• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Name Amerigo Vespucci è la nave più anziana della Marina militare italiana, costruita nel 1931, da allora è la nave scuola dove gli allievi della prima classe dell’Accademia navale hanno il loro primo incontro con il mare, gli elementi e la vita di bordo, ma è anche un assetto di diplomazia navale e un’ambasciata galleggiante che, all’interno di questo progetto è un portavoce di valori, tradizione, cultura, ricerca, tecnologia e tanto Made in Italy”. Sono le parole di Giuseppe Lai, comandante della Nave Amerigo Vespucci, a margine della tappa di Los Angeles del tour mondiale che la storica imbarcazione sta compiendo.


00:00The ship Merigo Vespucci is the oldest ship of the Italian Navy, built in 1931.
00:12Since then, it is the school ship where the students of the first class of the Naval Academy,
00:18at the end of their training course in the Academy, have their first encounter with the sea,
00:24with the elements and with life on board.
00:26But it is also a set of Naval Diplomacy, a floating embassy,
00:30so within this project it is a spokesperson of values, traditions, culture, technology, research and a lot of Made in Italy.
00:42We have counted more than 42,000 visitors, many Italians or people of Italian origin,
00:49but also a lot of ordinary people.
00:52And it is the most important and beautiful thing that we bring from Los Angeles,
00:57this embrace of the population, this affection, this warmth that makes us feel a little at home,
01:03even if we are so far away.
01:05We will leave this afternoon from Los Angeles for Tokyo,
01:11with a stopover in Honolulu, in Hawaii.
01:15The crossing of the Pacific Ocean will take almost two months.
01:20It will be an important challenge from a particularly challenging nautical point of view,
01:27both navigation and logistics, everything that surrounds it.
01:33It will be a nice adventure for us and especially for the students of the first class,
01:39who leave here with their training campaign.
