RED EYE Full Exclusive Horror Movie English HD 2024

  • 2 months ago
#englishmovies #movies #horrorstories
Title: RED EYE
Summary: Four friends set out to document a local legend in West Virginia. Will their passion cross the line? Or will it bleed through?. #horror #horrormovies #englishmovies #movies #horrorstories #horrorstory #slasher #paranormal #thriller #thrillermovies #mystery #mysterymovies

YOP: 2017
Cast: Jessica Cameron, Heather Dorff, Destinie Orndoff
Director: Tristan Clay
Writer: Tristan Clay, Destinie Orndoff
00:00:47The backwoods filled with fear
00:00:51Does he know he's still unsure?
00:00:55In these fields of black greed
00:01:00Where his body forever creeps
00:01:05A hunger running deep inside
00:01:10Killing is all that is on his mind
00:01:14A cannibalistic maniac
00:01:19Who'll be the next one his attack
00:01:25His right hand serving prayer
00:01:29The thirst for blood he won't be saved
00:01:34Killing all across his path
00:01:38Who'll be the next to fill his wrath?
00:01:43It's a passion that beats on through
00:01:48When I...
00:01:56Hello, my name is Gage Barker
00:01:58and I have gathered a group of friends
00:01:59to go to Black Creek Hills, West Virginia
00:02:01to do a documentary on the local legend called Red Eye.
00:02:04It's always been a dream of mine to...
00:02:06Gage, can't you put that damn thing away for once
00:02:08and help me load this shit in the truck?
00:02:10Where's that di... I mean, boyfriend of yours?
00:02:12Late as usual, but if you're not gonna put that away,
00:02:15why not let me try it out?
00:02:16Tell me?
00:02:17Yeah, experience is key.
00:02:19Uh, sure.
00:02:20Remind me later and I'll let you do it.
00:02:33Come on.
00:02:43Jake, no. No, stop. Stop.
00:02:47This isn't right, not when you're with Riker.
00:02:51She is a good friend of mine.
00:02:53I don't want to mess this up.
00:02:55Once was enough.
00:02:56Since when did you start caring about that crusty cunt?
00:02:58Shouldn't you?
00:02:59She is your girlfriend.
00:03:02You know what?
00:03:03That night at the party was the worst mistake of my life.
00:03:05Please, you were begging for it.
00:03:07I know how you get.
00:03:09You get jealous.
00:03:10But no worries, there's enough room down here to share.
00:03:13Such an a...
00:03:18Hey, Riker, can you pop the trunk open?
00:03:20I need to take my medicine.
00:03:23Riker, hello?
00:03:28What? Can't you see I'm jamming here?
00:03:30Can you pop the trunk open, please?
00:03:31What are you doing back there?
00:03:32Hiding a dead hooker or something?
00:03:34Oh, nice one.
00:03:35Thank you.
00:03:48Hey, Rye, are you okay?
00:03:54Gage, you filming?
00:03:59Riker, turn that down a sec.
00:04:01No, Gage, this is my s...
00:04:03Oh, come on, man, what the f...
00:04:05I need to record some voiceovers for the opening of the movie.
00:04:08Riker, turn that down a sec.
00:04:10No, Gage, this is my s...
00:04:12Oh, come on, man, what the f...
00:04:15I need to record some voiceovers for the opening of the documentary.
00:04:18I have the paper here somewhere.
00:04:22Ah, all right.
00:04:24So feel free to chime in.
00:04:26I want this to feel real.
00:04:28Jake, on my action, ask me what the legend is behind Red Eye, okay?
00:04:35What's the legend behind Red Eye?
00:04:38During the years of the Great Depression, many families left their homes to seek work.
00:04:43This certain family had no way to travel.
00:04:45But, dude, why is his name Red Eye? I mean...
00:04:48Let me finish, and I will explain.
00:04:50Winter was approaching, and the numbers of animals to hunt decreased.
00:04:54The father and the mother came to an agreement that the only way to survive was to consume the flesh of their children.
00:04:59Are you f... serious? How did they kill him?
00:05:02Morbid much?
00:05:03Their meat only lasted so long because of how frail they were.
00:05:06Soon, the father killed the mother for the same reason he killed his daughters.
00:05:10The thirst for blood only grew.
00:05:12It could be merely satisfied by ravaging any living thing that crossed its path.
00:05:16His blood consumption was so severe it turned his right eye red.
00:05:20Hence the name, Red Eye.
00:05:22Bullf... dude, would you copy this from somewhere?
00:05:26It's the worst intro ever, I swear to God.
00:05:30It took me a while to write all that.
00:05:33I tried to make it professional.
00:05:35I thought it was good.
00:05:37Really creepy.
00:05:38Well, I mean, your execution could have been better, dude. It sounded pretty plain.
00:05:42Ah, I must have consulted Miss Know-It-All Riker Jacobs before doing the opening for my film.
00:05:49Chill down, I'm just saying, gosh.
00:05:52He's still rumored to lurk in the backwoods of Black Creek, West Virginia.
00:05:56Of course he is. Well, what better place to go, right guys?
00:05:59Yeah, sure.
00:06:00How much further, Gage?
00:06:02I believe we keep on this road for a few miles more.
00:06:04Then we have some hiking to the actual location.
00:06:08Wake up!
00:06:09Look at this.
00:06:11We're almost there, aren't we?
00:06:14You said that an hour ago.
00:06:16I know, but I promise you guys, we are really almost there.
00:06:22Sex, drugs, and rock and roll, baby.
00:06:25American way.
00:06:26Damn strange.
00:06:27Come on, Ryan, I love this song!
00:06:30Guys, how old were you when you went to your first show? I was like 12.
00:06:36Aw, man, lame.
00:06:37Well, I've never been to one, so.
00:06:39Dude, what the f**k? We have such sights to show you.
00:06:42Nice, Dave.
00:06:44Who the hell would live out this far anyway?
00:06:47Probably some pickup truck driving chicken.
