't you dare, Misael, because I'm still your mother.
19:45Do you like it or not?
19:47Well, unfortunately, Monica.
19:49Because you have no idea how much I despise you.
19:52I deny you.
19:54I deny that a woman like you is my mother.
19:58This can't be happening.
20:01This really seems like a nightmare.
20:03My child, yes.
20:05Don't lose faith, Misael.
20:07You will see that your mother will get well from the operation.
20:40My son.
20:42I have to see my son.
20:45I have to save him from that bitch.
20:48My son.
21:03Are you Monica Rivera Cuellar's family?
21:05Yes, yes.
21:06How is my daughter, doctor?
21:08The lady has just regained consciousness and asked to speak to her son.
21:12Excuse me.
21:15You will live.
21:17Do you care about Monica's health or do you care more about what Misael may say?
21:45Mr. Bruno Fonseca.
21:47You are ready to give your statement again.
21:50But this time I want you to tell me the whole truth.
21:52Agent Corral, please.
21:55I have nothing more to add to my statement, okay?
21:58I only said the truth.
22:00Confess that you shot Monica Rivera Cuellar.
22:05I've told you a thousand times how things happened.
22:08I got to my apartment and found Monica lying there.
22:12But I didn't shoot her.
22:14Please, I didn't do it. You have to believe me.
22:17Well, the forensic evidence says otherwise.
22:20Your fingerprints are on the gun with which you shot Mrs. Monica Rivera Cuellar.
22:25Yes, yes, yes.
22:27If the fingerprints are on the gun, it was because I picked up the gun from the floor.
22:32That's why the fingerprints are on the gun.
22:34Yes, that was my big mistake, but I didn't do it.
22:38Granting him the benefit of the doubt,
22:40then tell me where he was before arriving at his apartment.
22:47Let's go, you're alone.
22:50Shut up!
22:54Do you have witnesses to confirm where he was?
23:02Yes, open the door.
23:04What's going on?
23:07Have you seen Sandra?
23:08No, not at all.
23:10I find it very strange that she hasn't come to work yet.
23:13She's always the most punctual.
23:14That's true, but I don't know.
23:18Hi, Wanda. Doris.
23:19What's up?
23:20We came to pick up your sister Angeli.
23:22Please let her know that we are here.
23:24I'm sorry, Angeli is not here. She went to the hospital.
23:27Don't tell me that Angeli got sick.
23:29No, no, no. Fortunately, my sister is fine.
23:32But it's about Mrs. Monica.
23:34They fired her and it's very serious.
23:40And well, ready for the big day?
23:42More than ready.
23:44Hey, after so much work, I'm finally going to open my own business.
23:49And all this, what is it?
23:50Well, look.
23:51They are gifts that I am going to give to customers who come on the day of the inauguration.
23:55What do you think?
23:58These pins.
23:59They are beautiful, right?
24:02No, I think it's very good.
24:03Very original.
24:04I love the caps.
24:05Yes, they are super pretty, right?
24:06Because not only will customers buy you pizza, but they will also promote you for free.
24:10Well, too.
24:11And they take a gift.
24:13And well, the first gift is for you.
24:23For me?
24:26With the support you gave me, you earned it.
24:33You know that my heart lives with you, love.
24:41You know that in my dreams I see you.
24:53I warn you that due to the severity of your mother, I could say incoherences.
24:58I leave you alone, excuse me.
25:08You're going to be fine.
25:11You're going to get out of this.
25:13He shot me.
25:15He shot me.
25:17I know, don't worry.
25:18Don't try too hard, okay?
25:21That scoundrel is already in jail.
25:24Promise me you're not going to get out of there.
25:25And I'm going to make sure he sinks in that hole for the rest of his life.
25:31He's going to try to deceive you, son.
25:35He wants to destroy you.
25:38Don't worry.
25:40I'm very clear about his intentions.
25:43And he's not going to be able to do anything against me.
25:47He's not going to betray me, or deceive me, or anything.
25:51I assure you that.
25:53Don't let him.
25:56You don't, son.
25:57You don't.
