Jungle Queen (1945) - Serial - Parte 2 de 2

  • hace 3 meses
Part 1 of 2: https://dai.ly/x91q3gm


00:01:17Your Excellency.
00:01:19Tempoz advises that control over the Middle Jungle
00:01:21can now be guaranteed.
00:01:24German control over the Middle Jungle
00:01:26is essential to our plan
00:01:28for gaining control of all Africa.
00:01:30And strategists agree that the European nation
00:01:33which controls Africa
00:01:35controls the approaches to all Europe.
00:01:37Anything else?
00:01:38Dr. Bork has been informed
00:01:40that the two Americans
00:01:42are volunteer agents helping the British.
00:02:13It's going just like you want, Dr. Bork.
00:02:15Let me judge that.
00:02:16How about Elliot?
00:02:17The second American?
00:02:19I send him to Captain Drake aboard the Silver Star.
00:02:23He's looking for his friend in the English girl.
00:02:26Heh, heh, heh.
00:02:38And who may you be, if you don't mind my asking?
00:02:41Not that it matters, but I'm Captain Drake.
00:02:43You're just the man I came to see.
00:02:45I'm looking for friends.
00:02:46Miss Courtney and Mr. Kelly.
00:02:48They were sent here by Tempoz and Tim.
00:02:51Never met them two.
00:02:53Never saw them.
00:02:54Never nobody around here like that.
00:02:56They came to see you about a hunting knife.
00:02:58A hunting knife, you say?
00:03:00And what would a sailor know about hunting knives?
00:03:03I think you can answer that question, Drake.
00:03:06That's the knife I mean.
00:03:08There on your belt.
00:03:10Where have you got my friends?
00:03:12I don't like being threatened, mister.
00:03:14I don't want any trouble either.
00:03:17That'll do it. Get below.
00:03:24All right.
00:03:43No shooting down.
00:03:45Let him bring the police.
00:03:46What can they prove?
00:03:48It wasn't much of a wrap I gave him, miss.
00:03:51Not with a handle, but of a knife.
00:03:53Now, if it had have been with this revolver...
00:04:02Skull crack?
00:04:04I was just telling her.
00:04:06It ain't that thin.
00:04:18I suppose you know you're aiding Nazis, Captain Drake.
00:04:21We might be thought of English or American.
00:04:23Mightn't we, ma'am?
00:04:25Well, me and my men have other names back in Germany.
00:04:29Do we still own dead or alive?
00:04:33So that if Kelly refuses to answer questions...
00:04:36we can use Miss Courtney to persuade her.
00:04:39Oh, I don't know.
00:04:41I don't know.
00:04:42I don't know.
00:04:43I don't know.
00:04:44I don't know.
00:04:45I don't know.
00:04:46I have a word with Miss Courtney.
00:04:53Don't give me no trouble.
00:05:00Well, it ain't as bad as we thought at first.
00:05:03Drake has things all tidy again.
00:05:05What has he done now?
00:05:06Let Kelly and Miss Courtney escape?
00:05:09Drake's a smart one.
00:05:11And, you know, Elliot's going to be greatly surprised...
00:05:14when he comes back with the police.
00:05:16I want to know about the other two.
00:05:18You can question them just like you want later.
00:05:21If you're sure of that, I'll go to Chatterton's and question Elliot now.
00:05:31That's right, Rand.
00:05:33Section nine, up river.
00:05:38How do you do, Dr. Bork?
00:05:40Won't you sit down?
00:05:41Thank you.
00:05:42Will you excuse me for one moment?
00:05:44Of course.
00:05:45Section ten.
00:05:47Oh, hello, Milo. Chatterton here.
00:05:51Yes, I want you to patrol the usual boundaries.
00:05:55And that does it.
00:05:56Does what, Mr. Chatterton?
00:05:58Assures me that my constabulary are searching the vicinity for Mr. Kelly and Miss Courtney.
00:06:02You mean those two have disappeared?
00:06:04Worse, Dr. Worse.
00:06:05They've fallen into some sort of trap.
00:06:07Mr. Kelly's right, then.
00:06:09Nazis are here in Tombosa.
00:06:11Here, as well as in the jungle.
00:06:13And the other man, Mr. Elliot.
00:06:15Have you heard any more details about his death?
00:06:17He wasn't killed by the natives, after all.
00:06:19He's alive.
00:06:20Are you certain?
00:06:22He just left here.
00:06:23Came in here to change his clothes.
00:06:25He took some of my men with him.
00:06:26But you shall meet Elliot when he returns.
00:06:29Meanwhile, Doctor, may I ask you a few questions about the Middle Jungle?
00:06:34Anything I know, I shall be glad to tell you.
00:06:36What about Godek, the all-powerful judge of the Middle Jungle tribes?
00:06:40Until he names his successor,
00:06:42he's the only living person who knows where the Sword of Tongo is hidden.
00:06:47And to control that secret is the reason why the Nazis abducted him.
00:06:50Seems obvious.
00:06:52If the Nazis can force him to tell them the secret,
00:06:55they can name the new judge.
00:06:57We agree, Dr. Bork.
00:06:59That is what Mr. Elliot, Mr. Kelly, and Miss Courtney and I are trying to prevent.
00:07:04I'm beginning to think that Captain Drake expected me back
00:07:07and didn't want to be questioned.
00:07:09No, his crew either, sir.
00:07:11Where's your other man?
00:07:12Tom went below, sir.
00:07:14Well, I'll join him.
00:07:15You two stay here.
00:07:16My friends were on this tub.
00:07:18And if we find Drake, I think we'll find them with him.
00:07:28Any luck?
00:07:29None, sir.
00:07:31Any luck?
00:07:32None, sir.
00:07:33Not a sign of anything wrong anywhere.
00:07:35Have you looked around this cabin?
00:07:36Just coming to do it, sir.
00:07:37Better take a squint after. I'll look around here.
00:07:39Yes, sir.
00:08:00Come on.
00:08:30This belongs to Mr. Kelly.
00:08:31He's interested in astrology.
00:08:33That's the sign of the zodiac he was born under.
00:08:35He's not on this schooner, sir.
00:08:37Nonetheless, he's in the hold.
00:08:39You'd better have a look.
00:08:40Yes, sir.
00:08:49Tom's searching the hold. One of you better help him.
00:08:51Nothing at all, sir.
00:08:52No lead on Drake.
00:08:54But I did find something which proves that Chuck Kelly was on this boat.
00:08:58Then Drake did get that knife you saw on him from Kelly.
00:09:01Yes, that knife was used to murder Miss Courtney's uncle, Alan Courtney.
00:09:05That happened in the jungle, didn't it, sir?
00:09:07Yes, it gave us our necessary connection between those Nazis and Drake.
00:09:11I see. If we can get Drake and make him talk...
00:09:13We may obtain a lead that will expose the entire setup.
00:09:16But we also have to find Chuck Kelly and Miss Courtney.
00:09:20Tom says he's living in the hold, sir.
00:09:22But he's taking one last look through the cabins.
00:09:24What do we do now, sir?
00:09:25Get off this scow.
00:09:26But plant somebody on the shore to watch her.
00:09:40Yes, I understand. Anything else?
00:09:43From Berlin.
00:09:46Very well.
00:09:47I'll wait until it's decoded.
00:09:50Weber just received another message.
00:09:52Suppose we started the war.
00:09:54So much the better.
00:09:55So much the better.
00:10:05Tell me, old teen, what does Dr. Bork want now?
00:10:08Drake is holding one of the Americans on the English girl.
00:10:11The other American got out of the jungle and suspects Drake.
00:10:14I never liked Drake. Is he reliable?
00:10:17Bork doesn't feel you can trust him any too far.
00:10:20What about the shipment of mausers?
00:10:22Oh, the rifles are safe.
00:10:23But Chatterton knows more about Godak than Bork thought he did.
00:10:26You mean he knows where we are holding Godak?
00:10:28No, but he's found out why Godak is so important.
00:10:31And Bork wants immediate action to force a stall on the move of the British.
00:10:34And I'm going to give it to him.
00:10:35That's good, Lon.
00:10:39All right, Marty.
00:10:40I'm taking you to the place where I'm keeping Godak a prisoner.
00:10:43Then you rescue him.
00:10:44Then Godak will like me.
00:10:45Make me the next judge and tell me the secret of the soul of Tongu.
00:10:49Then I will kill Godak.
00:10:51That's what I want.
00:10:52With the aid of Germany, you rule the people of the Middle Jungle.
00:10:56How about this mystery queen, Lothel?
00:10:59The Tonguili think I am good now.
00:11:01They do not believe Lothel.
00:11:17Now do you believe that I am a true friend of our loyal Tonguili?
