مساء الأخبار - المسائية 20:00 - 09/07/2024

  • 3 months ago
مدي 1 تي في : مساء الأخبار - المسائية 20:00 - 09/07/2024


00:00Welcome to Al-Akhbar News on Mediantv channel in Tanjawon, as usual with the headlines.
00:20In Washington, there is a summit of the North Atlantic Alliance in the 75th anniversary of its establishment, and on its agenda are several files, the first of which is the Ukrainian file.
00:33The official Spanish news agency, Evi, highlights the economic upheaval experienced by the southern regions of Morocco.
00:44In Gaza, there was a murder and wound in a strike that hit a school in a region in the south of the sector.
00:56His Majesty King Mohammed VI gave the order to the hospital center Mohammed VI in the Huseyma region and the Zamouri hospital center in the Quneitra region to provide health services to citizens.
01:09After their completion, this is in the context of His Majesty's efforts to reform and equip the health sector in the Kingdom, improve the quality of health care, and provide medical services to citizens in different parts of the country.
01:26The Ministry of Health and Social Protection stated that the two new hospital centers in the Huseyma and Quneitra regions are among a series of major health projects that were launched in recent years,
01:42with the aim of restructuring the national health system by working with the Social Protection General Center and providing advanced services to citizens.
01:55The North Atlantic Alliance Summit was announced in Washington.
01:58The leaders of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, NATO, are meeting in Washington today and until the 11th of this month at a summit that is expected to be historic after 75 years of the establishment of the alliance.
02:19According to the Secretary General of the NATO Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, the summit focuses on three main issues, namely strengthening the defense of the alliance, supporting the efforts to defend Ukraine, and continuing to strengthen NATO international partnerships, especially in the Indian and Indian Oceans.
02:40Norwegian Stoltenberg will also hand over the leadership of the alliance, which he took over in 2014, to the current Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
02:57On the occasion of this topic, we will be joined directly from Washington by our correspondent Nazim Al Nawfal.
03:03Nawfal, welcome.
03:04Thank you.
03:07Good evening, Abdallah. Greetings to you and the viewers.
03:10Let's start with the words that were spoken at this summit. What was the most prominent thing that was discussed?
03:16Yes, Abdallah, it is a summary presented by his advisor, Mr. Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance,
03:23whether it was about his security advisor or even the special advisor in charge of tasks related to relations with a group of countries.
03:32In the beginning, he spoke about his security advisor, he spoke about NATO in his 1975 speech,
03:37that it is a successful alliance and that it achieves the goals that it aims for, including joint defense and even the search and search for peace and the defense of NATO.
03:48He also spoke about the events that took place in recent hours, namely the Russian attacks on Ukraine,
03:55which reached a number of targets, including a children's hospital, at a time when Russia refused to target the hospital and said it was a Ukrainian missile.
04:05But for NATO, for the leaders here, it is a direct message.
04:10There is a lot of pressure on the participants here in Washington, in the United States, from the leaders.
04:16He led us in his 1975 speech.
04:19Unencrypted Russian messages reached and NATO confirms its commitment to continue supporting Ukraine,
04:25and perhaps all those who have spoken today in the conference center in Washington.
04:30The most prominent file, it seems, is the Ukrainian file, and its advisor, the Secretary General,
04:35says that the issue is not only about the security of Ukraine, but it is also about preserving the security of Europe.
04:41He spoke about the elections that are taking place in a number of countries, including the United States,
04:46and that it will not change the strategy that NATO follows in defending its allies and countries under its banner.
04:53Therefore, the defense policies will be strengthened, the balance of power will be strengthened,
04:57and NATO has a long-term strategy and wants to protect the security of countries, especially in Europe.
05:02We know that this alliance, which consisted of a small number of countries in the 40s of the last century,
05:08today includes more than 230 countries, the last of which is Finland and Sweden.
05:14Therefore, the contradictory summit today in Washington will continue for three days.
05:18It is intended to send messages specifically to the Eastern Continent, specifically to Russia, to China,
05:26especially that today Christopher Wray spoke about Russia in a big way,
05:32and he also spoke about the countries that form that alliance with Russia, which has been waging war on Ukraine for years.
05:39He mentioned directly that North Korea and Iran have visited North Korea, and what we can say about it is present in this summit.
05:47President Joe Biden spoke today in statements about the Russian attacks on Ukraine,
05:53and a number of officials also spoke about the weapons from North Korea
05:58that were found in the field of the Russian-Ukrainian war in Ukraine.