26:02My son.
26:06My reason to live.
26:10My only true love.
26:14Don't say that.
26:17The whole family is here.
26:18They're out there.
26:20Worried about you.
26:23I don't care about them.
26:27Just you.
26:30Just you, my son.
26:35And my grandson.
26:38You have to prepare him.
26:41Like I prepared you.
26:44No, Mom.
26:47He'll grow up better than me.
26:48Because I'm going to learn from our mistakes.
26:51And I'm going to teach him what a father's true love is.
26:55I'm going to educate him to be a worthy Rivero Cuellar.
27:00To be a successful, powerful man.
27:04I just don't understand one thing, Mom.
27:07Why did you lie to me all these years?
27:10Why did you never tell me that Mauricio Aranda was my father?
27:12Why did you never tell me that Mauricio Aranda was my father?
27:16You always told me that there are no secrets between heaven and earth.
27:21And sooner or later...
27:22The truth comes to light.
27:28Forgive me.
27:32Forgive me, son, but...
27:35I felt it was best for you.
27:39That's why I did it.
27:43I declare myself guilty.
27:47For breaking my rules.
27:51For allowing you to see me cry.
27:56When I told you so many times that I was very strong.
28:01That I could take it all.
28:08For letting you see the worst of my son.
28:13How vulnerable I am.
28:17How well I can break for everything.
28:22And for nothing.
28:24Forgive me.
28:26It's okay.
28:28I forgive you.
28:34Jime, forgive me.
28:37I shouldn't...
28:39No, no, no. Please excuse me, Renato.
28:42I shouldn't talk and...
28:44And what?
28:51I'm sorry, Jime.
28:53It looks like I'm not serious.
28:55No, son.
28:56You don't need to apologize.
28:58Look, it wasn't just your fault.
28:59I know it shouldn't have happened.
29:01On the contrary.
29:03I think that kiss really should have happened.
29:06It's just that you love Angeli and we're just friends.
29:09Besides, I'm getting a divorce.
29:12Yes, yes.
29:13It's true that I was very in love with Angeli.
29:16But it's clear to me that it's over.
29:19I don't know how or when, but my feelings changed.
29:24Now I care about you.
29:26I feel something very special for you.
29:31But I don't want to cause you problems with your divorce.
29:35And if you only see me as a friend, I would also understand.
29:38But I think this has already come out of our hands.
29:41All I wanted was for you to know how I feel.
29:45Well, my priority is not to hurt the person I love the most.
29:49And he's my son.
29:51The rest doesn't matter.
29:53The rest comes later.
29:55Even what I feel.
29:57I hope you understand me.
30:00David suffered so much with the separation with Iker
30:03that I would never want him to suffer something like that again.
30:06We are adults, Ximena.
30:08We will know how to keep a distance.
30:11I understand that you have to conclude your divorce process.
30:15And the last thing I want to do is pressure you.
30:18But if something happens between us, I'll know how to wait.
30:22I'll know how to give you the time you need, okay?
30:26Well, I think I better go.
30:53Sandra, are you here?
31:05Are you here?
31:22Sandra, who was it?
31:27What did this do to you?
31:35I don't know.
31:41Remember what your dad said, Mati.
31:44Just tell the truth.
31:46That's how you are. You're going to be fine.
31:49It's more complicated than that.
31:52My mom can be very upset if I tell the truth, Lucas.
31:57Can you leave me alone for a moment, please?
32:00I have to think very carefully about what I'm going to say.
32:16What am I going to tell the judge?
32:19Dad says the truth always comes out, but my mom...
32:39We won!
32:51Mom doesn't answer, Javi.
32:54I don't understand why she hasn't contacted us.
32:57She sent me to the mailbox again, Javi.
33:00I think mom forgot about us and she's not coming to pick us up.
33:04There's nothing in the fridge.
33:06My mom said she'd go to the supermarket.
33:09I'm going to make sandwiches.
33:11I don't know if they're good.
33:13We're going to drink water.
33:15That's all there is.
33:22Mati, the judge is here.