00:11:20Yes, Lothel.
00:11:21I'm sure of you now.
00:11:23Then you and I can save your people from these strangers and from Marty the traitor.
00:11:30These men plan to let Marty save you.
00:11:33That is why you were brought here.
00:11:35They believe that you will be grateful and that you will choose Marty to succeed you.
00:11:39Marty will never learn now where the soul of Tongu is hidden.
00:11:44What is it you want me to do?
00:11:47Bargain with these strangers.
00:11:50Oh, I see.
00:11:52You're paying for more time.
00:11:54To do what?
00:11:55To gather your people and bring them here so that they can save you.
00:11:59Seeing for themselves those who are enemies and traitors.
00:12:06Now you wait here.
00:12:07When one of my men signals, you come and get Godak.
00:12:21That all by me?
00:12:22Yes, sir.
00:12:31Mr. Lang, I've been expecting you.
00:12:34Expecting me? Why?
00:12:35I'm impatient to leave here.
00:12:37And I know that now you will let Marty take me back to Tongariro.
00:12:44Did you two fools talk loud enough so that he could hear you?
00:12:47We've never said a word in these caves.
00:12:49Either about Marty or the plan.
00:12:52They speak the truth.
00:12:55Well, in that case, Godak, you're going to be sorry you let me know that you could read minds.
00:13:00There's no need to torture me yet.
00:13:02What do you mean?
00:13:03I've decided to tell Marty the secret.
00:13:08You'll tell Marty where the soul of Tongariro is hidden? Why?
00:13:11To save my life and my power.
00:13:14I will choose Marty to succeed me, as you desire.
00:13:18You mean you'll cooperate with us fully? Is that it?
00:13:21That is the bargain I offer you.
00:13:23Well, in that case, I accept.
00:13:34I'll send out every available man.
00:13:36There's no doubt that Miss Courtney and Mr. Kelly are in the hands of Nazi agents.
00:13:40Not just Marlowe. Upriver.
00:13:42Mr. Elliott doesn't think they've left Ambrose, sir.
00:13:44He's gone to search the Silver Star again.
00:13:46Why, the man's mad.
00:13:47Mr. Elliott is convinced, sir, that Mr. Kelly and Miss Courtney have been hidden by the Nazis somewhere on board the schooner.
00:14:10Mr. Elliott.
00:14:40Well, my heart is a bit stiff, huh?
00:14:43Drake's coffin, I call your little nest.
00:14:46May have to bury it right where you are at that.
00:14:54Is that somebody coming for you, too? I got a trip wire rigged in the companion wire.
00:14:57Hit that wire and an automatic rifle does the rest.
00:15:00Drake don't let no flies on him.
00:15:03I'm glad Timboza. Tim warned me about the trip wire.
00:15:05Oh. So am I.
00:15:08But they're watching the Silver Star from shore.
00:15:10So I'm going to have to find that guy.
00:15:13We're going to have to kill every last one of them.
00:15:16I'm glad Timboza Tim warned me about the tripwire.
00:15:28Oh, so am I, but they're watching the Silver Star from shore.
00:15:33Somebody will be after you, sure.
00:15:34The guard has been removed.
00:15:35How did you get back here?
00:15:37A good captain never leaves his ship, does he now?
00:15:40I had an empty packing case ready for emergency.
00:15:43Are they in there?
00:15:46No place else.
00:15:48I'll speak to them later.
00:15:59Though I say, question them here, kill them, but let me join your men in the jungle.
00:16:03I don't want the ship abandoned.
00:16:05It will prove to Chariton that it is Nazi.
00:16:08It may lead to the discovery that have been running guns on her for the natives.
00:16:13I can't face the authorities, Dr. Bork.
00:16:16I don't think they'll believe me.
00:16:18Is that the knife that led them here?
00:16:23That's the Ripper.
00:16:26He killed Courtney.
00:16:29It might as well be used to kill his niece.
00:16:31You agree with me then?
00:16:35Keeping Mr. Kelly and Miss Courtney here alive is too dangerous.
00:16:47After talking to Tambosa, Tim, I'm sure they're still on board.
00:16:50Taking the guard away certainly gave Drake a chance to come back.
00:16:53I hope so.
00:16:54That's why we're here.
00:16:55I'm going below.
00:16:56Very good, sir.
00:19:34I'll send out every available man.
00:19:36There's no doubt that Miss Courtney and Mr. Kelly are in the hands of Nazi agents.
00:19:40Not just Marlowe. Upriver.
00:19:42Mr. Elliott doesn't think they've left Tambosa, sir.
00:19:44He's gone to search the Silver Star again.
00:19:46When the man's mad.
00:19:47Mr. Elliott is convinced, sir,
00:19:49that Mr. Kelly and Miss Courtney have been hidden by the Nazis somewhere on board the schooner.
00:20:04After talking to Tambosa, Tim, I'm sure they're still on board.
00:20:07Taking the guard away certainly gave Drake a chance to come back.
00:20:10I hope so.
00:20:11That's why we're here.
00:20:12I'm going below.
00:20:13Very good, sir.
00:20:52Look out for the drip wire!
00:20:59Mr. Elliott! Mr. Elliott!
00:21:02Are you all right, sir?
00:21:04I'm all right, Constable.
00:21:06But a booby trap almost got me.
00:21:52Hey, we're in here!
00:21:54We're in here!
00:21:58Pam, so this is where you've been hiding.
00:22:02How'd he get into this thing?
00:22:04Well, the captain pried it open with a knife.
00:22:08Come on, hurry up, will ya?
00:22:19Did you overhear anything?
00:22:20Just murmurings and the gunshots.
00:22:22We didn't hear that.
00:22:24Drake saved my life by yelling a warning.
00:22:26Getting eaten, I guess, with whoever double-crossed him.
00:22:29You didn't miss the murderer by more than minutes.
00:22:31Long enough for him to get away.
00:22:34Anything else interesting under there?
00:22:35Don't know and don't want to know.
00:22:37I don't mind looking into it.
00:22:41Drake was killed with the same knife that was used to murder Pam's uncle.
00:22:44That drip wire operated some sort of German automatic rifle.
00:22:47Automatic, huh?
00:22:48I wonder if they got any more of those babies around here.
00:22:51I say, look what I found.
00:22:54Did you find this under the bunk?
00:22:56What goes?
00:22:59A full report on the real ship's cargo.
00:23:02Rifles, mausers, and ammunition.
00:23:06What a haul.
00:23:08No such luck.
00:23:09That cargo is unloaded.
00:23:10I know, because I searched this tub earlier.
00:23:13If we find the Arsenal, we find the Nazis.
00:23:15Those rifles are probably on their way to the natives by now.
00:23:19These papers indicate a number of shipments.
00:23:23We know there aren't many natives armed.
00:23:25There must be an Arsenal near here someplace.
00:23:28Pam's right, Chuck.
00:23:29The Nazis wouldn't arm the natives until they had them under their control.
00:23:32And that's really what we've got to stop.
00:23:34Where do we go from here?
00:23:35Tambosa Tens.
00:23:36Pam, you report to Chatterton.
00:23:38I'll phone him and tell him you're coming.
00:23:39The constable will escort you.
00:23:53If I'm not back in five minutes, you do your stuff, huh?
00:23:55Nothing will please me more.
00:24:06You looking for somebody?
00:24:07Yeah, where's your boss?
00:24:08Tambosa Tim.
00:24:10And he'll be here any minute.
00:24:11I like visitors, I do.
00:24:13And I always give them the best, the very best.
00:24:18It's busy.
00:24:23Going someplace, Tambosa Tim?
00:24:33Now, what made you ask that?
00:24:35I never go no place.
00:24:37Never do.
00:24:38I let people come to me.
00:24:41Well, what can I do you for?
00:24:46Oil me in oil.
00:24:48Tear my skin off, strip by strip,
00:24:50and you won't get another yarn out of me because I'm telling you the truth.
00:24:53Sure, sure.
00:24:54But where is Bob now?
00:24:55He went out the back door, just like I said.
00:24:57And he told me to tell you to follow him.
00:24:59Yeah, I know what you said.
00:25:00But why did he leave here in the first place?
00:25:02He said he saw someone looking in that window.
00:25:05If you're lying, you hog's head, I'll be back.
00:25:14Don't move.
00:25:16Your friend is already on his way to something he wants to speak to you to.
00:25:19Don't talk too much. Frisk him.
00:25:36Of course, as I'm Swedish,
00:25:38the idea of another war seems less real to me, perhaps, than it does to you.
00:25:43Sweden has managed to remain honorably at peace with the world for quite a long time.
00:25:46But these Nazi agents...