00:06:49What are you, chickens?
00:06:51They're obviously serial killers, Ryan. Don't you watch any horror films?
00:06:55I guess it's not first preference of mine.
00:06:57We'll just wait till we get back home. I'm going to school you on a few films.
00:07:00You don't want Ryan to s**t in bed.
00:07:01Well, I just feel like I have a whole world to introduce her to.
00:07:04You're not going to take your hand and walk through at all.
00:07:05Well, I'm down for anything, so.
00:07:07Lesbo alert!
00:07:09Hey, you're going to make a right up here.
00:07:14What is that?
00:07:15It looks like someone's broke down.
00:07:17Jake, pull over.
00:07:18Are you serious? We're in the middle of f**king nowhere.
00:07:21How can we be sure it's not some backwoods hillbilly with a double barrel shotgun in the trunk?
00:07:25Seriously, Jake? More like a crossbow or a hunting knife.
00:07:28Just pull over. Come on.
00:07:31Oh, God. This is not a good idea.
00:07:34Oh, God.
00:07:36Be careful.
00:07:37Oh, yeah.
00:07:40Don't die!
00:07:43He'll be the one to get the f**king crossbow to his head.
00:07:45For sure.
00:07:46I'd say.
00:07:47But I hope not. Otherwise, this was a huge waste of time and we have no documentary.
00:07:51That's right.
00:07:55Oh, God.
00:07:57Guys, are we sure Gage knows where he's going?
00:08:00Well, he was down here a few weeks ago scouting to see if the internet bullshit was legit.
00:08:04I don't think it's too much further up the road.
00:08:07God, I'm getting a f**king scanner's headache from this heat.
00:08:11Alright. Come on. Let's check on him.
00:08:16I think there might be something wrong with your battery.
00:08:19Just my luck.
00:08:21You haven't been out here long, have you?
00:08:23Oh, not too long.
00:08:25Maybe my friends and I can get you back up and running.
00:08:27I would really appreciate that.
00:08:32Umby, thank you guys so much for stopping.
00:08:35It's been miles since I've seen a soul around these parts, which isn't too uncommon.
00:08:41Isn't it ironic that I broke down just a couple miles from my house?
00:08:44Silly me.
00:08:46So that was your house back there?
00:08:47A few miles up the road?
00:08:51So, why on earth do you live so far out in the country?
00:08:54Ryker told you already. Weren't you listening?
00:08:57When my parents passed away, they left me the house to care for my younger brother, Barry.
00:09:01He's autistic. It's just us now.
00:09:04I think the man above that you guys happened to be traveling through when you did.
00:09:08Where are y'all from? Y'all don't look like a local.
00:09:12Yeah, no. We're actually all from around Pittsburgh.
00:09:14Like three hours away.
00:09:16No, it's like two and a half.
00:09:18Wow. What y'all doing down here?
00:09:20Oh, you know, we thought we'd just come in for a good old hoedown.
00:09:23Oh, really?
00:09:24Oh, why, of course. We gotta saddle up the mule and gather the...
00:09:27Excuse Jake. He likes to be a dick most. I mean, all the time.
00:09:33Anyways, we're out here doing a documentary on Red Eye for a film festival.
00:09:37Really? No one ever comes around these parts doing anything like that.
00:09:40Y'all must be like the celebrities I watch on television every night.
00:09:44No, no. Well, not yet anyways.
00:09:46But, um, being a legend and all, do you know anything about it?
00:09:49Oh, yeah. Barry could tell you every detail right to a T.
00:09:53Growing up, our daddy used to tell us stories every night at bedtime about big old Red Eye.
00:09:58Barry never quite got over them.
00:10:00Have either of you seen them?
00:10:02No. As a matter of fact, there was this one time I was downstairs finishing up on the gardening,
00:10:08and Barry was upstairs.
00:10:10And while he just started hooting and a-hollering, I run on up the stairs,
00:10:14and he's yelling, pointing out the window.
00:10:16And he swears that he saw a big, tall, burly man over yonder wearing overalls and a sack upon his head.
00:10:24Well, that poor boy was freaking out so much that I ran downstairs and ran over there trying to track him down,
00:10:29and all I found were bloody footprints.
00:10:34We had to cover up that window. Barry can't look out of it anymore.
00:10:37He still flips out to this day.
00:10:39It's really fortunate we don't live closer to town.
00:10:42Well, your bad Barry isn't here to film an actual scene for you, Gage.
00:10:46Probably the only exciting thing you'll film on this damn trip.
00:10:49Every town has its legend, Jake. Come on.
00:10:51Oh, it ain't no legend.
00:10:53If y'all had seen the look on Barry's face, he wouldn't be poking fun at it, that's for sure.
00:10:59Y'all just promise me one thing, though.
00:11:01You promise me that you'll be real careful.
00:11:05If you scream, no one's gonna hear you.
00:11:09And if you get lost, you're lost.
00:11:13And if you get hurt, I hope you know first aid.
00:11:17Oh, and most important, there's no phone tower in Black Creek.
00:11:22So whatever happens, y'all, it's your own fault.
00:11:27It's okay, darling. I do live just up down the street.
00:11:30Up Black Creek Hills?
00:11:32Yes, sir.
00:11:35Your spark plug was loose.
00:11:37Look at that. Aren't you useful?
00:11:41Well, thank you guys so much for your help. I really do appreciate it.
00:11:45Now, remember what I said. Y'all just be real careful.
00:11:49Or else Big Ol' Red-Eye might have got ya.
00:11:52Don't be a dick.
00:11:53Aren't you late to a hoedown?
00:12:02Hey, she's one of the pickup truck driving chicken dicks.
00:12:05I'm such a dick.
00:12:06Well, boo-fuckin'-who? Don't think I didn't notice why she didn't hug me.
00:12:10It's a pretty neat talent that somehow make everything about you, Jake.
00:12:13Oh, babe. It's all natural.