06:02The issue of financing is also raised here in a large way,
06:05where NATO countries are obliged to provide 2% of their national resources.
06:14Indeed, NATO's budget has been strengthened in recent years.
06:18The budget reached more than $1.1 trillion, which was spent in 2023.
06:24And everyone remembers how Donald Trump, the former president of the United States,
06:28put pressure on NATO allies to increase the budget of the United States,
06:32which accounts for more than 67% of NATO's budget.
06:35And the military forces that we see spreading in Eastern Europe, as in Norway,
06:39as in a group of countries, most of which are American military forces.
06:43And, for example, Joe Biden today is trying to send messages to the outside,
06:47but to the inside, I mean to the countries inside NATO,
06:50in order to strengthen this defense, not only for the benefit of NATO,
06:54but also to spread peace in geographical areas,
06:56which may represent a guarantee for a group of forces there in the Eastern Mediterranean.
07:00Thank you very much, Deputy General, for all these clarifications.
07:05We will also continue this topic with our guest from Berlin,
07:09Mr. Abdel-Massih Hashami, an expert in European affairs.
07:13Welcome, Mr. Kareem.
07:17Good evening, greetings to you and to the viewers.
07:21Hello, Mr. Abdel-Massih Hashami.
07:24Has the war in Ukraine, that is, the military alliance,
07:28been restored after what I feel may have been a failure
07:32in the last 20 years after the collapse of the historic alliance Warsaw-Warsaw?
07:39Of course, I think that the Ukrainian war has brought the NATO alliance
07:44to the forefront again, and perhaps restored a part of its importance,
07:49which was really lost in the recent past,
07:52to the extent that many of the European Union countries
07:56seriously considered leaving the NATO
08:00and even forming European military forces,
08:03in one way or another, if necessary.
08:06But there is no doubt that the Ukrainian war has renewed the influence
08:11and presence of the NATO alliance once again.
08:14And of course, when we talk about the NATO alliance,
08:18there is no doubt that we must say that NATO is also a very important military plant
08:23for the United States of America.
08:26It was always used in wars outside Europe,
08:29although it was originally established to confront Russia,
08:33but it was present in many wars, whether inside or outside Europe.
08:37But in any case, I think that NATO has once again returned to the forefront
08:42in the Ukrainian war.
08:45But as your ambassador in America may have said,
08:50today there may be very big challenges ahead of NATO.
08:57And the question here is, will it really continue with the same magnitude
09:02and the same importance that it has shown in recent years
09:06to defend the NATO countries, the European Union countries, and the Western countries?
09:10This is a matter that may contain many details,
09:14including for example the US elections,
09:17and even these major transformations that are taking place in Europe,
09:22from the rise of the right, and even the left in France,
09:26are not also very encouraging to the war.
09:29Therefore, there may be challenges that will come in the coming days.
09:34It is true that there are challenges there,
09:36but there are also differences between the major member states.
09:39Since when has the ability of the summit exceeded the differences
09:45between the major negotiations within the alliance,
09:48especially on the issue of priorities?
09:53I think that today this summit,
09:55which is the summit that comes shortly before the US elections,
10:00and as we said, the challenges or the final situation
10:06that may affect the continuity of NATO
10:11if Trump comes or if Biden comes again.
10:15These things may put the stick in the wheel, as they say,
10:20which has accelerated many of the agreements that can be drawn up in NATO.
10:25It is difficult, I think, for NATO now, in light of these changes,
10:29and this anticipation and waiting for what will happen in the US and even in Europe,
10:36I think that these leaders are not able to implement many of the decisions
10:43that are related to NATO,
10:45especially the Ukrainian war,
10:48and the expansion of NATO in Europe and other places.
10:53Therefore, the ability to solve the major problematic issues
10:59at this summit may be limited more than ever before.
11:03Thank you very much, Mr. Abdel-Massih Heshami,
11:05the expert in European affairs, for all these clarifications.
11:07You were with us from Berlin.
11:19Welcome, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the African-Moroccan Cooperation
11:23based abroad, Nasser Bourita,
11:25the special envoy of the Chinese government to the Middle East, Chai Jun,
11:29and the talks between the two sides,
11:32the strategic partnership between the two countries,
11:35and ways to strengthen bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Morocco
11:39and the People's Republic of China.
11:41The two sides also discussed a number of international and regional issues
11:46of common interest.
