10 Movie Answers Given Years Later

  • 3 months ago
We finally found out who was on the other end of Falcon's radio call.


00:00It's certainly good for a movie to sometimes leave you with something to think about, perhaps
00:05a lingering, unanswered question that's debated and discussed online for years, maybe
00:09even decades into the future.
00:12There are definitely times when a film's lack of answers or closure can be frustrating
00:16though, especially if you have to wait a long damn time for the concrete truth, whether
00:21it's from a sequel, spinoff, or simply a belated interview with the cast or crew.
00:25That's what we're talking about today as I'm Jules, this is WhatCulture.com, and
00:29these are 10 Movie Answers Given Years Later.
00:33Will Scratt Ever Eat The Acorn?
00:36Ice Age
00:37The question is, will Scratt ever eat that damn acorn?
00:41Since the very first Ice Age film in 2002, we've observed this saber-toothed squirrel's
00:45single-minded pursuit of his precious acorn, which has resulted in the object of his obsession
00:50escaping his grasp again and again.
00:53Fans who'd been watching Scratt with great interest over the last 20 years finally got
00:58their wish, though it was certainly in bittersweet fashion.
01:01With Ice Age creators Blue Sky Studios having been shut down by Disney last year, the studio's
01:06animators teamed up to give both Scratt and the series an affecting final farewell.
01:11Blue Sky recently released an unlisted video on YouTube simply called The End, which showed
01:16Scratt embracing his beloved acorn once more, looking around and waiting for chaos to ensue,
01:21and then gladly devouring the acorn when nothing stopped him.
01:25Scratt then seems to consider what emptiness his future might hold with the acorn finally
01:28consumed before bouncing off the screen to seek adventure elsewhere.
01:32Considering that Scratt is effectively the franchise's mascot, and has proven to be
01:36consistently entertaining even as the Ice Age sequels became increasingly dire, it was
01:41unexpectedly affecting to see his quest finally fulfilled.
01:46What Happens To Peter After Gwen's Death?
01:48The Amazing Spider-Man 2
01:50The Amazing Spider-Man franchise was widely expected to be a trilogy in the very least,
01:55but after the second film underwhelmed critically and commercially, Sony pumped the brakes on
01:59a threequel.
02:00And so Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker was left in an unfortunate limbo of sorts, grieving
02:05his late girlfriend Gwen Stacy while heading back out into New York City to fight crime.
02:10Yet almost a decade removed from his last adventure, what would Peter be up to now?
02:14Well, in addition to an unfathomably popular fan service exercise, Spider-Man's No Way
02:19Home's multiverse mechanics allowed Marvel Studios to finally give fans a semblance of
02:24closure on Garfield's Part 3.
02:27Rather than simply paper over Peter 3's grief and present him as his typically heroic, sarcastic
02:31Spider-Man, the film surprisingly lingers on the fact that he's failed to properly
02:35move on from Gwen's death, stewing in his misery in a way that impacts both his personal
02:40life and his heroism.
02:42Peter 3 is driven by anger and depression when we first see him again, though over the
02:46course of the film regains a sense of hope by helping the other Spider-Men resolve the
02:50multiverse anomaly.
02:52And catching a falling MJ as well, of course.
02:55While some fans are hoping for more MCU adventures starring Peter 3, this is probably best thought
02:59of as a neat little epilogue which gave both fans and Garfield himself closure on the character.
03:06Why does Emmet carry a bag full of eggs?
03:10So back in 2020, some 12 years after the release of the original Twilight, a clip from the
03:14movie went viral on TikTok when one user pointed out that the vampire Emmet could be
03:19seen carrying a Ziploc bag of hard-boiled eggs around the cafeteria because... reasons.
03:24Well, the actor Kellen Lutz clearly got a kick out of the mystery and summarily refused
03:29to elaborate more.
03:30So it fell to Twilight director Katherine Hardwick to finally spill the beans, and she
03:34did so in a frankly hilarious interview with Insider last year.
03:38She revealed that Lutz was simply carrying the eggs around on set, and she decided to
03:41incorporate them into the scene.
03:43I saw Kellen carrying a bag of like one dozen hard-boiled eggs and I'm like, what the hell
03:47is going on?
03:48You're not going to eat like a dozen eggs, are you?
03:50I'd never seen anybody carry around a Ziploc bag of one dozen eggs and going to eat them
03:54all day long.
03:55I was just laughing so hard.
03:56I'm like, okay, you have to eat those eggs.
03:59You have to carry that in that scene because it was just so outrageous.
04:02So that was it really, just a super quirky detail that the real actor was doing.
