Kiss Me One Last Time ( Part 1 )

  • 2 months ago
00:00Miss, you look stunning. Who's the lucky guy?
00:05My husband. His name's Blake.
00:11I love it, I love it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
00:16It's just a ring.
00:19It's everything.
00:30Well, your husband's a lucky man. These pictures are perfect for renewing your vows.
00:41Oh, no.
00:44They're for my funeral.
00:47Oh, no.
00:50They're for my funeral.
00:54Adeline, stage four cancer's no joke. We need to begin treatment right away.
01:01It's too late for me.
01:03Does your husband know?
01:07Where is that asshole?
01:08You can't tell him. Promise me you won't tell Blake.
01:15Swear it!
01:19I don't have long to live.
01:22I'm sorry, miss. That's...
01:31A photo shoot? Are you kidding me? I've been calling you.
01:36You need to get dressed. Your sister needs blood.
01:38Rebecca's not my sister.
01:40How ungrateful can you be? You're living the life that she wanted. The least you could do is keep her from dying.
01:46I'm the one who's dying. Please don't make me give her any more blood.
01:51I really don't feel...
01:53You say that every time. We're going now.
01:56No, I don't want to.
02:00You don't want to? I didn't want to marry you, but yet here we are.
02:03You trapped me using your blood.
02:05So as long as you're still breathing, you do exactly what I say.
02:08Don't you ever forget it. Now go.
02:15Begin the transfusion.
02:16Mr. Rhodes, your wife seems a little weak.
02:19She's fine. Rebecca's life depends on it.
02:25You value Rebecca's life so much, but mine means nothing.
02:29Was I really just nothing to you in the past three years?
02:39Did you ever even love me?
02:44You have to help Rebecca, Adeline. Only you can.
02:47I don't know. It's my body and...
02:49Your sister needs your kidney or she's going to die.
02:51Do you not understand that?
02:53Please. Only you can.
02:56I'll do anything. Anything.
03:02I'll give her my kidney if you marry me.
03:08Alright. I'll marry you.
03:11Just keep Rebecca alive.
03:18He loved me.
03:20At some point, we were good ones.
03:29You waited for me to wake up.
03:32Good. You're back.
03:34Rebecca needs more blood.
03:39I can't give her any more blood, Blake. Can't you see?
03:43Listen to me.
03:45You chose this when you took my last name.
03:47You forced it on yourself.
03:49When are you going to let that go?
03:51Was I not a good enough life to you?
03:53I'll let it go when you're dead, Adeline.
03:58Mr. Rhodes, Miss Miller is awake.
04:03Remember what I said.
04:10You'll get what you wished for soon.
04:13You'll get what you wished for soon, Blake.
04:17I'm dying.
04:23Should've been an Oscar for playing sick.
04:31That sneaky bitch Adeline always trying to steal my act.
04:43Blake. You came.
04:50I'm sorry for fainting again.
04:52It must've been so annoying for you and Adeline.
04:54Don't ever apologize for your sickness.
04:56Adeline agreed to give you whatever you need for your health.
04:59Those were her terms.
05:01Will she give me blood again?
05:03She hates doing that. My poor sister.
05:06Well, she is just the daughter of a mistress.
05:09I still feel bad.
05:12Forget about her.
05:14You're looking better.
05:16I'll talk to the doctor and get you released.
05:18Wait, Blake.
05:20Where is Adeline? Is she okay?
05:23Maybe I should go check on her.
05:37I'm sorry.
05:47Help. I need help.
05:53Nice try, sis.
05:55Get out of my room.
05:58Well, it's been three years and I still can't get you out of Blake's life, so...
06:03No. I'm not going anywhere.
06:10Oh, drop it already.
06:14Nothing you do is going to make Blake love you.
06:18I should be saying that to you.
06:21Take all my blood if you want.
06:24You won't take my husband.
06:27You bitch.
06:29Blake was supposed to be my husband.