11:53As the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the African-Moroccan Cooperation
11:56based abroad, Nasser Bourita,
11:58today, in the presidency of the Council of Nations in Bahrain,
12:02Ahmed bin Salman al-Musallam,
12:04on this occasion,
12:06Bourita expressed the pride of Morocco
12:08in the long-term cooperation and brotherly solidarity
12:13between the two hostile countries
12:15under the high care of the leaders of the two countries,
12:19His Majesty King Mohammed VI
12:21and His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.
12:25Bourita also pointed out
12:27the distinguished relations between the two countries
12:30and the similarity of their views
12:32on various regional and international issues
12:35of common interest
12:37and their continuous coordination in the international carriages.
12:42The Spanish official news agency said
12:45that Morocco is trying to turn the southern region of the Kingdom
12:49into a large industrial hub
12:51thanks to huge projects,
12:53mainly the Atlassian Internal Port project
12:55and the road project
12:57linking the cities of Tiznit and Dakhla.
12:59The agency added in a report
13:01that Morocco has accelerated
13:03the pace of the construction of the Atlassian Internal Port,
13:06which has now reached 20%,
13:10where companies are currently working continuously
13:15to achieve this port,
13:17which will be divided into a commercial port,
13:20a port for fishing and a port for shipbuilding.
13:23In addition, Morocco is carrying out another large project
13:26related to the road of Tiznit-Dakhla,
13:29which is a project that will work
13:31to strengthen trade between Morocco
13:34and a number of African countries,
13:36in addition to being a gateway
13:38to the link between Africa and Europe
13:40in trade relations.
13:45The company of Tayranm has officially opened
13:47its new headquarters in Tanja
13:50in cooperation with the Moroccan National Library of Tourism.
13:53This event was celebrated
13:55during a gathering of the Minister of Tourism,
13:57Technical Industry, Social Economy and Coordination,
14:00Fatima Zahra Ammour,
14:02attended by representatives of regional, local
14:05and tourism professionals.
14:07This is the fourth headquarters of the company in Morocco,
14:10which includes two aircraft,
14:1325 routes,
14:1513 of which are new routes
14:18connecting Tanja with eight new European cities
14:21and five new Moroccan destinations this summer.
14:24On this occasion,
14:25the minister confirmed that the new headquarters in Tanja
14:29reflects the exceptional dynamism
14:31experienced by the tourism sector in Morocco.
14:35This is the launch of the fourth headquarters in Morocco,
14:40which includes Fes, Marrakech and Agadir.
14:43This will enable us to launch 13 new routes from Tanja
14:48and make this city one of the largest tourist destinations in Morocco.
14:53This initiative is based on the dynamism
14:55experienced by the tourism sector in Morocco currently,
14:58especially when it comes to the tourism road map,
15:01which gives great importance to the air connection.
15:06A medical source in the Gaza Strip reported
15:09that a school was hit and about 30 people were killed
15:12in Abassan, south of the Gaza Strip.
15:14The source stated that the school was elevated
15:17due to the strength of the injuries.
15:19The Israeli army commented on the news
15:22that this information is true.
15:24Three schools have been hit,
15:28with Israeli strikes that left at least 20 dead.
15:38At the end of the Israeli war in Gaza,
15:41thousands of Palestinians fled the city
15:44after the Israeli army's tanks were bombed,
15:47which led to the evacuation of two additional areas
15:50while fighting continued with intensive shelling.
15:54Hamas considered that the Israeli forces'
15:57invasion of the Gaza Strip
15:59and forcing tens of thousands of civilians
16:02to leave their homes under a brutal shelling
16:06is a sign of the ongoing war of extermination
16:09against the Palestinian people for several months.
16:12On the other hand,
16:13diplomatic efforts continue to reach a compromise,
16:16and a new talks are scheduled to be held in Sadat
16:19during the coming weeks in Qatar and Egypt,
16:22two countries that play a central role
16:25with the United States.
16:31President Senegal emphasized the need for calm
16:34and dialogue with the three coastal countries
16:37that announced their separation
16:39from the economic group of West African countries.
16:42The CEDEAO expressed its disappointment
16:45after the separation of the three countries
16:48from which the divisions in West Africa are eroded.
16:51The CEDEAO said that it did not return
16:54its withdrawal from the economic group
16:57of West African countries.
17:00Senegalian President Bassirou Dioumay Faye
17:03plays a central role in the talks
17:06to convince all of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso
17:09to return to the economic group
17:12of West African countries.
17:14Faye's mission began after the CEDEAO summit
17:17held in Abuja,
17:19which came after the three coastal countries
17:22decided to establish a confederation
17:25of coastal countries at the summit in Niami.