04:05Hardwick then added that Kellen was likely carrying around the eggs to supplement his
04:09protein intake given the intense regime that he was on to play the hunky vampire.
04:14Even so, what a wild ride.
04:17Where Did Luke Skywalker's Severed Hand Go?
04:20The Empire Strikes Back
04:21The Empire Strikes Back ends with Luke Skywalker having his hand cut off by Darth Vader, losing
04:26not only his hand, but his precious lightsaber in the process.
04:30For 35 years, the whereabouts of Luke's saber was unknown, though that mystery was
04:34cleared up in The Force Awakens when it was found to be in the custody of Maz Kanata.
04:39But if Luke's lightsaber was recovered, his hand must have been there too, right?
04:42So what the hell happened to it?
04:44Well, that hasn't ever been answered in the movies, but the recent Star Wars Darth
04:48Vader comic book finally revealed the truth in its 11th issue, which was released last
04:52April some 41 years after Luke's hand was chopped off and dropped through Cloud City
04:57sky to parts unknown.
04:59The issue, set shortly after Empire, features a scene where Darth Vader visits Palpatine,
05:05and as he walks through Palpatine's lab that we saw in The Rise of Skywalker, he chances
05:08upon a severed hand floating in what's presumably a Bacta tank.
05:12While this hand could theoretically belong to anyone, this just feels too pointed a reference
05:16to be anything but Luke's.
05:19The wider implications of this are admittedly mind-boggling, with many fans speculating
05:23that Luke's DNA could have been used to create Snoke of all people, but that's a
05:26whole other kettle of fish.
05:29What Color is Drax?
05:31Guardians of the Galaxy
05:32Now this might sound ridiculous and self-evident, but seriously, ever since the release of the
05:36original Guardians of the Galaxy back in 2014, fans have wondered what Drax the Destroyer's
05:41skin colour actually is.
05:43Some think that he's green as in the comics, others grey, some blue, and there's never
05:46really been an actual, legit consensus on the fact.
05:50That is, until James Gunn himself chimed in.
05:53Last year, a despairing fan tweeted at Gunn that he and his girlfriend were locked in
05:56an unending dispute about Drax's skin colour, to which Gunn mercifully offered the final
06:01word, saying,
06:02He is grey, but like most grey things, he can take on a blue or green tint under some
06:07lights, but he's definitely grey.
06:09Gunn elaborated that he decided against giving Drax comic-accurate green skin, because Gamora
06:14was already green, and green makeup is also the hardest to make resemble real skin.
06:18So there it is.
06:19Though Drax has basically looked like five different colours amidst the MCU's various
06:23elaborate lighting setups, his skin is absolutely, positively grey.
06:28Who won the third fight between Rocky and Apollo?
06:31Rocky 3
06:32Way back in 1982, Rocky 3 ended with Rocky and Apollo Creed having a third and final
06:37match to settle things once and for all, though the movie ingeniously ends as the fight begins
06:42without revealing the outcome.
06:44So who ended up winning?
06:46The answer was finally revealed an entire 33 years later in Creed, when Apollo's son
06:50Adonis asks Rocky about the mythical fight, and Rocky reveals that Apollo was indeed the
06:56You'd have to consider the possibility that Rocky was simply showing a little humility
06:59in telling Adonis, an orphan for God's sake, what he probably needed to hear at that point.
07:04But from everything the movie tells us, Apollo was far and away the better boxer of the two,
07:08with Rocky only barely prevailing in Rocky 2, so it's incredibly easy to take what
07:13Rocky tells Adonis as truthful.
07:16Does the truce last?
07:17The Matrix Revolutions
07:19Now the third Matrix film ended on a rather weird cliffhanger ending, which really asked
07:23more questions than it answered.
07:25Beyond Neo's ambiguous fate, a truce is forged between Zion and the Machines after
07:29Neo agrees to destroy Agent Smith.
07:31Yet, the film makes it explicitly clear that this is a deeply uneasy truce, and so the
07:36original trilogy wraps up on a not entirely hopeful note, whereby war between the humans
07:41and the machines could soon enough kick off again following Smith's demise.
07:44But the question is, did it?
07:46Well, it took Adam 18 years, but we finally got our answer in The Matrix Resurrections.
07:51When Neo visits Niobe in the new human underground city, she reveals that the truce did in fact
07:56last for many years, and that the Architect kept his promises to let anyone who wished
08:01to be unplugged from the Matrix do so.
08:03The problem, however, is that when enough people became unplugged, the Matrix began
08:06to suffer power outages, which ironically caused the Machines to start turning on one
08:10another and eventually break out into civil war.