00:12:35I'm sorry.
00:12:36I'm sorry.
00:12:37I'm sorry.
00:12:38I'm sorry.
00:12:39I'm sorry.
00:12:40I'm sorry.
00:12:41I'm sorry.
00:12:42I'm sorry.
00:12:43I'm sorry.
00:12:44I'm sorry.
00:12:45I'm sorry.
00:12:46I'm sorry.
00:12:47I'm sorry.
00:12:48I'm sorry.
00:12:49I'm sorry.
00:12:50I'm sorry.
00:12:51I'm sorry.
00:12:52I'm sorry.
00:12:53I'm sorry.
00:12:54I'm sorry.
00:12:55I'm sorry.
00:12:56I'm sorry.
00:12:57I'm sorry.
00:12:58I'm sorry.
00:12:59I'm sorry.
00:13:00I'm sorry.
00:13:01I'm sorry.
00:13:02I'm sorry.
00:13:03I'm sorry.
00:13:04I'm sorry.
00:13:05I'm sorry.
00:13:06I'm sorry.
00:13:07I'm sorry.
00:13:08I'm sorry.
00:13:09I'm sorry.
00:13:10I'm sorry.
00:13:11I'm sorry.
00:13:12I'm sorry.
00:13:13I'm sorry.
00:13:14I'm sorry.
00:13:15I'm sorry.
00:13:16I'm sorry.
00:13:17I'm sorry.
00:13:18I'm sorry.
00:13:19I'm sorry.
00:13:20I'm sorry.
00:13:21I'm sorry.
00:13:22I'm sorry.
00:13:23I'm sorry.
00:13:24I'm sorry.
00:13:25I'm sorry.
00:13:26I'm sorry.
00:13:27I'm sorry.
00:13:28I'm sorry.
00:13:29I'm sorry.
00:13:30I'm sorry.
00:13:31I'm sorry.
00:13:32I'm sorry.
00:13:34I'm sorry.
00:13:48By my research, this looks to be right around the place the killings happened.
00:13:52We may have to walk a little bit south, but that location ain't far from here at all.
00:13:57How the can you tell in the middle of the woods?
00:13:59Research, buddy?
00:14:00All right I guess we're doing what I'm told.
00:14:02You've researched something that isn't 100% proven to be true.
00:14:05Man, Jake likes to pick a lot, doesn't he?
00:14:08Yeah, he can be an ass, but he's my ass, so I learned my deal.
00:14:12It happened.
00:14:13Oh, did it?
00:14:15How'd you come to know of this legend anyways?
00:14:18Well, she always used to tell me the story when I went and stayed with some family a couple counties back.
00:14:24You two have a connection.
00:14:26Well, he loves horror and I want to be in it, so...
00:14:30Be in it?
00:14:31Yeah, you know, like acting, filming, and writing.
00:14:33Ah, gotcha.
00:14:34I was intrigued with it ever since I was a kid.
00:14:37So, when I did my research and found that the legend was actually kind of real,
00:14:42what better way to start my film project with?
00:14:45He loves him like me, but I'm just not exactly sure what he's going to be doing.
00:14:49I just wish he'd be a little bit more motivated and cooperative, you know?
00:14:53I have to admit, he is pretty sick.
00:14:57And, to be fair, I didn't know all of that.
00:15:00Well, if you cared about something besides yourself for once...
00:15:03I care about lots of things.
00:15:04Like my beautifully twisted girlfriend.
00:15:06What do you want?
00:15:07Nothing but your love, babe.
00:15:11Oh my god, I am so sorry!
00:15:13Sorry, Jake.
00:15:31We've reached our final destination.
00:15:35No, seriously.
00:15:37We've reached our destination, Red Eye.
00:15:39We're hoping that these are the exact locations that the murders took place.
00:15:45Aren't you guys excited? This is the place.
00:15:47Sounds interesting, Gage.
00:15:49Riker, I know you gotta be excited.
00:15:51Well, Gage, we've been hiking for f***ing ever.
00:15:54Maybe we could have done this when it wasn't 200 f***ing degrees outside, dude.
00:15:58It's not that much longer.
00:15:59I've been scouting out this location for a while.
00:16:04I'm, like, drenched in sweat.
00:16:07Well, if you girls get too hot, feel free to take off any existing clothing.
00:16:11We're class, actually.
00:16:13Hell, I'm sure Gage would agree.
00:16:15You could even film it.
00:16:16Talk about a nice bonus scene to choke your chicken to.
00:16:24Hey now, we are the weirdos, mister. Chill it down.
00:16:27Chill it down.
00:16:28Jerk off.
00:16:29Repeat. You lose.
00:16:30Dammit, Riker, you made me lose focus.
00:16:32Well, excuse me for trying to prevent another childish charade between you two.
00:16:36You guys are a riot.
00:16:38That's right.
00:16:39Team up.
00:16:57Team up.
00:17:07Did you guys hear about the couple that got arrested for torturing and eating two of their classmates who bullied them?
00:17:12I read it on the internet the other day.
00:17:14I guess you could say karma was served.
00:17:17Get it?
00:17:18That's beyond disgusting.
00:17:22What, Riker?
00:17:23It's nothing.
00:17:25Did you see it? It was a pretty sick article.
00:17:27No use reminding me of shit I could relate to.
00:17:31What do you mean? I'm pretty sure you're not a cannibal.
00:17:35Tons of assholes. You didn't stand out enough to be a target, Ryan.
00:17:38A target?
00:17:39Well, target's a nice way of putting it.
00:17:42I mean, I was just always bullied for being different and taking the darker side of things.
00:17:46That was never accepted or understood.
00:17:48Until you met me, right?
00:17:50What happened? Why haven't I heard about this before?
00:17:53It's just nothing to be mentioned and way better forgotten.
00:17:56I'm sorry.
00:17:58Remember that dick Bill I had to rough up?
00:18:00He was such an asshole. All of them were.
