Are meteorological instruments making accurate predictions?

  • 3 months ago
Are meteorological instruments making accurate predictions?
00:00In Karachi, as we mentioned, there have been rainstorms against expectations and predictions.
00:09In some areas, there has been heavy rain and in some areas, there has been stormy rain as well.
00:12And then, on Tuesday, the Meteorological Commission rejected the possibility of heavy rain as the city was hot and humid.
00:17Now, this question has been raised by the NDMA, whether the Meteorological Commission is presenting the meteorological data correctly.
00:23So, this matter was also discussed in the Senate Climate Change Committee.
00:27And the chairman of the NDMA, while giving a briefing, said that the Meteorological Commission's data has become outdated.
00:32Let me repeat, the chairman of the NDMA said that the Meteorological Commission's data has become outdated.
00:38Due to which, the forecast for rain and other climate changes is failing.
00:44And the Meteorological Commission's website is not updated for 10 days.
00:48And for that, they said that they need heavy funds.
00:52So, let's talk about this. What is this matter and what is the actual situation?
00:57Chief Meteorologist Shahid Abbas is with us right now.
01:00Thank you so much.
01:01Please tell us, the matter that has been raised, that the data is not correct, it is not updated and the website is not updated for 10 days.
01:09So, are the predictions being made using old methods which are proving to be wrong?
01:15So, I think that along with the weather, the phone lines are also a problem.
01:22Phone lines are also a problem.
01:23Due to rain, there are many problems and this may be one of them.
01:26So, the thing is that for predictions, you know that the world has progressed a lot.
01:31And to check various hurricanes and various things, you are continuously updating your data.
01:37So, the world is a weather app through which you can connect.
01:42You can get an idea of where the pressure of the air is being created, where it is severe, where it is less, where the winds are increasing.
01:49So, this whole map can tell us about the weather forecast.
01:53But it is very important to raise this question.
01:56So, Mr. Shahid is with us once again.
01:58Thank you so much.
01:59Mr. Shahid, please tell us that the question that has been raised by the chairman of NDA,
02:03that the equipment has become old due to bad weather and the predictions are not being made right.
02:08Is this right?
02:11The equipment is old and the accuracy is good.
02:17Being old or not being old is not a big deal.
02:21But the second thing is that there are some basic instruments
02:26with which we take observations and measure all the elements.
02:31And that is also accurate.
02:33And the instrument to check that is NDA.
02:36World Meteorological Organization.
02:39It calibrates, upgrades and updates all the instruments of the world.
02:45After every 30 minutes, that data is being shared with the whole world.
02:51After every 30 minutes?
02:52After every 30 minutes.
02:53After every 30 minutes, the data of the whole world is being shared with the whole world.
02:57And it is also being checked there and it is being checked globally.
03:01There are some instruments that are used as a helping tool.
03:04Like satellite images, some computerized models and radars.
03:11So, these are helping tools.
03:13These are not basic tools.
03:14And sometimes their error is also shown.
03:18So, some of our radars are old.
03:23But four of them are covering the whole of Pakistan.
03:27The latest ones are in Islamabad, Karachi, Sialkot and Bardan.
03:34And the other two radars are being installed.
03:39One is in Multan and the other is in Sukkur.
03:42And the second is that the basic instruments are around 110 manual observatories
03:49and around 102 automatic weather stations.
03:52These are covering the whole of Pakistan.
03:54And the basic elements, all the metallurgical elements are being recorded.
04:00And they are being transferred.
04:02We forecast on their basis.
04:04Okay, we understand this.
04:06Mr. Shahid, we understand that this happens.
04:09But you know that things get upgraded and updated with time.
04:13You know that most of the earthquakes come from the US.
04:19You know how severe it was.
04:21But you know that there used to be a way to measure it from the Richter scale.
04:25The severity was recorded on the Richter scale.
04:28Then the moment magnitude scale was added.
04:31Now, there are more upgrades and updates.
04:34So, systems are important as well.
04:36For example, the predictions were made about yesterday's rain.
04:41And of course, the weather forecast said that today there will be no rain in Karachi.
04:45Because the system is gone.
04:47But despite that, you see, it rained.
04:50See, there is a system that sweeps the whole country.
04:56After that, we also gave the forecast to Egypt that local developments will continue in the local area.
05:04The country level, the whole province level system has been passed on.
05:08In the monsoon, local developments, local or in some areas, the rains continue in Karachi.
05:15In Karachi, there is a sea breeze, so the clouds continue to move.
05:21From July to mid-September, this system continues.
05:25And sometimes, if the diesel and other things are uplifted, then local rains also happen.
05:31Sir, Karachi is a mini Pakistan, so it is not so local.
05:35And secondly, if it is a cloudburst situation, then it is understandable that it is a sudden thing.
05:42Anyway, the chairman of NDMA has also said that some facilities should be bought.
05:48Investments should be made in Mehekma Mousumiyat.
05:50So, where should it be done?
05:53I second that.
05:57A project of the World Bank is going on.
06:00Out of which, it is worth 50 million dollars.
06:04Out of that, 4 radars are connected to our new Japan tower.
06:10One in Karachi and one in Islamabad.
06:13And two are under construction.
06:15One in Mustan and the other in Sukkur.
06:18Apart from that, our project with the World Bank.
06:21In that, there is a radar of Lahore and Mangla.
06:24We are installing new ones.
06:26And those things are coming new.
06:29These 4 radars are the latest.
06:32And the one of Vardaan was also installed 4 years ago.
06:36We are reflating the rest in the process.
06:39Apart from that, in the World Bank project, more than 200 automatic weather stations will be installed.
06:46Like in Balochistan, there are many areas which are unengaged.
06:50Where there is no effective network.
06:52And with Kashmir and GB, where there is no boundary.
06:57We are covering those areas where there are gaps.
07:00Thank you so much, Mr. Ahmed Abbas.
07:02Mr. Ahmed Abbas, the more modern the system is, the more precise the prediction can be.
07:07And we are not here to criticize.
07:08Yes, there can be accuracy.
07:10Because we see in other advanced countries, people come out of their homes with full prediction.
07:18We could have asked Mr. Shahid if it was going to rain in Karachi.
07:21Yes, we didn't.
07:22I think it might rain today.
07:25I am guessing.
07:26I am also guessing that it might rain today.
07:29The system in Karachi or the whole country needs to be upgraded.
07:34Any department needs to be upgraded.
07:36You need to invest.
07:38Because these gadgets can improve things.
07:42There is a satellite for weather.
07:44But he was right.
07:45Do you know that because of the connectivity of the internet,
07:48you can sit in America and predict the weather of Pakistan.
07:51Because there are satellites and all the systems are there.