06:32Giving me your kidney doesn't change the fact that you're just a bastard kid with a whore mother.
06:37Don't talk about my mother.
06:40What's going on?
06:44She pushed me.
06:47My ankle.
06:50What's wrong with you?
06:53What's wrong with you?
06:55I didn't do anything.
06:57Maybe I tripped.
06:59I don't know.
07:01Your sister's first thought out of getting her out of recovery is to come check on you and you want to push her?
07:06Do you have a single ounce of kindness in your body?
07:08She's faking it.
07:10She's not even sick.
07:13Can't you see that she's just manipulating me?
07:15Don't say that about Rebecca.
07:17Not when you're the one that manipulated me into this marriage.
07:20So it's true. This marriage means nothing to you.
07:26You're scaring her.
07:28She didn't mean it.
07:30I'm hungry.
07:32What are you craving?
07:35I would kill for some pasta.
07:37Pasta it is.
07:39Oh, what about Adeline?
07:42She'll figure it out.
07:49Can't you just pretend to love me?
07:51Just for a day before I go?
07:58Why didn't you call me?
08:00I had to find out through the nurses that you were here.
08:02Dr. Brad, I didn't want to worry you.
08:04Worry? Of course I'm worried.
08:06You shouldn't be giving blood out in your state.
08:09Are you crazy?
08:11I don't have a choice.
08:13A choice? Of course you do.
08:18Leave him.
08:21Addie, look at me.
08:23I'm just not your doctor.
08:25I'm also your friend.
08:27And I'm not going to sit here and watch you throw your life away.
08:30You start treatment now.
08:33Throw what life away?
08:35This life?
08:37You're the doctor.
08:39What is the chances that I make it through this treatment?
08:42In this particular situation,
08:45since you've already donated your healthy kidney,
08:49less than 10%.
08:55I don't want to spend the last few months of my life in pain.
09:00I just want Blake to love me.
09:09Here you go.
09:11Spaghetti Pomodoro, your favorite.
09:20What's wrong? Is the pasta alright?
09:23No. Pasta's fine.
09:30I can't believe Adeline's cheating on me.
09:33Why is he thinking about that bitch again?
09:36Well, are you sure she is?
09:38I mean, her texting some doctor and sneaking out to who knows where when you're at work is pretty suspicious.
09:45You know, maybe she's just dying and hiding it from you.
10:00Do you need to text him?
10:02No. I'll make dinner.
10:16No, she's definitely cheating on me.
10:21Where are you going?
10:24Where are you hiding from me?
10:26Nothing. What?
10:27I didn't say what. You heard what I said.
10:32I'm sorry.
10:34I'm sorry.
10:36I'm sorry.
10:38I'm sorry.
10:40I'm sorry.
10:42I'm sorry.
10:44I'm sorry.
10:46I'm sorry.
10:48I'm sorry.
10:50I'm sorry.
10:52I'm sorry.
10:58Wait, wait. No, I have to tell you something.
11:02What? More of your lies?
11:04No. Please listen to me.
11:08I don't want to hear any more of your stupid excuses.
11:10You wanted this Adeline.
11:16I'm sorry.
11:23I'm sorry.
11:31Does she hate me this much?
11:36What were you going to tell me?
11:40Suit yourself. I'm off.
11:43Wait, no. You're not sleeping at home tonight.
11:46Why would I? Your sister needs me and you don't seem to want me here.
11:50No, I do. I just...
11:54You don't have to cry.
12:17Of course you still want me here.
12:28Blake, I'm scared.
12:30Hey, hey. I'm right here.
12:32I'm right here.
12:37I'm sorry.
12:46I'm sorry.
13:07Blake, are you holding her in your arms right now?
13:28You really don't care about me at all.
13:30Will you start to care when I finally die?
13:59Blake, the thunder's so scary.
14:02Will you stay here with me?
14:04Just for tonight.
14:08Adeline was always terrified of thunderstorms.
14:11Why do I even care?
14:16I'm talking to you.