00:25:48Where's Pam?
00:25:49Well, I've been waiting for her here ever since Mr. Elliot called from the riverfront
00:25:52to tell me that you and she were safe.
00:25:54Haven't you heard from Bob since?
00:25:55No, not a word.
00:25:56Gentlemen, if you will excuse me.
00:25:58Good night, Mr. Kelly.
00:25:59Good night, Dr. Bartlett.
00:26:00Good night, Rogers.
00:26:01Good night.
00:26:06What's happened?
00:26:11The commissioner's office.
00:26:12Rogers here.
00:26:19Yes, I'll tell him.
00:26:22What was it, Rogers?
00:26:23Two of your constables have just found the officer who was escorting Miss Courtney.
00:26:28No, fortunately.
00:26:30Struck down from behind.
00:26:31Bobby's gone too.
00:26:38It doesn't pay, Elliot, to be curious about Germany.
00:26:41You want to find out about us for a long time.
00:26:44You won't have to wait any longer than tomorrow.
00:26:47Is there another prisoner coming?
00:26:50Elliot's old friend, Mr. Kelly.
00:26:54I don't think old friends should be separated.
00:26:57How much to part now?
00:26:59Don't let them escape.
00:27:01We won't.
00:27:15How are Elliot and Miss Courtney?
00:27:17They're ready for you.
00:27:18What about Kelly?
00:27:20He escaped our man.
00:27:21But I shall question the other two in the morning.
00:27:24And now, tell me about your magnificent success in the jungle.
00:27:28What about Godak?
00:27:29He's agreed to cooperate with us fully.
00:27:32He will name Marty to succeed him.
00:27:34Godak must know that Marty was willing to kill him.
00:27:37What do we really want of Godak?
00:27:39Well, the secret of Godak.
00:27:41What do we really want of Godak?
00:27:43Well, the secret, of course.
00:27:44That gives him his power as the supreme judge of the Middle Jungle tribes.
00:27:48The hiding place, that is, of the Sword of Tangu.
00:27:51He cannot act as judge of the Middle Jungle unless he carries that sword.
00:27:55I shall let Berlin know your achievement at once.
00:27:57One thing more.
00:27:59Godak has agreed to order the execution of Lothel, the mystery queen of the jungle.
00:28:12Is it customary for Germany to keep her allies in chains?
00:28:18You'll be released, Godak, as soon as Lange knows that you're telling the truth.
00:28:22Then I will be freed soon.
00:28:24Marty will find the Sword of Tangu where I told him to look for it.
00:28:29I won't be sorry leaving these caves.
00:28:42Another day, another game of cards.
00:28:45I'm tired of this job.
00:28:56Neither Marty nor the strangers have discovered that you were leading them to their destruction.
00:29:00It's the only way, Lothel, to rid our jungle of these enemies and traitors.
00:29:05Control of the natives means helping Germany gain control of all Africa.
00:29:08Control of the natives means helping Germany gain control of all Africa.
00:29:11It also means war in Europe.
00:29:14That's why I came back here purposely, Marty, to see that nothing goes wrong.
00:29:17I have fixed everything.
00:29:19How about the Sword of Tangu?
00:29:21I saw the sword where Godak said it was.
00:29:23We'll bring Godak back here tomorrow.
00:29:25You're a Nazi, Tamboza Tim.
00:29:27Oh, I am.
00:29:29Prove it.
00:29:31Sheridan was right. He said I couldn't, so I won't even try.
00:29:34Nothing unlawful, sir.
00:29:35Like this, you mean? Well, you get over here, too.
00:29:39You can't scare Tamboza Tim that easy.
00:29:42Kill me and the English law will hang you for it.
00:29:44That won't help you.
00:29:46You're a Nazi, Tamboza Tim.
00:29:48Oh, I am. Prove it.
00:29:51Sheridan was right. He said I couldn't, so I won't even try.
00:29:54That won't help you.
00:29:56Now where are the Nazis holding my friends?
00:29:59There's nothing he can do now.
00:30:03I guess you mean it.
00:30:05There's no mines out here. You'll find your friends there.
00:30:08Together with some guns from Captain Drake's schooler.
00:30:11There's only one mine, sir.
00:30:12If you're not telling the truth...
00:30:13I am this time.
00:30:15And you've also confessed being a Nazi.
00:30:17Can I arrest you in the name of His Majesty the King?
00:30:20You're in deep. If I were you, I'd talk.
00:30:23Talk about what?
00:30:24Who's in charge of Nazi agents here in Tamboza?
00:30:39I got Tim and gave Kelly the slip.
00:30:42Nobody's following me now.
00:30:44But Kelly knows about the mine.
00:30:46You fool. You listen. I ordered you to shoot.
00:30:49I didn't think Tamboza Tim would talk. And if he hadn't...
00:30:51Who asked you to think?
00:30:53Now I must sacrifice all our munitions.
00:30:56Kelly will take constables to the mine.
00:30:58Yes, but...
00:30:59I will not let the English have our supplies.
00:31:02Fortunately, I've prepared for just such an unpleasant emergency.
00:31:06Kelly will never see his friends again.
00:31:17Yes, Mr. Kelly has taken my car and leaving for the mine now.
00:31:21Yes, you better send two more cars.
00:31:24Oh, you send at least six constables.
00:31:26Mr. Elliot and Miss Courtney must be saved.
00:31:42Only those Nazis will stay outside a little longer.
00:34:55How'd it go?
00:34:56TAMBOZA couldn't tell Kelly where we're holding Elliot and Miss Courtney.
00:34:59What's Bart doing about it?
00:35:00She won't let the British get hold of Elliot and Miss Courtney or the munitions.
00:35:11This affair concerns the welfare of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
00:35:15Consider it a sort of hidden, undeclared warfare.
00:35:20That's the only way, sir, if I may say so, to handle Nazis.
00:35:24What do you hear from our constabulary, Rogers?
00:35:26They're following Mr. Kelly to the oil mine where the Nazi munitions are stored.
00:36:20That was a close one.
00:36:22What happened to the guards?
00:36:24A couple less Nazis.
00:36:26Somebody dropped some sort of bombs on us.
00:36:28But why?
00:36:29Keep those munitions out of the hands of the English.
00:36:33Maybe that car's the answer.
00:36:43We almost got blown up because some Nazi knew you were coming to help us.
00:36:47I'd like to take the credit, Bob, but there are two cars not very far behind me full of constables.
00:36:52I don't think they'll find the evidence that we want.
00:36:54We don't know any more about the Nazis than we did before.
00:36:57Maybe Chatterton will have something to say about them.
00:37:00We'll let the constables look around here.
00:37:28Oh, just a minute.
00:37:32Here's Dr. Borg now.
00:37:36Hello, Lang?
00:37:38Oh, Baber, what is it?
00:37:40Lang has gone to the cave where his men are holding Godak.
00:37:45Lothal and Kaiba are coming with the Tangili. She wants Godak.
00:37:49You say that Marty is with Lothal?
00:37:51He's with her, but he sent me to you, Gorda Lang.
00:37:53Well, thank you, Noma.
00:37:54You tell Marty not to worry.
00:37:56Noma is going to get Godak.
00:38:04The cave where Godak is held prisoner is in the side of Mount Rudonzo.
00:38:08If you speak the truth, Lothal, Kaiba will be held hostage for you no longer.
00:38:12His life will be spared.
00:38:14When Godak, the all-powerful judge of the tribes of the Middle Jungle, is with you again,
00:38:19then the people will know those who speak the truth and those who lie.
00:38:23Let us go to the cave and rescue Godak.
00:38:25No. Wait here for me.
00:38:27I have been there before. The strangers guarding Godak never discovered me.
00:38:31I will make sure we can't surprise them.
00:38:36He's still a hostage. Lothal has not yet saved Godak for us.
00:38:40I trust Lothal. I have not tried to escape.
00:38:43I don't trust her. She may be leading us into an ambush.
00:38:46I shall follow her to find out.
00:38:48Hold him till I return.
00:38:56Wait in the outer cave. Hank will let you know what has happened.
00:39:01Lothal is bringing Kaiba, Marty, and the warriors. They'll be here soon, Godak.
00:39:05Lothal? I thought only Marty was to rescue me.
00:39:08Lothal is trying to expose us.
00:39:10But if you, Godak, accuse Lothal and Kaiba of being traitors...
00:39:14No, Lang. It's time to tell my people that Marty is the traitor
00:39:19and that you are the...
00:39:23Lang says not to worry about Godak.
00:39:25Then join the warriors.
00:39:38Is this the cave where you expected to find Godak?
00:39:41You sent a message to the strangers, Marty,
00:39:43warning them that I was coming with warriors.