00:18:02All jock faggots are. All they do is sit in the locker room and suck each other off.
00:18:06You know, Bill, I remember he came up to me in bio one day, and I was wearing my leather face belt buckle.
00:18:12I actually think I went to the front of the classroom to sharpen my pencil or something, and he looked at me and said,
00:18:17What the fuck is that?
00:18:19This is why I kicked his ass.
00:18:21Dude, it's leather face.
00:18:23And he said, you know, you're never going to have any friends or a boyfriend when you like that stupid dick.
00:18:30God, I'm so sorry.
00:18:32Don't be. It's just your classic judgmental assholes.
00:18:35I mean, God forbid, dressing or doing something against the tide.
00:18:38You know, just better known as being your own person.
00:18:41That's so messed up.
00:18:43But you know, that's one of the reasons why I always admired you in school.
00:18:47You were never afraid to be different, be your own person.
00:18:50And you were accepting and not judgmental.
00:18:53That's definitely a trait most people your age cannot comprehend.
00:18:58But, you know, it's just bullshit.
00:19:00I mean, I'm a firm believer in not judging people from what's on the outside.
00:19:04You should be able to look like whatever the fuck you want, dress however the fuck you want,
00:19:09and not just try to fit in to be the American cookie cutter ideal or what's considered beautiful.
00:19:14Because everyone's beautiful.
00:19:16I absolutely agree. That is really inspiring, Erica.
00:19:19My babe's a tough one.
00:19:21But then, on top of it all, having drug use as parents didn't help the matters any.
00:19:26They would do anything to get a high and could care less about how I was feeling.
00:19:31I just think it's all the shit and shit people are what can make a person, you know?
00:19:36I didn't let it hold me back.
00:19:38One of the reasons why I love you.
00:19:40You know, I honestly do, how you guys ended up together.
00:19:43Besides your guys, it's like you guys are totally different.
00:19:46Oh, that's easy.
00:19:47I'm sexy, she's sexy, we're even sexier together. Perfect.
00:19:52I can't say I disagree.
00:19:54How did you guys end up meeting anyways?
00:19:56We actually met at this hole in the wall video store.
00:19:58And we bumped hands because we were reaching for the same film.
00:20:01You know, the formulated romantic movie.
00:20:03Now that film is still one of my favorites to this day.
00:20:06Which one?
00:20:07The one with the chick with the dick.
00:20:09Such a classic.
00:20:10Such a classic.
00:20:16Oh God, that's disgusting.
00:20:19Dude, what the fuck is that?
00:20:21Thank you.
00:20:26Get that on camera, Gage.
00:20:27You know it.
00:20:29You are so funny.
00:20:31Come on, Ryan, loosen up some.
00:20:55Beneath our feet is the very ground that Red Eye preyed upon his victims in his blood-craved rampage.
00:21:01We must be here.
00:21:02What the fuck, man?
00:21:03This is it, Jake. This.
00:21:05Aren't you guys excited?
00:21:06I can say I am.
00:21:07This is fucking rad.
00:21:08Let's camp here.
00:21:09That's the assignment I'm looking for.
00:21:10Learn from Ryder.
00:21:11Oh, come on, babe.
00:21:12I mean, we're staying where an iconic slasher legend killed his victims.
00:21:16It's like staying at the Amityville house or the Lizzie Dory house.
00:21:18I got you, babe.
00:21:19Thing is, I love watching them, not semi-living them.
00:21:22Don't be such a pussy.
00:21:24I don't know, guys.
00:21:25It is kind of creepy.
00:21:36Gage, so we're just staying one night, right?
00:21:38Yeah, I figured it'd be easier to do it all tomorrow instead of one day, you know?
00:21:41Yeah, I think so.
00:21:42Fuck this mother fucker.
00:21:44Why does this have to be so goddamn difficult?
00:21:46Read the directions, Jake.
00:21:47I don't speak gibberish, man.
00:21:49It's Spanish, and that's the wrong side.
00:21:51Just never mind.
00:21:52Well, guys, you know I can help.
00:21:54As long as I get to stay in there with you.
00:21:57We're going to take the sleeping bags.
00:21:59Let the girls take the tent.
00:22:00We don't need to hear your famous moaning anyways.
00:22:03It's known to have its charms.
00:22:05You should know.
00:22:09Hey, Raya.
00:22:10What are you reading?
00:22:11Just a novel.
00:22:12It was my favorite in high school.
00:22:15It's about this girl.
00:22:16She lives in a world of lies and stuff.
00:22:18Then she finds out the truth and learns how to overcome it.
00:22:25You just have to read it.
00:22:27Well, I'm, like, more of a film buff, not a reader.
00:22:30Well, maybe you just need to find something you can relate to.
00:22:34Riker, get your ass over here.
00:22:36You know what?
00:22:37Why don't you and Ryan go and get some firewood?
00:22:41Man, that was a thrill.
00:22:43Fuck off, Gage.
00:22:44Go and do something useful.
00:22:46Useless twat.
00:22:47Well, why'd they get volunteered for wood duty?
00:22:49I have enough wood for the both of us.
00:22:51Besides, I had to get that slut and cocksucker out of our hair for a bit.
00:22:54What the hell, Jake?
00:22:56Fuck off!
00:22:57Fuck off!
00:22:58Fuck off!
00:22:59Fuck off!
00:23:00Fuck off!
00:23:01Fuck off!
00:23:02Fuck off!
00:23:03Fuck off!
00:23:09Why do you have to be such a fucker?
00:23:20So how long have you and Jake been sneaking around?
00:23:24I see the way you look at him and the way he looks at you.
00:23:27It's quite obvious.
00:23:29Why Jake, though?
00:23:30Why even chance to hurt Riker?
00:23:32I don't want to hurt Riker, okay?
00:23:37I just can't help it.
00:23:41As my judgmental, overpaid therapist always says,
00:23:46I've been numb to my personal emotions and others.
00:23:50I need to learn to deal with my past, let my soul heal,
00:23:53and finally break free from numbing my emotions.