14:22Jordan, did you get that activity I asked for?
14:25Yes, Mr. Rhodes.
14:27It seems like Mrs. Rhodes wired more than $80,000 to another account within the past month.
14:34I knew it. Adeline's cheating on me and sending money to some scumbag.
14:56If that's what you want, I'll let you go.
15:14Blake, I'm so cold. Will you cuddle me?
15:20Screw this. Screw Adeline.
15:34I gotta go.
15:36What? Why? It's so late and it's raining so hard outside.
15:44Come on.
15:46Come on, you fucking bitch!
15:50Where are you?
15:52Adeline. Adeline!
16:03What happened?
16:10What happened to you?
16:12Blake, is that you?
16:15Oh, shit, Addie. What happened?
16:18What's Thunder, Blake?
16:21Thunder's gone. I'm here.
16:23Was she waiting for me this whole time?
16:38What happened to her?
16:40Hey, don't touch her.
16:41I'm a doctor. I've known her for years.
16:43Oh, I see.
16:45You're the fucker Adeline's been cheating on me with.
16:49So you're the fucker Adeline's been cheating on me with.
16:54You don't know what you're talking about.
16:56What happened? Being a doctor doesn't pay the rent?
16:58You're gonna leech off my wife, too?
17:00You know nothing, Blake Rhodes. You don't deserve her.
17:03She's my wife!
17:06I know her better than anybody. Let me tell you something.
17:08Under no circumstance is she gonna leave me for you.
17:13Promise me you won't tell Blake.
17:18Swear it!
17:23The only reason why I haven't broken her jaw
17:25is because I'm too busy taking care of your wife.
17:30Which you don't seem to care about.
17:39I haven't seen her so peaceful in a while.
17:54Mr. Rhodes.
17:56I'm sorry to interrupt.
17:58Miss Miller is looking for you.
18:00She said dinner's ready.
18:02I'm sorry to interrupt.
18:04I'm sorry to interrupt.
18:06She said dinner's ready.
18:10She was always tough and quick to bounce back.
18:13I shouldn't worry this time.
18:16Let's go.
18:42There's my baby girl.
18:44Mom, what do you want?
18:47Well, it's really nothing.
18:50It's just you haven't sent me any money in, like, a few weeks.
18:56Come to visit me in the hospital.
18:58You're only daughter.
19:00The first thing you do is ask about money.
19:03Well, I mean, you look fine.
19:06You could probably put on some weight.
19:09You're really skinny.
19:11And honey, you could go get a tan or something.
19:13That's enough.
19:15I gave you $10,000 last week.
19:20That isn't much to you, is it?
19:22It certainly wasn't enough for me.
19:24Addie, I just need half a mil to get back on my feet.
19:28I don't have half a million dollars, Mom.
19:31But your rich husband does.
19:38I can't give you that much money.
19:41Blake will notice.
19:44So what if he does?
19:46You're his wife.
19:48Why are you acting, I don't know, like his mistress?
19:53I thought you were really smart when you got Blake to marry you.
19:56I don't know how you did it, but I was impressed.
19:59Well, I couldn't get your dad to divorce that old ugly hag.
20:03Don't compare me to you.
20:07Well, honey, you better get me the $500,000,
20:12or I'm not going to have any choice but to go to Blake myself.
20:16You don't want me poking around in your perfect little marriage, do you?
20:20I wonder how she'd feel if she knew how Blake treats me.
20:24Will she even feel bad for me?
20:29Do you promise that you'll use the money to settle,
20:34or will you just get drugs?
20:40You brat.
20:42You're calling me a liar?
20:45Really, Mom?
20:51Okay, I'm sorry, honey.
20:53I got worked up.
20:55I've got some really bad people after me.
20:58And I owe some money.
21:03Jesus, Addie.
21:10I didn't do this. I didn't do this.
21:12This isn't me.
21:15Honey, send me the money when you get better, okay?
21:22Shit. Addie. Addie!
21:29You've gotten worse.