00:39:45And they have taken Godak elsewhere.
00:39:47The fact remains that Godak isn't here.
00:39:49The warriors will believe me when I accuse you of misleading us again.
00:39:53You know I'm a traitor.
00:39:55But you will never live to prove it to the Middle Jungle tribes.
00:39:58Lothal will no longer be known as the mystery queen of the jungle.
00:40:12Hello, Lang.
00:40:13Weber, this is Godak, judge of the Middle Jungle.
00:40:16Incidentally, he speaks English as well as we do.
00:40:19I thought he had decided to join us.
00:40:21He looks more like a prisoner to me.
00:40:24No, these gentlemen are my protectors.
00:40:27You've got to travel, Lang.
00:40:30Yes. I just had a special message from Berlin. Extra urgent.
00:40:35Wait till I decode it, then you'll take it with you.
00:40:38That's all right.
00:40:39I just wanted to see that Godak was made comfortable before I left.
00:40:47Godak has told Marty where the sword of Tongu is hidden.
00:40:51Only those two know the secret, and it makes them all powerful.
00:40:58The natives will obey them, while Marty and Godak will obey us.
00:41:06This is important, Elise. It just came from Berlin.
00:41:09I'll tell you about Godak later.
00:41:11This is important, Elise. It just came from Berlin.
00:41:14I'll tell you about Godak later.
00:41:16So London is sending a courier to Chatterton.
00:41:18The man is on his way now.
00:41:20He should be in Tamposa not later than the day after tomorrow.
00:41:23What do you think about the discovery of our jungle radio?
00:41:26It's obvious that the English would triangulate sooner or later and thus find our compass bearings.
00:41:31The courier is carrying the correct bearings to Chatterton.
00:41:35What if wrong ones were substituted?
00:41:39This time you've done the thinking for both of us.
00:41:52Dr. Borg, I've missed you.
00:41:54Thank you, Rogers. I've been busy at the farm.
00:41:56May I see Mr. Chatterton?
00:41:57Bob and Pam are in there with him.
00:41:59I'm sure that he and they will be delighted to see you.
00:42:01In that case, I shall enter unofficially.
00:42:08Oh, you're so polite, Rogers.
00:42:10Sometimes you make me ashamed of myself.
00:42:17Can I help you, sir?
00:42:18I've been sent from London to see Mr. Chatterton.
00:42:20From London?
00:42:21Official business.
00:42:33A courier from London, sir, with a dispatch for Mr. X.
00:42:36Come in, please, Rogers.
00:42:38No, no, please don't go.
00:42:40Any trouble en route?
00:42:41An uneventful trip, sir.
00:42:42Nazi espionage had no opportunity to learn of this mission.
00:42:45You came the usual way?
00:42:46There was no reason to change it, sir.
00:42:50Thank you.
00:42:51That's what I get for staying out here talking with you.
00:42:54As Mr. Chatterton hasn't asked the others to leave,
00:42:56I doubt that they'll object to you joining your friends.
00:42:59I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of knowing how curious I am.
00:43:03What's that?
00:43:04Mr. Chatterton.
00:43:05We have a sort of code.
00:43:08Any additional message?
00:43:09No, sir.
00:43:10As a matter of fact, I don't know the contents of that dispatch.
00:43:15That's just as well.
00:43:18I'm afraid you'll have to wait a day or two for my answer.
00:43:20No, I've put up at the hotel, sir.
00:43:22Well, that'll be all at present.
00:43:24Thanks, old man.
00:43:25Thanks very much.
00:43:32Thank you.
00:43:38Well, I guess I'll wander around town.
00:43:40I got a yin for excitement.
00:43:42I hope you find it.
00:43:43Well, I usually do.
00:43:46I'll leave you now,
00:43:47but I may come back later before returning to the farm.
00:43:50You're always welcome here, Dr. Bork.
00:43:51Thank you.
00:43:53Mr. Kelly is following him now, sir,
00:43:55and I've informed the constabulary.
00:43:57Oh, good man, Rogers.
00:43:59You know, that courier didn't know the answer
00:44:01to some of my seemingly casual questions.
00:44:04He's a Nazi.
00:44:05But how did Rogers know?
00:44:08Oh, I have a buzzer under here.
00:44:09I work it with my knee.
00:44:17Mr. Kelly,
00:44:19this looks very official, sir.
00:44:21Yes, that's a very good copy of a secret British dispatch.
00:44:24Then the Nazis substituted couriers.
00:44:28I think so, Pam.
00:44:29Another loyal Englishman probably lost his life.
00:44:49We weren't sure whether you'd catch on to our courier or not,
00:44:52so we set a trap for anybody following you.
00:44:55You Nazis sure think of everything, don't you?
00:44:57We don't leave anything to chance.
00:44:59That's why we'll conquer.
00:45:01You've done all the conquering you're ever going to do.
00:45:06The constables followed me ahead and behind,
00:45:08just in case I met a Nazi.
00:45:09Any luck?
00:45:10Yes, my men have the courier.
00:45:12Very well, take him away.
00:45:14Get going.
00:45:18I think it's about time this place was searched.
00:45:36I came from England,
00:45:38from Mr. X.
00:45:41Tell Chatterton,
00:45:43tell him about,
00:45:44about Rudensa.
00:45:47I, I heard.
00:45:54As you can see,
00:45:55Mount Rudensa isn't very far into the jungle from here.
00:45:58Well, this is one lead that's genuine.
00:46:00Yeah, the Heinies never expected us to find the real courier alive
00:46:03after they got through with him.
00:46:05That's why they didn't mind him overhearing their talk
00:46:07about Goddard being hidden in the cave on Rudensa.
00:46:09You know, Bob,
00:46:10it begins to appear that your strategy is being proved correct.
00:46:13You mean looking for clues to the Nazis here
00:46:16instead of in the jungle?
00:46:18If you can rescue Goddard,
00:46:19you'll be well on your way to clearing up the entire jungle trouble.
00:46:22That's just what we're going to try to do, sir.
00:46:24You know where this cave is located?
00:46:25The cave is just about here,
00:46:27a few hundred yards up the mountain from this trail.
00:46:30All right, I'll go on ahead.
00:46:31Chuck, you get the constabulary and follow.
00:46:33Yeah, okay.
00:49:51Reply from Dr. Elise Bork
00:49:53concerning the report sent to her by Your Excellency.
00:49:57Elliot, suspicion is fact.
00:49:59Goddak is now at Mount Belgan.
00:50:03Well, Goddak,
00:50:04I brought you from the caves of Mount Redanza to this place
00:50:07because here no one will ever find you.
00:50:09And here you will kill me, isn't that it?
00:50:12If I refuse to help you?
00:50:14That's right.
00:50:15Well, Muller, Weber sent the message.
00:50:17And Bork?
00:50:18Last time Weber talked to the farm,
00:50:19he was told that Dr. Bork was still at the commissioner's.
00:50:22Unfortunately, Dr. Bork,
00:50:24the Nazi agents we've captured so far refuse to talk.
00:50:28In other words, Mr. Chatterdon,
00:50:30not much progress.
00:50:31But Bob and Chuck are on the trail of Goddak.
00:50:34That is good news.
00:50:35Rescuing the native leader
00:50:37will ensure the friendship of the Middle Jungle tribes.
00:50:39It's still only a chance.
00:50:40There's also a chance that Goddak
00:50:41will be able to give us a lead to the Nazis.
00:50:43Where are Mr. Elliot and Mr. Kelly looking for Goddak?
00:50:46In a cave on Mount Redanza.
00:50:48Bob went on ahead
00:50:49and Chuck is on his way with the constabulary.
00:51:40Thank you, Othelle.
00:51:49It is my duty to help all true friends
00:51:51of the Middle Jungle people.
00:51:53Do you know if Goddak has been in that cave down there?
00:51:55Yes, but he was taken away from it.
00:51:58Oh, that explains the lions.
00:52:00Those big cats were attracted by scraps of food left there.
00:52:03Do you know where Goddak is now?
00:52:04He's been taken to a hiding place
00:52:06somewhere deeper in the jungle.
00:52:08I have not yet found out where.
00:52:10Does anyone else besides Goddak know
00:52:12where the Sword of Tongu is hidden?
00:52:14A trader named Marty,
00:52:16but he cannot show the sword
00:52:17or claim to be Goddak's successor
00:52:19until he proves that Goddak is dead.
00:52:22Bob! Bob Elliot!
00:52:24Bob! Bob Elliot!
00:52:39The constabularies are at the caves.
00:52:41We chased out some lions.
00:52:42They chased me first.
00:52:43Othelle saved my life.
00:52:45Oh, did I scare her away?