00:23:58She says it's my mind's way of coping with what happened.
00:24:05What happened?
00:24:12When I saw the opportunity to be with him,
00:24:16I just couldn't refuse.
00:24:21I just wanted to feel something, anything again.
00:24:28What do you mean, again?
00:24:31Ryan, you can tell me.
00:24:34It's hard to say, okay?
00:24:44I was sexually abused by my father until I was 13.
00:24:50He threatened to kill my mom if I ever told anyone.
00:24:54I zone out all my emotions.
00:24:58Especially love.
00:25:01I guess I never fully recovered.
00:25:06I'm so sorry, Ryan.
00:25:08Don't you still live with your mom, though?
00:25:11Just to survive.
00:25:15Trying to save up enough money so I can move out and live on my own.
00:25:24My dad's been in prison now for a while on manslaughter.
00:25:31You know my mom thinks I made this all up?
00:25:34That I said it because I don't like him or because I wanted him gone?
00:25:41She's always loved him way more than she could ever love me.
00:25:47Regardless, it's no excuse for what I've done.
00:25:50If I could take everything back, I would.
00:25:53I regret it so, so much.
00:25:56I just want to love.
00:25:59To be loved.
00:26:02You can find love, just not with Jake.
00:26:06He's taken.
00:26:08Jake isn't the one you want.
00:26:10I honestly feel bad for Riker sometimes.
00:26:13It's too late now.
00:26:15It doesn't matter.
00:26:17What do you mean?
00:26:19I'm usually safe.
00:26:22I don't know what the hell I was thinking.
00:26:29I sleep around.
00:26:31I do it because I'm trying to find some sense of emotion.
00:26:38So, I jump from guy to guy.
00:26:41Just trying to feel love, fall in love.
00:26:45But nothing works.
00:26:46You can find someone, you just have to-
00:26:48Gage, I'm two months pregnant.
00:26:51Is it Jake's?
00:26:53I want to tell him, I just, I don't know how.
00:26:58But he can be so immature sometimes, I don't know how he's going to react.
00:27:03And then, Riker.
00:27:08I don't know.
00:27:09I don't know.
00:27:12Honestly, I'm only here on this trip because I'm trying to find some way to tell him and her that I'm keeping it.
00:27:23Are you sure it's Jake's? I mean, you said you get around-
00:27:26He's the only guy I've slept with without a condom.
00:27:31Talk about a bad decision.
00:27:34You know what? That fire isn't going to make itself. Come on.
00:27:39Let's go.
00:27:59About damn time.
00:28:02Anything else I can help with?
00:28:03Go grab the lighter.
00:28:21You okay?
00:28:22Yeah, I'm fine.
00:28:24I'm going to pee.
00:28:25Need someone to hold your hand?
00:28:29Getting any good shots today?
00:28:30Yeah, the lady we ran into earlier was fantastic, and you shot it quite well.
00:28:37Would you mind doing a scene for me?
00:28:38Yeah, what do you mean?
00:28:40Yeah, whatever. Just say your name, where you are. Just swing it.
00:28:49And action.
00:28:51Well, hello. My name's Riker Jacobs, and I'm 20 years old.
00:28:55And I'm here in the middle of the woods to see if an old folklore is true.
00:28:59How could it not, by that shit story Gage told us earlier?
00:29:02And with an a-
00:29:03Is it fact or fake? Are the stories true? Was blood really spilled right where we're sitting?
00:29:08That's what we're here to find out. If he is here, with us.
00:29:12Keep an eye out for Red Eye. Who knows where he's lurking.
00:29:16Well, thanks. That was awesome.
00:29:20Are you sure I can do it faster, creepier, anything you want?
00:29:24That's what she said.
00:29:27Jake? Gage? Riker?
00:29:34No, but seriously, Gage, I'm fucking bored. Not a damn thing has happened.
00:29:38I thought you said this sounded pretty sick.
00:29:40It was, until I sat here for four hours watching the grass grow.
00:29:44I don't know what you're talking about.
00:29:46I don't know what you're talking about.
00:29:48I don't know what you're talking about.
00:29:50I don't know what you're talking about.
00:29:52I don't know what you're talking about.
00:29:54I thought you said four hours watching the grass grow.
00:30:02Oh my God!
00:30:04Oh my God!
00:30:06Oh my God!
00:30:08Oh my God, Ryan!
00:30:15Who the fuck leaves live traps out here in the middle of nowhere?
00:30:19We have to get her out.
00:30:21She'll bleed out if we don't keep her wound compressed.
00:30:29You'll be okay. You'll be okay.
00:30:43Give me your keys.
00:30:44Where are you going?
00:30:45What do you think I'm going, dipshit? Get right back to the car.
00:30:47I'll go with you.
00:30:48I'll be back.
00:30:53Are you okay?
00:30:55I'm fine.
00:31:48What the fuck happened, Riker?
00:31:50The car went and stuck.
00:31:52It's got bat rats and barbed wire.
00:31:54Jesus fucking Christ, Riker.
00:31:56Just when the attention's off you and on Ryan, she needs our help.
00:31:59I'm not fucking joking.
00:32:00You were standing right in front of the car with the mask on.
00:32:03You knew the legume was real, didn't you?
00:32:05Didn't you?
00:32:08This is all your fault.
00:32:09You put our lives in danger just for your lame-ass documentary.
00:32:14Do you ever fucking threaten me?
00:32:15You don't know how much this means to me.
00:32:17It's my passion.
00:32:18Don't you touch my shit.
00:32:20You guys heard that crazy lady.
00:32:21We came out here at our own risk.
00:32:23I told you this shit happened.
00:32:25Guys, cut it out, please.
00:32:27There is no legend or red eye.
00:32:30I was stupid and stepped in a love trap.
00:32:33That's it.
00:32:34It's real, Ryan.
00:32:35It's all...
00:32:36The fact is Gage knew.