21:30I'm fine.
21:36You are far as fine as biologically possible.
21:39Do you understand you only have four months to live?
21:42Leave him like Rose doesn't love you.
21:47Don't waste what's left of what life you have.
21:58I love you.
22:31Please come home.
22:38You're losing me.
22:48Is everything okay?
22:50I don't want Addie to get upset over you being here.
22:53She won't be.
22:55She won't be.
22:58Blake, I'm really sorry.
23:01Even though you don't love her legally,
23:03she's still your wife, and I just took you from her.
23:08It's all my fault.
23:09If I didn't need her stupid kidney to survive,
23:12you would be not stuck with her now,
23:14and you would be my husband,
23:16like you promised me when we were young.
23:18I was the one who agreed to the terms.
23:21It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to apologize.
23:26You know,
23:28if you divorce her now, we could still get married.
23:32You know, I never forgot how you promised to marry me that day when I saved your life.
23:36I'm not divorcing Adeline.
23:42Why not? You don't love her,
23:44and she only married you for your money.
23:47Isn't she sending money to her lover, that doctor or whatever?
23:52I don't love her, do I?
23:58Of course I don't. What am I thinking?
24:01I promise to take care of you, and I will.
24:03You saved my life,
24:05but that has nothing to do with me marrying you or not.
24:07I'm not divorcing Adeline.
24:10I won't let her get away with it that easy.
24:13Thanks for lunch.
24:22So here are your options if you decide to file for divorce now.
24:25Obviously, we have the blanket.
24:29You've got a lot of balls, Adeline.
24:31Have another man in my house?
24:34Sir, Mr. Rhodes, it's just a misunderstanding.
24:37Talk to my wife.
24:39Are you insane?
24:41He's just an attorney.
24:43A lawyer?
24:45So you think you're hot shit, huh?
24:47First a doctor, now a lawyer?
24:49What, you think fucking these guys gives you some kind of worth?
24:51Mr. Rhodes, I'm going to have to ask you to remove yourself from my client.
24:54Your client?
24:56You know she's penniless without me?
24:58Who do you think is going to pay for you?
25:03You don't want me to sue you for coming in here and trying to screw my wife.
25:06I suggest you get the fuck out.
25:19Let me go.
25:21Tell me.
25:23How many men have you fucked in my house?
25:25On my bed while I've been gone?
25:27I didn't cheat on you, Nick.
25:29You're a liar.
25:31I don't believe you.
25:33You don't believe me?
25:35You're the one who spent the whole week at Rebecca's.
25:38That's different, you know it.
25:42Try to spin this on me.
25:45Nick, I didn't cheat on you.
25:50Is that why you want a divorce then?
25:52You found someone who fucks you better?
25:54Wait, no, please.
25:56Let me tell you something out of the box.
25:58You're my wife. Mine.
26:00And that's not going to change.
26:03If I ever see you hanging out with another man again,
26:06I'll kill him.
26:09And I'll kill you too.
26:14No, please, please don't.
26:16Please don't.
26:19Oh, fuck!
26:25I'm dying, Blake.
26:31Blake, just let me go.
26:34And divorce and peace and...
26:37We can marry Rebecca like you promised.
26:39And you can take my money and run off with some other man.
26:41I don't want your money.
26:49What are you doing?
26:54Yes, I want all asset accounts with my wife's name on them.
26:56No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
26:58Blake, please stop.
26:59Credit cards too. Yes, please.
27:00No, please.
27:01Yes, please.
27:02Blake, no, stop, please.
27:03I'm sorry.
27:04Why are you sad?
27:06Because you can't send money to your side piece?
27:08No, Blake, please.
27:09You have to believe me.
27:10I didn't cheat on you.
27:11I'm sorry.
27:12I'm really sorry.
27:13I promise I didn't cheat on you.
27:14You have to believe me.
27:16She really loves money this much?
27:24All right.
27:25I'll unfreeze your accounts under one condition.