08:13Further unexpectedly, the situation somewhat eased relations between humans and the Machines,
08:18as some Machines decided to switch sides and join humanity.
08:21With bugs revealing that the Sentinels preferred to be called Syntheans.
08:25So while there's certainly continuing Machine conflict in Resurrections, Neo's trip to
08:29the Machine city in Revolutions had a major, irreversible effect on how the Machines viewed
08:36What was up with all the Coast Guards?
08:392002's James Gunn-penned Scooby-Doo movie may not be as urgently plotted as most, and
08:44by that I mean all of the movies on this list, but that doesn't mean that fans haven't
08:47been agonizing for a whole 20 years to learn what was up with those damn Coast Guards.
08:52During the movie, Mary Jane calls Spooky Island's Coast Guard to report the ancient demons running
08:56riot, only for the guard who answers the phone to hang up and start laughing maniacally about
09:01the whole situation.
09:02Were they just some asshole guards who didn't take their job seriously, were they paid off
09:06to ignore the situation, or was there something more nefarious at play?
09:10Well the scene's nebulous truth was finally revealed in an interview with the film's
09:13editor, who said that the two Coast Guards were indeed possessed by the demons as many
09:17fans had suspected, hence their bizarre reaction to the mayhem unfolding on Spooky Island.
09:23Who was Falcon talking to?
09:26Sir Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie, makes a brief cameo appearance in Ant-Man, briefly
09:31battling Scott Lang when the pint-sized hero tries to break into the Avengers HQ.
09:36During the scene we can hear Falcon talking to an inaudible voice through his radio, telling
09:40somebody on the other end, it's really important to me that Cap never finds out about this.
09:44Given that we never hear that person on the other end, fans have spent years after the
09:48film's 2015 release speculating on who it might be.
09:51While Falcon could have conceivably been talking to any random employee of the facility or
09:55perhaps a non-superhero like Maria Hill, Ant-Man director Peyton Reed finally put fans out
10:00of their misery in 2020 by revealing that Falcon was speaking to none other than Black
10:05When a fan asked Reed about this moment on Twitter, he snappily replied, great question,
10:09he's talking to Natasha.
10:11The lesson here is that sometimes a burning years old movie question can be categorically
10:14answered by just firing a quick tweet at the director.
10:18What happens to Bowman at the end?
10:202001 A Space Odyssey
10:22The end of Stanley Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey has been debated and dissected by
10:27fans and scholars alike for more than half a century, yet there's seemingly no concrete
10:31agreement on precisely what it all means.
10:33We can objectively say that the film ends with the good doctor ending up in a large
10:37bedroom where he appears to age rapidly until he becomes an old man.
10:41A monolith then appears at the foot of his bed, and as he reaches out to it, he's transformed
10:45into the Starchild, which is a floating fetus out in space, but uh, here's the question,
10:49what the hell does any of that mean?
10:50Well, the theories are myriad, but back in 2018, almost exactly 50 years after 2001's
10:56release, an unaired 1980 interview with Kubrick himself was uncovered and published online,
11:01with Kubrick offering a surprisingly open and generous explanation of the ending.
11:05He said,
11:06I've tried to avoid doing this ever since the picture came out.
11:09When you just say the ideas, they sound foolish, whereas if they're dramatized, one feels
11:15But I will try.
11:16The idea was supposed to be that he is taken in by godlike entities, creatures of pure
11:20energy and intelligence with no shape or form.
11:23They put him in what I suppose you could describe as a human zoo to study him, and his whole
11:27life passes from that point on in that room.
11:29And he has no sense of time, it just seems to happen as it does in the film.
11:33When they get finished with him, as happened in so many myths of all cultures in the world,
11:37he is transformed into some kind of super being and sent back to earth, transformed
11:41and made into some sort of superman.
11:43We have to only guess what happens when he goes back.
11:46It's this pattern of a great deal of mythology, and that's what we are trying to suggest.
11:50While Kubrick certainly doesn't give an entirely concrete account of the ending, and audiences
11:54are free to retain their own interpretations, it is fascinating to hear from the enigmatic
11:59filmmaker's own mouth what he was going for.
12:01And there we go my friends, those were 10 movie answers given years later.
12:05I hope that you enjoyed that, and please let me know what you thought about it down in
12:08the comments section below.
12:09As always I've been Jules, you can go follow me over on Twitter at RetroJ, but the O is
12:13a zero, or you can swing by Live and Let's Dice where I do all of my streaming and Warhammer
12:18Battle reports outside of work, and it'd be great to see you over there, and I'll speak
12:21to you soon.