00:52:47Well, she isn't around here, is she?
00:52:49Who got Goddak?
00:52:50The lions or the Nazis?
00:52:51The Nazis.
00:52:52Othelle says they've taken him
00:52:53to a hideout deep in the jungle.
00:52:54Has she found it yet?
00:52:55No, but I got a good idea where it is.
00:52:57The Nazi radio station.
00:52:58No place else.
00:53:00We can get our compass bearings to it
00:53:01from Mr. X in London.
00:53:08By the usual code.
00:53:17Chatterton, Tambosa.
00:53:20Don't you think, sir,
00:53:21it would be safer to send this message
00:53:22to Chatterton by the new code?
00:53:24What's it matter?
00:53:25The Nazis already know
00:53:26we have the compass bearings
00:53:27giving us the general location
00:53:29of their jungle wireless.
00:53:32When they murdered the courier
00:53:33I sent to Tambosa,
00:53:35the dispatch he carried
00:53:36had those bearings in it.
00:53:39The important thing
00:53:40that they do not know
00:53:41is Elliot's conviction
00:53:42that he'll find Goddak
00:53:43at the Nazi wireless station.
00:53:50Are you there?
00:53:51Put me through to 7861 West.
00:53:55X1 London here.
00:53:57Relay at once.
00:53:58Compass bearings
00:53:59are Middle Jungle radio station
00:54:00by code to Chatterton, Tambosa.
00:54:02Elliot, police Goddak there.
00:54:06That'll do now.
00:54:07Come along.
00:54:08No, no, Jerry.
00:54:09None of that.
00:54:12Thanks, old chap.
00:54:13You've made it a certainty
00:54:14that your Nazi friends
00:54:16in the Middle Jungle
00:54:17will now take reckless chances.
00:54:19And the men associated
00:54:20with you here in England.
00:54:22They are being invited
00:54:23to keep you company.
00:54:33When the high command warns
00:54:35that there's no excuse
00:54:36for failure, Denker,
00:54:37you either succeed or die.
00:54:39But, Dr. Bork,
00:54:40how is it possible
00:54:41for Lang to fail?
00:54:42He's leading the natives
00:54:43to Jungle Jack's camp.
00:54:45Elliot has no reason
00:54:46to suspect any such move tonight.
00:54:48I know the plan, Denker.
00:54:49I know the plan.
00:54:50I know the plan.
00:54:51I know the plan.
00:54:52I know the plan.
00:54:53I know the plan.
00:54:54I know the plan.
00:54:55I know the plan.
00:54:56I know the plan.
00:54:57I know the plan.
00:54:58I know the plan.
00:54:59I know the plan.
00:55:00I know the plan.
00:55:01I know the plan, Denker.
00:55:02It's mine.
00:55:03But Elliot has escaped before.
00:55:16Yes, Weber?
00:55:18What have you got to report?
00:55:20Lang is on his way now
00:55:21with Marquis and warriors.
00:55:28We'll reach Buona Elie
00:55:29from about one hour, maybe.
00:55:30You'll have to go faster than this.
00:55:31He won't expect us tonight,
00:55:32but he will tomorrow.
00:55:33If we don't kill Elliot,
00:55:34you'll never take Godak's place
00:55:36and rule the people
00:55:37of the Middle Jungle.
00:55:38I want to rule.
00:55:39You help me with Buona Elie,
00:55:40and I'll help you.
00:55:43We'll go very fast now.
00:55:44Come on!
00:55:49So, you see, Pam,
00:55:50by going to Jungle Jack here,
00:55:52Bob and Chuck are on the direct route
00:55:53to the Mount Balgan region,
00:55:55where Godak is.
00:55:57I know, Mr. Charlton,
00:55:58but Bob is virtually challenged
00:55:59by the Nazis to come
00:56:00and get Chuck and him.
00:56:02Word from Nairobi?
00:56:03The scouts will send the company, sir,
00:56:04if you need it.
00:56:05Well, that should be a tonic
00:56:06for your doubts, my dear.
00:56:08You should understand, Miss Pam,
00:56:09that Mr. Elliot wants to make it appear
00:56:11as if he is foolishly
00:56:12exposing himself to attack.
00:56:13You see, actually,
00:56:14he'll have Chuck, Jungle Jack,
00:56:16and all the loyal safari boys
00:56:17to help him.
00:56:25On in, boys.
00:56:30I was just getting ready
00:56:31to come to Tambosa.
00:56:32What are you doing here?
00:56:33We came here to see you.
00:56:34We need your help.
00:56:35Where are all your men?
00:56:36I just sent them west
00:56:37with a shipment of animals.
00:56:38They've gone about a month.
00:56:50Before we left Tambosa,
00:56:51we let the whole town know
00:56:52that we were coming here to see you.
00:56:54Just to make sure
00:56:55the Nazis would hear about it.
00:56:57Seems to me
00:56:58you didn't leave nothing undone.
00:57:00Didn't you say
00:57:01you had London tip the Nazis off,
00:57:02that you know where Godack is?
00:57:04We want to be sure
00:57:05the Nazis will follow us
00:57:06to a place we've chosen.
00:57:08It was a good plan, too,
00:57:09if you hadn't sent your safari west this time
00:57:11instead of Tambosa, as usual.
00:57:13When your safari didn't show up in town,
00:57:15Chatterton figured that your boys
00:57:17would be here with you.
00:57:19Sorry we let you in for a while.
00:57:20It's all right.
00:57:21It's all right.
00:57:22It's all right.
00:57:23It's all right.
00:57:24It's all right.
00:57:25Sorry we let you in for this.
00:57:27Well, I ain't.
00:57:28You think I'm forgetting
00:57:29they murdered Mr. Courtney out here?
00:57:42The fire's burning down.
00:57:45No guards.
00:57:47Everyone must be sleeping.
00:57:49It'll be easier to kill him.
00:57:52Noma, tell the warriors.
00:57:56Come on.
00:58:02Friends of the Middle Jungle, people.
00:58:04Your enemies are coming.
00:58:06Many enemies.
00:58:07You must go.
00:58:08We'll do as you say, Lothal.
00:58:09They're striking faster than we figured.
00:58:11I shall lead you.
00:58:29That's the man that held Pam
00:58:30and me prisoner at the old mine.
00:58:32The lines are gone,
00:58:33and so has the safari.
00:58:34There's nobody here.
00:58:35It begins to look like we've been tricked.
00:58:37Wally Elliott didn't come here, you mean?
00:58:39Elliott told everybody at Tambosa
00:58:40he was coming here.
00:58:42Maybe he's really gone to Mount Belgan.
00:58:48I got close enough to see those two.
00:58:50Where's Lothal?
00:58:51She does it every time.
00:58:53Do you know the man the native called Lang?
00:58:55I sure do.
00:58:56He's Dr. Bork's safari leader.
00:58:58He usually hangs around
00:58:59that experimental farm of hers.
00:59:02I wonder.
00:59:03So do I now.
00:59:06Could be.
00:59:07You trail Lang and the native.
00:59:09Chuck, you'll report to Chatterton,
00:59:11and then come on out to Bork's place.
00:59:12That's where I'll be.
00:59:14You want me to tell her that?
00:59:16Do you, Lang?
00:59:17Well, Elliott wasn't at Courtney's camp,
00:59:19and so far we haven't found any trace of him
00:59:20here in the jungle.
00:59:21I'll tell Bork.
00:59:23She's in Tambosa,
00:59:25picking up the Courtney girl.
00:59:27Colonel Courtney, what's happened?
00:59:29The girl wanted to see the farm.
00:59:31She's in Tambosa.
00:59:33She's in Tambosa.
00:59:34She's in Tambosa.
00:59:35She's in Tambosa.
00:59:36She's in Tambosa.
00:59:37She's in Tambosa.
00:59:38She's in Tambosa.
00:59:39She's in Tambosa.
00:59:40She's in Tambosa.
00:59:41The girl wanted to see the farm.
00:59:43Dr. Bork thought it safer to bring her here
00:59:46rather than let her come by herself
00:59:48and maybe stumble into something.
00:59:50Be sure to tell Bork about Elliott
00:59:52the first chance you get.
00:59:53She will ask me.
00:59:54Don't worry.
01:00:11Don't worry.
01:00:42I'm Bob Elliott.
01:00:44Is Dr. Bork here?
01:00:46No, she isn't.
01:00:47I expect her shortly.
01:00:49Anything I can do, sir.
01:00:51Well, Dr. Bork said she'd show me around.
01:00:53Her work must be very interesting.
01:00:55Yes, it is.
01:00:57I've heard Dr. Bork speak of you.
01:00:59You're welcome to wait, sir.