00:32:38You knew it wasn't safe out here.
00:32:42We have to get out of here now.
00:32:44What about our stuff?
00:33:00Help her in the car.
00:33:02I guess I really messed up this friendly get-together.
00:33:04Are you kidding?
00:33:05You actually made it pretty interesting.
00:33:07I mean, I haven't seen Jake this upset since the remake.
00:33:11What now?
00:33:12Me and Gage are going to go back to the bees.
00:33:14There's no way she can get that far.
00:33:15Get in the back seat and lock the doors.
00:33:17Are you fucking stupid?
00:33:18Jake, I can't.
00:33:20I am not letting you go out there alone with that thing you saw.
00:33:23I have Gage.
00:33:24We have no other choice, Jake.
00:33:25Ryan needs you.
00:33:26Do something for once, please.
00:33:28If anything happens to her, it's all on you, man.
00:33:30I'm trusting you to protect her.
00:33:33You'll be okay, babe.
00:33:36Let's go.
00:33:46I don't fucking understand.
00:33:49One minute it was all fine and peachy, and then this happens.
00:33:53It's like a fucking horror film.
00:33:55This shit doesn't just happen.
00:33:58Are you sure you're okay?
00:34:00It just hurts a lot.
00:34:04You'll be okay.
00:34:05We'll all be okay.
00:34:06It's just shit luck on the shit trip and the shit documentary.
00:34:10Why'd you agree to do this if it's so shit?
00:34:13I don't know.
00:34:15I was bored.
00:34:17Really, Jake?
00:34:20I know I give Gage a hard time.
00:34:22It's just, it's not that shit of a project.
00:34:26I'm here because...
00:34:29Because what?
00:34:31Because you guys have been friends since grade school?
00:34:34Yeah, I guess.
00:34:35I don't know.
00:34:37It's just he has this passion and he's doing it.
00:34:40It's just he has this passion and he's doing it.
00:34:43Like, awesome for him.
00:34:46It's a good trait to have.
00:34:48But you could do the same thing, Jake.
00:34:53I was always told what I'd be doing after graduation.
00:34:56I had my whole life planned out for me.
00:34:59It wasn't until they passed when I started to lose myself.
00:35:04Your parents have passed.
00:35:07You lost your parents.
00:35:08No, no.
00:35:10Um, do we have any water bottles in here?
00:35:15Oh, fuck.
00:35:17That just sort of came out, didn't it?
00:35:20I don't talk about it much.
00:35:22Or at all.
00:35:25I'm sorry.
00:35:27I had no idea.
00:35:29That was a few years ago.
00:35:31Before I met Riker.
00:35:33I was under suicide watch for about seven months.
00:35:35Now I live with my grandma,
00:35:37who barely knows what's going on half the time.
00:35:41And I'm practically taking care of her until she dies.
00:35:48We all have our package.
00:35:50We endure different things, but it makes us stronger.
00:35:54You're strong.
00:35:56You're living.
00:35:58It's just Gage.
00:36:00He makes it look so easy.
00:36:02I guess you could say I'm a little...
00:36:03I guess you could say I'm a little envious.
00:36:06So learn from his actions.
00:36:09You can do anything you want.
00:36:12You just have to try and never give up.
00:36:16Yeah, I guess.
00:36:22I'm sorry.
00:36:24I don't know what came over me.
00:36:29You're not into this sort of thing, are you?
00:36:31What sort of thing?
00:36:34Yeah, horror films, headbanging music.
00:36:37I mean, you decided to come like this at the last minute.
00:36:41What changed your mind?
00:36:43Nothing changed my mind.
00:36:49Horror and all this is new to me.
00:36:55I've known Riker since junior year of high school.
00:36:59She was always so good to me.
00:37:01The way she carried herself.
00:37:04Never cared what other people thought about her.
00:37:08I don't know.
00:37:10It just really inspired me.
00:37:12Makes me want to be around her.
00:37:15That's when we started dating.
00:37:17Junior year.
00:37:20Being with her makes me want to be a full person.
00:37:23You are pretty cool, right?
00:37:28How much further is this damn place?
00:37:30It didn't seem this far when we passed it earlier.
00:37:34Gage, are you not worried?
00:37:37We all deal with things differently.
00:37:39I don't get that, dude.
00:37:41But I figured you'd be a little bit more adamant with the current situation and that damn camera.
00:37:44Passion never ceases, Riker.
00:37:46Ryan will be fine. Just calm down.
00:37:48I don't see how you are calm.
00:37:50There's some person creeping around the woods wearing some messed up mask.
00:37:54How are you not scared, Gage?
00:37:56I am scared, okay?
00:37:58I'm scared for Ryan. I'm scared for us.
00:38:00This is my car. This is my way of coping with things.
00:38:03My escape.
00:38:05I hope Gage isn't doing anything stupid.
00:38:11I know. It's just I want everything to be okay.
00:38:15I want Riker to be okay and you.
00:38:18If he lets anything happen to her, I'll do more than burn his damn camera.
00:38:23Gage is sweet. I trust him.
00:38:26I'm sure he's already found that lady and is getting help.
00:38:30I hope.
00:38:36I know we left off on the wrong foot.
00:38:41No. You don't need to be apologizing.
00:38:45If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me for the way I've been acting.
00:38:52Ryan, what's wrong?
00:38:55I missed my period.
00:39:00Okay. And?
00:39:05How far along are you?
00:39:09Eight weeks.
00:39:12Are you sure? Like 100% positive?
00:39:18I'm sure.
00:39:31What are you going to do with it?
00:39:34I am not fit to be a father.
00:39:40Are you implying I should get an abortion?
00:39:45I finally perceive a sense of love and you want to take that away from me?
00:39:50Ryan, I...
00:39:51Are you f***ing serious?
00:39:53I want to give this child the love and affection that I never had growing up.
00:40:00Don't you get it?
00:40:06Why are you always such a f***ing dick?
00:40:22I love you.