33:26Are you ready to talk to him, daughter?
33:30Yes, dad. I'm ready.
33:33Let's go.
33:40It's delicious.
33:42Thank you. Have a nice day.
33:47Don't you know about the tragedy that we just found out about?
33:50You don't know.
33:52I still don't believe it.
33:54Hey, woman, let them go at once.
33:56Please tell me what happened, Wanda.
33:59Talk, talk.
34:00Angeli, but he wasn't at the restaurant.
34:03And he wasn't there because he went to the hospital.
34:06Because it turns out that Mrs. Monica was shot.
34:09It can't be. How?
34:11I do think that Mrs. Monica is in good health.
34:15I mean, one thing is that she was a mule with me,
34:18but another very different thing is that I wish her bad luck.
34:21No, you don't wish death on the worst enemy, Wanda.
34:24Of course not.
34:26Because there is a God who sees everything and judges everything.
34:28And the truth is that it's not because he's a mule,
34:31but he says that hell is here
34:35and no one leaves this earth without paying for all the damage he did.
34:40But wait, my love, you talk as if Mrs. Monica was already dying.
34:44Yes, Lupita.
34:46No, I'm not talking about death, because in one of those,
34:49I don't want her to show up and I'll make a mess there.
34:52Calm down.
34:59We both made a mistake.
35:02I mean, in a fit of anger, I became my father's murderer.
35:08That bastard shouldn't even have been born.
35:12I know.
35:14I know, but in the end, I ended up shooting him because he killed my son.
35:18The law is good.
35:22I just hope that if we meet again in another life,
35:25that it's not hell, Mom.
35:27I'm very afraid.
35:29I'm very afraid of losing you.
35:31Don't be afraid.
35:34Besides, no one has risen from the dead
35:40to tell us that there is beyond life.
35:44But as long as you're here,
35:47I'm so worried about leaving you alone.
35:51I'm here.
35:53You have to defend yourself, Isabel.
35:57Take care of the vultures.
35:59They want to take everything from you, son.
36:04Heal me.
36:06Heal me, because you're going to take care of them.
36:08Heal me.
36:10I swear, Mom. I swear.
36:14My most beautiful eyes in the world.
36:18Everything was for you.
36:22My only son.
36:25My only true love.
36:30Only for you.
36:32For you, son.
36:34I know.
36:37Because I'm your mother, I got tired.
36:41I got angry with you.
36:44I hurt you.
36:46I yelled at you like crazy.
36:50I called your attention.
36:54I told you the same things a thousand times.
37:00Do you know why?
37:04Because I love you.
37:06I love you too.
37:09And you'll never find anyone who loves you like I do.
37:15I'm not interested, son.
37:20Only maternal love.
37:27Because your triumph will be mine.
37:38Mom. Mom.
37:41Mom. No, no. What are you doing?
37:43Mom, open your eyes, please. Open your eyes.
37:46Mom. No, Mom.
37:48Mom, no.
37:53No, please.
37:55Please, no.
38:14How long are the misfortunes going to last?
38:18If it's not one thing, it's another.
38:20I still don't believe it.
38:22I don't understand how Monica Rivera Cuellar ended up with a bullet.
38:28What did she do? Where was she?
38:31That's what matters least.
38:33Look, what should worry us all is that Monica gets out of the operating room.
38:38Angeli told me she was debating between life and death.
38:43Oh, my God.
38:45May I come in?
38:47Come in, yes.
38:50This envelope has just arrived, Mrs. Elena.
38:53Thank you, Brenda.
38:55You're welcome. Excuse me.
38:57Of course.
39:01Oh, no, no, no, no. It can't be.
39:04What? What did you get, friend? What?
39:06It's an embargo order.
39:08Oh, no.
39:15No, no, no. Open your eyes, please.
39:17Please, Mom.
39:23Someone help me, please.
39:25To one side, please.
39:27I don't know what to do.
39:29Quick, quick.
39:36No, no, no.
39:43No, no, no.
40:02I know what to do.
40:04No, no.
40:07I know what to do.
40:19No, no, no.