01:01:01Thank you.
01:01:02Thank you.
01:01:03Thank you.
01:01:04Thank you.
01:01:05Thank you.
01:01:06Thank you.
01:01:07Thank you.
01:01:08Thank you.
01:01:09Thank you.
01:01:10Thank you.
01:01:28If you wish, you can come in.
01:01:30I'll show you how we fumigate our plants.
01:01:33Close the door.
01:01:40Close the door.
01:02:10Oh, Dr. Bork.
01:02:36Miss Courtney, this is Stinker, my foreman.
01:02:38How do you do?
01:02:39How do you do, Miss Courtney?
01:02:40The laboratory controls our work in the fields.
01:02:43Oh, I see.
01:02:53And so here is where all experiments with seedling originate.
01:02:57How interesting.
01:02:59How do the American seedlings respond to treatment?
01:03:02Have you checked lately?
01:03:03One of them, Dr. Bork.
01:03:05Not so good.
01:03:06I have just about decided that fumigation is necessary.
01:03:10Oh, do so, by all means.
01:03:12We won't interrupt you.
01:03:14I'll take you to the seed house first.
01:07:58He's okay, ma'am.
01:08:00Who did the shooting?
01:08:01Dr. Bork.
01:08:02She saved us from Johnny Bob.
01:08:06Take it easy, Bob.
01:08:07You'll be sure you're alive any minute now.
01:08:10Too bad Dr. Bork had to shoot the Nazi to save you.
01:08:13But maybe you could tell us something about him.
01:08:19I suppose he was, but I know nothing about him except that he was an expert farm manager.
01:08:24He wouldn't tell you he's a Nazi.
01:08:26He probably worked with Lange.
01:08:28Are you sure about Lange?
01:08:31Then we're making progress.
01:08:33We're cleaning Nazis out of here.
01:08:35We know they got a radio station on Mount Balgan.
01:08:37And Jungle Jack is following Lange there now.
01:08:49What a Lange.
01:08:50I'm going back to town gathering.
01:08:52That's right, Marty.
01:08:53As long as Kaiba is alive, you won't be able to take Godak's place without running the risk of discovery.
01:08:58And we'll kill Kaiba.
01:08:59You kill Godak.
01:09:00You have him prisoner in your caves.
01:09:01That's it.
01:09:02But Kaiba must be dead first so that Lothal won't have him to back her up.
01:09:07I know the secret of the Sword of Tongu.
01:09:09I will say that Godak told it to me.
01:09:11I'll make myself judge in his place.
01:09:13Only the judge knows the secret.
01:09:15Only he rules all tribes in the Middle Jungle.
01:09:17That's what I want.
01:09:19And Marty can help me.
01:09:20You help me, Buona Lange, and I'll help you.
01:09:23Jungle Jack, huh?
01:09:25Tie him up.
01:09:26I'll take him with me.
01:09:27Marty, you better get back to Tonga and look after Kaiba.
01:09:52Marty, the real traitor comes to murder you, Kaiba.
01:10:17But you must live and save Godak, the true leader.
01:10:20Who is the captive in the caves of Balgan?
01:10:23It's you, Marty.
01:10:24What do you want here?
01:10:25I just wanted to be certain that Kaiba was safe.
01:10:28You mean till the test of fire tomorrow.
01:10:30Kaiba has been held hostage for Lothal, mystery queen of the jungle.
01:10:33He must pay for our treachery.
01:10:37Hide the body and take his place.
01:10:39I'll go visit Kaiba.
01:10:51I've come here to save the tribes of the Middle Jungle.
01:11:04Neither you, Marty, nor anyone else can prevent me.
01:11:08Dr. Bork shot that man, Denka, to try to prove that she wasn't a Nazi.
01:11:12But I'm certain that she is.
01:11:14So am I, my dear.
01:11:15So are Bob and Chuck.
01:11:16But we have no proof, and so far, she hasn't betrayed herself.
01:11:19Come in.
01:11:21Dr. Bork.
01:11:24Good evening.
01:11:25Well, doctor, your farm has a clean look.
01:11:27I'm sure you'll like it.
01:11:28Thank you.
01:11:30Come in.
01:11:32Dr. Bork.
01:11:34Good evening.
01:11:35Well, doctor, your farm has a clean bill of health.
01:11:38I'm relieved to hear that.
01:11:40My dear doctor, you are free to continue your work.
01:11:45As you probably know, your constabulary has been questioning me.
01:11:49Polite but thorough, was she?
01:11:51Very thorough.
01:11:53Thank you, Mr. Chatterton.
01:11:54Good night.
01:12:00What a performance.
01:12:02She's pretending, but she doesn't know that we suspect her.
01:12:05Well, she's smart and ruthless.
01:12:08And that adds up to dangerous, my dear.
01:12:12Especially when we don't know what she's going to do next.
01:12:15Bob and Chuck think she'll go back to the farm.
01:12:17That's why they're staying there.
01:12:25We've been waiting around here for hours, and what's happened?
01:12:28Nothing will until Lange comes back from Mount Belgan to report to Bork.
01:12:32Suppose she doesn't show up?
01:12:35We'll find out what Lange does.
01:12:59Sounds like it's in there.
01:13:10Waiting here has paid dividends.
01:13:12I'll say.
01:13:13We'll find Nazis at the other end of this phone.
01:13:15Follow the wires, you mean?
01:13:17Not a bad trail, if you ask me.
01:13:19Let's locate the wires first.
01:13:20They're probably underground to me in the jungle.
01:13:28Let's go.
01:13:53Hi, Elise.
01:13:54What are you doing here?
01:13:55On my way to Belgan.
01:13:57I left the car beside the road and doubled back through the trail.
01:13:59Were you discovered?
01:14:01Well, what about the telephone?
01:14:03The farm is no place for me now.
01:14:05I intend to send you from Belgan to remove the phone.
01:14:08But now I'll wait.
01:14:09Well, I'll get rid of it. It won't take long.
01:14:11I'll use your car.
01:14:23It's still northwest.
01:14:25We'll head for the jungle now and hunt for the wires on the same bearing.
01:14:50Dr. Bork!
01:14:51Dr. Bork!
01:14:55Dr. Bork!
01:15:10Hey, Bob.
01:15:11Here it is, just like we figured.
01:15:15It goes to Belgan, all right.
01:15:16Better than that. It goes to the place we have to find.
01:15:19If we're guessing right, we ought to join up with Jungle Jack sooner or later.
01:15:22And Mr. Lang.
01:15:25Let's go.
01:15:48They aren't here, Mr. Chatterton.
01:15:49I followed Dr. Bork from Tanbosa.
01:15:51She parked her car on the side of the road about halfway to the farm.
01:15:54So I came on here.
01:15:55Either they're following Napses or the Napses have...
01:15:59...returned here at once.
01:16:00Very well.
01:16:06Thought you'd find Elliot or Kelly here, didn't you?
01:16:11Come on, let's get out of here.
01:16:25Now it's my time to telephone.
01:16:29Yes, Lang.
01:16:31I rang the farm about an hour after you left the caves here.
01:16:35I figured Dr. Bork would be there waiting for you.
01:16:38Miller and Heinkel just brought in another prisoner.
01:16:43I've got a prisoner too.
01:16:45Pamela Courtney.
01:16:46The Courtney girl, eh?
01:16:48What do you want done with this Kiber?
01:16:51Give him to Monty?
01:16:52Give him to Monty or keep him here.
01:16:56Put him in the cave with Jungle Jack.
01:16:59Yes, Lang.
01:17:02How do you know?
01:17:04They dug up the wires.
01:17:10Don't worry, Lang.
01:17:13What's up?
01:17:15Lang is pretty sure that Elliot and Kelly are tracing the telephone line here.
01:17:19You and Heinkel know how to fix it for them.
01:17:21Don't you?
01:17:23Dr. Bork showed us.
01:17:24It's her idea.
01:17:25All right, Miller.
01:17:26Fix it.
01:17:33We're going straight to Balgan, all right.
01:17:35By the slowest, toughest route I've ever taken anyplace.
01:17:38Yeah, those last few hills were kind of tough.
01:17:41Mountains, as far as I'm concerned.
01:17:46You see, Miss Courtney,
01:17:47I'm responsible to Germany for winning control of the Middle Jungle.
01:17:51Is that all Germany wants?
01:17:56I'm only one of many key agents.
01:17:59But now, like the others, I can report success.
01:18:02For your information,
01:18:04Mr. Elliot and Mr. Kelly
01:18:06will never reach Balgan.
01:18:08We better have a talk with Kodak.
01:18:18I've been expecting you.
01:18:20Have you made up your mind to cooperate with us?