00:40:53I really think we're close. We passed her house right as we came down this hill earlier.
00:40:58There it is!
00:40:59Her house?
00:41:00Yeah, come on!
00:41:05B! Are you at home?
00:41:08B! We need your help, please!
00:41:10B! Our friend Lizard, are you at home?
00:41:18I don't think anyone's here.
00:41:30What the f*** are we supposed to do, Gage? I don't see you doing anything useful.
00:41:37I'm sorry.
00:41:38Just what the f*** are we supposed to do now? We both know what'll happen if we don't do something.
00:41:43There isn't anything we can do here.
00:41:45There has to be a way we can slow down the bleeding until we find some help.
00:41:52I hope so. This place is f***ing dead.
00:41:58She should be fine now. I don't think her wound was too terrible.
00:42:01We can all go for help. We'll find someone sooner or later.
00:42:04Wouldn't it have just been better to keep on until we found someone, Gage?
00:42:08Well, if I remember correctly, the last house before B's was a few miles more.
00:42:12I just don't feel comfortable leaving Jake and Ryan out for so long.
00:42:15Especially with whatever you saw running around.
00:42:18Yeah, I guess I agree.
00:42:19Besides the train wreck this has turned into, what's the bigger picture, Gage?
00:42:23Bigger picture?
00:42:24Yeah, I know in school you always wanted to get into actual filmmaking.
00:42:27Yeah, it's something I've dreamed of ever since I was a kid.
00:42:30I was really excited to come out here and do this project with you guys.
00:42:33Well, you can do it even if this is a shitstorm.
00:42:36The clips you did in PV Workshop were super killer.
00:42:39Even if they did get you sent to the principal's office.
00:42:42Yeah. What about you?
00:42:45Shitty job just to feed myself and pay my own rent.
00:42:48The bigger picture?
00:42:50You know, I'd love to do something for the industry, sort of like what you're doing.
00:42:54I just believe if you love something enough and you push yourself to achieve it, you'll kill it.
00:42:58Passion conquers all.
00:43:00I can see that.
00:43:01Especially the aspect of horror fans making horror to give back.
00:43:04It's what you're doing and it's what I've dreamt of doing since I saw my first genre flick back when I was a kid.
00:43:09It's surreal to even try to do it.
00:43:11I mean, I obviously just came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum with you.
00:43:15Yeah, well, we are all out of bubblegum.
00:43:20What the fuck?
00:43:32Gage. Gage, will you help me?
00:43:38At least she isn't suffering anymore.
00:43:43Her friend was just fucking murdered and you're saying she's not suffering anymore.
00:43:48There's some sick fuck trying to kill us.
00:44:04Gage! Gage, come back!
00:44:06Come back!
00:44:10Who are they?
00:44:13It's just that Jake, that sick bastard, killed her.
00:44:17What? How?
00:44:59Gage, we gotta go!
00:45:01Now that, that was fucking brutal.
00:45:03You were laying on the fucking ground and his head popped off and his body landed on top of you.
00:45:18I quite enjoy your screaming. It turns me on, actually.
00:45:23This shit is sure to win first place.
00:45:25Why are you doing this, Gage?
00:45:27Oh, why?
00:45:29I don't know why.
00:45:33This is where my passion bleeds through.
00:45:37Why do such a sick thing?
00:45:39Everybody loves a good murder, provided they're not the victim, of course.
00:45:44You should know that.
00:45:45You're killing your friends for some sick film you're never gonna get away with it!
00:45:50I think I already have.
00:45:52It took me years of planning and working at a shitty part-time job to make this happen.
00:45:58Didn't take much to keep your parents quiet, making you gone for good.
00:46:04Dirts can really fuck with their mind.
00:46:07What they would do for just one last little fix.
00:46:14Jake, his parents are dead, so nobody gives a fuck about him.
00:46:17Shut the fuck up, Gage!
00:46:19He's also busy sticking his dick in places it didn't belong to.
00:46:23Stop lying!
00:46:25I'm just stating the facts, dear.
00:46:28Jake was the cause of his parents' death, and Ryan was fucking her.
00:46:33Got her knocked up, too.
00:46:35And I should say, I should give myself a little bit more credit for her.
00:46:39I got two deaths out of her instead of one.
00:46:45She wasn't fit to be a parent anyways.
00:46:48It's not true! His parents died in a car accident, nothing to do with him!
00:46:54Why wouldn't he lie?
00:46:56I mean, killing your parents, that's an all-new low.
00:46:59I mean, I don't even think I would go that far.
00:47:02And for Jake, just a freak accident caused by him being a fucking idiot.
00:47:07And Ryan, her parents.
00:47:10Dad is a jailhouse pervert, and her crusty-ass mom still loves him more than her.
00:47:15Oh, I hope I didn't upset you.
00:47:19Oh, you should be honored.
00:47:25You said you wanted to contribute to the industry, babe.
00:47:28You said you always wanted to be in a horror flick.
00:47:31But now, you get to live it.
00:47:36Help! Somebody, please!
00:47:39Keep it up.
00:47:40Help! Somebody, please!
00:47:43Keep it up.
00:47:45You get over here.
00:47:47He's back, babe.
00:47:50None of your fucking business.
00:47:52He's the life of this film.
00:47:54The legend is true, consuming its native's victim.
00:47:57Now, this is the final act, so listen closely.
00:48:02My boy Red Eye here will be tying you up and torturing you.
00:48:06I'll be off in the distance, recording with my camera, following your screams.
00:48:10This is the main scene, where the protagonist comes in to save this supporting character,
00:48:15but realizes he's just a little too late.
00:48:19You should be good.
00:48:21Gage. Gage!
00:48:51Now, listen.
00:48:53Come on.
00:48:55You have one more chance.
00:48:57One more chance to get this right,
00:48:59or I will personally slit your fucking throat myself.
00:49:03Let's get it right.
00:49:15Riker, where are you?
00:49:48This is the second time you've fucked up.