27:28What do you want?
27:30I don't want to ever hear the word divorce come out of your mouth again.
27:33No matter what.
27:40All right, fine.
27:42Let me go.
27:43Let me go.
27:44Let me go.
27:49Stay out.
27:50No, Blake.
27:54Why don't you stay out there until you learn your lesson?
27:58No, I won't mention divorce.
27:59I promise.
28:00I promise.
28:01I don't believe you.
28:02Maybe I will in three days.
28:04No, no, please.
28:05I don't believe you.
28:06I'm serious.
28:30Mrs. Miller, please let me in.
28:33I'm so cold.
28:43Who is she?
28:45Her name's Adeline.
28:47She's a little piece of trash my dad had with some whore.
28:50Rebecca, please let me in.
28:54I've been out here for two days.
28:56I have nowhere to go.
28:57Ew, get your dirty hands off of me.
29:00Whatever happens to you, you deserve it.
29:12Come on.
29:56Is this what you wanted, Blake?
29:59For me to finally die?
30:08I loved you for 12 years, Blake.
30:11And I thought
30:13that could make you love me back.
30:16But I guess
30:18it was all just a dream.
30:20Oh, remember you have an hour before lunch.
30:21And if you need any assistance, just let me know.
30:22You're funny.
30:27What's wrong, Blake?
30:28You really touched your one.
30:36The Millers never let me watch TV.
30:38It'll be our secret.
30:49Why can't I stop thinking about her?
30:53Are you bored?
30:55Because I can think of things we can do that are more exciting.
31:00Like maybe you can watch me do this.
31:04Or you can watch me do this.
31:08What are you doing?
31:09Look, I know that we're waiting until you're divorced,
31:11but I don't want you anymore.
31:13I want to be all yours, and I want you to be all mine.
31:17I owe you my life, and I'll do anything for you, but
31:22not that.
31:27I'm sorry.
31:29I gotta go.
31:39I'm sorry.
31:47I'm sure she's fine.
31:48She was only out there for a day.
32:03Addie, stay with me.
32:04Wake up.
32:05Wake up. Stop playing with me.
32:06Wake up.
32:09did you come back for me?
32:11All I wanted the past 12 years was for you to care,
32:14but I guess it's too late now.
32:18Doctor! Nurse!
32:19We need help.
32:20What's going on?
32:23Why is she wet?
32:24She passed out from a fever.
32:26We need Dr. Woods.
32:27Where's Harrison Woods?
32:28He's off today.
32:31you'll have to wait outside.
32:33What's going on with my wife?
32:39Patient needs surgery.
32:40She's not gonna make it like this.
32:41She can't.
32:42Patient has only one kidney left
32:43and rejected radiation therapy multiple times.
32:45But we need Dr. Woods here now.
32:46I'm trying.
33:09You're gonna be okay, Blake Rhodes.
33:13Everything's gonna be okay.
33:17Code Blue!
33:18Code Blue!
33:19Clear the patient.
33:20Prepare for defibrillation.
33:21Someone page Dr. Woods again.
33:25What's going on?
33:26Your wife went into cardiac arrest.
33:27We're doing everything we can, but—
33:29She had a fever.
33:31Mr. Rhodes, your wife has late-stage kidney cancer.
33:33She only has a few months to live.
33:34We need to get her out of there.
33:35We need to get her out of there.
33:36We need to get her out of there.
33:37We need to get her out of there.
33:38We need to get her out of there.
33:39We need to get her out of there.
33:40We need to get her out of there.
33:41We need to get her out of there.
33:42We need to get her out of there.
33:43We need to get her out of there.
33:44We need to get her out of there.
33:45We need to get her out of there.
33:46We need to get her out of there.
33:47We need to get her out of there.
33:48We need to get her out of there.
33:49We need to get her out of there.
33:50We need to get her out of there.
33:51We need to get her out of there.
33:52We need to get her out of there.
33:53We need to get her out of there.
33:54We need to get her out of there.