01:18:24Well, in that case, you will be killed in Kaiba, too.
01:18:27Marty would then produce the sword of Tongu, would he not?
01:18:30Of course.
01:18:31But Marty does not know the true secret.
01:18:33I only told Marty about the other sword.
01:18:37What other sword?
01:18:38It looks exactly like the sword of Tongu,
01:18:41but it's not the real sword.
01:18:43Who knows the difference?
01:18:44Only one man can tell the real sword from the false.
01:18:47Marty cannot rule the Middle Jungle people
01:18:50unless he knows where the real sword is hidden.
01:18:56Kodak will reveal the secret to us a little later.
01:18:59After Miller and Heinkel report
01:19:01that Elliot and Kelly are dead.
01:19:07Dr. Borg's right.
01:19:09Elliot and Kelly are coming here now.
01:19:11Elliot and Kelly are coming here now.
01:19:13They are cooperative fools, Miller.
01:19:16They change the direction of the wires,
01:19:18they follow them,
01:19:19and walk straight into Borg's trap.
01:19:22Yes, our telephone wires will never lead them
01:19:24into our secret headquarters in Mount Balgan now.
01:19:30Hey, this looks like something.
01:19:32Yeah, but it's still not Balgan.
01:19:34Leave it to the Nazis to have more than one hideout.
01:19:37They sure are playing things.
01:19:41Let's go.
01:19:47There's the wire.
01:19:49Here they come.
01:19:52Looks like it goes underground again.
01:20:01They're walking into their graves and don't know it.
01:20:04Say when.
01:21:59So that's the latest.
01:22:06Thanks, old chap.
01:22:09Anderson reports from Berlin
01:22:11that Germany will attack Poland at any moment.
01:22:14Not unexpected, what?
01:22:16But at least this office has its affairs in order.
01:22:18But not a tambosa.
01:22:20Let Chatterton know the worst at once.
01:22:31Of all the commissioners under Mr. X's supervision,
01:22:34I'm the only one who isn't ready.
01:22:36Everybody I need has disappeared.
01:22:38Bork, Bob, Chuck, Pam,
01:22:41Jumbo Jack, Godek.
01:22:49Hey, this looks like something.
01:22:51Yeah, but it's still not Balgan.
01:22:54Leave it to the Nazis to have more than one hideout.
01:22:56They sure are playing things.
01:23:02Dr. Borg's right.
01:23:04Elliot and Kelly are coming here now.
01:23:06They are cooperative fools, Miller.
01:23:08They change the direction of the wires,
01:23:10they follow them,
01:23:12and walk straight into Borg's trap.
01:23:16There's the wire.
01:23:18Come on.
01:23:20Looks like it goes underground again.
01:23:24Yes, our telephone wires will never lead them
01:23:26into our secret headquarters in Mount Balgan now.
01:23:42They're walking into their graves and don't know it.
01:24:13And now do you understand, Miss Courtney,
01:24:15why Africa rightfully belongs to Germany,
01:24:18and how she intends to get it?
01:24:20What Germany will get, Dr. Borg, won't be Africa.
01:24:23When you shoot a cat,
01:24:25you're sure he's dead before you put your rifle down.
01:24:27By the way,
01:24:29don't expect Mr. Elliot or Mr. Kelly to save you.
01:24:33They've been buried alive.
01:24:49Oh, they certainly did a good job this time.
01:24:54How are we going to get out of here?
01:24:56I don't know.
01:24:58Chuck, do you see what I see?
01:25:12Don't follow me till I call you, Chuck.
01:25:28Okay, Chuck, come on.
01:25:35The Nazis tried to kill us, not scare us,
01:25:37so somebody else opened this tunnel.
01:25:39Must have been Lothal.
01:25:43Hey, it was.
01:25:45The Middle Jungle people need their friends,
01:25:47but our enemies have captured them.
01:25:49Who else did the Nazis capture, Lothal, in addition to Godak?
01:25:52Kaibo, the Tongili who should succeed Godak,
01:25:55an old hunter, and the niece of the murdered Courtney.
01:25:58Jungle Jack and Pam. Where are they?
01:26:00In the caves of Mount Balgan.
01:26:02You mean you can't help our friends?
01:26:04Mine is another destiny.
01:26:06That's a new way of saying no.
01:26:08Take it easy, Chuck. Will you show us the way to go there?
01:26:10Yes, follow me.
01:26:14All we have to do is find where the telephone wires start again and follow them.
01:26:17I will show you a path.
01:26:19That's for me. You follow the wires if you want to.
01:26:21Sometimes I wonder if I'm stupid or just talk too much.
01:26:23Oh, you don't talk too much, Willis.
01:26:32Follow the path that will lead you to the caves of Balgan,
01:26:35to Godak, Kaibo, your friends,
01:26:37to your enemies.
01:26:48Well, Queenie's done it again.
01:26:57We'll be at war with Poland before tomorrow.
01:26:59Good. The sooner the better.
01:27:01Where's Lang?
01:27:02In with Godak.
01:27:11Is Godak reasonable?
01:27:13No, he refuses to tell us where the real Sword of Tonga was hidden.
01:27:16Perhaps he just doesn't understand.
01:27:20You've been taught all the latest scientific methods of the Gestapo, haven't you, Heinkel?
01:27:24That's why I say,
01:27:26Godak doesn't understand.
01:27:28We'll give him a demonstration.
01:27:30But don't kill him.
01:27:45Has Godak told you the secret?
01:27:47No, he's stubborn. I warned Heinkel not to kill him.
01:27:50How about Marty?
01:27:51He should be waiting for me on the trail.
01:27:54Have him postpone producing the sword and claiming Godak's place.
01:27:57Or shall I tell him about the sword being an imitation?
01:28:00Let him continue to believe that it's the real Sword of Tonga.
01:28:14Godak is beginning to believe it is wise to do what we want.
01:28:17Godak will give me the lower throne?
01:28:19If he doesn't, you can claim to be a successor anyway.
01:28:22Your middle jungle people will never suspect you.
01:28:24How long do we wait?
01:28:25Until tomorrow.
01:28:26When Godak chooses me, I will kill Godak.
01:28:29I want to be the judge.
01:28:31Whatever you do for the time comes, go ahead.
01:29:01Why stop here?
01:29:02You're not stopping, Chuck.
01:29:03They didn't see you.
01:29:04Cut across the telephone wires and follow them into Balgan.
01:29:07While you get it here?
01:29:08Just watch me.
01:29:09Not seeing you with me, they'll think you're dead.
01:29:11I'll hold them off long enough so no one will follow you.
01:29:13No so, Bob.
01:29:14Listen, Chuck.
01:29:15It's our only chance to rescue Pam, Godak and the others.
01:29:18Well, okay, Bob.
01:29:19I guess you're right.
01:29:20Go on, beat it.
01:29:21Let's go.
01:29:22Let's go.
01:29:23Let's go.
01:29:24Let's go.
01:29:25Let's go.
01:29:26Let's go.
01:29:27Let's go.
01:29:28Let's go.
01:29:29Let's go.
01:29:30Go on, beat it.
01:29:43He's given himself away.
01:30:00Well, Mr. Elliott, we've finally caught up with you.
01:30:28What's the matter, Kaiba?
01:30:44Is something wrong?
01:30:45Godak's in danger.
01:30:47Very great danger.
01:30:49Well, no more so, Kaiba, than the rest of us.
01:30:53Godak will not live.
01:30:57The science of torture, Heinkel, is to prolong it.
01:31:08There's always another day, but there's only one Godak.
01:31:11I never saw anyone stand so much pain.
01:31:14I guess I thought him stronger than he is.
01:31:18There's a chance I can save him.
01:31:26The French are getting ready for general mobilization.
01:31:29Yes, Dr. Paul.
01:31:30What do you know about the Sword of Tango?
01:31:32The man who knows its hiding place, Godak, is the judge of all the tribes.
01:31:38The sword is the symbol of his power.
01:31:41If we knew the secret, and a new judge like Marty didn't know it,
01:31:46we would control Marty, wouldn't we?
01:31:48Why, that's obvious.
01:31:49Marty has to have the sword in order to be judge, and he can only get it from us.
01:31:55But chances are, Heinkel, that we will never learn that secret now.
01:32:02Where are the medical supplies?
01:32:03I'll get them, Doctor.
01:32:07I've come, Godak, so that the secret of the sword would not be lost to your Tongili.
01:32:12Don't fail. I've been waiting for you.
01:32:15Only you can save my people now.
01:32:19Where is the hiding place for the Sword of Tango?
01:32:23The Sword of Tango is hidden in...
01:32:28With Germany undertaking to fight the whole world, mistakes cannot be tolerated.