00:49:51You've only done one thing right.
00:49:53I wasn't supposed to die yet, goddammit!
00:49:57You dumb fuck.
00:49:59Did you not read the script?
00:50:15I think I'm paying you to fuck up my film.
00:50:23Watch closely.
00:50:25This is how you make a good horror film.
00:50:35So glad you guys could stick around for the grand finale.
00:50:41it's a shame
00:50:43she won't be sticking around for the sequel.
00:51:26My name is, uh, Gage Parker,
00:51:27and I'm, uh,
00:51:28doing a documentary on, uh, Red Eye.
00:51:31And, um,
00:51:33you're the only one that lives
00:51:34within a few miles from Black Creek,
00:51:37I was wondering if you
00:51:38might be able to tell me
00:51:41the legend?
00:51:43In fact, my brother Barry,
00:51:44he knows even more than I do,
00:51:45so let me go call for him.
00:51:53Hey, Barry.
00:51:56It's okay.
00:51:58Do you mind coming to sit down with me?
00:52:01It's okay, Barry.
00:52:02Go sit down.
00:52:05It's okay.
00:52:07I'll just be right inside.
00:52:11It's okay.
00:52:19Do you know anything about Red Eye?
00:52:24I have a couple friends
00:52:25that are willing to come out here
00:52:26and do this documentary with me.
00:52:31But, um,
00:52:32I want to make it real.
00:52:35So I guess what I'm asking of you is,
00:52:38would you mind being my Red Eye?
00:52:39I look forward to working with you, Barry.
00:53:24Ain't you a sight for sore eyes.
00:53:26What's going on here?
00:53:27Isn't it a coincidence
00:53:28that I'd actually break down
00:53:29for real this time?
00:53:30Just a thought.
00:53:33Should be back up
00:53:34and running in no time.
00:53:36How's filming going?
00:53:37It's bloody fun.
00:53:38I can see that.
00:53:39Looks awfully real, too.
00:53:41Corn syrup and a lot of food.
00:53:44Where's the rest of y'all?
00:53:46They decided to stay back
00:53:47and finish up packing.
00:53:49We actually ran out of gas.
00:53:51They sent me to see
00:53:52if maybe you might have an extra can.
00:53:54We just need enough
00:53:55to get back into town.
00:53:57Why don't you help me here
00:53:58with the spare tire
00:53:59and then we'll go back to my house
00:54:00and I'll get you an extra can.
00:54:05I take it y'all had a good time?
00:54:06Yes, I did.
00:54:07Well, we all did.
00:54:09It was pretty epic
00:54:10if you ask me.
00:54:11A group of people
00:54:12coming together to
00:54:14bring your hard work
00:54:15and passion into a reality.
00:54:20Damn allergies.
00:54:24The lug nuts are looking
00:54:25a little corroded.
00:54:27I'm gonna check the trunk
00:54:28and see if I have any more.
00:54:32How was my performance yesterday?
00:54:35Was I believable enough?
00:55:21Why'd you do it, Gage?
00:55:30Why'd you do it, Gage?
00:56:01Oh, snake.
00:56:03Dude, nobody's gonna want to watch
00:56:04this boring-ass documentary.
00:56:06Not a damn thing's gonna happen.
00:56:09Just you wait.
00:56:16My name is Gage Barker
00:56:17and you're watching my first film,
00:56:19Red Eye.
00:56:20I'm Gage Barker
00:56:21and you're watching my first film,
00:56:23Red Eye.
00:56:50I'm Gage Barker
00:56:51and you're watching my first film,
00:56:52Red Eye.
00:56:53I'm Gage Barker
00:56:54and you're watching my first film,
00:56:55Red Eye.
00:56:56I'm Gage Barker
00:56:57and you're watching my first film,
00:56:58Red Eye.
00:56:59I'm Gage Barker
00:57:00and you're watching my first film,
00:57:01Red Eye.
00:57:02I'm Gage Barker
00:57:03and you're watching my first film,
00:57:04Red Eye.
00:57:05I'm Gage Barker
00:57:06and you're watching my first film,
00:57:07Red Eye.
00:57:08I'm Gage Barker
00:57:09and you're watching my first film,
00:57:10Red Eye.
00:57:11I'm Gage Barker
00:57:12and you're watching my first film,
00:57:13Red Eye.
00:57:14I'm Gage Barker
00:57:15and you're watching my first film,
00:57:16Red Eye.
00:57:17I'm Gage Barker
00:57:19It's only a hope
00:57:45We should go away
00:57:48Will that make it okay?
00:57:51What can I say?
00:57:54You were just irresistible today
00:57:58A moment to share
00:58:01I don't want you to be scared
00:58:05Don't worry child
00:58:08It's only a melody
00:58:11Keep telling yourself
00:58:15It's only a melody
00:58:18One last kiss
00:58:21While I put you out of my misery
00:58:24And I'll whisper to him
00:58:28It's only a melody
00:58:33Remember your lines
00:58:36And you'll do just fine
00:58:39A joke in time
00:58:42One last kiss
00:59:04Don't worry child
00:59:07It's only a melody
00:59:10Keep telling yourself
00:59:13It's only a melody
00:59:16One last kiss
00:59:19While I put you out of my misery
00:59:23And I'll whisper to him
00:59:26It's only a melody
00:59:29Don't worry child
00:59:32It's only a melody
00:59:36Keep telling yourself
00:59:40It's only a melody
00:59:43One last kiss
00:59:46While I put you out of my misery
00:59:50And I'll whisper to him
00:59:53It's only a melody
00:59:56Don't worry child
00:59:59It's only a melody
01:00:09drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:00:39drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:09drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:14drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:19drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:24drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:29drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:34drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:39drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:44drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:49drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:54drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:01:59drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:02:04drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:02:09drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:02:14drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:02:19drums, bass, & guitar play rock
01:02:24drums, bass, & guitar play rock