17:29Our responsibility is to work on bringing
17:32the points of view closer, to achieve reconciliation
17:35and to open the channels of dialogue
17:38between the organization and the other significant parties.
17:41I hope that sufficient talks will be held
17:44that will allow to bring the positions closer
17:47in order to balance the differences
17:50and strengthen the work of the organization
17:53in order to face the shared challenges.
17:57Despite being the youngest African president,
18:00Dioumay Faye was chosen to solve the regional crisis
18:03thanks to his calls for unity.
18:10He was chosen to be a mediator
18:13and to invite all of Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso
18:16to return to the CEDEAO.
18:19Basir Dioumay Faye believes that leaving the CEDEAO
18:22will create a great divide in the group
18:25and that it will have a regional call.
18:32During the last summit,
18:35the CEDEAO expressed its disappointment
18:38after the separation of the three countries
18:41that will lead to divisions in West Africa.
18:44I hope that Basir Dioumay Faye
18:47can call for a profound reform
18:50especially in the CEDEAO court.
18:53Basir Dioumay Faye may be able to achieve
18:56profound reforms in the CEDEAO
18:59to become an organization that responds
19:02to the aspirations of the African people.
19:05I believe that this is the path that should be followed
19:08in terms of reconciliation at the security level
19:12which should be at the heart of the discussions.
19:15In addition to Senegal,
19:18Togo will also play a role as a mediator
19:21in the African economic group.
19:28The Moroccan Academy of Sciences
19:31in Rabat is celebrating the Nigerian writer
19:34Wol Sowinga
19:37who won the Nobel Prize for Literature
19:40in 1986.
19:43This meeting was organized in cooperation
19:46with the African Writers' Association
19:49to commemorate the 90th anniversary
19:52of the birth of this African writer
19:55under the title
19:58Africa celebrates Wol Sowinga
20:01in Morocco
20:04in order to bring the Nigerian writer
20:07an opportunity to celebrate
20:10the talent of Wol Sowinga
20:13and his critical spirit
20:16as well as his style in writing
20:19through his latest work
20:22The Records of the Land of the Happiest People in the World.
20:29The National Arts Festival in Morocco
20:32celebrated this year with the Moroccan artist
20:35Issam Al-Abbari.
20:57The Night of the Stars
21:00is a traditional performance
21:03to celebrate in every round
21:06with a symbol of the Moroccan song
21:09and the star of the night was
21:12the Moroccan artist Nouman Lahlou
21:15who captivated the audience
21:18with some of his original songs.
21:24There is no Moroccan song
21:27that does not have the traditional colors
21:30such as Issa, Hassani, Aita,
21:33Djibouti, Reggada,
21:36all the musical colors.
21:39Today we used the presence of the folkloric groups
21:42in the National Arts Festival
21:45and all the songs I sang in an anthropological journey
21:48came with me.
21:51For example, when I sang Marrakesh,
21:54I went to Marrakesh, when I sang Ahwash,
21:57I went to Marrakesh, when I sang Ahwash,
22:00I went to Marrakesh, when I sang Ahwash,
22:03and I went to Marrakesh.
22:06I advise all Moroccan singers
22:09to do this because we have a great heritage
22:12that no other country has.
22:15We should use this heritage
22:18and use it in our songs.
22:22In an ingenious artistic painting
22:25collected with some of the folkloric groups
22:28that represent these cities
22:31in a scene that represents its beauty.
22:34A night in which the stars of the sky disappeared
22:37and the star of the Moroccan song came.
22:40The Moroccan city.
22:47Thank God, with the songs
22:50that Mr. Nouman El Hlouk brought
22:53which is the Baba Mimoun Session
22:56and we know that he is a great singer
22:59and we sang with him.
23:02Thank God.
23:05Nouman El Hlouk always sings to us
23:09and this is an honor for us
23:12to encourage the next generations
23:15to use this beautiful heritage
23:18that is our heritage.
23:21This is a great art
23:24and we should use it
23:27to preserve our heritage.
23:31Thank you.
23:35This honorable party was distinguished
23:38by presenting the festival
23:41as a memorial shield for those who have been buried
23:44in it in appreciation of its artistic contributions
23:47related to the social and human issues.
23:50Mr. El Hlouk sang about the Moroccan cities
23:53as a soul that travels with you
23:56to the ancient world in an original Moroccan setting.
24:07In the main segment, we follow these scenes
24:10of a Boeing plane losing a wheel
24:13while taking off from Los Angeles.