01:32:38But, Dr. Bork, I thought Godak was stronger than he is.
01:32:44You can't always tell about people when you torture them.
01:32:48How was I to know that he would...
01:32:54Get rid of the body.
01:33:30He must have gotten out of your trap somewhere, Muller.
01:33:32I was going to kill him right away, but I thought I better let Bork decide what to do with him.
01:33:36Good idea, Lang.
01:33:37Heinkel almost killed Godak.
01:33:39I told him to be careful.
01:33:41How's Godak?
01:33:43Arrange Godak's body for Marty to take away.
01:33:47Now that Godak is dead, and our friend Mr. Elliot is with us, all our prisoners have become valuable.
01:33:55I can use them to help Marty take Godak's place.
01:33:58Our Luftwaffe is bombing Poland.
01:34:01You see, Mr. Elliot, Germany's plans have left nothing to chance.
01:34:06England is declaring war. France will follow.
01:34:09They're signing their death warrants.
01:34:11You Germans also said the same thing in 1914, Dr. Bork.
01:34:15You know what happened.
01:34:18I'll let you talk to me about it a little later, Mr. Elliot.
01:34:21But I don't think you'll find it funny.
01:34:24Put him with the others.
01:34:36Bob, we thought you were dead.
01:34:38Where's Chuck?
01:34:39It would be cruel, Mr. Elliot, to let your friends think that Mr. Kelly was dead.
01:34:42You permitted us to capture you in order that Kelly might escape, hoping he might save you.
01:34:47But the natives picked up his trail.
01:34:49Mr. Kelly hasn't gone as far as you'd hoped.
01:35:39We don't have to worry about him.
01:36:16There, there.
01:36:32Parker has him!
01:37:52He's dead.
01:38:18Report, Your Excellency, from our Balgan headquarters, the Middle Jungle.
01:38:22Our progress in Africa has been much less than I expected.
01:38:27I hope Dr. Bork is not failing us in such a glorious moment in Germany's history.
01:38:32Dr. Bork reports complete success.
01:38:36She's able to guarantee control over the judge who rules the Middle Jungle tribes.
01:38:40And she has captured all those who might expose her.
01:38:44Congratulations, Dr. Bork.
01:39:04For Dr. Bork.
01:39:11What's up now?
01:39:13High Command.
01:39:14Goddard, the judge of all judges, is dead.
01:39:18Miss Courtney, Mr. Elliot, Django Jack, Kaiba.
01:39:25You will be accused of murdering him.
01:39:28Thank you, Lang.
01:39:30Aren't you supposed to meet Marty?
01:39:31I'm leaving now.
01:39:37The High Command feels that my work is a contribution to our war.
01:39:41Mr. Elliot, you did me a favor by allowing yourself to be captured.
01:39:45And you failed to divert attention from Mr. Kelly.
01:39:49Are they dead by now?
01:39:51They're my prisoner.
01:40:19We don't have to worry about him.
01:41:01They'll save him.
01:41:12But he's tired.
01:41:13Let's go before the river further down.
01:41:42I thought we would catch you by coming around this way.
01:41:56Now I'll take you to Buona Lang.
01:42:12Have your men keep the prisoners here.
01:42:14Lang Amoco, Buonga Dancer, Tatu, Tatu.
01:42:17Bring Kaiba with you and come with us.
01:42:31Why wait standing?
01:42:33You got something there.
01:42:39I guess we don't have a chance.
01:42:41I can't understand why Lothel saved you and then let the natives capture you.
01:42:44I can't either.
01:42:46But she's our only hope now.
01:42:48Well, if that mystery queen of the jungle don't want these Nazis controlling this tribe,
01:42:52she better be getting herself busy.
01:42:56Godak told me where the Sword of Tongu was hidden.
01:42:59This is the sword and I have taken Godak's place.
01:43:02I am now the judge of the Middle Jungle people.
01:43:05Take Kaiba.
01:43:06When you want the other prisoners, you know where they are.
01:43:08Kaiba may die, but I am not a traitor.
01:43:58Waban, you whom I have asked to assume the duties of the lower throne just for a day,
01:44:17why are the chiefs of our tribe standing before me?
01:44:20Mahi, judge of all Tongili, guardian of the sacred Sword of Tongu.
01:44:27Kaiba killed Godak, who made you his successor before he died,
01:44:31by telling you where the sacred Sword of Tongu was hidden.
01:44:37The chiefs await your decision.
01:44:48Tongu first spoke the law of the tribes and enforced it with this sword.
01:44:53Tongu gave his sword to his successor.
01:44:56The first judge told him the secret place to hide it,
01:44:59and he who holds it must be obeyed.
01:45:02The Sword of Tongu must be obeyed.
01:45:05Take the test.
01:45:23Even the innocent hesitate.
01:45:25Yet they and they alone pass safely through the flame.
01:45:29The guilty perish.
01:45:42You speak of guilt, Mahi, and you are guilty.
01:45:45You helped our enemies kill Godak.
01:45:48The sword that you hold is not the real sword.
01:45:51Before Godak died, he told me the hiding place,
01:45:54so that the secret would not be lost,
01:45:56so that I might for him choose his successor.
01:45:59You come with lies as you always do.
01:46:01This is the true Sword of Kandu.
01:46:04You do not know the secrets of the sword, Mahi,
01:46:06either where it is hidden,
01:46:08or that there be one here who can prove the real from the imitation.
01:46:12I am he who is able to prove which is the real sword.
01:46:17Give me the sword.
01:46:38Only I possess this piece,
01:46:42and it's only the hidden cavity in this sword.
01:47:00Mystery queen of the jungle, your story is true.
01:47:03You have brought Tongu's sword to us.
01:47:05Mahi is the traitor,
01:47:07and Nomar is his aide.
01:47:24Lothal brought the real sword, Tongu.
01:47:26Mahi is dead now. I'll go.
01:47:28Wait a minute.
01:47:29I'll get the records in Balgan and meet you in Tombosa.
01:47:31Where am I going?
01:47:32Kill the prisoners.
01:47:34They are the only ones who can identify us as Nazis.
01:47:38Come with me, Nomar.
01:47:41It is my hope that all enemies of Germany will get...
01:47:50I didn't think you had it in you, Kaiba.
01:47:51You're okay.
01:47:52Lothal saved me.
01:47:54Sent me to you.
01:47:56Look here.
01:47:57I say it's a Mauser.
01:48:01A Nazi destroyed by his own weapon.
01:48:04I hope that's the forecast for Germany's future.
01:48:07It is.
01:48:11Bork isn't with Lang.
01:48:12She's probably on her way to Balgan.
01:48:14That's for us, then.
01:48:16Pan, you stay with Jungle Jack.
01:48:18Take your rifle and Lang's revolver with us.
01:48:31Our armies are invincible.
01:48:33Poland will be defeated within a month.
01:48:34You're not so fortunate here.
01:48:36Set the mechanism to blow up these caves.
01:48:38I'll take the Mauser records.
01:48:40What happened?
01:48:48I'll take those records, Dr. Bork.
01:49:00You have failed.
01:49:02I answer to the high command for my failure.
01:49:04Not the subordinates.
01:49:16I shall report your loyalty to Berlin Miller.
01:49:44German weapons kill Germans.
01:49:49Nazis kill Nazis.
01:50:03Dr. Bork is leaving no evidence behind her.
01:50:23You've had quite an adventure.
01:50:26Well, I'm sure there's no need to call me Mr. X any longer.
01:50:30Good Lord.
01:50:44For a Mr. Robert Elliott, sir, in care of you.
01:50:46Thank you.
01:50:56How did anybody know we were here?
01:50:58Through official channels.
01:51:00Well, look at this.
01:51:02Contains a list of all the Nazi agents in Germany.
01:51:07Dr. Elise Bork.
01:51:10Dr. Bork's records.
01:51:12But how did it get here?
01:51:13Well, the case is really wrapped up in solitaire now.
01:51:16Lothal sent it.
01:51:18The mystery queen of the jungle?
01:51:19Yes, sir.
01:51:20How do you figure that, son?
01:51:21Well, you and Chuck found out that Lothal was with Dr. Bork in the Baogan caves when the explosion occurred.
01:51:26That's right.
01:51:27She worked it the same way she saved me from the crocodiles.
01:51:29Where did she get the hunk of raw meat she threw at them?
01:51:31I don't know.
01:51:32Do you?
01:51:33Who knows?
01:51:35She has come again to the middle jungle.
01:51:38And the secrets of the sword are safe.
01:51:40The upper and lower thrones are no longer vacant.
01:51:43I came to help you.
01:51:45And now, my task is done.
01:51:48I am Lothal.
